def __init__(self): Creator().create_nodes_for_grid() Creator().create_elements_for_grid() grid = Grid() global_data = GlobalData() self.H_matrix = grid.global_matrix_H self.C_matrix = grid.global_matrix_C self.P_vector = grid.global_vector_P self.init_temp = global_data.init_temp self.simulation_time = global_data.simulation_time self.simulation_step = global_data.simulation_step
def initializeActions_(self, opts): """ For each user action instantiate a corresponding object and put it in the action dictionary. """ for opt in opts.keys(): val = opts[opt] if (opt == '-create'): ncjobs = 0 if val: if (isInt(val)): ncjobs = int(val) elif (val == 'all'): ncjobs = val else: msg = 'Bad creation bunch size <' + str(val) + '>\n' msg += ' Must be an integer or "all"' msg += ' Generic range is not allowed"' raise SkimException(msg) pass else: ncjobs = 'all' if ncjobs != 0: # Instantiate Creator object self.creator = Creator(self.cfg_params, ncjobs) self.actions[opt] = self.creator pass pass elif (opt == '-submit'): self.actions[opt] = Submitter(self.cfg_params) return
def initializeActions_(self, opts): """ For each user action instantiate a corresponding object and put it in the action dictionary. """ for opt in opts.keys(): val = opts[opt] if ( opt == '-create' ): if self.flag_continue: msg = 'Cannot create an existing project. \n' raise CrabException(msg) if val and val != 'all': msg = 'Per default, CRAB will create all jobs as specified in the crab.cfg file, not the command line!' msg = 'Submission will still take into account the number of jobs specified on the command line!\n' ncjobs = 'all' #wmbs if int(self.automation) == 1: msg = 'Your jobs will be created on the server. Jobs informations will be known later.' # wmbs from Requestor import Requestor # Instantiate Creator object self.creator = Requestor(self.job_type_name, self.cfg_params, ncjobs) self.actions[opt] = self.creator # Create and initialize JobList common.job_list = JobList(1,self.creator.jobType()) else: from Creator import Creator # Instantiate Creator object self.creator = Creator(self.job_type_name, self.cfg_params, ncjobs) self.actions[opt] = self.creator # create jobs in the DB common._db.createJobs_(self.creator.nJobsL()) # Create and initialize JobList common.job_list = JobList(common._db.nJobs(), self.creator.jobType()) ## jobs specs not needed if using WMBS self.creator.writeJobsSpecsToDB() taskinfo={} taskinfo['cfgName'] = common.work_space.jobDir()+"/"+self.creator.jobType().configFilename() taskinfo['dataset'] = self.cfg_params['CMSSW.datasetpath'] common.job_list.setScriptNames(self.job_type_name+'.sh') common.job_list.setCfgNames(self.creator.jobType().configFilename()) common._db.updateTask_(taskinfo) pass elif ( opt == '-submit' ): ## Dealt with val == int so that -submit N means submit N jobs and not job # N if (self.UseServer== 1): from SubmitterServer import SubmitterServer self.actions[opt] = SubmitterServer(self.cfg_params, self.parseRange_(val), val) else: from Submitter import Submitter # Instantiate Submitter object self.actions[opt] = Submitter(self.cfg_params, self.parseRange_(val), val) # Create and initialize JobList if len(common.job_list) == 0 : common.job_list = JobList(common._db.nJobs(), None) pass pass elif ( opt == '-list' ): ''' Print the relevant infos of a range-all jobs/task ''' jobs = self.parseRange_(val) common._db.dump(jobs) pass elif ( opt == '-printId' ): ''' Print the unique name of the task if crab is used as client Print the SID list of all the jobs ''' #jid=False #if val == 'full': jid=True jid=True common._db.queryID(self.UseServer,jid) elif ( opt == '-status' ): if (self.UseServer== 1): from StatusServer import StatusServer self.actions[opt] = StatusServer(self.cfg_params, val) else: from Status import Status self.actions[opt] = Status(self.cfg_params, val) elif ( opt == '-kill' ): if val: if val =='all': jobs = common._db.nJobs("list") else: jobs = self.parseRange_(val) pass else: raise CrabException("Warning: with '-kill' you _MUST_ specify a job range or 'all'") pass if (self.UseServer== 1): from KillerServer import KillerServer self.actions[opt] = KillerServer(self.cfg_params,jobs) else: from Killer import Killer self.actions[opt] = Killer(self.cfg_params,jobs) elif ( opt == '-stopWorkflow' ): if self.UseServer==1 and int(self.automation)==1: from WorkflowHandler import WorkflowHandler self.actions[opt] = WorkflowHandler(self.cfg_params) else: raise CrabException("ERROR: you can use this command only if you are running an automated workflow using CRABSERVER") pass elif ( opt == '-getoutput' or opt == '-get'): if val=='all' or