def measure_max(source, points, search, radii, sink=None, processes=None, verbose=False): """Find index in local search indices with a voxel with value smaller than a specified value for a list of points. Arguments --------- source : array Data source. points : array List of linear indices of center points. search : array List of linear indices to add to the center index defining the local search area. radii : array The maximal index in the search array for each point to use. sink : array or None Optional sink for result indices. processes : int or None Number of processes to use. verbose : bool If True, print progress info. Returns ------- sink : array Linear array with length of points containing the first search index with voxel below value. """ processes, timer = ap._initialize_processing(processes=processes, verbose=verbose, function='measure_max') source1d = ap._initialize_source(source, as_1d=True) sink = ap._initialize_sink(sink=sink, shape=points.shape, dtype=source.dtype) if sink.shape != points.shape: raise RuntimeError('Sink has invalid size %r not %r' % (points.shape, points.shape)) #print(source1d.dtype, points.dtype, search.dtype, type(value), sink.dtype); #print(source1d.shape, points.shape, sink.shape) print source1d, points, search, radii, sink code.measure_max(source1d, points, search, radii, sink, processes) ap._finalize_processing(verbose=verbose, function='measure_max', timer=timer) return sink
def smooth_by_counting(source, sink = None, low = 5, high = 10, shape = None): """Smooth binary image by counting neighbours. Arguments --------- source : array The binary source to smooth. sink : array or None. The sink to write the smoothed source to. low : int If a voxel has less then this number of 26-neighbours it is set to False. high : int If a voxel has more then this number of 26-neighbours it is set to True. shape : tuple of int or None The shape of the square structuring element to consider. Returns ------- sink : array The smoothed sbinary source. Note ---- The algorithm uses a sequence of 1d convoluions for speed, allowing only rectangular like structuring elements. """ ndim = source.ndim; if shape is None: shape = (3,) * ndim; filtered = source; for d in range(ndim): weights = np.ones(shape[d], dtype = int); temp = np.zeros(source.shape, dtype = 'uint8'); ap.correlate1d(filtered, weights, sink=temp, axis=d, mode='constant', cval=0); filtered = temp; if sink is None: sink = np.array(source, dtype = bool); sink[filtered >= high] = True; sink[filtered < low] = False; return sink
def clip(source, sink = None, clip_min = None, clip_max = None, clip_norm = None, processes = None, verbose = False): """Clip and normalize data. Arguments --------- source : array Input source. sink : array, dtype or None output sink or output data type, if None, a new array is allocated. clip_min : number Minimal number to clip source data to. clip_max : number Maximal number to clip source data to. clip_norm : number Normalization constant. Returns ------- sink : array Clipped output. """ processes, timer = ap.initialize_processing(verbose=verbose, processes=processes, function='clip'); source, source_buffer = ap.initialize_source(source); if source.ndim != 3: raise ValueError('Source assumed to be 3d found %dd!' % source.ndim); if clip_min is None: clip_min =; if clip_max is None: clip_max =; if clip_norm is None: clip_norm = clip_max - clip_min; sink, sink_buffer = ap.initialize_sink(sink = sink, source = source); code.clip(source_buffer, sink_buffer, clip_min, clip_max, clip_norm, processes); return sink;
def rank(source, sink=None, function=rnk.median, resample=None, verbose=False, out=sys.stdout, **kwargs): """Rank filter inbetween reshaping.""" timer = tmr.Timer() sink, sink_buffer = ap.initialize_sink(sink=sink, source=source, order='F') if resample: interpolation = cv2.INTER_NEAREST new_shape = np.round(np.array(sink.shape, dtype=float) * resample).astype(int) new_shape[2] = sink.shape[2] data = np.zeros(tuple(new_shape), order='F', dtype=source.dtype) new_shape = tuple(new_shape[1::-1]) for z in range(source.shape[2]): data[:, :, z] = cv2.resize(src=source[:, :, z], dsize=new_shape, interpolation=interpolation) #print data.shape, data.dtype out.write(timer.elapsed_time(head='Rank filter: Resampling') + '\n') else: data = source #keys = inspect.getargspec(function).args; #kwargs = { k : v for k,v in kwargs.iteritems() if k in keys}; data = function(data, **kwargs) out.write( timer.elapsed_time(head='Rank filter: %s' % function.__name__) + '\n') if resample: #interpolation = cv2.INTER_LINEAR; interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA for z in range(sink.shape[2]): sink_buffer[:, :, z] = cv2.resize(src=data[:, :, z], dsize=sink.shape[1::-1], interpolation=interpolation) out.write(timer.elapsed_time(head='Rank filter: Upsampling') + '\n') else: sink_buffer[:] = data return sink
def detect_maxima(source, h_max=None, shape=5, threshold=None, verbose=False): # extended maxima maxima = md.find_maxima(source, h_max=h_max, shape=shape, threshold=threshold, verbose=verbose) #center of maxima if h_max: centers = md.find_center_of_maxima(source, maxima=maxima, verbose=verbose) else: centers = ap.where(maxima).array return centers
def detect_cells( source, sink=None, cell_detection_parameter=default_cell_detection_parameter, processing_parameter=default_cell_detection_processing_parameter): """Cell detection pipeline. Arguments --------- source : source specification The source of the stitched raw data. sink : sink specification or None The sink to write the result to. If None, an array is returned. cell_detection_parameter : dict Parameter for the binarization. See below for details. processing_parameter : dict Parameter for the parallel processing. See :func:`ClearMap.ParallelProcessing.BlockProcesing.process` for description of all the parameter. verbose : bool If True, print progress output. Returns ------- sink : Source The result of the cell detection. Notes ----- Effectively this function performs the following steps: * illumination correction via :func:`~ClearMap.ImageProcessing.IlluminationCorrection.correct_illumination` * background removal * difference of Gaussians (DoG) filter * maxima detection via :func:`~ClearMap.Analysis.Measurements.MaximaDetection.find_extended_maxima` * cell shape detection via :func:`~ClearMap.Analysis.Measurements.ShapeDetection.detect_shape` * cell intensity and size measurements via: :func:`~ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Measurements.ShapeDetection.find_intensity`, :func:`~ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Measurements.ShapeDetection.find_size`. The parameters for each step are passed as sub-dictionaries to the cell_detection_parameter dictionary. * If None is passed for one of the steps this step is skipped. * Each step also has an additional parameter 'save' that enables saving of the result of that step to a file to inspect the pipeline. Illumination correction ----------------------- illumination_correction : dict or None Illumination correction step parameter. flatfield : array or str The flat field estimate for the image planes. background : array or None A background level to assume for the flatfield correction. scaling : float, 'max', 'mean' or None Optional scaling after the flat field correction. save : str or None Save the result of this step to the specified file if not None. See also :func:`ClearMap.ImageProcessing.IlluminationCorrection.correct_illumination` Background removal ------------------ background_correction : dict or None Background removal step parameter. shape : tuple The shape of the structure lement to estimate the background. This should be larger than the typical cell size. form : str The form of the structur element (e.g. 'Disk') save : str or None Save the result of this step to the specified file if not None. Equalization ------------ equalization : dict or None Equalization step parameter. See also :func:`ClearMap.ImageProcessing.LocalStatistics.local_percentile` precentile : tuple The lower and upper percentiles used to estimate the equalization. The lower percentile is used for normalization, the upper to limit the maximal boost to a maximal intensity above this percentile. max_value : float The maximal intensity value in the equalized image. selem : tuple The structural element size to estimate the percentiles. Should be larger than the larger vessels. spacing : tuple The spacing used to move the structural elements. Larger spacings speed up processing but become locally less precise. interpolate : int The order of the interpoltation used in constructing the full background estimate in case a non-trivial spacing is used. save : str or None Save the result of this step to the specified file if not None. DoG Filter ---------- dog_filter : dict or None Difference of Gaussian filter step parameter. shape : tuple The shape of the filter. This should be near the typical cell size. sigma : tuple or None The std of the inner Gaussian. If None, detemined automatically from shape. sigma2 : tuple or None The std of the outer Gaussian. If None, detemined automatically from shape. save : str or None Save the result of this step to the specified file if not None. Maxima detection ---------------- maxima_detection : dict or None Extended maxima detection step parameter. h_max : float or None The 'height'for the extended maxima. If None, simple local maxima detection isused. shape : tuple The shape of the structural element for extended maxima detection. This should be near the typical cell size. threshold : float or None Only maxima above this threshold are detected. If None, all maxima are detected. valid : bool If True, only detect cell centers in the valid range of the blocks with overlap. save : str or None Save the result of this step to the specified file if not None. Shape detection --------------- shape_detection : dict or None Shape detection step parameter. threshold : float Cell shape is expanded from maxima if pixles are above this threshold and not closer to another maxima. save : str or None Save the result of this step to the specified file if not None. Intensity detection ------------------- intensity_detection : dict or None Intensity detection step parameter. method : {'max'|'min','mean'|'sum'} The method to use to measure the intensity of a cell. shape : tuple or None If no cell shapes are detected a disk of this shape is used to measure the cell intensity. save : str or None Save the result of this step to the specified file if not None. References ---------- [1] Renier, Adams, Kirst, Wu et al., "Mapping of Brain Activity by Automated Volume Analysis of Immediate Early Genes.", Cell 165, 1789 (2016) [1] Kirst et al., "Mapping the Fine-Scale Organization and Plasticity of the Brain Vasculature", Cell 180, 780 (2020) """ #initialize sink shape = io.shape(source) order = io.order(source) for key in cell_detection_parameter.keys(): par = cell_detection_parameter[key] if isinstance(par, dict): filename = par.get('save', None) if filename: ap.initialize_sink(filename, shape=shape, order=order, dtype='float') cell_detection_parameter.update( verbose=processing_parameter.get('verbose', False)) results, blocks = bp.process(detect_cells_block, source, sink=None, function_type='block', return_result=True, return_blocks=True, parameter=cell_detection_parameter, **processing_parameter) #merge results results = np.vstack([np.hstack(r) for r in results]) #create column headers header = ['x', 'y', 'z'] dtypes = [int, int, int] if cell_detection_parameter['shape_detection'] is not None: header += ['size'] dtypes += [int] measures = cell_detection_parameter['intensity_detection']['measure'] header += measures dtypes += [float] * len(measures) dt = { 'names': header, 'formats': dtypes } cells = np.zeros(len(results), dtype=dt) for i, h in enumerate(header): cells[h] = results[:, i] #save results return io.write(sink, cells)
