def Make_conf(Verbose=True):

    # root_file = 'Ntup_Jul15_fullpt_training.root'

    # Small testing samples -- do NOT use these for plots!
    #    root_file = 'Ntup_Jun22_lowpt_testing_sample.root'
    # Low + high pt sample
    # root_file = 'Ntup_Jun22_fullpt_training.root'
    # Only low pt sample
    # root_file = 'Ntup_Jun22_lowpt_training.root'

    # ------------------------------
    # 22 July samples - Latest set of branches
    # root_file = 'Ntup_Jul22_fullpt_testing_sample.root' # ONLY FOR QUICK TESTS
    root_file = 'Ntup_Jul22_fullpt_training.root'

    # ntup_path = os.path.join( '/data/userdata/rclsa/ElectronTrees/Jul17/' )
    # ntup_path = os.path.join( os.environ['CMSSW_BASE'], 'src/NTuples' )

    if os.environ['HOSTNAME'] == 't3ui17':
        ntup_path = os.path.join(
        ntup_path = '/afs/cern.ch/work/t/tklijnsm/public/CMSSW_8_0_4/src/NTuples'

    datestr = strftime('%b%d')

    if not os.path.isdir(ntup_path):
        print 'Error: "{0}"" is not a directory'.format(ntup_path)
    physical_path = lambda input_root_file: os.path.join(
        ntup_path, input_root_file)

    return_configs = []

    for region in ['EB', 'EE']:

        # - Only ECAL_AND_TRK configs made
        # - Target set to unweighted

        # for ECAL_AND_TRK in [ False, True ]:
        for ECAL_AND_TRK in [True]:

            for particle in ['electron', 'photon']:
                if ECAL_AND_TRK and particle == 'photon':
                    continue  # Photon doesn't have TRK vars

                # Instantiate the Config class which prints a .config file
                config = Config()

                config.Name = 'Config_' + datestr + '_' + particle + '_' + region

                # MODIFIED: Force SAMETGT name
                # if ECAL_AND_TRK:
                #     config.Name += '_ECALTRK'
                # else:
                #     config.Name += '_ECALonly'
                config.Name += '_SAMETGT'

                config.InputFiles = physical_path(root_file)
                config.Tree = 'een_analyzer/{0}Tree'.format(

                # BDT settings

                config.Options = [
                    # "NTrees=2000", # <-- Moved up from 1000 to include extra tracker effects
                    # "EventWeight=max( min(1,exp(-(genPt-50)/50)), 0.1 )", # <-- What to do?
                    "EventWeight=1",  # <-- No one really likes the weights

                # MODIFIED: Just force the normal target

                # # Set the target - be careful to include the tracker energy in the target for the Ep combination
                # if ECAL_AND_TRK:
                #     config.Target           = "genEnergy * (ECALweight + TRKweight) / ( scRawEnergy*ECALweight + scPreshowerEnergy*ECALweight + trkMomentum*TRKweight )"
                # else:
                #     config.Target           = "genEnergy / ( scRawEnergy + scPreshowerEnergy )"
                # # config.Target           = "genEnergy / ( scRawEnergy + scPreshowerEnergy )"

                config.Target = "genEnergy / ( scRawEnergy + scPreshowerEnergy )"

                config.TargetError = "1.253*abs( BDTresponse - genEnergy / ( scRawEnergy + scPreshowerEnergy ) )"
                config.HistoConfig = "jobs/dummy_Histo.config"

                config.CutEB = "scIsEB"
                config.CutEE = "!scIsEB"

                if region == 'EB':
                    config.DoEB = "True"
                    config.DoEB = "False"

                # ======================================
                # Sample division - need a part for the ECAL-only training, and a part for the combination

                # 80% for the main BDT - divide the sample in divideNumber pieces, and use all but one piece for the main BDT
                divideNumber = 3
                config.CutBase = "eventNumber%{0}!=0".format(divideNumber)

                # 10% for combination, 10% for error
                config.CutComb = "eventNumber%{0}==0 && eventNumber%{1}==0".format(
                    divideNumber, 2 * divideNumber)
                config.CutError = "eventNumber%{0}==0 && eventNumber%{1}!=0".format(
                    divideNumber, 2 * divideNumber)

                config.CutBase += " && NtupID<5000"
                config.CutComb += " && NtupID<5000"
                config.CutError += " && NtupID<5000"

                # Order tree branches

                common_vars = [

                    # ======================================
                    # Common variables

                    # 'pt',            # RCLSA: you cannot use the result of the previous training for the new one
                    # 'nVtx',          # rho should be enough information for the BDT
                    # 'scEta',         # Requires alignment information; use crystal number of the seed instead
                    # 'scPhi',         # Requires alignment information; use crystal number of the seed instead
                    #            'scSeedRawEnergy/scRawEnergy',  # RCLSA: Redundant with the one below

                    # ======================================
                    # Showershape variables

                    # Use full 5x5 instead
                    # 'r9',
                    # 'eHorizontal',
                    # 'eVertical',
                    # 'sigmaIetaIeta',
                    # 'sigmaIetaIphi',
                    # 'sigmaIphiIphi',
                    # 'e5x5',
                    # 'e3x3',
                    # 'eMax',
                    # 'e2nd',
                    # 'eTop',
                    # 'eBottom',
                    # 'eLeft',
                    # 'eRight',
                    # 'e2x5Max',
                    # 'e2x5Left',
                    # 'e2x5Right',
                    # 'e2x5Top',
                    # 'e2x5Bottom',

                    # Normalization to scRawEnergy necessary?
                    #            'full5x5_eHorizontal',   # RCLSA: Redundant
                    #            'full5x5_eVertical',     # RCLSA: Redundant
                    # 'full5x5_e5x5',               # RCLSA: Use ratios
                    # 'full5x5_e3x3/full5x5_e5x5',  # RCLSA: Redundant, this is R9

                    # ======================================
                    # Saturation variables
                    #            'seedIsSaturated',   # RCLSA: probably overkill
                    #            'seedCrystalEnergy/scSeedRawEnergy',   # RCLSA: There is only 1/1e6 cases in which the max energy is not the seed

                    # ======================================
                    # Cluster variables
                    #            'clusterMaxDR',          # RCLSA Very mismodelled variables
                    #            'clusterMaxDRDPhi',
                    #            'clusterMaxDRDEta',
                    #            'clusterMaxDRRawEnergy',

                if ECAL_AND_TRK:
                    # Output should be compared to ECAL-only BDT output
                    common_vars += [

                        # '( scRawEnergy + scPreshowerEnergy ) * BDTresponse',
                        # This is simply the corrected energy, I don't we need to pass this (The BDT already has the target in there)

                        # 'BDTerror/BDTresponse',
                        # I guess the error we also don't have to pass -- The BDT will already be conscious of the error

