def _update_mini_dag(co, changedbs, helper, handles, cset, txn):
    indexdb = changedbs.indexdb
    dagdb   = changedbs.dagdb

    pres = cset['precursors']
    point = cset['point']
    #bminfo = bdecode(co.branchmapdb.get(point, txn=txn))
    bminfo = db_get(co, co.branchmapdb, point, txn)
    bnum = struct.pack('>II', bminfo['branch'], bminfo['branchnum'])

    clean_merges = []
    for handle in handles:
        precursors = simplify_precursors(co, handle, changedbs, pres, txn)[0]

        mdinfo = {'handle': {}}
        if cset['handles'].has_key(handle):
            mdinfo['handle'] = helper(co, handle, point,
                                      cset['handles'][handle], txn)
        if mdinfo['handle'] == {}:
            del mdinfo['handle']
            if len(precursors) > 1:
        mdinfo['precursors'] = precursors
        if precursors == []:
            assert cset['handles'][handle].has_key('add')

        dagdb.put(handle + point, bencode(mdinfo), txn=txn)
        indexdb.put(handle + bnum, point, txn=txn)

    if len(clean_merges) > 0:
        changedbs.mergedb.put(point, bencode(clean_merges), txn=txn)
def db_put(co, cdb, key, value, txn):
    cdb.put(key, bencode(value), txn=txn)
        cache = co.db_cache[db]
    except KeyError:
        cache = co.db_cache[db] = {}
    cache[key] = value
def write_index(co, point, handle, index, txn):
    cdagdb = co.contents.dagdb
        old_index = bdecode(cdagdb.get(handle + point, txn=txn))
        old_index['handle'] = index
    except (db.DBNotFoundError, TypeError):
        old_index = {'handle': index}
    cdagdb.put(handle + point, bencode(old_index), txn=txn)
def rebuild_from_points(co, points, txn):
    # we don't truncate the cdagdb because it contains the offsets and lengths
    # for the diffs in the files, which we can't recreate. the sync below will
    # read those parameters out and rewrite the cdagdb, anyway.
    co.linforepo.put('branchmax', bencode(0), txn=txn)

    cdagdb = co.contents.dagdb
    for key, value in cdagdb.items(txn):
        if len(key) != 40:
        if not bdecode(value).has_key('handle'):
            cdagdb.delete(key, txn=txn)

    for point in points:
        sync_history(co, point, txn)
def validate_handle(handle, precursors, hinfo):
    encinfo = bencode({'precursors': precursors, 'handle': hinfo})
    if sha(encinfo).digest() != handle:
        raise HistoryError, 'bad identifier'
def _sync_history(co, point, txn, cache=dict()):
    pinfo = cache[point]

    # see if we can extend an existing branch
    pre, prebminfo = None, None
    generations, pre_important = [], []
    bminfo = {'precursors': pinfo['precursors']}
    for pre in bminfo['precursors']:
        prebminfo = db_get(co, co.branchmapdb, pre, txn)

        if bminfo.has_key('branch'):

        binfo = db_get(co, co.branchdb, prebminfo['branch'], txn)
        if prebminfo['branchnum'] == binfo['last']:
            bminfo['branch'] = prebminfo['branch']
            bminfo['branchnum'] = prebminfo['branchnum'] + 1
            binfo['last'] += 1
            db_put(co, co.branchdb, bminfo['branch'], binfo, txn)


    # generation == 'distance to root node', the exception is for the root
        bminfo['generation'] = max(generations) + 1
    except ValueError:
        bminfo['generation'] = 0

    # if we couldn't extend a branch, start a new one
    if not bminfo.has_key('branch'):
        bminfo['branch'] = bdecode(co.linforepo.get('branchmax', txn=txn)) + 1
        co.linforepo.put('branchmax', bencode(bminfo['branch']), txn=txn)
        bminfo['branchnum'] = 0