def connectPoint(data, mask, endpoints, start_index, radius, tubeness=None, min_quality=None, remove_local_mask=True, skeleton=None, verbose=False, **trace_parameter): """Tries to connect an end point""" #outine: # find neighbour end points and try to connect to nearest one # if path score good enough add path and remove two endpoints # else try to connect to binarized image # if path score good enugh connect to closest skeleton point # else not connectable #assumes everything is in fotran order strides = np.array(data.strides) / data.itemsize shape = data.shape #print strides, shape center_flat = endpoints[start_index] center_xyz = np.array(np.unravel_index(center_flat, data.shape, order='F')) mask_nbh = extractNeighbourhood(mask, center_xyz, radius) data_nbh = np.asarray(extractNeighbourhood(data, center_xyz, radius), dtype=float, order='F') shape_nbh = mask_nbh.shape center_nbh_xyz = np.zeros(3, dtype=int) + radius #center_nbh_flat = np.ravel_multi_index(center_nbh_xyz, shape_nbh, order = 'F'); if tubeness is None: tubeness_nbh = cur.tubeness( ndi.gaussian_filter(np.asarray(data_nbh, dtype=float), sigma=1.0)) tubeness_nbh = np.asarray(tubeness_nbh, order='F') else: tubeness_nbh = extractNeighbourhood(tubeness, center_xyz, radius) mask_nbh_label = np.empty(shape_nbh, dtype='int32', order='F') _ = ndi.label(mask_nbh, structure=np.ones((3, 3, 3), dtype=bool), output=mask_nbh_label) local_nbh = mask_nbh_label[tuple(center_nbh_xyz)] == mask_nbh_label # end point neighbours nbs_flat = ap.findNeighbours(endpoints, start_index, shape, strides, radius) if len(nbs_flat) > 0: nbs_nbh_xyz = np.vstack(np.unravel_index( nbs_flat, shape, order='F')).T - center_xyz + center_nbh_xyz nbs_nbh_flat = np.ravel_multi_index(nbs_nbh_xyz.T, shape_nbh, order='F') # remove connected neighbours non_local_nbh_flat = np.reshape(np.logical_not(local_nbh), -1, order='F') nbs_nbh_non_local_flat = nbs_nbh_flat[non_local_nbh_flat[nbs_nbh_flat]] if len(nbs_nbh_non_local_flat) > 0: #find nearest neighbour nbs_nbh_non_local_xyz = np.vstack( np.unravel_index(nbs_nbh_non_local_flat, shape, order='F')).T nbs_nbh_non_local_dist = nbs_nbh_non_local_xyz - center_nbh_xyz nbs_nbh_non_local_dist = np.sum(nbs_nbh_non_local_dist * nbs_nbh_non_local_dist, axis=1) neighbor_nbh_xyz = nbs_nbh_non_local_xyz[np.argmin( nbs_nbh_non_local_dist)] path, quality = trc.trace(data_nbh, tubeness_nbh, center_nbh_xyz, neighbor_nbh_xyz, verbose=False, returnQuality=True, **trace_parameter) if len(path) > 0: if quality / len(path) < min_quality: if verbose: print( 'Found good path to neighbour of length = %d with quality = %f (per length = %f) [%d / %d nonlocal neighbours]' % (len(path), quality, quality / len(path), len(nbs_nbh_non_local_flat), len(nbs_flat))) #print path return path + center_xyz - center_nbh_xyz, quality else: if verbose: print( 'Found bad path to neighbour of length = %d with quality = %f (per length = %f) [%d / %d nonlocal neighbours]' % (len(path), quality, quality / len(path), len(nbs_nbh_non_local_flat), len(nbs_flat))) #print path else: if verbose: print( 'Found no path to neighbour [%d / %d nonlocal neighbours]' % (len(nbs_nbh_non_local_flat), len(nbs_flat))) #print path #tracing to neares neighbour failed if verbose: print('Found no valid path to neighbour, now tracing to binary!') #print path # Tracing to next binary if remove_local_mask: mask_nbh[local_nbh] = False distance_nbh = ndi.distance_transform_edt(np.logical_not(mask_nbh)) distance_nbh = np.asarray(distance_nbh, order='F') path, quality = trc.traceToMask(data_nbh, tubeness_nbh, center_nbh_xyz, distance_nbh, verbose=False, returnQuality=True, **trace_parameter) if len(path) > 0: if quality / len(path) < min_quality: if verbose: print( 'Found good path to binary of length = %d with quality = %f (per length = %f)' % (len(path), quality, quality / len(path))) #print path # trace to skeleton if skeleton is not None: #find closest point on skeleton final_xyz = path[0] skeleton_nbh = extractNeighbourhood(skeleton, center_xyz, radius) local_end_path_nbh = mask_nbh_label[tuple( final_xyz)] == mask_nbh_label skeleton_nbh_dxyz = np.vstack( np.where(np.logical_and(skeleton_nbh, local_end_path_nbh))).T - final_xyz if len( skeleton_nbh_dxyz ) == 0: # could not find skeleton nearby -> give up for now return path + center_xyz - center_nbh_xyz, quality skeleton_nbh_dist = np.sum(skeleton_nbh_dxyz * skeleton_nbh_dxyz, axis=1) closest_dxyz = skeleton_nbh_dxyz[np.argmin(skeleton_nbh_dist)] closest_xyz = closest_dxyz + final_xyz #print path[0], path[-1] #print center_nbh_xyz, closest_dxyz #generate pixel path max_l = np.max(np.abs(closest_dxyz)) + 1 path_add_xyz = np.vstack([ np.asarray(np.linspace(f, c, max_l), dtype=int) for f, c in zip(final_xyz, closest_xyz) ]).T path_add_flat = np.ravel_multi_index(path_add_xyz.T, shape_nbh) _, ids = np.unique(path_add_flat, return_index=True) path_add_xyz = path_add_xyz[ids] #print path_add_xyz; path = np.vstack([path, path_add_xyz]) # note: this is not an ordered path anymore! return path + center_xyz - center_nbh_xyz, quality else: if verbose: print( 'Found bad path to binary of length = %d with quality = %f (per length = %f)' % (len(path), quality, quality / len(path))) #print path if verbose: print('Found no valid path to binary!') return np.zeros((0, 3)), 0
def average(source, sink=None, shape=None, dtype=None, weights=None, indices=None, kernel=None, return_counts=False, processes=None, verbose=False): """Averages a list of points into an volumetric image array. Arguments --------- source : str, array or Source Source of point of nxd coordinates. sink : str, array or None The sink for the devolved image, if None return array. shape : tuple, str or None Shape of the final devolved data. If None, determine from points. If str, determine shape from the source at the specified location. dtype : dtype or None Optional data type of the sink. weights : array or None Weight array of length n for each point. If None, use uniform weights. method : str Method for voxelization: 'sphere', 'rectangle' or 'pixel'. indices : array The relative indices to the center to devolve over as nxd array. kernel : array Optional kernel weights for each index in indices. processes : int or None Number of processes to use. verbose : bool If True, print progress info. Returns ------- sink : str, array Volumetric data of devolved point data. """ processes, timer = ap.initialize_processing(processes=processes, verbose=verbose, function='devolve') #points, points_buffer = ap.initialize_source(points); points_buffer = if points_buffer.ndim == 1: points_buffer = points_buffer[:, None] if sink is None and shape is None: if points_buffer.ndim > 1: shape = tuple( int(math.ceil(points_buffer[:, d].max())) for d in range(points_buffer.shape[1])) else: shape = (int(math.ceil(points_buffer[:].max())), ) elif isinstance(shape, str): shape = io.shape(shape) if sink is None and dtype is None: if weights is not None: dtype = io.dtype(weights) elif kernel is not None: kernel = np.asarray(kernel) dtype = kernel.dtype else: dtype = int sink, sink_buffer, sink_shape, sink_strides = ap.initialize_sink( sink=sink, shape=shape, dtype=dtype, return_shape=True, return_strides=True, as_1d=True) #TODO: initialize properly counts = np.zeros(sink_shape, dtype=int, order=sink.order) counts_buffer = counts.reshape(-1, order='A') #print(counts.shape, counts_buffer.shape) if indices is None: return sink indices = np.asarray(indices, dtype=int) if indices.ndim == 1: indices = indices[:, None] if kernel is not None: kernel = np.asarray(kernel, dtype=float) #print(kernel); #print(weights) #return; code.average(points_buffer, weights, indices, sink_buffer, sink_shape, sink_strides, counts_buffer, processes) # if weights is None: # if kernel is None: # code.devolve_uniform(points_buffer, indices, sink_buffer, sink_shape, sink_strides, processes); # else: # code.devolve_uniform_kernel(points_buffer, indices, kernel, sink_buffer, sink_shape, sink_strides, processes); # else: # if kernel is None: # code.devolve_weights(points_buffer, weights, indices, sink_buffer, sink_shape, sink_strides, processes); # else: # code.devolve_weights_kernel(points_buffer, weights, indices, kernel, sink_buffer, sink_shape, sink_strides, processes); #TODO: move to code good = counts_buffer > 0 sink_buffer[good] /= counts_buffer[good] ap.finalize_processing(verbose=verbose, function='devolve', timer=timer) if return_counts: return sink, counts else: return sink
def binarize(source, sink = None, binarization_parameter = default_binarization_parameter, processing_parameter = default_binarization_processing_parameter): """Multi-path binarization of iDISCO+ cleared vasculature data. Arguments --------- source : source specification The source of the stitched raw data. sink : sink specification or None The sink to write the result to. If None, an array is returned. binarization_parameter : dict Parameter for the binarization. See below for details. processing_parameter : dict Parameter for the parallel processing. See :func:`ClearMap.ParallelProcessing.BlockProcesing.process` for description of all the parameter. verbose : bool If True, print progress output. Returns ------- sink : Source The result of the binarization. Notes ----- * The binarization pipeline is composed of several steps. The parameters for each step are passed as sub-dictionaries to the binarization_parameter dictionary. * If None is passed for one of the steps this step is skipped. * Each step also has an additional parameter 'save' that enables saving of the result of that step to a file to inspect the pipeline. General parameter ----------------- binary_status : str or None File name to save the information about which part of the multi-path binarization contributed to the final result. max_bin : int Number of intensity levels to use for the data after preprocessing. Higher values will increase the intensity resolution but slow down processing. For the vasculature a typical value is 2**12. Clipping -------- clip : dict or None Clipping and mask generation step parameter. clip_range : tuple The range to clip the raw data as (lowest, highest) Voxels above lowest define the foregournd mask used in the following steps. For the vasculature a typical value is (400,60000). save : str or None Save the result of this step to the specified file if not None. See also :mod:`ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Clipping.Clipping` Lightsheet correction --------------------- lightsheet : dict or None Lightsheet correction step parameter. percentile : float Percentile in [0,1] used to estimate the lightshieet artifact. For the vasculature a typical value is 0.25. lightsheet : dict Parameter for