def init(self): self.hist = {} self.hist["numGenTracks"] = ROOT.TH1F("numGenTracks", "numGenTracks", 100, -0.5, 99.5) # EX3 self.hist["numVtx"] = ROOT.TH1F("numVtx", "numVtx", 5, -0.5, 4.5) self.hist["jetPT"] = ROOT.TH1F("jetPT", "jetPT", 100, 0, 100) # EX9 self.hist["jetBelowEta3PT"] = ROOT.TH1F("jetBelowEta3PT", "jetBelowEta3PT", 100, 0, 100) self.hist["jetBelowEta3Eta"] = ROOT.TH1F("jetBelowEta3Eta", "jetBelowEta3Eta", 100, -5, 5) for h in self.hist: self.hist[h].Sumw2() self.GetOutputList().Add(self.hist[h]) # EX 8.0 self.jetGetter = BetterJetGetter("PFAK5")
def init( self): self.hist = {} self.hist["numGenTracks"] = ROOT.TH1F("numGenTracks", "numGenTracks", 100, -0.5, 99.5) # EX3 self.hist["numVtx"] = ROOT.TH1F("numVtx", "numVtx", 5, -0.5, 4.5) self.hist["jetPT"] = ROOT.TH1F("jetPT", "jetPT", 100, 0, 100) # EX9 self.hist["jetBelowEta3PT"] = ROOT.TH1F("jetBelowEta3PT", "jetBelowEta3PT", 100, 0, 100) self.hist["jetBelowEta3Eta"] = ROOT.TH1F("jetBelowEta3Eta", "jetBelowEta3Eta" , 100, -5, 5) for h in self.hist: self.hist[h].Sumw2() self.GetOutputList().Add(self.hist[h]) # EX 8.0 self.jetGetter = BetterJetGetter("PFAK5")
class SingleJet(CommonFSQFramework.Core.ExampleProofReader.ExampleProofReader): def init( self): self.hist = {} self.hist["numGenTracks"] = ROOT.TH1F("numGenTracks", "numGenTracks", 100, -0.5, 99.5) # EX3 self.hist["numVtx"] = ROOT.TH1F("numVtx", "numVtx", 5, -0.5, 4.5) self.hist["jetPT"] = ROOT.TH1F("jetPT", "jetPT", 100, 0, 100) # EX9 self.hist["jetBelowEta3PT"] = ROOT.TH1F("jetBelowEta3PT", "jetBelowEta3PT", 100, 0, 100) self.hist["jetBelowEta3Eta"] = ROOT.TH1F("jetBelowEta3Eta", "jetBelowEta3Eta" , 100, -5, 5) for h in self.hist: self.hist[h].Sumw2() self.GetOutputList().Add(self.hist[h]) # EX 8.0 self.jetGetter = BetterJetGetter("PFAK5") def analyze(self): # ex 4.5 if self.isData and self.fChain.jet15 < 0.5: return weight = 1. # EX 6. if not self.isData: weight *= self.fChain.genWeight num = 0 # genTracks #num = self.fChain.genTracks.size() #print num #print self.maxEta # see slaveParams below self.hist["numGenTracks"].Fill(num, weight) # EX2.0 #print "vtx", self.fChain.ngoodVTX # EX3.0 self.hist["numVtx"].Fill(self.fChain.ngoodVTX, weight) # EX5.0 for i in xrange(self.fChain.PFAK5pt.size()): pt = if pt < 35: continue self.hist["jetPT"].Fill(pt, weight) # EX 8.0 self.jetGetter.newEvent(self.fChain) #print "New event!" for j in self.jetGetter.get("_central"): if<35.: continue #print "A jet: ",, j.eta() # EX 9.0 for j in self.jetGetter.get("_central"): if<35.: continue if abs(j.eta())>3.: continue self.hist["jetBelowEta3Eta"].Fill(j.eta(), weight) self.hist["jetBelowEta3PT"].Fill(, weight) return 1 def finalize(self): print "Finalize:" normFactor = self.getNormalizationFactor() # exercise A.2 # this is the lumi for jet15 trigger in JetMETtau if self.isData: print "Expected norm factor is 1. Got", normFactor print "Changeing norm factor to have properly normalized data histo" normFactor = 1/0.013781 print " applying norm", normFactor for h in self.hist: self.hist[h].Scale(normFactor)
def __init__(self, triggerName, period=None, weight=False): if period == None: runMin = 0 runMax = 9999999 elif period == "A": runMin = 0 runMax = 146219 elif period == "B": runMin = 146240 runMax = 9999999 elif isinstance(period, (int, long)): runMin = period runMax = period else: print "HLTMCWeighter: Period not known:", period sys.exit() self.label = triggerName shortName = triggerName.replace("HLT_", "") shortName1 = shortName shortName2 = shortName if "_raw" in shortName: shortName2 = shortName2.replace("_raw", "") self.getter = BetterJetGetter("CaloRaw") else: self.getter = BetterJetGetter("Calo") self.l1seeding = False if "_L1Seeding" in shortName: self.l1seeding = True shortName2 = shortName2.replace("_L1Seeding", "") self.etaRangeLowForMax = 3.0 # dj fb self.etaRangeHighForMax = 5.1 self.fb = True if shortName2 == "Jet15U": self.fb = False self.etaRangeLowForMax = -1.0 self.etaRangeHighForMax = 5.1 # hltEffHistos.root prescales_Jet15U.p # CommonFSQFramework.Core/test/MNxsectionAna/trgEfficiency fPrescales = edm.FileInPath( "CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/trgEfficiency/prescales_" + shortName2 + ".p").fullPath() prescales = pickle.load(open(fPrescales, "rb")) fLumi = edm.FileInPath( "CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/trgEfficiency/runLumi_" + shortName2 + ".p").fullPath() runLumi = pickle.load(open(fLumi, "rb")) # hltEffHistos_DoubleJet15U_ForwardBackward.root hltEffHistos_Jet15U.root fName = "CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/trgEfficiency/hltEffHistos_" + shortName1 + ".root" print self.label, "- using", fName filePath = edm.FileInPath(fName).fullPath() curPath = ROOT.gDirectory.GetPath() rootFileTF = ROOT.TFile(filePath, "READ") lst = rootFileTF.GetListOfKeys() # nom_142304 h = {} h["nom"] = None h["denom"] = None denom = None self.runs = set() binx = 38 biny = 4 sumNom = 0 for l in lst: current = l.ReadObj() name = current.GetName() if not "nom_" in name: continue spl = name.split("_") hType = spl[0] run = int(spl[1]) if run < runMin or run > runMax: continue self.runs.add(run) if weight: if run not in prescales: print "HLTMCWeighter: run not found", run continue if len(prescales[run]) == 0: print "HLTMCWeighter: run found but empty", run continue prescale = iter(prescales[run]).next() if run not in runLumi: print "Lumi missing:", run lumi = 0 else: lumi = runLumi[run][0] factor = lumi / prescale else: factor = 1 if hType == "nom": a = 1 sumNom += current.GetBinContent(binx, biny) if h[hType] == None: #print "Clone" h[hType] = current.Clone("clone_" + str(hType) + str(run)) h[hType].Scale(factor) else: h[hType].Add(current, factor) #print "TTT", hType, h[hType].GetName(), h[hType].Integral() binx = h["nom"].GetXaxis().FindBin(50) biny = h["nom"].GetYaxis().FindBin(1) #print binx, biny nnom = h["nom"].GetBinContent(binx, biny) ndenom = h["denom"].GetBinContent(binx, biny) r = -1 if ndenom != 0: r = float(nnom) / ndenom if ndenom < nnom: print "asdfa", period #print r, period,"|", nnom, ndenom #print sumNom nom = h["nom"].Clone() #nom.Scale(1000) denom = h["denom"].Clone() h["nom"].Divide(h["denom"]) # the histogram is associated with a currently open rootfile (which soon will be closed). A clone is needed in root main dir self.efficiencyHisto = h["nom"].Clone() self.nom = nom.Clone("nomAA") self.denom = denom.Clone("denomAA")
class HLTMCWeighter: # def set_palette(name="palette", ncontours=999): if name == "gray" or name == "grayscale": stops = [0.00, 0.34, 0.61, 0.84, 1.001] #stops = [0.00, 340, 611, 840, 1000] red = [1.00, 0.84, 0.61, 0.34, 0.00] green = [1.00, 0.84, 0.61, 0.34, 0.00] blue = [1.00, 0.84, 0.61, 0.34, 0.00] # elif name == "whatever": # (define more palettes) else: # default palette, looks cool stops = [0.00, 0.34, 0.61, 0.84, 1.00] red = [0.00, 0.00, 0.87, 1.00, 0.51] green = [0.00, 0.81, 1.00, 0.20, 0.00] blue = [0.51, 1.00, 0.12, 0.00, 0.00] s = array('d', stops) r = array('d', red) g = array('d', green) b = array('d', blue) npoints = len(s) TColor.CreateGradientColorTable(npoints, s, r, g, b, ncontours) gStyle.SetNumberContours(ncontours) def __init__(self, triggerName, period=None, weight=False): if period == None: runMin = 0 runMax = 9999999 elif period == "A": runMin = 0 runMax = 146219 elif period == "B": runMin = 146240 runMax = 9999999 elif isinstance(period, (int, long)): runMin = period runMax = period else: print "HLTMCWeighter: Period not known:", period sys.exit() self.label = triggerName shortName = triggerName.replace("HLT_", "") shortName1 = shortName shortName2 = shortName if "_raw" in shortName: shortName2 = shortName2.replace("_raw", "") self.getter = BetterJetGetter("CaloRaw") else: self.getter = BetterJetGetter("Calo") self.l1seeding = False if "_L1Seeding" in shortName: self.l1seeding = True shortName2 = shortName2.replace("_L1Seeding", "") self.etaRangeLowForMax = 3.0 # dj fb self.etaRangeHighForMax = 5.1 self.fb = True if shortName2 == "Jet15U": self.fb = False self.etaRangeLowForMax = -1.0 self.etaRangeHighForMax = 5.1 # hltEffHistos.root prescales_Jet15U.p # CommonFSQFramework.Core/test/MNxsectionAna/trgEfficiency fPrescales = edm.FileInPath( "CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/trgEfficiency/prescales_" + shortName2 + ".p").fullPath() prescales = pickle.load(open(fPrescales, "rb")) fLumi = edm.FileInPath( "CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/trgEfficiency/runLumi_" + shortName2 + ".p").fullPath() runLumi = pickle.load(open(fLumi, "rb")) # hltEffHistos_DoubleJet15U_ForwardBackward.root hltEffHistos_Jet15U.root fName = "CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/trgEfficiency/hltEffHistos_" + shortName1 + ".root" print self.label, "- using", fName filePath = edm.FileInPath(fName).fullPath() curPath = ROOT.gDirectory.GetPath() rootFileTF = ROOT.TFile(filePath, "READ") lst = rootFileTF.GetListOfKeys() # nom_142304 h = {} h["nom"] = None h["denom"] = None denom = None self.runs = set() binx = 38 biny = 4 sumNom = 0 for l in lst: current = l.ReadObj() name = current.GetName() if not "nom_" in name: continue spl = name.split("_") hType = spl[0] run = int(spl[1]) if run < runMin or run > runMax: continue self.runs.add(run) if weight: if run not in prescales: print "HLTMCWeighter: run not found", run continue if len(prescales[run]) == 0: print "HLTMCWeighter: run found but empty", run continue prescale = iter(prescales[run]).next() if run not in runLumi: print "Lumi missing:", run lumi = 0 else: lumi = runLumi[run][0] factor = lumi / prescale else: factor = 1 if hType == "nom": a = 1 sumNom += current.GetBinContent(binx, biny) if h[hType] == None: #print "Clone" h[hType] = current.Clone("clone_" + str(hType) + str(run)) h[hType].Scale(factor) else: h[hType].Add(current, factor) #print "TTT", hType, h[hType].GetName(), h[hType].Integral() binx = h["nom"].GetXaxis().FindBin(50) biny = h["nom"].GetYaxis().FindBin(1) #print binx, biny nnom = h["nom"].GetBinContent(binx, biny) ndenom = h["denom"].GetBinContent(binx, biny) r = -1 if ndenom != 0: r = float(nnom) / ndenom if ndenom < nnom: print "asdfa", period #print r, period,"|", nnom, ndenom #print sumNom nom = h["nom"].Clone() #nom.Scale(1000) denom = h["denom"].Clone() h["nom"].Divide(h["denom"]) # the histogram is associated with a currently open rootfile (which soon will be closed). A clone is needed in root main dir self.efficiencyHisto = h["nom"].Clone() self.nom = nom.Clone("nomAA") self.denom = denom.Clone("denomAA") # TODO: check limits def getEfficiency(self, eta, pt): #if self.fb: # temporary, till workaround for HLT_FB logic is implemented # eta = abs(eta) binx = self.efficiencyHisto.GetXaxis().FindBin(pt) biny = self.efficiencyHisto.GetYaxis().FindBin(eta) return self.efficiencyHisto.GetBinContent(binx, biny) def setGetter(self, getter): self.getter = getter self.cached = None self.jets = None def setJets(self, jets): self.cached = None self.jets = jets def newEvent(self, ev): self.cached = None self.ev = ev self.getter.newEvent(self.ev) self.jets = None # etaHalf = 0 - both # etaHalf = + - positive # etaHalf = - - negative def getWeight(self, etaHalf=0): # in case of etaHalf!