FillColor=plot.CreateTransparentColor(ROOT.kAzure + 6, 0.5)) if args.hist is not None: plot.Set(gr, LineWidth=2) gr.Draw(fillstyle) gr.Draw('LSAME') # We just want the top pad to look like a box, so set all the text and tick # sizes to zero pads[0].cd() h_top = h_axis.Clone() plot.Set(h_top.GetXaxis(), LabelSize=0, TitleSize=0, TickLength=0) plot.Set(h_top.GetYaxis(), LabelSize=0, TitleSize=0, TickLength=0) h_top.Draw() # Draw the legend in the top TPad legend = plot.PositionedLegend(0.4, 0.11, 3, 0.015) plot.Set(legend, NColumns=2, Header='#bf{%.0f%% CL Excluded:}' % (args.CL * 100.)) if 'obs' in contours: legend.AddEntry(contours['obs'][0], "Observed", "F") if 'exp-1' in contours and 'exp+1' in contours: legend.AddEntry(contours['exp-1'][0], "#pm 1#sigma Expected", "F") if 'exp0' in contours: if 'obs' in contours: legend.AddEntry(contours['exp0'][0], "Expected", "L") else: legend.AddEntry(contours['exp0'][0], "Expected", "F") if 'exp-2' in contours and 'exp+2' in contours: legend.AddEntry(contours['exp-2'][0], "#pm 2#sigma Expected", "F") legend.Draw()
for padx in pads: # Use tick marks on oppsite axis edges plot.Set(padx, Tickx=1, Ticky=1, Logx=args.logx) if args.pad_style is not None: settings = { x.split('=')[0]: eval(x.split('=')[1]) for x in args.pad_style.split(',') } print 'Applying style options to the TPad(s):' print settings plot.Set(padx, **settings) graphs = [] graph_sets = [] legend = plot.PositionedLegend(0.45, 0.10, 3, 0.015) plot.Set(legend, NColumns=2) axis = None defcols = [ ROOT.kGreen + 3, ROOT.kRed, ROOT.kBlue, ROOT.kBlack, ROOT.kYellow + 2, ROOT.kOrange + 10, ROOT.kCyan + 3, ROOT.kMagenta + 2, ROOT.kViolet - 5, ROOT.kGray ] deflines = [1, 2, 3] if args.auto_style is not None: icol = {x: 0 for x in args.auto_style.split(',')} icol['default'] = 0
gr2 = ROOT.TGraph(len(arr_x), arr_x, array('d', y2)) canv = ROOT.TCanvas('wg_M_cutoff_quantiles_%s' % year, 'wg_M_cutoff_quantiles_%s' % year) pads = plot.OnePad() plot.Set(gr0, LineWidth=2, LineColor=1, MarkerColor=1) plot.Set(gr1, LineWidth=2, LineColor=2, MarkerColor=2) plot.Set(gr2, LineWidth=2, LineColor=4, MarkerColor=4) gr0.Print() gr0.Draw('ALP') gr1.Draw('LPSAME') gr2.Draw('LPSAME') axis = plot.GetAxisHist(pads[0]) axis.SetMaximum(4000) axis.GetXaxis().SetTitle('p_{T}^{#gamma} cut-off [GeV]') axis.GetYaxis().SetTitle('M_{W#gamma} [GeV]') legend = plot.PositionedLegend(0.30, 0.20, 3, 0.015) legend.AddEntry(gr0, '68% quantile') legend.AddEntry(gr1, '95% quantile') legend.AddEntry(gr2, '99.7% quantile') legend.Draw() canv.Print('.png') canv.Print('.pdf') # Draw efficiencies for the stitched sample for year, var in itertools.product(years, ['l0_pt', 'p0_pt']): hist_dict = {} for opath, objname, obj in hists[year][var]['WG-NLO'].ListObjects(depth=0): hist_dict[objname] = obj # Draw N/N-1 efficiencies MakeMultiHistPlot('efficiencies_m_%s_%s' % (year, var),
axish[0].GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0) axish[0].GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0) axish[1].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.8, 1.2) axish[1].GetXaxis().SetTitle("m_{ee} [GeV]") axish[0].GetYaxis().SetTitle("Events") axish[1].GetYaxis().SetTitle("Obs/Exp") ratio_mchist = plot.MakeRatioHist(LOMC_Z_mass_unc, LOMC_Z_mass_unc, True, False) ratio_datahist = plot.MakeRatioHist(data_Z_mass, LOMC_Z_mass, True, False) pads[0].cd() axish[0].Draw() LOMC_Z_mass.Draw("HISTSAME") LOMC_Z_mass_unc.Draw("e2same") data_Z_mass.Draw("PSAME") legend = plot.PositionedLegend(0.2, 0.1, 3, 0.015) legend.AddEntry(LOMC_Z_mass, "Z#rightarrow ee", "F") legend.AddEntry(data_Z_mass, "Data", "P") legend.Draw("SAME") axish[0].Draw("axissame") pads[1].cd() axish[1].Draw("axis") ratio_mchist.SetMarkerSize(0) ratio_mchist.Draw("e2same") ratio_datahist.Draw("e0same") pads[1].RedrawAxis("G") plot.DrawTitle(pads[0], "41.5 fb^{-1} (13 TeV-2017)", 3) canvas.SaveAs("mee_inclusive_nlo_weight_2017.pdf") #canvas.SaveAs("mmumu_inclusive_weight.pdf")
old2 = ROOT.TFile('hig-16-043_2sigma.root', 'r') cont_2sigma2 = old2.Get('Graph') print cont_1sigma2 print cont_2sigma2 if debug is not None: debug.WriteTObject(hists, 'hist') for i, cont in enumerate(cont_1sigma): debug.WriteTObject(cont, 'cont_1sigma_%i' % i) for i, cont in enumerate(cont_2sigma): debug.WriteTObject(cont, 'cont_2sigma_%i' % i) if args.sm_exp or args.bg_exp: #legend = plot.PositionedLegend(0.47, 0.20, 3, 0.015) legend = plot.PositionedLegend(0.47, 0.26, 4, 0.03) else: legend = plot.PositionedLegend(0.3, 0.2, 3, 0.015) pads[0].cd() axis.Draw() for i, p in enumerate(cont_2sigma): p.SetLineStyle(1) p.SetLineWidth(2) p.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlack) p.SetFillColor(ROOT.kBlue - 10) p.SetFillStyle(1001) p.Draw("F SAME") p.Draw("L SAME") if i == 0: continue legend.AddEntry(cont_1sigma[0], "68% CL", "F")
def main(args): fitvars = 'm_sv_vs_pt_tt' fitvars = 'm_sv' if len(args.file_dir.split("_")) >= 4: era = args.file_dir.split("_")[3] else: era = 'all' if era == "2016": lumi = "36.3 fb^{-1} (13 TeV)" elif era == "2017": lumi = "41.5 fb^{-1} (13 TeV)" elif era == "2018": lumi = "59.7 fb^{-1} (13 TeV)" elif era == "all": lumi = "138 fb^{-1} (13 TeV)" plot.ModTDRStyle(width=1800, height=700, r=0.4, l=0.16, t=0.12, b=0.15) ROOT.TGaxis.SetExponentOffset(-0.06, 0.01, "y") # Channel & Category label if == '': = args.file_dir.split("_")[1] if == "tt": channel_label = "#tau_{h}#tau_{h}" if == "lt": channel_label = "#mu_{}#tau_{h}+e_{}#tau_{h}" if == "mt": channel_label = "#mu_{}#tau_{h}" if == "et": channel_label = "e_{}#tau_{h}" if == "em": channel_label = "e_{}#mu_{}" bin_number = args.file_dir.split("_")[2] #if args.ratio_range=="": # args.ratio_range = "0.7,1.3" if bin_number in ["2", "35", "36", "37"]: if == 'tt': bin_label = "b tag" if in ['mt', 'et', 'lt']: bin_label = "b tag" if bin_number == "35": bin_label = "b tag, Tight-m_{T}" if bin_number == "36": bin_label = "b tag, Loose-m_{T}" if in ['em']: bin_label = "b tag" if bin_number == "2": bin_label = "t#bar{t} CR" if bin_number == "35": bin_label = "b tag, High D_{#zeta}" if bin_number == "36": bin_label = "b tag, Medium