def confirm(message): currentScreen = screen.copy() screen.fill(colours["white"]) confirmMessage = Message(message, 24) confirmMessage.blit(screen, (windowSize[0]//2 - confirmMessage.width//2, 200)) yesButton = Button(colours["green"], 'horizontalCentre', 300, text="Yes", widthScale=2, windowSize=windowSize) yesButton.draw(screen) noButton = Button(colours["red"], 'horizontalCentre', 400, text="No", widthScale=2, windowSize=windowSize) noButton.draw(screen) waitingForReply = True while waitingForReply: clock.tick(5) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mousePosition = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if yesButton.isMouseHover(mousePosition): waitingForReply = False screen.blit(currentScreen, (0, 0)) return True if noButton.isMouseHover(mousePosition): waitingForReply = False screen.blit(currentScreen, (0, 0)) return False pygame.display.update()
def pause(seconds = None): paused = True startTime = time.time() currentScreen = screen.copy() if seconds == None: #display "Paused" message indefinitely until the user presses c. fade(windowSize[0], windowSize[1]) #make the screen look whitish pauseMessage = Message("Paused", 48) pauseMessage.blit(screen, ("horizontalCentre", "verticalCentre"), windowSize=windowSize) while paused: clock.tick(2) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_c: #if c pressed, continue playing screen.blit(currentScreen, (0, 0)) paused = False if seconds != None and time.time() - startTime > seconds: paused = False pygame.display.update()
def chooseMode(): screen.fill(colours["white"]) chooseModeMessage = Message("Choose your setup mode", 24) chooseModeMessage.blit(screen, ("horizontalCentre", 100), windowSize=windowSize) customButton = Button(colours["green"], "horizontalCentre", 300, text="Custom Setup", fontSize=24, windowSize=windowSize) customButton.draw(screen) semiCustomButton = Button(colours["green"], "horizontalCentre", 400, text="Semi-custom Setup", fontSize=24, windowSize=windowSize) semiCustomButton.draw(screen) randomButton = Button(colours["green"], "horizontalCentre", 500, text="Random Setup", fontSize=24, windowSize=windowSize) randomButton.draw(screen) waitingForMode = True while waitingForMode: clock.tick(10) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mousePosition = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if customButton.isMouseHover(mousePosition): waitingForMode = False mode = "C" if semiCustomButton.isMouseHover(mousePosition): waitingForMode = False mode = "S" if randomButton.isMouseHover(mousePosition): waitingForMode = False mode = "R" pygame.display.update() return mode
def customCash(grid, cashDict, xLeft, xRight, yTop, yBottom, squareSize, fill, inset): for key in cashDict.keys(): #for each type of cash, for _ in range(cashDict[key].numCash): #we need 24 $200, 10 $1000, etc currentItem = cashDict[key] #set currentItem to the item OBJECT filename = "Images/GameItems/" + currentItem.itemName + ".png" #find its filename, currentItemImage = Image(filename, size=(int(squareSize * fill), int(squareSize * fill))) itemArea = pygame.Rect((100, 100), (currentItemImage.width, currentItemImage.height)) screen.fill(colours["sea"], rect=itemArea) currentItemImage.blit(screen, pos=(100, 100)) waitingForCashSetup = True while waitingForCashSetup: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mousePosition = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if mousePosition[0] > xLeft and mousePosition[0] < xRight and mousePosition[1] > yTop and mousePosition[1] < yBottom: row = int( (mousePosition[0] - xLeft) // ((xRight - xLeft)/7) ) #calculate the row number from 0 - 6 col = int( (mousePosition[1] - yTop) // ((yBottom - yTop)/7) ) #calculate the col number from 0 - 6 if grid[row][col] == "": currentItemImage.blit(screen, pos=(row * squareSize + (inset * xLeft), col * squareSize + (inset * yTop))) grid[row][col] = cashDict[key] itemArea = pygame.Rect((100, 