Stripping filtering Template for B2OC filtering requests
@author Bhagyashree Pagare
@date   2020-04-20
#stripping version
stripping = 'stripping29r2'

#use CommonParticlesArchive
from CommonParticlesArchive import CommonParticlesArchiveConf

from Gaudi.Configuration import *
MessageSvc().Format = "% F%30W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
'''''' '''''' ''
#Raw event juggler to split Other/RawEvent into Velo/RawEvent and Tracker/RawEvent
from Configurables import RawEventJuggler
juggler = RawEventJuggler(DataOnDemand=True, Input=2.0, Output=4.0)
'''''' '''''' ''


# Disable the cache in Tr/TrackExtrapolators
from Configurables import TrackStateProvider
TrackStateProvider().CacheStatesOnDemand = False

#Fix for TrackEff lines
# $Id: $
# Test your line(s) of the stripping by taking the dictionaries from StrippingSettings
# NOTE: Please make a copy of this file for your testing, and do NOT change this one!

#use CommonParticlesArchive
from CommonParticlesArchive import CommonParticlesArchiveConf

from Gaudi.Configuration import *
from Configurables import DaVinci
from StrippingConf.Configuration import StrippingConf

# Tighten Trk Chi2 to <3
from CommonParticles.Utils import DefaultTrackingCuts
DefaultTrackingCuts().Cuts  = { "Chi2Cut" : [ 0, 3 ],
                                "CloneDistCut" : [5000, 9e+99 ] }

#Raw event juggler to split Other/RawEvent into Velo/RawEvent and Tracker/RawEvent
from Configurables import RawEventJuggler
juggler = RawEventJuggler( DataOnDemand=True, Input=2.0, Output=4.2 )

#Fix for TrackEff lines
from Configurables import DecodeRawEvent