                        # Replace this simply by the trkMomentum only
                        # 'trkMomentum/(( scRawEnergy + scPreshowerEnergy )*BDTresponse)',
                        # 'full5x5_r9',

                config.VariablesEB = common_vars + [
                    # 'cryEtaCoordinate',  # Requires alignment information; use crystal number of the seed instead
                    # 'cryPhiCoordinate',  # Requires alignment information; use crystal number of the seed instead

                config.VariablesEE = common_vars + [
                    # 'cryXCoordinate',  # Requires alignment information; use crystal number of the seed instead
                    # 'cryYCoordinate',  # Requires alignment information; use crystal number of the seed instead

                if Verbose:
                    print '\n' + '-' * 70
                    print 'Making config file ' + config.Name + '.config'
                    print '  Using the following branches for EE:'
                    print '    ' + '\n    '.join(config.VariablesEE)
                    print '  Using the following branches for EB:'
                    print '    ' + '\n    '.join(config.VariablesEB)

                # Ep combination

                # Only do the combination for the electron AND there are no tracking variables
                if particle == 'electron' and not ECAL_AND_TRK:

                    config.DoCombine = "True"

                    config.TargetComb = "( genEnergy - ( scRawEnergy + scPreshowerEnergy )*BDTresponse ) / ( trkMomentum - ( scRawEnergy + scPreshowerEnergy )*BDTresponse )"
                    config.TargetError = "1.253*abs(BDTresponse - genEnergy/(scRawEnergy+scPreshowerEnergy))"

                    config.VariablesComb = [
                        '( scRawEnergy + scPreshowerEnergy ) * BDTresponse',
                        'trkMomentum/(( scRawEnergy + scPreshowerEnergy )*BDTresponse)',
                        'trkPhi'  # The best way to describe cracks is to use the track (unbiased) directorion
                        # 'trkMomentum',                                # RCLSA Again, let us choose one absolute scale and the rest be relative
                        # 'BDTerror/BDTresponse/trkMomentumRelError',
                        # ( '( scRawEnergy + scPreshowerEnergy )*BDTresponse/trkMomentum  *' +
                        #   'sqrt( BDTerror/BDTresponse*BDTerror/BDTresponse + trkMomentumRelError*trkMomentumRelError)' ),
                        # 'eleClass',
                        # 'scIsEB',

                    config.DoCombine = "False"

                # # Not necessary if the TRK vars in the main BDT
                # config.DoCombine        = "False"

                # Output

                # if Verbose:
                #     # Print all branches as a check
                #     print "\nAll branches in root file:"
                #     Read_branches_from_rootfile( physical_path(root_file) , config.Tree )


                # # Test if the config file can be read by ROOT TEnv
                # print '\nReading in {0} and trying ROOT.TEnv( ..., 0 ):'.format( out_filename )
                # I_TEnv = ROOT.TEnv()
                # I_TEnv.ReadFile( out_filename, 0 )
                # I_TEnv.Print()
                # print 'Exited normally'
                # print '='*70
                # print


    return return_configs
def MakeConf(Verbose=True):

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        help='Path to root file',
        # default='../applyRegression/Config_Sep30_electron_EB_ECALonly_appliedRegression_training.root'
        # default='../Config_Oct25_electron_EB_ECALonly_appliedRegression_training_ptWeight.root'
                        help='Specify regions',
                        default=['EB', 'EE'],
                        choices=['EE', 'EB'])
        help='Append a string at the end of the name of this config')
        help='Change some BDT options to be faster (but maybe less precise)')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    datestr = strftime('%b%d')

    # Photon does not have TRK vars
    particle = 'electron'

    # Reads off the name of this .py file, so it's clear what made this.
    moduleName = os.path.basename(__file__).replace('MakeConf_',
                                                    '').replace('.py', '')

    return_configs = []
    for region in args.region:

        # Instantiate the Config class which prints a .config file
        config = Config()

        config.Name = 'Config_' + datestr + '_' + particle + '_' + region + '_' + moduleName

        # Append a string to the name if given by the user
        if not args.name == 'NONE':
            config.Name += '_' + args.name

        if args.fast: config.Name += '_FastOptions'

        config.InputFiles = os.path.abspath(args.inputrootfile)

        # config.Tree       = 'een_analyzer/{0}Tree'.format( particle.capitalize() )
        config.Tree = 'een_analyzer/correction'  # <-- May want to change this some time.

        # BDT settings

        if not args.fast:
            config.Options = [
            config.Options = [
                "MinEvents=300",  # Down from 200
                "MinSignificance=5.0",  # Down from 5.0

        # config.Target           = "genEnergy / ( scRawEnergy + scPreshowerEnergy )"
        config.Target = "(genEnergy * (trkMomentum*trkMomentum*trkMomentumRelError*trkMomentumRelError + (scRawEnergy+scPreshowerEnergy)*(scRawEnergy+scPreshowerEnergy)*resolution*resolution) / ( (scRawEnergy+scPreshowerEnergy)*response*trkMomentum*trkMomentum*trkMomentumRelError*trkMomentumRelError + trkMomentum*(scRawEnergy+scPreshowerEnergy)*(scRawEnergy+scPreshowerEnergy)*resolution*resolution ))"

        # Probably neither of these are necessary
        config.TargetError = "1.253*abs( BDTresponse - genEnergy / ( scRawEnergy + scPreshowerEnergy ) )"
        config.HistoConfig = "jobs/dummy_Histo.config"

        config.CutEB = "scIsEB"
        config.CutEE = "!scIsEB"

        if region == 'EB':
            config.DoEB = "True"
            config.DoEB = "False"

        # # ======================================
        # # Sample division - need a part for the ECAL-only training, and a part for the combination

        # # 80% for the main BDT - divide the sample in divideNumber pieces, and use all but one piece for the main BDT
        # divideNumber            = 3
        # config.CutBase          = "eventNumber%{0}!=0".format( divideNumber )

        # # 10% for combination, 10% for error
        # config.CutComb          = "eventNumber%{0}==0 && eventNumber%{1}==0".format( divideNumber, 2*divideNumber )
        # config.CutError         = "eventNumber%{0}==0 && eventNumber%{1}!=0".format( divideNumber, 2*divideNumber )

        # config.CutBase  += " && NtupID<5000"
        # config.CutComb  += " && NtupID<5000"
        # config.CutError += " && NtupID<5000"

        # Limit number of events in training
        # config.CutBase  = "NtupID<1000"
        # config.CutComb  = "NtupID<1000"
        # config.CutError = "NtupID<1000"

        # Pre-selected events have this variable set to 1.0
        config.CutBase = "(ptWeightCut)"
        config.CutComb = "(ptWeightCut)"
        config.CutError = "(ptWeightCut)"

        # Order tree branches

        common_vars = [

        config.VariablesEB = common_vars + []

        config.VariablesEE = common_vars + []

        if Verbose:
            print '\n' + '-' * 70
            print 'Making config file ' + config.Name + '.config'
            print '  Using the following branches for EE:'
            print '    ' + '\n    '.join(config.VariablesEE)
            print '  Using the following branches for EB:'
            print '    ' + '\n    '.join(config.VariablesEB)

        config.DoCombine = "False"
        config.DoErrors = "False"

        # Output


    return return_configs
def Make_conf(Verbose=True):

