def __init__(self): AlgConfig.__init__(self) #Maximum number of elements in parallel self.pmax = 4 #Parameter that controls the relative weight of the pheromone #Use in the transition between subsystem-node and count-components-in-subsystem-node self.alpha1 = 0.1 #Parameter thaht control the relative weight ot the pheromone #Use in the transition between count-components-in-subsystem-node and version-node self.alpha2 = 0.5 #Parameter that control the local heuristic - version heuristic self.beta = 1 #Use in pheromone update. Coefficient in front of old pheromone-value = 0.9 #Use in pheromone update. Coefficient in delta-pheromone-value self.Q = 0.01 #Use in pheromone update. Use in delta-pheromone-value calculation. Coefficient in penalty self.a = 1 #Use in pheromone update. Use in delta-pheromone-value calculation. Coefficient in penalty self.b = 10 #Initial pheromone-value on the edges self.pheromone0 = 1.0 #Step in degraded ceiling algorithm self.localSearchStep = 0.0001 #Good solution affinity self.affinity = 0.01 #Amount of the ants self.antCounts = 50 #ACO/DC algorithm maximum iteration self.maxIter = 300 #Maximum iterations without changes in degraded ceiling algorithm self.dcMaxIterWithoutChange = 100
def __init__(self): AlgConfig.__init__(self) self.popNum = 30 self.maxIter = 30 self.crossPercent = GAParameter(0.7, 0.8, 0.9) self.Pcross = GAParameter(0.5, 0.75, 1.0) self.mutPercent = GAParameter(0.7, 0.8, 0.9) self.Pmut = GAParameter(0.5, 0.75, 0.9)
def Run(self): if self.sysconfig == None: QMessageBox.critical(self, "An error occurred", "System configuration must be defined") return Module.conf = self.sysconfig if self.constraints == None: QMessageBox.critical(self, "An error occurred", "Constraints must be defined") return System.constraints = self.constraints if self.algconfig == None and self.ui.algorithm.currentIndex() < 2: QMessageBox.critical(self, "An error occurred", "Algorithm configuration must be defined") return Algorithm.algconf = self.algconfig if Algorithm.algconf == None: Algorithm.algconf = AlgConfig() algidx = self.ui.algorithm.currentIndex() if algidx == 0: algorithm = GA() elif algidx == 1: algorithm = HGA() elif algidx == 2: algorithm = GA_optimistic() elif algidx == 3: algorithm = GA_optimistic_left() elif algidx == 4: algorithm = GA_Moore() elif algidx == 5: algorithm = HGA_Moore() Algorithm.result_filename = self.ui.result_filename.text() for i in range(self.ui.execNum.value()): if algorithm.algconf.metamodel: algorithm.algconf.metamodel.Clear() algorithm.Run() = algorithm.currentSolution algorithm.PrintStats() try: os.remove("sch" + str(os.getpid()) + ".xml") os.remove("res" + str(os.getpid()) + ".xml") except: pass
def LoadFromXmlNode(self, node): AlgConfig.LoadFromXmlNode(self, node) self.popNum = int(node.getAttribute("popsize")) self.maxIter = int(node.getAttribute("maxiter")) type = node.getAttribute("type") for p in node.getElementsByTagName("par"): name = p.getAttribute("name") norm = float(p.getAttribute("norm")) if type == "hga": min = float(p.getAttribute("min")) max = float(p.getAttribute("max")) par = GAParameter(min, norm, max) else: par = GAParameter(None, norm, None) if name == "crosspercent": self.crossPercent = par elif name == "crossprob": self.Pcross = par elif name == "mutpercent": self.mutPercent = par elif name == "mutprob": self.Pmut = par