# File for running alignment with D0 reconstructed from HLT sel reports
# Syntax is:
#   gaudiiter.py Escher-AlignHltJpsi.py <someDataFiles>.py

from Configurables import Escher

# Just instantiate the configurable...
theApp = Escher()
theApp.DataType = "2012"
theApp.InputType = "MDF"
theApp.PrintFreq = 10
theApp.EvtMax = 100
theApp.DatasetName = 'AlignHltD0'

theApp.DDDBtag = 'dddb-20130503-1'
theApp.CondDBtag = 'cond-20130710'

# specify the input to the alignment
from Configurables import TAlignment
from TAlignment.ParticleSelections import defaultHLTD0Selection

TAlignment().ParticleSelections = [defaultHLTD0Selection()]
from TAlignment.TrackSelections import NoPIDTracksFromHlt

TAlignment().TrackSelections = [NoPIDTracksFromHlt()]

# specify what we actually align for
# File for running alignment using the default reconstruction sequence.
# Syntax is:
#   gaudiiter.py -e NUMEVENTS Escher-AlignCollisions.py <someDataFiles>.py

from Configurables import Escher
theApp = Escher()
theApp.DataType = "2011"
theApp.InputType = "MDF"
theApp.PrintFreq = 1
theApp.EvtMax = 100
theApp.DatasetName = 'AlignCollisions'

# specify the input to the alignment
from Configurables import TAlignment
from TAlignment.TrackSelections import *
TAlignment().TrackSelections = [

# add the default PV selection
from TAlignment.VertexSelections import configuredPVSelection
TAlignment().PVSelection = configuredPVSelection()

# specify what we actually align for
# File for running alignment with J/psi reconstructed from HLT sel reports
# Syntax is:
#   gaudiiter.py Escher-AlignHltJpsi.py <someDataFiles>.py

from Configurables import Escher

# Just instantiate the configurable...
theApp = Escher()
theApp.DataType = "2012"
theApp.InputType = "MDF"
theApp.PrintFreq = 10
theApp.EvtMax = 100
theApp.DatasetName = 'AlignHltJpsi'

theApp.DDDBtag = 'dddb-20130111'
theApp.CondDBtag = 'cond-20130114'

# specify the input to the alignment
from Configurables import TAlignment
from TAlignment.ParticleSelections import defaultHLTJPsiSelection
TAlignment().ParticleSelections = [defaultHLTJPsiSelection()]

from TAlignment.TrackSelections import NoPIDTracksFromHlt
TAlignment().TrackSelections = [NoPIDTracksFromHlt(RerunVeloTracking=True)]

# specify what we actually align for
from TAlignment.AlignmentScenarios import *
#RecSysConf().RecoSequence = ["Decoding", "VELO", "Tr", "Vertex", "TT"]

from Configurables import Escher
theApp = Escher()
theApp.DataType   = "2012" # Check that this is true
from Configurables import CondDB
# theApp.CondDBtag = "sim-20130522-vc-md100"#'sim-20111111-vc-md100'
# theApp.DDDBtag = "dddb-20130929"#'MC11-20111102'
theApp.Simulation = True
#theApp.WithMC = True
theApp.InputType  = "DST" #"MDF"
theApp.PrintFreq = 5000
theApp.EvtMax = 3 #00 #2000#160000 #20000
#theApp.SkipEvents = 20 
theApp.DatasetName = 'Align'
#theApp.UseFileStager = True

from Configurables import UpdateManagerSvc
UpdateManagerSvc().ConditionsOverride += [ "Conditions/Alignment/TT/TTaXLayerR1Module1T := double_v dPosXYZ = 0.05 0. 0.; double_v dRotXYZ = -0.005 0. 0.;" ]

### VERTEX SELECTION ##############
from TAlignment.VertexSelections import configuredPVSelection

### TRACK SELECTION ##############
from TAlignment.TrackSelections import GoodLongTracks

### ALIGNABLES & CONSTRAINTS ##############
from TAlignment.Alignables import Alignables
from TAlignment.SurveyConstraints import *
# File for running alignment with J/psi reconstructed from HLT sel reports
# Syntax is:
#   gaudiiter.py Escher-AlignMUON.py <someDataFiles>.py

from Configurables import Escher

# Just instantiate the configurable...
theApp = Escher()
theApp.DataType = "2012"
#theApp.InputType  = "MDF"
theApp.InputType = "DST"
theApp.PrintFreq = 10
theApp.EvtMax = 10000
theApp.DatasetName = 'AlignHlt1JpsiMUON'

theApp.DDDBtag = 'dddb-20130111'
theApp.CondDBtag = 'cond-20130114'

