def __init__(self): Component.__init__(self) #Any method and property missing will be given user feedback by python's traceback ...
def __init__(self,sschema,xrpr=None): Component.__init__(self,sschema,xrpr) if xrpr is not None: if xrpr.documentation is not None: self.documentation=map(lambda a:a.elt.elt,xrpr.documentation) if xrpr.appinfo is not None: self.appinfo=map(lambda a:a.elt.elt,xrpr.appinfo)
def __init__(self, obj, system, material, part): Component.__init__(self, obj, system, material) #obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat", "BendingStiffness", "Component", "Bending stiffness of the Component") obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat", "AreaMomentOfInertia", "Structural", "Area moment of intertia.") obj.setEditorMode("AreaMomentOfInertia", 1) obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat", "RadiusOfGyration", "Structural", "Radius of gyration.") obj.setEditorMode("RadiusOfGyration", 1) obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLink", "Part", "Structural", "Reference to Part") obj.setEditorMode("Part", 1) obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLinkSub", "ShapeLink", "Structural", "Reference to Shape of Part") obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloatList", "Velocity", "Subsystem", "Mean velocity.") obj.setEditorMode('Velocity', 1) obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloatList", "VelocityLevel", "Subsystem", "Velocity level.") obj.setEditorMode('VelocityLevel', 1) obj.Part = part obj.ShapeLink = (obj.Part, ['Shape']) obj.Label = part.Label + '_' + obj.ClassName
def __init__(self, src, actor=None): Component.__init__(self, actor) # TODO Include a mesh name (e.g. 'Dragon') as ID as well as src (e.g. '../res/models/Dragon.obj') self.src = src self.filepath = Context.getInstance().getResourcePath('models', src) # OpenGL version-dependent code (NOTE assumes major version = 3) self.vao = None if Context.getInstance().GL_version_minor > 0: # 3.1 (or greater?) self.vao = glGenVertexArrays(1) else: # 3.0 (or less?) self.vao = GLuint(0) glGenVertexArrays(1, self.vao) glBindVertexArray(self.vao) self.loadModel(self.filepath) self.vbo = VBO(self.meshData, GL_STATIC_DRAW) self.vbo.bind() glEnableVertexAttribArray(0) glVertexAttribPointer(0, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 6 * 4, self.vbo + 0) glEnableVertexAttribArray(1) glVertexAttribPointer(1, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 6 * 4, self.vbo + 12) self.ebo = glGenBuffers(1) glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, self.ebo) glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, len(self.elements) * 4, self.elements, GL_STATIC_DRAW)
def __init__(self, fanout, depth, spread=default_spread, rootColor=default_rootColor, edgeColor=default_edgeColor, scale=default_scale, actor=None): Component.__init__(self, actor) self.fanout = fanout self.depth = depth self.spread = spread self.rootColor = rootColor self.edgeColor = edgeColor self.scale = scale self.rootScale = self.scale # NOTE this will also apply to children #self.childScale = np.float32([1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) # NOTE this will get compounded if the radial tree is a true hierarchy, better to use scale = 1 (default) # Recursively generate radial tree treeRoot = self.createRadialTree( self.fanout, self.depth, self.spread, isRoot=True) # creates full hierarchy and returns root actor treeRoot.components['Transform'] = Transform( rotation=np.random.uniform(-pi / 2, pi / 2, size=3), scale=self.rootScale, actor=treeRoot ) # NOTE random rotation ensures child vectors are not always generated close to the same canonical vectors treeRoot.components['Material'] = Material(color=self.rootColor, actor=treeRoot) treeRoot.components['Mesh'] = Mesh.getMesh(src=self.treeRootModelFile, actor=treeRoot) # Attach this hierarchy to current actor