D_{#zeta}" if bin_number == "37": bin_label = "b tag, Low D_{#zeta}" plot.ModTDRStyle(r=0.04, l=0.18) if args.ratio_range == "": args.ratio_range = "0.85,1.15" bin_label = "b tag" # no sub labels when combing all sub-categories if bin_number in ["32", "33", "34"]: if args.ratio_range == "": args.ratio_range = "0.4,1.6" if == 'tt': bin_label = "No b tag" if in ['mt', 'et', 'lt']: bin_label = "No b tag" if bin_number == "32": bin_label = "No b tag, Tight-m_{T}" if bin_number == "33": bin_label = "No b tag, Loose-m_{T}" if in ['em']: bin_label = "No b tag" if bin_number == "32": bin_label = "No b tag, High D_{#zeta}" if bin_number == "33": bin_label = "No b tag, Medium D_{#zeta}" if bin_number == "34": bin_label = "No b tag, Low D_{#zeta}" bin_label = "b tag" # no sub labels when combing all sub-categories if bin_number in [ "132", "232", "332", "432", "133", "233", "333", "433", "33", "34" ]: if args.ratio_range == "": args.ratio_range = "0.7,1.3" if == 'tt': bin_label = "No b tag" if in ['mt', 'et', 'lt']: bin_label = "No b tag" if bin_number[1:] == "32": bin_label = "No b tag, Tight-m_{T}" if bin_number[1:] == "33": bin_label = "No b tag, Loose-m_{T}" if in ['em']: bin_label = "No b tag" if bin_number[1:] == "32": bin_label = "No b tag, High D_{#zeta}" if bin_number[1:] == "33": bin_label = "No b tag, Medium D_{#zeta}" if bin_number[1:] == "34": bin_label = "No b tag, Low D_{#zeta}" bin_label = "No b tag" # no sub labels when combing all sub-categories if bin_number[0] == '1': bin_label += ', p_{T}^{#tau#tau}<50 GeV' if bin_number[0] == '2': bin_label += ', 50< p_{T}^{#tau#tau}<100 GeV' if bin_number[0] == '3': bin_label += ', 100< p_{T}^{#tau#tau}<200 GeV' if bin_number[0] == '4': bin_label += ', p_{T}^{#tau#tau}> 200 GeV' plot.ModTDRStyle(r=0.04, l=0.18) ## Add bin labels bin_labels = {} with open("scripts/bin_labels.json") as jsonfile: full_bin_labels = json.load(jsonfile) if bin_number in ["32", "33", "34"]: bin_labels = full_bin_labels[fitvars]['nobtag'] else: bin_labels = full_bin_labels[fitvars]['btag'] is2D = False print fitvars, bin_number if fitvars == 'm_sv' or bin_number in [ "2", "35", "36", "37", "132", "232", "332", "432", "133", "233", "333", "433" ]: x_title = "m_{#tau#tau} (GeV)" #x_bins = re.split("\[|\]",bin_labels)[1].split(",") #Nxbins = len(x_bins) - 1 else: is2D = True x_title = "Bin number" x_bins = re.split("\[|\]", bin_labels)[3].split(",") Nxbins = len(x_bins) - 1 if is2D: y_bin_var = re.split(",|\[|\]", bin_labels)[0] y_bin_labels = re.split("\[|\]", bin_labels)[1].split(",") else: y_bin_var = "" y_bin_labels = "" is2D = False # we now split 2D histograms into 1D file_dir = args.file_dir mode = args.mode manual_blind = args.manual_blind x_blind_min = args.x_blind_min x_blind_max = args.x_blind_max cms_label = args.cms_label empty_bin_error = args.empty_bin_error extra_pad = float(args.extra_pad) custom_x_range = args.custom_x_range custom_y_range = args.custom_y_range x_axis_min = float(args.x_axis_min) x_axis_max = float(args.x_axis_max) y_axis_min = float(args.y_axis_min) y_axis_max = float(args.y_axis_max) log_y = args.log_y log_x = args.log_x if (args.outname != ''): outname = args.outname + '_' else: outname = '' if args.file_dir == "htt_tt_232": extra_pad = 0.45 if args.file_dir == "htt_tt_35": extra_pad = 0.57 if args.file_dir == "htt_tt_132": extra_pad = 0.65 if args.file_dir == "htt_tt_232": extra_pad = 0.62 if args.file_dir == "htt_em_35": extra_pad = 0.7 if args.file_dir == "htt_lt_35": extra_pad = 0.45 if args.file_dir == "htt_lt_232": extra_pad = 0.45 if args.file_dir == "htt_em_232": extra_pad = 0.45 if '_35' in args.file_dir or '_132' in args.file_dir or '_232' in args.file_dir or args.bOnly: cms_label = 'Supplementary' if args.file: print "Providing shape file: ", args.file, ", with specified subdir name: ", file_dir shape_file = args.file shape_file_name = args.file histo_file = ROOT.TFile(shape_file) #Store plotting information for different backgrounds background_schemes = { 'mt': [ backgroundComp("Others", ["ZL", "VVL", "qqH125", "bbH125", "ggH125"], ROOT.TColor.GetColor("#B0C4DE")), #backgroundComp("H(125 GeV)#rightarrow#tau#tau",["qqH125","bbH125","ggH125"],ROOT.TColor.GetColor(51,51,230)), #backgroundComp("Diboson",["VVL"],ROOT.TColor.GetColor("#6F2D35")), backgroundComp("t#bar{t}", ["TTL"], ROOT.TColor.GetColor("#9999cc")), #backgroundComp("Z#rightarrowll",["ZL"],ROOT.TColor.GetColor("#4496c8")), backgroundComp("Jet#rightarrow#tau_{h}", ["jetFakes"], ROOT.TColor.GetColor(192, 232, 100)), backgroundComp("#tau#tau Bkg.", ["EMB"], ROOT.TColor.GetColor("#ffcc66")), ], 'et': [ backgroundComp("Others", ["ZL", "VVL", "qqH125", "bbH125", "ggH125"], ROOT.TColor.GetColor("#B0C4DE")), #backgroundComp("H(125 GeV)#rightarrow#tau#tau",["qqH125","bbH125","ggH125"],ROOT.TColor.GetColor(51,51,230)), #backgroundComp("Diboson",["VVL"],ROOT.TColor.GetColor("#6F2D35")), backgroundComp("t#bar{t}", ["TTL"], ROOT.TColor.GetColor("#9999cc")), #backgroundComp("Z#rightarrowll",["ZL"],ROOT.TColor.GetColor("#4496c8")), backgroundComp("Jet#rightarrow#tau_{h}", ["jetFakes"], ROOT.TColor.GetColor(192, 232, 100)), backgroundComp("#tau#tau Bkg.", ["EMB"], ROOT.TColor.GetColor("#ffcc66")), ], 'lt': [ backgroundComp("Others", ["ZL", "VVL", "qqH125", "bbH125", "ggH125"], ROOT.TColor.GetColor("#B0C4DE")), #backgroundComp("H(125 GeV)#rightarrow#tau#tau",["qqH125","bbH125","ggH125"],ROOT.TColor.GetColor(51,51,230)), #backgroundComp("Diboson",["VVL"],ROOT.TColor.GetColor("#6F2D35")), backgroundComp("t#bar{t}", ["TTL"], ROOT.TColor.GetColor("#9999cc")), #backgroundComp("Z#rightarrowll",["ZL"],ROOT.TColor.GetColor("#4496c8")), backgroundComp("Jet#rightarrow#tau_{h}", ["jetFakes"], ROOT.TColor.GetColor(192, 232, 100)), backgroundComp("#tau#tau Bkg.", ["EMB"], ROOT.TColor.GetColor("#ffcc66")), ], 'tt': [ backgroundComp("Others", ["ZL", "VVL", "qqH125", "bbH125", "ggH125"], ROOT.TColor.GetColor("#B0C4DE")), #backgroundComp("H(125 