def gen_sequence_data_from_state(fullBody, stateid, configs, m=55.88363633, mu=0.5): print "state id", stateid #first compute com #acceleration always assumed to be 0 and vel as wel Ps, Ns = fullBody.computeContactPoints(stateid) #~ states = [make_state(fullBody, Ps[i], Ns[i], configs[stateid+i], viewer) for i in range(0,3,2)] states = [] states += [ make_state(fullBody, Ps[0], Ns[0], fullBody.getConfigAtState(stateid)) ] states += [ make_state(fullBody, Ps[-1], Ns[-1], fullBody.getConfigAtState(stateid + 1)) ] K0 = -asarray( compute_CWC(Ps[0], Ns[0], mass=m, mu=mu, simplify_cones=False)) K1 = -asarray( compute_CWC(Ps[1], Ns[1], mass=m, mu=mu, simplify_cones=False)) #~ K2 = asarray(compute_CWC(Ps[2], Ns[2], mass=m, mu = mu, simplify_cones = False)) return { "start_state": states[0], "end_state": states[1], "inter_contacts": make_state_contact_points(Ps[1], Ns[1]), "cones": [K0, K1], "stateid": stateid, "mass": fullBody.getMass(), "com1": __com(fullBody, stateid), "com2": __com(fullBody, stateid + 1) }
def projectToFeasibleCom(state, ddc =[0.,0.,0.], max_num_samples = 10, friction = 0.6): #~ H, h = state.getContactCone(friction) ps = state.getContactPosAndNormals() p = ps[0][0] N = ps[1][0] print("p", p) print("N", N) #~ try: H = compute_CWC(p, N, state.fullBody.client.basic.robot.getMass(), mu = friction, simplify_cones = False) c_ref = state.getCenterOfMass() #~ Kin = state.getComConstraint(limbsCOMConstraints, []) #~ res = find_valid_c_cwc_qp(H, c_ref, Kin, ddc, state.fullBody.getMass()) success, p_solved , x = find_valid_c_cwc_qp(H, c_ref,None, ddc, state.fullBody.getMass()) #~ except: #~ success = False if success: x = x.tolist() #~ if x[2] < 0.9: x[2] += 0.35 for i in range(10): if state.fullBody.projectStateToCOM(state.sId ,x, max_num_samples): print("success after " + str(i) + " trials") return True else: x[2]-=0.05 else: print("qp failed") return False;
def plot_feasible(state): com = array(state.getCenterOfMass()) ps = state.getContactPosAndNormals() p = ps[0][0] N = ps[1][0] H = compute_CWC(p, N, state.fullBody.client.basic.robot.getMass(), mu=1, simplify_cones=False) for i in range(5): for j in range(5): for k in range(10): c = com + array([(i - 2.5) * 0.2, (j - 2.5) * 0.2, (k - 5) * 0.2]) w = compute_w(c) active_ineq = state.getComConstraint(limbsCOMConstraints, []) if (active_ineq[0].dot(c) <= active_ineq[1]).all() and ( <= 0).all(): #~ print 'active' createPtBox(r.client.gui, 0, c, color=[0, 1, 0, 1]) else: if (active_ineq[0].dot(c) >= active_ineq[1]).all(): #~ print "inactive" createPtBox(r.client.gui, 0, c, color=[1, 0, 0, 1]) return -1
def plot_feasible_cone(state): com = array(state.getCenterOfMass()) #~ H, h = state.getContactCone(0.6) ps = state.getContactPosAndNormals() p = ps[0][0] N = ps[1][0] H = compute_CWC(p, N, state.fullBody.client.basic.robot.getMass(), mu=0.6, simplify_cones=False) #~ H = comp #~ H = -array(H) #~ h = array(h) #~ print "h", h for i in range(10): for j in range(10): for k in range(1): c = com + array([(i - 5) * 0.1, (j - 5) * 0.1, k]) w = compute_w(c) print "w, ", w if ( <= 0).all(): #~ print 'active' createPtBox(r.client.gui, 0, c, color=[0, 1, 0, 1]) else: #~ if( w )>= 0).all(): #~ print "inactive" createPtBox(r.client.gui, 0, c, color=[1, 0, 0, 1]) return H
def computeSupportPolygon(state, filename="sp"): com = array(state.getCenterOfMass()) ps = state.getContactPosAndNormals() p = ps[0][0] N = ps[1][0] H = compute_CWC(p, N, state.fullBody.client.basic.robot.getMass(), mu=1, simplify_cones=False) #~ return H res = [] rg = 2000 eq = rg / 2 scale = 0.001 #~ rg = 20 #~ eq = rg /2 #~ scale = 0.1 for i in range(rg): for j in range(rg): for k in range(1): c = com + array([(i - eq) * scale, (j - eq) * scale, k]) w = compute_w(c) #~ print "c", c if ( <= 0).all(): print 'active' res += [c] #~ createPtBox(r.client.gui, 0, c, color = [0,1,0,1]) #~ else: #~ createPtBox(r.client.gui, 0, c, color = [1,0,0,1]) f = open(filename, "w") dump(res, f) f.close() return res
