def map_auth_method(id): if id == 'NOCRYPT': return 'NOCRYPT' try: return int(_AuthenticationCode(id)) except Errors.NotFoundError: print "Error mapping auth_method %s" % id # no need to use logger here raise
class VoipAuthConstants(Constants.Constants): """Authentication constants for voip.""" EntityAuthenticationCode = _EntityAuthenticationCode voip_auth_sip_secret = _EntityAuthenticationCode( 'voip-sipsecret', 'sipSecret value for voip clients') auth_type_ha1_md5 = _AuthenticationCode( 'HA1-MD5', "Used in digest access authentication as specified in RFC 2617. " "Is an unsalted MD5 digest hash over 'username:realm:password'. " "See <>")
class Constants(Constants.Constants): # Affiliations and statuses # Project affiliation_project = _PersonAffiliationCode('PROJECT', 'Member of a project') # Project Owner affiliation_status_project_owner = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_project, 'owner', 'Project Owner') # Project Administrator (PA) affiliation_status_project_admin = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_project, 'admin', 'Project Administrator (PA)') # Project Member (PM) affiliation_status_project_member = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_project, 'member', 'Project Member (PM)') # Pending affiliation_pending = _PersonAffiliationCode('PENDING', 'Unapproved affiliations') # Pending project member (PM) affiliation_status_pending_project_member = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_pending, 'member', 'Waiting for getting accepted as a project member') # Spreads # AD spread_ad_account = _SpreadCode('account@ad', Constants.Constants.entity_account, 'Account should be synced with AD') spread_file_group = _SpreadCode('filegroup', Constants.Constants.entity_group, 'File group') spread_net_group = _SpreadCode('netgroup', Constants.Constants.entity_group, 'Net group') spread_ad_host = _SpreadCode('host@ad', DnsConstants.entity_dns_owner, 'Host that is synced with AD') # GW spread_gateway_account = _SpreadCode( 'account@gw', Constants.Constants.entity_account, 'Account to be synced to the gateway') # The gateway doesn't care about groups # spread_gateway_group = _SpreadCode( # 'group@gw', Constants.Constants.entity_group, # 'Group to be synced to the gateway') # Quarantines quarantine_autopassord = _QuarantineCode('autopassord', 'Password out of date') quarantine_generell = _QuarantineCode('generell', 'General block') quarantine_teppe = _QuarantineCode('teppe', 'Quarantine for severe issues') quarantine_not_approved = _QuarantineCode( 'not_approved', 'Waiting for approval from admin') quarantine_project_end = _QuarantineCode( 'project_end', 'Blocking projects when end date is reached') quarantine_project_start = _QuarantineCode( 'not_started_yet', "Project haven't started yet, waiting for start date") quarantine_frozen = _QuarantineCode('frozen', 'Project is frozen') quarantine_auto_frozen = _QuarantineCode('auto_frozen', 'User is auto-frozen') # Source systems system_nettskjema = _AuthoritativeSystemCode( 'Nettskjema', 'Information from Nettskjema, registered by anyone') system_ad = _AuthoritativeSystemCode('AD', 'Information from AD') # External IDs externalid_project_id = _EntityExternalIdCode( 'projectid', Constants.Constants.entity_ou, "Project's external ID, generated by Cerebrum") # Traits trait_project_group = _EntityTraitCode('project_group', Constants.Constants.entity_group, 'The project a group belongs to') trait_project_host = _EntityTraitCode('project_host', DnsConstants.entity_dns_owner, 'The project a host belongs to') trait_project_subnet = _EntityTraitCode( 'project_subnet', DnsConstants.entity_dns_subnet, 'The project a IPv4 subnet belongs to') trait_project_subnet6 = _EntityTraitCode( 'project_subnet6', DnsConstants.entity_dns_ipv6_subnet, 'The project a IPv6 subnet belongs to') trait_project_vm_type = _EntityTraitCode( 'project_vm_type', Constants.Constants.entity_ou, 'The type of VM the project should use') # Traits for metadata about projects: trait_project_institution = _EntityTraitCode( 'institution', Constants.Constants.entity_ou, 'The institution the project belongs to') trait_project_rek = _EntityTraitCode('rek_approval', Constants.Constants.entity_ou, 'The REK approval for the project') trait_project_persons_accepted = _EntityTraitCode( 'accepted_persons', Constants.Constants.entity_ou, 'FNRs of non-existing persons that has been ' 'accepted as members of the project') # Authentication codes (password types): trait_otp_device = _EntityTraitCode( 'otp_device', Constants.Constants.entity_person, 'The type of OTP key, e.g. hotp or ' 'totp, depending on device') auth_type_otp_key = _AuthenticationCode( 'OTP-key', 'One-Time Password key, used to be able to generate one-time' 'passwords') # DNS zone tsd_zone = _DnsZoneCode("tsd", "") tsdv4_zone = _DnsZoneCode("tsdipv4", None) tsdv6_zone = _DnsZoneCode("tsdipv6", None)