GeV)#rightarrow#tau#tau",["qqH125","bbH125","ggH125"],ROOT.TColor.GetColor(51,51,230)), #backgroundComp("Diboson",["VVL"],ROOT.TColor.GetColor("#6F2D35")), backgroundComp("t#bar{t}", ["TTL"], ROOT.TColor.GetColor("#9999cc")), #backgroundComp("Z#rightarrowll",["ZL"],ROOT.TColor.GetColor("#4496c8")), backgroundComp("Jet#rightarrow#tau_{h}", ["jetFakes", "wFakes"], ROOT.TColor.GetColor(192, 232, 100)), backgroundComp("#tau#tau Bkg.", ["EMB"], ROOT.TColor.GetColor("#ffcc66")), ], 'em': [ backgroundComp("Others", [ "ZL", "qqH125", "bbH125", "ggH125", 'WHWW125', 'ZHWW125', 'ggHWW125', 'qqHWW125', "W", "VVL" ], ROOT.TColor.GetColor("#B0C4DE")), #backgroundComp("H(125 GeV)",["qqH125","bbH125","ggH125",'WHWW125','ZHWW125','ggHWW125','qqHWW125'],ROOT.TColor.GetColor(51,51,230)), backgroundComp("QCD", ["QCD"], ROOT.TColor.GetColor("#ffccff")), #backgroundComp("Electroweak",["W","VVL"],ROOT.TColor.GetColor(222, 90, 106)), backgroundComp("t#bar{t}", ["TTL"], ROOT.TColor.GetColor("#9999cc")), #backgroundComp("Z#rightarrowll",["ZL"],ROOT.TColor.GetColor("#4496c8")), backgroundComp("#tau#tau Bkg.", ["EMB"], ROOT.TColor.GetColor("#ffcc66")), ], } #Extract relevent histograms from shape file sighists = [] #signal_names = 'TotalSig' signal_names = ['ggh_t', 'ggh_i', 'ggh_b'] if args.no_signal: signal_names = [] file_dir_list = [] file_dir_list = [file_dir] if not args.no_signal: [sighist, binname] = getHistogram(histo_file, signal_names, file_dir_list, mode, args.no_signal, log_x) sighists.append(sighist) bkghist = getHistogram(histo_file, 'TotalBkg', file_dir, mode, logx=log_x)[0] sbhist = bkghist.Clone() # can use this one for showing ggX as well as qqX sbhist_alt = bkghist.Clone() if not args.use_asimov: total_datahist = getHistogram(histo_file, "data_obs", file_dir, mode, logx=log_x)[0] else: total_datahist = getHistogram(histo_file, "TotalProcs", file_dir, mode, logx=log_x)[0].Clone() for bin_ in range(1, total_datahist.GetNbinsX() + 1): content = total_datahist.GetBinContent(bin_) total_datahist.SetBinError(bin_, np.sqrt(content)) blind_datahist = total_datahist.Clone() total_datahist.SetMarkerStyle(20) blind_datahist.SetMarkerStyle(20) blind_datahist.SetLineColor(1) total_bkg = getHistogram(histo_file, "TotalBkg", file_dir, mode, logx=log_x)[0].Clone() azimov_datahist = blind_datahist.Clone() for i in range(0, azimov_datahist.GetNbinsX() + 1): azimov_datahist.SetBinContent(i, -0.1) azimov_datahist.SetBinError(i, 0) azimov_datahist.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) azimov_datahist.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kRed) #Blinding by hand using requested range, set to 70-110 by default # for 0jet category if not is2D and manual_blind: for i in range(0, total_datahist.GetNbinsX()): low_edge = total_datahist.GetBinLowEdge(i + 1) high_edge = low_edge + total_datahist.GetBinWidth(i + 1) if ((low_edge > float(x_blind_min) and low_edge < float(x_blind_max)) or (high_edge > float(x_blind_min) and high_edge < float(x_blind_max))): blind_datahist.SetBinContent(i + 1, -0.1) blind_datahist.SetBinError(i + 1, 0) c = total_bkg.GetBinContent(i + 1) azimov_datahist.SetBinContent(i + 1, c) azimov_datahist.SetBinError(i + 1, c**.5) # for boosted category: if is2D and manual_blind: x_blind_ind = [ ind for ind, x in enumerate(x_bins) if 120 >= int(x) >= 70 ] x_blind_ind1 = [] dummy_list = [ int(x) for x in np.linspace(Nxbins, Nxbins * Nxbins, Nxbins) ] for i in range(0, total_datahist.GetNbinsX()): if i in dummy_list: x_blind_ind1 = [x + i for x in x_blind_ind] if i in x_blind_ind or i in x_blind_ind1: blind_datahist.SetBinContent(i + 1, -0.1) blind_datahist.SetBinError(i + 1, 0) c = total_bkg.GetBinContent(i + 1) azimov_datahist.SetBinContent(i + 1, c) azimov_datahist.SetBinError(i + 1, c**.5) #Set bin errors for empty bins if required: if empty_bin_error: for i in range(1, blind_datahist.GetNbinsX() + 1): if blind_datahist.GetBinContent(i) == 0: blind_datahist.SetBinError(i, 1.8) #Set uniform bin errors properly for Content < 10 bins if args.proper_errors_uniform: proper_errs_dict = { 0: 1.29, 1: 2.38, 2: 3.51, 3: 4.20, 4: 4.44, 5: 5.06, 6: 5.46, 7: 6.05, 8: 6.02, 9: 6.46 } for i in range(1, blind_datahist.GetNbinsX() + 1): if blind_datahist.GetBinContent( i) < 9.5 and blind_datahist.GetBinContent(i) >= 0: new_err = proper_errs_dict[round( blind_datahist.GetBinContent(i))] blind_datahist.SetBinError(i, new_err) #Normalise by bin width scale = 1.0 if is2D: scale = 1. / 10. # if we have an unrolled plot then we need to account for the bins being in 10 GeV units bkghist.Scale(scale, "width") sbhist.Scale(scale, "width") for shist in sighists: if mode == 'prefit': shist.Scale(6.0 * scale, "width") # can scale up signals here if desired else: shist.Scale(scale, "width") # can scale up signals here if desired for shist in sighists: sbhist.Add(shist) #sbhist.Scale(scale,"width") #sbhist_alt.Scale(scale,"width") blind_datahist.Scale(scale, "width") azimov_datahist.Scale(scale, "width") blind_datagraph = ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors(blind_datahist) azimov_datagraph = ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors(azimov_datahist) channel = #Create stacked plot for the backgrounds bkg_histos = [] for i, t in enumerate(background_schemes[channel]): plots = t['plot_list'] isHist = False h = ROOT.TH1F() for j, k in enumerate(plots): if h.GetEntries() == 0 and getHistogram( histo_file, k, file_dir, mode, False, logx=log_x) is not None: isHist = True h = getHistogram(histo_file, k, file_dir, mode, logx=log_x)[0] h.SetName(k) else: if getHistogram(histo_file, k, file_dir, mode, False, logx=log_x) is not None: isHist = True h.Add( getHistogram(histo_file, k, file_dir, mode, logx=log_x)[0]) h.SetFillColor(t['colour']) h.