def moveTo(self, cutMachine, x, z, d=None, face=None, retractFirst=True): """Moves the handler towards the desired location. Args: cutMachine (CutMachine): The cut machine that is in focus. x (double): The horizontal displacement of the cutting tool from the center of the foam. z (double): The vertical displacement of the cutting tool from the bottom of the foam. d (double): The depth of the cutting tool into the surface of the foam. face (string): The face that is being worked on. This can be left None to use current face. """ # commandString = ', '.join(['controller.commandGenerator.moveTo(controller.' +, str(x), # str(z), str(d), '"'+face+'"', str(retractFirst) + ')']) # self.controller.writeToHistory(commandString) d = -configurationMap[ )]['offsets']['motorStartDepthOffset'] if d is None else d # Ensure cutmachine is retracted if retractFirst: self.retractCutMachine(cutMachine) # Select the right face if face is not None: self.selectFace(face) # Move to specific position moveCommand = CombinedCommand([ ShiftCommand(cutMachine, self.controller.handler, x, rapid=True), RaiseCommand(cutMachine, z, self.controller, rapid=True), ]) # Move to spot and push cutmachine in self.controller.addCommand(moveCommand) self.controller.addCommand( PushCommand(cutMachine, d, self.controller, rapid=True))
def drill(self, face, x, z, depth): """Uses the drill to drill a hole. Args: face (string): The face being worked on (front, top, left, right, back). x (double): The horizontal displacement of the drill from center. z (double): The vertical displacement from the face's bottom of the drill's center point. depth (double): Depth of the drill into the foam. """ commandString = ', '.join([ 'drill(' + '"' + str(face) + '"', str(x), str(z), str(depth) + ')' ]) self.controller.writeToHistory(commandString) controller = self.controller # Align drill self.moveTo(controller.drill, x, z, face=face) # Drill in controller.addCommand( CombinedCommand([ PushCommand(controller.drill, depth, controller), SpinCommand(controller.drill) ], 'Drill In')) # Pull drill out self.retractDrill(spinning=True)
def homeHandler(self): """Homes all the limit switches for the handler.""" self.controller.addCommand( FlipCommand(self.controller.handler, 'down', home=True)) self.controller.addCommand( CombinedCommand([ ShiftCommand(self.controller.drill, self.controller.handler, 0, inAbsolute=True, home=True, rapid=True), SpinCommand(self.controller.handler, 0, home=True), ]))
def retractLathe(self, spinning=False): """Stops the handler spin and pulls the lathe back to base position.""" if spinning: # Retract slowly while spinning motorStartDepthOffset = configurationMap['lathe']['offsets'][ 'motorStartDepthOffset'] self.controller.addCommand( PushCommand(self.controller.mill, -motorStartDepthOffset, self.controller)) self.controller.addCommand( CombinedCommand([ PushCommand(self.controller.lathe, 0, self.controller, rapid=True, home=True), # SpinCommand(self.controller.handler, 0, home=True) ]))
def retractDrill(self, spinning=False): """Stops the drill spin and pulls the drill back to base position.""" if spinning: # Retract slowly while spinning motorStartDepthOffset = configurationMap['drill']['offsets'][ 'motorStartDepthOffset'] self.controller.addCommand( CombinedCommand([ SpinCommand(self.controller.drill), PushCommand(self.controller.drill, -motorStartDepthOffset, self.controller) ])) self.controller.addCommand( PushCommand(self.controller.drill, 0, self.controller, home=True, rapid=True))
def retractMill(self, spinning=False): """Stops the mill spin and pulls the mill back to base position.""" commandString = 'controller.commandGenerator.retractMill(spinning=' + str( spinning) + ')' self.controller.writeToHistory(commandString) if spinning: # Retract slowly while spinning motorStartDepthOffset = configurationMap['mill']['offsets'][ 'motorStartDepthOffset'] self.controller.addCommand( CombinedCommand([ SpinCommand(self.controller.mill), PushCommand(self.controller.mill, -motorStartDepthOffset, self.controller) ])) self.controller.addCommand( PushCommand(self.controller.mill, 0, self.controller, home=True, rapid=True))