100), (currentItemImage.width, currentItemImage.height)) screen.fill(colours["sea"], rect=itemArea) waitingForCashSetup = False else: #This square was already set. #Remind the user to click on an empty square currentScreen = screen.copy() warningMessage = Message("This square is already set up", 24, textColour=colours["black"], backgroundColour=colours["red"]) warningMessage.blit(screen, ("horizontalCentre", "verticalCentre"), windowSize=windowSize) pause(seconds=1) screen.blit(currentScreen, (0, 0)) else: #Remind the user to click inside the grid only currentScreen = screen.copy() warningMessage = Message("Please click inside the grid", 24, textColour=colours["black"], backgroundColour=colours["red"]) warningMessage.blit(screen, ("horizontalCentre", "verticalCentre"), windowSize=windowSize) pause(seconds=1) screen.blit(currentScreen, (0, 0)) pygame.display.update() return grid
def titleScreen(): screen.fill(colours["sea"]) waitingForUser = True #TODO: Define the logic for this. newGameButton = Button(colours["red"], windowSize[0]//2 - 100, 300, text="New Game") continueGameButton = Button(colours["red"], windowSize[0]//2 - 150, 400, text="Continue Game") howToPlayButton = Button(colours["red"], 100, 0, text="How To Play", fontSize=24) backToTitleScreen = Button(colours["red"], 100, windowSize[1]-100, text="Back") newGameButton.draw(screen) continueGameButton.draw(screen) howToPlayButton.draw(screen) title = Message("The Pirate Game", 64) title.blit(screen, (windowSize[0]//2 - title.width//2, 200)) titleScreen = screen.copy() while waitingForUser: clock.tick(20) for event in pygame.event.get(): mousePosition = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() #TODO: Make the screen resizable. #if event.type == pygame.VIDEORESIZE: # screen = pygame.display.set_mode((event.w, event.h), pygame.RESIZABLE) if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: #if mouse is clicked if newGameButton.isMouseHover(mousePosition): newGameButton.color = colours["blue"] print("Clicked new game button") mode = chooseMode() print(mode) setupScreen(mode) if continueGameButton.isMouseHover(mousePosition): if checkFileExists("savedGame.pickle"): loadingMessage = Message("Loading...", 48) loadingMessage.blit(screen, ("horizontalCentre", "verticalCentre"), windowSize=windowSize) pause(seconds=3) #show the message for 3 seconds waitingForUser = False loadGame() #load the game else: loadingMessage = Message("Could not find a game!", 48) loadingMessage.blit(screen, ("horizontalCentre", "verticalCentre"), windowSize=windowSize) pause(seconds=3) #show the message for 3 seconds screen.blit(titleScreen, (0, 0)) #hide the message if howToPlayButton.isMouseHover(mousePosition): #display how to play rules screen.fill(colours["blue"]) backToTitleScreen.draw(screen, 24) ruleBackground = pygame.image.load("Images/rules.png") screen.blit(ruleBackground, (0, 0)) if backToTitleScreen.isMouseHover(mousePosition): screen.blit(titleScreen, (0, 0)) #go back to the title screen #TODO: Change button colour upon hover is not working if event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION: #if mouse is moving if newGameButton.isMouseHover(mousePosition): newGameButton.color = colours["green"] else: newGameButton.color = colours["red"] pygame.display.update()
def gameOverScreen(todaysScore): screen.fill(colours["white"]) today = formattedDate = today.strftime("%d-%m-%y") message = "Great Effort!" if os.path.exists("highScores.pickle"): with open("highScores.pickle", "rb") as f: highScoresDict = pickle.load(f) oldHighScores = sorted(highScoresDict.keys()) #before adding today's entry, take note of the previous high scores highScoresDict[todaysScore] = formattedDate #add today's score to the high scores dictionary newHighScores = oldHighScores bisect.insort(newHighScores, todaysScore) #add today's score in the list of new high scores newHighScores = sorted(oldHighScores, reverse=True) #with today's score included, sort the