            # using the last precursor for this did the best empirically,
            # beating out both first precursor and largest branch number.
            binfo = {'last': 0,
                     'parent': prebminfo['branch'],
                     'parentnum': prebminfo['branchnum']}

        except TypeError:
            # special stuff for the rootnode
            assert bminfo['branch'] == 1
            binfo = {'last': 0}

        db_put(co, co.branchdb, bminfo['branch'], binfo, txn)

    db_put(co, co.branchmapdb, point, bminfo, txn)

    # put new files into staticdb
    for (handle, value) in pinfo['handles'].items():
        if value.has_key('add'):
            validate_handle(handle, pinfo['precursors'], value)
            db_put(co, co.staticdb, handle, {'type': value['add']['type']}, txn)

    # figure out which files were modified here and hand off to helpers
    named, modified = handles_in_branch(co, pre_important, [point], txn, cache=cache)

    pinfo['point'] = point
    _update_mini_dag(co, co.names, _update_helper_name,
                     named, pinfo, txn)
    _update_mini_dag(co, co.contents, _update_helper_content,
                     modified, pinfo, txn)

    return (named, modified)
def convert_cset(UR, point):
    indices = {}

    old_cset = bdecode(UR.old_repo.lcrepo.get(point))

    new_cset = {}
    new_cset['precursors'] = [UR.point_map[pre] for pre in old_cset['precursors']]

    if old_cset.has_key('time'):
        new_cset['time'] = old_cset['time']

    if old_cset.has_key('user'):
        new_cset['user'] = old_cset['user']

    # some heuristics for comments and whether this was a server change
    clean_merge = True
    force_new_cset = False

    if old_cset.has_key('comment'):
        clean_merge = False
        new_cset['comment'] = old_cset['comment'].rstrip()
        if len(new_cset['comment']):
            new_cset['comment'] = new_cset['comment'] + '\n'

    elif point == rootnode:

    elif old_cset['handles'] != {} or len(old_cset['precursors']) != 2:
        clean_merge = False
        new_cset['comment'] = '--- comment inserted by cdvupgrade ---\n'

    # sort the handles
    handle_list = UR.sort_names(old_cset['handles'])

    # find implicit clean content merges
    clean_merges, hl = UR.clean_merges(UR, UR.old_repo.contents.dagdb, point)

    # find implicit clean name merges
    clean_nmerges, hl = UR.clean_merges(UR, UR.old_repo.names.dagdb, point)

    new_cset['handles'] = handles = {}
    for old_handle in handle_list:
        old_hinfo = None
            old_hinfo = old_cset['handles'][old_handle]
        except KeyError:
            old_hinfo = {}

        # not much has changed
        new_hinfo = copy.copy(old_hinfo)

        new_handle = None
        if UR.handle_map.has_key(old_handle):
            new_handle = UR.handle_map[old_handle]

        # make name changes explicit
        if clean_nmerges.has_key(old_handle):
            name = old_handle_name_at_point(UR.old_repo, old_handle, point, None)
            new_hinfo['parent'] = name['parent']
            new_hinfo['name'] = name['name']

        # fixup the parent pointers
        if old_hinfo.has_key('parent'):
            new_hinfo['parent'] = UR.handle_map[old_hinfo['parent']]

        if old_hinfo.has_key('hash') or clean_merges.has_key(old_handle):
            # figure out what the file is supposed to look like now
            lines = old_handle_contents_at_point(UR.old_repo, old_handle, point, None)['lines']

            # if the file is being added, there are no precursors
            precursors = []
            if new_handle is not None and not old_hinfo.has_key('add'):
                precursors = new_cset['precursors']

            # generate the diff against the new repo
            dinfo = gen_diff(UR.new_repo, new_handle, precursors, lines, UR.txn)
            if old_hinfo.has_key('add'):
                dinfo['add'] = 1
                assert dinfo['matches'] == []

            if dinfo is not None:
                diff = bencode(dinfo)
                new_hinfo['hash'] = sha.new(diff).digest()

                # if this used to be a clean merge, we have to replace it
                if not old_cset.has_key(old_handle) or not old_cset[old_handle].has_key('hash'):
                    force_new_cset = True

            elif new_hinfo.has_key('hash'):
                del new_hinfo['hash']

