def get_class_inheritance(io_object): classes = [] cls = IOObjectCopyClass(io_object) while cls: # yield cls classes.append(cls) CFRelease(cls) cls = IOObjectCopySuperclassForClass(cls) return classes
def delete(self): """Removes this item from the keychain""" rc = Security.lib.SecKeychainItemDelete(self.keychain_item) if rc != 0: raise RuntimeError("Unable to delete %s: rc=%d" % (self, rc)) from CoreFoundation import CFRelease CFRelease(self.keychain_item) self.keychain_item = None self.service_name = None self.account_name = None self.password = None
def corefoundation_to_native(collection): if collection is None: # nullptr return None native = Conversion.pythonCollectionFromPropertyList(collection) CFRelease(collection) return native
attr = SecKeychainAttribute(tag, 1, plabel) attrList = SecKeychainAttributeList(1, attr) # searchRef = ctypes.c_void_p() itemRef = ctypes.c_void_p() try: Security.SecKeychainSearchCreateFromAttributes( None, kSecCertificateItemClass, ctypes.byref(attrList), ctypes.pointer(searchRef) ) Security.SecKeychainSearchCopyNext( searchRef, ctypes.byref(itemRef) ) if searchRef: CFRelease(searchRef) Security.SecKeychainItemDelete(itemRef) if itemRef: CFRelease(itemRef) except RuntimeError, e: print >>sys.stderr, "ERROR: %s" % e sys.exit(1)
def corefoundation_to_native(collection): native = Conversion.pythonCollectionFromPropertyList(collection) CFRelease(collection) return native
def set_password( self, service: str, username: str, password: Union[str, bytes, None] ): """ Inserts the given key to keychain, or generates a new one if password is blank. Key generation is only supported for RSA & Elliptic-Curve assymetric keys, due to keychain's API limitations. Meaning, DSA and symmetric keys are not supported for generation - only for existing key import. :param service: Will be used as the kSecAttrLabel attribute. :param username: Will be used as the kSecAttrApplicationTag attribute. :param password: If blank, a key is generated, if non-blank - should be either a path to a key-file, or key-data, encoded in some known format (e.g. PEM). :return: A reference to a python-wrapped private or public key, if is_extractable is set; else, None. """ assert isinstance( service, str ), f'Expected service to be of type str, but got: {type(service)}' assert isinstance( username, str ), f'Expected username to be of type str, but got: {type(username)}' assert isinstance(password, (str, bytes, type(None))), ( 'Expected password to be one of: str, bytes, None, ' f'but got: {type(password)}' ) params = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, None, None) private_key_params = CFDictionaryCreateMutable( kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, None, None ) access_control = self._get_access_control() try: self._populate_private_key_params( private_key_params, service, username, access_control ) self._populate_key_params(params, private_key_params, password) if password: error, key = SecItemAdd(params, None) key = key[-1] if key else key elif self.key_class_type == OSXKeychainKeyType.DSA: raise PasswordSetError( 'Generating asymmetric keys is only supported for RSA and Elliptic-Curve algorithms' ) elif self.key_class_type == OSXKeyChainKeyClassType.Symmetric.value: raise PasswordSetError( 'Generating symmetric keys is not supported by the keychain API' ) else: key, error = SecKeyCreateRandomKey(params, None) if key and self.key_class_type == OSXKeyChainKeyClassType.Public.value: key = SecKeyCopyPublicKey(key) if error or not key: raise PasswordSetError(f'Failed creating private key: {error}') if self.is_extractable: return self._pythonify_key(key) finally: if access_control: CFRelease(access_control) CFRelease(private_key_params) CFRelease(params)