def main():
  em = ExprManager()
  smt = SmtEngine(em)

  # Prove that for integers x and y:
  #   x > 0 AND y > 0  =>  2x + y >= 3

  integer = em.integerType()

  x = em.mkVar("x", integer)
  y = em.mkVar("y", integer)
  zero = em.mkConst(Rational(0))

  x_positive = em.mkExpr(CVC4.GT, x, zero)
  y_positive = em.mkExpr(CVC4.GT, y, zero)

  two = em.mkConst(Rational(2))
  twox = em.mkExpr(CVC4.MULT, two, x)
  twox_plus_y = em.mkExpr(CVC4.PLUS, twox, y)

  three = em.mkConst(Rational(3))
  twox_plus_y_geq_3 = em.mkExpr(CVC4.GEQ, twox_plus_y, three)

  formula = Expr(em.mkExpr(CVC4.AND, x_positive, y_positive)).impExpr(Expr(twox_plus_y_geq_3))

  print("Checking entailment of formula " + formula.toString() + " with CVC4.")
  print("CVC4 should report ENTAILED .")
  print("Result from CVC4 is: " + smt.checkEntailed(formula).toString())

  return 0