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        help='Path to root file',
        # default='/afs/cern.ch/work/t/tklijnsm/public/CMSSW_8_0_4/src/NTuples/Ntup_Jul22_fullpt_training.root'
                        help='Specify particles',
                        default=['electron', 'photon'],
                        choices=['electron', 'photon'])
                        help='Specify regions',
                        default=['EB', 'EE'],
                        choices=['EE', 'EB'])
        help='Append a string at the end of the name of this config')
        help='Change some BDT options to be faster (but maybe less precise)')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    datestr = strftime('%b%d')
    return_configs = []

    for region in args.region:
        for particle in args.particle:

            # Instantiate the Config class which prints a .config file
            config = Config()

            config.Name = 'Config_' + datestr + '_' + particle + '_' + region

            if args.name and args.name != 'NONE':
                config.Name += '_' + args.name

            config.InputFiles = os.path.abspath(args.inputrootfile)
            config.Tree = 'een_analyzer/{0}Tree'.format(particle.capitalize())

            # BDT settings

            if args.fast:

                config.Options = [
                config.Name += '_FastOptions'


                config.Options = [

            config.Target = "genEnergy / ( scRawEnergy + scPreshowerEnergy )"

            # Probably not needed
            config.TargetError = "1.253*abs( BDTresponse - genEnergy / ( scRawEnergy + scPreshowerEnergy ) )"
            config.HistoConfig = "jobs/dummy_Histo.config"

            config.CutEB = "scIsEB"
            config.CutEE = "!scIsEB"

            if region == 'EB':
                config.DoEB = "True"
                config.DoEB = "False"

            # ======================================
            # Sample division - need a part for the ECAL-only training, and a part for the combination

            config.CutBase = '1.0'

            # These are for the old (regular BDT) EP combination - no longer needed
            config.CutComb = '1.0'
            config.CutError = '1.0'

            # Cut events (otherwise running into CPU limits)
            config.CutBase += " && NtupID<4000"
            config.CutComb += " && NtupID<4000"
            config.CutError += " && NtupID<4000"

            # Order tree branches

            # Agreed list on November 23:

            # eval[0]  = raw_energy;
            # eval[1]  = the_sc->etaWidth();
            # eval[2]  = the_sc->phiWidth();
            # eval[3]  = full5x5_ess.e5x5/raw_energy;
            # eval[4]  = ele.hcalOverEcalBc();
            # eval[5]  = rhoValue_;
            # eval[6]  = theseed->eta() - the_sc->position().Eta();
            # eval[7]  = reco::deltaPhi( theseed->phi(),the_sc->position().Phi());
            # eval[8]  = full5x5_ess.r9;
            # eval[9]  = full5x5_ess.sigmaIetaIeta;
            # eval[10]  = full5x5_ess.sigmaIetaIphi;
            # eval[11]  = full5x5_ess.sigmaIphiIphi;
            # eval[12]  = full5x5_ess.eMax/full5x5_ess.e5x5;
            # eval[13]  = full5x5_ess.e2nd/full5x5_ess.e5x5;
            # eval[14]  = full5x5_ess.eTop/full5x5_ess.e5x5;
            # eval[15]  = full5x5_ess.eBottom/full5x5_ess.e5x5;
            # eval[16]  = full5x5_ess.eLeft/full5x5_ess.e5x5;
            # eval[17]  = full5x5_ess.eRight/full5x5_ess.e5x5;
            # eval[18]  = EcalClusterToolsT<true>::e2x5Max(*theseed, &*ecalRecHits, topology_)/full5x5_ess.e5x5;
            # eval[19]  = EcalClusterToolsT<true>::e2x5Left(*theseed, &*ecalRecHits, topology_)/full5x5_ess.e5x5;
            # eval[20]  = EcalClusterToolsT<true>::e2x5Right(*theseed, &*ecalRecHits, topology_)/full5x5_ess.e5x5;
            # eval[21]  = EcalClusterToolsT<true>::e2x5Top(*theseed, &*ecalRecHits, topology_)/full5x5_ess.e5x5;
            # eval[22]  = EcalClusterToolsT<true>::e2x5Bottom(*theseed, &*ecalRecHits, topology_)/full5x5_ess.e5x5;
            # eval[23]  = N_SATURATEDXTALS;
            # eval[24]  = std::max(0,numberOfClusters);
            # eval[25] = clusterRawEnergy[0]/raw_energy;
            # eval[26] = clusterRawEnergy[1]/raw_energy;
            # eval[27] = clusterRawEnergy[2]/raw_energy;
            # eval[28] = clusterDPhiToSeed[0];
            # eval[29] = clusterDPhiToSeed[1];
            # eval[30] = clusterDPhiToSeed[2];
            # eval[31] = clusterDEtaToSeed[0];
            # eval[32] = clusterDEtaToSeed[1];
            # eval[33] = clusterDEtaToSeed[2];

            # eval[34] = ieta;
            # eval[35] = iphi;
            # eval[36] = (ieta-signieta)%5;
            # eval[37] = (iphi-1)%2;
            # eval[38] = (abs(ieta)<=25)*((ieta-signieta)) + (abs(ieta)>25)*((ieta-26*signieta)%20);
            # eval[39] = (iphi-1)%20;

            # eval[34] = raw_es_energy/raw_energy;
            # eval[35] = the_sc->preshowerEnergyPlane1()/raw_energy;
            # eval[36] = the_sc->preshowerEnergyPlane2()/raw_energy;
            # eval[37] = eeseedid.ix();
            # eval[38] = eeseedid.iy();

            common_vars = [

                # ======================================
                # Common variables

                # ======================================
                # Showershape variables

                # ======================================
                # Saturation variables

                # ======================================
                # Cluster variables

            # EB specific
            config.VariablesEB = common_vars + [

            # EE specific
            config.VariablesEE = common_vars + [
                # 'preshowerEnergyPlane1/scRawEnergy', # Disabled as of November 2016 (did not influence regression)
                # 'preshowerEnergyPlane2/scRawEnergy',# Disabled as of November 2016 (did not influence regression)

            if Verbose:
                print '\n' + '-' * 70
                print 'Making config file ' + config.Name + '.config'
                print '  Using the following branches for EE:'
                print '    ' + '\n    '.join(config.VariablesEE)
                print '  Using the following branches for EB:'
                print '    ' + '\n    '.join(config.VariablesEB)

            # Ep combination

            config.DoCombine = "False"
            config.DoErrors = "False"

            # Output

            # if Verbose:
            #     # Print all branches as a check
            #     print "\nAll branches in root file:"
            #     Read_branches_from_rootfile( physical_path(root_file) , config.Tree )


            # # Test if the config file can be read by ROOT TEnv
            # print '\nReading in {0} and trying ROOT.TEnv( ..., 0 ):'.format( out_filename )
            # I_TEnv = ROOT.TEnv()
            # I_TEnv.ReadFile( out_filename, 0 )
            # I_TEnv.Print()
            # print 'Exited normally'
            # print '='*70
            # print


    return return_configs
def Make_conf(Verbose=True):