def left(): return CombinedCommand([ SpinCommand(self.handler, 90), FlipCommand(self.handler, 'down') ])
def back(): return CombinedCommand([ SpinCommand(self.handler, 180), FlipCommand(self.handler, 'down') ])
def front(): return CombinedCommand([ SpinCommand(self.handler, 0), FlipCommand(self.handler, 'down') ])
def millPointsSequence(self, ptsList, depth, face, closedLoop=True): """Uses the mill to cut through a sequence of points in order. Args: ptsList (List(tuples)): A list of x, z coordinate tuples for the path you want the mill to follow. depth (double): The depth of the path in the foam. face (String): The face you want to work on. """ commandString = ', '.join([ 'millPointSequence(' + str(ptsList), str(depth), '"' + face + '")' ]) self.controller.writeToHistory(commandString) syncSpeed = min(configurationMap['handler']['railSpeed'], configurationMap['mill']['raiseSpeed']) # Go to starting point (x0, z0) = ptsList[0] if len(ptsList) > 0 else (0, 0) if not closedLoop: self.moveTo(self.controller.mill, x0, z0, face=face) # Push in with mill to depth self.controller.addCommand( CombinedCommand([ PushCommand(self.controller.mill, depth, self.controller), SpinCommand(self.controller.mill) ])) # Make mill go through all the points in sequence sequenceCommand = SequentialCommand([]) for (i, (x, z)) in enumerate(ptsList): if i != 0: x0, z0 = ptsList[i - 1] dx = abs(x - x0) dz = abs(z - z0) distanceMoved = max(0.0001, math.sqrt(dx**2 + dz**2)) dt = distanceMoved / syncSpeed sequenceCommand.addCommand( CombinedCommand([ SpinCommand(self.controller.mill), RaiseCommand(self.controller.mill, z, self.controller, startSpeed=max(0.1, dz / dt)), ShiftCommand(self.controller.mill, self.controller.handler, x, startSpeed=max(0.1, dx / dt)), ])) if closedLoop: # Mill back to first command (x, z) = ptsList[len(ptsList) - 1] (x0, z0) = ptsList[len(ptsList) - 2] dx = abs(x - x0) dz = abs(z - z0) distanceMoved = math.sqrt(dx**2 + dz**2) dt = distanceMoved / syncSpeed sequenceCommand.addCommand( CombinedCommand([ SpinCommand(self.controller.mill), RaiseCommand(self.controller.mill, z, self.controller, startSpeed=min(0.1, abs(dz / dt))), ShiftCommand(self.controller.mill, self.controller.handler, x, startSpeed=min(0.1, abs(dx / dt))), ])) self.controller.addCommand(sequenceCommand) # Retract mill self.retractMill(spinning=True)
def intrude(self, face, x0, x1, z0, z1, d0, d1, radius): """Creates an intrusion from one point to another with a set radius. Args: face (string): The face being worked on (front, top, left, right, back). x0 (double): The initial horizontal displacement. x1 (double): The final horizontal displacement. z0 (double): The initial vertical displacement from the face's bottom of the circle's center point. z1 (double): The initial vertical displacement from the face's bottom of the circle's center point. d0 (double): The initial depth. d1 (double): The final depth. radius (double): Radius of the circle being cut out. """ controller = self.controller if z0 > z1: zLow = z1 xLow = x1 dLow = d1 zHigh = z0 xHigh = x0 dHigh = d0 else: zLow = z0 xLow = x0 dLow = d0 zHigh = z1 xHigh = x1 dHigh = d1 millRadius = configurationMap['mill']['diameter'] / 2 speed = configurationMap['coordination']['speed'] # Calculate speed coordinations xDiff = abs(x1 - x0) zDiff = abs(z1 - z0) dDiff = abs(d1 - d0) maxDiff = max([xDiff, zDiff, dDiff]) xSpeed = speed * xDiff / maxDiff if xDiff != 0 else 1 zSpeed = speed * zDiff / maxDiff if zDiff != 0 else 1 dSpeed = speed * dDiff / maxDiff if dDiff != 0 else 1 tiltAngle = np.arctan2(zHigh - zLow, xHigh - xLow) + np.pi / 2 r = radius - millRadius if r < 0: print('WARNING