def show(self, orientation, togglebutton, entry): """orientation = SE = south east SW = south west NE = north east NW = north west togglebutton = bound gtk.ToggleButton entry = bound gtk.Entry""" self.entry = entry self.button_widget = togglebutton date = entry.get_text() if self.parent == None: self.parent = Window(get_window(self.entry)) self.parent.remove_focus() self.window = gtk.Window() self.window.set_decorated(0) self.calendar = gtk.Calendar() self.window.add(self.calendar) self.window.show_all() self.window.connect('focus-out-event', self.on_window_focus_out) self.window.connect("destroy", self.on_window_destroy) self.calendar.connect("day-selected-double-click", self.on_calendar_day_selected_double_click) self.calendar.connect("day-selected", self.on_calendar_day_selected) togglebutton_allocation = togglebutton.get_allocation() togglebutton_x_pos = togglebutton_allocation.x togglebutton_y_pos = togglebutton_allocation.y togglebutton_width = togglebutton_allocation.width togglebutton_height = togglebutton_allocation.height window_x_pos, window_y_pos = togglebutton.window.get_origin() calendar_width, calendar_height = self.window.get_size() if orientation[0:1] == "n": calendar_y_pos = window_y_pos + togglebutton_y_pos - calendar_height else: calendar_y_pos = window_y_pos + togglebutton_y_pos + togglebutton_height if orientation[1:2] == "w": calendar_x_pos = window_x_pos + togglebutton_x_pos - calendar_width + togglebutton_width else: calendar_x_pos = window_x_pos + togglebutton_x_pos self.window.move(calendar_x_pos, calendar_y_pos) try: # This can be made better (with dateformat) = int(date[0:2]) self.month = int(date[3:5]) - 1 self.year = int(date[6:10]) self.calendar.select_month(self.month, self.year) self.calendar.select_day( except: pass self.entry = entry
class Progress: ''' This is a simple progress dialog. ''' def __init__(self, parent=None): ''' parent = Parent window. ''' if parent <> None: self.icon = parent.get_icon() else: self.icon = None self.parent = Window(parent) def on_window_destroy(self, widget=None, data=None): self.parent.restore_focus() def show(self, dialog_type='simple', title="Bitte warten...", text="Bitte warten..."): ''' dialog type is a string with following possible values: simple = Just a self destroying window with progress bar. cancel = A progress window with cancel-button. ''' window = gtk.Window() # window.set_keep_above(True) window.set_property("skip-taskbar-hint", True) window.set_property("skip-pager-hint", True) window.connect("destroy", self.on_window_destroy) self.parent.remove_focus() image = gtk.Image() image.set_padding(4, 4) image.set_from_file(PATH + "/res/clock_32.png") if self.icon <> None: window.set_icon(self.icon) window.set_position("center") vbox = gtk.VBox() hbox = gtk.HBox() hbox.pack_start(image, True, True, 0) label = gtk.Label("\n" + unicode(text, "latin-1") + "\n") label.set_use_markup(True) label.set_line_wrap(1) label.set_padding(4, 4) hbox.pack_start(label, True, True, 0) vbox.pack_start(hbox, True, True, 0) self.progressbar = ProgressBar().create() vbox.pack_start(self.progressbar.widget, True, True, 0) window.add(vbox) window.show_all() def update(self, fraction=0): self.progressbar.update(fraction)
def __init__(self, parent=None): ''' parent = Parent window. ''' if parent <> None: self.icon = parent.get_icon() else: self.icon = None self.parent = Window(parent)
class Calendar: ''' Entry with date validation and togglebutton that pops up a calendar ''' def __init__(self, togglebutton=None, entry=None, orientation='SW'): ''' togglebutton_calendar = Togglebutton to wrap into this class entry = Entry to wrap into this class orientation = Orientation of Calendar widget around the togglebutton: SE = south east SW = south west NE = north east NW = north west ''' self.entry = entry self.orientation = orientation.lower() self.parent = None # If no togglebutton given, search it! if togglebutton <> None: self.togglebutton = togglebutton else: table = self.entry.get_parent() list_of_children = table.get_children() for widget_object in list_of_children: widget_name = widget_object.get_name() if widget_name.startswith('fixed'): fixed = widget_object self.togglebutton = fixed.get_children()[0] self.togglebutton.connect('toggled', self.on_togglebutton_toggled) def on_togglebutton_toggled(self, widget=None, data = None): if widget.get_active() == 0: self.window.destroy() else:, self.togglebutton, self.entry) def on_window_destroy(self, widget, data = None): self.togglebutton.set_active(0) self.parent.restore_focus() def on_calendar_day_selected(self, widget): """ Better take one-click-mode in that application """ return def on_calendar_day_selected_double_click(self, widget): year, month, day = self.calendar.get_date() date_str = "" if len(str(day)) == 1: date_str = date_str + "0" date_str = date_str + str(day)+"." if len(str(month + 1)) == 1: date_str = date_str + "0" date_str = date_str + str(month+1)+"."+str(year) self.entry.set_text(date_str) self.window.destroy() def on_window_focus_out(self, widget, event): self.window.destroy() def create(self): return self def show(self, orientation, togglebutton, entry): """orientation = SE = south east SW = south west NE = north east NW = north west togglebutton = bound gtk.ToggleButton entry = bound gtk.Entry""" self.entry = entry self.button_widget = togglebutton date = entry.get_text() if self.parent == None: self.parent = Window(get_window(self.entry)) self.parent.remove_focus() self.window = gtk.Window() self.window.set_decorated(0) self.calendar = gtk.Calendar() self.window.add(self.calendar) self.window.show_all() self.window.connect('focus-out-event', self.on_window_focus_out) self.window.connect("destroy", self.on_window_destroy) self.calendar.connect("day-selected-double-click", self.on_calendar_day_selected_double_click) self.calendar.connect("day-selected", self.on_calendar_day_selected) togglebutton_allocation = togglebutton.get_allocation() togglebutton_x_pos = togglebutton_allocation.x togglebutton_y_pos = togglebutton_allocation.y togglebutton_width = togglebutton_allocation.width togglebutton_height = togglebutton_allocation.height window_x_pos, window_y_pos = togglebutton.window.get_origin() calendar_width, calendar_height = self.window.get_size() if orientation[0:1] == "n": calendar_y_pos = window_y_pos + togglebutton_y_pos - calendar_height else: calendar_y_pos = window_y_pos + togglebutton_y_pos + togglebutton_height if orientation[1:2] == "w": calendar_x_pos = window_x_pos + togglebutton_x_pos - calendar_width + togglebutton_width else: calendar_x_pos = window_x_pos + togglebutton_x_pos self.window.move(calendar_x_pos, calendar_y_pos) try: # This can be made better (with dateformat) = int(date[0:2]) self.month = int(date[3:5]) - 1 self.year = int(date[6:10]) self.calendar.select_month(self.month, self.year) self.calendar.select_day( except: pass self.entry = entry def set_text(self, text): self.entry.set_text(text) def get_text(self): return self.entry.get_text()
def set_parent(self, parent): self.parent = Window(parent)