def _get_icon(which): if not _icons: for name, resid in _icon_ids.items(): _icons[name] = Icn.GetCIcon(resid) _icons[''] = None try: return _icons[which] except KeyError: print 'Unknown icon:', which return None
class ICONwindow(FrameWork.Window): def open(self, (resid, resname)): if not resname: resname = '#'+`resid` self.resid = resid self.picture = Icn.GetIcon(self.resid) l, t, r, b = 0, 0, 32, 32 self.pictrect = (l, t, r, b) width = r-l height = b-t if width < MINWIDTH: width = MINWIDTH elif width > MAXWIDTH: width = MAXWIDTH if height < MINHEIGHT: height = MINHEIGHT elif height > MAXHEIGHT: height = MAXHEIGHT bounds = (LEFT, TOP, LEFT+width, TOP+height) self.wid = Win.NewWindow(bounds, resname, 1, 0, -1, 1, 0) self.do_postopen()
def myDrawCell(self, onlyHilite, selected, cellRect, theCell, dataOffset, dataLen, theList): savedPort = Qd.GetPort() Qd.SetPort(theList.GetListPort()) savedClip = Qd.NewRgn() Qd.GetClip(savedClip) Qd.ClipRect(cellRect) savedPenState = Qd.GetPenState() Qd.PenNormal() l, t, r, b = cellRect if not onlyHilite: Qd.EraseRect(cellRect) ascent, descent, leading, size, hm = Fm.FontMetrics() linefeed = ascent + descent + leading if dataLen >= 6: data = theList.LGetCell(dataLen, theCell) iconId, indent, tab = struct.unpack("hhh", data[:6]) try: key, value = data[6:].split("\t", 1) except ValueError: # bogus data, at least don't crash. indent = 0 tab = 0 iconId = 0 key = "" value = data[6:] if iconId: try: theIcon = Icn.GetCIcon(iconId) except Icn.Error: pass else: rect = (0, 0, 16, 16) rect = Qd.OffsetRect(rect, l, t) rect = Qd.OffsetRect(rect, 0, (theList.cellSize[1] - (rect[3] - rect[1])) / 2) Icn.PlotCIcon(rect, theIcon) if len(key) >= 0: cl, ct, cr, cb = cellRect vl, vt, vr, vb = self._viewbounds cl = vl + PICTWIDTH + indent cr = vl + tab if cr > vr: cr = vr if cl < cr: drawTextCell(key, (cl, ct, cr, cb), ascent, theList) cl = vl + tab cr = vr if cl < cr: drawTextCell(value, (cl, ct, cr, cb), ascent, theList) #elif dataLen != 0: # drawTextCell("???", 3, cellRect, ascent, theList) else: return # we have bogus data # draw nice dotted line l, t, r, b = cellRect l = self._viewbounds[0] + tab r = l + 1; if not (theList.cellSize[1] & 0x01) or (t & 0x01): myPat = "\xff\x00\xff\x00\xff\x00\xff\x00" else: myPat = "\x00\xff\x00\xff\x00\xff\x00\xff" Qd.PenPat(myPat) Qd.PenMode(QuickDraw.srcCopy) Qd.PaintRect((l, t, r, b)) Qd.PenNormal() if selected or onlyHilite: l, t, r, b = cellRect l = self._viewbounds[0] + PICTWIDTH r = self._viewbounds[2] Qd.PenMode(hilitetransfermode) Qd.PaintRect((l, t, r, b)) # restore graphics environment Qd.SetPort(savedPort) Qd.SetClip(savedClip) Qd.DisposeRgn(savedClip) Qd.SetPenState(savedPenState)
def do_update(self, *args): currect = self.fitrect() Icn.PlotIcon(currect, self.picture)
"""browsepict - Display all "cicn" resources found"""
