def getOnlineDBReader(ym_tuple, granularity='YEARLY', connStrFunc=None): cnstr = '' ymstr = '' if granularity == 'YEARLY': ymstr = "%04d" % ym_tuple[0] cnstr = connStrFunc((ym_tuple[0], 13)) else: ymstr = "%04d%02d" % ym_tuple cnstr = connStrFunc(ym_tuple) ptnm = "ONLINE_" + ymstr accSvc = CondDBAccessSvc(ptnm, ConnectionString=cnstr) dblayers = [accSvc] LoadCALIBDB = os.environ.get('LoadCALIBDB') if ym_tuple[ 0] < 2015 or LoadCALIBDB is not "OFFLINE": # For datatype before 2015, no CALIBOFF layer is needed return accSvc dbpath = os.environ["SQLITEDBPATH"] layer = 'CALIBOFF' if exists(join(dbpath, layer + '.db')): # Put the discovered layer on top cfg = getConfigurable(layer, CondDBAccessSvc) try: cfg.ConnectionString except AttributeError: # Set up connection for the 1st time cfg = CondDBAccessSvc("CALIBOFF", ConnectionString=cnstr.replace( 'ONLINE-%s.db/ONLINE' % ymstr, "%s.db/%s" % (layer, layer)), CacheHighLevel=200) dblayers.insert(0, cfg) if (len(dblayers) == 1): return accSvc # In case no CALIBOFF.db is found return CondDBLayeringSvc("ONLINELAYER_" + ymstr, Layers=dblayers)
def add_data(job_name, job_id): IOHelper('ROOT').inputFiles(glob(join('output/scenarios', job_name, 'hists', str(job_id), 'Brunel.xdst'))) CondDB().Upgrade = True if job_name == 'Original_DB': lhcbApp.DDDBtag = "dddb-20160304" lhcbApp.CondDBtag = "sim-20150716-vc-md100" else: CondDB().addLayer(dbFile=join(os.getcwd(), 'output/DDDB.db'), dbName="DDDB") CondDB().addLayer(dbFile=join(os.getcwd(), 'output/SIMCOND.db'), dbName="SIMCOND") alignment_conditions = CondDBAccessSvc("AlignmentConditions") alignment_conditions.ConnectionString = "sqlite_file:{}/output/scenarios/{}/Alignment_SIMCOND.db/SIMCOND".format(os.getcwd(), job_name) CondDB().addLayer(alignment_conditions)
def configure(version): from Gaudi.Configuration import (importOptions, ApplicationMgr, MessageSvc) from Configurables import DDDBConf, CondDB, CondDBAccessSvc dddbConf = DDDBConf() cdb = CondDB() DBs = [] for i in range(3): data = {"name": "TESTDB%d" % i} DBs.append( CondDBAccessSvc( data["name"], ConnectionString="sqlite_file:../data/%(name)s.db/%(name)s" % data)) cdb.PartitionConnectionString["DDDB"] = DBs[0].ConnectionString cdb.Tags["DDDB"] = "" if version == 1: cdb.addAlternative(DBs[1], '/AutoMap/FolderSet2') elif version == 2: cdb.addAlternative(DBs[2], '/AutoMap/FolderSet3') elif version == 3: cdb.addAlternative(DBs[1], '/AutoMap/FolderSet2/ObjectA') elif version == 4: cdb.addLayer(DBs[1]) cdb.addLayer(DBs[2]) elif version != 0: raise RuntimeError("Invalid version number") ApplicationMgr(TopAlg=["LoadDDDB"], EvtSel="NONE")
def configure(use_case="simple"): # Common configuration import Gaudi.Configuration from Configurables import (ApplicationMgr, MessageSvc, DDDBConf, CondDB, CondDBAccessSvc, UpdateManagerSvc) DDDBConf() # detector description localDb = CondDBAccessSvc( "VeloAlignCondTestDB", ConnectionString="sqlite_file:../data/VeloAlignCondTest.db/DDDB", DefaultTAG="simple") CondDB().addLayer(localDb) # use local DB ApplicationMgr(TopAlg=[], EvtSel="NONE") #MessageSvc(OutputLevel = 1) if use_case == "simple": # nothing to do more return elif use_case == "override_motion_system": # Example of how to move the Velo UpdateManagerSvc().ConditionsOverride.append( "Conditions/Online/Velo/MotionSystem := double ResolPosY = 100") elif use_case == "override_alignment": UpdateManagerSvc().ConditionsOverride.append( "Conditions/Alignment/Velo/VeloLeft := double_v dPosXYZ = 0 100 0") elif use_case == "override_alignment2": UpdateManagerSvc().ConditionsOverride.append( "Conditions/Alignment/Velo/VeloLeft := double_v YOffsetCoeffs = 20 -5" ) UpdateManagerSvc().ConditionsOverride.append( "Conditions/Alignment/Velo/VeloRight := double_v YOffsetCoeffs = 0 1" )
def startGaudiInspect(aligndb=""): global appMgr LHCbApp().DDDBtag = "" LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "" if aligndb: from Configurables import (CondDB, CondDBAccessSvc) counter = 1 for db in aligndb: alignCond = CondDBAccessSvc('AlignCond' + str(counter)) alignCond.ConnectionString = 'sqlite_file:' + db + '/LHCBCOND' CondDB().addLayer(alignCond) counter += 1 appConf = ApplicationMgr(OutputLevel=INFO, AppName='myBrunel') appMgr = GaudiPython.AppMgr()
def getAnyDBReader(layer='CALIBOFF', svc=CondDBAccessSvc): CacheHighLevel = 200 if layer == 'DDDB': CacheHighLevel = 1700 # Put the discovered layer on top cfg = getConfigurable(layer, svc) if svc is not CondDBAccessSvc: return cfg try: cfg.ConnectionString except AttributeError: # Set up connection for the 1st time connstr = "sqlite_file:$SQLITEDBPATH/%s.db/%s" % (layer, layer) if layer == 'DQFLAGS': cfg = CondDBAccessSvc(layer, ConnectionString=connstr, CacheLowLevel=5, CacheHighLevel=10) else: cfg = CondDBAccessSvc(layer, ConnectionString=connstr, CacheHighLevel=CacheHighLevel) return cfg