=0 execute normally # result will be cached in etaHalf==0 case if etaHalf == 0 and self.cached != None: return self.cached if self.jets != None: jets = self.jets else: jets = self.getter.get("_central") plus = 0 minus = 0 ''' for j in jets: if < 35: continue if abs(j.eta()) < 3.: continue if j.eta() < 0.: minus += 1 else: plus += 1 if plus > 0 and minus > 0: printD = True else: printD = False ''' printD = False #printD = True if printD: print "################################", self.ev.event if etaHalf == 0 and self.fb: w = self.getWeight(-1) * self.getWeight(1) if printD: print "FB weight", w return w trgFactor = 1. #print "#"*10 for j in jets: #eta = abs(j[0].eta()) eta = j.eta() if printD: print j.eta(),, etaHalf if etaHalf != 0 and self.fb: if eta * etaHalf < 0: if printD: print " ---> etaHalf skip" continue if abs(eta) > 5.1: continue aeta = abs(eta) if aeta < self.etaRangeLowForMax or aeta > self.etaRangeHighForMax: if printD: print " ---> print etaRange skip" continue pt = w1 = self.getEfficiency(eta, pt) if printD: print " --->", w1 if w1 < 0.01 and pt > 50 and aeta > self.etaRangeLowForMax and aeta < self.etaRangeHighForMax: w1 = 1 if printD: print " Changing w to 1" trgFactor *= 1 - w1 if printD: print " --> factor:", trgFactor #print 1.- trgFactor ret = 1. - trgFactor self.cached = ret return ret def dumpEfficiencyHisto(self, name=""): ''' binx = self.efficiencyHisto.GetXaxis().FindBin(55) for i in xrange(15): eta = 4.5 + float(i)/10. biny = self.efficiencyHisto.GetYaxis().FindBin(eta) w = self.efficiencyHisto.GetBinContent(binx,biny) print "a", eta, binx, biny, w ''' #ROOT.gStyle.SetPadTopMargin(0.05) ROOT.gStyle.SetPadBottomMargin(0.10) ROOT.gStyle.SetPadLeftMargin(0.10) ROOT.gStyle.SetPadRightMargin(0.125) #ROOT.gStyle.SetPalette(1) self.set_palette() ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0) c = ROOT.TCanvas("cc") self.efficiencyHisto.SetXTitle("p_{T}^{raw}") self.efficiencyHisto.SetYTitle("#eta_{jet}") self.efficiencyHisto.Draw("COLZ") c.Print("~/tmp/HLTMCWeighter_" + name + ".png") rf = ROOT.TFile("~/tmp/HLTMCWeighter_" + name + ".root", "RECREATE") todo = [self.efficiencyHisto, self.nom, self.denom] for t in todo: t.Write()
def __init__(self, triggerName, period=None, weight=False): if period == None: runMin = 0 runMax = 9999999 elif period == "A": runMin = 0 runMax = 146219 elif period == "B": runMin = 146240 runMax = 9999999 elif isinstance(period, (int, long)): runMin = period runMax = period else: print "HLTMCWeighter: Period not known:", period sys.exit() self.label = triggerName shortName = triggerName.replace("HLT_", "") shortName1 = shortName shortName2 = shortName if "_raw" in shortName: shortName2 = shortName2.replace("_raw", "") self.getter = BetterJetGetter("CaloRaw") else: self.getter = BetterJetGetter("Calo") self.l1seeding = False if "_L1Seeding" in shortName: self.l1seeding = True shortName2 = shortName2.replace("_L1Seeding", "") self.etaRangeLowForMax = 3.0 # dj fb self.etaRangeHighForMax = 5.1 self.fb = True if shortName2 == "Jet15U": self.fb = False self.etaRangeLowForMax = -1.0 self.etaRangeHighForMax = 5.1 # hltEffHistos.root prescales_Jet15U.p # CommonFSQFramework.Core/test/MNxsectionAna/trgEfficiency fPrescales = edm.FileInPath( "CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/trgEfficiency/prescales_" + shortName2 + ".p" ).fullPath() prescales = pickle.load(open(fPrescales, "rb")) fLumi = edm.FileInPath( "CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/trgEfficiency/runLumi_" + shortName2 + ".p" ).fullPath() runLumi = pickle.load(open(fLumi, "rb")) # hltEffHistos_DoubleJet15U_ForwardBackward.root hltEffHistos_Jet15U.root fName = "CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/trgEfficiency/hltEffHistos_" + shortName1 + ".root" print self.label, "- using", fName filePath = edm.FileInPath(fName).fullPath() curPath = ROOT.gDirectory.GetPath() rootFileTF = ROOT.TFile(filePath, "READ") lst = rootFileTF.GetListOfKeys() # nom_142304 h = {} h["nom"] = None h["denom"] = None denom = None self.runs = set() binx = 38 biny = 4 sumNom = 0 for l in lst: current = l.ReadObj() name = current.GetName() if not "nom_" in name: continue spl = name.split("_") hType = spl[0] run = int(spl[1]) if run < runMin or run > runMax: continue self.runs.add(run) if weight: if run not in prescales: print "HLTMCWeighter: run not found", run continue if len(prescales[run]) == 0: print "HLTMCWeighter: run found but empty", run continue prescale = iter(prescales[run]).next() if run not in runLumi: print "Lumi missing:", run lumi = 0 else: lumi = runLumi[run][0] factor = lumi / prescale else: factor = 1 if hType == "nom": a = 1 sumNom += current.GetBinContent(binx, biny) if h[hType] == None: # print "Clone" h[hType] = current.Clone("clone_" + str(hType) + str(run)) h[hType].Scale(factor) else: h[hType].Add(current, factor) # print "TTT", hType, h[hType].GetName(), h[hType].Integral() binx = h["nom"].GetXaxis().FindBin(50) biny = h["nom"].GetYaxis().FindBin(1) # print binx, biny nnom = h["nom"].GetBinContent(binx, biny) ndenom = h["denom"].GetBinContent(binx, biny) r = -1 if ndenom != 0: r = float(nnom) / ndenom if ndenom < nnom: print "asdfa", period # print r, period,"|", nnom, ndenom # print sumNom nom = h["nom"].Clone() # nom.Scale(1000) denom = h["denom"].Clone() h["nom"].Divide(h["denom"]) # the histogram is associated with a currently open rootfile (which soon will be closed). A clone is needed in root main dir self.efficiencyHisto = h["nom"].Clone() self.nom = nom.Clone("nomAA") self.denom = denom.Clone("denomAA")
class HLTMCWeighter: # def set_palette(name="palette", ncontours=999): if name == "gray" or name == "grayscale": stops = [0.00, 0.34, 0.61, 0.84, 1.001] # stops = [0.00, 340, 611, 840, 1000] red = [1.00, 0.84, 0.61, 0.34, 0.00] green = [1.00, 0.84, 0.61, 0.34, 0.00] blue = [1.00, 0.84, 0.61, 0.34, 0.00] # elif name == "whatever": # (define more palettes) else: # default palette, looks cool stops = [0.00, 0.34, 0.61, 0.84, 1.00] red = [0.00, 0.00, 0.87, 1.00, 0.51] green = [0.00, 0.81, 1.00, 0.20, 0.00] blue = [0.51, 1.00, 0.12, 0.00, 0.00] s = array("d", stops) r = array("d", red) g = array("d", green) b = array("d", blue) npoints = len(s) TColor.CreateGradientColorTable(npoints, s, r, g, b, ncontours) gStyle.SetNumberContours(ncontours) def __init__(self, triggerName, period=None, weight=False): if period == None: runMin = 0 runMax = 9999999 elif period == "A": runMin = 0 runMax = 146219 elif period == "B": runMin = 146240 runMax = 9999999 elif isinstance(period, (int, long)): runMin = period runMax = period else: print "HLTMCWeighter: Period not known:", period sys.exit() self.label = triggerName shortName = triggerName.replace("HLT_", "") shortName1 = shortName shortName2 = shortName if "_raw" in shortName: shortName2 = shortName2.replace("_raw", "") self.getter = BetterJetGetter("CaloRaw") else: self.getter = BetterJetGetter("Calo") self.l1seeding = False if "_L1Seeding" in shortName: self.l1seeding = True shortName2 = shortName2.replace("_L1Seeding", "") self.etaRangeLowForMax = 3.0 # dj fb self.etaRangeHighForMax = 5.1 self.fb = True if shortName2 == "Jet15U": self.fb = False self.etaRangeLowForMax = -1.0 self.etaRangeHighForMax = 5.1 # hltEffHistos.root prescales_Jet15U.p # CommonFSQFramework.Core/test/MNxsectionAna/trgEfficiency fPrescales = edm.FileInPath( "CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/trgEfficiency/prescales_" + shortName2 + ".p" ).fullPath() prescales = pickle.load(open(fPrescales, "rb")) fLumi = edm.FileInPath( "CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/trgEfficiency/runLumi_" + shortName2 + ".p" ).fullPath() runLumi = pickle.load(open(fLumi, "rb")) # hltEffHistos_DoubleJet15U_ForwardBackward.root hltEffHistos_Jet15U.root fName = "CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/trgEfficiency/hltEffHistos_" + shortName1 + ".root" print self.label, "- using", fName filePath = edm.FileInPath(fName).fullPath() curPath = ROOT.gDirectory.GetPath() rootFileTF = ROOT.TFile(filePath, "READ") lst = rootFileTF.GetListOfKeys() # nom_142304 h = {} h["nom"] = None h["denom"] = None denom = None self.runs = set() binx = 38 biny = 4 sumNom = 0 for l in lst: current = l.ReadObj() name = current.GetName() if not "nom_" in name: continue spl = name.split("_") hType = spl[0] run = int(spl[1]) if run < runMin or run > runMax: continue self.runs.add(run) if weight: if run not in prescales: print "HLTMCWeighter: run not found", run continue if len(prescales[run]) == 0: print "HLTMCWeighter: run found but empty", run continue prescale = iter(prescales[run]).next() if run not in runLumi: print "Lumi missing:", run lumi = 0 else: lumi = runLumi[run][0] factor = lumi / prescale else: factor = 1 if hType == "nom": a = 1 sumNom += current.GetBinContent(binx, biny) if h[hType] == None: # print "Clone" h[hType] = current.Clone("clone_" + str(hType) + str(run)) h[hType].Scale(factor) else: h[hType].Add(current, factor) # print "TTT", hType, h[hType].GetName(), h[hType].Integral() binx = h["nom"].GetXaxis().FindBin(50) biny = h["nom"].GetYaxis().FindBin(1) # print binx, biny nnom = h["nom"].GetBinContent(binx, biny) ndenom = h["denom"].GetBinContent(binx, biny) r = -1 if ndenom != 0: r = float(nnom) / ndenom if ndenom < nnom: print "asdfa", period # print r, period,"|", nnom, ndenom # print sumNom nom = h["nom"].Clone() # nom.Scale(1000) denom = h["denom"].Clone() h["nom"].Divide(h["denom"]) # the histogram is associated with a currently open rootfile (which soon will be closed). A clone is needed in root main dir self.efficiencyHisto = h["nom"].Clone() self.nom = nom.Clone("nomAA") self.denom = denom.Clone("denomAA") # TODO: check limits def getEfficiency(self, eta, pt): # if self.fb: # temporary, till workaround for HLT_FB logic is implemented # eta = abs(eta) binx = self.efficiencyHisto.GetXaxis().FindBin(pt) biny = self.efficiencyHisto.GetYaxis().FindBin(eta) return self.efficiencyHisto.GetBinContent(binx, biny) def setGetter(self, getter): self.getter = getter self.cached = None self.jets = None def setJets(self, jets): self.cached = None self.jets = jets def newEvent(self, ev): self.cached = None self.ev = ev self.getter.newEvent(self.ev) self.jets = None # etaHalf = 0 - both # etaHalf = + - positive # etaHalf = - - negative def getWeight(self, etaHalf=0): # in case of etaHalf!