# trigger requirements
theApp.HltFilterCode = "HLT_PASS_RE( 'Hlt2ExpressJPsiDecision' )"

# specify the input to the alignment
from Configurables import TAlignment
#from TAlignment.ParticleSelections import muonTracksFORmuonAlignment # Stefania
#TAlignment().ParticleSelections = [ muonTracksFORmuonAlignment() ] # Stefania

from TAlignment.TrackSelections import BestMuonTracks
TAlignment().TrackSelections = [BestMuonTracks("OfflineMuonAlignment")]
    BGIRecoConf().PVSeedTool = 'PVSeed3DTool'
    BGIRecoConf().PVFitterTool = 'LSAdaptPV3DFitter'
    BGIRecoConf().PrimaryVertices = "Rec/Vertex/Primary"

from Configurables import Escher
theApp = Escher()
theApp.CondDBtag = "sim-20130522-vc-md100"#'sim-20111111-vc-md100'
theApp.DDDBtag = "dddb-20130929"#'MC11-20111102'
theApp.DataType   = "2011" # Check that this is true
theApp.Simulation = True
#theApp.WithMC = True
theApp.InputType  = "DST"
theApp.PrintFreq = 5000
theApp.EvtMax = 300 #2000#160000 #20000
#theApp.SkipEvents = 20 
theApp.DatasetName = 'AlignCollisions'
#theApp.UseFileStager = True

# Refit Velo segment of long tracks to not be biased by Tracker

from Configurables import GaudiSequencer
trackRefitSeq = GaudiSequencer("TrackRefitSeq")

# create a track list for tracks with velo hits
from Configurables import TrackContainerCopy, TrackSelector
velotrackselector = TrackContainerCopy("TracksWithVeloHits",
                                       inputLocation = "Rec/Track/Best",
                                       outputLocation = "Rec/Track/TracksWithVeloHits",
                                       Selector = TrackSelector())
velotrackselector.Selector.MinNVeloRHits =3
velotrackselector.Selector.MinNVeloPhiHits =3
# File for running alignment with D* reconstructed from HLT sel reports
# Syntax is:
#   gaudiiter.py Escher-AlignHltJpsi.py <someDataFiles>.py

from Configurables import Escher

# Just instantiate the configurable...
theApp = Escher()
theApp.DataType = "2011"
theApp.InputType = "MDF"
theApp.PrintFreq = 10
theApp.EvtMax = 200
theApp.DatasetName = 'AlignHltDstarWithD0'

theApp.DDDBtag = 'dddb-20130111'
theApp.CondDBtag = 'cond-20130114'

# specify the input to the alignment
from Configurables import TAlignment
from TAlignment.ParticleSelections import defaultHLTDstarSelection
TAlignment().ParticleSelections = [defaultHLTDstarSelection()]
from TAlignment.TrackSelections import NoPIDTracksFromHlt
TAlignment().TrackSelections = [NoPIDTracksFromHlt()]

# specify what we actually align for
from TAlignment.AlignmentScenarios import *
# File for running alignment with J/psi reconstructed from HLT sel reports
# Syntax is:
#   gaudiiter.py Escher-AlignHltJpsi.py <someDataFiles>.py

from Configurables import Escher

# Just instantiate the configurable...
theApp = Escher()
theApp.DataType   = "2012"
theApp.InputType  = "MDF"
theApp.PrintFreq = 10000
theApp.EvtMax = 200000
theApp.DatasetName = 'AlignHltD0'
#theApp.DatasetName += '-IgnoreVelo'
#theApp.HltFilterCode = "HLT_PASS_RE( 'Hlt2ExpressDStar2D0PiDecision' )"
theApp.HltFilterCode = "HLT_PASS_RE( 'Hlt2ExpressD02KPiDecision' )"
#theApp.HltFilterCode = "HLT_PASS_RE( 'Hlt2CharmHadD02HH_D02KPiDecision' )"

theApp.DDDBtag = 'head-20120316'
theApp.CondDBtag = 'head-20120316'

# add the filestager
theApp.UseFileStager = True

# specify the input to the alignment
from Configurables import TAlignment
from TAlignment.ParticleSelections import defaultHLTD0Selection