intrude radius too small') # Start at top left self.moveTo(controller.mill, xHigh - r * np.cos(tiltAngle), zHigh - r * np.sin(tiltAngle), 0, face=face) # Push in self.controller.addCommand( CombinedCommand([ SpinCommand(controller.mill), PushCommand(controller.mill, dHigh, controller) ])) radiusRange = np.arange(radius - millRadius, 0, -millRadius * 2) if float(radius) == float(millRadius): radiusRange = np.append(radiusRange, 0) for r in radiusRange: # Half circle around to right hand side self.millArcDiscrete(face, xHigh, zHigh, r, dHigh, math.pi + tiltAngle, 2 * math.pi + tiltAngle) # Move down to bottom right self.controller.addCommand( CombinedCommand([ SpinCommand(controller.mill), RaiseCommand(controller.mill, zLow + r * np.sin(tiltAngle), controller, startSpeed=zSpeed), ShiftCommand(controller.mill, controller.handler, xLow + r * np.cos(tiltAngle), startSpeed=xSpeed), PushCommand(controller.mill, dLow, controller, startSpeed=dSpeed) ])) # Half circle around to left hand side self.millArcDiscrete(face, xLow, zLow, r, dLow, 0 + tiltAngle, math.pi + tiltAngle) # Move up to top left self.controller.addCommand( CombinedCommand([ SpinCommand(controller.mill), RaiseCommand(controller.mill, zHigh - r * np.sin(tiltAngle), controller, startSpeed=zSpeed), ShiftCommand(controller.mill, controller.handler, xHigh - r * np.cos(tiltAngle), startSpeed=xSpeed), PushCommand(controller.mill, dHigh, controller, startSpeed=dSpeed) ])) self.retractMill()
def millCircle(self, face, x, z, radius, depth): """Mills a full circle cut out from the center point of the mill using smooth curves. Args: face (string): The face being worked on (front, top, left, right, back). x (double): The horizontal displacement from the face's center of the center of the circle's center point. z (double): The vertical displacement from the face's bottom of the circle's center point. radius (double): Radius of the circle being cut out.s depth (double): Depth of the circle being cut out. """ # Set starting location # Start with top right quadrant actualZ = self.controller.currentFaceHeight - z currentZ = actualZ currentX = x + radius self.selectFace(face) self.controller.addCommand( CombinedCommand([ ShiftCommand(self.controller.mill, self.controller.handler, currentX, rapid=True), RaiseCommand(self.controller.mill, currentZ, self.controller, rapid=True), ])) self.controller.addCommand( CombinedCommand([ PushCommand(self.controller.mill, depth, self.controller), SpinCommand(self.controller.mill), ])) # Move to right fastSpeed = 30 slowSpeed = 5 timeTaken = getLinearVelocityTime(fastSpeed, slowSpeed, radius) constantSpeed = radius / timeTaken # Curve to top self.controller.addCommand( CombinedCommand([ SpinCommand(self.controller.mill), RaiseCommand(self.controller.mill, actualZ - radius, self.controller, startSpeed=slowSpeed, endSpeed=fastSpeed * 2), ShiftCommand(self.controller.mill, self.controller.handler, x, startSpeed=fastSpeed, endSpeed=slowSpeed) ])) # Curve to left self.controller.addCommand( CombinedCommand([ SpinCommand(self.controller.mill), RaiseCommand(self.controller.mill, actualZ, self.controller, startSpeed=constantSpeed), ShiftCommand(self.controller.mill, self.controller.handler, x - radius, startSpeed=slowSpeed, endSpeed=fastSpeed) ])) # Curve to bottom self.controller.addCommand( CombinedCommand([ SpinCommand(self.controller.mill), RaiseCommand(self.controller.mill, actualZ + radius, self.controller, startSpeed=constantSpeed), ShiftCommand(self.controller.mill, self.controller.handler, x, startSpeed=fastSpeed, endSpeed=slowSpeed) ])) # Curve back to right self.controller.addCommand( CombinedCommand([ SpinCommand(self.controller.mill), RaiseCommand(self.controller.mill, currentZ, self.controller, startSpeed=constantSpeed), ShiftCommand(self.controller.mill, self.controller.handler, currentX, startSpeed=slowSpeed, endSpeed=fastSpeed) ]))