=0 execute normally # result will be cached in etaHalf==0 case if etaHalf == 0 and self.cached != None: return self.cached if self.jets != None: jets = self.jets else: jets = self.getter.get("_central") plus = 0 minus = 0 """ for j in jets: if < 35: continue if abs(j.eta()) < 3.: continue if j.eta() < 0.: minus += 1 else: plus += 1 if plus > 0 and minus > 0: printD = True else: printD = False """ printD = False # printD = True if printD: print "################################", self.ev.event if etaHalf == 0 and self.fb: w = self.getWeight(-1) * self.getWeight(1) if printD: print "FB weight", w return w trgFactor = 1.0 # print "#"*10 for j in jets: # eta = abs(j[0].eta()) eta = j.eta() if printD: print j.eta(),, etaHalf if etaHalf != 0 and self.fb: if eta * etaHalf < 0: if printD: print " ---> etaHalf skip" continue if abs(eta) > 5.1: continue aeta = abs(eta) if aeta < self.etaRangeLowForMax or aeta > self.etaRangeHighForMax: if printD: print " ---> print etaRange skip" continue pt = w1 = self.getEfficiency(eta, pt) if printD: print " --->", w1 if w1 < 0.01 and pt > 50 and aeta > self.etaRangeLowForMax and aeta < self.etaRangeHighForMax: w1 = 1 if printD: print " Changing w to 1" trgFactor *= 1 - w1 if printD: print " --> factor:", trgFactor # print 1.- trgFactor ret = 1.0 - trgFactor self.cached = ret return ret def dumpEfficiencyHisto(self, name=""): """ binx = self.efficiencyHisto.GetXaxis().FindBin(55) for i in xrange(15): eta = 4.5 + float(i)/10. biny = self.efficiencyHisto.GetYaxis().FindBin(eta) w = self.efficiencyHisto.GetBinContent(binx,biny) print "a", eta, binx, biny, w """ # ROOT.gStyle.SetPadTopMargin(0.05) ROOT.gStyle.SetPadBottomMargin(0.10) ROOT.gStyle.SetPadLeftMargin(0.10) ROOT.gStyle.SetPadRightMargin(0.125) # ROOT.gStyle.SetPalette(1) self.set_palette() ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0) c = ROOT.TCanvas("cc") self.efficiencyHisto.SetXTitle("p_{T}^{raw}") self.efficiencyHisto.SetYTitle("#eta_{jet}") self.efficiencyHisto.Draw("COLZ") c.Print("~/tmp/HLTMCWeighter_" + name + ".png") rf = ROOT.TFile("~/tmp/HLTMCWeighter_" + name + ".root", "RECREATE") todo = [self.efficiencyHisto, self.nom, self.denom] for t in todo: t.Write()
def init( self): self.variantFilter = BaseDijetAna.variant(self.variant) if not self.isData: #self.hltMCWeighter = HLTMCWeighter("HLT_Jet15U") self.HLTMCWeighterJ15Raw = HLTMCWeighter("HLT_Jet15U_raw") self.HLTMCWeighterJ15L1Raw = HLTMCWeighter("HLT_Jet15U_L1Seeding_raw") self.HLTMCWeighterJ15FBL1Raw = HLTMCWeighter("HLT_DoubleJet15U_ForwardBackward_L1Seeding_raw") self.HLTMCWeighterJ15FBRaw = HLTMCWeighter("HLT_DoubleJet15U_ForwardBackward_raw") self.normFactor = self.getNormalizationFactor() #sys.stdout = sys.stderr = cProfile.Profile() print "XXX init - MNxsAnalyzerClean", self.datasetName, self.isData self.todoShifts = ["_central"] if not self.isData and self.doPtShiftsJEC: self.todoShifts.append("_jecUp") self.todoShifts.append("_jecDown") if not self.isData and self.doPtShiftsJER: self.todoShifts.append("_jerUp") self.todoShifts.append("_jerDown") # since shifts for PU are in fact changes in weight # there is no sense to repeat whole analaysis # we will use the central value self.shiftsPU = ["_central"] if not self.isData and self.doShiftsPU: self.shiftsPU.append("_puUp") self.shiftsPU.append("_puDown") self.hist = {} todoTrg = ["_jet15", "_dj15fb"] binsNew = self.variantFilter.bins() # note: set gives as unique items, since _central is repeated self.hist["ptHat"] = ROOT.TH1F("ptHat", "ptHat", 100, 0, 50) for shift in set(self.todoShifts+self.shiftsPU): for trg in todoTrg: t = shift+trg self.hist["ptLead"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("ptLead"+t, "ptLead"+t, 100, 0, 100) self.hist["ptSublead"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("ptSublead"+t, "ptSublead"+t, 100, 0, 100) self.hist["etaLead"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("etaLead"+t, "etaLead"+t, 100, -5, 5) self.hist["etaSublead"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("etaSublead"+t, "etaSublead"+t, 100, -5, 5) self.hist["xsVsDeltaEta"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("xs"+t, "xs"+t, len(binsNew)-1, binsNew) self.hist["miss"+t] = self.hist["xsVsDeltaEta"+t].Clone("miss"+t) self.hist["vtx"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("vtx"+t, "vtx"+t, 10, -0.5, 9.5) if self.unfoldEnabled: dummy = ROOT.TH2F("dummy"+t, "dummy"+t, len(binsNew)-1, binsNew, len(binsNew)-1, binsNew) self.hist["response"+t]= ROOT.RooUnfoldResponse(self.hist["xsVsDeltaEta"+t], self.hist["xsVsDeltaEta"+t], dummy, "response"+t,"response"+t) # in principle trigger does not applies to gen plots. We keep consistent naming though, so the unfolded result to gen level plots is possible # in each category self.hist["detaGen_jet15"] = ROOT.TH1F("detaGen_central_jet15", "detaGen_central_jet15", len(binsNew)-1, binsNew) self.hist["detaGen_dj15fb"] = ROOT.TH1F("detaGen_central_dj15fb", "detaGen_central_dj15fb", len(binsNew)-1, binsNew) if self.onlyPtHatReweighing: self.var = {} self.var["leadPt"] = array('d', [0]) self.var["leadEta"] = array('d', [0]) self.var["weight"] = array('d', [0]) # only jet15 trigger?? #self.var["alphaQCD"] = array('d', [0]) self.var["qScale"] = array('d', [0]) self.tree = ROOT.TTree("data", "data") for v in self.var: self.tree.Branch(v, self.var[v], v+"/D") self.addToOutput(self.tree) else: for h in self.hist: if not h.startswith("response"): self.hist[h].Sumw2() #self.GetOutputList().Add(self.hist[h]) self.addToOutput(self.hist[h]) if self.applyPtHatReweighing and not self.isData: fp = "CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/" todo = ["ptHatWeighters.root"] self.ptHatW = [] for t in todo: ptHatFileName = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/"+t).fullPath() ptHatFile = ROOT.TFile(ptHatFileName) self.ptHatW.append(ptHatFile.Get(self.datasetName+"/ptHatW")) puFiles = {} # CommonFSQFramework.Core/test/MNxsectionAna/ jet15FileV2 = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/data/PUJet15V2.root").fullPath() # MC gen distribution puFiles["dj15_1"] = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/data/pu_dj15_1_0.root").fullPath() puFiles["dj15_1_05"] = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/data/pu_dj15_1_05.root").fullPath() puFiles["dj15_0_95"] = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/data/pu_dj15_0_95.root").fullPath() puFiles["j15_1"] = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/data/pu_j15_1_0.root").fullPath() puFiles["j15_1_05"] = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/data/pu_j15_1_05.root").fullPath() puFiles["j15_0_95"] = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/data/pu_j15_0_95.root").fullPath() self.lumiWeighters = {} self.lumiWeighters["_jet15_central"] = edm.LumiReWeighting(jet15FileV2, puFiles["j15_1"], "MC", "pileup") self.lumiWeighters["_jet15_puUp"] = edm.LumiReWeighting(jet15FileV2, puFiles["j15_1_05"], "MC", "pileup") self.lumiWeighters["_jet15_puDown"] = edm.LumiReWeighting(jet15FileV2, puFiles["j15_0_95"], "MC", "pileup") self.lumiWeighters["_dj15fb_central"] = edm.LumiReWeighting(jet15FileV2, puFiles["dj15_1"], "MC", "pileup") self.lumiWeighters["_dj15fb_puUp"] = edm.LumiReWeighting(jet15FileV2, puFiles["dj15_1_05"], "MC", "pileup") self.lumiWeighters["_dj15fb_puDown"] = edm.LumiReWeighting(jet15FileV2, puFiles["dj15_0_95"], "MC", "pileup") self.jetGetter = BetterJetGetter("PFAK5") self.getterForTriggerModelling = BetterJetGetter("CaloRaw")
class SingleJet(CommonFSQFramework.Core.ExampleProofReader.ExampleProofReader): def init(self): self.hist = {} self.hist["numGenTracks"] = ROOT.TH1F("numGenTracks", "numGenTracks", 100, -0.5, 99.5) # EX3 self.hist["numVtx"] = ROOT.TH1F("numVtx", "numVtx", 5, -0.5, 4.5) self.hist["jetPT"] = ROOT.TH1F("jetPT", "jetPT", 100, 0, 100) # EX9 self.hist["jetBelowEta3PT"] = ROOT.TH1F("jetBelowEta3PT", "jetBelowEta3PT", 100, 0, 100) self.hist["jetBelowEta3Eta"] = ROOT.TH1F("jetBelowEta3Eta", "jetBelowEta3Eta", 100, -5, 5) for h in self.hist: self.hist[h].Sumw2() self.GetOutputList().Add(self.hist[h]) # EX 8.0 self.jetGetter = BetterJetGetter("PFAK5") def analyze(self): # ex 4.5 if self.isData and self.fChain.jet15 < 0.5: return weight = 1. # EX 6. if not self.isData: weight *= self.fChain.genWeight num = 0 # genTracks #num = self.fChain.genTracks.size() #print num #print self.maxEta # see slaveParams below self.hist["numGenTracks"].Fill(num, weight) # EX2.0 #print "vtx", self.fChain.ngoodVTX # EX3.0 self.hist["numVtx"].Fill(self.fChain.ngoodVTX, weight) # EX5.0 for i in xrange(self.fChain.PFAK5pt.size()): pt = if pt < 35: continue self.hist["jetPT"].Fill(pt, weight) # EX 8.0 self.jetGetter.newEvent(self.fChain) #print "New event!" for j in self.jetGetter.get("_central"): if < 35.: continue #print "A jet: ",, j.eta() # EX 9.0 for j in self.jetGetter.get("_central"): if < 35.: continue if abs(j.eta()) > 3.: continue self.hist["jetBelowEta3Eta"].Fill(j.eta(), weight) self.hist["jetBelowEta3PT"].Fill(, weight) return 1 def finalize(self): print "Finalize:" normFactor = self.getNormalizationFactor() # exercise A.2 # this is the lumi for jet15 trigger in JetMETtau if self.isData: print "Expected norm factor is 1. Got", normFactor print "Changeing norm factor to have properly normalized data histo" normFactor = 1 / 0.013781 print " applying norm", normFactor for h in self.hist: self.hist[h].Scale(normFactor)