def initialise(): if not globals()['initialised']: import os # Check results dir if not os.path.exists("results"): os.mkdir("results") from ROOT import gROOT # No info messages gROOT.ProcessLine("gErrorIgnoreLevel = kWarning;") # Batch mode (no TCanvas) gROOT.SetBatch(True) import GaudiPython # Initialise a few things from Configurables import DDDBConf, CondDB, LHCbApp, CondDBAccessSvc cDB = CondDB() #DDDBConf(DataType = "2009") #LHCbApp().DDDBtag = "head-20110303" #LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "head-20110524" #DDDBConf(DataType = "2010") #LHCbApp().DDDBtag = "head-20110303" #LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "head-20110524" #DDDBConf(DataType = "2011") #LHCbApp().DDDBtag = "head-20110722" #LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "head-20110722" #LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "HEAD" DDDBConf(DataType="2012") LHCbApp().DDDBtag = "head-20120413" LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "cond-20120730" CondDB().addLayer( CondDBAccessSvc( "2012Aerogel", ConnectionString="sqlite_file:2012Aerogel.db/LHCBCOND", DefaultTAG="HEAD")) # Set message level to info and above only msgSvc().setOutputLevel(3) # Finally, initialize GaudiPython GaudiPython.AppMgr().initialize() # Initialise various DeRich objects loadRichDet() # flag as done globals()['initialised'] = True
def startInspect(): global appMgr LHCbApp().DDDBtag = "head-20100518" LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "head-20100518" try: if alignDB: from Configurables import ( CondDB, CondDBAccessSvc ) counter = 1 for db in alignDB: alignCond = CondDBAccessSvc( 'AlignCond' + str(counter) ) alignCond.ConnectionString = 'sqlite_file:' + db + '/LHCBCOND' CondDB().addLayer( alignCond ) counter += 1 except: pass appConf = ApplicationMgr( OutputLevel = INFO, AppName = 'myBrunel' ) appMgr = GaudiPython.AppMgr() print "/dd/Structure/LHCb/BeforeMagnetRegion/TT"
def test_010_addCondDBLayer_1(self): """Add one layer from CondDBAccessSvc instance""" # Add the layer layer = CondDBAccessSvc("layer") self.CondDB.addLayer(layer) applyConfigurableUsers() reader = allConfigurables["CondDBCnvSvc"].CondDBReader # check if we have a layering svc self.assertEquals(reader.__class__.__name__, "CondDBLayeringSvc") # check for the new layer... self.assertEqual(reader.Layers[0], layer) # ... plus the original one self.assertEqualsConfig(reader.Layers[1], orig_reader)
def test_020_addCondDBAlternative_1(self): """Add one alternative from CondDBAccessSvc instance""" # Add the alternative alternative = CondDBAccessSvc("alternative") self.CondDB.addAlternative(alternative, "/Test") applyConfigurableUsers() reader = allConfigurables["CondDBCnvSvc"].CondDBReader # the reader should not have changed self.assertEqualsConfig(reader, orig_reader) # correct size? self.assertEquals(len(reader.Alternatives), len(orig_dict) + 1) # check the previous alternatives for k in orig_dict: self.assertEqualsConfig(reader.Alternatives[k], orig_dict[k]) # plus the new one self.assertEqualsConfig(reader.Alternatives["/Test"], alternative)
def _checkOverrideArgs(self, accessSvc, connStr, dbFile, dbName): """ Check if the accessSvc is a valid CondDBReader or build one using the other arguments. """ kwargs = { "accessSvc": accessSvc, "connStr": connStr, "dbFile": dbFile, "dbName": dbName } if accessSvc is None: if not connStr: if dbFile: if not dbName: dbName = os.path.basename(dbFile) m = re.match(r'([A-Z][A-Z0-9_]{0,7})(_\w+)?.db', dbName) if m: dbName = else: raise ValueError('invalid arguments %r' % kwargs) connStr = "sqlite_file:%s/%s" % (dbFile, dbName) else: raise ValueError('invalid arguments %r' % kwargs) name = dbName else: name = connStr.rsplit('/')[-1] if not re.match(r'[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]{0,7}', name): name = 'CondDBAccessSvc' # make a unique name for the configurable name = "automatic_" + name name_format = name + '_%d' i = 0 while name in allConfigurables: i += 1 name = name_format % i accessSvc = CondDBAccessSvc(name, ConnectionString=connStr) elif type(accessSvc ) not in __CondDBReaders__: # Check for supported types raise TypeError("'%s' not supported as CondDBReader" % accessSvc.__class__.__name__) return accessSvc
def test_020_addCondDBAlternative_2(self): """Replace one alternative from CondDBAccessSvc instance""" path = orig_dict.keys()[0] # Add the alternative alternative = CondDBAccessSvc("alternative") self.CondDB.addAlternative(alternative, path) applyConfigurableUsers() reader = allConfigurables["CondDBCnvSvc"].CondDBReader # the reader should not have changed self.assertEqualsConfig(reader, orig_reader) # correct size? self.assertEquals(len(reader.Alternatives), len(orig_dict)) # check the previous alternatives for k in orig_dict: if k != path: self.assertEqualsConfig(reader.Alternatives[k], orig_dict[k]) else: self.assertEqualsConfig(reader.Alternatives[k], alternative)