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument( '--inputrootfile', '-i', type=str, help='Path to root file',
        # default='/afs/cern.ch/work/t/tklijnsm/public/CMSSW_8_0_4/src/NTuples/Ntup_Jul22_fullpt_training.root'
        '--particle', metavar='N', type=str, nargs='+', help='Specify particles',
        '--region', metavar='N', type=str, nargs='+', help='Specify regions',
        '-n', '--name', type=str, default='NONE', help='Append a string at the end of the name of this config'
    parser.add_argument( '--fast', action='store_true', help='Change some BDT options to be faster (but maybe less precise)')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    datestr = strftime( '%b%d' )
    return_configs = []

    for region in args.region:
        for particle in args.particle:

            # Instantiate the Config class which prints a .config file
            config = Config()

            config.Name       = 'Config_' + datestr + '_' + particle + '_' + region

            if args.name and args.name!='NONE' : config.Name += '_' + args.name

            config.InputFiles = os.path.abspath( args.inputrootfile )
            config.Tree       = 'een_analyzer/{0}Tree'.format( particle.capitalize() )

            # BDT settings

            if args.fast:

                config.Options = [
                config.Name += '_FastOptions'


                config.Options = [

            config.Target           = "genEnergy / ( scRawEnergy + scPreshowerEnergy )"

            # Probably not needed
            config.TargetError      = "1.253*abs( BDTresponse - genEnergy / ( scRawEnergy + scPreshowerEnergy ) )"
            config.HistoConfig      = "jobs/dummy_Histo.config"
            config.CutEB            = "scIsEB"
            config.CutEE            = "!scIsEB"

            if region == 'EB':
                config.DoEB         = "True"
                config.DoEB         = "False"

            # ======================================
            # Sample division - need a part for the ECAL-only training, and a part for the combination

            config.CutBase          = '1.0'

            # These are for the old (regular BDT) EP combination - no longer needed
            config.CutComb          = '1.0'
            config.CutError         = '1.0'

            # Cut events (otherwise running into CPU limits)
            config.CutBase  += " && NtupID<4000"
            config.CutComb  += " && NtupID<4000"
            config.CutError += " && NtupID<4000"

            # Order tree branches

            # Agreed list on November 23:

            # eval[0]  = raw_energy;
            # eval[1]  = the_sc->etaWidth();
            # eval[2]  = the_sc->phiWidth(); 
            # eval[3]  = full5x5_ess.e5x5/raw_energy;
            # eval[4]  = ele.hcalOverEcalBc();
            # eval[5]  = rhoValue_;
            # eval[6]  = theseed->eta() - the_sc->position().Eta();
            # eval[7]  = reco::deltaPhi( theseed->phi(),the_sc->position().Phi());
            # eval[8]  = full5x5_ess.r9;
            # eval[9]  = full5x5_ess.sigmaIetaIeta;
            # eval[10]  = full5x5_ess.sigmaIetaIphi;
            # eval[11]  = full5x5_ess.sigmaIphiIphi;
            # eval[12]  = full5x5_ess.eMax/full5x5_ess.e5x5;
            # eval[13]  = full5x5_ess.e2nd/full5x5_ess.e5x5;
            # eval[14]  = full5x5_ess.eTop/full5x5_ess.e5x5;
            # eval[15]  = full5x5_ess.eBottom/full5x5_ess.e5x5;
            # eval[16]  = full5x5_ess.eLeft/full5x5_ess.e5x5;
            # eval[17]  = full5x5_ess.eRight/full5x5_ess.e5x5;
            # eval[18]  = EcalClusterToolsT<true>::e2x5Max(*theseed, &*ecalRecHits, topology_)/full5x5_ess.e5x5;
            # eval[19]  = EcalClusterToolsT<true>::e2x5Left(*theseed, &*ecalRecHits, topology_)/full5x5_ess.e5x5;
            # eval[20]  = EcalClusterToolsT<true>::e2x5Right(*theseed, &*ecalRecHits, topology_)/full5x5_ess.e5x5;
            # eval[21]  = EcalClusterToolsT<true>::e2x5Top(*theseed, &*ecalRecHits, topology_)/full5x5_ess.e5x5;
            # eval[22]  = EcalClusterToolsT<true>::e2x5Bottom(*theseed, &*ecalRecHits, topology_)/full5x5_ess.e5x5;
            # eval[23]  = N_SATURATEDXTALS;
            # eval[24]  = std::max(0,numberOfClusters);
            # eval[25] = clusterRawEnergy[0]/raw_energy;
            # eval[26] = clusterRawEnergy[1]/raw_energy;
            # eval[27] = clusterRawEnergy[2]/raw_energy;
            # eval[28] = clusterDPhiToSeed[0];
            # eval[29] = clusterDPhiToSeed[1];
            # eval[30] = clusterDPhiToSeed[2];
            # eval[31] = clusterDEtaToSeed[0];
            # eval[32] = clusterDEtaToSeed[1];
            # eval[33] = clusterDEtaToSeed[2];

            # eval[34] = ieta;
            # eval[35] = iphi;
            # eval[36] = (ieta-signieta)%5;
            # eval[37] = (iphi-1)%2;
            # eval[38] = (abs(ieta)<=25)*((ieta-signieta)) + (abs(ieta)>25)*((ieta-26*signieta)%20);  
            # eval[39] = (iphi-1)%20;

            # eval[34] = raw_es_energy/raw_energy;
            # eval[35] = the_sc->preshowerEnergyPlane1()/raw_energy;
            # eval[36] = the_sc->preshowerEnergyPlane2()/raw_energy;
            # eval[37] = eeseedid.ix();
            # eval[38] = eeseedid.iy();

            common_vars = [

                # ======================================
                # Common variables


                # ======================================
                # Showershape variables


                # ======================================
                # Saturation variables


                # ======================================
                # Cluster variables




            # EB specific
            config.VariablesEB = common_vars + [

            # EE specific
            config.VariablesEE = common_vars + [
                # 'preshowerEnergyPlane1/scRawEnergy', # Disabled as of November 2016 (did not influence regression)
                # 'preshowerEnergyPlane2/scRawEnergy',# Disabled as of November 2016 (did not influence regression)

            if Verbose:
                print '\n' + '-'*70
                print 'Making config file ' + config.Name + '.config'
                print '  Using the following branches for EE:'
                print '    ' + '\n    '.join( config.VariablesEE )
                print '  Using the following branches for EB:'
                print '    ' + '\n    '.join( config.VariablesEB )

            # Ep combination

            config.DoCombine        = "False"
            config.DoErrors         = "False"

            # Output

            # if Verbose:
            #     # Print all branches as a check
            #     print "\nAll branches in root file:"
            #     Read_branches_from_rootfile( physical_path(root_file) , config.Tree )


            # # Test if the config file can be read by ROOT TEnv
            # print '\nReading in {0} and trying ROOT.TEnv( ..., 0 ):'.format( out_filename )
            # I_TEnv = ROOT.TEnv()
            # I_TEnv.ReadFile( out_filename, 0 )
            # I_TEnv.Print()
            # print 'Exited normally'
            # print '='*70
            # print

            return_configs.append( config )

    return return_configs
def Make_conf(Verbose=True):