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlack) h.SetMarkerSize(0) h.Scale(scale, "width") if isHist: bkg_histos.append(h) stack = ROOT.THStack("hs", "") for hists in bkg_histos: stack.Add(hists) #Setup style related things c2 = ROOT.TCanvas() if args.ratio: pads = plot.TwoPadSplit(0.35, 0.01, 0.01) else: pads = plot.OnePad() for p in pads: p.SetFrameLineWidth(1) pads[0].cd() if (log_y): pads[0].SetLogy(1) if (log_x): pads[0].SetLogx(1) if custom_x_range: if x_axis_max > bkghist.GetXaxis().GetXmax(): x_axis_max = bkghist.GetXaxis().GetXmax() if args.ratio: if (log_x): pads[1].SetLogx(1) axish = createAxisHists(2, bkghist, bkghist.GetXaxis().GetXmin(), bkghist.GetXaxis().GetXmax() - 0.01) axish[1].GetXaxis().SetTitle(x_title) if is2D: axish[1].GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.03) axish[1].GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(4) axish[1].GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.033) axish[1].GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.033) if is2D: axish[1].GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(bkghist.GetNbinsX() / Nxbins, Nxbins, 0, False) axish[0].GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.048) axish[0].GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.033) axish[0].GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.5) axish[0].GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0) axish[0].GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0) if is2D: axish[0].GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(bkghist.GetNbinsX() / Nxbins, Nxbins, 0, False) axish[0].GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(axish[1].GetXaxis().GetTitleSize()) axish[0].GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(x_axis_min, bkghist.GetXaxis().GetXmax() - 0.01) axish[1].GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(x_axis_min, bkghist.GetXaxis().GetXmax() - 0.01) axish[0].GetXaxis().SetMoreLogLabels() axish[0].GetXaxis().SetNoExponent() axish[1].GetXaxis().SetMoreLogLabels() axish[1].GetXaxis().SetNoExponent() axish[1].GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.85) if not is2D: axish[0].GetXaxis().SetRangeUser( 0., bkghist.GetXaxis().GetXmax() - 0.01) axish[1].GetXaxis().SetRangeUser( 0., bkghist.GetXaxis().GetXmax() - 0.01) if custom_x_range: axish[0].GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(x_axis_min, x_axis_max - 0.01) axish[1].GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(x_axis_min, x_axis_max - 0.01) if custom_y_range: axish[0].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(y_axis_min, y_axis_max) axish[1].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(y_axis_min, y_axis_max) else: axish = createAxisHists(1, bkghist, bkghist.GetXaxis().GetXmin(), bkghist.GetXaxis().GetXmax() - 0.01) if custom_x_range: axish[0].GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(x_axis_min, x_axis_max - 0.01) if custom_y_range: axish[0].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(y_axis_min, y_axis_max) axish[0].GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.5) axish[1].GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.5) axish[0].GetYaxis().SetTitle("dN/dm_{#tau#tau} (1/GeV)") if not is2D: axish[0].GetYaxis().SetTitle("dN/dm_{#tau#tau} (1/GeV)") #axish[0].GetYaxis().SetTitle("< Events / GeV >") axish[0].GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.5) axish[1].GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.5) axish[0].GetXaxis().SetTitle(x_title) if not custom_y_range: axish[0].SetMaximum(extra_pad * bkghist.GetMaximum()) if not custom_y_range: if (log_y): ymin = 0.1 axish[0].SetMinimum(ymin) else: axish[0].SetMinimum(0) hist_indices = [0] for i in hist_indices: pads[i].cd() axish[i].Draw("AXIS") bkghist.SetMarkerSize(0) bkghist.SetFillColor(2001) bkghist.SetLineColor(1) bkghist.SetLineWidth(1) bkghist.SetFillColor(plot.CreateTransparentColor(12, 0.4)) bkghist.SetLineColor(0) #stack.Draw("histsame") #bkghist.Draw("e2same") #Add signal, either model dependent or independent if not args.no_signal: sighist.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) sighist.SetLineWidth(2) if not is2D: sighist.SetLineWidth(3) for shist in sighists: for j in range(1, shist.GetNbinsX() + 1): entry = shist.GetBinContent(j) if entry < axish[0].GetMinimum(): shist.SetBinContent(j, axish[0].GetMinimum() * 1.00001) shist_stack = shist.Clone() shist_stack.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlack) shist_stack.SetLineWidth(1) #shist_stack.SetFillStyle(1) shist_stack.SetFillColor(ROOT.kRed) #stack.Add(shist_stack) # uncomment to add to the stack # shist.Draw("histsame][") # removing vertical lines at the borders of the pad; possible with the trick above stack.Draw("histsame") shist.Draw("histsame ][") bkghist.Draw("e2same") blind_datagraph_extra = blind_datagraph.Clone() blind_datagraph_extra.Draw("P Z 0 same") blind_datagraph.SetMarkerSize(0.) blind_datagraph.Draw("P Z 0 same") azimov_datagraph_extra = azimov_datagraph.Clone() azimov_datagraph_extra.Draw("P Z 0 same") azimov_datagraph.SetMarkerSize(0.) azimov_datagraph.Draw("P Z 0 same") axish[i].Draw("axissame") pads[0].cd() pads[0].SetTicks(1) pads[1].SetTicks(1) #Setup legend if not is2D: legend = plot.PositionedLegend(0.42, 0.33, 3, 0.02, 0.02) #def PositionedLegend(width, height, pos, offset, horizontaloffset=None): legend.SetTextSize(0.028) else: legend = PositionedLegendUnrolled(0.13, 0.5, 7, 0.02) legend.SetTextSize(0.035) legend.SetTextFont(42) legend.SetFillStyle(0) legend.AddEntry(total_datahist, "Observed", "PEl") #Drawn on legend in reverse order looks better bkg_histos.reverse() background_schemes[channel].reverse() leg_hists = [None] * len(bkg_histos) for legi, hists in enumerate(bkg_histos): legend.AddEntry(hists, background_schemes[channel][legi]['leg_text'], "f") #legend.AddEntry(bkghist,"Background uncertainty","f") bkghist.SetLineWidth(0) legend.AddEntry(bkghist, "Bkg. unc.", "f") if is2D: if not mode == 'prefit': if not args.no_signal: legend.AddEntry(sighist, "gg#phi @ 5.8 pb (m_{#phi}= 100 GeV)" % vars(), "l") else: if not args.no_signal: legend.AddEntry(sighist, "gg#phi @ 5.8 pb (m_{#phi}= 100 GeV)" % vars(), "l") else: #if not args.no_signal: legend.AddEntry(shist_stack,"gg#phi(100 GeV) @ 5.8 pb"%vars(),"f") # uncomment if showing in the stack if not args.no_signal: legend.AddEntry(sighist, "gg#phi @ 5.8 pb (m_{#phi}= 100 GeV)" % vars(), "l") legend.Draw("same") latex2 = ROOT.TLatex() latex2.SetNDC() latex2.SetTextAngle(0) latex2.SetTextColor(ROOT.kBlack) latex2.SetTextFont(42) if not is2D: #latex2.SetTextSize(0.032) #latex2.DrawLatex(0.21,0.89,"{}, {}".format(bin_label.split(',')[0], channel_label)) #latex3 = ROOT.TLatex() #latex3.SetNDC() #latex3.SetTextSize(0.032) #latex3.SetTextAngle(0) #latex3.SetTextColor(ROOT.kBlack) #latex3.SetTextFont(42) #if len(bin_label.split(','))>1: latex3.DrawLatex(0.21,0.84,"{}".format(bin_label.split(',')[1])) textsize = 0.033 #0.027 begin_left = None ypos = 0.960 if "_{" in bin_label else 0.955 latex2 = ROOT.TLatex() latex2.SetNDC() latex2.SetTextAngle(0) latex2.SetTextColor(ROOT.kBlack) latex2.SetTextSize(textsize) if begin_left == None: #begin_left = 0.145 begin_left = 0.180 latex2.SetTextFont(42) latex2.DrawLatex(begin_left, 0.960, channel_label + ', ' + bin_label) else: latex2.SetTextAlign(23) latex2.SetTextSize(0.05) latex2.DrawLatex(0.46, 0.955, "{}, {}".format(bin_label, channel_label)) if args.bOnly: #pads[0].cd() latex2.DrawLatex(0.54, 0.55, "Bkg. only fit") #CMS and lumi labels plot.FixTopRange(pads[0], plot.GetPadYMax(pads[0]), extra_pad if extra_pad > 0 else 0.3) extra = cms_label #extra='Preliminary' if not is2D: #DrawCMSLogo(pads[0], 'CMS', extra, 0, 0.07, -0.0, 2.0, '', 0.85, relExtraDX=0.05) cms_scale = 1.0 DrawCMSLogo(pads[0], 'CMS', extra, 11, 0.045, 0.05, 1.0, '', cms_scale) plot.DrawTitle(pads[0], lumi, 3, textSize=0.6) else: DrawCMSLogo(pads[0], 'CMS', extra, 0, 0.07, -0.0, 2.0, '', 0.6, relExtraDX=0.005) DrawTitleUnrolled(pads[0], lumi, 3, scale=0.6) #Add ratio plot if required axish[1].GetYaxis().SetTitle("Obs./Exp.") if args.ratio: ratio_bkghist = plot.MakeRatioHist(bkghist, bkghist, True, False) sbhist.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) sbhist_alt.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue) sbhist.SetLineWidth(2) sbhist_alt.SetLineWidth(2) if not is2D: sbhist.SetLineWidth(3) sbhist_alt.SetLineWidth(3) bkghist_errors = bkghist.Clone() #for i in range(1,bkghist_errors.GetNbinsX()+1): bkghist_errors.SetBinContent(i,bkghist.GetBinError(i)) for i in range(1, bkghist_errors.GetNbinsX() + 1): bkghist_errors.SetBinContent(i, 1.) ratio_sighist = plot.MakeRatioHist(sbhist, bkghist, True, False) ratio_datahist_ = plot.MakeRatioHist(blind_datahist, bkghist, True, False) azimov_ratio_datahist_ = plot.MakeRatioHist(azimov_datahist, bkghist, True, False) ratio_datahist = ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors(ratio_datahist_) azimov_ratio_datahist = ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors(azimov_ratio_datahist_) pads[1].cd() #pads[1].SetGrid(0,1) axish[1].Draw("axis") axish[1].SetMinimum(float(args.ratio_range.split(',')[0])) axish[1].SetMaximum(float(args.ratio_range.split(',')[1])) ratio_bkghist.SetMarkerSize(0) ratio_bkghist.Draw("e2same") ratio_datahist.Draw("P Z 0 same") ratio_sighist.Draw('histsame') if args.f_bOnly: bonly_histo_file = ROOT.TFile(args.f_bOnly) bonlyhist = getHistogram(bonly_histo_file, 'TotalBkg', file_dir, mode, logx=log_x)[0] bonlyhist.Scale(1, "width") bonlyhist.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue) bonlyhist.SetLineWidth(2) bonlyhist.SetLineStyle(2) ratio_bonlyhist = plot.MakeRatioHist(bonlyhist, bkghist, True, False) ratio_bonlyhist.Draw("histsame") pads[0].cd() legend.AddEntry(bonlyhist, 'Bkg. only fit', 'l') legend.Draw() #bonlyhist.Draw('histsame') bonlyhist.SetMarkerSize(0) bonlyhist.Draw('lsame') stack.Draw("histsame") shist.Draw("histsame ][") bkghist.Draw("e2same") blind_datagraph.SetMarkerSize(1) blind_datagraph.Draw("P Z 0 same") pads[1].cd() if args.manual_blind: azimov_ratio_datahist.Draw("P Z 0 same") pads[1].RedrawAxis("G") if is2D: rlegend = ROOT.TLegend(0.85, 0.27, 0.98, 0.16, '', 'NBNDC') rlegend.SetTextFont(42) rlegend.SetTextSize(0.035) rlegend.SetFillStyle(0) rlegend.AddEntry(ratio_datahist, "Obs./Exp.", "PE") rlegend.AddEntry("", " ", "") #rlegend.AddEntry(ratio_sighist,"(Sig.+Bkg.)/Bkg.","L") #rlegend.Draw("same") # Draw extra axis for explanation (use "N" for no optimisation) if is2D: extra_axis = ROOT.TGaxis(0, -0.03, 30., -0.03, 0., 300., 403, "NS") extra_axis.SetLabelSize(0.03) extra_axis.SetLabelFont(42) extra_axis.SetMaxDigits(3) extra_axis.SetTitle("m_{#tau#tau} (GeV)") extra_axis.SetTitleFont(42) extra_axis.SetTitleSize(0.035) extra_axis.SetTitleOffset(1.1) extra_axis.SetTickSize(0.08) extra_axis.Draw() pads[0].cd() pads[0].GetFrame().Draw() pads[0].RedrawAxis() ## Add lines after every Nxbins #line = ROOT.TLine() #line.SetLineWidth(2) #line.SetLineStyle(3) #line.SetLineColor(1) #x = bkghist.GetNbinsX()/Nxbins #x_min=bkghist.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(1) #x_max=bkghist.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(bkghist.GetNbinsX()+1) #x_range=x_max-x_min ## for now we have to hard code x=4 otherwise we have issues when the auto rebinning has been used #x=4 #if is2D: # for l in range(1,x): # pads[0].cd() # ymax = axish[0].GetMaximum() # ymin = axish[0].GetMinimum() # line.DrawLine(l*x_range/x,ymin,l*x_range/x,ymax) # if args.ratio: # pads[1].cd() # ymax = axish[1].GetMaximum() # ymin = axish[1].GetMinimum() # line.DrawLine(l*x_range/x,ymin,l*x_range/x,ymax) ## Add bin labels between lines pads[0].cd() latex_bin = ROOT.TLatex() latex_bin.SetNDC() latex_bin.SetTextAngle(0) latex_bin.SetTextColor(ROOT.kBlack) latex_bin.SetTextFont(42) latex_bin.SetTextSize(0.035) if len(y_bin_labels) > 6 or ('_2_' in file_dir and len(y_bin_labels) > 5): latex_bin.SetTextSize(0.027) for i in range(0, len(y_bin_labels)): if i < len(y_bin_labels) - 1: y_bin_label = "{} #leq {} < {} {}".format(y_bin_labels[i], y_bin_var, y_bin_labels[i + 1], "GeV") l = ROOT.gPad.GetLeftMargin() r = ROOT.gPad.GetRightMargin() #xshift = ((1-r-l)/(axish[0].GetNbinsX()/Nxbins))*i + l # have to hard code 4 here other wise we have problems when the autorebinning has been used xshift = ((1 - r - l) / (4)) * i + l latex_bin.DrawLatex(xshift + 0.02, 0.82, y_bin_label) else: #xshift = ((1-r-l)/(axish[0].GetNbinsX()/Nxbins))*i + l # have to hard code 4 here other wise we have problems when the autorebinning has been used xshift = ((1 - r - l) / (4)) * i + l y_bin_label = "{} > {} {}".format(y_bin_var, y_bin_labels[i], "GeV") latex_bin.DrawLatex(xshift + 0.02, 0.82, y_bin_label) #Save as png and pdf with some semi sensible filename shape_file_name = shape_file_name.replace(".root", "_%(mode)s" % vars()) shape_file_name = shape_file_name.replace("_shapes", "") outname += shape_file_name + "_" + file_dir.strip("htt").strip("_") if (log_x): outname += "_logx" c2.SaveAs("plots/%(outname)s.pdf" % vars()) del c2 histo_file.Close()