from TAlignment.SurveyConstraints import SurveyConstraints # * from GaudiConf import IOHelper from Configurables import CaloDigitConf, CaloProcessor, GlobalRecoConf print os.listdir(os.getcwd()) importOptions('$STDOPTS/PreloadUnits.opts') # Load the velo conditions CondDB().addLayer( dbFile="/pc2014-data3/cburr/hybrid-distortions/try_aligning/DDDB.db", dbName="DDDB") CondDB().addLayer( dbFile="/pc2014-data3/cburr/hybrid-distortions/try_aligning/SIMCOND.db", dbName="SIMCOND") alignment_conditions = CondDBAccessSvc("AlignmentConditions") alignment_conditions.ConnectionString = "sqlite_file:/pc2014-data3/cburr/hybrid-distortions/try_aligning/Alignment_SIMCOND.db/SIMCOND" CondDB().addLayer(alignment_conditions) LHCbApp().Simulation = True LHCbApp().DataType = 'Upgrade' CondDB().Upgrade = True detectors = [ 'VP', 'UT', 'FT', 'Rich1Pmt', 'Rich2Pmt', 'Ecal', 'Hcal', 'Muon', 'Magnet', 'Tr' ] LHCbApp().Detectors = detectors CondDB().LoadCALIBDB = 'HLT1'
from Configurables import Escher, LHCbApp, TrackSys, EventClockSvc #-- File catalogs. First one is read-write FileCatalog().Catalogs = ["xmlcatalog_file:MyCatalog.xml"] #-- Use latest database tags for real data LHCbApp().DDDBtag = "default" LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "default" LHCbApp().DDDBtag = "HEAD" LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "HEAD" #-- Set a reasonable time for the first event EventClockSvc().InitialTime = 1260350949785664000 from Configurables import (CondDB, CondDBAccessSvc) otCalib = CondDBAccessSvc('OTCalib') #otCalib.ConnectionString = 'sqlite_file:/afs/' #otCalib.ConnectionString = 'sqlite_file:/afs/' otCalib.ConnectionString = 'sqlite_file:/afs/' CondDB().addLayer(otCalib) # Latest cosmic run, with CALO, OT and (!!) RICH2 (35569 events) Escher().DatasetName = 'collisions' Escher().InputType = 'MDF' #EventSelector().Input.append("DATA='castor:/castor/' SVC='LHCb::MDFSelector'") #import os #runnr = os.environ['COSMICSRUNNR'] runnrs = ['63596']
def extractAlignmentParameters( elementsWithTESAndCondDBNodes, since, until, valueExtractor=lambda detElm: getGlobalPositionFromGeometryInfo( detElm.geometry()), DDDBtag="default", CondDBtag="default", alignDBs=[]): """ The method talking to the detector svc Extract from all DetectorElements down from each element in elementsWithTESAndCondDBNodes ( format { elm : ( detTES, [ condDBNode ] ) } ), alignment parameters using valueExtractor, for all iovs between since and until (datetimes), using the CondDBNodes. The default database is configured with database tags DDDBtag and CondDBtag, and all alignDBs [ (tag, connectString) ] are added as layers to the CondDB. Returns a dict { element : [ ( (iovBegin, iovEnd), alignmentTree ) ] } """ # Static configuration of the application manager from Configurables import LHCbApp, ApplicationMgr from LHCbKernel.Configuration import FATAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG, VERBOSE ApplicationMgr().AppName = "AlignmentCollector" ApplicationMgr().OutputLevel = ERROR LHCbApp().DDDBtag = DDDBtag LHCbApp().CondDBtag = CondDBtag # >>> This part stolen from Det/DetCond/tests/scripts/ ApplicationMgr().TopAlg = ["LoadDDDB"] from Configurables import EventClockSvc, FakeEventTime ecs = EventClockSvc( InitialTime=toTimeStamp(datetime(2010, 1, 1, 12, tzinfo=pytz.utc))) ecs.addTool(FakeEventTime, "EventTimeDecoder") ecs.EventTimeDecoder.StartTime = ecs.InitialTime ecs.EventTimeDecoder.TimeStep = toTimeStamp(timedelta(days=1)) # <<< + "lhcbcond" below layers = ["LHCBCOND"] if len(alignDBs) > 0: from Configurables import CondDB, CondDBAccessSvc for i, (connectString, tag) in enumerate(alignDBs): layerName = "AlignCond%i" % i alignCond = CondDBAccessSvc(layerName) alignCond.ConnectionString = connectString alignCond.DefaultTAG = tag CondDB().addLayer(alignCond) layers.append(layerName) # run a gaudi application from GaudiPython import AppMgr, gbl gaudi = AppMgr() gaudi.createSvc("UpdateManagerSvc") updateManagerSvc = gaudi.service("UpdateManagerSvc", interface="IUpdateManagerSvc") gaudi.initialize() conddbReaders = list( gaudi.service(name, gbl.ICondDBReader) for name in reversed(layers)) detDataSvc = updateManagerSvc.detDataSvc() alignmentTrees = dict( (detName, []) for detName in elementsWithTESAndCondDBNodes.iterkeys()) for detName, (detPath, condNodes) in elementsWithTESAndCondDBNodes.iteritems(): ### get the IOVs for all elements, and combine them timeLine = [("gap", (since, until))] for layerReader in conddbReaders: timeLineUpdated = list(timeLine) alreadyInserted = 0 for i, (typ, (gapBegin, gapEnd)) in enumerate(timeLine): if typ == "gap": iovs = combinedIOVs([ list((max(toDateTime(iov.since.ns()), gapBegin), min(toDateTime(iov.until.ns()), gapEnd)) for iov in layerReader.getIOVs( node, gbl.ICondDBReader.IOV( gbl.Gaudi.Time(toTimeStamp(gapBegin)), gbl.Gaudi.Time(toTimeStamp(gapEnd))), 0)) for node in TrackingAlignmentCondDBNodes[detName] ]) if len(iovs) != 0: updatedTimeSlice = list( ("iov", (begin, end)) for begin, end in iovs) if updatedTimeSlice[0][1][0] > gapBegin: updatedTimeSlice.insert( 0, ("gap", (gapBegin, updatedTimeSlice[0][1][0]))) if updatedTimeSlice[-1][1][1] < gapEnd: updatedTimeSlice.append( ("gap", (updatedTimeSlice[-1][1][1], gapEnd))) timeLineUpdated[i + alreadyInserted:i + alreadyInserted + 1] = updatedTimeSlice alreadyInserted += len(updatedTimeSlice) - 1 logging.debug("timeline after adding %s : %s" % (layerReader, timeLine)) timeLine = timeLineUpdated iovs = list(timespan for typ, timespan in timeLine if typ == "iov") ### For every IOV, extract the parameters for begin, end in iovs: detDataSvc.setEventTime( gbl.Gaudi.Time(toTimeStamp(begin + (end - begin) / 2))) updateManagerSvc.newEvent() motionSystem = None if detName != "Velo" else gaudi.detSvc( ).getObject("/dd/Conditions/Online/Velo/MotionSystem")"Extracting parameters for %s between %s and %s" % (detName, begin, end)) detTree = getAlignableTreeFromDetectorElement( gaudi.detSvc().getObject(detPath), nodeValue=valueExtractor, parentName=detPath, motionSystem=motionSystem) = detName alignmentTrees[detName].append(((begin, end), detTree)) gaudi.finalize() gaudi.exit() return alignmentTrees