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument( '--inputrootfile', '-i', type=str, help='Path to root file',
        # default='/afs/cern.ch/work/t/tklijnsm/public/CMSSW_8_0_4/src/NTuples/Ntup_Jul22_fullpt_training.root'
        '--particle', metavar='N', type=str, nargs='+', help='Specify particles',
        '--region', metavar='N', type=str, nargs='+', help='Specify regions',
        '-n', '--name', type=str, default='NONE', help='Append a string at the end of the name of this config'
    parser.add_argument( '--fast', action='store_true', help='Change some BDT options to be faster (but maybe less precise)')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # root_file = 'Ntup_Jul15_fullpt_training.root'

    # Small testing samples -- do NOT use these for plots!
    #    root_file = 'Ntup_Jun22_lowpt_testing_sample.root'
    # Low + high pt sample
    # root_file = 'Ntup_Jun22_fullpt_training.root'    
    # Only low pt sample
    # root_file = 'Ntup_Jun22_lowpt_training.root'

    # ------------------------------
    # 22 July samples - Latest set of branches
    # root_file = 'Ntup_Jul22_fullpt_testing_sample.root' # ONLY FOR QUICK TESTS
    root_file = 'Ntup_Jul22_fullpt_training.root'

    # ntup_path = os.path.join( '/data/userdata/rclsa/ElectronTrees/Jul17/' )
    # ntup_path = os.path.join( os.environ['CMSSW_BASE'], 'src/NTuples' )

    if os.environ['HOSTNAME'] == 't3ui17':
        ntup_path = os.path.join( '/mnt/t3nfs01/data01/shome/tklijnsm/Samples/RegressionSamples', '22Jul_samples' )
        ntup_path = '/afs/cern.ch/work/t/tklijnsm/public/CMSSW_8_0_4/src/NTuples'

    datestr = strftime( '%b%d' )

    if not os.path.isdir( ntup_path ):
        print 'Error: "{0}"" is not a directory'.format( ntup_path )
    physical_path = lambda input_root_file: os.path.join( ntup_path, input_root_file )

    return_configs = []

    # for region in [ 'EB', 'EE' ]:
    for region in args.region:
        for ECAL_AND_TRK in [ False ]:
            # for particle in [ 'electron', 'photon' ]:
            for particle in args.particle:
                if ECAL_AND_TRK and particle=='photon': continue # Photon doesn't have TRK vars

                # Instantiate the Config class which prints a .config file
                config = Config()

                config.Name       = 'Config_' + datestr + '_' + particle + '_' + region

                if ECAL_AND_TRK:
                    config.Name += '_ECALTRK'
                    config.Name += '_ECALonly'

                if args.name and args.name!='NONE' : config.Name += '_' + args.name

                config.InputFiles = physical_path( root_file )
                config.Tree       = 'een_analyzer/{0}Tree'.format( particle.capitalize() )

                # BDT settings

                # config.Options = [
                #     "MinEvents=200",
                #     "Shrinkage=0.1",
                #     "NTrees=1000",
                #     "MinSignificance=5.0",
                #     "EventWeight=1",
                #     ]

                config.Options = [

                # Set the target - be careful to include the tracker energy in the target for the Ep combination
                if ECAL_AND_TRK:
                    config.Target           = "genEnergy * (ECALweight + TRKweight) / ( scRawEnergy*ECALweight + scPreshowerEnergy*ECALweight + trkMomentum*TRKweight )"
                    config.Target           = "genEnergy / ( scRawEnergy + scPreshowerEnergy )"
                # config.Target           = "genEnergy / ( scRawEnergy + scPreshowerEnergy )"

                config.TargetError      = "1.253*abs( BDTresponse - genEnergy / ( scRawEnergy + scPreshowerEnergy ) )"
                config.HistoConfig      = "jobs/dummy_Histo.config"
                config.CutEB            = "scIsEB"
                config.CutEE            = "!scIsEB"

                if region == 'EB':
                    config.DoEB         = "True"
                    config.DoEB         = "False"

                # ======================================
                # Sample division - need a part for the ECAL-only training, and a part for the combination


                # if particle == 'electron':
                #     # 66% for the main BDT - divide the sample in divideNumber pieces, and use all but one piece for the main BDT
                #     divideNumber            = 3
                #     config.CutBase          = "eventNumber%{0}!=0".format( divideNumber )

                #     # 17% for combination, 17% for error
                #     config.CutComb          = "eventNumber%{0}==0 && eventNumber%{1}==0".format( divideNumber, 2*divideNumber )
                #     config.CutError         = "eventNumber%{0}==0 && eventNumber%{1}!=0".format( divideNumber, 2*divideNumber )
                # elif particle == 'photon':
                #     config.CutBase          = '1.0'
                #     config.CutComb          = '1.0'
                #     config.CutError         = '1.0'

                config.CutBase          = '1.0'
                config.CutComb          = '1.0'
                config.CutError         = '1.0'

                # # TEMPORARY: cut events drastically for test mode
                config.CutBase  += " && NtupID<4000"
                config.CutComb  += " && NtupID<4000"
                config.CutError += " && NtupID<4000"

                # Order tree branches

                # Agreed list on November 23:

                # eval[0]  = raw_energy;
                # eval[1]  = the_sc->etaWidth();
                # eval[2]  = the_sc->phiWidth(); 
                # eval[3]  = full5x5_ess.e5x5/raw_energy;
                # eval[4]  = ele.hcalOverEcalBc();
                # eval[5]  = rhoValue_;
                # eval[6]  = theseed->eta() - the_sc->position().Eta();
                # eval[7]  = reco::deltaPhi( theseed->phi(),the_sc->position().Phi());
                # eval[8]  = full5x5_ess.r9;
                # eval[9]  = full5x5_ess.sigmaIetaIeta;
                # eval[10]  = full5x5_ess.sigmaIetaIphi;
                # eval[11]  = full5x5_ess.sigmaIphiIphi;
                # eval[12]  = full5x5_ess.eMax/full5x5_ess.e5x5;
                # eval[13]  = full5x5_ess.e2nd/full5x5_ess.e5x5;
                # eval[14]  = full5x5_ess.eTop/full5x5_ess.e5x5;
                # eval[15]  = full5x5_ess.eBottom/full5x5_ess.e5x5;
                # eval[16]  = full5x5_ess.eLeft/full5x5_ess.e5x5;
                # eval[17]  = full5x5_ess.eRight/full5x5_ess.e5x5;
                # eval[18]  = EcalClusterToolsT<true>::e2x5Max(*theseed, &*ecalRecHits, topology_)/full5x5_ess.e5x5;
                # eval[19]  = EcalClusterToolsT<true>::e2x5Left(*theseed, &*ecalRecHits, topology_)/full5x5_ess.e5x5;
                # eval[20]  = EcalClusterToolsT<true>::e2x5Right(*theseed, &*ecalRecHits, topology_)/full5x5_ess.e5x5;
                # eval[21]  = EcalClusterToolsT<true>::e2x5Top(*theseed, &*ecalRecHits, topology_)/full5x5_ess.e5x5;
                # eval[22]  = EcalClusterToolsT<true>::e2x5Bottom(*theseed, &*ecalRecHits, topology_)/full5x5_ess.e5x5;
                # eval[23]  = N_SATURATEDXTALS;
                # eval[24]  = std::max(0,numberOfClusters);
                # eval[25] = clusterRawEnergy[0]/raw_energy;
                # eval[26] = clusterRawEnergy[1]/raw_energy;
                # eval[27] = clusterRawEnergy[2]/raw_energy;
                # eval[28] = clusterDPhiToSeed[0];
                # eval[29] = clusterDPhiToSeed[1];
                # eval[30] = clusterDPhiToSeed[2];
                # eval[31] = clusterDEtaToSeed[0];
                # eval[32] = clusterDEtaToSeed[1];
                # eval[33] = clusterDEtaToSeed[2];