class MNxsAnalyzerClean(CommonFSQFramework.Core.ExampleProofReader.ExampleProofReader): def init( self): self.variantFilter = BaseDijetAna.variant(self.variant) if not self.isData: #self.hltMCWeighter = HLTMCWeighter("HLT_Jet15U") self.HLTMCWeighterJ15Raw = HLTMCWeighter("HLT_Jet15U_raw") self.HLTMCWeighterJ15L1Raw = HLTMCWeighter("HLT_Jet15U_L1Seeding_raw") self.HLTMCWeighterJ15FBL1Raw = HLTMCWeighter("HLT_DoubleJet15U_ForwardBackward_L1Seeding_raw") self.HLTMCWeighterJ15FBRaw = HLTMCWeighter("HLT_DoubleJet15U_ForwardBackward_raw") self.normFactor = self.getNormalizationFactor() #sys.stdout = sys.stderr = cProfile.Profile() print "XXX init - MNxsAnalyzerClean", self.datasetName, self.isData self.todoShifts = ["_central"] if not self.isData and self.doPtShiftsJEC: self.todoShifts.append("_jecUp") self.todoShifts.append("_jecDown") if not self.isData and self.doPtShiftsJER: self.todoShifts.append("_jerUp") self.todoShifts.append("_jerDown") # since shifts for PU are in fact changes in weight # there is no sense to repeat whole analaysis # we will use the central value self.shiftsPU = ["_central"] if not self.isData and self.doShiftsPU: self.shiftsPU.append("_puUp") self.shiftsPU.append("_puDown") self.hist = {} todoTrg = ["_jet15", "_dj15fb"] binsNew = self.variantFilter.bins() # note: set gives as unique items, since _central is repeated self.hist["ptHat"] = ROOT.TH1F("ptHat", "ptHat", 100, 0, 50) for shift in set(self.todoShifts+self.shiftsPU): for trg in todoTrg: t = shift+trg self.hist["ptLead"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("ptLead"+t, "ptLead"+t, 100, 0, 100) self.hist["ptSublead"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("ptSublead"+t, "ptSublead"+t, 100, 0, 100) self.hist["etaLead"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("etaLead"+t, "etaLead"+t, 100, -5, 5) self.hist["etaSublead"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("etaSublead"+t, "etaSublead"+t, 100, -5, 5) self.hist["xsVsDeltaEta"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("xs"+t, "xs"+t, len(binsNew)-1, binsNew) self.hist["miss"+t] = self.hist["xsVsDeltaEta"+t].Clone("miss"+t) self.hist["vtx"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("vtx"+t, "vtx"+t, 10, -0.5, 9.5) if self.unfoldEnabled: dummy = ROOT.TH2F("dummy"+t, "dummy"+t, len(binsNew)-1, binsNew, len(binsNew)-1, binsNew) self.hist["response"+t]= ROOT.RooUnfoldResponse(self.hist["xsVsDeltaEta"+t], self.hist["xsVsDeltaEta"+t], dummy, "response"+t,"response"+t) # in principle trigger does not applies to gen plots. We keep consistent naming though, so the unfolded result to gen level plots is possible # in each category self.hist["detaGen_jet15"] = ROOT.TH1F("detaGen_central_jet15", "detaGen_central_jet15", len(binsNew)-1, binsNew) self.hist["detaGen_dj15fb"] = ROOT.TH1F("detaGen_central_dj15fb", "detaGen_central_dj15fb", len(binsNew)-1, binsNew) if self.onlyPtHatReweighing: self.var = {} self.var["leadPt"] = array('d', [0]) self.var["leadEta"] = array('d', [0]) self.var["weight"] = array('d', [0]) # only jet15 trigger?? #self.var["alphaQCD"] = array('d', [0]) self.var["qScale"] = array('d', [0]) self.tree = ROOT.TTree("data", "data") for v in self.var: self.tree.Branch(v, self.var[v], v+"/D") self.addToOutput(self.tree) else: for h in self.hist: if not h.startswith("response"): self.hist[h].Sumw2() #self.GetOutputList().Add(self.hist[h]) self.addToOutput(self.hist[h]) if self.applyPtHatReweighing and not self.isData: fp = "CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/" todo = ["ptHatWeighters.root"] self.ptHatW = [] for t in todo: ptHatFileName = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/"+t).fullPath() ptHatFile = ROOT.TFile(ptHatFileName) self.ptHatW.append(ptHatFile.Get(self.datasetName+"/ptHatW")) puFiles = {} # CommonFSQFramework.Core/test/MNxsectionAna/ jet15FileV2 = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/data/PUJet15V2.root").fullPath() # MC gen distribution puFiles["dj15_1"] = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/data/pu_dj15_1_0.root").fullPath() puFiles["dj15_1_05"] = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/data/pu_dj15_1_05.root").fullPath() puFiles["dj15_0_95"] = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/data/pu_dj15_0_95.root").fullPath() puFiles["j15_1"] = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/data/pu_j15_1_0.root").fullPath() puFiles["j15_1_05"] = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/data/pu_j15_1_05.root").fullPath() puFiles["j15_0_95"] = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/data/pu_j15_0_95.root").fullPath() self.lumiWeighters = {} self.lumiWeighters["_jet15_central"] = edm.LumiReWeighting(jet15FileV2, puFiles["j15_1"], "MC", "pileup") self.lumiWeighters["_jet15_puUp"] = edm.LumiReWeighting(jet15FileV2, puFiles["j15_1_05"], "MC", "pileup") self.lumiWeighters["_jet15_puDown"] = edm.LumiReWeighting(jet15FileV2, puFiles["j15_0_95"], "MC", "pileup") self.lumiWeighters["_dj15fb_central"] = edm.LumiReWeighting(jet15FileV2, puFiles["dj15_1"], "MC", "pileup") self.lumiWeighters["_dj15fb_puUp"] = edm.LumiReWeighting(jet15FileV2, puFiles["dj15_1_05"], "MC", "pileup") self.lumiWeighters["_dj15fb_puDown"] = edm.LumiReWeighting(jet15FileV2, puFiles["dj15_0_95"], "MC", "pileup") self.jetGetter = BetterJetGetter("PFAK5") self.getterForTriggerModelling = BetterJetGetter("CaloRaw") # note: for the ptHat reweighing we will do only the central variation. # otherwise the changes from the JEC/JER variations would be fixed # by the ptHat reweighing procedure # # leadPt:qScale gives a nice linear response # # todo: trigger correction for data def doPtHatReweighing(self, weightBase): if self.isData: if self.fChain.jet15 < 0.5: return weight = weightBase else: if not self.triggerFired("_jet15"): return truePU = self.fChain.puTrueNumInteractions puWeight = self.lumiWeighters["_jet15_central"].weight(truePU) weight = weightBase*puWeight sortKey = lambda j:*(>self.threshold)\ *(j.jetid()>0.5)*(abs(j.eta())<4.7) # if empty sequence... try: bestJet = max(self.jetGetter.get("_central"), key=sortKey) except ValueError: return if not sortKey(bestJet): return # do we really have a jet passing the criteria? pt, eta =, bestJet.eta() self.var["leadPt"][0] = pt self.var["leadEta"][0] = eta self.var["weight"][0] = weight if not self.isData: #self.var["alphaQCD"][0] = self.fChain.alphaQCD self.var["qScale"][0] = self.fChain.qScale self.tree.Fill() def triggerFired(self, case): if case == "_jet15" and self.MC_jet15_triggerFired_cached != None: return self.MC_jet15_triggerFired_cached if case == "_dj15fb" and self.MC_dj15fb_triggerFired_cached != None: return self.MC_dj15fb_triggerFired_cached ev = self.fChain.event rnd4eff = ev%10000/9999. if case == "_jet15": if self.MC_dj15fb_triggerFired_cached == None and self.MC_jet15_triggerFired_cached == None: self.getterForTriggerModelling.newEvent(self.fChain) self.jetsForTRG = list(self.getterForTriggerModelling.get("_central")) # calls needed to reset cached values self.HLTMCWeighterJ15L1Raw.setJets(self.jetsForTRG) self.HLTMCWeighterJ15Raw.setJets(self.jetsForTRG) #self.HLTMCWeighterJ15L1Raw.setGetter(self.getterForTriggerModelling) #self.HLTMCWeighterJ15Raw.setGetter(self.getterForTriggerModelling) #self.HLTMCWeighterJ15L1Raw.newEvent(self.fChain) #self.HLTMCWeighterJ15Raw.newEvent(self.fChain) w1 = self.HLTMCWeighterJ15L1Raw.getWeight() w2 = self.HLTMCWeighterJ15Raw.getWeight() self.MC_jet15_triggerFired_cached = w1*w2 > rnd4eff return self.MC_jet15_triggerFired_cached elif case == "_dj15fb": if self.MC_dj15fb_triggerFired_cached == None and self.MC_jet15_triggerFired_cached == None: self.getterForTriggerModelling.newEvent(self.fChain) self.jetsForTRG = list(self.getterForTriggerModelling.get("_central")) # calls needed to reset cached values self.HLTMCWeighterJ15FBL1Raw.setJets(self.jetsForTRG) self.HLTMCWeighterJ15FBRaw.setJets(self.jetsForTRG) #self.HLTMCWeighterJ15FBL1Raw.setGetter(self.getterForTriggerModelling) #self.HLTMCWeighterJ15FBRaw.setGetter(self.getterForTriggerModelling) #self.HLTMCWeighterJ15FBL1Raw.newEvent(self.fChain) #self.HLTMCWeighterJ15FBRaw.newEvent(self.fChain) w1 = self.HLTMCWeighterJ15FBL1Raw.getWeight() w2 = self.HLTMCWeighterJ15FBRaw.getWeight() self.MC_dj15fb_triggerFired_cached = w1*w2 > rnd4eff return self.MC_dj15fb_triggerFired_cached else: raise Excecption("triggerFired: case not known: "+str(case)) def topology(self, j1, j2): eta1=j1.eta() eta2=j2.eta() if min(abs(eta1), abs(eta2)) > 3. and eta1*eta2<0: return "_dj15fb" return "_jet15" def dr(self, a,b): de = a.eta()-b.eta() dp = a.phi()-b.phi() pi = 3.1415 if dp > pi: dp -= 2*pi if dp < -pi: dp += 2*pi return math.sqrt(de*de+dp*dp) ''' def analyze(self): self.analyzeTT() #''' #def analyzeTT(self): def analyze(self): self.MC_jet15_triggerFired_cached = None self.MC_dj15fb_triggerFired_cached = None if self.fChain.ngoodVTX == 0: return self.jetGetter.newEvent(self.fChain) weightBase = 1. weightBaseNoMCNorm = 1. puWeights = {} puWeights["_jet15"] = {} puWeights["_dj15fb"] = {} if not self.isData: weightBase *= self.fChain.genWeight*self.normFactor weightBaseNoMCNorm *= self.fChain.genWeight truePU = self.fChain.puTrueNumInteractions for lw in self.lumiWeighters: spl = lw.split("_") trgName = "_"+spl[1] variationName = "_"+spl[2] puWeights[trgName][variationName] = self.lumiWeighters[lw].weight(truePU) # note: this is intentionally before ptHat reweighing if not self.isData: self.hist["ptHat"].Fill(self.fChain.qScale, weightBase) if not self.isData and self.applyPtHatReweighing: ptHat = self.fChain.qScale w = 1. for weighter in self.ptHatW: w*=max(weighter.Eval(ptHat), 0.) #print "W:", ptHat, weighter.Eval(ptHat) weightBase *= w weightBaseNoMCNorm*= w if self.onlyPtHatReweighing: self.doPtHatReweighing(weightBase) return if not self.isData: goodGenJets = self.variantFilter.filterCol([j for j in self.fChain.genJets \ if>self.threshold and abs(j.eta()) < 4.7 ]) for shift in self.todoShifts: matchedPairs = set() # todo: j.jetID() > 0.5 goodRecoJets = self.variantFilter.filterCol([j