def __init__(self, radius=default_radius, highlight=None, actor=None): Component.__init__(self, actor) self.radius = radius self.highlight = highlight self.isHighlighted = False # a runtime property indicating whether this actor should be highlighted (due to a collision) self.normalColor = None # will be set on first highlight
def __init__(self, src, actor=None): Component.__init__(self, actor) # TODO Include a mesh name (e.g. 'Dragon') as ID as well as src (e.g. '../res/models/Dragon.obj') self.src = src self.filepath = Context.getInstance().getResourcePath('models', src) # OpenGL version-dependent code (NOTE assumes major version = 3) self.vao = None if Context.getInstance().GL_version_minor > 0: # 3.1 (or greater?) self.vao = glGenVertexArrays(1) else: # 3.0 (or less?) self.vao = GLuint(0) glGenVertexArrays(1, self.vao) glBindVertexArray(self.vao) self.loadModel(self.filepath) self.vbo = VBO(self.meshData, GL_STATIC_DRAW) self.vbo.bind() glEnableVertexAttribArray(0) glVertexAttribPointer(0, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 6*4, self.vbo+0) glEnableVertexAttribArray(1) glVertexAttribPointer(1, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 6*4, self.vbo+12) self.ebo = glGenBuffers(1) glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, self.ebo) glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, len(self.elements)*4, self.elements, GL_STATIC_DRAW)
def __init__(self, plugins): """ @param paths: paths where to look for components """ self.__components = [] self.__devices = [] self.__whitelist = [] Component.__init__(self) mods = self.__load_modules(plugins) delayed_mods = [ mod for mod in mods if hasattr(mod, "delayed") ] other_mods = [ mod for mod in mods if not hasattr(mod, "delayed") ] for mod in mods: self.__register_messages(mod) for mod in other_mods: self.__load_components(mod) self.__report_loadings() #self.emit_message(msgs.COM_EV_APP_STARTED) if (delayed_mods): gobject.idle_add(self.__load_delayed_modules, delayed_mods)
def __init__(self,port_type,master_num,slave_num): Component.__init__(self) for i in range(master_num): eval("" %i) eval("self.VImpPort(self.m%d)" %i) for i in range(master_num): eval("" %i) eval("self.VImpPort(self.s%d)" %i)
def __init__(self): self.__title = "" self.__info = "" Component.__init__(self) Window.__init__(self, Window.TYPE_SUBWINDOW) self.connect_closed(self.__on_close_window)
def __init__(self,sschema,xrpr): Component.__init__(self,sschema,xrpr) if xrpr is not None: self.fields=map(lambda x:XPath(x.xpath,x.elt.namespaceDict), xrpr.fields) self.selector=XPath(xrpr.selector.xpath, xrpr.selector.elt.namespaceDict) self.register('identity constraint', self.schema.keyUniqueTable)
def __init__(self,sschema,xrpr=None,surrogate=None): Component.__init__(self,sschema,xrpr) if xrpr is not None and self.compositor: self.particles=map(lambda p:p.component, filter(lambda p:p.component is not None,xrpr.model)) elif surrogate is not None: # really for errors only self.xrpr=surrogate
def __init__(self,sschema,xrpr,attributeDeclaration=None,use=None,vct=None, value=None): Component.__init__(self,sschema,xrpr,None) if use is not None: (self.minOccurs,self.maxOccurs)=_attrOccurs[use] if vct is not None: self.valueConstraint=(vct,value) if attributeDeclaration is not None: self.attributeDeclaration=attributeDeclaration
def __init__(self,sschema,xrpr=None,term=None,surrogate=None): Component.__init__(self,sschema,xrpr,None) if xrpr is not None: self.occurs=_computeMinMax(xrpr.minOccurs or "1",xrpr.maxOccurs,self) elif surrogate is not None: # for errors only self.xrpr=surrogate if term is not None: self.term=term
def __init__(self): Component.__init__(self) #Users can use any dynamic feature here,1,2)) ... ..