def PlotTestStat(self, result, name, opts, poi_vals): null_vals = [ x * -2. for x in result.GetNullDistribution().GetSamplingDistribution() ] alt_vals = [ x * -2. for x in result.GetAltDistribution().GetSamplingDistribution() ] if len(null_vals) == 0 or len(alt_vals) == 0: print '>> Errror in PlotTestStat for %s, null and/or alt distributions are empty' return plot.ModTDRStyle() canv = ROOT.TCanvas(name, name) pad = plot.OnePad()[0] min_val = min(min(alt_vals), min(null_vals)) max_val = max(max(alt_vals), max(null_vals)) min_plot_range = min_val - 0.05 * (max_val - min_val) if opts['one_sided']: min_plot_range = 0. pad.SetLogy(True) max_plot_range = max_val + 0.05 * (max_val - min_val) hist_null = ROOT.TH1F('null', 'null', 40, min_plot_range, max_plot_range) hist_alt = ROOT.TH1F('alt', 'alt', 40, min_plot_range, max_plot_range) for val in null_vals: hist_null.Fill(val) for val in alt_vals: hist_alt.Fill(val) hist_alt.SetLineColor(ROOT.TColor.GetColor(4, 4, 255)) hist_alt.SetFillColor( plot.CreateTransparentColor(ROOT.TColor.GetColor(4, 4, 255), 0.4)) hist_alt.GetXaxis().SetTitle('-2 #times ln(^{}L_{%s}/^{}L_{%s})' % (opts['alt_label'], opts['null_label'])) hist_alt.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Pseudo-experiments') hist_alt.Draw() hist_null.SetLineColor(ROOT.TColor.GetColor(252, 86, 11)) hist_null.SetFillColor( plot.CreateTransparentColor(ROOT.TColor.GetColor(254, 195, 40), 0.4)) hist_null.Draw('SAME') val_obs = result.GetTestStatisticData() * -2. obs = ROOT.TArrow(val_obs, 0, val_obs, hist_alt.GetMaximum() * 0.3, 0.05, '<-|') obs.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) obs.SetLineWidth(3) obs.Draw() plot.FixTopRange(pad, plot.GetPadYMax(pad), 0.25) leg = plot.PositionedLegend(0.22, 0.2, 3, 0.02) leg.AddEntry(hist_alt, opts['alt_label'], 'F') leg.AddEntry(hist_null, opts['null_label'], 'F') leg.AddEntry(obs, 'Observed', 'L') leg.Draw() plot.DrawCMSLogo(pad, 'CMS', opts['cms_subtitle'], 0, 0.15, 0.035, 1.2) pt_l = ROOT.TPaveText(0.23, 0.75, 0.33, 0.9, 'NDCNB') pt_l.AddText('Model:') pt_l.AddText('Toys:') pt_l.AddText('CLs+b:') pt_l.AddText('CLb:') pt_l.AddText('CLs:') plot.Set(pt_l, TextAlign=11, TextFont=62, BorderSize=0) pt_l.Draw() pt_r = ROOT.TPaveText(0.33, 0.75, 0.63, 0.9, 'NDCNB') pt_r.AddText('%s [%s = %.1f, %s = %.1f]' % (opts['model_label'], opts['poi_labels'][0], poi_vals[0], opts['poi_labels'][1], poi_vals[1])) pt_r.AddText( '%i (%s) + %i (%s)' % (result.GetNullDistribution().GetSize(), opts['null_label'], result.GetAltDistribution().GetSize(), opts['alt_label'])) pt_r.AddText('%.3f #pm %.3f' % (result.CLsplusb(), result.CLsplusbError())) pt_r.AddText('%.3f #pm %.3f' % (result.CLb(), result.CLbError())) pt_r.AddText('%.3f #pm %.3f' % (result.CLs(), result.CLsError())) plot.Set(pt_r, TextAlign=11, TextFont=42, BorderSize=0) pt_r.Draw() pad.GetFrame().Draw() pad.RedrawAxis() for fmt in opts['formats']: canv.SaveAs(fmt)
print cont_1sigma for item in cont_1sigma: print item print cont_2sigma for item in cont_2sigma: print item if debug is not None: debug.WriteTObject(hists, 'hist') for i, cont in enumerate(cont_1sigma): debug.WriteTObject(cont, 'cont_1sigma_%i' % i) for i, cont in enumerate(cont_2sigma): debug.WriteTObject(cont, 'cont_2sigma_%i' % i) if args.sm_exp or args.bg_exp: legend = plot.PositionedLegend(0.47, 0.20, 3, 0.015) else: legend = plot.PositionedLegend(0.3, 0.2, 3, 0.015) pads[0].cd() axis.Draw() for i, p in enumerate(cont_2sigma): p.SetLineStyle(1) p.SetLineWidth(2) p.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlack) p.SetFillColor(ROOT.kBlue - 10) p.SetFillStyle(1001) p.Draw("F SAME") p.Draw("L SAME") legend.AddEntry(cont_1sigma[0], "68% CL", "F") #if (i==1):
graph_exp.SetLineStyle(1) # if(mssm_log){ # expected->SetLineColor(kBlack); # expected->SetLineStyle(2); # } graph_exp.Draw("L") if not args.expected_only: graph_obs.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kBlack) graph_obs.SetMarkerSize(1.0) graph_obs.SetMarkerStyle(20) graph_obs.SetLineWidth(3) graph_obs.Draw("PLsame") pads[0].cd() legend = plot.PositionedLegend(0.5, 0.9, 2, 0.03) legend.SetNColumns(2) legend.SetFillStyle(1001) legend.SetTextSize(0.15) legend.SetTextFont(62) legend.SetHeader("95% CL Excluded:") if not args.expected_only: legend.AddEntry(graph_obs, "Observed", "L") legend.AddEntry(innerBand, "#pm 1#sigma Expected", "F") legend.AddEntry(graph_exp, "Expected", "L") legend.AddEntry(outerBand, "#pm 2#sigma Expected", "F") legend.Draw("same") plot.DrawCMSLogo(pads[1], '', '', 11, 0.045, 0.035, 1.2) plot.DrawTitle(pads[1], '%s' % args.title, 3) plot.FixOverlay()
relative_obs_graph.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue) relative_obs_graph.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kBlue) relative_obs_graph.SetLineWidth(3) relative_obs_graph.SetLineStyle(2) relative_obs_graph.SetMarkerStyle(20) relative_obs_graph.Draw("PL") pads[0].cd() h_top = axis.Clone() #necessary in case chosen range surrounds 0 which will cause axis to contain a horizontal line at 0 h_top.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.001, 100) plot.Set(h_top.GetXaxis(), LabelSize=0, TitleSize=0, TickLength=0) plot.Set(h_top.GetYaxis(), LabelSize=0, TitleSize=0, TickLength=0) h_top.Draw() legend = plot.PositionedLegend(0.5 if args.relative or args.absolute else 0.4, 0.11, 3, 0.015) plot.Set(legend, NColumns=1, Header='#bf{%.0f%% CL Excluded:}' % 95) if not (args.relative or args.absolute): for i in range(len(files)): legend.AddEntry(exp_graph_list[i], labels[i], "PL") elif args.relative: legend.SetTextSize(0.025) legend.AddEntry( relative_exp_graph, "Exp 2*|" + labels[0] + "-" + labels[1] + "|/(" + labels[0] + "+" + labels[1] + ")", "PL") if not args.expected_only: legend.AddEntry( relative_obs_graph, "Obs 2*|" + labels[0] + "-" + labels[1] + "|/(" + labels[0] + "+" + labels[1] + ")", "PL") elif args.absolute: legend.SetTextSize(0.025)