list again. if len(newHighScores) <= 5: #if there are less than 5 high scores total, display all scores newHighScoresDict = {score:highScoresDict[score] for score in newHighScores} else: #otherwise, only display the top 5. newHighScoresDict = {score:highScoresDict[score] for score in newHighScores[:5]} if oldHighScores[len(oldHighScores)-1] > todaysScore: message = "Your score does not belong in your high scores list :(" if newHighScores[0] == todaysScore: message = "You have a new high score!" else: message = "This is your first recorded high score!" newHighScoresDict = {todaysScore:formattedDate} gameOverMessage = Message(message, 24) gameOverMessage.blit(screen, ("horizontalCentre", 100), windowSize=windowSize) index = 1 for score, date in newHighScoresDict.items(): entry = date + " " + str(score) entryMessage = Message(entry, 24) entryMessage.blit(screen, ("horizontalCentre", 200+50*index), windowSize=windowSize) index += 1 #update the high scores dictionary with open("highScores.pickle", "wb") as f: pickle.dump(newHighScoresDict, f) if os.path.exists("savedGame.pickle"): #will not exist if first time playing #os.remove("savedGame.pickle") pass if os.path.exists("currentGame.txt"): #this one should definitely exist, but just in case the user deleted it manually os.rename("currentGame.txt", "archive_" + formattedDate + ".txt") while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: goodbyeMessage = Message("Thank you for playing!", 24) goodbyeMessage.blit(screen, ("horizontalCentre", 200), windowSize=windowSize) pause(seconds=2) pygame.quit() sys.exit() pygame.display.update()
def mainScreen(grid, enteredCoordinates, cash, bankAmount, shield, mirror, newGame, gridImage=None): xLeft, xRight = 228, 628 yTop, yBottom = 129, 529 squareSize = gridImage.width / 8 #the grid has 8 squares, so / 8 will produce the size of each grid. if not newGame: #if continuing game, we need to setup screen.fill(colours["sea"]) #background blue colour gridImage = Image("Images/grid.png", size=(460, 460)) gridImage.blit(screen, pos = (windowSize[0]//2 - gridImage.width//2, windowSize[1]//2 - gridImage.height//2)) xLeft, xRight = 228, 628 yTop, yBottom = 129, 529 squareSize = gridImage.width / 8 #the grid has 8 squares, so / 8 will produce the size of each grid. #Add the game item images to the grid ONLY NECESSARY IF playing via CONTINUE GAME and not setup fill = 0.85 #the image will fill 85% of the square inset = 1 + ((squareSize * (1-fill)/2))/2/100 #for a square size of 57 and fill of 85%, is 2.15625%%. for rowCoordinate, row in enumerate(grid): for colCoordinate, element in enumerate(row): if intCoordinateToStrCoordinate(rowCoordinate, colCoordinate) not in enteredCoordinates: filename = "Images/GameItems/" + element.itemName + ".png" image = Image(filename, size=(int(squareSize * fill), int(squareSize * fill))) image.blit(screen, pos=(rowCoordinate * squareSize + (inset * xLeft), colCoordinate * squareSize + (inset * yTop))) # ---------------- Clickable Buttons With Text --------------- whatHappenedButton = Button(colours["green"], windowSize[0]//2 - 150, 550, text="What Happened?", fontSize=24) whatHappenedButton.draw(screen) saveGameButton = Button(colours["green"], 20, 20, text="Save Game", fontSize=24) saveGameButton.draw(screen) undoButton = Button(colours["green"], 20, 60, text="Undo Square", fontSize=24) undoButton.draw(screen) #TODO: Display log button #If clicked, showLog() # ------------------------------------------------------------ shieldButton, mirrorButton = updateUI(cash, bankAmount, shield, mirror) oldCash, oldBankAmount, oldShield, oldMirror = cash, bankAmount, shield, mirror oldMainScreen = screen.copy() saved = False #initially, the game is unsaved clickable = False #initially, the user may not enter a square undoAllowed = False while len(enteredCoordinates) < 49: clock.tick(30) for event in pygame.event.get(): mousePosition = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if