for j in self.jetGetter.get(shift) \ if>self.threshold and abs(j.eta()) < 4.7 and j.jetid()]) for i1 in xrange(len(goodRecoJets)): for i2 in xrange(i1+1, len(goodRecoJets)): j1 = goodRecoJets[i1] j2 = goodRecoJets[i2] if not self.variantFilter.filterPair(j1, j2): continue topology = self.topology(j1, j2) weight = {} if self.isData: if topology == "_jet15": hasTrigger = self.fChain.jet15 > 0.5 weight["_central"] = 1 else: hasTrigger = self.fChain.doubleJ15FB > 0.5 weight["_central"] = 1 else: hasTrigger = self.triggerFired(topology) weightNoNorm = {} if shift == "_central": for s in self.shiftsPU: # note: shifts pu contains central, puUp and puDown weightPU = puWeights[topology][s] weight[s] = weightPU*weightBase weightNoNorm[s] = weightPU*weightBaseNoMCNorm else: weightPU = puWeights[topology]["_central"] weight[shift] = weightPU*weightBase weightNoNorm[shift] = weightPU*weightBaseNoMCNorm if not hasTrigger: continue detaDet = self.variantFilter.xsVariable(j1, j2) # note: we should rename this... ptSorted = sorted( [j1, j2], key = lambda j: for w in weight: histoName = w + topology self.hist["ptLead"+histoName].Fill(ptSorted[0].pt(), weight[w]) self.hist["etaLead"+histoName].Fill(ptSorted[0].eta(), weight[w]) self.hist["ptSublead"+histoName].Fill(ptSorted[1].pt(), weight[w]) self.hist["etaSublead"+histoName].Fill(ptSorted[1].eta(), weight[w]) self.hist["xsVsDeltaEta"+histoName].Fill(detaDet, weight[w]) self.hist["vtx"+histoName].Fill(self.fChain.ngoodVTX, weight[w]) # todo: fill detLevel Histograms # for MC - check if there is a matching pair, save result inside matchedPairs set if not self.isData: # and len(goodGenJets) > 1: matched=() # empty tuple if len(goodGenJets) > 1: closestGenJetI1 = min(xrange(len(goodGenJets)), key = lambda i: self.dr(j1, goodGenJets[i]) ) closestGenJetI2 = min(xrange(len(goodGenJets)), key = lambda i: self.dr(j2, goodGenJets[i]) ) if self.variantFilter.filterPair(goodGenJets[closestGenJetI1], goodGenJets[closestGenJetI2]): dr1 = self.dr(j1, goodGenJets[closestGenJetI1]) dr2 = self.dr(j2, goodGenJets[closestGenJetI2]) if max(dr1, dr2) < 0.3: if closestGenJetI1 != closestGenJetI2: # check the topology is correct genTopology = self.topology(goodGenJets[closestGenJetI1], goodGenJets[closestGenJetI2]) if genTopology == topology: matchCand=(min(closestGenJetI1,closestGenJetI2), max(closestGenJetI1,closestGenJetI2)) if not matchCand in matchedPairs: matched=matchCand matchedPairs.add(matchCand) else: pass #print "XXX Warning, matched to same genJet" #print, j1.eta(), j1.phi() #print, j2.eta(), j2.phi() #def pr(x): print x #map(lambda x: pr("Gen: {0} {1} {2}".format(, x.eta() , x.phi())), goodGenJets ) # add this point we know, if this is # a fake: no matched genJetPair (or genJet pair from different category) # a fill: matched genJetPai #fill the response matrix if len(matched)>0: if self.unfoldEnabled: detaGen = self.variantFilter.xsVariable(goodGenJets[matched[0]],goodGenJets[matched[1]]) for w in weightNoNorm: histoName = w + topology self.hist["response"+histoName].Fill(detaDet, detaGen, weightNoNorm[w]) else: if self.unfoldEnabled: for w in weightNoNorm: histoName = w + topology self.hist["response"+histoName].Fake(detaDet, weightNoNorm[w]) # Now: fill miss cateogory # note: this is still happening in "shift" loop if self.unfoldEnabled and not self.isData: for i1 in xrange(len(goodGenJets)): for i2 in xrange(i1+1, len(goodGenJets)): if not self.variantFilter.filterPair(goodGenJets[i1], goodGenJets[i2]): continue genTopology = None detaGen = None if shift == "_central": genTopology = self.topology(goodGenJets[i1], goodGenJets[i2]) detaGen = self.variantFilter.xsVariable(goodGenJets[i1], goodGenJets[i2]) self.hist["detaGen"+genTopology].Fill(detaGen, weightBase) if (i1, i2) in matchedPairs: continue if genTopology == None: genTopology = self.topology(goodGenJets[i1], goodGenJets[i2]) # note: code repeated here, see above defintion of weightNoNorm weightNoNorm = {} if shift == "_central": for s in self.shiftsPU: # note: shifts pu contains central, puUp and puDown weightPU = puWeights[genTopology][s] weightNoNorm[s] = weightPU*weightBaseNoMCNorm else: weightPU = puWeights[genTopology]["_central"] weightNoNorm[shift] = weightPU*weightBaseNoMCNorm if detaGen == None: detaGen = self.variantFilter.xsVariable(goodGenJets[i1], goodGenJets[i2]) for w in weightNoNorm: histoName = w + genTopology self.hist["response"+histoName].Miss(detaGen, weightNoNorm[w]) self.hist["miss"+histoName].Fill(detaGen, weightNoNorm[w]) def finalize(self): print "Finalize:" if hasattr(self, "pr"): dname = "/nfs/dust/cms/user/fruboest/2015.01.MN/slc6/CMSSW_7_0_5/src/CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/bak/" profName = dname + "stats" for h in self.hist: if not h.startswith("response"): continue def cloneAndAdd(h, name): hh = h.Clone(name) hh.SetName(name) self.addToOutput(hh) cloneAndAdd(self.hist[h].Hfakes(), "fake"+h) cloneAndAdd(self.hist[h].Htruth(), "truth"+h) cloneAndAdd(self.hist[h].Hmeasured(), "measured"+h) cloneAndAdd(self.hist[h].Hresponse(), "resp"+h)
class MNxsAnalyzerClean(CommonFSQFramework.Core.ExampleProofReader.ExampleProofReader): def init( self): self.variantFilter = BaseDijetAna.variant(self.variant) if not self.isData: #self.hltMCWeighter = HLTMCWeighter("HLT_Jet15U") self.HLTMCWeighterJ15Raw = HLTMCWeighter("HLT_Jet15U_raw") self.HLTMCWeighterJ15L1Raw = HLTMCWeighter("HLT_Jet15U_L1Seeding_raw") self.HLTMCWeighterJ15FBL1Raw = HLTMCWeighter("HLT_DoubleJet15U_ForwardBackward_L1Seeding_raw") self.HLTMCWeighterJ15FBRaw = HLTMCWeighter("HLT_DoubleJet15U_ForwardBackward_raw") self.normFactor = self.getNormalizationFactor() #sys.stdout = sys.stderr = cProfile.Profile() print "XXX init - MNxsAnalyzerClean", self.datasetName, self.isData self.todoShifts = ["_central"] if not self.isData and self.doPtShiftsJEC: self.todoShifts.append("_jecUp") self.todoShifts.append("_jecDown") if not self.isData and self.doPtShiftsJER: self.todoShifts.append("_jerUp") self.todoShifts.append("_jerDown") # since shifts for PU are in fact changes in weight # there is no sense to repeat whole analaysis # we will use the central value self.shiftsPU = ["_central"] if not self.isData and self.doShiftsPU: self.shiftsPU.append("_puUp") self.shiftsPU.append("_puDown") self.hist = {} todoTrg = ["_jet15", "_dj15fb"] binsNew = self.variantFilter.bins() # note: set gives as unique items, since _central is repeated self.hist["ptHat"] = ROOT.TH1F("ptHat", "ptHat", 100, 0, 50) for shift in set(self.todoShifts+self.shiftsPU): for trg in todoTrg: t = shift+trg self.hist["ptLead"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("ptLead"+t, "ptLead"+t, 100, 0, 100) self.hist["ptSublead"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("ptSublead"+t, "ptSublead"+t, 100, 0, 100) self.hist["etaLead"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("etaLead"+t, "etaLead"+t, 100, -5, 5) self.hist["etaSublead"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("etaSublead"+t, "etaSublead"+t, 100, -5, 5) self.hist["xsVsDeltaEta"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("xs"+t, "xs"+t, len(binsNew)-1, binsNew) self.hist["miss"+t] = self.hist["xsVsDeltaEta"+t].Clone("miss"+t) self.hist["vtx"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("vtx"+t, "vtx"+t, 10, -0.5, 9.5) if self.unfoldEnabled: dummy = ROOT.TH2F("dummy"+t, "dummy"+t, len(binsNew)-1, binsNew, len(binsNew)-1, binsNew) self.hist["response"+t]= ROOT.RooUnfoldResponse(self.hist["xsVsDeltaEta"+t], self.hist["xsVsDeltaEta"+t], dummy, "response"+t,"response"+t) # in principle trigger does not applies to gen plots. We keep consistent naming though, so the unfolded result to gen level plots is possible # in each category self.hist["detaGen_jet15"] = ROOT.TH1F("detaGen_central_jet15", "detaGen_central_jet15", len(binsNew)-1, binsNew) self.hist["detaGen_dj15fb"] = ROOT.TH1F("detaGen_central_dj15fb", "detaGen_central_dj15fb", len(binsNew)-1, binsNew) if self.onlyPtHatReweighing: self.var = {} self.var["leadPt"] = array('d', [0]) self.var["leadEta"] = array('d', [0]) self.var["weight"] = array('d', [0]) # only jet15 trigger?? #self.var["alphaQCD"] = array('d', [0]) self.var["qScale"] = array('d', [0]) self.tree = ROOT.TTree("data", "data") for v in self.var: self.tree.Branch(v, self.var[v], v+"/D") self.addToOutput(self.tree) else: for h in self.hist: if not h.startswith("response"): self.hist[h].Sumw2() #self.GetOutputList().Add(self.hist[h]) self.addToOutput(self.hist[h]) if self.applyPtHatReweighing and not self.isData: fp = "CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/" todo = ["ptHatWeighters.root"] self.ptHatW = [] for t in todo: ptHatFileName = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/"+t).fullPath() ptHatFile = ROOT.TFile(ptHatFileName) self.ptHatW.append(ptHatFile.Get(self.datasetName+"/ptHatW")) puFiles = {} # CommonFSQFramework.Core/test/MNxsectionAna/ jet15FileV2 = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/data/PUJet15V2.root").fullPath() # MC gen distribution puFiles["dj15_1"] = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/data/pu_dj15_1_0.root").fullPath() puFiles["dj15_1_05"] = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/data/pu_dj15_1_05.root").fullPath() puFiles["dj15_0_95"] = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/data/pu_dj15_0_95.root").fullPath() puFiles["j15_1"] = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/data/pu_j15_1_0.root").fullPath() puFiles["j15_1_05"] = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/data/pu_j15_1_05.root").fullPath() puFiles["j15_0_95"] = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/data/pu_j15_0_95.root").fullPath() self.lumiWeighters = {} self.lumiWeighters["_jet15_central"] = edm.LumiReWeighting(jet15FileV2, puFiles["j15_1"], "MC", "pileup") self.lumiWeighters["_jet15_puUp"] = edm.LumiReWeighting(jet15FileV2, puFiles["j15_1_05"], "MC", "pileup") self.lumiWeighters["_jet15_puDown"] = edm.LumiReWeighting(jet15FileV2, puFiles["j15_0_95"], "MC", "pileup") self.lumiWeighters["_dj15fb_central"] = edm.LumiReWeighting(jet15FileV2, puFiles["dj15_1"], "MC", "pileup") self.lumiWeighters["_dj15fb_puUp"] = edm.LumiReWeighting(jet15FileV2, puFiles["dj15_1_05"], "MC", "pileup") self.lumiWeighters["_dj15fb_puDown"] = edm.LumiReWeighting(jet15FileV2, puFiles["dj15_0_95"], "MC", "pileup") self.jetGetter = BetterJetGetter("PFAK5") self.getterForTriggerModelling = BetterJetGetter("CaloRaw") # note: for the ptHat reweighing we will do only the central variation. # otherwise the changes from the JEC/JER variations would be fixed # by the ptHat reweighing procedure # # leadPt:qScale gives a nice linear response # # todo: trigger correction for data def doPtHatReweighing(self, weightBase): if self.isData: if self.fChain.jet15 < 0.5: return weight = weightBase else: if not self.triggerFired("_jet15"): return truePU = self.fChain.puTrueNumInteractions puWeight = self.lumiWeighters["_jet15_central"].weight(truePU) weight = weightBase*puWeight sortKey = lambda j:*(>self.threshold)\ *(j.jetid()>0.5)*(abs(j.eta())<4.7) # if empty sequence... try: bestJet = max(self.jetGetter.get("_central"), key=sortKey) except ValueError: return if not sortKey(bestJet): return # do we really have a jet passing the criteria? pt, eta =, bestJet.eta() self.var["leadPt"][0] = pt self.var["leadEta"][0] = eta self.var["weight"][0] = weight if not self.isData: #self.var["alphaQCD"][0] = self.fChain.alphaQCD self.var["qScale"][0] = self.fChain.qScale self.tree.Fill() def triggerFired(self, case): if case == "_jet15" and self.MC_jet15_triggerFired_cached != None: return self.MC_jet15_triggerFired_cached if case == "_dj15fb" and self.MC_dj15fb_triggerFired_cached != None: return self.MC_dj15fb_triggerFired_cached