class Constants(Constants.Constants): # # External Identifiers # externalid_sys_x_id = _EntityExternalIdCode( 'SYS_X_ID', Constants.Constants.entity_person, 'Internal sys_x identifier') externalid_paga_ansattnr = _EntityExternalIdCode( 'PAGA_ANSATTNR', Constants.Constants.entity_person, 'Internal PAGA identifier') externalid_hifm_ansattnr = _EntityExternalIdCode( 'HIFM_ANSATTNR', Constants.Constants.entity_person, 'Internal HIFM identifier') externalid_sito_ansattnr = _EntityExternalIdCode( 'SITO_ANSATTNR', Constants.Constants.entity_person, 'Internal SITO identifier') externalid_sito_ou = _EntityExternalIdCode('SITO_OU', Constants.Constants.entity_ou, 'internal sito ou identifier') # # Authoritative systems # system_hifm = _AuthoritativeSystemCode('HIFM', 'Høgskolen i Alta') system_hitos = _AuthoritativeSystemCode('HITOS', 'Høgskolen i Tromsø') system_x = _AuthoritativeSystemCode('SYS_X', 'Manuelt personal system') system_tlf = _AuthoritativeSystemCode('TLF', 'Telefoni system') system_sysacc = _AuthoritativeSystemCode('SYSACC', 'System Accounts') system_paga = _AuthoritativeSystemCode('PAGA', 'PAGA') system_sito = _AuthoritativeSystemCode('SITO', 'SITO') system_flyt = _AuthoritativeSystemCode('FLYT', 'FLYT') system_fs_derived = _AuthoritativeSystemCode('FS-auto', 'Utledet av FS data') system_kr_reg = _AuthoritativeSystemCode( 'KR_REG', 'Kontakt- og reservasjonsregisteret') system_intern_ice = _AuthoritativeSystemCode( 'INTERN_ICE', 'Internal (uit) source for ICE number') # # Account codes # account_test = _AccountCode('T', 'Testkonto') account_felles_drift = _AccountCode('FD', 'Felles Drift') account_felles_intern = _AccountCode('FI', 'Felles Intern') account_kurs = _AccountCode('K', 'Kurs') account_forening = _AccountCode('F', 'Forening') account_maskin = _AccountCode('M', 'Maskin') account_prosess = _AccountCode('P', 'Prosess') account_uit_guest = _AccountCode('gjestebruker_uit', 'Manuell gjestekonto') # # Contact codes # contact_workphone2 = _ContactInfoCode('PHONE_WORK_2', 'Secondary Work Phone') contact_room = _ContactInfoCode('ROOM@UIT', 'Location and room number') contact_building = _ContactInfoCode('BYGG@UIT', 'Building name') contact_sito_mobile = _ContactInfoCode('PHONE_SITO', 'sito employee phone') contact_uit_mobile = _ContactInfoCode('PHONE_UIT', 'uit employee phone') contact_ice_phone = _ContactInfoCode('ICE_PHONE', 'Phone number for alerts (varsler)') # # Address codes # address_location = _AddressCode('Lokasjon', 'Campus') # # OU Structure perspective # perspective_sito = _OUPerspectiveCode('SITO', 'SITO') # # Affiliations # # Employee affiliations affiliation_ansatt_sito = _PersonAffiliationCode( 'SITO', 'Ansatt ved studentsamskipnaden i tromso') affiliation_ansatt = _PersonAffiliationCode('ANSATT', 'Ansatt ved UiT (i følge LT)') affiliation_flyt_ansatt_hih = _PersonAffiliationCode( 'ANSATT_HIH', 'Ansatt ved HiH') affiliation_flyt_student_hih = _PersonAffiliationCode( 'STUDENT_HIH', 'Student ved HiH') # Affiliation status affiliation_status_flyt_hih_ansatt_faculty = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_ansatt, 'Ansatt HiH', 'Vitenskapelig') affiliation_status_flyt_hih_ansatt_tekadm = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_ansatt, 'ansatt HiH', 'Teknisk/administrativt') affiliation_status_flyt_hin_ansatt_faculty = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_ansatt, 'Ansatt HiN', 'Vitenskapelig') affiliation_status_flyt_hin_ansatt_tekadm = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_ansatt, 'ansatt HiN', 'Teknisk/administrativt') affiliation_status_timelonnet_fast = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_ansatt, 'Timelonnet fast', 'Fast ansatt på timelønn') affiliation_status_timelonnet_midlertidig = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_ansatt, 'Timelonnet midl', 'Midlertidig ansatt på timelønn') affiliation_status_ansatt_perm = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_ansatt, 'permisjon', 'Ansatt, for tiden i permisjon') affiliation_status_flyt_ansatt_hifm = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_ansatt, 'ansatt HIFm', 'Ansatte fra Høyskolen i Alta') affiliation_status_ansatt_sito = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_ansatt_sito, 'sito', 'Ansatt') affiliation_status_ansatt_sys_x = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_ansatt, 'sys_x-ansatt', 'Manuelt gitt tilgang til AD (bør nyanseres)') # Student affiliations affiliation_student = _PersonAffiliationCode( 'STUDENT', 'Student ved UiT (i følge FS)') affiliation_status_flyt_hih_student_aktiv = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_student, 'student HiH', 'Aktiv student') affiliation_status_flyt_student_hifm = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_student, 'student HIFm', 'Student fra Høyskolen i Alta') affiliation_status_flyt_hin_student_aktiv = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_student, 'student HiN', 'Aktiv student') affiliation_status_student_soker = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_student, 'soker', 'Registrert med søknad i FS') affiliation_status_student_sys_x = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_student, 'sys_x-student', 'Student Manuelt gitt tilgang til AD') affiliation_status_student_tilbud = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_student, 'tilbud', 'Har fått tilbud om opptak') affiliation_status_student_opptak = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_student, 'opptak', 'Har studierett ved studieprogram') affiliation_status_student_ny = Constants._PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_student, 'ny', 'Registrert med ny, gyldig studierett i FS') affiliation_status_student_perm = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_student, 'permisjon', 'Har gyldig permisjonstatus i FS') affiliation_status_student_alumni = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_student, 'alumni', 'Har fullført studieprogram i FS') affiliation_status_student_drgrad = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_student, 'drgrad', 'Registrert student på doktorgrad') affiliation_status_student_emnestud = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_student, 'emnestud', 'Registrert som aktiv emnestudent i FS') # Tilknyttet affiliation affiliation_tilknyttet = _PersonAffiliationCode( 'TILKNYTTET', 'Tilknyttet UiT uten å være student eller ansatt') affiliation_tilknyttet_fagperson = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_tilknyttet, 'fagperson', 'Registrert som fagperson i FS') affiliation_tilknyttet_emeritus = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_tilknyttet, 'emeritus', 'Registrert i LT med gjestetypekode EMERITUS') affiliation_tilknyttet_ekst_stip = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_tilknyttet, 'ekst_stip', 'Personer registrert i LT med gjestetypekode=EF-STIP') # Manual affiliation affiliation_manuell = _PersonAffiliationCode( 'MANUELL', 'Tilknyttet enheter/instutusjoner som UiT har avtale med') affiliation_manuell_alumni = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_manuell, 'alumni', 'Uteksaminerte studenter') affiliation_manuell_sito = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_manuell, 'sito', 'Manuelt registrert Sito ansatt') affiliation_manuell_gjest_u_konto = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_manuell, 'gjest_u_konto', 'gjest uten konto') affiliation_manuell_unn = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_manuell, 'UNN', 'Universitets sykheuset i Nord Norge') affiliation_manuell_gjest = _PersonAffStatusCode(affiliation_manuell, 'gjest', 'Gjest') affiliation_manuell_utdanning_no = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_manuell, 'utdanning_no', '') affiliation_manuell_akademisk_kvarter = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_manuell, 'akademisk_kvart', 'Akademisk Kvarter') affiliation_manuell_norges_universitetet = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_manuell, 'norges_universi', 'Norgesuniversitetet') affiliation_manuell_kirkutdnor = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_manuell, 'kirkutdnor', 'Kirkelig Utdanningssenter Nord-Norge') affiliation_manuell_gjesteforsker = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_manuell, 'gjesteforsker', 