## @file # Small script forcing a time-out in the access to the from Gaudi.Configuration import * from Configurables import CondDB, CondDBAccessSvc, DDDBConf DDDBConf() DDDB = CondDBAccessSvc("DDDB") DDDB.ConnectionTimeOut = 5 #MessageSvc(OutputLevel = ERROR) import GaudiPython app = GaudiPython.AppMgr() app.initialize() app.start() import time app.detSvc()["/dd"] # access the DB print "TEST ===> start" time.sleep(6) # wait enough print "TEST ===> end"
from Configurables import Brunel from Configurables import CondDB from Configurables import CondDBAccessSvc from Configurables import L0Conf from Gaudi.Configuration import GaudiSequencer Brunel().InputType = "DIGI" Brunel().WithMC = True CondDB().Upgrade = True Brunel().Detectors = ['VP', 'UT', 'FT', 'Rich1Pmt', 'Rich2Pmt', 'Ecal', 'Hcal', 'Muon', 'Magnet', 'Tr'] Brunel().DataType = "Upgrade" Brunel().OutputType = 'XDST' # As we haven't ran Moore L0Conf().EnsureKnownTCK = False GaudiSequencer("CheckPatSeq").Members = [ "PrChecker", "TrackIPResolutionChecker", "VPClusterMonitor" ] CondDB().addLayer(dbFile="check_positions/DDDB.db", dbName="DDDB") CondDB().addLayer(dbFile="check_positions/SIMCOND.db", dbName="SIMCOND") alignment_conditions = CondDBAccessSvc("AlignmentConditions") alignment_conditions.ConnectionString = "sqlite_file:check_positions/Alignment_SIMCOND.db/SIMCOND" CondDB().addLayer(alignment_conditions)
#importOptions("$ESCHERROOT/options/") #from Configurables import Escher #escher = Escher() # mae sure that the algorithms know how many iterations are coming from Configurables import TAlignment TAlignment().NumIterations = opts.numiter TAlignment().UpdateInFinalize = False # set the database layer if opts.aligndb: counter = 1 for db in opts.aligndb: from Configurables import (CondDB, CondDBAccessSvc) alignCond = CondDBAccessSvc('AlignCond' + str(counter)) if opts.lhcbcondtag: alignCond.ConnectionString = 'sqlite_file:' + db + '/LHCBCOND' else: alignCond.ConnectionString = 'sqlite_file:' + db + '/CALIBOFF' CondDB().addLayer(alignCond) counter += 1 if opts.dddb: counter = 1 for db in opts.dddb: from Configurables import (CondDB, CondDBAccessSvc) alignCond = CondDBAccessSvc('AlignDDDB' + str(counter)) alignCond.ConnectionString = 'sqlite_file:' + db + '/DDDB' CondDB().addLayer(alignCond) counter += 1
from Configurables import Brunel from Configurables import CondDB from Configurables import CondDBAccessSvc from Configurables import L0Conf from Gaudi.Configuration import GaudiSequencer Brunel().InputType = "DIGI" Brunel().WithMC = True CondDB().Upgrade = True Brunel().Detectors = [ 'VP', 'UT', 'FT', 'Rich1Pmt', 'Rich2Pmt', 'Ecal', 'Hcal', 'Muon', 'Magnet', 'Tr' ] Brunel().DataType = "Upgrade" Brunel().OutputType = 'XDST' # As we haven't ran Moore L0Conf().EnsureKnownTCK = False GaudiSequencer("CheckPatSeq").Members = [ "PrChecker", "TrackIPResolutionChecker", "VPClusterMonitor" ] CondDB().addLayer(dbFile="output/DDDB.db", dbName="DDDB") CondDB().addLayer(dbFile="output/SIMCOND.db", dbName="SIMCOND") alignment_conditions = CondDBAccessSvc("AlignmentConditions") alignment_conditions.ConnectionString = "sqlite_file:output/scenarios/{{ scenario }}/Alignment_SIMCOND.db/SIMCOND" CondDB().addLayer(alignment_conditions)
"SIMCOND": theApp.getProp('CondDBtag'), "ONLINE": 'fake' } def overrideONLINEWithSnapshot(): ONLINE_2015 = CondDBAccessSvc("ONLINE_2015") ONLINE_2015.ConnectionString = "sqlite_file:ONLINE-2015.db/ONLINE" conddb.addLayer(ONLINE_2015) appendPostConfigAction(overrideONLINEWithSnapshot) conddb.addLayer( CondDBAccessSvc( "t0_db", ConnectionString="sqlite_file:OTIS_t0_2015_07_21_154882.db/LHCBCOND")) #import AllHlt1 #conddb.RunChangeHandlerConditions = AllHlt1.ConditionMap # Further selection theApp.VetoHltErrorEvents = False from Configurables import L0Conf L0Conf().EnsureKnownTCK = False from Configurables import TrajOTProjector Projector = TrajOTProjector("OTProjector", UseDrift=True)