event.type == pygame.QUIT: if not saved and confirm("Would you like to save your game?"): saveGame(grid, enteredCoordinates, cash, bankAmount, shield, mirror) confirmationMessage = Message("Your game was saved!", 24) confirmationMessage.blit(screen, ("horizontalCentre", 200), windowSize=windowSize) pause(seconds=2) pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: currentScreen = screen.copy() clickable = True #the user may now click on the grid to remove a square clickMessage = Message("Click on the coordinate that the teacher called out", 24) #TODO: Very annoying? Fix. clickMessage.blit(screen, ("horizontalCentre", 200), windowSize=windowSize) pause(seconds=1) screen.blit(currentScreen, (0, 0)) if event.key == pygame.K_p: pause() if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: print(mousePosition) if shieldButton.isMouseHover(mousePosition) and shield == True: if confirm("Use shield?"): shield = False shieldButton, mirrorButton = updateUI(cash, bankAmount, shield, mirror) saved = False if mirrorButton.isMouseHover(mousePosition) and mirror == True: if confirm("Use mirror?"): mirror = False shieldButton, mirrorButton = updateUI(cash, bankAmount, shield, mirror) saved = False if saveGameButton.isMouseHover(mousePosition): saveGame(grid, enteredCoordinates, cash, bankAmount, shield, mirror) screenBeforeSaving = screen.copy() confirmationMessage = Message("Your game was saved!", 24) confirmationMessage.blit(screen, ("horizontalCentre", 200), windowSize=windowSize) pause(seconds=2) screen.blit(screenBeforeSaving, (0, 0)) saved = True if len(enteredCoordinates) != 0 and undoAllowed and undoButton.isMouseHover(mousePosition): screen.blit(oldMainScreen, (0, 0)) shieldButton, mirrorButton = updateUI(oldCash, oldBankAmount, oldShield, oldMirror) cash, bankAmount, shield, mirror = oldCash, oldBankAmount, oldShield, oldMirror previousSquare = enteredCoordinates.pop() screenBeforeUndoMessage = screen.copy() undoMessage = Message("{} was reverted!".format(previousSquare), 24) undoMessage.blit(screen, ("horizontalCentre", 200), windowSize=windowSize) pause(seconds=2) screen.blit(screenBeforeUndoMessage, (0, 0)) undoAllowed = False #this entire if block is for entering coordinates onto the grid if clickable: #TODO: Game logic - don't hard code #244, 126 - - - - - 610, 126 # - - - - - - - # - - - - - - - # - - - - - - - # - - - - - - - # - - - - - - - #244, 534 - - - - - 610, 534 #if the user presses within the boundaries of the grid if mousePosition[0] > xLeft and mousePosition[0] < xRight and mousePosition[1] > yTop and mousePosition[1] < yBottom: row = int( (mousePosition[0] - xLeft) // ((xRight - xLeft)/7) ) #calculate the row number from 0 - 6 col = int( (mousePosition[1] - yTop) // ((yBottom - yTop)/7) ) #calculate the col number from 0 - 6 if intCoordinateToStrCoordinate(row, col) not in enteredCoordinates: undoAllowed = True oldMainScreen = screen.copy() oldCash, oldBankAmount, oldShield, oldMirror = cash, bankAmount, shield, mirror #topLeft corner of the square has the least x and y value top = int(yTop + (col * squareSize)) left = int(xLeft + (row * squareSize)) region = pygame.Rect((left, top), (int(squareSize), int(squareSize))) #the square to cover with blue screen.fill(colours["sea"], rect=region) cash, bankAmount, shield, mirror = makeChanges(grid[row][col], cash, bankAmount, shield, mirror) #if user lands on cash, increase cash, if user lands on double, double score, etc. shieldButton, mirrorButton = updateUI(cash, bankAmount, shield, mirror) enteredCoordinates.append(intCoordinateToStrCoordinate(row, col)) saved = False else: #This square was already played. #Remind the user to click on an empty square currentScreen = screen.copy() warningMessage = Message("Please enter available square", 24, textColour=colours["black"], backgroundColour=colours["red"]) warningMessage.blit(screen, ("horizontalCentre", "verticalCentre"), windowSize=windowSize) pause(seconds=1) screen.blit(currentScreen, (0, 0)) else: #Remind the user to click inside the grid only currentScreen = screen.copy() warningMessage = Message("Please click inside the grid", 24, textColour=colours["black"], backgroundColour=colours["red"]) warningMessage.blit(screen, ("horizontalCentre", "verticalCentre"), windowSize=windowSize) pause(seconds=1) screen.blit(currentScreen, (0, 0)) clickable = False #The user entered a square now, so they are now not allowed to enter again. pygame.display.update() gameOverScreen(cash+bankAmount)