def millArcDiscrete(self, face, x, z, radius, depth, startAngle, endAngle, moveTo=False): """Uses the mill to cut out in an arc shape. All variables are relative to the center of the mill cutting tool so functions that use this command will need to keep in mind to offset by the mill cutting tool's radius if needed. The starting and ending angles are all in degrees. The zero starts on the right axis and moves in the clockwise direction. Args: face (string): The surface being worked on (front, left, right, top, back). x (double): The horizontal displacement of center point of the mill arc. z (double): The vertical displacement of the center point of the mill arc. radius (double): The radius that the mill is working around. depth (double): The depth of the mill from the foam surface. startAngle(double): The starting angle of the mill in radians. endAngle(double): The ending angle of the mill in radians. """ sequentialCommand = SequentialCommand([]) # Set starting location self.selectFace(face) # Start with top right quadrant actualZ = z angle = startAngle currentX = x + radius * math.cos(angle) currentZ = actualZ + radius * math.sin(angle) if moveTo: self.moveTo(self.controller.mill, currentX, currentZ) # Shift to correct position self.controller.addCommand( CombinedCommand([ ShiftCommand(self.controller.mill, self.controller.handler, currentX), RaiseCommand(self.controller.mill, currentZ, self.controller), SpinCommand(self.controller.mill), ])) # Insert mill into foam self.controller.addCommand( CombinedCommand([ PushCommand(self.controller.mill, depth, self.controller), SpinCommand(self.controller.mill), ])) maxStep = 1 minSpeed = 0.5 # Figure out synchronizing speed moveSpeed = min(configurationMap['handler']['railSpeed'], configurationMap['mill']['raiseSpeed']) angleStep = 2 * math.asin(maxStep / (2 * radius)) distPerPoint = 2 * radius * math.sin(angleStep / 2) timePerPoint = distPerPoint / moveSpeed if radius != 0: for i, angle in enumerate( np.arange(startAngle, endAngle, angleStep)): prevX = currentX prevZ = currentZ currentX = x + radius * math.cos(angle) currentZ = actualZ + radius * math.sin(angle) dx = abs(currentX - prevX) dz = abs(currentZ - prevZ) # Time for each movement tx = max(dx / timePerPoint, minSpeed) tz = max(dz / timePerPoint, minSpeed) sequentialCommand.addCommand( CombinedCommand([ SpinCommand(self.controller.mill), ShiftCommand(self.controller.mill, self.controller.handler, currentX, startSpeed=tx), RaiseCommand(self.controller.mill, currentZ, self.controller, startSpeed=tz), ])) self.controller.addCommand(sequentialCommand)
def lathe(self, z0, z1, radius): """Uses the lathe to create a radial cut from z0 to z1. Args: z0 (double): The initial vertical displacement from the face's bottom of the circle's center point. z1 (double): The final vertical displacement from the face's bottom of the circle's center point. radius (double): Radius of the circle being cut out. """ commandString = ', '.join( ['lathe(' + str(z0), str(z1), str(radius) + ')']) self.controller.writeToHistory(commandString) controller = self.controller if z0 > z1: zBot = z1 zTop = z0 else: zBot = z0 zTop = z1 # Offset to account for lathe length latheLength = configurationMap['lathe']['length'] zTop -= latheLength pushIncrement = configurationMap['lathe']['pushIncrement'] handlerSpinCommand = SpinCommand(controller.handler, rapid=True) # Set starting positions self.moveTo(controller.lathe, 0, zTop, face='front') # Start lathing maxRadius = math.sqrt(controller.currentFaceDepth**2 + controller. currentFaceWidth**2) / 2 + 2 # A little safety sequenceCommand = SequentialCommand([]) # Ramp up speed for 5 rotations sequenceCommand.addCommand( SpinCommand(controller.handler, 360 * 5, configurationMap['handler']['initialRampUpSpeed'], configurationMap['handler']['rapidSpinSpeed'])) sequenceCommand.addCommand(handlerSpinCommand) goingUp = True for currentRadius