def __init__(self): Component.__init__(self) # Placeholder parameters for testing. # All diameters in mm. self.parameters['diameter'] = 77 # diameter = combustor diameter self.parameters['length'] = 77 # length defined by volume of propellant required self.parameters['wall_thickness'] = 77
def __init__(self): Component.__init__(self) # create directory for thumbnails if it doesn't exist yet try: if (not os.path.exists(self.__THUMB_FOLDER)): os.makedirs(self.__THUMB_FOLDER) except: pass
def __init__(self, master, **kargs): Component.__init__(self, master, 'Battery Bank', **kargs) self.chg_cycle_count = [0, 0] self.tot_cycles = 0 self.bnk_vo = 0 self.soc = 1.0 self.cur_cap = None self.max_dischg_cycles = None self.max_dischg_dod = None
def __init__(self, master, **kargs): self.curloc = None self.air_temp = None self.wind_spd = None self.atmospherics = None self.suntimes = None Component.__init__(self, master, 'Site Definition', **kargs) self.print_order = ['proj', 'client', 'p_desc', 'city', 'cntry', 'lat', 'lon', 'elev', 'tz', 'gv', 'gf']
def __init__(self): Component.__init__(self) self.VImpPort(self.m1) self.VImpPort(self.m2) self.VImpPort(self.s1) self.VImpPort(self.s2)
def __init__(self,sschema,xrpr): Component.__init__(self,sschema,xrpr) if xrpr.memberTypes: self.membertypeNames=map(lambda n,e=xrpr.elt,f=sschema:QName(n,e,f), xrpr.memberTypes.split()) if xrpr.subTypes: self.someMembers=map(lambda sub:sub.component, xrpr.subTypes) elif not xrpr.memberTypes: # no elt means builtin if xrpr.elt is not None: self.error("union must have 'memberTypes' attribute or some SimpleType children")
def __init__(self,sschema,xrpr=None,scope=None): if (type(scope) is types.StringType or (xrpr and xrpr.form=='qualified')): ns='ns' else: ns=None Component.__init__(self,sschema,xrpr,ns) if xrpr is not None: if type(scope) is types.StringType: self.scope=scope else: self.scopeRepr=scope # an xrpr, component not available yet self.abstract=xrpr.abstract or 'false' self.nullable=xrpr.nullable or 'false' if xrpr.substitutionGroup is not None: self.equivClassName = QName(xrpr.substitutionGroup,xrpr.elt, sschema) if'': else: if '#all' in'restriction','extension') if xrpr.block=='': self.prohibitedSubstitutions=() else: self.prohibitedSubstitutions=xrpr.block.split() if '#all' in self.prohibitedSubstitutions: self.prohibitedSubstitutions=('restriction','extension','substitution') if xrpr.type is not None: self.typeDefinitionName=QName(xrpr.type,xrpr.elt, sschema) if xrpr.simpleType or xrpr.complexType: self.error("declaration with 'type' attribute must not have nested type declaration") elif xrpr.simpleType is not None: self.typeDefinition=xrpr.simpleType.component elif xrpr.complexType is not None: self.typeDefinition=xrpr.complexType.component elif not self.equivClassName: self.typeDefinition=Type.urType if xrpr.fixed is not None: # todo: check vc against type self.valueConstraint=('fixed',xrpr.fixed) elif xrpr.default is not None: self.valueConstraint=('default',xrpr.default) self.keys=map(lambda e:e.component,xrpr.keys) self.keyrefs=map(lambda e:e.component,xrpr.keyrefs) self.uniques=map(lambda e:e.component,xrpr.uniques) else: self.keys=[] self.uniques=[] self.keyrefs=[]
def __init__(self): Component.__init__(self) = PortAXI4()) = PortAXI4()) = PortAXI4()) = PortAXI4()) = AXI_FAB_2x2()) = AXI_FAB_2x2()) self.fab1.bi_direction = True self.fab2.bi_direction = True,fab2.s1),fab2.s2),fab1.m1),fab1.m2),fab2.m1),fab2.m2)
def __init__(self, obj, system, material, position): Component.__init__(self, obj, system, material) obj.addProperty("App::PropertyVector", "Position", "Cavity", "Position within the cavity.") obj.setEditorMode("Position", 1) obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLink", "Structure", "Structure", "Fused structure.") obj.setEditorMode("Structure", 2) obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloatList", "Pressure", "Subsystem", "Mean pressure.") obj.setEditorMode('Pressure', 1) obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloatList", "PressureLevel", "Subsystem", "Pressure level.") obj.setEditorMode('PressureLevel', 1) obj.Structure = system.Structure obj.Position = position self.execute(obj)