def rawDataToNtuple(options): # print options required_options = [ "runNumber", "start", "end", "outputdir", "nEvtsPerStep", "totsteps" ] for check_opts in required_options: if not options.has_key(check_opts): print "Please specify minimal options!" print "Option \'" + check_opts + "\' is missing!" sys.exit() start = options["start"] end = options["end"] runNumber = options["runNumber"] outputdir = options["outputdir"] totsteps = options["totsteps"] nEvtsPerStep = options["nEvtsPerStep"] from Configurables import DDDBConf, CondDB, CondDBAccessSvc, NTupleSvc, EventClockSvc, Brunel, LHCbApp # if options.has_key("IgnoreHeartBeat"): # CondDB().IgnoreHeartBeat = options["IgnoreHeartBeat"] if options.has_key("addCondDBLayer"): altag = "HEAD" if options.has_key("addCondDBLayer_tag"): altag = options["addCondDBLayer_tag"] CondDB().addLayer( CondDBAccessSvc("myCond", ConnectionString="sqlite_file:" + options["addCondDBLayer"] + "/LHCBCOND", DefaultTAG=altag)) # Need this line so as to not get db errors- should be fixed properly at some point CondDB().IgnoreHeartBeat = True CondDB().EnableRunStampCheck = False # customDBs = glob.glob('/group/rich/ActiveDBSlices/*.db') # for db in customDBs: # CondDB().addLayer( CondDBAccessSvc(os.path.basename(db), ConnectionString="sqlite_file:"+db+"/LHCBCOND", DefaultTAG="HEAD") ) # importOptions('$STDOPTS/') #importOptions("$STDOPTS/RootHist.opts") #importOptions("$STDOPTS/RawDataIO.opts") #DEBUG by DisplayingHitMaps=False from Configurables import MDMRich1Algorithm mdmAlg = MDMRich1Algorithm("Rich1MDCS") mdmAlg.NumberOfEventsPerStep = nEvtsPerStep mdmAlg.StoreHistos = False mdmAlg.DEBUG = False if options.has_key("StoreHistos"): mdmAlg.StoreHistos = options["StoreHistos"] if options.has_key("DEBUG"): mdmAlg.DEBUG = options["DEBUG"] print "start step: " + str(start) print "stop step: " + str(end) print "processing " + str(nEvtsPerStep * (end - start)) + " events" tuplestring = "NTuple_Run%i_Steps%04d-%04d.root" % (runNumber, start, end) if options.has_key("TupleName"): tuplestring = options["TupleName"] histoname = "Histos_Run%i_Steps%04d-%04d.root" % (runNumber, start, end) if options.has_key("HistoName"): histoname = options["HistoName"] if outputdir != "": tuplestring = "%s/%s" % (outputdir, tuplestring) histoname = "%s/%s" % (outputdir, histoname) tuplename = "RICHTUPLE1 DATAFILE=\'%s\' TYP=\'ROOT\' OPT=\'NEW\'" % ( tuplestring) # Currently put in manually. Edit here to use correct db and conddb tags LHCbApp().DDDBtag = "dddb-20150724" LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "cond-20160123" if options.has_key("DDDBtag"): LHCbApp().DDDBtag = options["DDDBtag"] if options.has_key("CondDBtag"): LHCbApp().CondDBtag = options["CondDBtag"] #customDBs = glob.glob('/group/rich/ActiveDBSlices/*.db') #for db in customDBs: # CondDB().addLayer( CondDBAccessSvc(os.path.basename(db), ConnectionString="sqlite_file:"+db+"/LHCBCOND", DefaultTAG="HEAD") ) ApplicationMgr().TopAlg += [mdmAlg] ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += ['DataOnDemandSvc'] ApplicationMgr().EvtMax = end * nEvtsPerStep # Timing information for application from Configurables import AuditorSvc, SequencerTimerTool ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += ['AuditorSvc'] ApplicationMgr().AuditAlgorithms = True AuditorSvc().Auditors += ['TimingAuditor'] SequencerTimerTool().OutputLevel = 4 LHCbApp().TimeStamp = True HistogramPersistencySvc().OutputFile = histoname NTupleSvc().Output = [tuplename] EventSelector().PrintFreq = 10 EventSelector().PrintFreq = nEvtsPerStep EventSelector().FirstEvent = start * nEvtsPerStep print "First event: " + str(start * nEvtsPerStep) print "Last event: " + str(end * nEvtsPerStep) #get data, will look in local cluster first, then on castor isLocal = True if options.has_key("isLocal"): isLocal = options["isLocal"] DATA_and_Year = (getData(runNumber, start, end, totsteps, isLocal)) DATA = DATA_and_Year["DATA"] if not len(DATA) > 0: print "Data not found in local, switching to CASTOR" DATA_and_Year = getData(runNumber, start, end, totsteps, not isLocal) DATA = DATA_and_Year["DATA"] if not len(DATA) > 0: print "DATA not found anywhere!" sys.exit() LHCbApp.DataType = str(DATA_and_Year["year"]) EventSelector().Input = DATA EventClockSvc().EventTimeDecoder = "OdinTimeDecoder" appMgr = GaudiPython.AppMgr() appMgr.HistogramPersistency = "ROOT" #appMgr.OutputLevel=DEBUG evtSvc = appMgr.evtSvc() esel = appMgr.evtsel() esel.PrintFreq = nEvtsPerStep appMgr.initialize() * (end - start)) appMgr.stop() appMgr.finalize()
#LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "head-20090402" LHCbApp().DDDBtag = "default" LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "default" LHCbApp().DDDBtag = "HEAD" LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "HEAD" from Configurables import EventClockSvc EventClockSvc().InitialTime = 1270079584012864000 from Configurables import (CondDB, CondDBAccessSvc) cdb = CondDB() #cdb.PartitionConnectionString["ONLINE"] = "sqlite_file:/afs/" #cdb.Tags["ONLINE"] = "" # maybe it works if we read it as a layer? myOnline = CondDBAccessSvc('MyOnline') myOnline.ConnectionString = 'sqlite_file:/afs/' CondDB().addLayer(myOnline) otCalib = CondDBAccessSvc('OTCalib') #otCalib.ConnectionString = 'sqlite_file:/afs/' otCalib.ConnectionString = 'sqlite_file:/afs/' CondDB().addLayer(otCalib) ttPitchFix = CondDBAccessSvc('TTPitchFix') ttPitchFix.ConnectionString = 'sqlite_file:/afs/' CondDB().addLayer(ttPitchFix) import os path = '/castor/' runnrs = ['69355']
#LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "head-20090402" LHCbApp().DDDBtag = "default" LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "default" #LHCbApp().DDDBtag = "HEAD" #LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "HEAD" LHCbApp().DDDBtag = 'head-20110823' LHCbApp().CondDBtag = 'head-20110901' from Configurables import (CondDB, CondDBAccessSvc) cdb = CondDB() #cdb.PartitionConnectionString["ONLINE"] = "sqlite_file:/afs/" #cdb.Tags["ONLINE"] = "fake" # maybe it works if we read it as a layer? myOnline = CondDBAccessSvc('MyOnline') myOnline.ConnectionString = 'sqlite_file:/afs/' CondDB().addLayer(myOnline) #importOptions("$APPCONFIGOPTS/") cdb.UseOracle = False cdb.DisableLFC = True import os runnr = os.environ['RUNNR'] filenames = ['/pool/spool/wouter/dimuons_%s.dst' % runnr] for f in filenames: fullname = "DATAFILE='" + f + "' TYP='POOL_ROOTTREE' OPT='READ'" EventSelector().Input.append(fullname) print "EvenSelector.Input:", EventSelector().Input
# Add sqlite database to CondDB and turn on MoEDAL geometry ############################################################################ ## Add geometry data ## Two options: ## Overwrite entire DDDB with file contents #cdb = CondDB() #cbd.PartitionConnectionString["DDDB"] = "sqlite_file:$HOME/LHCb_software/mkingtest.db/DDDB" #cdb.Tags[DDDB] = "DC06" ## Add file contents as layer (should overwrite existing entries in same location) CondDB().addLayer( CondDBAccessSvc( "MoEDAL_DDDB", ConnectionString= "sqlite_file:GEOMETRY_DB_FILE_LOCATION/GEOMETRY_DB_FILENAME/DDDB", DefaultTAG="HEAD")) ############################################################################ ## Switch on geometry for MoEDAL detectors geo = GiGaInputStream('Geo') geo.StreamItems += [ "/dd/Structure/LHCb/BeforeMagnetRegion/MoEDAL/VacTankCoverPipes" ] geo.StreamItems += [ "/dd/Structure/LHCb/BeforeMagnetRegion/MoEDAL/VacTankCoverHead" ] ## When using tags above or equal to 3.0.0, please activate the VacTankTopFlanges
TrackSys().ExcludedLayers = ["T3X2"] #TrackSys().TrackPatRecAlgorithms = TrackSys().DefaultPatRecAlgorithmsRun2 #VetraRecoConf().Sequence = [ "Decoding" ] + RecSysConf().DefaultTrackingSubdets # = ["Decoding", "VELO","TT","IT","OT","Tr","Vertex"] VetraRecoConf().Sequence = [ "Decoding", "VELO", "TT", "IT", "OT", "TrHLT1", "Vertex", "TrHLT2" ] VetraRecoConf().TrackPatRecAlgorithms = TrackSys().DefaultPatRecAlgorithmsRun2 print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n\n' print TrackSys().DefaultPatRecAlgorithms print RecSysConf().DefaultTrackingSubdets print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n\n' from Configurables import CondDB, CondDBAccessSvc, CondDBTimeSwitchSvc connection = "sqlite_file:$STSQLDDDBROOT/db/STCOND.db/COND" CondDB().addLayer(CondDBAccessSvc("COND", ConnectionString=connection)) CondDB().IgnoreHeartBeat = True CondDB().EnableRunStampCheck = False #importOptions('$HOME/cmtuser/Vetra_v15r0/ST/STVetraAnalysis/options/') #importOptions('$STVETRAANALYSISROOT/options/') importOptions('$STTELL1ALGORITHMSROOT/options/') from Configurables import STNZSResolution, STADCTrackMonitor #ODINChecker = STODINCheck() #ODINChecker.OutputLevel = generalOutputLevel #ODINChecker.ODINData = "DAQ/ODIN"; #GaudiSequencer('ODINPreChecker').Members = [ODINChecker]
def overrideONLINEWithSnapshot(): ONLINE_2015 = CondDBAccessSvc("ONLINE_2015") ONLINE_2015.ConnectionString = "sqlite_file:ONLINE-2015.db/ONLINE" conddb.addLayer(ONLINE_2015)
#set COND-tag condtag = "/SIMCOND" #if opts.simtag else "/CALIBOFF" if opts.simtag: condtag = "/SIMCOND" elif opts.lhcbcondtag: condtag = "/CALIBOFF" else: condtag = "/LHCBCOND" # set the database layer if opts.aligndb: counter = 1 for db in opts.aligndb: from Configurables import (CondDB, CondDBAccessSvc) alignCond = CondDBAccessSvc('AlignCond' + str(counter)) alignCond.ConnectionString = 'sqlite_file:' + db + condtag CondDB().addLayer(alignCond) counter += 1 print 'added databases: ', opts.aligndb if opts.dddb: counter = 1 for db in opts.dddb: from Configurables import (CondDB, CondDBAccessSvc) alignCond = CondDBAccessSvc('AlignDDDB' + str(counter)) alignCond.ConnectionString = 'sqlite_file:' + db + '/DDDB' CondDB().addLayer(alignCond) counter += 1 print 'added databases: ', opts.dddb
"sim-20130722-vc-md100", "Others": ["VP_Compact_MicroChannel+UT", "FT_MonoLayer"], "DBpath": "/afs/", } LHCbApp().Simulation = True CondDB().Upgrade = True LHCbApp().DDDBtag = opts['DDDB'] LHCbApp().CondDBtag = opts['CondDB'] CondDB().AllLocalTagsByDataType = opts['Others'] ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += ["ToolSvc", "DataOnDemandSvc"] myAccessSvc = CondDBAccessSvc("mySuperHyperAccessSvc", ConnectionString="sqlite_file:" + opts['DBpath'] + ".db/DDDB", CacheHighLevel=2000) CondDB().addLayer(accessSvc=myAccessSvc) DecodeRawEvent().DataOnDemand = True # configuration ends here, now starts the execution bit def event_summaries(fname, N, tests, results): """Execute all `tests` on `N` events in `fname` For each event a list of the return values of each test is send to `results`. """ app_mgr = GaudiPython.AppMgr()