the ligthsheet artifact percentile estimation. See :func:`ClearMap.ImageProcessing.LightsheetCorrection.correct_lightsheet` for list of all parameters. The crucial parameter is selem : tuple The structural element shape used to estimate the stripe artifact. It should match the typical lenght, width, and depth of the artifact in the data. For the vasculature a typical value is (150,1,1). background : dict Parameter for the background estimation in the light sheet correction. See :func:`ClearMap.ImageProcessing.LightsheetCorrection.correct_lightsheet` for list of all parameters. The crucial parameters are selem : tuple The structural element shape used to estimate the background. It should be bigger than the largest vessels, For the vasculature a typical value is (200,200,1). spacing : tuple The spacing to use to estimate the background. Larger spacings speed up processing but become less local estimates. For the vasculature a typical value is (25,25,1) step : tuple This parameter enables to subsample from the entire array defined by the structural element using larger than single voxel steps. For the vasculature a typical value is (2,2,1). interpolate : int The order of the interpoltation used in constructing the full background estimate in case a non-trivial spacing is used. For the vasculature a typical value is 1. lightsheet_vs_background : float The background is multiplied by this weight before comparing to the lightsheet artifact estimate. For the vasculature a typical value is 2. save : str or None Save the result of this step to the specified file if not None. Median filter ------------- median : dict or None Median correction step parameter. See :func:`ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Filter.Rank.median` for all parameter. The important parameters are selem : tuple The structural element size for the median filter. For the vascualture a typical value is (3,3,3). save : str or None Save the result of this step to the specified file if not None. Pseudo Deconvolution -------------------- deconvolve : dict The deconvolution step parameter. sigma : float The std of a Gaussina filter applied to the high intensity pixel image. The number should reflect the scale of the halo effect seen around high intensity structures. For the vasculature a typical value is 10. save : str or None Save the result of this step to the specified file if not None. threshold : float Voxels above this threshold will be added to the binarization result in the multi-path biniarization. For the vasculature a typical value is 750. Adaptive Thresholding --------------------- adaptive : dict or None Adaptive thresholding step parameter. A local ISODATA threshold is estimated. See also :mod:`ClearMap.ImageProcessing.LocalStatistics`. selem : tuple The structural element size to estimate the percentiles. Should be larger than the larger vessels. For the vasculature a typical value is (200,200,5). spacing : tuple The spacing used to move the structural elements. Larger spacings speed up processing but become locally less precise. For the vasculature a typical value is (50,50,5) interpolate : int The order of the interpoltation used in constructing the full background estimate in case a non-trivial spacing is used. For the vasculature a typical value is 1. save : str or None Save the result of this step to the specified file if not None. Equalization ------------ equalize : dict or None Equalization step parameter. See also :func:`ClearMap.ImageProcessing.LocalStatistics.local_percentile` precentile : tuple The lower and upper percentiles used to estimate the equalization. The lower percentile is used for normalization, the upper to limit the maximal boost to a maximal intensity above this percentile. For the vasculature a typical value is (0.4, 0.975). max_value : float The maximal intensity value in the equalized image. For the vasculature a typical value is 1.5. selem : tuple The structural element size to estimate the percentiles. Should be larger than the larger vessels. For the vasculature a typical value is (200,200,5). spacing : tuple The spacing used to move the structural elements. Larger spacings speed up processing but become locally less precise. For the vasculature a typical value is (50,50,5) interpolate : int The order of the interpoltation used in constructing the full background estimate in case a non-trivial spacing is used. For the vasculature a typical value is 1. save : str or None Save the result of this step to the specified file if not None. threshold : float Voxels above this threshold will be added to the binarization result in the multi-path biniarization. For the vasculature a typical value is 1.1. Tube filter ----------- vesselize : dict The tube filter step parameter. background : dict or None Parameters to correct for local background. See :func:`ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Filter.Rank.percentile`. If None, no background correction is done before the tube filter. selem : tuple The structural element specification to estimate the percentiles. Should be larger than the largest vessels intended to be boosted by the tube filter. For the vasculature a typical value is ('disk', (30,30,1)) . percentile : float Percentile in [0,1] used to estimate the background. For the vasculature a typical value is 0.5. tubness : dict Parameters used for the tube filter. See :func:`ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Differentiation.Hessian.lambda123`. sigma : float The scale of the vessels to boos in the filter. For the vasculature a typical value is 1.0. save : str or None Save the result of this step to the specified file if not None. threshold : float Voxels above this threshold will be added to the binarization result in the multi-path biniarization. For the vasculature a typical value is 120. Binary filling -------------- fill : dict or None If not None, apply a binary filling the binarized result. For the vasculature this step is set to None and done globally in the postprocessing step. Binary smoothing ---------------- smooth : dict or None The smoothing parameter passed to :func:`ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Binary.Smoothing.smooth_by_configuration`. For the vasculature this step is set to None and done globally in the postprocessing step. References ---------- [1] C. Kirst et al., "Mapping the Fine-Scale Organization and Plasticity of the Brain Vasculature", Cell 180, 780 (2020) """ #initialize sink shape = io.shape(source); order = io.order(source); sink, sink_buffer = ap.initialize_sink(sink=sink, shape=shape, order=order, dtype=bool); #, memory='shared'); #initialize addition output sinks binary_status = binarization_parameter.get('binary_status', None); if binary_status: ap.initialize_sink(binary_status, source=sink, shape=shape, order=order, dtype='uint16'); for key in binarization_parameter.keys(): par = binarization_parameter[key]; if isinstance(par, dict): filename = par.get('save', None); if filename: ap.initialize_sink(filename, shape=shape, order=order, dtype='float'); binarization_parameter.update(verbose=processing_parameter.get('verbose', False)); bp.process(binarize_block, source, sink, function_type='block', parameter=binarization_parameter, **processing_parameter) return sink;
def postprocess(source, sink = None, postprocessing_parameter = default_postprocessing_parameter, processing_parameter = default_postprocessing_processing_parameter, processes = None, verbose = True): """Postprocess a binarized image. Arguments --------- source : source specification The binary source. sink : sink specification or None The sink to write the postprocesses result to. If None, an array is returned. postprocessing_parameter : dict Parameter for the postprocessing. processing_parameter : dict Parameter for the parallel processing. verbose : bool If True, print progress output. Returns ------- sink : Source The result of the binarization. Notes ----- * The postporcessing pipeline is composed of several steps. The parameters for each step are passed as sub-dictionaries to the postprocessing_parameter dictionary. * If None is passed for one of the steps the step is skipped. Smoothing --------- smooth : dict or None Smoothing step parameter. See :func:`ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Binary.Smoothing.smooth_by_configuration` iterations : int Number of smoothing iterations. For the vasculature a typical value is 6. Filling ------- fill : bool or None If True, fill holes in the binary data. """ source = io.as_source(source); sink = ap.initialize_sink(sink, shape=source.shape, dtype=source.dtype, order=source.order, return_buffer=False); if verbose: timer = tmr.Timer(); print('Binary post processing: initialized.'); postprocessing_parameter = postprocessing_parameter.copy(); parameter_smooth = postprocessing_parameter.pop('smooth', None); parameter_fill = postprocessing_parameter.pop('fill', None); #print(parameter_smooth, parameter_fill) #smoothing save = None; if parameter_smooth: #intialize temporary files if needed if parameter_fill: save = parameter_smooth.pop('save', None); temporary_filename = save; if temporary_filename is None: temporary_filename = postprocessing_parameter['temporary_filename']; if temporary_filename is None: temporary_filename = tmpf.mktemp(prefix='TubeMap_Vasculature_postprocessing', suffix='.npy'); sink_smooth = ap.initialize_sink(temporary_filename, shape=source.shape, dtype=source.dtype, order=source.order, return_buffer=False); else: sink_smooth = sink; #run smoothing source_fill = bs.smooth_by_configuration(source, sink=sink_smooth, processing_parameter=processing_parameter, processes=processes, verbose=verbose, **parameter_smooth); else: source_fill = source; if parameter_fill: sink = bf.fill(source_fill, sink=sink, processes=processes, verbose=verbose); if parameter_smooth and save is None: io.delete_file(temporary_filename); else: sink = source_fill; if verbose: timer.print_elapsed_time('Binary post processing'); gc.collect() return None;