def init( self): if not self.isData: #self.hltMCWeighter = HLTMCWeighter("HLT_Jet15U") self.HLTMCWeighterJ15Raw = HLTMCWeighter("HLT_Jet15U_raw") self.HLTMCWeighterJ15L1Raw = HLTMCWeighter("HLT_Jet15U_L1Seeding_raw") self.HLTMCWeighterJ15FBL1Raw = HLTMCWeighter("HLT_DoubleJet15U_ForwardBackward_L1Seeding_raw") self.HLTMCWeighterJ15FBRaw = HLTMCWeighter("HLT_DoubleJet15U_ForwardBackward_raw") self.normFactor = self.getNormalizationFactor() #sys.stdout = sys.stderr = cProfile.Profile() print "XXX init - MNxsAnalyzer", self.datasetName, self.isData self.todoShifts = ["_central"] if not self.isData and self.doPtShiftsJEC: self.todoShifts.append("_jecUp") self.todoShifts.append("_jecDown") if not self.isData and self.doPtShiftsJER: self.todoShifts.append("_jerUp") self.todoShifts.append("_jerDown") self.hist = {} todoTrg = ["_jet15", "_dj15fb"] binningDeta = (19, 0, 9.5) for shift in self.todoShifts: for trg in todoTrg: t = shift+trg self.hist["ptLead"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("ptLead"+t, "ptLead"+t, 100, 0, 100) self.hist["ptSublead"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("ptSublead"+t, "ptSublead"+t, 100, 0, 100) self.hist["etaLead"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("etaLead"+t, "etaLead"+t, 100, -5, 5) self.hist["etaSublead"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("etaSublead"+t, "etaSublead"+t, 100, -5, 5) self.hist["xsVsDeltaEta"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("xs"+t, "xs"+t, binningDeta[0], binningDeta[1], binningDeta[2]) self.hist["xsVsDeltaEtaGen"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("xsGen"+t, "xsGen"+t, binningDeta[0], binningDeta[1], binningDeta[2]) self.hist["xsVsDeltaEtaFake"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("xsFake"+t, "xsFake"+t, binningDeta[0], binningDeta[1], binningDeta[2]) self.hist["xsVsDeltaEtaMiss"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("xsMiss"+t, "xsMiss"+t, binningDeta[0], binningDeta[1], binningDeta[2]) self.hist["vtx"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("vtx"+t, "vtx"+t, 10, -0.5, 9.5) if self.unfoldEnabled: self.hist["response"+t]= ROOT.RooUnfoldResponse(binningDeta[0], binningDeta[1], binningDeta[2], "response"+t,"response"+t) self.hist["evcnt"] = ROOT.TH1F("evcnt_central_jet15", "evcnt_central_jet15", 1, -0.5, 0.5) #self.hist["detaGen"] = ROOT.TH1F("detaGen_central_sum", "detaGen_central_sum", binningDeta[0], binningDeta[1], binningDeta[2]) # in principle trigger does not applies to gen plots. We keep consistent naming though, so the unfolded result to gen level plots is possible # in each category self.hist["detaGen_jet15"] = ROOT.TH1F("detaGen_central_jet15", "detaGen_central_jet15", binningDeta[0], binningDeta[1], binningDeta[2]) self.hist["detaGen_dj15fb"] = ROOT.TH1F("detaGen_central_dj15fb", "detaGen_central_dj15fb", binningDeta[0], binningDeta[1], binningDeta[2]) self.hist["detaGenVsRec"] = ROOT.TH2F("detaGenVsRec_central_jet15", "detaGenVsRec_central_jet15",\ binningDeta[0]*20, binningDeta[1], binningDeta[2],\ binningDeta[0]*20, binningDeta[1], binningDeta[2]) if self.onlyPtHatReweighing: self.var = {} self.var["leadPt"] = array('d', [0]) self.var["leadEta"] = array('d', [0]) self.var["weight"] = array('d', [0]) # only jet15 trigger?? #self.var["alphaQCD"] = array('d', [0]) self.var["qScale"] = array('d', [0]) self.tree = ROOT.TTree("data", "data") for v in self.var: self.tree.Branch(v, self.var[v], v+"/D") self.addToOutput(self.tree) else: for h in self.hist: if not h.startswith("response"): self.hist[h].Sumw2() #self.GetOutputList().Add(self.hist[h]) self.addToOutput(self.hist[h]) if self.applyPtHatReweighing and not self.isData: fp = "CommonFSQFramework.Core/test/MNxsectionAna/" todo = ["ptHatWeighters.root"] #todo = ["ptHatWeighters_invx_pass1.root_invX", # "ptHatWeighters_invx_pass2.root_invX", # "ptHatWeighters_invx_pass3.root_invX",] self.ptHatW = [] for t in todo: ptHatFileName = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework.Core/test/MNxsectionAna/"+t).fullPath() ptHatFile = ROOT.TFile(ptHatFileName) self.ptHatW.append(ptHatFile.Get(self.datasetName+"/ptHatW")) #print "PTHat weighter set to", self.datasetName+"/ptHatW" #print "PTHat test@30:", self.ptHatW.Eval(30) puFiles = {} # CommonFSQFramework.Core/test/MNxsectionAna/ jet15FileV2 = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/data/PUJet15V2.root").fullPath() # MC gen distribution puFiles["dj15_1"] = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/data/pu_dj15_1_0.root").fullPath() puFiles["dj15_1_05"] = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/data/pu_dj15_1_05.root").fullPath() puFiles["dj15_0_95"] = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/data/pu_dj15_0_95.root").fullPath() puFiles["j15_1"] = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/data/pu_j15_1_0.root").fullPath() puFiles["j15_1_05"] = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/data/pu_j15_1_05.root").fullPath() puFiles["j15_0_95"] = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/data/pu_j15_0_95.root").fullPath() self.lumiWeighters = {} self.lumiWeighters["_jet15_central"] = edm.LumiReWeighting(jet15FileV2, puFiles["j15_1"], "MC", "pileup") self.lumiWeighters["_jet15_puUp"] = edm.LumiReWeighting(jet15FileV2, puFiles["j15_1_05"], "MC", "pileup") self.lumiWeighters["_jet15_puDown"] = edm.LumiReWeighting(jet15FileV2, puFiles["j15_0_95"], "MC", "pileup") self.lumiWeighters["_dj15fb_central"] = edm.LumiReWeighting(jet15FileV2, puFiles["dj15_1"], "MC", "pileup") self.lumiWeighters["_dj15fb_puUp"] = edm.LumiReWeighting(jet15FileV2, puFiles["dj15_1_05"], "MC", "pileup") self.lumiWeighters["_dj15fb_puDown"] = edm.LumiReWeighting(jet15FileV2, puFiles["dj15_0_95"], "MC", "pileup") #self.jetGetter = JetGetter("PF") #if hasattr(self, "jetUncFile"): # self.jetGetter.setJecUncertainty(self.jetUncFile) self.jetGetter = BetterJetGetter("PFAK5")
class MNxsAnalyzer(CommonFSQFramework.Core.ExampleProofReader.ExampleProofReader): def init( self): if not self.isData: #self.hltMCWeighter = HLTMCWeighter("HLT_Jet15U") self.HLTMCWeighterJ15Raw = HLTMCWeighter("HLT_Jet15U_raw") self.HLTMCWeighterJ15L1Raw = HLTMCWeighter("HLT_Jet15U_L1Seeding_raw") self.HLTMCWeighterJ15FBL1Raw = HLTMCWeighter("HLT_DoubleJet15U_ForwardBackward_L1Seeding_raw") self.HLTMCWeighterJ15FBRaw = HLTMCWeighter("HLT_DoubleJet15U_ForwardBackward_raw") self.normFactor = self.getNormalizationFactor() #sys.stdout = sys.stderr = cProfile.Profile() print "XXX init - MNxsAnalyzer", self.datasetName, self.isData self.todoShifts = ["_central"] if not self.isData and self.doPtShiftsJEC: self.todoShifts.append("_jecUp") self.todoShifts.append("_jecDown") if not self.isData and self.doPtShiftsJER: self.todoShifts.append("_jerUp") self.todoShifts.append("_jerDown") self.hist = {} todoTrg = ["_jet15", "_dj15fb"] binningDeta = (19, 0, 9.5) for shift in self.todoShifts: for trg in todoTrg: t = shift+trg self.hist["ptLead"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("ptLead"+t, "ptLead"+t, 100, 0, 100) self.hist["ptSublead"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("ptSublead"+t, "ptSublead"+t, 100, 0, 100) self.hist["etaLead"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("etaLead"+t, "etaLead"+t, 100, -5, 5) self.hist["etaSublead"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("etaSublead"+t, "etaSublead"+t, 100, -5, 5) self.hist["xsVsDeltaEta"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("xs"+t, "xs"+t, binningDeta[0], binningDeta[1], binningDeta[2]) self.hist["xsVsDeltaEtaGen"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("xsGen"+t, "xsGen"+t, binningDeta[0], binningDeta[1], binningDeta[2]) self.hist["xsVsDeltaEtaFake"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("xsFake"+t, "xsFake"+t, binningDeta[0], binningDeta[1], binningDeta[2]) self.hist["xsVsDeltaEtaMiss"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("xsMiss"+t, "xsMiss"+t, binningDeta[0], binningDeta[1], binningDeta[2]) self.hist["vtx"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("vtx"+t, "vtx"+t, 10, -0.5, 9.5) if self.unfoldEnabled: self.hist["response"+t]= ROOT.RooUnfoldResponse(binningDeta[0], binningDeta[1], binningDeta[2], "response"+t,"response"+t) self.hist["evcnt"] = ROOT.TH1F("evcnt_central_jet15", "evcnt_central_jet15", 1, -0.5, 0.5) #self.hist["detaGen"] = ROOT.TH1F("detaGen_central_sum", "detaGen_central_sum", binningDeta[0], binningDeta[1], binningDeta[2]) # in principle trigger does not applies to gen plots. We keep consistent naming though, so the unfolded result to gen level plots is possible # in each category