in np.arange(maxRadius, radius, -pushIncrement): # Push in sequenceCommand.addCommand( CombinedCommand([ PushCommand(controller.lathe, currentRadius, controller, fromCenter=True), handlerSpinCommand ], 'Push Lathe in')) if goingUp: # Go up sequenceCommand.addCommand( CombinedCommand([ RaiseCommand(controller.lathe, zTop, controller), handlerSpinCommand ], 'Lathe Up')) else: # Back down sequenceCommand.addCommand( CombinedCommand([ RaiseCommand(controller.lathe, zBot, controller), handlerSpinCommand ], 'Lathe Down')) goingUp = not goingUp controller.addCommand(sequenceCommand) # if not controller.useSimulator: # controller.addCommand(StopCommand()) self.retractLathe()
def right(): return CombinedCommand([ SpinCommand(self.handler, 270), FlipCommand(self.handler, 'down') ])
def top(): return CombinedCommand([ SpinCommand(self.handler, 0), FlipCommand(self.handler, 'up') ])
def cutRectangle(self, xLeft, xRight, zBot, zTop, depth, startingSide='top', face=None): """Cuts out the inside of a rectangle with a mill. Args: xLeft (double): The vertical value of the left side of the rectangle. xRight (double): The vertical value of the right side of the rectangle. zBot (double): The horizontal value of the bottom side of the rectangle. zTop (double): The horizontal value of the top side of the rectangle. depth (double): The depth of the rectangle into the foam. startingSide (string): The side which we start milling ['top', 'left', 'right']. face (string): The foam face being worked on. """ millDepth = configurationMap['mill']['pushIncrement'] millRadius = configurationMap['mill']['diameter'] / 2 for d in incRange(millDepth, depth, millDepth): # Cut out rectange from starting side if startingSide == 'top': # Start at top left hand side and cut across and down self.moveTo(self.controller.mill, xLeft + millRadius, zTop - millRadius, face=face) # Push mill in self.controller.addCommand( CombinedCommand([ SpinCommand(self.controller.mill), PushCommand(self.controller.mill, d, self.controller), ])) # Cut through rectangle down to bottom moveRight = True for z in incRange(zTop - millRadius, zBot + millRadius, -millRadius): x = xRight - millRadius if moveRight else xLeft + millRadius print('god', x, z, zTop, millRadius, zBot, d, moveRight) # Move down then across (The first down should not move anywhere) self.controller.addCommand( CombinedCommand([ SpinCommand(self.controller.mill), RaiseCommand(self.controller.mill, z, self.controller) ])) self.controller.addCommand( CombinedCommand([ SpinCommand(self.controller.mill), ShiftCommand(self.controller.mill, self.controller.handler, x) ])) moveRight = not moveRight self.retractMill(spinning=True) if startingSide == 'left': # Cut through rectangle down to bottom for x in incRange(xLeft + millRadius, xRight - millRadius, millRadius): # Start at top left hand side and cut across and down self.moveTo(self.controller.mill, x, zTop - millRadius, face=face) # Push mill in self.controller.addCommand( CombinedCommand([ SpinCommand(self.controller.mill), PushCommand(self.controller.mill, d, self.controller), ])) # Cut down self.controller.addCommand( CombinedCommand([ SpinCommand(self.controller.mill), RaiseCommand(self.controller.mill, zBot + millRadius, self.controller) ])) self.retractMill(spinning=True) if startingSide == 'right': # Cut through rectangle down to bottom for x in incRange(xRight - millRadius, xLeft + millRadius, -millRadius): # Start at top right hand side and cut across and down self.moveTo(self.controller.mill, x, zTop - millRadius, face=face) # Push mill in self.controller.addCommand( CombinedCommand([ SpinCommand(self.controller.mill), PushCommand(self.controller.mill, d, self.controller), ])) # Cut down self.controller.addCommand( CombinedCommand([ SpinCommand(self.controller.mill), RaiseCommand(self.controller.mill, zBot + millRadius, self.controller) ])) self.retractMill(spinning=True)