            # sanity check
            if new_handle is None:
                assert old_hinfo.has_key('add')
                assert old_hinfo['add']['type'] == 'file'

            # if the file is new, we have to create the handle before writing
            # the diff
            if old_hinfo.has_key('add'):
                nhandle = create_handle(new_cset['precursors'], new_hinfo)
                assert new_handle is None or new_handle == nhandle
                new_handle = nhandle
                UR.handle_map[old_handle] = new_handle

            # write out the new diff
            if new_hinfo.has_key('hash'):
                zdiff = zlib.compress(diff, 6)
                indices[new_handle] = write_diff(UR.new_repo, new_handle, zdiff, UR.txn)

        elif old_hinfo.has_key('add'):
            assert old_hinfo['add']['type'] == 'dir'

            nhandle = create_handle(new_cset['precursors'], new_hinfo)
            assert new_handle is None or new_handle == nhandle
            new_handle = nhandle
            UR.handle_map[old_handle] = new_handle

        if new_hinfo != {}:
            handles[new_handle] = new_hinfo

    # if it used to be a clean merge, preserve the line of clean merge heads
    index_point = None
    if clean_merge and force_new_cset:
        forced_cset = new_cset

        forced_cset['comment'] = '--- change created by cdvupgrade ---\n'

        bforced_cset = bencode(forced_cset)
        forced_point = sha.new(bforced_cset).digest()
        UR.new_repo.lcrepo.put(forced_point, bforced_cset, txn=UR.txn)

        index_point = forced_point

        new_cset = {'precursors': [forced_cset['precursors'][0], forced_point],
                    'user':       forced_cset['user'],
                    'time':       forced_cset['time'],
                    'handles':    {}}

    # calculate the new point name and write it out
    bnew_cset = bencode(new_cset)
    new_point = sha.new(bnew_cset).digest()
    UR.new_repo.lcrepo.put(new_point, bnew_cset, txn=UR.txn)

    UR.point_map[point] = new_point

    if index_point is None:
        index_point = new_point

    # now that we know the new point name, write out the indices
    for new_handle, index in indices.items():
        write_index(UR.new_repo, index_point, new_handle, index, UR.txn)

    # diff generation depends on history syncing
    named, modified = sync_history(UR.new_repo, new_point, UR.txn)

    for new_handle in modified:
        handle_contents_at_point(UR.new_repo, new_handle, new_point, UR.txn)

    return new_point
def convert_cset(UR, point):
    indices = {}

    old_cset = bdecode(UR.old_repo.lcrepo.get(point))

    new_cset = {}
    new_cset['precursors'] = [
        UR.point_map[pre] for pre in old_cset['precursors']

    if old_cset.has_key('time'):
        new_cset['time'] = old_cset['time']

    if old_cset.has_key('user'):
        new_cset['user'] = old_cset['user']

    # some heuristics for comments and whether this was a server change
    clean_merge = True
    force_new_cset = False

    if old_cset.has_key('comment'):
        clean_merge = False
        new_cset['comment'] = old_cset['comment'].rstrip()
        if len(new_cset['comment']):
            new_cset['comment'] = new_cset['comment'] + '\n'

    elif point == rootnode:

    elif old_cset['handles'] != {} or len(old_cset['precursors']) != 2:
        clean_merge = False
        new_cset['comment'] = '--- comment inserted by cdvupgrade ---\n'

    # sort the handles
    handle_list = UR.sort_names(old_cset['handles'])

    # find implicit clean content merges
    clean_merges, hl = UR.clean_merges(UR, UR.old_repo.contents.dagdb, point)

    # find implicit clean name merges
    clean_nmerges, hl = UR.clean_merges(UR, UR.old_repo.names.dagdb, point)

    new_cset['handles'] = handles = {}
    for old_handle in handle_list:
        old_hinfo = None
            old_hinfo = old_cset['handles'][old_handle]
        except KeyError:
            old_hinfo = {}

