def attributes2key(self, group_kind, attributes):
        """Construct a Cerebrum group_name/CF group id, given a bunch of

        This function is useful to map various information tidbits on groups,
        roles, etc to a unique ID in Cerebrum for that particular kind of
        attributes. Each L{group_kind} results in a group in Cerebrum and this
        function calculates that group's id (not entity_id, but the id used in

        @type group_kind: basestring
        @param group_kind:
          A tag that describes what kind of information is to be expected in
          L{attributes}. The ONLY legal values are:

            - 'stprog', 'kull', 'kullklasse', 'undenh', 'undakt'
            - 'student-undenh', 'student-undakt', 'student-kullklasse',

          Each kind has a different set of keys in attributes that MUST be

        @type attributes: dict (of basestring -> basestring)
        @param attributes:
          A collection of attributes. This collection may contain more than what
          is required by L{group_kind}.

        @rtype: basestring or None
          None if an id could not be constructed. The id itself otherwise.

        # easiest way to copy, since we modify these destructively
        attrs = lower(attributes)

        if group_kind not in self.group_kind2required_keys:
            logger.warn("Don't know how to process attributes "
                        "belonging to '%s' (%s)",
                        group_kind, repr(attrs))
            return None

        keys = self.group_kind2required_keys[group_kind]
        if not all(x in attrs for x in keys):
            logger.warn("Missing essential keys for kind=%s. "
                        "Required=%s, available=%s",
                        group_kind, sorted(keys), sorted(attrs))
            return None

        # Now, those that have "terminnr" > 1 MUST be remapped.
        if "terminnr" in keys:
            attrs = count_back_semesters(attrs)

        result_id = self.group_kind2name_template[group_kind]
        result_id = result_id % attrs
        return result_id
    def attributes2key(self, group_kind, attributes):
        """Construct a Cerebrum group_name/CF group id, given a bunch of

        This function is useful to map various information tidbits on groups,
        roles, etc to a unique ID in Cerebrum for that particular kind of
        attributes. Each L{group_kind} results in a group in Cerebrum and this
        function calculates that group's id (not entity_id, but the id used in

        @type group_kind: basestring
        @param group_kind:
          A tag that describes what kind of information is to be expected in
          L{attributes}. The ONLY legal values are:

            - 'stprog', 'kull', 'kullklasse', 'undenh', 'undakt'
            - 'student-undenh', 'student-undakt', 'student-kullklasse',

          Each kind has a different set of keys in attributes that MUST be

        @type attributes: dict (of basestring -> basestring)
        @param attributes:
          A collection of attributes. This collection may contain more than what
          is required by L{group_kind}.

        @rtype: basestring or None
          None if an id could not be constructed. The id itself otherwise.

        # easiest way to copy, since we modify these destructively
        attrs = lower(attributes)

        if group_kind not in self.group_kind2required_keys:
            logger.warn("Don't know how to process attributes "
                        "belonging to '%s' (%s)",
                        group_kind, repr(attrs))
            return None

        keys = self.group_kind2required_keys[group_kind]
        if not all(x in attrs for x in keys):
            logger.warn("Missing essential keys for kind=%s. "
                        "Required=%s, available=%s",
                        group_kind, sorted(keys), sorted(attrs))
            return None

        # Now, those that have "terminnr" > 1 MUST be remapped.
        if "terminnr" in keys:
            attrs = count_back_semesters(attrs)

        result_id = self.group_kind2name_template[group_kind]
        result_id = result_id % attrs
        return result_id
    def _attributes2exportable_key(self, attr_kind, attributes):
        """A help method to create an internal lookup key.

        This is for internal usage only. The key is similar to
        group.group_name for the groups we create (but not quite the same).

        @type attr_kind: basestring
        @param attr_kind:
           String tagging the attributes.

        @type attributes: dict (basestring -> basestring)
        @param attributes:
           Attributes from which a key is derived

        @rtype: basestring
           Key calculated from L{attributes}.
        key = None

        attrs = lower(attributes)

        if attr_kind == "undenh":
            attrs = count_back_semesters(attrs)
            key = ":".join((attrs[x] for x in
                            ("arstall", "terminkode",
                             "emnekode", "versjonskode", "terminnr")))
        elif attr_kind == "undakt":
            attrs = count_back_semesters(attrs)
            key = ":".join((attrs[x] for x in
                            ("arstall", "terminkode",
                             "emnekode", "versjonskode", "terminnr",
        elif attr_kind in ("stprog", "kull", "kullklasse"):
            key = attributes["studieprogramkode"]
            assert False, "NOTREACHED"

        return key
    def _attributes2exportable_key(self, attr_kind, attributes):
        """A help method to create an internal lookup key.

        This is for internal usage only. The key is similar to
        group.group_name for the groups we create (but not quite the same).

        @type attr_kind: basestring
        @param attr_kind:
           String tagging the attributes.

        @type attributes: dict (basestring -> basestring)
        @param attributes:
           Attributes from which a key is derived

        @rtype: basestring
           Key calculated from L{attributes}.
        key = None

        attrs = lower(attributes)

        if attr_kind == "undenh":
            attrs = count_back_semesters(attrs)
            key = ":".join((attrs[x] for x in
                            ("arstall", "terminkode",
                             "emnekode", "versjonskode", "terminnr")))
        elif attr_kind == "undakt":
            attrs = count_back_semesters(attrs)
            key = ":".join((attrs[x] for x in
                            ("arstall", "terminkode",
                             "emnekode", "versjonskode", "terminnr",
        elif attr_kind in ("stprog", "kull", "kullklasse"):
            key = attributes["studieprogramkode"]
            assert False, "NOTREACHED"

        return key