'Gjesteforsker (under utfasing)') affiliation_manuell_konsulent = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_manuell, 'konsulent', 'Konsulent (under utfasing)') affiliation_status_gjest_u_account = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_manuell, 'gjest_u_konto', 'Gjest uten konto') # Non-personal affiliation affiliation_upersonlig = _PersonAffiliationCode( 'UPERSONLIG', 'Fellesbrukere, samt andre brukere uten eier') affiliation_upersonlig_felles = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_upersonlig, 'felles', 'Felleskonti') affiliation_upersonlig_kurs = _PersonAffStatusCode(affiliation_upersonlig, 'kurs', 'Kurskonti') affiliation_upersonlig_pvare = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_upersonlig, 'pvare', 'Programvarekonti') affiliation_upersonlig_term_maskin = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_upersonlig, 'term_maskin', 'Terminalstuemaskin') affiliation_upersonlig_bib_felles = _PersonAffStatusCode( affiliation_upersonlig, 'bib_felles', 'Bibliotek felles') # # Shells # # Override of the default shell paths. # NOTE: this file should be before PosixUser in cereconf.CLASS_CONSTANTS # TODO: Shell path mapping should be configuration, not db-constants. # posix_shell_bash = _PosixShellCode('bash', '/bin/bash') posix_shell_csh = _PosixShellCode('csh', '/bin/csh') posix_shell_false = _PosixShellCode('false', '/bin/false') posix_shell_nologin = _PosixShellCode('nologin', '/local/etc/nologin') posix_shell_sh = _PosixShellCode('sh', '/bin/sh') posix_shell_zsh = _PosixShellCode('zsh', '/local/bin/zsh') # # Spreads # spread_uit_fronter = _SpreadCode('fronter@uit', Constants.Constants.entity_group, 'fronter user') spread_uit_fronter_account = _SpreadCode( 'fronter_acc@uit', Constants.Constants.entity_account, 'fronter account') spread_uit_evu = _SpreadCode('evu@uit', Constants.Constants.entity_account, 'evu person') spread_uit_cristin = _SpreadCode('cristin@uit', Constants.Constants.entity_account, 'Accounts with CRISTIN spread') # spread for ldap guests spread_uit_ldap_guest = _SpreadCode( 'guest@ldap', Constants.Constants.entity_account, 'LDAP/RADIUS spread for wireless accounts') # spread for ldap system accounts spread_uit_ldap_system = _SpreadCode( 'system@ldap', Constants.Constants.entity_account, 'account included in system tree on ldap') # spread for ldap people accounts spread_uit_ldap_people = _SpreadCode( 'people@ldap', Constants.Constants.entity_account, 'account included in people tree on ldap') # spread for securimaster export spread_uit_securimaster = _SpreadCode( 'securimaster', Constants.Constants.entity_account, 'account to be exported to securimaster') # spread for portal export spread_uit_portal = _SpreadCode('portal export', Constants.Constants.entity_account, 'account to be exported to the portal') # spread for paga export - account uit should be exported to paga spread_uit_paga = _SpreadCode('paga export', Constants.Constants.entity_account, 'account to have its uid exported to paga') # spread for fs export - account should have email and uid exported to FS spread_uit_fs = _SpreadCode( 'fs export', Constants.Constants.entity_account, 'account to have its uid and email exported to fs') spread_uit_ad_account = _SpreadCode( 'AD_account', Constants.Constants.entity_account, 'account included in Active Directory') spread_uit_ad_group = _SpreadCode('AD_group', Constants.Constants.entity_group, 'group included in Active Directory') spread_uit_ad_lit_admingroup = _SpreadCode( 'AD_group_litadmn', Constants.Constants.entity_group, 'AD admingroup for local IT') # Spreads for Exchange spread_uit_exchange = _SpreadCode('exchange_mailbox', Constants.Constants.entity_account, 'Accounts with exchange mailbox') # sito spread spread_sito = _SpreadCode('SITO', Constants.Constants.entity_account, 'Accounts generated for sito users') spread_fronter_dotcom = _SpreadCode( '*****@*****.