def gen_non_trivial_data(idx=0, num_iters=100, plt=False): all_data = load_data('stair_bauzil_contacts_data') quasi_static_sol, c_ddc_0, c_ddc_mid, c_ddc_1, P0, N0, P1, N1 = generate_problem( all_data[idx], test_quasi_static=False, m=m, mu=mu) K0 = compute_CWC(P0, N0, mass=m, mu=mu, simplify_cones=False) K1 = compute_CWC(P1, N1, mass=m, mu=mu, simplify_cones=False) start = clock() for i in range(num_iters): quasi_static_sol, c_ddc_0, c_ddc_mid, c_ddc_1, P0, N0, P1, N1 = generate_problem( all_data[idx], test_quasi_static=i == 0, m=m, mu=mu) #~ if(quasi_static_sol): #~ global results #~ results['num_quasi_static'] += 1 #~ print "quasi static solution, " #~ return c_ddc_mid #~ else: found, init_traj_ok = connect_two_points(c_ddc_0, c_ddc_mid, P0, N0, mu=mu, m=m, use_cone_for_eq=None, plot=plt) #~ if(not init_traj_ok): #~ saveTrial(c_ddc_0 , c_ddc_mid, P0, N0, found, K0) #~ found, init_traj_ok = connect_two_points(c_ddc_mid, c_ddc_1 , P1, N1, mu = mu, m = m,use_cone_for_eq = K1, plot = plt) #~ if(not init_traj_ok): #~ saveTrial(c_ddc_mid, c_ddc_1 , P1, N1, found, K1) end = clock() print "total time ", (end - start) * 1000 print "avg time ", float(end - start) / float(num_iters) * 1000. print "num success, ", len(results['trials_success']) print "num success, ", len(results['trials_success']) print "num fails, ", len(results['trials_fail']) print "num quasi static , ", results["num_quasi_static"] results['instant_successes'] = num_iters - ( len(results['trials_success']) + len(results['trials_fail'])) print "num additional instant successes", results['instant_successes']
def gen_sequence_data_from_state_objects(s1, s2, sInt, mu=0.5, isContactCreated=False): m = s1.fullBody.getMass() print "state id", s1.sId #first compute com #acceleration always assumed to be 0 and vel as wel Ps1, Ns1 = s1.getContactPosAndNormals() PsInt, NsInt = sInt.getContactPosAndNormals() Ps2, Ns2 = s2.getContactPosAndNormals() #~ states = [make_state(fullBody, Ps[i], Ns[i], configs[stateid+i], viewer) for i in range(0,3,2)] states = [] states += [make_state(s1.fullBody, Ps1[0], Ns1[0], s1.q())] states += [make_state(s1.fullBody, Ps2[0], Ns2[0], s2.q())] print "KO" K0 = asarray( compute_CWC(Ps1[0], Ns1[0], mass=m, mu=mu, simplify_cones=False)) #~ K0 = asarray(s1.getContactCone(mu)[0]) print "K1" #~ K1 = asarray(sInt.getContactCone(mu)[0]) K1 = asarray( compute_CWC(PsInt[0], NsInt[0], mass=m, mu=mu, simplify_cones=False)) #~ K2 = asarray(compute_CWC(Ps[2], Ns[2], mass=m, mu = mu, simplify_cones = False)) print "ret" return { "start_state": states[0], "end_state": states[1], "inter_contacts": make_state_contact_points(PsInt[0], NsInt[0]), "cones": [K0, K1], "stateid": s1.sId, "mass": m, "com1": s1.getCenterOfMass(), "com2": s2.getCenterOfMass(), "isContactCreated": isContactCreated }
g = np.array([0.,0.,-9.81]) def gen_contact(center = np.array([0,0,0]),R = identity_matrix()): c_4 = np.array(center.tolist()+[0]) p_rot = [ + c_4)[0:3] for p_i in p ] n_rot = [[0:3] for _ in range(4) ] return np.array(p_rot), np.array(n_rot) P0, N0 = gen_contact(center = np.array([0,0,0]),R = identity_matrix()) P1, N1 = gen_contact(center = np.array([1,0,0]),R = rotation_matrix(math.pi/8., y_axis)) P2, N2 = gen_contact(center = np.array([4,0,0]),R = identity_matrix()) def gen_phase(p_a, n_a, p_b, n_b): phase_p = np.zeros((p_a.shape[0] + p_b.shape[0],3)) phase_n = np.zeros((n_a.shape[0] + n_b.shape[0],3)) phase_p[0:4,:] = p_a[:]; phase_n[0:4,:] = n_a[:]; phase_p[4:8,:] = p_b[:]; phase_n[4:8,:] = n_b[:]; return phase_p, phase_n phase_p_1, phase_n_1 = gen_phase(P0, N0, P1, N1) phase_p_2, phase_n_2 = P1[:], N1[:] phase_p_3, phase_n_3 = gen_phase(P1, N1, P2, N2) #~ phase_p_3, phase_n_3 = P2, N2 H1 = compute_CWC(phase_p_1,phase_n_1,mass=mass,mu=mu) H2 = compute_CWC(phase_p_2,phase_n_2,mass=mass,mu=mu) H3 = compute_CWC(phase_p_3,phase_n_3,mass=mass,mu=mu)
def test_eq_cwc(P,N,mu,m, g_vec = array([0,0,-9.81])): H = compute_CWC(P,N,mass=m,mu=mu) def eval_wrench(c,ddc, dL=array([0.,0.,0.])): return is_stable(H, c, ddc=ddc, dL=dL, m=m, g_vec=g_vec) return eval_wrench