val==None or val=='': jobs = 'all' else: jobs = self.parseRange_(val) if (self.UseServer== 1): from GetOutputServer import GetOutputServer self.actions[opt] = GetOutputServer(self.cfg_params,jobs) else: from GetOutput import GetOutput self.actions[opt] = GetOutput(self.cfg_params,jobs) elif ( opt == '-resubmit' ): if val: if val=='all': jobs = common._db.nJobs('list') if val=='bad': jobs = 'bad' else: jobs = self.parseRange_(val) if (self.UseServer== 1): from ResubmitterServer import ResubmitterServer self.actions[opt] = ResubmitterServer(self.cfg_params, jobs) else: from Resubmitter import Resubmitter self.actions[opt] = Resubmitter(self.cfg_params, jobs) else:"Warning: with '-resubmit' you _MUST_ specify a job range or 'all'")"WARNING: _all_ job specified in the range will be resubmitted!!!") pass pass elif ( opt == '-forceResubmit' ): if val: if val=='all': jobs = common._db.nJobs('list') else: jobs = self.parseRange_(val) if (self.UseServer== 1): from ResubmitterServerForced import ResubmitterServerForced self.actions[opt] = ResubmitterServerForced(self.cfg_params, jobs) else: from ResubmitterForced import ResubmitterForced self.actions[opt] = ResubmitterForced(self.cfg_params, jobs) else:"Warning: with '-resubmit' you _MUST_ specify a job range or 'all'")"WARNING: _all_ job specified in the range will be resubmitted!!!") pass pass elif ( opt in ['-testJdl','-listMatch', '-match']): jobs = self.parseRange_(val) if len(jobs) != 0: # Instantiate Checker object from Checker import Checker self.actions[opt] = Checker(self.cfg_params, jobs) elif ( opt == '-postMortem' ): if val: jobs = self.parseRange_(val) if len( jobs ) > 1: raise CrabException("Only single job id allowed for %s command!" % opt ) else: raise CrabException("Warning: please specify a job id") pass if (self.UseServer== 1): from PostMortemServer import PostMortemServer self.actions[opt] = PostMortemServer(self.cfg_params,jobs) else: from PostMortem import PostMortem self.actions[opt] = PostMortem(self.cfg_params, jobs) elif ( opt == '-clean' ): if val != None: raise CrabException("No range allowed for '-clean'") if (self.UseServer== 1): from CleanerServer import CleanerServer self.actions[opt] = CleanerServer(self.cfg_params) else: from Cleaner import Cleaner self.actions[opt] = Cleaner(self.cfg_params) elif ( opt in ['-printJdl','-createJdl']): """ Materialize JDL """ ## Temporary: if opt == '-printJdl':"WARNING: -printJdl option is deprecated : please use -createJdl \n") if val =='all' or val == None or val == '': jobs = common._db.nJobs("list") else: jobs = self.parseRange_(val) pass from JdlWriter import JdlWriter self.actions[opt] = JdlWriter(self.cfg_params, jobs) elif ( opt == '-publish'): from Publisher import Publisher self.actions[opt] = Publisher(self.cfg_params) ### FEDE FOR PUBLICATION WITH NO INPUT FILES### elif ( opt == '-publishNoInp'): from Publisher import Publisher self.cfg_params['USER.no_inp'] = 1 self.actions[opt] = Publisher(self.cfg_params) elif ( opt == '-checkPublication' ):"WARNING: -checkPublicatin is deprecated : use DAS to check on your dataset\n") elif ( opt == '-copyData' ): if val =='all' or val == None or val == '': jobs = common._db.nJobs("list") else: jobs = self.parseRange_(val) if (self.UseServer== 1): from StatusServer import StatusServer status = StatusServer(self.cfg_params) else: # from Status import Status # status = Status(self.cfg_params) status=None from CopyData import CopyData self.actions[opt] = CopyData(self.cfg_params, jobs,status) elif ( opt == '-validateCfg' ): from ValidateCfg import ValidateCfg config= {'pset' : self.cfg_params.get('CMSSW.pset','None')} if val : config['pset']=val self.actions[opt] = ValidateCfg(config) elif ( opt == '-renewCredential' ): if (self.UseServer== 1): from CredentialRenew import CredentialRenew self.actions[opt] = CredentialRenew(self.cfg_params) else: msg = "The option [-renewProxy] can be used only with the server modality!" raise CrabException(msg) elif ( opt == '-report' ): if (self.UseServer== 1): from StatusServer import StatusServer StatusServer(self.cfg_params).query(display=False) else: # cause a core dump.... #from Status import Status #Status(self.cfg_params).query(display=False) pass from Reporter import Reporter self.actions[opt] = Reporter(self.cfg_params) elif ( opt == '-cleanCache' ): from CacheCleaner import CacheCleaner self.actions[opt] = CacheCleaner() elif ( opt == '-uploadLog' ): jobid = -1 jobs = self.parseRange_(val) if len( jobs ) > 1:"Only single job id allowed for %s command!" % opt ) elif len (jobs) == 1: jobid = jobs[0] from ReportUploader import ReportUploader self.actions[opt] = ReportUploader( self.cfg_params, jobid ) pass return