**', Constants.Constants.entity_group, 'Group representing a course that should be exported to the ' 'ClassFronter instance on Should only be given to ' 'groups that have been automatically generated from FS.') spread_ephorte_person = _SpreadCode('ePhorte_person', Constants.Constants.entity_person, 'Person included in ePhorte export') # # Email # email_server_type_exchange_imap = _EmailServerTypeCode( 'exchange_imap', "Server is an Exchange server") # # Quarantines # quarantine_ou_notvalid = _QuarantineCode( 'ou_notvalid', 'OU not valid from external source') quarantine_auto_emailonly = _QuarantineCode( 'auto_kunepost', 'Ikke ordin<E6>r student, tilgang til bare e-post') quarantine_auto_inaktiv = _QuarantineCode('auto_inaktiv', 'Ikke aktiv student, utestengt') quarantine_tilbud = _QuarantineCode( 'Tilbud', "Pre-generert konto til studenter som har fått studietilbud," "men som ikke har aktivert kontoen.") quarantine_sys_x_approved = _QuarantineCode( 'sys-x_approved', 'Konto fra system-x som ikke er godkjent') quarantine_generell = _QuarantineCode('generell', 'Generell splatt') quarantine_system = _QuarantineCode( 'system', 'Systembrukar som ikke skal logge inn') quarantine_permisjon = _QuarantineCode('permisjon', 'Brukeren har permisjon') quarantine_svakt_passord = _QuarantineCode('svakt_passord', 'For dårlig passord') quarantine_autopassord = _QuarantineCode( 'autopassord', 'Passord ikke skiftet trass pålegg') quarantine_sut_disk_usage = _QuarantineCode('sut_disk', "Bruker for mye disk på sut") # # Auth codes # auth_type_md5_crypt_hex = _AuthenticationCode( 'MD5-crypt2', "MD5-derived 32 bit password non unix style, no salt") auth_type_md5_b64 = _AuthenticationCode( 'MD5-crypt_base64', "MD5-derived 32 bit password base 64 encoded") # # Traits # trait_sito_registrar_notified = _EntityTraitCode( 'sito_req_mailed', Constants.Constants.entity_account, "Trait set on account when sito processing is done") trait_sito_user_notified = _EntityTraitCode( 'sito_user_mailed', Constants.Constants.entity_account, "Trait set on account after account created mail is sent to user") trait_sysx_registrar_notified = _EntityTraitCode( 'sysx_reg_mailed', Constants.Constants.entity_account, "Trait set on account when systemx processing is done") trait_sysx_user_notified = _EntityTraitCode( 'sysx_user_mailed', Constants.Constants.entity_account, "Trait set on account after account created mail is sent to user") trait_primary_aff = _EntityTraitCode( "primary_aff", Constants.Constants.entity_person, "A person's chosen primary affiliation," " for use at the web presentations") trait_sysx_registrar_notified = _EntityTraitCode( 'sysx_reg_mailed', Constants.Constants.entity_account, "Trait set on account when systemx processing is done") trait_sysx_user_notified = _EntityTraitCode( 'sysx_user_mailed', Constants.Constants.entity_account, "Trait set on account after account created mail is sent to user") trait_nsd_unit_code = _EntityTraitCode( 'nsd_unit_code', Constants.Constants.entity_ou, 'NSD unit code (Avdelingskode) to use for this OU')
return NotImplemented return self.__super.verify_password(method, plaintext, cryptstring) def delete(self): # TODO: Implement a log_change for this operation # Remove the entity from the gpg_data table when deleting an account self.execute(""" DELETE FROM [:table schema=cerebrum name=entity_gpg_data] WHERE entity_id=:e_id""", {'e_id': self.entity_id}) self.__super.delete() class Constants: # Will add constants dynamically pass # WARNING: Hackish code below =) # Generate authcode constants dynamically, one for each AUTH_PGP # system, and add them to AUTH_CRYPT_METHODS for (system, pgpkey) in cereconf.AUTH_PGP.items(): codename = 'PGP-' + system if codename not in cereconf.AUTH_CRYPT_METHODS: cereconf.AUTH_CRYPT_METHODS += (codename,) auth_code = _AuthenticationCode( codename, "PGP encrypted password for the system %s" % system) name = "auth_type_pgp_%s" % system setattr(Constants, name, auth_code)
return self.__super.decrypt_password(method, cryptstring) def verify_password(self, method, plaintext, cryptstring): for system, pgpkey in cereconf.AUTH_PGP.items(): if method == self._pgp_auth(system): # TODO: it is possible to verify the plaintext if the # private key is available. return NotImplemented return self.__super.verify_password(method, plaintext, cryptstring) class Constants: # Will add constants dynamically pass # WARNING: Hackish code below =) # Generate authcode constants dynamically, one for each AUTH_PGP # system, and add them to AUTH_CRYPT_METHODS for (system, pgpkey) in cereconf.AUTH_PGP.items(): codename = 'PGP-' + system if codename not in cereconf.AUTH_CRYPT_METHODS: cereconf.AUTH_CRYPT_METHODS += (codename,) auth_code = _AuthenticationCode( codename, "PGP encrypted password for the system %s" % system) name = "auth_type_pgp_%s" % system setattr(Constants, name, auth_code)