        # not much has changed
        new_hinfo = copy.copy(old_hinfo)

        new_handle = None
        if UR.handle_map.has_key(old_handle):
            new_handle = UR.handle_map[old_handle]

        # make name changes explicit
        if clean_nmerges.has_key(old_handle):
            name = old_handle_name_at_point(UR.old_repo, old_handle, point,
            new_hinfo['parent'] = name['parent']
            new_hinfo['name'] = name['name']

        # fixup the parent pointers
        if old_hinfo.has_key('parent'):
            new_hinfo['parent'] = UR.handle_map[old_hinfo['parent']]

        if old_hinfo.has_key('hash') or clean_merges.has_key(old_handle):
            # figure out what the file is supposed to look like now
            lines = old_handle_contents_at_point(UR.old_repo, old_handle,
                                                 point, None)['lines']

            # if the file is being added, there are no precursors
            precursors = []
            if new_handle is not None and not old_hinfo.has_key('add'):
                precursors = new_cset['precursors']

            # generate the diff against the new repo
            dinfo = gen_diff(UR.new_repo, new_handle, precursors, lines,
            if old_hinfo.has_key('add'):
                dinfo['add'] = 1
                assert dinfo['matches'] == []

            if dinfo is not None:
                diff = bencode(dinfo)
                new_hinfo['hash'] = sha.new(diff).digest()

                # if this used to be a clean merge, we have to replace it
                if not old_cset.has_key(old_handle) or not old_cset[
                    force_new_cset = True

            elif new_hinfo.has_key('hash'):
                del new_hinfo['hash']

            # sanity check
            if new_handle is None:
                assert old_hinfo.has_key('add')
                assert old_hinfo['add']['type'] == 'file'

            # if the file is new, we have to create the handle before writing
            # the diff
            if old_hinfo.has_key('add'):
                nhandle = create_handle(new_cset['precursors'], new_hinfo)
                assert new_handle is None or new_handle == nhandle
                new_handle = nhandle
                UR.handle_map[old_handle] = new_handle

            # write out the new diff
            if new_hinfo.has_key('hash'):
                zdiff = zlib.compress(diff, 6)
                indices[new_handle] = write_diff(UR.new_repo, new_handle,
                                                 zdiff, UR.txn)

        elif old_hinfo.has_key('add'):
            assert old_hinfo['add']['type'] == 'dir'

            nhandle = create_handle(new_cset['precursors'], new_hinfo)
            assert new_handle is None or new_handle == nhandle
            new_handle = nhandle
            UR.handle_map[old_handle] = new_handle

        if new_hinfo != {}:
            handles[new_handle] = new_hinfo

    # if it used to be a clean merge, preserve the line of clean merge heads
    index_point = None
    if clean_merge and force_new_cset:
        forced_cset = new_cset

        forced_cset['comment'] = '--- change created by cdvupgrade ---\n'

        bforced_cset = bencode(forced_cset)
        forced_point = sha.new(bforced_cset).digest()
        UR.new_repo.lcrepo.put(forced_point, bforced_cset, txn=UR.txn)

        index_point = forced_point

        new_cset = {
            'precursors': [forced_cset['precursors'][0], forced_point],
            'user': forced_cset['user'],
            'time': forced_cset['time'],
            'handles': {}

    # calculate the new point name and write it out
    bnew_cset = bencode(new_cset)
    new_point = sha.new(bnew_cset).digest()
    UR.new_repo.lcrepo.put(new_point, bnew_cset, txn=UR.txn)

    UR.point_map[point] = new_point

    if index_point is None:
        index_point = new_point

    # now that we know the new point name, write out the indices
    for new_handle, index in indices.items():
        write_index(UR.new_repo, index_point, new_handle, index, UR.txn)

    # diff generation depends on history syncing
    named, modified = sync_history(UR.new_repo, new_point, UR.txn)

    for new_handle in modified:
        handle_contents_at_point(UR.new_repo, new_handle, new_point, UR.txn)

    return new_point