# Set the style options of the pads for padx in pads: # Use tick marks on oppsite axis edges plot.Set(padx, Tickx=1, Ticky=1, Logx=args.logx) if args.pad_style is not None: settings = {x.split('=')[0]: eval(x.split('=')[1]) for x in args.pad_style.split(',')} print 'Applying style options to the TPad(s):' print settings plot.Set(padx, **settings) graphs = [] graph_sets = [] if args.higgs_bg or args.higgs_injected: legend = plot.PositionedLegend(0.4, 0.25, 3, 0.015) else: legend = plot.PositionedLegend(0.3, 0.2, 3, 0.015) #legend = plot.PositionedLegend(0.45, 0.10, 3, 0.015) #plot.Set(legend, NColumns=2) axis = None defcols = [ ROOT.kGreen+3, ROOT.kRed, ROOT.kBlue, ROOT.kBlack, ROOT.kYellow+2, ROOT.kOrange+10, ROOT.kCyan+3, ROOT.kMagenta+2, ROOT.kViolet-5, ROOT.kGray ] deflines = [1, 2, 3] if args.auto_style is not None:
axish[1].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.93, 1.07) if doUncerts: ratio_up = plot.MakeRatioHist(histo_unc_up, histo_nominal, True, False) ratio_down = plot.MakeRatioHist(histo_unc_down, histo_nominal, True, False) ratio_up.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) ratio_down.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) pads[0].cd() axish[0].Draw() histo_nominal.Draw("SAME") if doUncerts: histo_unc_up.Draw("SAME") histo_unc_down.Draw("SAME") #LHE_ht_ghost.Draw("SAME") legend = plot.PositionedLegend(0.3, 0.15, 3, 0.015) legend.AddEntry(histo_nominal, "Nominal") if args.uncerts is not None: if 'nlo' in args.uncerts: legend.AddEntry(histo_unc_up, "LO to NLO wt Up/Down") elif 'wrew' in args.uncerts: legend.AddEntry(histo_unc_up, "W pT reweighting Up/Down") elif 'scale' in args.uncerts: legend.AddEntry(histo_unc_up, "MuRMuF Up/Down") legend.Draw("SAME") pads[1].cd() axish[1].Draw() if doUncerts: ratio_up.Draw("HISTSAME") ratio_down.Draw("HISTSAME")
splusbhist.SetMarkerSize(0) splusbhist.SetFillStyle(3944) stack.Draw("histsame") splusbhist.Draw("e2same") #Add signal if not args.no_signal: sighist.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) sighist.SetLineWidth(3) sighist.Draw("histsame") blind_datahist.DrawCopy("e0psame") axish[0].Draw("axissame") #Setup legend legend = plot.PositionedLegend(0.48,0.30,3,0.03) plot.Set(legend, NColumns=2) legend.SetTextFont(42) legend.SetTextSize(0.025) legend.SetFillColor(0) legend.AddEntry(total_datahist,"Observation","PE") #Drawn on legend in reverse order looks better bkg_histos.reverse() plot_background_schemes[channel].reverse() for legi,hists in enumerate(bkg_histos): legend.AddEntry(hists,plot_background_schemes[channel][legi]['leg_text'],"f") legend.AddEntry(splusbhist,"S+B uncertainty","f") if not args.no_signal: legend.AddEntry(sighist,"H(#mu#mu)","l") latex = ROOT.TLatex() latex.SetNDC()
def HTTMassPlot(cats=[432], infile=None, infile2=None, prefit_plot=None): ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(ROOT.kTRUE) ROOT.TH1.AddDirectory(False) ModTDRStyle(r=0.04, l=0.14, height=700) sig_schemes = ("ggH(100 GeV)#rightarrow#tau#tau @ 5.7 pb", ["TotalSig"]) background_schemes = [ backgroundComp("H(125 GeV)", [ "qqH125", "bbH125", "ggH125", "ggHWW125", "qqHWW125", "WHWW125", "ZHWW125" ], ROOT.TColor.GetColor(51, 51, 230)), backgroundComp("Diboson", ["VVL"], ROOT.TColor.GetColor("#6F2D35")), backgroundComp("t#bar{t}", ["TTL"], ROOT.TColor.GetColor("#9999cc")), backgroundComp("Z#rightarrowll", ["ZL"], ROOT.TColor.GetColor("#4496c8")), backgroundComp("Jet#rightarrow#tau", ["jetFakes", "wFakes", "QCD", "W"], ROOT.TColor.GetColor(192, 232, 100)), backgroundComp("#mu#rightarrow#tau embedding", ["EMB"], ROOT.TColor.GetColor("#ffcc66")), ] total_datahist = infile.Get('postfit/data_obs').Clone() total_bkg = infile.Get('postfit/TotalBkg').Clone() total_sig = infile.Get('postfit/TotalSig').Clone() if infile2: bkgonly = infile2.Get('postfit/TotalBkg').Clone() if prefit_plot: prefit = prefit_plot.Get('prefit/TotalBkg').Clone() total_datahist.Scale(1.0, "width") total_bkg.Scale(1.0, "width") total_sig.Scale(1.0, "width") #Create stacked plot for the backgrounds bkg_histos = [] for i, t in enumerate(background_schemes): plots = t['plot_list'] h = ROOT.TH1F() for j, k in enumerate(plots): for chan in ['et', 'mt', 'tt', 'em']: if chan == 'em': cats_ = [] for c in cats: cats_.append(c) cats_.append(c + 1) else: cats_ = cats for c in cats_: for y in [2016, 2017, 2018]: dirname = 'htt_%(chan)s_%(c)s_%(y)s_postfit' % vars() if not (isinstance(infile.Get(dirname + '/' + k), ROOT.TH1D) or isinstance(infile.Get(dirname + '/' + k), ROOT.TH1F)): continue if h.GetEntries() == 0: h = infile.Get(dirname + '/' + k).Clone() h.SetName(k) else: h.Add(infile.Get(dirname + '/' + k).Clone()) h.SetFillColor(t['colour']) h.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlack) h.SetMarkerSize(0) h.Scale(1.0, "width") if h.GetName() == '': continue bkg_histos.append(h) stack = ROOT.THStack("hs", "") for hists in bkg_histos: stack.Add(hists.Clone()) total_sig.SetFillColor(0) total_sig.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) total_sig.SetLineWidth(2) stack.Add(total_sig) c1 = ROOT.TCanvas() pads = TwoPadSplit(0.39, 0.01, 0.01) pads[0].cd() x_title = 'm_{#tau#tau} (GeV)' y_title = 'S/(S+B) weighted events / GeV' extra_pad = 0.3 axish = createAxisHists(2, total_bkg, total_bkg.GetXaxis().GetXmin(), total_bkg.GetXaxis().GetXmax() - 0.0001) axish[1].GetXaxis().SetTitle(x_title) axish[1].GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.03) axish[1].GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.04) axish[1].GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(4) axish[1].GetYaxis().SetTitle("Obs.