                # eval[34] = ieta;
                # eval[35] = iphi;
                # eval[36] = (ieta-signieta)%5;
                # eval[37] = (iphi-1)%2;
                # eval[38] = (abs(ieta)<=25)*((ieta-signieta)) + (abs(ieta)>25)*((ieta-26*signieta)%20);  
                # eval[39] = (iphi-1)%20;

                # eval[34] = raw_es_energy/raw_energy;
                # eval[35] = the_sc->preshowerEnergyPlane1()/raw_energy;
                # eval[36] = the_sc->preshowerEnergyPlane2()/raw_energy;
                # eval[37] = eeseedid.ix();
                # eval[38] = eeseedid.iy();

                common_vars = [

                    # ======================================
                    # Common variables

                    # 'pt',            # RCLSA: you cannot use the result of the previous training for the new one
                    # 'nVtx',          # rho should be enough information for the BDT
                    # 'scEta',         # Requires alignment information; use crystal number of the seed instead
                    # 'scPhi',         # Requires alignment information; use crystal number of the seed instead
                    #            'scSeedRawEnergy/scRawEnergy',  # RCLSA: Redundant with the one below


                    # ======================================
                    # Showershape variables

                    # Use full 5x5 instead
                    # 'r9',
                    # 'eHorizontal',
                    # 'eVertical',
                    # 'sigmaIetaIeta',
                    # 'sigmaIetaIphi',
                    # 'sigmaIphiIphi',
                    # 'e5x5',
                    # 'e3x3',
                    # 'eMax',
                    # 'e2nd',
                    # 'eTop',
                    # 'eBottom',
                    # 'eLeft',
                    # 'eRight',
                    # 'e2x5Max',
                    # 'e2x5Left',
                    # 'e2x5Right',
                    # 'e2x5Top',
                    # 'e2x5Bottom',

                    # Normalization to scRawEnergy necessary?

                    #            'full5x5_eHorizontal',   # RCLSA: Redundant
                    #            'full5x5_eVertical',     # RCLSA: Redundant
                    # 'full5x5_e5x5',               # RCLSA: Use ratios
                    # 'full5x5_e3x3/full5x5_e5x5',  # RCLSA: Redundant, this is R9

                    # ======================================
                    # Saturation variables

                    #            'seedIsSaturated',   # RCLSA: probably overkill
                    #            'seedCrystalEnergy/scSeedRawEnergy',   # RCLSA: There is only 1/1e6 cases in which the max energy is not the seed

                    # ======================================
                    # Cluster variables

                    #            'clusterMaxDR',          # RCLSA Very mismodelled variables
                    #            'clusterMaxDRDPhi',
                    #            'clusterMaxDRDEta',
                    #            'clusterMaxDRRawEnergy',



                if ECAL_AND_TRK:
                    # Output should be compared to ECAL-only BDT output
                    common_vars += [

                        # '( scRawEnergy + scPreshowerEnergy ) * BDTresponse',
                        # This is simply the corrected energy, I don't we need to pass this (The BDT already has the target in there)

                        # 'BDTerror/BDTresponse',
                        # I guess the error we also don't have to pass -- The BDT will already be conscious of the error


                        # Replace this simply by the trkMomentum only
                        # 'trkMomentum/(( scRawEnergy + scPreshowerEnergy )*BDTresponse)',

                        # 'full5x5_r9',

                config.VariablesEB = common_vars + [
                    # 'cryEtaCoordinate',  # Requires alignment information; use crystal number of the seed instead
                    # 'cryPhiCoordinate',  # Requires alignment information; use crystal number of the seed instead

                config.VariablesEE = common_vars + [
                    # 'cryXCoordinate',  # Requires alignment information; use crystal number of the seed instead
                    # 'cryYCoordinate',  # Requires alignment information; use crystal number of the seed instead
                    # 'preshowerEnergyPlane1/scRawEnergy',
                    # 'preshowerEnergyPlane2/scRawEnergy',

                if Verbose:
                    print '\n' + '-'*70
                    print 'Making config file ' + config.Name + '.config'
                    print '  Using the following branches for EE:'
                    print '    ' + '\n    '.join( config.VariablesEE )
                    print '  Using the following branches for EB:'
                    print '    ' + '\n    '.join( config.VariablesEB )

                # Ep combination

                config.DoCombine        = "False"

                # # Only do the combination for the electron AND there are no tracking variables
                # if particle == 'electron' and not ECAL_AND_TRK:

                #     config.DoCombine        = "True"

                #     config.TargetComb       = "( genEnergy - ( scRawEnergy + scPreshowerEnergy )*BDTresponse ) / ( trkMomentum - ( scRawEnergy + scPreshowerEnergy )*BDTresponse )"
                #     config.TargetError      = "1.253*abs(BDTresponse - genEnergy/(scRawEnergy+scPreshowerEnergy))"

                #     config.VariablesComb = [
                #         '( scRawEnergy + scPreshowerEnergy ) * BDTresponse',
                #         'BDTerror/BDTresponse',
                #         'trkMomentumRelError',
                #         'trkMomentum/(( scRawEnergy + scPreshowerEnergy )*BDTresponse)',
                #         'eleEcalDriven',
                #         'full5x5_r9',
                #         'fbrem',
                #         'gsfchi2',
                #         'gsfndof', 
                #         'trkEta',
                #         'trkPhi'     # The best way to describe cracks is to use the track (unbiased) directorion
                #        # 'trkMomentum',                                # RCLSA Again, let us choose one absolute scale and the rest be relative
                #        # 'BDTerror/BDTresponse/trkMomentumRelError',   
                #        # ( '( scRawEnergy + scPreshowerEnergy )*BDTresponse/trkMomentum  *' +
                #        #   'sqrt( BDTerror/BDTresponse*BDTerror/BDTresponse + trkMomentumRelError*trkMomentumRelError)' ),
                #        # 'eleClass',
                #        # 'scIsEB',
                #         ]
                # else:
                #     config.DoCombine        = "False"

                # Output

                # if Verbose:
                #     # Print all branches as a check
                #     print "\nAll branches in root file:"
                #     Read_branches_from_rootfile( physical_path(root_file) , config.Tree )


                # # Test if the config file can be read by ROOT TEnv
                # print '\nReading in {0} and trying ROOT.TEnv( ..., 0 ):'.format( out_filename )
                # I_TEnv = ROOT.TEnv()
                # I_TEnv.ReadFile( out_filename, 0 )
                # I_TEnv.Print()
                # print 'Exited normally'
                # print '='*70
                # print

                return_configs.append( config )

    return return_configs
def Make_conf(Verbose=True):