def _test(): import numpy as np import ClearMap.ParallelProcessing.DataProcessing.ArrayProcessing as ap from importlib import reload reload(ap) ## Lookup table processing #apply_lut x = np.random.randint(0, 100, size=(20,30)); lut = np.arange(100) + 1; y = ap.apply_lut(x, lut) assert np.all(y == x+1) #apply_lut_to_index import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Topology.Topology3d as t3d kernel = t3d.index_kernel(dtype=int); import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Binary.Smoothing as sm lut = sm.initialize_lookup_table() data = np.random.randint(0, 2, (1500,300,400), dtype = bool) #reload(ap) result = ap.apply_lut_to_index(data, kernel, lut, sink=None, verbose=True) import ClearMap.Visualization.Plot3d as p3d p3d.plot([data, result]) ## Correlation #correlate1d #reload(ap) axis = 1; kernel = np.array(range(11), dtype='uint32'); data = np.random.randint(0, 2**27, (1000, 1500,100), dtype='uint32'); corr = ap.correlate1d(data, kernel, axis=axis, verbose=True, processes=10); import scipy.ndimage as ndi import ClearMap.Utils.Timer as tmr timer = tmr.Timer(); corr_ndi = ndi.correlate1d(data, kernel, axis=axis, mode='constant',cval=0); timer.print_elapsed_time('ndi') assert np.allclose(corr, corr_ndi) # # # # # #default_blocks_per_process = 10; #"""Default number of blocks per process to split the data. # #Note #---- #10 blocks per process is a good choice. #""" # #default_cutoff = 20000000; #"""Default size of array below which ordinary numpy is used. # #Note #---- #Ideally test this on your machine for different array sizes. #""" # # # #def blockRanges(data, blocks = None, processes = defaultProcesses): # """Ranges of evenly spaced blocks in array # # Arguments: # data : array # array to divide in blocks # blocks : int or None # number of blocks to split array into # processes : None or int # number of processes, if None use number of cpus # # Returns: # array # list of the range boundaries # """ # if processes is None: # processes = defaultProcesses; # if blocks is None: # blocks = processes * defaultBlocksPerProcess; # # d = data.reshape(-1, order = 'A'); # blocks = min(blocks, d.shape[0]); # return np.array(np.linspace(0, d.shape[0], blocks + 1), dtype = int); # # #def blockSums(data, blocks = None, processes = defaultProcesses): # """Sums of evenly spaced blocks in array # # Arguments: # data : array # array to perform the block sums on # blocks : int or None # number of blocks to split array into # processes : None or int # number of processes, if None use number of cpus # # Returns: # array # sums of the values in the different blocks # """ # if processes is None: # processes = defaultProcesses; # if blocks is None: # blocks = processes * defaultBlocksPerProcess; # # d = data.reshape(-1, order = 'A'); # if data.dtype == bool: # d = d.view('uint8') # # return code.blockSums1d(d, blocks = blocks, processes = processes); # # #def where(data, out = None, blocks = None, cutoff = defaultCutoff, processes = defaultProcesses): # """Returns the indices of the non-zero entries of the array # # Arguments: # data : array # array to search for nonzero indices # out : array or None # if not None results is written into this array # blocks : int or None # number of blocks to split array into for parallel processing # cutoff : int # number of elements below whih to switch to numpy.where # processes : None or int # number of processes, if None use number of cpus # # Returns: # array # positions of the nonzero entries of the input array # # Note: # Uses numpy.where if there is no match of dimension implemented! # """ # if data.ndim != 1 and data.ndim != 3: # raise Warning('Using numpy where for dimension %d and type %s!' % (data.ndim, data.dtype)) # return np.vstack(np.where(data)).T; # # if cutoff is None: # cutoff = 1; # cutoff = min(1, cutoff); # if data.size <= cutoff: # return np.vstack(np.where(data)).T; # # if processes is None: # processes = defaultProcesses; # if blocks is None: # blocks = processes * defaultBlocksPerProcess; # # if data.dtype == bool: # d = data.view('uint8') # else: # d = data; # # if out is None: # if d.ndim == 1: # sums = code.blockSums1d(d, blocks = blocks, processes = processes); # else: # sums = code.blockSums3d(d, blocks = blocks, processes = processes); # out = np.squeeze(np.zeros((np.sum(sums), data.ndim), dtype =; # else: # sums = None; # # if d.ndim == 1: # code.where1d(d, out = out, sums = sums, blocks = blocks, processes = processes); # else: # d.ndim == 3: # code.where3d(d, out = out, sums = sums, blocks = blocks, processes = processes); # # return out; # # # # #def setValue(data, indices, value, cutoff = defaultCutoff, processes = defaultProcesses): # """Set value at specified indices of an array # # Arguments: # data : array # array to search for nonzero indices # indices : array or None # list of indices to set # value : numeric or bool # value to set elements in data to # processes : None or int # number of processes, if None use number of cpus # # Returns: # array # array with specified entries set to new value # # Note: # Uses numpy if there is no match of dimension implemented! # """ # if data.ndim != 1: # raise Warning('Using numpy where for dimension %d and type %s!' % (data.ndim, data.dtype)) # data[indices] = value; # return data; # # if cutoff is None: # cutoff = 1; # cutoff = min(1, cutoff); # if data.size <= cutoff: # data[indices] = value; # return data; # # if processes is None: # processes = defaultProcesses; # # if data.dtype == bool: # d = data.view('uint8') # else: # d = data; # # code.set1d(d, indices, value, processes = processes); # # return data; # # #def setArray(data, indices, values, cutoff = defaultCutoff, processes = defaultProcesses): # """Set value at specified indices of an array # # Arguments: # data : array # array to search for nonzero indices # indices : array or None # list of indices to set # values : array # values to set elements in data to # processes : None or int # number of processes, if None use number of cpus # # Returns: # array # array with specified entries set to new value # # Note: # Uses numpy if there is no match of dimension implemented! # """ # if data.ndim != 1: # raise Warning('Using numpy where for dimension %d and type %s!' % (data.ndim, data.dtype)) # data[indices] = values; # return data; # # if cutoff is None: # cutoff = 1; # cutoff = min(1, cutoff); # if data.size <= cutoff: # data[indices] = values; # return data; # # if processes is None: # processes = defaultProcesses; # # if data.dtype == bool: # d = data.view('uint8') # else: # d = data; # # code.set1darray(d, indices, values, processes = processes); # # return data; # # # #def take(data, indices, out = None, cutoff = defaultCutoff, processes = defaultProcesses): # """Extracts the values at specified indices # # Arguments: # data : array # array to search for nonzero indices # out : array or None # if not None results is written into this array # cutoff : int # number of elements below whih to switch to numpy.where # processes : None or int # number of processes, if None use number of cpus # # Returns: # array # positions of the nonzero entries of the input array # # Note: # Uses numpy data[indices] if there is no match of dimension implemented! # """ # if data.ndim != 1: # raise Warning('Using numpy where for dimension %d and type %s!' % (data.ndim, data.dtype)) # return data[indices]; # # if cutoff is None: # cutoff = 1; # cutoff = min(1, cutoff); # if data.size < cutoff: # return data[indices]; # # if processes is None: # processes = defaultProcesses; # # if data.dtype == bool: # d = data.view('uint8') # else: # d = data; # # if out is None: # out = np.empty(len(indices), dtype = data.dtype); # if out.dtype == bool: # o = out.view('uint8'); # else: # o = out; # # code.take1d(d, indices, o, processes = processes); # # return out; # # #def match(match, indices, out = None): # """Matches a sorted list of 1d indices to another larger one # # Arguments: # match : array # array of indices to match to indices # indices : array or None # array of indices # # Returns: # array # array with specified entries set to new value # # Note: # Uses numpy if there is no match of dimension implemented! # """ # if match.ndim != 1: # raise ValueError('Match array dimension required to be 1d, found %d!' % (match.ndim)) # if indices.ndim != 1: # raise ValueError('Indices array dimension required to be 1d, found %d!' % (indices.ndim)) # # if out is None: # out = np.empty(len(match), dtype = match.dtype); # # code.match1d(match, indices, out); # # return out; # # # Find neighbours in an index list # # #def neighbours(indices, offset, processes = defaultProcesses): # """Returns all pairs of indices that are apart a specified offset""" # return code.neighbours(indices, offset = offset, processes = processes); # # #def findNeighbours(indices, center, shape, strides, mask): # """Finds all indices within a specified kernel region centered at a point""" # # if len(strides) != 3 or len(shape) != 3 or (strides[0] != 1 and strides[2] != 1): # raise RuntimeError('only 3d C or F contiguous arrays suported'); # # if isinstance(mask, int): # mask = (mask,); # if isinstance(mask, tuple): # mask = mask * 3; # return code.neighbourlistRadius(indices, center, shape[0], shape[1], shape[2], # strides[0], strides[1], strides[2], # mask[0], mask[1], mask[2]); # else: # if mask.dtype == bool: # mask = mask.view(dtype = 'uint8'); # # return code.neighbourlistMask(indices, center, shape[0], shape[1], shape[2], strides[0], strides[1], strides[2], mask); # # Loading and saving # #def readNumpyHeader(filename): # """Read numpy array information including offset to data # # Arguments: # filename : str # file name of the numpy file # # Returns: # shape : tuple # shape of the array # dtype : dtype # data type of array # order : str # 'C' for c and 'F' for fortran order # offset : int # offset in bytes to data buffer in file # """ # with open(filename, 'rb') as fhandle: # major, minor = np.lib.format.read_magic(fhandle); # shape, fortran, dtype = np.lib.format.read_array_header_1_0(fhandle); # offset = fhandle.tell() # # order = 'C'; # if fortran: # order = 'F'; # # return (shape, dtype, order, offset) # # #def _offsetFromSlice(sourceSlice, order = 'F'): # """Checks if slice is compatible with the large data loader and returns z coordiante""" # # if order == 'C': # os = 1; oe = 3; oi = 0; # else: # os = 0; oe = 2; oi = 2; # # for s in sourceSlice[os:oe]: # if s.start is not None or s.stop is not None or s.step is not None: # raise RuntimeError('sub-regions other than in slowest dimension %d not supported! slice = %r' % (oi, sourceSlice)) # # s = sourceSlice[oi]; # if s.step is not None: # raise RuntimeError('sub-regions with non unity steps not supported') # # if s.start is None: # s = 0; # else: # s = s.start; # # return s; # # #def load(filename, region = None, shared = False, blocks = None, processes = cpu_count(), verbose = False): # """Load a large npy array into memory in parallel # # Arguments: # filename : str # filename of array to load # region : Region or None # if not None this specifies the sub-region to read # shared : bool # if True read into shared memory # blocks : int or None # number of blocks to split array into for parallel processing # processes : None or int # number of processes, if None use number of cpus # verbose : bool # print info about the file to be loaded # # Returns: # array # the data as numpy array # """ # if processes is None: # processes = cpu_count(); # if blocks is None: # blocks = processes * defaultBlocksPerProcess; # # #get specs from header specs # shape, dtype, order, offset = readNumpyHeader(filename); # if verbose: # timer = tmr.Timer(); # print('Loading array of shape = %r, dtype = %r, order = %r, offset = %r' %(shape, dtype, order, offset)); # # if region is not None: # shape = region.shape(); # sourceSlice = region.sourceSlice(); # off = _offsetFromSlice(sourceSlice, order = order); # # if shared: # data = shm.create(shape, dtype = dtype, order = order); # else: # data = np.empty(shape, dtype = dtype, order = order); # # d = data.reshape(-1, order = 'A'); # if dtype == bool: # d = d.view('uint8'); # # if region is not None: # if order == 'F': # offset += data.strides[-1] * off; # else: # offset += data.strides[1] * off; # # code.load(data = d, filename = filename, offset = offset, blocks = blocks, processes = processes); # # if verbose: # timer.printElapsedTime(head = 'Loading array from %s' % filename); # # return data; # # # # #def save(filename, data, region = None, blocks = None, processes = cpu_count(), verbose = False): # """Save a large npy array to disk in parallel # # Arguments: # filename : str # filename of array to load # data : array # array to save to disk # blocks : int or None # number of blocks to split array into for parallel processing # processes : None or int # number of processes, if None use number of cpus # verbose : bool # print info about the file to be loaded # # Returns: # str # the filename of the numpy array on disk # """ # if processes is None: # processes = cpu_count(); # if blocks is None: # blocks = processes * defaultBlocksPerProcess; # # if region is None: # #create file on disk via memmap # memmap = np.lib.format.open_memmap(filename, mode = 'w+', shape = data.shape, dtype = data.dtype, fortran_order = np.isfortran(data)); # memmap.flush(); # del(memmap); # # #get specs from header specs # shape, dtype, order, offset = readNumpyHeader(filename); # if verbose: # timer = tmr.Timer(); # print('Saving array of shape = %r, dtype = %r, order = %r, offset = %r' %(shape, dtype, order, offset)); # # if (np.isfortran(data) and order != 'F') or (not np.isfortran(data) and order != 'C'): # raise RuntimeError('Order of arrays do not match isfortran=%r and order=%s' % (np.isfortran(data), order)); # # d = data.reshape(-1, order = 'A'); # if dtype == bool: # d = d.view('uint8'); # # if region is not None: # sourceSlice = region.sourceSlice(); # off = _offsetFromSlice(sourceSlice, order = order); # if order == 'F': # offset += data.strides[-1] * off; # else: # offset += data.strides[1] * off; # # #print d.dtype, filename, offset, blocks, processes # # = d, filename = filename, offset = offset, blocks = blocks, processes = processes); # # if verbose: # timer.printElapsedTime(head = 'Saving array to %s' % filename); # # return filename; # # # # # # #if __name__ == "__main__": # # import numpy as np # from ClearMap.Utils.Timer import Timer; # import ClearMap.DataProcessing.LargeData as ld # reload(ld) # # # #dat = np.random.rand(2000,2000,1000) > 0.5; # #dat = np.random.rand(1000,1000,500) > 0.5; # dat = np.random.rand(200,300,400) > 0.5; # #datan = io.MMP.writeData('test.npy', dat); # # dat = np.load('data.npy') # xyz1 = np.load('points.npy') # # s = ld.sum(dat) # print(s == np.sum(s)) # # # timer = Timer(); # xyz = ld.where(dat) # timer.printElapsedTime('parallel') # #parallel: elapsed time: 0:00:25.807 # # timer = Timer(); # xyz1 = np.vstack(np.where(dat)).T # timer.printElapsedTime('numpy') # #numpy: elapsed time: 0:05:45.590 # # # d0 = np.zeros(dat.shape, dtype = bool); # d1 = np.zeros(dat.shape, dtype = bool); # # d0[xyz[:,0], xyz[:,1], xyz[:,2]] = True; # d1[xyz1[:,0], xyz1[:,1], xyz1[:,2]] = True; # np.all(d0 == d1) # # dat2 = np.array(np.random.rand(1000, 1000, 1000) > 0, dtype = 'bool'); # filename = 'test.npy'; #, dat2) # # filename = '/disque/raid/vasculature/4X-test2/170824_IgG_2/170824_IgG_16-23-46/rank_threshold.npy' # # timer = Timer(); # ldat = ld.load(filename, verbose = True); # timer.printElapsedTime('load') # #load: elapsed time: 0:00:04.867 # # timer = Timer(); # ldat2 = np.load(filename); # timer.printElapsedTime('numpy') # #numpy: elapsed time: 0:00:27.982 # # np.all(ldat == ldat2) # # timer = Timer(); # xyz = ld.where(ldat) # timer.printElapsedTime('parallel') # #parallel: elapsed time: 0:07:25.698 # # lldat = ldat.reshape(-1, order = 'A') # timer = Timer(); # xyz = ld.where(lldat) # timer.printElapsedTime('parallel 1d') # #parallel 1d: elapsed time: 0:00:49.034 # # timer = Timer(); # xyz = np.where(ldat) # timer.printElapsedTime('numpy') # # # import os # #os.remove(filename) # # filename = './ClearMap/Test/Skeletonization/test_bin.npy'; # timer = Timer(); # ldat = ld.load(filename, shared = True, verbose = True); # timer.printElapsedTime('load') # # ld.shm.isShared(ldat); # # # # import numpy as np # from ClearMap.Utils.Timer import Timer; # import ClearMap.DataProcessing.LargeData as ld # reload(ld) # # filename = 'test_save.npy'; # # dat = np.random.rand(100,200,100); # #, dat) # # # dat2 = ld.load(filename) # # np.all(dat == dat2) # # os.remove(filename) # # # # import numpy as np # from ClearMap.Utils.Timer import Timer; # import ClearMap.DataProcessing.LargeData as ld # reload(ld) # # dat = np.zeros(100, dtype = bool); # dat2 = dat.copy(); # # indices = np.array([5,6,7,8,13,42]) # # ld.setValue(dat, indices, True, cutoff = 0); # # dat2[indices] = True; # np.all(dat2 == dat) # # d = ld.take(dat, indices, cutoff = 0) # np.all(d) # # # import numpy as np # from ClearMap.Utils.Timer import Timer; # import ClearMap.DataProcessing.LargeData as ld # reload(ld) # # # pts = np.array([0,1,5,6,10,11], dtype = int); # # ld.neighbours(pts, -10) # # # import numpy as np # from ClearMap.Utils.Timer import Timer; # import ClearMap.DataProcessing.LargeData as ld # import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Filter.StructureElement as sel; # reload(ld) # # dat = np.random.rand(30,40,50) > 0.5; # mask = sel.structureElement('Disk', (5,5,5)); # indices = np.where(dat.reshape(-1))[0]; # c_id = len(indices)/2; # c = indices[c_id]; # xyz = np.unravel_index(c, dat.shape) # l = np.array(mask.shape)/2 # r = np.array(mask.shape) - l; # dlo = [max(0,xx-ll) for xx,ll in zip(xyz,l)]; # dhi = [min(xx+rr,ss) for xx,rr,ss in zip(xyz,r, dat.shape)] # mlo = [-min(0,xx-ll) for xx,ll in zip(xyz,l)]; # mhi = [mm + min(0, ss-xx-rr) for xx,rr,ss,mm in zip(xyz,r, dat.shape, mask.shape)] # # nbh = dat[dlo[0]:dhi[0], dlo[1]:dhi[1], dlo[2]:dhi[2]]; # nbhm = np.logical_and(nbh, mask[mlo[0]:mhi[0], mlo[1]:mhi[1], mlo[2]:mhi[2]] > 0); # nxyz = np.where(nbhm); # nxyz = [nn + dl for nn,dl in zip(nxyz, dlo)]; # nbi = np.ravel_multi_index(nxyz, dat.shape); # # nbs = ld.findNeighbours(indices, c_id , dat.shape, dat.strides, mask) # # nbs.sort(); # print np.all(nbs == nbi) # # # dat = np.random.rand(30,40,50) > 0.5; # indices = np.where(dat.reshape(-1))[0]; # c_id = len(indices)/2; # c = indices[c_id]; # xyz = np.unravel_index(c, dat.shape) # l = np.array([2,2,2]); # r = l + 1; # dlo = [max(0,xx-ll) for xx,ll in zip(xyz,l)]; # dhi = [min(xx+rr,ss) for xx,rr,ss in zip(xyz, r, dat.shape)] # nbh = dat[dlo[0]:dhi[0], dlo[1]:dhi[1], dlo[2]:dhi[2]]; # nxyz = np.where(nbh); # nxyz = [nn + dl for nn,dl in zip(nxyz, dlo)]; # nbi = np.ravel_multi_index(nxyz, dat.shape); # # nbs = ld.findNeighbours(indices, c_id , dat.shape, dat.strides, tuple(l)) # # nbs.sort(); # print np.all(nbs == nbi) # # print nbs # print nbi # # # import numpy as np # from ClearMap.Utils.Timer import Timer; # import ClearMap.DataProcessing.LargeData as ld # reload(ld) # # data = np.random.rand(100); # values =np.random.rand(50); # indices = np.arange(50); # ld.setArray(data, indices, values, cutoff = 1) # print np.all(data[:50] == values) # # import numpy as np # from ClearMap.Utils.Timer import Timer; # import ClearMap.DataProcessing.LargeData as ld # reload(ld) # # m = np.array([1,3,6,7,10]); # i = np.array([1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9]); # # o = ld.match(m,i) # # o2 = [np.where(i==l)[0][0] for l in m] # # #
def _test(): #%% import numpy as np import scipy.ndimage as ndi import ClearMap.DataProcessing.LargeData as ld import ClearMap.Visualization.Plot3d as p3d import ClearMap.DataProcessing.ConvolvePointList as cpl import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Skeletonization.Topology3d as t3d import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Skeletonization.SkeletonCleanUp as scu import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Tracing.Connect as con reload(con) data = np.load('/home/ckirst/Desktop/data.npy') binary = np.load('/home/ckirst/Desktop/binarized.npy') skel = np.load('/home/ckirst/Desktop/skel.npy') #points = np.load('/home/ckirst/Desktop/pts.npy'); data = np.copy(data, order='F') binary = np.copy(binary, order='F') skel = np.copy(skel, order='F') skel_copy = np.copy(skel, order='F') points = np.ravel_multi_index(np.where(skel), skel.shape, order='F') skel, points = scu.cleanOpenBranches(skel, skel_copy, points, length=3, clean=True) deg = cpl.convolve3DIndex(skel, t3d.n26, points) ends, isolated = con.findEndpoints(skel, points, border=25) special = np.sort(np.hstack([ends, isolated])) ends_xyz = np.array(np.unravel_index(ends, data.shape, order='F')).T isolated_xyz = np.array(np.unravel_index(isolated, data.shape, order='F')).T special_xyz = np.vstack([ends_xyz, isolated_xyz]) #%% import ClearMap.ParallelProcessing.SharedMemoryManager as smm data_s = smm.asShared(data, order='F') binary_s = smm.asShared(binary.view('uint8'), order='F') skel_s = smm.asShared(skel.view('uint8'), order='F') smm.clean() res = con.addConnections(data_s, binary_s, skel_s, points, radius=20, start_points=None, add_to_skeleton=True, add_to_mask=True, verbose=True, processes=4, debug=False, block_size=10) skel_s = skel_s.view(bool) binary_s = binary_s.view(bool) #%% mask_img = np.asarray(binary, dtype=int, order='A') mask_img[:] = mask_img + binary_s mask_img[:] = mask_img + skel data_img = np.copy(data, order='A') data_img[skel] = 120 mask_img_f = np.reshape(mask_img, -1, order='A') data_img_f = np.reshape(data_img, -1, order='A') mask_img_f[res] = 7 data_img_f[res] = 512 mask_img_f[special] = 8 data_img_f[special] = 150 for d in [3, 4, 5]: mask_img_f[points[deg == d]] = d + 1 try: con.viewer[0].setSource(mask_img) con.viewer[1].setSource(data_img) except: con.viewer = p3d.plot([mask_img, data_img]) con.viewer[0].setMinMax([0, 8]) con.viewer[1].setMinMax([24, 160]) #%% mask = binary data_new = np.copy(data, order='A') data_new[skel] = 120 skel_new = np.asarray(skel, dtype=int, order='A') skel_new[:] = skel_new + binary binary_new = np.copy(binary, order='A') qs = [] for i, e in enumerate(special): print('------') print('%d / %d' % (i, len(special))) path, quality = con.connectPoint(data, mask, special, i, radius=25, skeleton=skel, tubeness=None, remove_local_mask=True, min_quality=15.0, verbose=True, maxSteps=15000, costPerDistance=1.0) #print path, quality if len(path) > 0: qs.append(quality * 1.0 / len(path)) q = con.addPathToMask(skel_new, path, value=7) q = con.addPathToMask(data_new, path, value=512) binary_new = con.addDilatedPathToMask(binary_new, path, iterations=1) skel_new[:] = skel_new + binary_new q = con.addPathToMask(skel_new, special_xyz, value=6) for d in [3, 4, 5]: xyz = np.array( np.unravel_index(points[deg == d], data.shape, order='F')).T q = con.addPathToMask(skel_new, xyz, value=d) q = con.addPathToMask(data_new, special_xyz, value=150) try: con.viewer[0].setSource(skel_new) con.viewer[1].setSource(data_new) except: con.viewer = p3d.plot([skel_new, data_new]) con.viewer[0].setMinMax([0, 8]) con.viewer[1].setMinMax([24, 160]) #%% import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure(1) plt.clf() #plt.plot(qs); plt.hist(qs) #%% i = 20 i = 21 i = 30 i = 40 r = 25 center = np.unravel_index(ends[i], data.shape) print(center, data.shape) mask = binary path = con.tracePointToMask(data, mask, center, radius=r, points=special_xyz, plot=True, skel=skel, binary=binary, tubeness=None, removeLocalMask=True, maxSteps=None, verbose=False, costPerDistance=0.0) #%% nbs = ap.findNeighbours(ends, i, skel.shape, skel.strides, r) center = np.unravel_index(ends[i], skel.shape) nbs_xyz = np.array(np.unravel_index(nbs, skel.shape)).T dists = nbs_xyz - center dists = np.sum(dists * dists, axis=1) nb = np.argmin(dists) center = np.unravel_index(ends[i], data.shape) print(center, data.shape) mask = binary path = con.tracePointToNeighbor(data, mask, center, nbs_xyz[nb], radius=r, points=special_xyz, plot=True, skel=skel, binary=binary, tubeness=None, removeLocalMask=True, maxSteps=None, verbose=False, costPerDistance=0.0) #%% import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Filter.FilterKernel as fkr dog = fkr.filterKernel('DoG', size=(13, 13, 13)) dv.plot(dog) data_filter = ndi.correlate(np.asarray(data, dtype=float), dog) data_filter -= data_filter.min() data_filter = data_filter / 3.0 #dv.dualPlot(data, data_filter); #%%add all paths reload(con) r = 25 mask = binary data_new = data.copy() data_new[skel] = 120 skel_new = np.asarray(skel, dtype=int) skel_new = skel_new + binary binary_new = binary.copy() for i, e in enumerate(special): center = np.unravel_index(e, data.shape) print(i, e, center) path = con.tracePointToMask(data, mask, center, radius=r, points=special_xyz, plot=False, skel=skel, binary=binary, tubeness=None, removeLocalMask=True, maxSteps=15000, costPerDistance=1.0) q = con.addPathToMask(skel_new, path, value=7) q = con.addPathToMask(data_new, path, value=512) binary_new = con.addDilatedPathToMask(binary_new, path, iterations=1) q = con.addPathToMask(skel_new, special_xyz, value=6) for d in [3, 4, 5]: xyz = np.array(np.unravel_index(points[deg == d], data.shape)).T q = con.addPathToMask(skel_new, xyz, value=d) q = con.addPathToMask(data_new, special_xyz, value=150) skel_new = skel_new + binary_new try: con.viewer[0].setSource(skel_new) con.viewer[1].setSource(data_new) except: con.viewer = dv.dualPlot(skel_new, data_new) con.viewer[0].setMinMax([0, 8]) con.viewer[1].setMinMax([24, 160]) #%% import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Skeletonization.Skeletonize as skl skel_2 = skl.skeletonize3D(binary_new.copy()) #%%'/home/ckirst/Desktop/binarized_con.npy', binary_new) #%% # write image import ClearMap.IO.IO as io #r = np.asarray(128 * binary_new, dtype = 'uint8'); #g = r.copy(); b = r.copy(); #r[:] = r + 127 * skel_2[0]; #g[:] = g - 128 * skel_2[0]; #b[:] = b - 128 * skel_2[0]; #img = np.stack((r,g,b), axis = 3) img = np.asarray(128 * binary_new, dtype='uint8') img[:] = img + 127 * skel_2[0] io.writeData('/home/ckirst/Desktop/3d.tif', img)
def graph_from_skeleton(skeleton, points = None, radii = None, vertex_coordinates = True, check_border = True, delete_border = False, verbose = False): """Converts a binary skeleton image to a graph-tool graph. Arguments --------- skeleton : array Source with 2d/3d binary skeleton. points : array List of skeleton points as 1d indices of flat skeleton array (optional to save processing time). radii : array List of radii associated with each vertex. vertex_coordinates : bool If True, store coordiantes of the vertices / edges. check_border : bool If True, check if the boder is empty. The algorithm reuqires this. delete_border : bool If True, delete the border. verbose : bool If True, print progress information. Returns ------- graph : Graph class The graph corresponding to the skeleton. Note ---- Edges are detected between neighbouring foreground pixels using 26-connectivty. """ skeleton = io.as_source(skeleton); if delete_border: skeleton = t3d.delete_border(skeleton); check_border = False; if check_border: if not t3d.check_border(skeleton): raise ValueError('The skeleton array needs to have no points on the border!'); if verbose: timer = tmr.Timer(); timer_all = tmr.Timer(); print('Graph from skeleton calculation initialize.!'); if points is None: points = ap.where(skeleton.reshape(-1, order = 'A')).array; if verbose: timer.print_elapsed_time('Point list generation'); timer.reset(); #create graph n_vertices = points.shape[0]; g = ggt.Graph(n_vertices=n_vertices, directed=False); g.shape = skeleton.shape; if verbose: timer.print_elapsed_time('Graph initialized with %d vertices' % n_vertices); timer.reset(); #detect edges edges_all = np.zeros((0,2), dtype = int); for i,o in enumerate(t3d.orientations()): # calculate off set offset = np.sum((np.hstack(np.where(o))-[1,1,1]) * skeleton.strides) edges = ap.neighbours(points, offset); if len(edges) > 0: edges_all = np.vstack([edges_all, edges]); if verbose: timer.print_elapsed_time('%d edges with orientation %d/13 found' % (edges.shape[0], i+1)); timer.reset(); if edges_all.shape[0] > 0: g.add_edge(edges_all); if verbose: timer.print_elapsed_time('Added %d edges to graph' % (edges_all.shape[0])); timer.reset(); if vertex_coordinates: vertex_coordinates = np.array(np.unravel_index(points, skeleton.shape, order=skeleton.order)).T; g.set_vertex_coordinates(vertex_coordinates); if radii is not None: g.set_vertex_radius(radii); if verbose: timer_all.print_elapsed_time('Skeleton to Graph'); return g;
def temp(): import scipy.ndimage as ndi corr_ndi = ndi.correlate1d(data, kernel, axis=axis, mode='constant', cval=0) assert np.allclose(corr.array, corr_ndi) c = corr.array c[0, :, 0] corr_ndi[0, :, 0] data = np.array(np.random.rand(1000, 1000, 500), order='F') data = np.array(np.random.rand(300, 400, 1500), order='F') kernel = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) import ClearMap.Utils.Timer as tmr timer = tmr.Timer() for axis in range(3): corr = ap.correlate1d(data, kernel, axis=axis, verbose=False, processes=None) timer.print_elapsed_time('ap') import ClearMap.Utils.Timer as tmr timer = tmr.Timer() for axis in range(3): corr2 = ap2.correlate1d(data, kernel, axis=axis, verbose=False, processes=None) timer.print_elapsed_time('ap') import scipy.ndimage as ndi timer = tmr.Timer() for axis in range(3): corr_ndi = ndi.correlate1d(data, kernel, axis=axis, mode='constant', cval=0) timer.print_elapsed_time('ndi') assert np.allclose(corr.array, corr_ndi) assert np.allclose(corr2.array, corr_ndi) # IO import ClearMap.ParallelProcessing.DataProcessing.ArrayProcessing as ap import numpy as np reload(ap) data = np.random.rand(10, 200, 10) sink = ap.write('test.npy', data, verbose=True) assert (np.all(sink.array == data)) read ='test.npy', verbose=True) assert (np.all(read.array == data))'test.npy') # where reload(ap) data = np.random.rand(30, 20, 40) > 0.5 where_np = np.array(np.where(data)).T where = ap.where(data, cutoff=2**0) check_np = np.zeros(data.shape, dtype=bool) check = np.zeros(data.shape, dtype=bool) check_np[tuple(where_np.T)] = True check[tuple(where.array.T)] = True assert (np.all(check_np == check))
def skeletonize(source, sink=None, points=None, method='PK12i', steps=None, in_place=False, verbose=True, **kwargs): """Skeletonize 3d binary arrays. Arguments --------- source : array or source Binary image to skeletonize. sink : sink specification Optional sink. points : array or None Optional point list of the foreground points in the binary. method : str 'PK12' or faster index version 'PK12i'. steps : int or None Number of maximal iteration steps. If None, maximal thinning. in_place : bool If True, the skeletonization is done directly on the input array. Returns ------- skeleton : Source The skeletonized array. """ if verbose: timer = tmr.Timer() if not in_place and io.is_file(source): binary_buffer = else: binary, binary_buffer = ap.initialize_source(source) if not in_place: binary_buffer = np.array(binary_buffer) if method == 'PK12': result = PK12.skeletonize(binary_buffer, points=points, steps=steps, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) elif method == 'PK12i': result = PK12.skeletonize_index(binary_buffer, points=points, steps=steps, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) else: raise RuntimeError('Skeletonizaton method %r is not valid!' % method) if verbose: timer.print_elapsed_time(head='Skeletonization') if sink is None: sink = elif isinstance(sink, str): sink = ap.write(sink, result) else: sink = io.write(sink, result) return sink
def _test(): import numpy as np import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Topology.Topology3d as top from importlib import reload reload(top) label = top.cube_labeled() top.print_cube(label) # Test rotations c = np.zeros((3, 3, 3), dtype=bool) c[1, 0, 0] = True top.print_cube(c) cs = [top.rotate(c, axis=2, steps=r) for r in range(4)] [top.print_cube(cc) for cc in cs] reload(top) l = top.cube_labeled() rts = top.rotations6(l) [top.print_cube(r) for r in rts] reload(top) b = top.cube_from_index(6) i = top.cube_to_index(b) print(i, 6) us = np.zeros((3, 3, 3), dtype=int) us[1, 1, 2] = 1 us[1, 0, 1] = 1 us[1, 2, 0] = 2 r12 = top.rotations12(us) [top.print_cube(cc) for cc in r12] #check configuration utlity reload(top) index = 11607 source = top.cube_from_index(index) c = top.index_from_binary(source) c[1, 1, 1] == index x = np.random.rand(1500, 500, 500) > 0.6 c = top.index_from_binary(x) import numpy as np import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Topology.Topology3d as top #check fortran vs c order x = np.random.rand(5, 5, 5) > 0.35 y = np.asanyarray(x, order='F') ix = top.index_from_binary(x) iy = top.index_from_binary(y) ax = ix.array ay = iy.array #%% profile import io io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 2**32 import pstats, cProfile import numpy as np import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Topology.Topology3d as top x = np.ones((3000, 500, 1000), dtype=bool, order='F') import ClearMap.IO.IO as io import ClearMap.ParallelProcessing.DataProcessing.ArrayProcessing as ap ap.write('test.npy', x) y = io.as_source('test.npy') z = io.create('resuly.npy', shape=y.shape, order='C', dtype='uint32') cProfile.runctx( "c =top.index_from_binary(y, method='!shared', sink=z, verbose=True, processes=None)", globals(), locals(), "") s = pstats.Stats("") s.strip_dirs().sort_stats("time").print_stats() import mmap mmap.ACCESS_COPY