def __init__(self, scale=cube_scale, actor=None): Component.__init__(self, actor) Trackable.__init__(self) self.scale = scale # Scale vertices of base cube, specify edges, and initialize list of markers self.vertices = cube_vertices * self.scale self.vertex_colors = cube_vertex_colors self.vertex_scale = 0.3 * self.scale # NOTE for rendering only, depends on 3D model self.edges = cube_edges self.edge_scale = 0.1 * self.scale # NOTE for rendering only, depends on 3D model self.edge_color = np.float32([0.8, 0.7, 0.5]) # NOTE for rendering only # TODO make some of these parameters come from XML # NOTE Mark generated child actors (corners and edges) as transient, to prevent them from being exported in XML # Add spheres at cube corners (vertices) with appropriate color; also add color markers for vertex, colorName in zip(self.vertices, self.vertex_colors): vertexActor = Actor(, isTransient=True) vertexActor.components['Transform'] = Transform(translation=vertex, scale=self.vertex_scale, actor=vertexActor) vertexActor.components['Material'] = Material(color=colors_by_name[colorName], actor=vertexActor) vertexActor.components['Mesh'] = Mesh.getMesh(src="SmallSphere.obj", actor=vertexActor) marker = ColorMarker(self, colorName) marker.worldPos = vertex self.markers.append(marker) # Add edges for u, v in self.edges: if u < len(self.vertices) and v < len(self.vertices) and self.vertices[u] is not None and self.vertices[v] is not None: # sanity check midPoint = (self.vertices[u] + self.vertices[v]) / 2.0 diff = self.vertices[v] - self.vertices[u] mag = np.linalg.norm(diff, ord=2) xy_mag = hypot(diff[0], diff[1]) #zx_mag = hypot(diff[2], diff[0]) rotation = np.degrees(np.float32([atan2(diff[1], diff[0]), acos(diff[1] / mag), 0])) if (mag != 0 and xy_mag != 0) else np.float32([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) #print "u: ", self.vertices[u], ", v: ", self.vertices[v], ", v-u: ", diff, ", mag: ", mag, ", rot:", rotation edgeActor = Actor(, isTransient=True) edgeActor.components['Transform'] = Transform(translation=midPoint, rotation=rotation, scale=self.edge_scale, actor=edgeActor) edgeActor.components['Material'] = Material(color=self.edge_color, actor=edgeActor) edgeActor.components['Mesh'] = Mesh.getMesh(src="CubeEdge.obj", actor=edgeActor) # TODO fix Z-fighting issue and use CubeEdge_cylinder.obj
def __init__(self, fanout, depth, spread=default_spread, rootColor=default_rootColor, edgeColor=default_edgeColor, scale=default_scale, actor=None): Component.__init__(self, actor) self.fanout = fanout self.depth = depth self.spread = spread self.rootColor = rootColor self.edgeColor = edgeColor self.scale = scale self.rootScale = self.scale # NOTE this will also apply to children #self.childScale = np.float32([1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) # NOTE this will get compounded if the radial tree is a true hierarchy, better to use scale = 1 (default) # Recursively generate radial tree treeRoot = self.createRadialTree(self.fanout, self.depth, self.spread, isRoot=True) # creates full hierarchy and returns root actor treeRoot.components['Transform'] = Transform(rotation=np.random.uniform(-pi/2, pi/2, size=3), scale=self.rootScale, actor=treeRoot) # NOTE random rotation ensures child vectors are not always generated close to the same canonical vectors treeRoot.components['Material'] = Material(color=self.rootColor, actor=treeRoot) treeRoot.components['Mesh'] = Mesh.getMesh(src=self.treeRootModelFile, actor=treeRoot) # Attach this hierarchy to current actor