    # root_file = 'Ntup_Jul15_fullpt_training.root'

    # Small testing samples -- do NOT use these for plots!
    #    root_file = 'Ntup_Jun22_lowpt_testing_sample.root'
    # Low + high pt sample
    # root_file = 'Ntup_Jun22_fullpt_training.root'    
    # Only low pt sample
    # root_file = 'Ntup_Jun22_lowpt_training.root'

    # ------------------------------
    # 22 July samples - Latest set of branches
    # root_file = 'Ntup_Jul22_fullpt_testing_sample.root' # ONLY FOR QUICK TESTS
    root_file = 'Ntup_Jul22_fullpt_training.root'

    # ntup_path = os.path.join( '/data/userdata/rclsa/ElectronTrees/Jul17/' )
    # ntup_path = os.path.join( os.environ['CMSSW_BASE'], 'src/NTuples' )

    if os.environ['HOSTNAME'] == 't3ui17':
        ntup_path = os.path.join( '/mnt/t3nfs01/data01/shome/tklijnsm/Samples/RegressionSamples', '22Jul_samples' )
        ntup_path = '/afs/cern.ch/work/t/tklijnsm/public/CMSSW_8_0_4/src/NTuples'

    datestr = strftime( '%b%d' )

    if not os.path.isdir( ntup_path ):
        print 'Error: "{0}"" is not a directory'.format( ntup_path )
    physical_path = lambda input_root_file: os.path.join( ntup_path, input_root_file )

    return_configs = []

    for region in [ 'EB', 'EE' ]:

        # - Only ECAL_AND_TRK configs made
        # - Target set to unweighted

        # for ECAL_AND_TRK in [ False, True ]:
        for ECAL_AND_TRK in [ True ]:
            for particle in [ 'electron', 'photon' ]:
                if ECAL_AND_TRK and particle=='photon': continue # Photon doesn't have TRK vars

                # Instantiate the Config class which prints a .config file
                config = Config()

                config.Name       = 'Config_' + datestr + '_' + particle + '_' + region

                # MODIFIED: Force SAMETGT name
                # if ECAL_AND_TRK:
                #     config.Name += '_ECALTRK'
                # else:
                #     config.Name += '_ECALonly'
                config.Name += '_SAMETGT'

                config.InputFiles = physical_path( root_file )
                config.Tree       = 'een_analyzer/{0}Tree'.format( particle.capitalize() )

                # BDT settings

                config.Options = [
                    # "NTrees=2000", # <-- Moved up from 1000 to include extra tracker effects
                    # "EventWeight=max( min(1,exp(-(genPt-50)/50)), 0.1 )", # <-- What to do?
                    "EventWeight=1", # <-- No one really likes the weights

                # MODIFIED: Just force the normal target

                # # Set the target - be careful to include the tracker energy in the target for the Ep combination
                # if ECAL_AND_TRK:
                #     config.Target           = "genEnergy * (ECALweight + TRKweight) / ( scRawEnergy*ECALweight + scPreshowerEnergy*ECALweight + trkMomentum*TRKweight )"
                # else:
                #     config.Target           = "genEnergy / ( scRawEnergy + scPreshowerEnergy )"
                # # config.Target           = "genEnergy / ( scRawEnergy + scPreshowerEnergy )"

                config.Target           = "genEnergy / ( scRawEnergy + scPreshowerEnergy )"

                config.TargetError      = "1.253*abs( BDTresponse - genEnergy / ( scRawEnergy + scPreshowerEnergy ) )"
                config.HistoConfig      = "jobs/dummy_Histo.config"
                config.CutEB            = "scIsEB"
                config.CutEE            = "!scIsEB"

                if region == 'EB':
                    config.DoEB         = "True"
                    config.DoEB         = "False"

                # ======================================
                # Sample division - need a part for the ECAL-only training, and a part for the combination

                # 80% for the main BDT - divide the sample in divideNumber pieces, and use all but one piece for the main BDT
                divideNumber            = 3
                config.CutBase          = "eventNumber%{0}!=0".format( divideNumber )

                # 10% for combination, 10% for error
                config.CutComb          = "eventNumber%{0}==0 && eventNumber%{1}==0".format( divideNumber, 2*divideNumber )
                config.CutError         = "eventNumber%{0}==0 && eventNumber%{1}!=0".format( divideNumber, 2*divideNumber )

                config.CutBase  += " && NtupID<5000"
                config.CutComb  += " && NtupID<5000"
                config.CutError += " && NtupID<5000"

                # Order tree branches

                common_vars = [

                    # ======================================
                    # Common variables

                    # 'pt',            # RCLSA: you cannot use the result of the previous training for the new one
                    # 'nVtx',          # rho should be enough information for the BDT
                    # 'scEta',         # Requires alignment information; use crystal number of the seed instead
                    # 'scPhi',         # Requires alignment information; use crystal number of the seed instead
                    #            'scSeedRawEnergy/scRawEnergy',  # RCLSA: Redundant with the one below


                    # ======================================
                    # Showershape variables

                    # Use full 5x5 instead
                    # 'r9',
                    # 'eHorizontal',
                    # 'eVertical',
                    # 'sigmaIetaIeta',
                    # 'sigmaIetaIphi',
                    # 'sigmaIphiIphi',
                    # 'e5x5',
                    # 'e3x3',
                    # 'eMax',
                    # 'e2nd',
                    # 'eTop',
                    # 'eBottom',
                    # 'eLeft',
                    # 'eRight',
                    # 'e2x5Max',
                    # 'e2x5Left',
                    # 'e2x5Right',
                    # 'e2x5Top',
                    # 'e2x5Bottom',

                    # Normalization to scRawEnergy necessary?

                    #            'full5x5_eHorizontal',   # RCLSA: Redundant
                    #            'full5x5_eVertical',     # RCLSA: Redundant
                    # 'full5x5_e5x5',               # RCLSA: Use ratios
                    # 'full5x5_e3x3/full5x5_e5x5',  # RCLSA: Redundant, this is R9

                    # ======================================
                    # Saturation variables

                    #            'seedIsSaturated',   # RCLSA: probably overkill
                    #            'seedCrystalEnergy/scSeedRawEnergy',   # RCLSA: There is only 1/1e6 cases in which the max energy is not the seed

                    # ======================================
                    # Cluster variables

                    #            'clusterMaxDR',          # RCLSA Very mismodelled variables
                    #            'clusterMaxDRDPhi',
                    #            'clusterMaxDRDEta',
                    #            'clusterMaxDRRawEnergy',



                if ECAL_AND_TRK:
                    # Output should be compared to ECAL-only BDT output
                    common_vars += [

                        # '( scRawEnergy + scPreshowerEnergy ) * BDTresponse',
                        # This is simply the corrected energy, I don't we need to pass this (The BDT already has the target in there)

                        # 'BDTerror/BDTresponse',
                        # I guess the error we also don't have to pass -- The BDT will already be conscious of the error


                        # Replace this simply by the trkMomentum only
                        # 'trkMomentum/(( scRawEnergy + scPreshowerEnergy )*BDTresponse)',