def makeChanges(item, cash, bankAmount, shield, mirror): itemName = item.itemName currentScreen = screen.copy() itemMessage = Message(item.itemDescription, 24) itemMessage.blit(screen, ("horizontalCentre", "verticalCentre"), windowSize=windowSize) pause(seconds=1) screen.blit(currentScreen, (0, 0)) log([item.itemDescription], "currentGame.txt", cash) if itemName[0] == "$": #this means the item is either $5000, $3000, $1000 or $200 value = int(itemName[1:]) #the part after the $, so 5000, 3000, 1000 or 200 return cash+value, bankAmount, shield, mirror elif itemName == "Rob": screenBeforeUserInput = screen.copy() requestMessage = Message("Please type how much you robbed", 24) requestMessage.blit(screen, ("horizontalCentre", 200), windowSize=windowSize) newField = UserInput(300, 400, numeric=True) #x, y amountRobbed = int(newField.takeUserInput(screen)) screen.blit(screenBeforeUserInput, (0, 0)) return cash+amountRobbed, bankAmount, shield, mirror elif itemName == "SwapScore": screenBeforeUserInput = screen.copy() requestMessage = Message("Please type your opponent's cash", 24) requestMessage.blit(screen, ("horizontalCentre", 200), windowSize=windowSize) newField = UserInput(300, 400, numeric=True) #x, y opponentCash = int(newField.takeUserInput(screen)) screen.blit(screenBeforeUserInput, (0, 0)) return opponentCash, bankAmount, shield, mirror elif itemName == "Bank": return 0, cash, shield, mirror elif itemName == "Mirror": return cash, bankAmount, shield, True elif itemName == "Shield": return cash, bankAmount, True, mirror elif itemName == "LostAtSea": #TODO: if user has shield == True or mirror == True, ask user if they would like to use it, return 0, bankAmount, shield, mirror elif itemName == "DoubleScore": return 2*cash, bankAmount, shield, mirror #default case - present (which does nothing), sneak peek (again, nothing), choose next square, sink ship, back stab (?) return cash, bankAmount, shield, mirror
def titleScreen(): waitingForTeacher = True newGameButton = Button(colours["red"], windowSize[0] // 2 - 100, 300, text="New Game") continueGameButton = Button(colours["red"], windowSize[0] // 2 - 150, 400, text="Continue Game") newGameButton.draw(screen) continueGameButton.draw(screen) title = Message("The Pirate Game Host", 64) title.blit(screen, (windowSize[0] // 2 - title.width // 2, 200)) titleScreen = screen.copy() while waitingForTeacher: clock.tick(20) for event in pygame.event.get(): mousePosition = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: #if mouse is clicked if newGameButton.isMouseHover(mousePosition): main(set(), [], {}) if continueGameButton.isMouseHover(mousePosition): if os.path.exists("savedGameTeacher.pickle"): loadingMessage = Message("Loading...", 48) loadingMessage.blit( screen, ("horizontalCentre", "verticalCentre"), windowSize=windowSize) pause(seconds=3) #show the message for 3 seconds waitingForTeacher = False with open("savedGameTeacher.pickle", "rb") as f: enteredCoordinates = pickle.load(f) namesOrder = pickle.load(f) chooseNextSquare = pickle.load(f) main(enteredCoordinates, namesOrder, chooseNextSquare) else: loadingMessage = Message("Could not find a game!", 48) loadingMessage.blit( screen, ("horizontalCentre", "verticalCentre"), windowSize=windowSize) pause(seconds=3) #show the message for 3 seconds screen.blit(titleScreen, (0, 0)) #hide the message pygame.display.update()