def skeletonize_index(binary, points=None, steps=None, removals=False, radii=False, return_points=False, check_border=True, delete_border=False, verbose=True): """Skeletonize a binary 3d array using PK12 algorithm via index coordinates. Arguments --------- binary : array Binary image to be skeletonized. steps : int or None Number of maximal iteration steps. If None, use maximal reduction. removals :bool If True, returns the steps in which the pixels in the input data were removed. radii :bool If True, the estimate of the local radius is returned. verbose :bool If True, print progress info. Returns ------- skeleton : array The skeleton of the binary input. points : nxd array The point coordinates of the skeleton. """ if verbose: print('#############################################################') print('Skeletonization PK12 [convolution, index]') timer = tmr.Timer() #TODO: make this work for any memmapable source if not isinstance(binary, np.ndarray): raise ValueError('Numpy array required for binary in skeletonization!') if binary.ndim != 3: raise ValueError('The binary array dimension is %d, 3 is required!' % binary.ndim) if delete_border: binary = t3d.delete_border(binary) check_border = False if check_border: if not t3d.check_border(binary): raise ValueError( 'The binary array needs to have not points on the border!') binary_flat = binary.reshape(-1, order='A') # detect points if points is None: points = ap.where(binary_flat).array npoints = points.shape[0] if verbose: timer.print_elapsed_time('Foreground points: %d' % (points.shape[0], )) if removals is True or radii is True: #birth = np.zeros(binary.shape, dtype = 'uint16'); order = 'C' if binary.flags.f_contiguous: order = 'F' death = np.zeros(binary.shape, dtype='uint16', order=order) deathflat = death.reshape(-1, order='A') with_info = True else: with_info = False # iterate if steps is None: steps = -1 step = 1 nnonrem = 0 while True: if verbose: print( '#############################################################' ) print('Iteration %d' % step) timer_iter = tmr.Timer() print(type(points), points.dtype, binary.dtype) border = cpl.convolve_3d_indices_if_smaller_than( binary, t3d.n6, points, 6) borderpoints = points[border] #borderids = np.nonzero(border)[0]; borderids = ap.where(border).array keep = np.ones(len(border), dtype=bool) if verbose: timer_iter.print_elapsed_time('Border points: %d' % (len(borderpoints), )) #if info is not None: # b = birth[borderpoints[:,0], borderpoints[:,1], borderpoints[:,2]]; # bids = b == 0; # birth[borderpoints[bids,0], borderpoints[bids,1], borderpoints[bids,2]] = step; # sub iterations remiter = 0 for i in range(12): if verbose: print( '-------------------------------------------------------------' ) print('Sub-Iteration %d' % i) timer_sub_iter = tmr.Timer() remborder = delete[cpl.convolve_3d_indices(binary, rotations[i], borderpoints)] rempoints = borderpoints[remborder] if verbose: timer_sub_iter.print_elapsed_time('Matched points : %d' % (len(rempoints), )) binary_flat[rempoints] = 0 keep[borderids[remborder]] = False rem = len(rempoints) remiter += rem #death times if with_info is True: #remo = np.logical_not(keep); deathflat[rempoints] = 12 * step + i if verbose: timer_sub_iter.print_elapsed_time('Sub-Iteration %d' % (i, )) if verbose: print( '-------------------------------------------------------------' ) #update foregroud points = points[keep] if step % 3 == 0: npts = len(points) points = points[consider[cpl.convolve_3d_indices( binary, base, points)]] nnonrem += npts - len(points) if verbose: print('Non-removable points: %d' % (npts - len(points))) if verbose: print('Foreground points : %d' % points.shape[0]) if verbose: print( '-------------------------------------------------------------' ) timer_iter.print_elapsed_time('Iteration %d' % (step, )) step += 1 if steps >= 0 and step >= steps: break if remiter == 0: break if verbose: print('#############################################################') timer.print_elapsed_time('Skeletonization done') print('Total removed: %d' % (npoints - (len(points) + nnonrem))) print('Total remaining: %d' % (len(points) + nnonrem)) if radii is True or return_points is True: points = ap.where(binary_flat).array if radii is True: #calculate average diameter as death average death of neighbourhood radii = cpl.convolve_3d_indices(death, t3d.n18, points, out_dtype='uint16') else: radii = None result = [binary] if return_points: result.append(points) if removals is True: result.append(death) if radii is not None: result.append(radii) if len(result) > 1: return tuple(result) else: return result[0]
def skeletonize(binary, points=None, steps=None, removals=False, radii=False, check_border=True, delete_border=False, return_points=False, verbose=True): """Skeletonize a binary 3d array using PK12 algorithm. Arguments --------- binary : array Binary image to skeletonize. points : array or None. Optional list of points in the binary to speed up processing. steps : int or None Number of maximal iteration steps (if None maximal reduction). removals : bool If True, returns also the steps at which the pixels in the input data where removed. radii : bool If True, the estimate of the local radius is returned. check_border : bool If True, check if the boder is empty. The algorithm reuqires this. delete_border : bool If True, delete the border. verbose : bool If True print progress info. Returns ------- skeleton : array The skeleton of the binary. points : array The point coordinates of the skeleton nx3 Note ---- The skeletonization is done in place on the binary. Copy the binary if needed for further processing. """ if verbose: print('#############################################################') print('Skeletonization PK12 [convolution]') timer = tmr.Timer() #TODO: make this work for any memmapable source ! if not isinstance(binary, np.ndarray): raise ValueError('Numpy array required for binary in skeletonization!') if binary.ndim != 3: raise ValueError('The binary array dimension is %d, 3 is required!' % binary.ndim) if delete_border: binary = t3d.delete_border(binary) check_border = False if check_border: if not t3d.check_border(binary): raise ValueError( 'The binary array needs to have no points on the border!') # detect points #points = np.array(np.nonzero(binary)).T; if points is None: points = ap.where(binary).array if verbose: timer.print_elapsed_time(head='Foreground points: %d' % (points.shape[0], )) if removals is True or radii is True: #birth = np.zeros(binary.shape, dtype = 'uint16'); death = np.zeros(binary.shape, dtype='uint16') with_info = True else: with_info = False # iterate if steps is None: steps = -1 step = 1 removed = 0 while True: if verbose: print( '#############################################################' ) print('Iteration %d' % step) timer_iter = tmr.Timer() border = cpl.convolve_3d_points(binary, t3d.n6, points) < 6 borderpoints = points[border] borderids = np.nonzero(border)[0] keep = np.ones(len(border), dtype=bool) if verbose: timer_iter.print_elapsed_time('Border points: %d' % (len(borderpoints), )) #if info is not None: # b = birth[borderpoints[:,0], borderpoints[:,1], borderpoints[:,2]]; # bids = b == 0; # birth[borderpoints[bids,0], borderpoints[bids,1], borderpoints[bids,2]] = step; # sub iterations remiter = 0 for i in range(12): if verbose: print( '-------------------------------------------------------------' ) print('Sub-Iteration %d' % i) timer_sub_iter = tmr.Timer() remborder = delete[cpl.convolve_3d_points(binary, rotations[i], borderpoints)] rempoints = borderpoints[remborder] if verbose: timer_sub_iter.print_elapsed_time('Matched points: %d' % (len(rempoints), )) binary[rempoints[:, 0], rempoints[:, 1], rempoints[:, 2]] = 0 keep[borderids[remborder]] = False rem = len(rempoints) remiter += rem removed += rem if verbose: print('Deleted points: %d' % (rem)) timer_sub_iter.print_elapsed_time('Sub-Iteration %d' % (i)) #death times if with_info is True: #remo = np.logical_not(keep); death[rempoints[:, 0], rempoints[:, 1], rempoints[:, 2]] = 12 * step + i #update foreground points = points[keep] if verbose: print('Foreground points: %d' % points.shape[0]) if verbose: print( '-------------------------------------------------------------' ) timer_iter.print_elapsed_time('Iteration %d' % (step, )) step += 1 if steps >= 0 and step >= steps: break if remiter == 0: break if verbose: print('#############################################################') print('Total removed: %d' % (removed)) print('Total remaining: %d' % (len(points))) timer.print_elapsed_time('Skeletonization') result = [binary] if return_points: result.append(points) if removals is True: result.append(death) if radii is True: #calculate average diameter as average death of neighbourhood radii = cpl.convolve_3d(death, np.array(t3d.n18, dtype='uint16'), points) result.append(radii) if len(result) > 1: return tuple(result) else: return result[0]
def fill_vessels(source, sink, resample = None, threshold = 0.5, network = None, dtype = 'float16', cuda = None, processing_parameter = None, verbose = False): """Fill hollow tubes via a neural network. Arguments --------- source : str or Source The binary data source to fill hollow tubes in. sink : str or Source. The binary sink to write data to. sink is created if it does not exists. resample : int or None If int, downsample the data by this factor, apply network and upsample. threshold : float or None Apply a threshold to the result of the cnn. If None, the probability of being foreground is returned. network : str, Model or None The network speicifcation. If None, the default trained network is used. dtype : str The dtype to use for the network. See :func:`` for details. cuda : bool or None If True, use gpu processing. If None, automatically detect gpu. processing_parameter : dict or None Parameter to use for block processing. verbose : bool If True, print progress. Returns ------- network : Model The neural network model. """ if verbose: timer = tmr.Timer(); #cuda if cuda is None: cuda = torch.cuda.is_available(); #initialize network network = vessel_filling_network(network=network, dtype=dtype, cuda=cuda); if not cuda: #some functions only work as float on CPU network = network.float(); if verbose: timer.print_elapsed_time('Vessel filling: neural network initialized') print(network); print('Vessel filling: using %s' % (('gpu' if cuda else 'cpu'),)) #initialize source source = io.as_source(source); if verbose: timer.print_elapsed_time('Vessel filling: source loaded'); #initialize sink if threshold: sink_dtype = bool; else: sink_dtype = dtype; sink, sink_shape = ap.initialize_sink(sink=sink, shape=source.shape, dtype=sink_dtype, order=source.order, return_buffer=False, return_shape=True); #resampling if resample is not None: maxpool = torch.nn.MaxPool3d(kernel_size=resample) upsample = torch.nn.Upsample(mode="trilinear", scale_factor=resample, align_corners=False); if cuda: maxpool = maxpool.cuda(); upsample = upsample.cuda(); if dtype is not None: maxpool =, dtype); upsample =, dtype); else: maxpool = maxpool.float(); upsample = upsample.float(); #processing if processing_parameter is None: processing_parameter = default_fill_vessels_processing_parameter if processing_parameter: processing_parameter = processing_parameter.copy(); processing_parameter.update(optimization=False); if 'size_max' not in processing_parameter or processing_parameter['size_max'] is None: processing_parameter['size_max'] = np.max(source.shape); if 'size_min' not in processing_parameter: processing_parameter['size_min'] = None; blocks = bp.split_into_blocks(source, **processing_parameter); else: blocks = [source]; #process blocks for block in blocks: if verbose: timer_block = tmr.Timer(); print('Vessel filling: processing block %s' % (; #load data data = np.array(block.array); if data.dtype == bool: data = data.astype('uint8'); data = torch.unsqueeze(torch.from_numpy(data), 0) if cuda: data =, dtype=dtype); data = data.cuda(); else: data = data.float(); if verbose: print('Vessel filling: loaded data: %r' % (tuple(data.shape),)); #down sampleprocessing_parameter if resample: result = maxpool(data); else: result = data; result = torch.unsqueeze(result, 1); if verbose: print('Vessel filling: resampled data: %r' % (tuple(result.shape),)); #fill result = network(result); if verbose: print('Vessel filling: network %r' % (tuple(result.shape),)); #upsample if resample: result = upsample(result) if verbose: print('Vessel filling: upsampled %r' % (tuple(result.shape),)); #write data sink_slicing = block.slicing; result_shape = result.shape; result_slicing = tuple(slice(None,min(ss, rs)) for ss,rs in zip(sink_shape, result_shape[2:])); data_slicing = (0,) + tuple(slice(None, s.stop) for s in result_slicing); sink_slicing = bp.blk.slc.sliced_slicing(result_slicing, sink_slicing, sink_shape); result_slicing = (0,0) + result_slicing; #print('result', result.shape, result_slicing, 'data', data.shape, data_slicing, 'sink', sink_shape, sink_slicing) if threshold: sink_prev = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(sink[sink_slicing], dtype='uint8')); else: sink_prev = torch.from_numpy(sink[sink_slicing]); if cuda: sink_prev = sink_prev.cuda(); sink_prev =, dtype=dtype); else: sink_prev = sink_prev.float(); #print('slices:', result[result_slicing].shape, data[data_slicing].shape, sink_prev.shape) result = torch.max(torch.max(result[result_slicing], data[data_slicing]), sink_prev); if threshold: result = result >= threshold; if verbose: print('Vessel filling: thresholded %r' % (tuple(result.shape),)); if cuda: sink[sink_slicing] =; else: sink[sink_slicing] =; if verbose: print('Vessel filling: result written to %r' % (sink_slicing,)); del data, result, sink_prev; gc.collect(); if verbose: timer_block.print_elapsed_time('Vessel filling: processing block %s' % (; if verbose: timer.print_elapsed_time('Vessel filling'); return sink;