def __init__(self, obj, system, material, part): Component.__init__(self, obj, system, material) #obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat", "BendingStiffness", "Component", "Bending stiffness of the Component") obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat", "AreaMomentOfInertia", "Structural", "Area moment of intertia.") obj.setEditorMode("AreaMomentOfInertia", 1) obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat", "RadiusOfGyration", "Structural", "Radius of gyration.") obj.setEditorMode("RadiusOfGyration", 1) obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLink","Part","Structural", "Reference to Part") obj.setEditorMode("Part", 1) obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLinkSub", "ShapeLink", "Structural", "Reference to Shape of Part") obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloatList", "Velocity", "Subsystem", "Mean velocity.") obj.setEditorMode('Velocity', 1) obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloatList", "VelocityLevel", "Subsystem", "Velocity level.") obj.setEditorMode('VelocityLevel', 1) obj.Part = part obj.ShapeLink = (obj.Part, ['Shape']) obj.Label = part.Label + '_' + obj.ClassName
def __init__(self, channelCount, muteAudio = False): Component.__init__(self, "PPM Audio Signal Generator") self.SamplesPerMillisecond = 100 # min channel duration is .5ms, max is 1.5ms, usable duration is 1ms, 100% in 1ms = 100 samples self.BitRate = self.SamplesPerMillisecond * 1000 self.LowValue = chr(0) self.HighValue = chr(127) self.FrameLength = 22.5 # ms self.FrameSamples = self.SamplesPerMillisecond * self.FrameLength self.MaximumChannelLength = self.SamplesPerMillisecond * 1.7 self.MinimumChannelLength = self.SamplesPerMillisecond * .53 # slightly more than min, input seems to swap empty channels if I don't do this self.ChannelValueMilliseconds = self.MaximumChannelLength - self.MinimumChannelLength self.ChannelSeparatorLength = self.SamplesPerMillisecond * .4 self.ChannelSeparatorBlock = self.LowValue * int(self.ChannelSeparatorLength) self.__channelCount = channelCount self.__audio = None if not muteAudio: self.__audio = pyaudio.PyAudio() self.__stream = None self.__isStarted = False self.__buffer = self.LowValue * int(self.FrameSamples) # prime buffer with nothing, prevent stream starvation
def __init__(self,sschema,xrpr,scope=None): if (type(scope) is types.StringType or (xrpr and xrpr.form)=='qualified'): ns='ns' else: ns=None Component.__init__(self,sschema,xrpr,ns) if xrpr is not None: if type(scope) is types.StringType: self.scope=scope if xrpr.default!=None: self.valueConstraint=('default',xrpr.default) elif xrpr.fixed!=None: self.valueConstraint=('fixed',xrpr.fixed) else: self.scopeRepr=scope if xrpr.type is not None: self.typeDefinitionName=QName(xrpr.type,xrpr.elt, sschema) if xrpr.simpleType is not None: self.error("declaration with 'type' attribute must not have nested type declaration") elif xrpr.simpleType is not None: self.typeDefinition=xrpr.simpleType.component else: self.typeDefinition=Type.urSimpleType
def __init__(self, emf, name, inpt_wire=None, outpt_wire=None): self.emf = emf Component.__init__(self, name, inpt_wire=inpt_wire, outpt_wire=outpt_wire)
def __init__(self, **kwargs): Component.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._children = []
def __init__(self, color=np.float32([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]), actor=None): Component.__init__(self, actor) self.color = color
def __init__(self, master, **kargs): Component.__init__(self, master, 'Battery', **kargs)
def __init__(self, master, **kargs): self.pnlparms = None Component.__init__(self, master, 'PV Panel', **kargs)
def __init__(self, name, children): Component.__init__(self, name, children) self.component_type = 'Activity'