                        # 'full5x5_r9',

                config.VariablesEB = common_vars + [
                    # 'cryEtaCoordinate',  # Requires alignment information; use crystal number of the seed instead
                    # 'cryPhiCoordinate',  # Requires alignment information; use crystal number of the seed instead

                config.VariablesEE = common_vars + [
                    # 'cryXCoordinate',  # Requires alignment information; use crystal number of the seed instead
                    # 'cryYCoordinate',  # Requires alignment information; use crystal number of the seed instead

                if Verbose:
                    print '\n' + '-'*70
                    print 'Making config file ' + config.Name + '.config'
                    print '  Using the following branches for EE:'
                    print '    ' + '\n    '.join( config.VariablesEE )
                    print '  Using the following branches for EB:'
                    print '    ' + '\n    '.join( config.VariablesEB )

                # Ep combination

                # Only do the combination for the electron AND there are no tracking variables
                if particle == 'electron' and not ECAL_AND_TRK:

                    config.DoCombine        = "True"

                    config.TargetComb       = "( genEnergy - ( scRawEnergy + scPreshowerEnergy )*BDTresponse ) / ( trkMomentum - ( scRawEnergy + scPreshowerEnergy )*BDTresponse )"
                    config.TargetError      = "1.253*abs(BDTresponse - genEnergy/(scRawEnergy+scPreshowerEnergy))"

                    config.VariablesComb = [
                        '( scRawEnergy + scPreshowerEnergy ) * BDTresponse',
                        'trkMomentum/(( scRawEnergy + scPreshowerEnergy )*BDTresponse)',
                        'trkPhi'     # The best way to describe cracks is to use the track (unbiased) directorion
                       # 'trkMomentum',                                # RCLSA Again, let us choose one absolute scale and the rest be relative
                       # 'BDTerror/BDTresponse/trkMomentumRelError',   
                       # ( '( scRawEnergy + scPreshowerEnergy )*BDTresponse/trkMomentum  *' +
                       #   'sqrt( BDTerror/BDTresponse*BDTerror/BDTresponse + trkMomentumRelError*trkMomentumRelError)' ),
                       # 'eleClass',
                       # 'scIsEB',
                    config.DoCombine        = "False"

                # # Not necessary if the TRK vars in the main BDT
                # config.DoCombine        = "False"

                # Output

                # if Verbose:
                #     # Print all branches as a check
                #     print "\nAll branches in root file:"
                #     Read_branches_from_rootfile( physical_path(root_file) , config.Tree )


                # # Test if the config file can be read by ROOT TEnv
                # print '\nReading in {0} and trying ROOT.TEnv( ..., 0 ):'.format( out_filename )
                # I_TEnv = ROOT.TEnv()
                # I_TEnv.ReadFile( out_filename, 0 )
                # I_TEnv.Print()
                # print 'Exited normally'
                # print '='*70
                # print

                return_configs.append( config )

    return return_configs
def MakeConf(Verbose=True):

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument( '--inputrootfile', '-i', type=str, help='Path to root file',
        # default='../applyRegression/Config_Sep30_electron_EB_ECALonly_appliedRegression_training.root'
        # default='../Config_Oct25_electron_EB_ECALonly_appliedRegression_training_ptWeight.root'
        '--region', metavar='N', type=str, nargs='+', help='Specify regions',
        '-n', '--name', type=str, default='NONE', help='Append a string at the end of the name of this config'
    parser.add_argument( '--fast', action='store_true', help='Change some BDT options to be faster (but maybe less precise)')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    datestr = strftime( '%b%d' )

    # Photon does not have TRK vars
    particle = 'electron'

    # Reads off the name of this .py file, so it's clear what made this.
    moduleName = os.path.basename(__file__).replace('MakeConf_','').replace('.py','')

    return_configs = []
    for region in args.region:

        # Instantiate the Config class which prints a .config file
        config = Config()

        config.Name       = 'Config_' + datestr + '_' + particle + '_' + region + '_' + moduleName

        # Append a string to the name if given by the user
        if not args.name == 'NONE':
            config.Name += '_' + args.name

        if args.fast: config.Name += '_FastOptions'

        config.InputFiles = os.path.abspath(args.inputrootfile)

        # config.Tree       = 'een_analyzer/{0}Tree'.format( particle.capitalize() )
        config.Tree       = 'een_analyzer/correction' # <-- May want to change this some time.

        # BDT settings

        if not args.fast:
            config.Options = [
            config.Options = [
                "MinEvents=300", # Down from 200
                "MinSignificance=5.0", # Down from 5.0

        # config.Target           = "genEnergy / ( scRawEnergy + scPreshowerEnergy )"
        config.Target           = "(genEnergy * (trkMomentum*trkMomentum*trkMomentumRelError*trkMomentumRelError + (scRawEnergy+scPreshowerEnergy)*(scRawEnergy+scPreshowerEnergy)*resolution*resolution) / ( (scRawEnergy+scPreshowerEnergy)*response*trkMomentum*trkMomentum*trkMomentumRelError*trkMomentumRelError + trkMomentum*(scRawEnergy+scPreshowerEnergy)*(scRawEnergy+scPreshowerEnergy)*resolution*resolution ))"

        # Probably neither of these are necessary
        config.TargetError      = "1.253*abs( BDTresponse - genEnergy / ( scRawEnergy + scPreshowerEnergy ) )"
        config.HistoConfig      = "jobs/dummy_Histo.config"
        config.CutEB            = "scIsEB"
        config.CutEE            = "!scIsEB"

        if region == 'EB':
            config.DoEB         = "True"
            config.DoEB         = "False"

        # # ======================================
        # # Sample division - need a part for the ECAL-only training, and a part for the combination

        # # 80% for the main BDT - divide the sample in divideNumber pieces, and use all but one piece for the main BDT
        # divideNumber            = 3
        # config.CutBase          = "eventNumber%{0}!=0".format( divideNumber )

        # # 10% for combination, 10% for error
        # config.CutComb          = "eventNumber%{0}==0 && eventNumber%{1}==0".format( divideNumber, 2*divideNumber )
        # config.CutError         = "eventNumber%{0}==0 && eventNumber%{1}!=0".format( divideNumber, 2*divideNumber )

        # config.CutBase  += " && NtupID<5000"
        # config.CutComb  += " && NtupID<5000"
        # config.CutError += " && NtupID<5000"

        # Limit number of events in training
        # config.CutBase  = "NtupID<1000"
        # config.CutComb  = "NtupID<1000"
        # config.CutError = "NtupID<1000"

        # Pre-selected events have this variable set to 1.0
        config.CutBase  = "(ptWeightCut)"
        config.CutComb  = "(ptWeightCut)"
        config.CutError = "(ptWeightCut)"

        # Order tree branches

        common_vars = [

        config.VariablesEB = common_vars + [

        config.VariablesEE = common_vars + [

        if Verbose:
            print '\n' + '-'*70
            print 'Making config file ' + config.Name + '.config'
            print '  Using the following branches for EE:'
            print '    ' + '\n    '.join( config.VariablesEE )
            print '  Using the following branches for EB:'
            print '    ' + '\n    '.join( config.VariablesEB )

        config.DoCombine        = "False"
        config.DoErrors         = "False"

        # Output

        return_configs.append( config )

    return return_configs