-Bkg.") axish[1].GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.6) axish[1].GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.04) axish[1].GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.03) axish[0].GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0) axish[0].GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0) axish[0].GetYaxis().SetTitle(y_title) axish[0].GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.6) axish[0].GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.04) axish[0].GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.03) axish[0].SetMinimum(0) axish[0].SetMaximum(1.1 * (1 + extra_pad) * total_bkg.GetMaximum()) axish[0].Draw() stack.Draw("histsame") #Draw uncertainty band error_hist = total_bkg.Clone() error_hist.SetFillColor(CreateTransparentColor(12, 0.4)) error_hist.SetLineColor(CreateTransparentColor(12, 0.4)) error_hist.SetMarkerSize(0) error_hist.SetMarkerColor(CreateTransparentColor(12, 0.4)) error_hist.Draw("e2same") # draw data total_datahist.SetMarkerStyle(20) total_datahist.SetLineColor(1) #total_datahist.Draw("E same") total_datahist.Draw("Esame") total_datahist.SetFillStyle(1) axish[0].Draw("axissame") #Setup legend legend = plot.PositionedLegend(0.35, 0.30, 3, 0.03) legend.SetTextSize(0.025) legend.SetTextFont(42) legend.SetFillStyle(0) legend.AddEntry(total_datahist, "Observed", "PEl") #Drawn on legend in reverse order looks better bkg_histos.reverse() background_schemes.reverse() leg_hists = [None] * len(bkg_histos) for legi, hists in enumerate(bkg_histos): legend.AddEntry(hists, background_schemes[legi]['leg_text'], "f") total_bkg.SetLineWidth(0) legend.AddEntry(error_hist, "Bkg. Uncertainty", "f") legend.AddEntry(total_sig, "ggH(100 GeV) @ 5.4 pb" % vars(), "l") legend.Draw("same") # add pT bin label bin_label = '' if cats[0] == 132: bin_label = 'p_{T}^{#tau#tau} < 50 GeV' if cats[0] == 232: bin_label = '50 #leq p_{T}^{#tau#tau} < 100 GeV' if cats[0] == 332: bin_label = '100 #leq p_{T}^{#tau#tau} < 200 GeV' if cats[0] == 432: bin_label = 'p_{T}^{#tau#tau} #geq 200 GeV' if len(cats) == 4: bin_label = 'p_{T}^{#tau#tau} inclusive' latex = ROOT.TLatex() latex.SetNDC() latex.SetTextAngle(0) latex.SetTextColor(ROOT.kBlack) latex.SetTextFont(42) latex.SetTextSize(0.032) latex.DrawLatex(0.21, 0.89, "{}".format(bin_label)) # draw cms and lumi lable DrawCMSLogo(pads[0], 'CMS', 'Preliminary', 0, 0.07, -0.0, 2.0, '', 0.85, relExtraDX=0.05) lumi = "138 fb^{-1} (13 TeV)" plot.DrawTitle(pads[0], lumi, 3, textSize=0.6) # draw lower plot with data-bkg bkg_sub = SubtractData(error_hist, error_hist) data_sub = SubtractData(error_hist, total_datahist) if infile2: bkgonly.Scale(1.0, "width") bkgonly_sub = SubtractData(error_hist, bkgonly) if prefit_plot: prefit.Scale(1.0, "width") prefit_sub = SubtractData(error_hist, prefit) pads[1].cd() pads[1].SetGrid(0, 1) maxy = 0 miny = 100000 for i in range(1, data_sub.GetNbinsX() + 1): hi = data_sub.GetBinContent(i) + data_sub.GetBinError(i) * 1.2 lo = data_sub.GetBinContent(i) - data_sub.GetBinError(i) * 1.2 maxy = max(maxy, hi) miny = min(miny, lo) for i in range(1, bkg_sub.GetNbinsX() + 1): hi = bkg_sub.GetBinContent(i) + bkg_sub.GetBinError(i) * 1.2 lo = bkg_sub.GetBinContent(i) - bkg_sub.GetBinError(i) * 1.2 maxy = max(maxy, hi) miny = min(miny, lo) axish[1].SetMinimum(miny) axish[1].SetMaximum(maxy) axish[1].Draw("axis") if infile2: bkgonly_sub.SetLineWidth(2) bkgonly_sub.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue) bkgonly_sub.SetMarkerSize(0) bkgonly_sub.SetLineStyle(2) bkgonly_sub.Draw("histsame") #Setup legend legend2 = plot.PositionedLegend(0.25, 0.10, 3, 0.01) legend2.SetTextSize(0.025) legend2.SetTextFont(42) legend2.SetFillStyle(0) legend2.AddEntry(bkgonly_sub, "Bkg. only fit", "l") legend2.AddEntry(total_sig, "Sig.+Bkg. fit", "l") legend2.Draw("same") if prefit_plot: prefit_sub.SetLineWidth(3) prefit_sub.SetLineColor(ROOT.kMagenta) prefit_sub.SetMarkerSize(0) prefit_sub.SetLineStyle(2) prefit_sub.Draw("histsame") total_sig.Draw("histsame") data_sub.DrawCopy("e0same") bkg_sub.SetMarkerSize(0) bkg_sub.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlack) bkg_sub.Draw("e2samehist") pads[1].RedrawAxis() pads[0].cd() #pads[0].GetFrame().Draw() pads[0].RedrawAxis() plot_name = 'plot' if len(cats) == 4: plot_name += '_cmb' elif cats[0] == 432: plot_name += '_GT200' elif cats[0] == 332: plot_name += '_100to200' elif cats[0] == 232: plot_name += '_50to100' elif cats[0] == 132: plot_name += '_0to50' c1.SaveAs('prop_plots/%(plot_name)s.pdf' % vars())
pads = plot.OnePad() # Set the style options of the pads for padx in pads: # Use tick marks on oppsite axis edges plot.Set(padx, Tickx=1, Ticky=1, Logx=args.logx) if args.pad_style is not None: settings = {x.split('=')[0]: eval(x.split('=')[1]) for x in args.pad_style.split(',')} print 'Applying style options to the TPad(s):' print settings plot.Set(padx, **settings) graphs = [] graph_sets = [] legend = plot.PositionedLegend(0.48, 0.25, 3, 0.015) legend.SetTextSize(0.03) axis = None defcols = [ ROOT.kGreen+3, ROOT.kRed, ROOT.kBlue, ROOT.kBlack, ROOT.kYellow+2, ROOT.kOrange+10, ROOT.kCyan+3, ROOT.kMagenta+2, ROOT.kViolet-5, ROOT.kGray ] deflines = [1, 2, 3] if args.auto_style is not None: icol = {x: 0 for x in args.auto_style.split(',')} icol['default'] = 0 iline = {}
sighist.SetBinContent(j,axish[0].GetMinimum()*1.00001) sighist.Draw("histsame][") # removing vertical lines at the borders of the pad; possible with the trick above else: sighist_ggH.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue) sighist_bbH.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue + 3) sighist_ggH.SetLineWidth(3) sighist_bbH.SetLineWidth(3) sighist_ggH.Draw("histsame") sighist_bbH.Draw("histsame") if not soverb_plot and not fractions: blind_datahist.DrawCopy("e0x0same") axish[i].Draw("axissame") pads[0].cd() #Setup legend legend = plot.PositionedLegend(0.30,0.30,3,0.03) legend.SetTextFont(42) legend.SetTextSize(0.025) legend.SetFillStyle(0) signal_legend = None if not args.no_signal and model_dep: signal_legend = plot.PositionedLegend(0.16,0.04,2,0.03,0.07) signal_legend.SetTextFont(42) signal_legend.SetTextSize(0.025) signal_legend.SetFillStyle(0) if not soverb_plot and not fractions: legend.AddEntry(total_datahist,"Observation","PE") #Drawn on legend in reverse order looks better bkg_histos.reverse() background_schemes[channel].reverse()