self.hist["detaGen_jet15"] = ROOT.TH1F("detaGen_central_jet15", "detaGen_central_jet15", binningDeta[0], binningDeta[1], binningDeta[2]) self.hist["detaGen_dj15fb"] = ROOT.TH1F("detaGen_central_dj15fb", "detaGen_central_dj15fb", binningDeta[0], binningDeta[1], binningDeta[2]) self.hist["detaGenVsRec"] = ROOT.TH2F("detaGenVsRec_central_jet15", "detaGenVsRec_central_jet15",\ binningDeta[0]*20, binningDeta[1], binningDeta[2],\ binningDeta[0]*20, binningDeta[1], binningDeta[2]) if self.onlyPtHatReweighing: self.var = {} self.var["leadPt"] = array('d', [0]) self.var["leadEta"] = array('d', [0]) self.var["weight"] = array('d', [0]) # only jet15 trigger?? #self.var["alphaQCD"] = array('d', [0]) self.var["qScale"] = array('d', [0]) self.tree = ROOT.TTree("data", "data") for v in self.var: self.tree.Branch(v, self.var[v], v+"/D") self.addToOutput(self.tree) else: for h in self.hist: if not h.startswith("response"): self.hist[h].Sumw2() #self.GetOutputList().Add(self.hist[h]) self.addToOutput(self.hist[h]) if self.applyPtHatReweighing and not self.isData: fp = "CommonFSQFramework.Core/test/MNxsectionAna/" todo = ["ptHatWeighters.root"] #todo = ["ptHatWeighters_invx_pass1.root_invX", # "ptHatWeighters_invx_pass2.root_invX", # "ptHatWeighters_invx_pass3.root_invX",] self.ptHatW = [] for t in todo: ptHatFileName = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework.Core/test/MNxsectionAna/"+t).fullPath() ptHatFile = ROOT.TFile(ptHatFileName) self.ptHatW.append(ptHatFile.Get(self.datasetName+"/ptHatW")) #print "PTHat weighter set to", self.datasetName+"/ptHatW" #print "PTHat test@30:", self.ptHatW.Eval(30) puFiles = {} # CommonFSQFramework.Core/test/MNxsectionAna/ jet15FileV2 = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/data/PUJet15V2.root").fullPath() # MC gen distribution puFiles["dj15_1"] = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/data/pu_dj15_1_0.root").fullPath() puFiles["dj15_1_05"] = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/data/pu_dj15_1_05.root").fullPath() puFiles["dj15_0_95"] = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/data/pu_dj15_0_95.root").fullPath() puFiles["j15_1"] = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/data/pu_j15_1_0.root").fullPath() puFiles["j15_1_05"] = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/data/pu_j15_1_05.root").fullPath() puFiles["j15_0_95"] = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/data/pu_j15_0_95.root").fullPath() self.lumiWeighters = {} self.lumiWeighters["_jet15_central"] = edm.LumiReWeighting(jet15FileV2, puFiles["j15_1"], "MC", "pileup") self.lumiWeighters["_jet15_puUp"] = edm.LumiReWeighting(jet15FileV2, puFiles["j15_1_05"], "MC", "pileup") self.lumiWeighters["_jet15_puDown"] = edm.LumiReWeighting(jet15FileV2, puFiles["j15_0_95"], "MC", "pileup") self.lumiWeighters["_dj15fb_central"] = edm.LumiReWeighting(jet15FileV2, puFiles["dj15_1"], "MC", "pileup") self.lumiWeighters["_dj15fb_puUp"] = edm.LumiReWeighting(jet15FileV2, puFiles["dj15_1_05"], "MC", "pileup") self.lumiWeighters["_dj15fb_puDown"] = edm.LumiReWeighting(jet15FileV2, puFiles["dj15_0_95"], "MC", "pileup") #self.jetGetter = JetGetter("PF") #if hasattr(self, "jetUncFile"): # self.jetGetter.setJecUncertainty(self.jetUncFile) self.jetGetter = BetterJetGetter("PFAK5") def dr(self, a,b): de = a.eta()-b.eta() dp = a.phi()-b.phi() pi = 3.1415 if dp > pi: dp -= 2*pi if dp < -pi: dp += 2*pi #print a.phi(), b.phi(), dp return math.sqrt(de*de+dp*dp) def doGri(self, weight, variation): fil = lambda x: > self.threshold and abs(x.eta())<4.7 genJ = filter(fil, self.fChain.genJets) # 1 detJ =filter(fil, self.jetGetter.get(variation)) #1 ##print "AAA", len(genJ), len(detJ) postfix = variation+"_jet15" if len(genJ)<2: if len(detJ) < 2: return detJB = min(detJ, key= lambda j: j.eta() ) detJF = max(detJ, key= lambda j: j.eta() ) deta = abs(detJB.eta()-detJF.eta()) self.hist["xsVsDeltaEtaFake"+postfix].Fill(deta, weight) return # 2 gjB = min(genJ, key= lambda j: j.eta() ) gjF = max(genJ, key= lambda j: j.eta() ) detaGen = gjF.eta() - gjB.eta() self.hist["xsVsDeltaEtaGen"+postfix].Fill(detaGen, weight) # 3 if len(detJ)<2: self.hist["xsVsDeltaEtaMiss"+postfix].Fill(detaGen, weight) # 4 self.hist["response"+postfix].Miss(detaGen, weight) return closestDetJet1 = min(detJ, key = lambda j: self.dr(j, gjB) ) # 5, eta restriction imposed in step 1 dr1 = self.dr(closestDetJet1, gjB) if dr1 > 0.3: self.hist["xsVsDeltaEtaMiss"+postfix].Fill(detaGen, weight) # 6 self.hist["response"+postfix].Miss(detaGen, weight) return else: closestDetJet2 = min(detJ, key = lambda j: self.dr(j, gjF) ) # 5, dr2 = self.dr(closestDetJet2, gjF) if dr2 > 0.3: self.hist["xsVsDeltaEtaMiss"+postfix].Fill(detaGen, weight) # 6 self.hist["response"+postfix].Miss(detaGen, weight) return detaDet = abs(closestDetJet1.eta()- closestDetJet2.eta()) self.hist["response"+postfix].Fill(detaDet, detaGen, weight) # 7 # note: for the ptHat reweighing we will do only the central variation. # otherwise the changes from the JEC/JER variations would be fixed # by the ptHat reweighing procedure # # leadPt:qScale gives a nice linear response # # todo: trigger correction for data def doPtHatReweighing(self, weightBase): if self.isData: if self.fChain.jet15 < 0.5: return weight = weightBase else: if not self.triggerFired("_jet15"): return truePU = self.fChain.puTrueNumInteractions puWeight = self.lumiWeighters["_jet15_central"].weight(truePU) weight = weightBase*puWeight sortKey = lambda j:*(>self.threshold)\ *(j.jetid()>0.5)*(abs(j.eta())<4.7) # if empty sequence... try: bestJet = max(self.jetGetter.get("_central"), key=sortKey) except ValueError: return if not sortKey(bestJet): return # do we really have a jet passing the criteria? pt, eta =, bestJet.eta() self.var["leadPt"][0] = pt self.var["leadEta"][0] = eta self.var["weight"][0] = weight if not self.isData: #self.var["alphaQCD"][0] = self.fChain.alphaQCD self.var["qScale"][0] = self.fChain.qScale self.tree.Fill() def triggerFired(self, case): if case == "_jet15" and self.MC_jet15_triggerFired_cached != None: return self.MC_jet15_triggerFired_cached if case == "_dj15fb" and self.MC_dj15fb_triggerFired_cached != None: return self.MC_dj15fb_triggerFired_cached ev = self.fChain.event rnd4eff = ev%10000/9999. if case == "_jet15": self.HLTMCWeighterJ15L1Raw.newEvent(self.fChain) self.HLTMCWeighterJ15Raw.newEvent(self.fChain) w1 = self.HLTMCWeighterJ15L1Raw.getWeight() w2 = self.HLTMCWeighterJ15Raw.getWeight() self.MC_jet15_triggerFired_cached = w1*w2 > rnd4eff return self.MC_jet15_triggerFired_cached elif case == "_dj15fb": self.HLTMCWeighterJ15FBL1Raw.newEvent(self.fChain) self.HLTMCWeighterJ15FBRaw.newEvent(self.fChain) w1 = self.HLTMCWeighterJ15FBL1Raw.getWeight() w2 = self.HLTMCWeighterJ15FBRaw.getWeight() self.MC_dj15fb_triggerFired_cached = w1*w2 > rnd4eff return self.MC_dj15fb_triggerFired_cached else: raise Excecption("triggerFired: case not known: "+str(case)) def analyze(self): self.MC_jet15_triggerFired_cached = None self.MC_dj15fb_triggerFired_cached = None self.hist["evcnt"].Fill(0) if self.fChain.ngoodVTX == 0: return self.jetGetter.newEvent(self.fChain) weightBase = 1. if not self.isData: weightBase *= self.fChain.genWeight*self.normFactor #print ev, w1*w2, rnd4eff, triggerFired if not self.isData and self.applyPtHatReweighing: ptHat = self.fChain.qScale w = 1. for weighter in self.ptHatW: w*=max(weighter.Eval(ptHat), 0.) #print "W:", ptHat, weighter.Eval(ptHat) weightBase *= w if self.onlyPtHatReweighing: self.doPtHatReweighing(weightBase) return # fill the roounfoldresponse if not self.isData: genDEta = None genTopology = None etas = [] for j in self.fChain.genJets: if < self.threshold: continue eta = j.eta() if abs(j.eta())>4.7: continue etas.append(eta) if len(etas)>1: fwd = max(etas) bkw = min(etas) genTopology = "CF" if fwd > 3 and bkw < -3: genTopology = "FB" genDEta = fwd - bkw #self.hist["detaGen"].Fill(genDEta, weightBase) # basic gen level distribution shouldnt be PU dependent if genTopology == "FB": self.hist["detaGen_dj15fb"].Fill(genDEta, weightBase) # basic gen level distribution shouldnt be PU dependent else: self.hist["detaGen_jet15"].Fill(genDEta, weightBase) # basic gen level distribution shouldnt be PU dependent for shift in self.todoShifts: # Q&D warning: to test this you need to comment out all filling of the response object below #truePU = self.fChain.puTrueNumInteractions #puWeight = self.lumiWeighters["_jet15_central"].weight(truePU) #self.doGri(weightBase*puWeight, shift) # find best dijet pair mostFwdJet = None mostBkgJet = None mostFwdJetEta = None mostBkgJetEta = None mostFwdJetPt = None mostBkgJetPt = None for jet in self.jetGetter.get(shift): #if < 0.5: continue if not jet.jetid(): continue eta = jet.eta() if abs(eta) > 4.7: continue ptShifted = if ptShifted < self.threshold: continue if mostFwdJet == None or mostFwdJetEta < eta: mostFwdJet = jet mostFwdJetEta = eta mostFwdJetPt = ptShifted if mostBkgJet == None or mostBkgJetEta > eta: mostBkgJet = jet mostBkgJetEta = eta mostBkgJetPt = ptShifted pairFound = False if mostFwdJet != None and mostBkgJet != mostFwdJet: pairFound = True isMiss = True # mark if dijet pair was not found (needed to correctly fill response) # A dijet pair was found. Check trigger for data # fill histograms if pairFound: deta = abs(mostFwdJetEta - mostBkgJetEta) if not self.isData and genDEta: if shift == "_central": self.hist["detaGenVsRec"].Fill(genDEta, deta, weightBase) # detaGenVsRec triggerToUse = "_jet15" if abs(mostFwdJetEta) > 3 and abs(mostBkgJetEta) > 3 and mostFwdJetEta*mostBkgJetEta<0: triggerToUse = "_dj15fb" # TODO: we need to separate gen level categories!! gotTrigger = True if self.isData: # check trigger if triggerToUse == "_jet15": gotTrigger = self.fChain.jet15 > 0.5 elif triggerToUse == "_dj15fb": gotTrigger = self.fChain.doubleJ15FB > 0.5 else: raise Exception("Trigger not known??? "+triggerToUse) else: gotTrigger = self.triggerFired(triggerToUse) if gotTrigger: # calculate weight for MC weight = weightBase if not self.isData: truePU = self.fChain.puTrueNumInteractions puWeight = self.lumiWeighters[triggerToUse+"_central"].weight(truePU) weight *= puWeight histoName = shift +triggerToUse self.hist["xsVsDeltaEta"+histoName].Fill(deta, weight) if not self.isData: isMiss = False isCorrectTopo = (triggerToUse == "_jet15") and genTopology == "CF" or (triggerToUse == "_dj15fb") and genTopology == "FB" #''' if genDEta == None or not isCorrectTopo: # fake pair, e.g. from bkg or we landed in a wrong category if self.unfoldEnabled: self.hist["response"+histoName].Fake(deta, weight) else: if self.unfoldEnabled: self.hist["response"+histoName].Fill(deta, genDEta, weight) #''' # fill also some control plots leadJet = mostBkgJet subleadJet = mostFwdJet ptLead = mostBkgJetPt ptSublead = mostFwdJetPt etaLead = mostBkgJetEta etaSublead = mostFwdJetEta if ptSublead > ptLead: leadJet, subleadJet = subleadJet, leadJet ptLead, ptSublead = ptSublead, ptLead etaLead, etaSublead = etaSublead, etaLead self.hist["vtx"+histoName].Fill(self.fChain.ngoodVTX, weight) self.hist["ptLead"+histoName].Fill(ptLead, weight) self.hist["ptSublead"+histoName].Fill(ptSublead, weight) self.hist["etaLead"+histoName].Fill(etaLead, weight) self.hist["etaSublead"+histoName].Fill(etaSublead, weight) if not self.isData and genDEta and isMiss: if genTopology == "CF": triggerToUse = "_jet15" else: triggerToUse = "_dj15fb" histoName = shift +triggerToUse weight = weightBase if not self.isData: truePU = self.fChain.puTrueNumInteractions puWeight = self.lumiWeighters[triggerToUse+"_central"].weight(truePU) #print "Miss", triggerToUse, genDEta, shift #''' if self.unfoldEnabled: self.hist["response"+histoName].Miss(genDEta, weight) #''' def finalize(self): print "Finalize:"
