    def _submit_report(self, report, test_cases):
        collector = Collector()

        if not self.force_report:
            # search for a cached signature match
            with InterProcessLock(str(Path(grz_tmp()) / "fm_sigcache.lock")):
                _, cache_metadata = collector.search(report.crash_info)

            # check if signature has been marked as frequent in FM
            if cache_metadata is not None and cache_metadata["frequent"]:
                    "Frequent crash matched existing signature: %s",
                return None

        if self._ignored(report):
            LOG.info("Report is in ignore list")
            return None

        if report.is_hang:
            self.add_extra_metadata("is_hang", True)

        # dump test cases and the contained files to working directory
        test_case_meta = []
        for test_number, test_case in enumerate(test_cases):
            test_case_meta.append([test_case.adapter_name, test_case.input_fname])
            dump_path = report.path / ("%s-%d" % (report.prefix, test_number))
            test_case.dump(dump_path, include_details=True)
            {"grizzly_input": repr(test_case_meta)}
        if test_cases:
            environ_string = " ".join(
                "=".join(kv) for kv in test_cases[0].env_vars.items()
                {"recorded_envvars": environ_string}
            self.quality = Quality.NO_TESTCASE

        # TODO: this should likely move to ffpuppet
        # grab screen log (used in automation)
        if getenv("WINDOW") is not None:
            screen_log = Path.cwd() / ("screenlog.%s" % (getenv("WINDOW"),))
            if screen_log.is_file():
                target_log = report.path / "screenlog.txt"
                copyfile(str(screen_log), str(target_log))
                Report.tail(target_log, 10240)  # limit to last 10K

        with TemporaryDirectory(prefix="fm-zip", dir=grz_tmp()) as tmp_dir:
            # add results to a zip file
            zip_name = Path(tmp_dir) / ("%s.zip" % (report.prefix,))
            with ZipFile(zip_name, mode="w", compression=ZIP_DEFLATED) as zip_fp:
                # add test files
                for entry in report.path.rglob("*"):
                    if entry.is_file():
                            str(entry), arcname=str(entry.relative_to(report.path))
            # override tool name if specified
            if self.tool is not None:
                collector.tool = self.tool

            # submit results to the FuzzManager server
            new_entry = collector.submit(
                report.crash_info, testCase=zip_name, testCaseQuality=self.quality.value
        LOG.info("Logged %d (%s)", new_entry["id"], self.quality.name)

        return new_entry["id"]
    def _submit_report(self, report, test_cases):
        # search for a cached signature match and if the signature
        # is already in the cache and marked as frequent, don't bother submitting
        with InterProcessLock(pathjoin(grz_tmp(), "fm_sigcache.lock")):
            collector = Collector()
            cache_sig_file, cache_metadata = collector.search(report.crash_info)
            if cache_metadata is not None:
                if cache_metadata["frequent"]:
                    LOG.info("Frequent crash matched existing signature: %s",
                    if not self.force_report:
                elif "bug__id" in cache_metadata:
                    LOG.info("Crash matched existing signature (bug %s): %s",
                    # we will still report this one, but no more
                    cache_metadata["frequent"] = True
                # there is already a signature, initialize count
                cache_metadata.setdefault("_grizzly_seen_count", 0)
                # there is no signature, create one locally so we can count
                # the number of times we've seen it
                max_frames = report.crash_signature_max_frames(report.crash_info)
                cache_sig_file = collector.generate(report.crash_info, numFrames=max_frames)
                cache_metadata = {
                    "_grizzly_seen_count": 0,
                    "frequent": False,
                    "shortDescription": report.crash_info.createShortSignature()}
            if cache_sig_file is None:
                if self._ignored(report):
                    LOG.info("Report is unsupported and is in ignore list")
                LOG.warning("Report is unsupported by FM, saved to %r", report.path)
                # TODO: we should check if stackhasher failed too
                raise RuntimeError("Failed to create FM signature")
            # limit the number of times we report per cycle
            cache_metadata["_grizzly_seen_count"] += 1
            if cache_metadata["_grizzly_seen_count"] >= self.MAX_REPORTS:
                # we will still report this one, but no more
                cache_metadata["frequent"] = True
            metadata_file = cache_sig_file.replace(".signature", ".metadata")
            with open(metadata_file, "w") as meta_fp:
                dump(cache_metadata, meta_fp)

        # dump test cases and the contained files to working directory
        test_case_meta = []
        for test_number, test_case in enumerate(test_cases):
            test_case_meta.append([test_case.adapter_name, test_case.input_fname])
            dump_path = pathjoin(report.path, "%s-%d" % (report.prefix, test_number))
            if not isdir(dump_path):
            test_case.dump(dump_path, include_details=True)
        report.crash_info.configuration.addMetadata({"grizzly_input": repr(test_case_meta)})
        if test_cases:
            environ_string = " ".join("=".join(kv) for kv in test_cases[0].env_vars.items())
            report.crash_info.configuration.addMetadata({"recorded_envvars": environ_string})
            self.quality = self.QUAL_NO_TESTCASE

        # grab screen log (used in automation)
        if getenv("WINDOW") is not None:
            screen_log = pathjoin(getcwd(), ".".join(["screenlog", getenv("WINDOW")]))
            if isfile(screen_log):
                target_log = pathjoin(report.path, "screenlog.txt")
                copyfile(screen_log, target_log)
                Report.tail(target_log, 10240)  # limit to last 10K

        # add results to a zip file
        zip_name = "%s.zip" % (report.prefix,)
        with ZipFile(zip_name, mode="w", compression=ZIP_DEFLATED) as zip_fp:
            # add test files
            for dir_name, _, dir_files in walk(report.path):
                arc_path = relpath(dir_name, report.path)
                for file_name in dir_files:
                        pathjoin(dir_name, file_name),
                        arcname=pathjoin(arc_path, file_name))

        # override tool name if specified
        if self.tool is not None:
            collector.tool = self.tool

        # announce shortDescription if crash is not in a bucket
        if cache_metadata["_grizzly_seen_count"] == 1 and not cache_metadata["frequent"]:
            LOG.info("Submitting new crash %r", cache_metadata["shortDescription"])
        # submit results to the FuzzManager server
        new_entry = collector.submit(report.crash_info, testCase=zip_name, testCaseQuality=self.quality)
        LOG.info("Logged %d with quality %d", new_entry["id"], self.quality)

        # remove zipfile
        if isfile(zip_name):