def main(enteredCoordinates, namesOrder, chooseNextSquare): def updateMainScreen(): screen.fill(colours["sea"]) global nextSquareButton nextSquareButton = Button(colours["red"], 100, 100, text="Next Square") nextSquareButton.draw(screen) rows = "ABCDEFG" availableCoordinates = { rows[row] + str(col + 1) for col in range(7) for row in range(7) } #set comprehension. Sets are inherently unordered. availableCoordinates -= enteredCoordinates #namesOrder = ["Bob", "Dave", "ABC"] #chooseNextSquare = {"Bob":"A6", "ABC":"C4", "Dave":"D3"} updateMainScreen() while len(availableCoordinates) != 0: clock.tick(20) for event in pygame.event.get(): mousePosition = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if nextSquareButton.isMouseHover(mousePosition): updateMainScreen() if chooseNextSquare: #if there are requests by students nextStudent = namesOrder.pop( 0) #get the name of the next student and remove it nextCoordinate = chooseNextSquare.pop( nextStudent ) #get the square that the student chose and remove it availableCoordinates.remove( nextCoordinate ) #remove the square from the set of all available squares nextSquareMessage = Message( f"{nextStudent} chose {nextCoordinate}!", 24) else: #otherwise, the teacher will press the generate button nextCoordinate = availableCoordinates.pop( ) #get the next random square and remove it nextSquareMessage = Message( f"The next random coordinate is {nextCoordinate}!", 24) nextSquareMessage.blit(screen, (windowSize[0] // 2 - nextSquareMessage.width // 2, 200)) squaresRemainingMesssage = Message( f"{len(availableCoordinates)} squares remaining.", 12) squaresRemainingMesssage.blit( screen, (windowSize[0] // 2 - squaresRemainingMesssage.width // 2, 550)) pygame.display.update() print("End of game!")
def setupScreen(mode): screen.fill(colours["sea"]) requestMessage = Message("Enter your game name", 24) requestMessage.blit(screen, ("horizontalCentre", 200), windowSize=windowSize) newField = UserInput(300, 400) #x, y global username username = newField.takeUserInput(screen) screen.fill(colours["sea"]) gridImage = Image("Images/grid.png", size=(460, 460)) gridImage.blit(screen, pos=(windowSize[0] // 2 - gridImage.width // 2, windowSize[1] // 2 - gridImage.height // 2)) xLeft, xRight = 228, 628 yTop, yBottom = 129, 529 squareSize = gridImage.width / 8 #the grid has 8 squares, so / 8 will produce the size of each grid. fill = 0.85 #the image will fill 85% of the square inset = 1 + ( (squareSize * (1 - fill) / 2)) / 2 / 100 #for a square size of 57 and fill of 85%, is 2.15625%%. grid = [ ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""], ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""], ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""], ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""], ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""], ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""], ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""], ] itemDict = { "Present": Present(), "ChooseNextSquare": ChooseNextSquare(), "LostAtSea": LostAtSea(), "SwapScore": SwapScore(), "Rob": Rob(), "Mirror": Mirror(), "DoubleScore": DoubleScore(), "Shield": Shield(), "SinkShip": SinkShip(), "Backstab": Backstab(), "SneakPeek": SneakPeak(), "Bank": Bank() } cashDict = { "$200": Cash(200), "$1000": Cash(1000), "$3000": Cash(3000), "$5000": Cash(5000) } if mode == "C": grid = customItems(grid, itemDict, xLeft, xRight, yTop, yBottom, squareSize, fill, inset) grid = customCash(grid, cashDict, xLeft, xRight, yTop, yBottom, squareSize, fill, inset) elif mode == "S": grid = customItems(grid, itemDict, xLeft, xRight, yTop, yBottom, squareSize, fill, inset) grid = randomCash(grid, cashDict, xLeft, yTop, squareSize, fill, inset) else: #mode == "R" grid = randomItems(grid, itemDict, xLeft, yTop, squareSize, fill, inset) grid = randomCash(grid, cashDict, xLeft, yTop, squareSize, fill, inset) mainScreen(grid, [], 0, 0, False, False, True, gridImage=gridImage)