TAlignment().WriteCondSubDetList = ['Muon', 'OT'] TAlignment().CondFilePrefix = nameCond + sample + '_Xml/' TAlignment().OutputLevel = outputlevel # TAlignment().UseLocalFrame = uselocalframe elementtool = GetElementsToBeAligned("GetElementsToBeAligned") elementtool.UseLocalFrame = False # To load CondDB Layers ------------- from Configurables import (CondDBAccessSvc, CondDB) # Muon #MUONAlignmentCondition = CondDBAccessSvc("MuonAlignmentCondition") #MUONAlignmentCondition.ConnectionString = 'sqlite_file:/afs/' # OT OTAlignmentCondition = CondDBAccessSvc("OTAlignmentCondition") #OTAlignmentCondition.ConnectionString = 'sqlite_file:/afs/' #OTAlignmentCondition.ConnectionString = 'sqlite_file:/afs/' #OTAlignmentCondition.ConnectionString = 'sqlite_file:/afs/' #OTAlignmentCondition.ConnectionString = 'sqlite_file:/afs/' #OTAlignmentCondition.ConnectionString = 'sqlite_file:/afs/' #OTAlignmentCondition.ConnectionString = 'sqlite_file:/afs/' OTAlignmentCondition.ConnectionString = 'sqlite_file:/afs/' if sample == 'Mcarlo': print sample else: #CondDB().addLayer( MUONAlignmentCondition ) CondDB().addLayer(OTAlignmentCondition) # ================================================================================================ # add all 'private' reconstruction to this sequence which is automatically added to the alignment sequence.
def __apply_configuration__(self): """ Converts the high-level information passed as properties into low-level configuration. """ # special case for online if self.getProp('UseDBSnapshot'): self._configureDBSnapshot() # In the Online/Upgrade/Simulation environment, LoadCALIBDB should be defaulted to HLT1 if self.getProp("Online") or self.getProp('Upgrade') or self.getProp( 'Simulation'): self._properties["LoadCALIBDB"].setDefault("HLT1") # Set up environment variables for loading CALIBOFF layers, must be before loading any tags LoadCALIBDB = self.getProp('LoadCALIBDB') loadcaliboptions = ["HLT1", "OFFLINE"] if LoadCALIBDB not in loadcaliboptions: raise ValueError( "'%s' is not a valid LoadCALIBDB value. Allowed: %s" % (LoadCALIBDB, loadcaliboptions)) if LoadCALIBDB is "OFFLINE" and not exists( join(os.environ["SQLITEDBPATH"], "CALIBOFF.db")): LoadCALIBDB = "HLT1" # When CALIBOFF.db is not there, reset the option os.environ['LoadCALIBDB'] = LoadCALIBDB # Set the usage of the latest global/local tags old_latest_Tags_prop = self.getProp( "UseLatestTags") # it is deprecated latest_GTags_prop = self.getProp("LatestGlobalTagByDataTypes") if not latest_GTags_prop: # if property not set latest_GTags_prop = self.getProp("LatestGlobalTagByDataType") latest_LTags_prop = self.getProp("LatestLocalTagsByDataType") all_LTags_prop = self.getProp("AllLocalTagsByDataType") if old_latest_Tags_prop: if latest_GTags_prop or latest_LTags_prop: log.warning( "The property 'UseLatestTags' is deprecated:" "'LatestGlobalTagByDataType(s)' and 'LatestLocalTagsByDataType'" " will be used instead.") else: latest_GTags_prop = old_latest_Tags_prop[0] if type(old_latest_Tags_prop[-1]) != bool or \ (type(old_latest_Tags_prop[-1]) == bool and not old_latest_Tags_prop[1]): latest_LTags_prop = old_latest_Tags_prop[0] if latest_GTags_prop: datatype = latest_GTags_prop if self.getProp("Tags"): self.Tags = {} self._useLatestTags(datatype, OnlyGlobalTags=True) log.warning( "Default global tags will be overridden with the latest ones" " available for '%s' data type: %s" % (datatype, self.getProp("Tags"))) if latest_LTags_prop: datatypes = latest_LTags_prop #if self.getProp("LocalTags"): # self.LocalTags = {} self._useLatestTags(datatypes, OnlyLocalTags=True) log.warning( "Latest unbound local tags on top of the latest global tags" " of %s data type(s) are added: %s" % (datatypes, self.getProp("LocalTags"))) if all_LTags_prop: datatypes = all_LTags_prop self._useAllLocalTags(datatypes) log.warning("ALL local tags of %s data type(s) are added: %s" % (datatypes, self.getProp("LocalTags"))) # Import SQLDDDB specific info if self.getProp("UseOracle"): CondDBAccessSvc("ONLINE", ConnectionString="CondDBOnline/ONLINE") if self.getProp("DisableLFC"): COOLConfSvc(UseLFCReplicaSvc=False) elif self.getProp('UseDBSnapshot'): CondDBAccessSvc("ONLINE") else: configureOnlineSnapshots() # importOptions("$SQLDDDBROOT/options/") ######################################################################### # Access to ConditionsDB ########################################################################## conns = self.getProp("PartitionConnectionString") tags = self.getProp("Tags") # DB partitions partition = {} parttypes = [("DDDB", CondDBAccessSvc), ("LHCBCOND", CondDBAccessSvc), ("ONLINE", CondDBTimeSwitchSvc), ("SIMCOND", CondDBAccessSvc), ("DQFLAGS", CondDBAccessSvc)] if LoadCALIBDB is "OFFLINE": # CALIBOFF not needed for the upgrade parttypes += [("CALIBOFF", CondDBAccessSvc)] for (p, t) in parttypes: partition[p] = getAnyDBReader(p, t) # Override connection strings: if p in conns: if type(partition[p]) is CondDBAccessSvc: partition[p].ConnectionString = conns[p] del