def detect_cells_block(source, parameter=default_cell_detection_parameter): """Detect cells in a Block.""" #initialize parameter and slicings verbose = parameter.get('verbose', False) if verbose: prefix = 'Block %s: ' % (, ) total_time = tmr.Timer(prefix) base_slicing = source.valid.base_slicing valid_slicing = source.valid.slicing valid_lower = source.valid.lower valid_upper = source.valid.upper lower = source.lower parameter_intensity = parameter.get('intensity_detection', None) measure_to_array = dict() if parameter_intensity: parameter_intensity = parameter_intensity.copy() measure = parameter_intensity.pop('measure', []) if measure is None: measure = [] for m in measure: measure_to_array[m] = None if 'source' in measure_to_array: measure_to_array['source'] = source # correct illumination parameter_illumination = parameter.get('illumination_correction', None) if parameter_illumination: parameter_illumination = parameter_illumination.copy() if verbose: timer = tmr.Timer(prefix) hdict.pprint(parameter_illumination, head=prefix + 'Illumination correction') save = parameter_illumination.pop('save', None) corrected = ic.correct_illumination(source, **parameter_illumination) if save: save = io.as_source(save) save[base_slicing] = corrected[valid_slicing] if verbose: timer.print_elapsed_time('Illumination correction') else: corrected = np.array(source.array) if 'illumination' in measure_to_array: measure_to_array['illumination'] = corrected #background subtraction parameter_background = parameter.get('background_correction', None) if parameter_background: parameter_background = parameter_background.copy() if verbose: timer = tmr.Timer(prefix) hdict.pprint(parameter_background, head=prefix + 'Background removal') save = parameter_background.pop('save', None) background = remove_background(corrected, **parameter_background) if save: save = io.as_source(save) save[base_slicing] = corrected[valid_slicing] if verbose: timer.print_elapsed_time('Illumination correction') else: background = corrected del corrected if 'background' in measure_to_array: measure_to_array['background'] = background # equalize parameter_equalize = parameter.get('equalization', None) if parameter_equalize: parameter_equalize = parameter_equalize.copy() if verbose: timer = tmr.Timer(prefix) hdict.pprint(parameter_equalize, head=prefix + 'Equalization:') save = parameter_equalize.pop('save', None) equalized = equalize(background, mask=None, **parameter_equalize) if save: save = io.as_source(save) save[base_slicing] = equalized[valid_slicing] if verbose: timer.print_elapsed_time('Equalization') else: equalized = background del background if 'equalized' in measure_to_array: measure_to_array['equalized'] = equalized #DoG filter parameter_dog_filter = parameter.get('dog_filter', None) if parameter_dog_filter: parameter_dog_filter = parameter_dog_filter.copy() if verbose: timer = tmr.Timer(prefix) hdict.pprint(parameter_dog_filter, head=prefix + 'DoG filter:') save = parameter_dog_filter.pop('save', None) dog = dog_filter(equalized, **parameter_dog_filter) if save: save = io.as_source(save) save[base_slicing] = dog[valid_slicing] if verbose: timer.print_elapsed_time('DoG filter') else: dog = equalized del equalized if 'dog' in measure_to_array: measure_to_array['dog'] = dog #Maxima detection parameter_maxima = parameter.get('maxima_detection', None) parameter_shape = parameter.get('shape_detection', None) if parameter_shape or parameter_intensity: if not parameter_maxima: print( prefix + 'Warning: maxima detection needed for shape and intensity detection!' ) parameter_maxima = dict() if parameter_maxima: parameter_maxima = parameter_maxima.copy() if verbose: timer = tmr.Timer(prefix) hdict.pprint(parameter_maxima, head=prefix + 'Maxima detection:') save = parameter_maxima.pop('save', None) valid = parameter_maxima.pop('valid', None) # extended maxima maxima = md.find_maxima(source.array, **parameter_maxima, verbose=verbose) if save: save = io.as_source(save) save[base_slicing] = maxima[valid_slicing] #center of maxima if parameter_maxima['h_max']: centers = md.find_center_of_maxima(source, maxima=maxima, verbose=verbose) else: centers = ap.where(maxima).array if verbose: timer.print_elapsed_time('Maxima detection') #correct for valid region if valid: ids = np.ones(len(centers), dtype=bool) for c, l, u in zip(centers.T, valid_lower, valid_upper): ids = np.logical_and(ids, np.logical_and(l <= c, c < u)) centers = centers[ids] del ids del dog, maxima results = (centers, ) #cell shape detection if parameter_shape: parameter_shape = parameter_shape.copy() if verbose: timer = tmr.Timer(prefix) hdict.pprint(parameter_shape, head=prefix + 'Shape detection:') save = parameter_shape.pop('save', None) # shape detection shape = sd.detect_shape(source, centers, **parameter_shape, verbose=verbose) if save: save = io.as_source(save) save[base_slicing] = shape[valid_slicing] #size detection max_label = centers.shape[0] sizes = sd.find_size(shape, max_label=max_label) valid = sizes > 0 if verbose: timer.print_elapsed_time('Shape detection') results += (sizes, ) else: valid = None shape = None #cell intensity detection if parameter_intensity: parameter_intensity = parameter_intensity.copy() if verbose: timer = tmr.Timer(prefix) hdict.pprint(parameter_intensity, head=prefix + 'Intensity detection:') if not shape is None: r = parameter_intensity.pop('shape', 3) if isinstance(r, tuple): r = r[0] for m in measure: if shape is not None: intensity = sd.find_intensity(measure_to_array[m], label=shape, max_label=max_label, **parameter_intensity) else: intensity = me.measure_expression(measure_to_array[m], centers, search_radius=r, **parameter_intensity, processes=1, verbose=False) results += (intensity, ) if verbose: timer.print_elapsed_time('Shape detection') if valid is not None: results = tuple(r[valid] for r in results) #correct coordinate offsets of blocks results = (results[0] + lower, ) + results[1:] #correct shapes for merging results = tuple(r[:, None] if r.ndim == 1 else r for r in results) if verbose: total_time.print_elapsed_time('Cell detection') gc.collect() return results
def _test(): import numpy as np import ClearMap.ParallelProcessing.DataProcessing.ArrayProcessing as ap ## Lookup table processing #apply_lut x = np.random.randint(0, 100, size=(20, 30)) lut = np.arange(100) + 1 y = ap.apply_lut(x, lut) assert np.all(y == x + 1) #apply_lut_to_index import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Topology.Topology3d as t3d kernel = t3d.index_kernel(dtype=int) import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Binary.Smoothing as sm lut = sm.initialize_lookup_table() data = np.array(np.random.rand(150, 30, 40) > 0.75, order='F') result = ap.apply_lut_to_index(data, kernel, lut, sink=None, verbose=True) import ClearMap.Visualization.Plot3d as p3d p3d.plot([[data, result]]) ### Correlation #correlate1d kernel = np.array(range(11), dtype='uint32') data = np.array(np.random.randint(0, 2**27, (300, 400, 1500), dtype='uint32'), order='F') #data = np.array(np.random.rand(3,4,5), order='F'); data = np.empty((300, 400, 1500), order='F') kernel = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], dtype='uint8') sink = 'test.npy' import ClearMap.Utils.Timer as tmr import scipy.ndimage as ndi timer = tmr.Timer() for axis in range(3): print(axis) corr_ndi = ndi.correlate1d(data, axis=axis, mode='constant', cval=0) timer.print_elapsed_time('ndi') timer = tmr.Timer() for axis in range(3): print(axis) corr = ap.correlate1d(data, sink=sink, kernel=kernel, axis=axis, verbose=False, processes=None) timer.print_elapsed_time('ap') assert np.allclose(corr.array, corr_ndi) # IO import ClearMap.ParallelProcessing.DataProcessing.ArrayProcessing as ap import numpy as np reload(ap) data = np.random.rand(10, 200, 10) sink = ap.write('test.npy', data, verbose=True) assert (np.all(sink.array == data)) read ='test.npy', verbose=True) assert (np.all(read.array == data))'test.npy') # where reload(ap) data = np.random.rand(30, 20, 40) > 0.5 where_np = np.array(np.where(data)).T where = ap.where(data, cutoff=2**0) check_np = np.zeros(data.shape, dtype=bool) check = np.zeros(data.shape, dtype=bool) check_np[tuple(where_np.T)] = True check[tuple(where.array.T)] = True assert (np.all(check_np == check))
def index_from_binary(source, sink=None, method='shared', dtype='uint32', processes=None, verbose=False): """Calculate the local 3x3x3 configuration in a binary source. Note ---- The configuration kernel is separable and convolution with it is calculated via a sequence of 1d convolutions. """ processes, timer = ap.initialize_processing(processes=processes, verbose=verbose, function='index_from_binary') #determine configuration source, source_buffer, source_shape, source_strides, source_order = ap.initialize_source( source, as_1d=True, return_shape=True, return_strides=True, return_order=True) ndim = len(source_shape) buffer_dtype = np.result_type(source_buffer.dtype, 'uint32') delete_files = [] if source_order == 'C': axis_range = range(ndim - 1, -1, -1) axis_last = 0 else: axis_range = range(ndim) axis_last = ndim - 1 for axis in axis_range: if axis == axis_last: sink, sink_buffer, sink_shape, sink_strides = ap.initialize_sink( sink=sink, as_1d=True, source=source, dtype=dtype, return_shape=True, return_strides=True) else: if method == 'shared': _, sink_buffer, sink_shape, sink_strides = ap.initialize_sink( sink=None, as_1d=True, shape=source_shape, dtype=buffer_dtype, order=source_order, return_shape=True, return_strides=True) else: location = tempfile.mktemp() + '.npy' _, sink_buffer, sink_shape, sink_strides = ap.initialize_sink( sink=location, as_1d=True, shape=tuple(source_shape), dtype=buffer_dtype, order=source_order, return_shape=True, return_strides=True) delete_files.append(location) kernel = index_kernel(axis=axis, dtype=float) #print(source_buffer.dtype, source_buffer.shape, source_shape, source_strides, axis, sink_buffer.shape, sink_buffer.dtype, sink_strides, kernel.dtype) ap.code.correlate_1d(source_buffer, source_shape, source_strides, sink_buffer, sink_shape, sink_strides, kernel, axis, processes) source_buffer = sink_buffer for f in delete_files: io.delete_file(f) ap.finalize_processing(verbose=verbose, function='index_from_binary', timer=timer) return sink
def read(self, *args, **kwargs): return*args, **kwargs));