def inherit(files, d):
    __inherit_cache = data.getVar('__inherit_cache', d) or ""
    fn = ""
    lineno = 0
    for f in files:
        file = data.expand(f, d)
        if file[0] != "/" and file[-8:] != ".bbclass":
            file = os.path.join('classes', '%s.bbclass' % file)

        if not file in __inherit_cache.split():
            debug(2, "BB %s:%d: inheriting %s" % (fn, lineno, file))
            __inherit_cache += " %s" % file
            include(fn, file, d)
    data.setVar('__inherit_cache', __inherit_cache, d)
def inherit(files, d):
    __inherit_cache = data.getVar('__inherit_cache', d) or []
    fn = ""
    lineno = 0
    files = data.expand(files, d)
    for file in files:
        if file[0] != "/" and file[-8:] != ".bbclass":
            file = os.path.join('classes', '%s.bbclass' % file)

        if not file in __inherit_cache:
            bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "BB %s:%d: inheriting %s" % (fn, lineno, file))
            __inherit_cache.append( file )
            include(fn, file, d, "inherit")
    data.setVar('__inherit_cache', __inherit_cache, d)
def inherit(files, d):
    __inherit_cache = data.getVar('__inherit_cache', d) or []
    fn = ""
    lineno = 0
    files = data.expand(files, d)
    for file in files:
        if file[0] != "/" and file[-8:] != ".bbclass":
            file = os.path.join('classes', '%s.bbclass' % file)

        if not file in __inherit_cache:
            bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "BB %s:%d: inheriting %s" % (fn, lineno, file))
            __inherit_cache.append( file )
            data.setVar('__inherit_cache', __inherit_cache, d)
            include(fn, file, d, "inherit")
            __inherit_cache = data.getVar('__inherit_cache', d) or []