def _render_one(self, entry): cmd = entry[0] if cmd == 'clear': if self._bgcolor != None: r = self._getredrawguarantee(skipclear=1) if r: r2 = Qd.NewRgn() Qd.RectRgn(r2, self._window.qdrect()) Qd.DiffRgn(r2, r, r2) Qd.EraseRgn(r2) Qd.DisposeRgn(r) Qd.DisposeRgn(r2) else: Qd.EraseRect(self._window.qdrect()) elif cmd == 'fg': self._setfgcolor(entry[1]) elif cmd == 'font': entry[1]._setfont(self._render_grafport) elif cmd == 'text': x, y, w, h = self._convert_coordinates(entry[1:5]) if not self._render_overlaprgn((x, y - h, x + w, y)): return Qd.MoveTo(x, y) # XXXX Incorrect for long strings: Qd.DrawText(entry[5], 0, len(entry[5])) elif cmd == 'icon': icon = entry[2] if icon == None: return rect = self._convert_coordinates(entry[1]) if not self._render_overlaprgn(rect): return x0, y0, x1, y1 = rect if x1 - x0 < ICONSIZE_PXL: leftextra = (ICONSIZE_PXL - (x1 - x0)) / 2 x0 = x0 + leftextra x1 = x0 + ICONSIZE_PXL if y1 - y0 < ICONSIZE_PXL: topextra = (ICONSIZE_PXL - (y1 - y0)) / 2 y0 = y0 + topextra y1 = y0 + ICONSIZE_PXL Icn.PlotCIcon((x0, y0, x1, y1), icon) elif cmd == 'image': mask, image, srcx, srcy, coordinates, w, h, units = entry[1:] dstx, dsty = self._convert_coordinates(coordinates[:2], units=units) dstrect = dstx, dsty, dstx + w, dsty + h if not self._render_overlaprgn(dstrect): return w = dstrect[2] - dstrect[0] h = dstrect[3] - dstrect[1] srcrect = srcx, srcy, srcx + w, srcy + h self._setblackwhitecolors() clip = self._window._mac_getclip() if mask: # XXXX We should also take note of the clip here. Qd.CopyMask(image[0], mask[0], self._render_grafport.GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(), srcrect, srcrect, dstrect) else: Qd.CopyBits(image[0], self._render_grafport.GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(), srcrect, dstrect, QuickDraw.srcCopy + QuickDraw.ditherCopy, clip) self._restorecolors() elif cmd == 'line': color = entry[1] points = entry[2] self._setfgcolor(color) x, y = self._convert_coordinates(points[0]) Qd.MoveTo(x, y) for np in points[1:]: x, y = self._convert_coordinates(np) Qd.LineTo(x, y) self._restorecolors() elif cmd == '3dhline': color1, color2, x0, x1, y = entry[1:] fgcolor = self._render_grafport.rgbFgColor self._setfgcolor(color1) x0, y0 = self._convert_coordinates((x0, y)) x1, y1 = self._convert_coordinates((x1, y)) if not self._render_overlaprgn((x0, y0, x1, y1 + 1)): return Qd.MoveTo(x0, y0) Qd.LineTo(x1, y1) self._setfgcolor(color2) Qd.MoveTo(x0, y0 + 1) Qd.LineTo(x1, y1 + 1) self._setfgcolor(fgcolor) self._restorecolors() elif cmd == 'box': rect = self._convert_coordinates(entry[1]) if not self._render_overlaprgn(rect): return Qd.FrameRect(rect) elif cmd == 'fbox': color = entry[1] units = entry[3] rect = self._convert_coordinates(entry[2], units) if not self._render_overlaprgn(rect): return self._setfgcolor(color) Qd.PaintRect(rect) self._restorecolors() elif cmd == 'linewidth': Qd.PenSize(entry[1], entry[1]) elif cmd == 'fpolygon': polyhandle = self._polyhandle(entry[2], cliprgn=self._render_cliprgn) if not polyhandle: return self._setfgcolor(entry[1]) Qd.PaintPoly(polyhandle) self._restorecolors() elif cmd == '3dbox': rect = self._convert_coordinates(entry[2]) if not self._render_overlaprgn(rect): return l, t, r, b = rect cl, ct, cr, cb = entry[1] clt = _colormix(cl, ct) ctr = _colormix(ct, cr) crb = _colormix(cr, cb) cbl = _colormix(cb, cl) ## print '3Dbox', (l, t, r, b) # DBG ## print 'window', self._window.qdrect() # DBG # l, r, t, b are the corners l3 = l + SIZE_3DBORDER t3 = t + SIZE_3DBORDER r3 = r - SIZE_3DBORDER b3 = b - SIZE_3DBORDER # draw left side self._setfgcolor(cl) polyhandle = self._polyhandle([(l, t), (l3, t3), (l3, b3), (l, b)], conv=0) if polyhandle: Qd.PaintPoly(polyhandle) # draw top side self._setfgcolor(ct) polyhandle = self._polyhandle([(l, t), (r, t), (r3, t3), (l3, t3)], conv=0) if polyhandle: Qd.PaintPoly(polyhandle) # draw right side self._setfgcolor(cr) polyhandle = self._polyhandle([(r3, t3), (r, t), (r, b), (r3, b3)], conv=0) if polyhandle: Qd.PaintPoly(polyhandle) # draw bottom side self._setfgcolor(cb) polyhandle = self._polyhandle([(l3, b3), (r3, b3), (r, b), (l, b)], conv=0) if polyhandle: Qd.PaintPoly(polyhandle) # draw topleft self._setfgcolor(clt) Qd.PaintRect((l, t, l3, t3)) # draw topright self._setfgcolor(ctr) Qd.PaintRect((r3, t, r, t3)) # draw botright self._setfgcolor(crb) Qd.PaintRect((r3, b3, r, b)) # draw leftbot self._setfgcolor(cbl) Qd.PaintRect((l, b3, l3, b)) self._restorecolors() elif cmd == 'diamond': rect = self._convert_coordinates(entry[1]) if not self._render_overlaprgn(rect): return x, y, x1, y1 = rect w = x1 - x h = y1 - y Qd.MoveTo(x, y + h / 2) Qd.LineTo(x + w / 2, y) Qd.LineTo(x + w, y + h / 2) Qd.LineTo(x + w / 2, y + h) Qd.LineTo(x, y + h / 2) elif cmd == 'fdiamond': rect = self._convert_coordinates(entry[2]) if not self._render_overlaprgn(rect): return x, y, x1, y1 = rect w = x1 - x h = y1 - y self._setfgcolor(entry[1]) polyhandle = self._polyhandle([(x, y + h / 2), (x + w / 2, y), (x + w, y + h / 2), (x + w / 2, y + h), (x, y + h / 2)]) if polyhandle: Qd.PaintPoly(polyhandle) self._restorecolors() elif cmd == '3ddiamond': rect = self._convert_coordinates(entry[2]) if not self._render_overlaprgn(rect): return l, t, r, b = rect cl, ct, cr, cb = entry[1] w = r - l h = b - t r = l + w b = t + h x = l + w / 2 y = t + h / 2 n = int(3.0 * w / h + 0.5) ll = l + n tt = t + 3 rr = r - n bb = b - 3 self._setfgcolor(cl) polyhandle = self._polyhandle([(l, y), (x, t), (x, tt), (ll, y)], conv=0) if polyhandle: Qd.PaintPoly(polyhandle) self._setfgcolor(ct) polyhandle = self._polyhandle([(x, t), (r, y), (rr, y), (x, tt)], conv=0) if polyhandle: Qd.PaintPoly(polyhandle) self._setfgcolor(cr) polyhandle = self._polyhandle([(r, y), (x, b), (x, bb), (rr, y)], conv=0) if polyhandle: Qd.PaintPoly(polyhandle) self._setfgcolor(cb) polyhandle = self._polyhandle([(l, y), (ll, y), (x, bb), (x, b)], conv=0) if polyhandle: Qd.PaintPoly(polyhandle) self._restorecolors() elif cmd == 'arrow': color = entry[1] src = entry[2] dst = entry[3] x0, y0, x1, y1, points = self._arrowdata(src, dst) if not self._render_overlaprgn((x0, y0, x1, y1)): return self._setfgcolor(color) Qd.MoveTo(x0, y0) Qd.LineTo(x1, y1) polyhandle = self._polyhandle(points) if polyhandle: Qd.PaintPoly(polyhandle) self._restorecolors() else: raise 'Unknown displaylist command', cmd self._dbg_did = self._dbg_did + 1