class MNxsAnalyzer(CommonFSQFramework.Core.ExampleProofReader.ExampleProofReader): def init( self): if not self.isData: #self.hltMCWeighter = HLTMCWeighter("HLT_Jet15U") self.HLTMCWeighterJ15Raw = HLTMCWeighter("HLT_Jet15U_raw") self.HLTMCWeighterJ15L1Raw = HLTMCWeighter("HLT_Jet15U_L1Seeding_raw") self.HLTMCWeighterJ15FBL1Raw = HLTMCWeighter("HLT_DoubleJet15U_ForwardBackward_L1Seeding_raw") self.HLTMCWeighterJ15FBRaw = HLTMCWeighter("HLT_DoubleJet15U_ForwardBackward_raw") self.normFactor = self.getNormalizationFactor() #sys.stdout = sys.stderr = cProfile.Profile() print "XXX init - MNxsAnalyzer", self.datasetName, self.isData self.todoShifts = ["_central"] if not self.isData and self.doPtShiftsJEC: self.todoShifts.append("_jecUp") self.todoShifts.append("_jecDown") if not self.isData and self.doPtShiftsJER: self.todoShifts.append("_jerUp") self.todoShifts.append("_jerDown") self.hist = {} todoTrg = ["_jet15", "_dj15fb"] binningDeta = (19, 0, 9.5) for shift in self.todoShifts: for trg in todoTrg: t = shift+trg self.hist["ptLead"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("ptLead"+t, "ptLead"+t, 100, 0, 100) self.hist["ptSublead"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("ptSublead"+t, "ptSublead"+t, 100, 0, 100) self.hist["etaLead"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("etaLead"+t, "etaLead"+t, 100, -5, 5) self.hist["etaSublead"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("etaSublead"+t, "etaSublead"+t, 100, -5, 5) self.hist["xsVsDeltaEta"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("xs"+t, "xs"+t, binningDeta[0], binningDeta[1], binningDeta[2]) self.hist["xsVsDeltaEtaGen"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("xsGen"+t, "xsGen"+t, binningDeta[0], binningDeta[1], binningDeta[2]) self.hist["xsVsDeltaEtaFake"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("xsFake"+t, "xsFake"+t, binningDeta[0], binningDeta[1], binningDeta[2]) self.hist["xsVsDeltaEtaMiss"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("xsMiss"+t, "xsMiss"+t, binningDeta[0], binningDeta[1], binningDeta[2]) self.hist["vtx"+t] = ROOT.TH1F("vtx"+t, "vtx"+t, 10, -0.5, 9.5) if self.unfoldEnabled: self.hist["response"+t]= ROOT.RooUnfoldResponse(binningDeta[0], binningDeta[1], binningDeta[2], "response"+t,"response"+t) self.hist["evcnt"] = ROOT.TH1F("evcnt_central_jet15", "evcnt_central_jet15", 1, -0.5, 0.5) #self.hist["detaGen"] = ROOT.TH1F("detaGen_central_sum", "detaGen_central_sum", binningDeta[0], binningDeta[1], binningDeta[2]) # in principle trigger does not applies to gen plots. We keep consistent naming though, so the unfolded result to gen level plots is possible # in each category self.hist["detaGen_jet15"] = ROOT.TH1F("detaGen_central_jet15", "detaGen_central_jet15", binningDeta[0], binningDeta[1], binningDeta[2]) self.hist["detaGen_dj15fb"] = ROOT.TH1F("detaGen_central_dj15fb", "detaGen_central_dj15fb", binningDeta[0], binningDeta[1], binningDeta[2]) self.hist["detaGenVsRec"] = ROOT.TH2F("detaGenVsRec_central_jet15", "detaGenVsRec_central_jet15",\ binningDeta[0]*20, binningDeta[1], binningDeta[2],\ binningDeta[0]*20, binningDeta[1], binningDeta[2]) if self.onlyPtHatReweighing: self.var = {} self.var["leadPt"] = array('d', [0]) self.var["leadEta"] = array('d', [0]) self.var["weight"] = array('d', [0]) # only jet15 trigger?? #self.var["alphaQCD"] = array('d', [0]) self.var["qScale"] = array('d', [0]) self.tree = ROOT.TTree("data", "data") for v in self.var: self.tree.Branch(v, self.var[v], v+"/D") self.addToOutput(self.tree) else: for h in self.hist: if not h.startswith("response"): self.hist[h].Sumw2() #self.GetOutputList().Add(self.hist[h]) self.addToOutput(self.hist[h]) if self.applyPtHatReweighing and not self.isData: fp = "CommonFSQFramework.Core/test/MNxsectionAna/" todo = ["ptHatWeighters.root"] #todo = ["ptHatWeighters_invx_pass1.root_invX", # "ptHatWeighters_invx_pass2.root_invX", # "ptHatWeighters_invx_pass3.root_invX",] self.ptHatW = [] for t in todo: ptHatFileName = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework.Core/test/MNxsectionAna/"+t).fullPath() ptHatFile = ROOT.TFile(ptHatFileName) self.ptHatW.append(ptHatFile.Get(self.datasetName+"/ptHatW")) #print "PTHat weighter set to", self.datasetName+"/ptHatW" #print "PTHat test@30:", self.ptHatW.Eval(30) puFiles = {} # CommonFSQFramework.Core/test/MNxsectionAna/ jet15FileV2 = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/data/PUJet15V2.root").fullPath() # MC gen distribution puFiles["dj15_1"] = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/data/pu_dj15_1_0.root").fullPath() puFiles["dj15_1_05"] = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/data/pu_dj15_1_05.root").fullPath() puFiles["dj15_0_95"] = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/data/pu_dj15_0_95.root").fullPath() puFiles["j15_1"] = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/data/pu_j15_1_0.root").fullPath() puFiles["j15_1_05"] = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/data/pu_j15_1_05.root").fullPath() puFiles["j15_0_95"] = edm.FileInPath("CommonFSQFramework/Core/test/MNxsectionAna/data/pu_j15_0_95.root").fullPath() self.lumiWeighters = {} self.lumiWeighters["_jet15_central"] = edm.LumiReWeighting(jet15FileV2, puFiles["j15_1"], "MC", "pileup") self.lumiWeighters["_jet15_puUp"] = edm.LumiReWeighting(jet15FileV2, puFiles["j15_1_05"], "MC", "pileup") self.lumiWeighters["_jet15_puDown"] = edm.LumiReWeighting(jet15FileV2, puFiles["j15_0_95"], "MC", "pileup") self.lumiWeighters["_dj15fb_central"] = edm.LumiReWeighting(jet15FileV2, puFiles["dj15_1"], "MC", "pileup") self.lumiWeighters["_dj15fb_puUp"] = edm.LumiReWeighting(jet15FileV2, puFiles["dj15_1_05"], "MC", "pileup") self.lumiWeighters["_dj15fb_puDown"] = edm.LumiReWeighting(jet15FileV2, puFiles["dj15_0_95"], "MC", "pileup") #self.jetGetter = JetGetter("PF") #if hasattr(self, "jetUncFile"): # self.jetGetter.setJecUncertainty(self.jetUncFile) self.jetGetter = BetterJetGetter("PFAK5") def dr(self, a,b): de = a.eta()-b.eta() dp = a.phi()-b.phi() pi = 3.1415 if dp > pi: dp -= 2*pi if dp < -pi: dp += 2*pi #print a.phi(), b.phi(), dp return math.sqrt(de*de+dp*dp) def doGri(self, weight, variation): fil = lambda x: > self.threshold and abs(x.eta())<4.7 genJ = filter(fil, self.fChain.genJets) # 1 detJ =filter(fil, self.jetGetter.get(variation)) #1 ##print "AAA", len(genJ), len(detJ) postfix = variation+"_jet15" if len(genJ)<2: if len(detJ) < 2: return detJB = min(detJ, key= lambda j: j.eta() ) detJF = max(detJ, key= lambda j: j.eta() ) deta = abs(detJB.eta()-detJF.eta()) self.hist["xsVsDeltaEtaFake"+postfix].Fill(deta, weight) return # 2 gjB = min(genJ, key= lambda j: j.eta() ) gjF = max(genJ, key= lambda j: j.eta() ) detaGen = gjF.eta() - gjB.eta() self.hist["xsVsDeltaEtaGen"+postfix].Fill(detaGen, weight) # 3 if len(detJ)<2: self.hist["xsVsDeltaEtaMiss"+postfix].Fill(detaGen, weight) # 4 self.hist["response"+postfix].Miss(detaGen, weight) return closestDetJet1 = min(detJ, key = lambda j: self.dr(j, gjB) ) # 5, eta restriction imposed in step 1 dr1 = self.dr(closestDetJet1, gjB) if dr1 > 0.3: self.hist["xsVsDeltaEtaMiss"+postfix].Fill(detaGen, weight) # 6 self.hist["response"+postfix].Miss(detaGen, weight) return else: closestDetJet2 = min(detJ, key = lambda j: self.dr(j, gjF) ) # 5, dr2 = self.dr(closestDetJet2, gjF) if dr2 > 0.3: self.hist["xsVsDeltaEtaMiss"+postfix].Fill(detaGen, weight) # 6 self.hist["response"+postfix].Miss(detaGen, weight) return detaDet = abs(closestDetJet1.eta()- closestDetJet2.eta()) self.hist["response"+postfix].Fill(detaDet, detaGen, weight) # 7 # note: for the ptHat reweighing we will do only the central variation. # otherwise the changes from the JEC/JER variations would be fixed # by the ptHat reweighing procedure # # leadPt:qScale gives a nice linear response # # todo: trigger correction for data def doPtHatReweighing(self, weightBase): if self.isData: if self.fChain.jet15 < 0.5: return weight = weightBase else: if not self.triggerFired("_jet15"): return truePU = self.fChain.puTrueNumInteractions puWeight = self.lumiWeighters["_jet15_central"].weight(truePU) weight = weightBase*puWeight sortKey = lambda j:*(>self.threshold)\ *(j.jetid()>0.5)*(abs(j.eta())<4.7) # if empty sequence... try: bestJet = max(self.jetGetter.get("_central"), key=sortKey) except ValueError: return if not sortKey(bestJet): return # do we really have a jet passing the criteria? pt, eta =, bestJet.eta() self.var["leadPt"][0] = pt self.var["leadEta"][0] = eta self.var["weight"][0] = weight if not self.isData: #self.var["alphaQCD"][0] = self.fChain.alphaQCD self.var["qScale"][0] = self.fChain.qScale self.tree.Fill() def triggerFired(self, case): if case == "_jet15" and self.MC_jet15_triggerFired_cached != None: return self.MC_jet15_triggerFired_cached if case == "_dj15fb" and self.MC_dj15fb_triggerFired_cached != None: return self.MC_dj15fb_triggerFired_cached