parser.usage = """ %prog [options] <sampleName> Use this script to publish dataset details to CmgDB and savannah. Example: -F cbern /VBF_HToTauTau_M-120_7TeV-powheg-pythia6-tauola/Summer11-PU_S4_START42_V11-v1/AODSIM/V2/PAT_CMG_V2_5_0_Test_v2 """ group = OptionGroup( parser, "Publish Options", """These options affect the way you publish to Savannah and CMGDB""") genGroup = OptionGroup( parser, "Login Options", """These options apply to your login credentials""") PublishTask.addOptionStatic(group) group.add_option("--min-run", dest="min_run", default=-1, type=int, help='When querying DBS, require runs >= than this run') group.add_option("--max-run", dest="max_run", default=-1, type=int, help='When querying DBS, require runs <= than this run') # If specified is used to log in to savannah (only required if user that created the dataset, # is different to user publishing it) genGroup.add_option( "-u",
fileowner = line[1] if len(line)==3: comment = isComment(line[2]) return sampleName, str(fileowner), comment parser.usage = """ %prog [options] <sampleName> Use this script to publish dataset details to CmgDB and savannah. Example: -F cbern /VBF_HToTauTau_M-120_7TeV-powheg-pythia6-tauola/Summer11-PU_S4_START42_V11-v1/AODSIM/V2/PAT_CMG_V2_5_0_Test_v2 """ group = OptionGroup(parser, "Publish Options", """These options affect the way you publish to Savannah and CMGDB""") genGroup = OptionGroup(parser, "Login Options", """These options apply to your login credentials""") PublishTask.addOptionStatic(group) group.add_option("--min-run", dest="min_run", default=-1, type=int, help='When querying DBS, require runs >= than this run') group.add_option("--max-run", dest="max_run", default=-1, type=int, help='When querying DBS, require runs <= than this run') # If specified is used to log in to savannah (only required if user that created the dataset, # is different to user publishing it) genGroup.add_option("-u", "--username", action = "store", dest="username", help="""Specify the username to access both the DBS and savannah servers. Default is $USER.""", default=os.environ['USER'] ) # If specified is used as password to DBS and savannah # If ommited the secure password prompt will appear genGroup.add_option("-p", "--password",
fileowner = line[1] if len(line)==3: comment = isComment(line[2]) return sampleName, str(fileowner), comment parser.usage = """ %prog [options] <sampleName> Use this script to publish dataset details to CmgDB. Example: -F cbern /VBF_HToTauTau_M-120_7TeV-powheg-pythia6-tauola/Summer11-PU_S4_START42_V11-v1/AODSIM/V2/PAT_CMG_V2_5_0_Test_v2 """ group = OptionGroup(parser, "Publish Options", """These options affect the way you publish to Savannah and CMGDB""") genGroup = OptionGroup(parser, "Login Options", """These options apply to your login credentials""") PublishTask.addOptionStatic(group) group.add_option("--min-run", dest="min_run", default=-1, type=int, help='When querying DBS, require runs >= than this run') group.add_option("--max-run", dest="max_run", default=-1, type=int, help='When querying DBS, require runs <= than this run') # If specified is used to log in to DBS (only required if user that created the dataset, # is different to user publishing it) genGroup.add_option("-u", "--username", action = "store", dest="username", help="""Specify the username to access the DBS servers. Default is $USER.""", default=os.environ['USER'] ) # If specified is used as password to DBS # If ommited the secure password prompt will appear genGroup.add_option("-p", "--password",