def __init__(self, master, **kargs): Component.__init__(self, master, 'Charge Control', **kargs) self._chg_break = 0.85
def __init__(self, children): Component.__init__(self, 'Black Box', children) self.component_type = 'Black Box'
def __init__(self, master, **kargs): Component.__init__(self, master, 'PV Array', **kargs)
def __init__(self,sschema,xrpr): Component.__init__(self,sschema,xrpr,'ns') # todo: assemble annotation from ([sc]Content),restriction/(extension|list/union) if self.annotation is not None: self.annotations=[self.annotation]
def __init__(self): Component.__init__(self) _Widget.__init__(self) self.set_visible(False)
def __init__(self,sschema,xrpr,wildcard): Component.__init__(self,sschema,xrpr,None) self.wildcard=wildcard
def __init__(self, translation=np.float32([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]), rotation=np.float32([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]), scale=np.float32([1.0, 1.0, 1.0]), actor=None): Component.__init__(self, actor) self.translation = translation self.rotation = rotation self.scale = scale
def __init__(self,sschema): Component.__init__(self,sschema,None)
def __init__(self,sschema,xrpr=None,extra=0): Component.__init__(self,sschema,xrpr) if xrpr is not None: self.processContents=xrpr.processContents
def __init__(self): self.__is_active = False Component.__init__(self) Widget.__init__(self)
def __init__(self, scale=cube_scale, actor=None): Component.__init__(self, actor) Trackable.__init__(self) self.scale = scale # Scale vertices of base cube, specify edges, and initialize list of markers self.vertices = cube_vertices * self.scale self.vertex_colors = cube_vertex_colors self.vertex_scale = 0.3 * self.scale # NOTE for rendering only, depends on 3D model self.edges = cube_edges self.edge_scale = 0.1 * self.scale # NOTE for rendering only, depends on 3D model self.edge_color = np.float32([0.8, 0.7, 0.5]) # NOTE for rendering only # TODO make some of these parameters come from XML # NOTE Mark generated child actors (corners and edges) as transient, to prevent them from being exported in XML # Add spheres at cube corners (vertices) with appropriate color; also add color markers for vertex, colorName in zip(self.vertices, self.vertex_colors): vertexActor = Actor(, isTransient=True) vertexActor.components['Transform'] = Transform( translation=vertex, scale=self.vertex_scale, actor=vertexActor) vertexActor.components['Material'] = Material( color=colors_by_name[colorName], actor=vertexActor) vertexActor.components['Mesh'] = Mesh.getMesh( src="SmallSphere.obj", actor=vertexActor) marker = ColorMarker(self, colorName) marker.worldPos = vertex self.markers.append(marker) # Add edges for u, v in self.edges: if u < len(self.vertices) and v < len( self.vertices ) and self.vertices[u] is not None and self.vertices[ v] is not None: # sanity check midPoint = (self.vertices[u] + self.vertices[v]) / 2.0 diff = self.vertices[v] - self.vertices[u] mag = np.linalg.norm(diff, ord=2) xy_mag = hypot(diff[0], diff[1]) #zx_mag = hypot(diff[2], diff[0]) rotation = np.degrees( np.float32([ atan2(diff[1], diff[0]), acos(diff[1] / mag), 0 ])) if (mag != 0 and xy_mag != 0) else np.float32( [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) #print "u: ", self.vertices[u], ", v: ", self.vertices[v], ", v-u: ", diff, ", mag: ", mag, ", rot:", rotation edgeActor = Actor(, isTransient=True) edgeActor.components['Transform'] = Transform( translation=midPoint, rotation=rotation, scale=self.edge_scale, actor=edgeActor) edgeActor.components['Material'] = Material( color=self.edge_color, actor=edgeActor) edgeActor.components['Mesh'] = Mesh.getMesh( src="CubeEdge.obj", actor=edgeActor ) # TODO fix Z-fighting issue and use CubeEdge_cylinder.obj
def __init__(self): Component.__init__(self)