conns[p] # Override connection strings for Upgrade case if self.getProp('Simulation') and self.getProp('Upgrade') and type( partition[p]) is CondDBAccessSvc: partition[p].ConnectionString = os.path.join( 'sqlite_file:$SQLITEUPGRADEDBPATH', p + '.db', p) # Override tags if p in tags and p != "ONLINE": partition[p].DefaultTAG = tags[p] del tags[p] # Set the query granularity if p != "CALIBOFF": self.propagateProperty("QueryGranularity", partition[p]) if type(partition[p]) is CondDBTimeSwitchSvc: # also online for r in partition[p].Readers: config = allConfigurables[eval( r.split(':')[0]).split("/")[1]] if isinstance(config, CondDBAccessSvc): self.propagateProperty("QueryGranularity", config) # Pass along the configuration for the layered DBs elif isinstance(config, CondDBLayeringSvc): for ly in config.Layers: if isinstance(ly, CondDBAccessSvc): self.propagateProperty("QueryGranularity", ly) if conns: log.warning( "Cannot override the connection strings of the partitions %r", conns.keys()) if tags and tags.keys() != ['ONLINE']: log.warning("Cannot set the tag for partitions %r", tags.keys()) # In the Online environment, IgnoreHeartBeat should be defaulted to True if self.getProp("Online"): self._properties["IgnoreHeartBeat"].setDefault(True) if not self.getProp("IgnoreHeartBeat"): if isinstance(partition["ONLINE"], CondDBAccessSvc): self.propagateProperty("HeartBeatCondition", partition["ONLINE"]) elif isinstance(partition["ONLINE"], CondDBTimeSwitchSvc): # Add the heart beat conditions to the latest snapshot only since the # others are limited but valid by construction. if partition["ONLINE"].Readers: latest = partition["ONLINE"].Readers[-1] config = allConfigurables[eval( latest.split(':')[0]).split("/")[1]] if isinstance(config, CondDBAccessSvc): self.propagateProperty("HeartBeatCondition", config) # Pass along the configuration for the layered DBs elif isinstance(config, CondDBLayeringSvc): for ly in config.Layers: #Only apply HeartBeatCondition for ONLINE if isinstance(ly, CondDBAccessSvc) and ly.getName( ).startswith("ONLINE_"): self.propagateProperty("HeartBeatCondition", ly) if not self.getProp("Simulation"): # Standard configurations # - Reconstruction / analysis disp = CondDBDispatcherSvc("MainCondDBReader", MainAccessSvc=partition["DDDB"], Alternatives={ "/Conditions": partition["LHCBCOND"], "/Conditions/Online": partition["ONLINE"], "/Conditions/DQ": partition["DQFLAGS"] }) else: # - Simulation disp = CondDBDispatcherSvc( "SimulationCondDBReader", MainAccessSvc=partition["DDDB"], Alternatives={"/Conditions": partition["SIMCOND"]}) CondDBCnvSvc(CondDBReader=disp) if not (self.getProp("Online") or self.getProp("Simulation")): self._properties["EnableRunStampCheck"].setDefault(True) if self.getProp("EnableRunStampCheck"): from Configurables import RunStampCheck rsc = RunStampCheck() self.propagateProperty("RunStampCondition", rsc) ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc.append(rsc) # Load the CALIBOFF layer above everything if it exists # if len([x for x in parttypes if x[0] == 'CALIBOFF']): # self._addLayer(getAnyDBReader('CALIBOFF')) localTags = self.getProp("LocalTags") not_applied = [] for p in localTags: if p in partition: taglist = list(localTags[p]) taglist.reverse( ) # we need to stack the in reverse order to use the first as on top of the others i = 0 # counter if p is "CALIBOFF": if LoadCALIBDB is not "OFFLINE": raise ValueError( "invalid argument LoadCALIBDB set at '%s' instead of 'OFFLINE' for accessing local tags for CALIBOFF.db" % LoadCALIBDB) pcolayers = [] for t in taglist: pcolayers.append(partition[p].clone("CALIBOFF_%d" % i, DefaultTAG=t)) i += 1 for r in partition["ONLINE"].Readers: config = allConfigurables[eval( r.split(':')[0]).split("/")[1]] if isinstance(config, CondDBLayeringSvc): config.Layers = pcolayers + config.Layers elif type(partition[p]) is not CondDBTimeSwitchSvc: for t in taglist: self._addLayer(partition[p].clone("%s_%d" % (p, i), DefaultTAG=t)) i += 1 else: not_applied.append(p) else: not_applied.append(p) if not_applied: log.warning("Cannot set the local tags for partitions %r", not_applied) # Modify partitions to use local copies of the DBs # before adding user layers and alternatives, which should be already local. # This is a no-operation if the property is not set self.__make_sqlite_local_copy__(CondDBCnvSvc()) # Add layers and alternatives call = { self.LAYER: self._addLayer, self.ALTERNATIVE: self._addAlternative } for override in self.getProp("Overrides"): apply(call[override[0]], override[1:]) # Add the logger filename = self.getProp("LogFile") if filename: cnvSvc = allConfigurables["CondDBCnvSvc"] cnvSvc.CondDBReader = CondDBLogger( LoggedReader=cnvSvc.CondDBReader, LogFile=filename) # Suppress pointless warning from COOL_2_5_0 msgSvc = getConfigurable("MessageSvc") msgSvc.setError.append("RelationalDatabase") # Set up Virtual File System service, can be used by ParticlePropertySvc from Gaudi.Configuration import VFSSvc from Configurables import CondDBEntityResolver VFSSvc().FileAccessTools.append(CondDBEntityResolver())