class Crab: def __init__(self): ## test_tag # The order of main_actions is important ! self.main_actions = [ '-create', '-submit' ] self.aux_actions = [ '-list', '-kill', '-status', '-getoutput','-get', '-resubmit', '-forceResubmit', '-testJdl', '-listMatch', '-match', '-postMortem', '-clean', '-printId', '-createJdl','-printJdl', '-publish', '-publishNoInp','-checkPublication', '-copyData', '-renewCredential', '-validateCfg', '-report', '-cleanCache', '-stopWorkflow', '-uploadLog' ] # Dictionary of actions, e.g. '-create' -> object of class Creator self.actions = {} # Configuration file self.cfg_fname = None self.cfg_sys_fname = None self.cfg_home_fname = None # Dictionary with configuration parameters self.cfg_params = {} # Current working directory self.cwd = os.getcwd()+'/' # Current time in format 'yymmdd_hhmmss' self.current_time = time.strftime('%y%m%d_%H%M%S', time.localtime(time.time())) # Session name (?) Do we need this ? = '0' # Job type self.job_type_name = None # Continuation flag self.flag_continue = 0 # quiet mode, i.e. no output on screen self.flag_quiet = 0 # produce more output common.debugLevel = 0 return def __del__(self): if (common.logger): common.logger.delete() if (common.apmon): def version(): return common.prog_version_str version = staticmethod(version) def initialize_(self, opts): # Process the '-continue' option first because # in the case of continuation the CRAB configuration # parameters are loaded from already existing Working Space. self.processContinueOption_(opts) # Process ini-file first, then command line options # because they override ini-file settings. self.processIniFile_(opts) if self.flag_continue: opts = self.loadConfiguration_(opts) self.processOptions_(opts) srvName = 'default' self.UseServer = False if opts.has_key('-use_server'): self.UseServer = int(opts['-use_server']) if self.UseServer==1: opts['-server_name']='default' if opts.has_key('-server_name'): srvName = opts.get('-server_name', None) if srvName == 'None': srvName = None self.UseServer = int( srvName is not None ) # cast bool to int common._db = DBinterface(self.cfg_params) isCreating = False if not self.flag_continue: self.createWorkingSpace_() common._db.configureDB() optsToBeSaved={} optsToBeSavedDB={} isCreating = True for it in opts.keys(): if (it in self.main_actions) or (it in self.aux_actions) or (it == '-debug'): pass else: optsToBeSavedDB[it[1:]]=opts[it] optsToBeSaved[it]=opts[it] if self.UseServer==0: optsToBeSavedDB['server_name']= srvName parsToBeSaved={} for it in self.cfg_params.keys(): sec,act = string.split(it,".") if sec == string.upper(common.prog_name): tmp = "-"+act if (tmp in self.main_actions) or (tmp in self.aux_actions) or (it == '-debug'): pass else: parsToBeSaved[it]=self.cfg_params[it] else: parsToBeSaved[it]=self.cfg_params[it] common.work_space.saveConfiguration(optsToBeSaved, parsToBeSaved) else: common._db.loadDB() # At this point all configuration options have been read. args = string.join(sys.argv,' ') self.updateHistory_(args) from crab_util import Color Color=Color(False) common.logger = CrabLogger(args) ## disallow old client releases if checkCRABVersion(self.version()) is False: msg = 'ERROR: you are using an old client release\n' msg += '\tPlease upgrade to a more recent version:\n' msg += '\t' raise CrabException(msg) ## wmbs self.automation=self.cfg_params.get('WMBS.automation','0') if int(self.automation)==1 and self.UseServer!=1: msg ='ERROR: if you want run automated WorkFlow you must use the server\n' msg +='\tPlease check your configuration.' raise CrabException(msg) common.apmon = ApmonIf() self.createScheduler_() if not self.flag_continue: common._db.createTask_(optsToBeSavedDB) cmdOut = runCommand('uname -a') msg = ('%s \nUsed properties:\n'%cmdOut) if isCreating and common.debugLevel < 2 : msg = ('%s \nUsed properties:\n'%cmdOut) msg += self.UserCfgProperties(msg) msg += 'End of used properties.\n' common.logger.debug( msg) else: msg += self.UserCfgProperties(msg) msg += 'End of used properties.\n' common.logger.log(10-1, msg) self.initializeActions_(opts) return def headerString_(self): """ Creates a string describing program options either given in the command line or their default values. """ server= 'OFF' if self.UseServer==1: server = 'ON (%s)' % self.cfg_params.get('CRAB.server_name', 'use_server') local = time.ctime(time.time()) UTC = time.asctime(time.gmtime()).split(' ')[:-1] tzone = time.tzname[0] header = 'Version ' + common.prog_version_str + ' running on ' + \ local+' '+ tzone+ ' ('+UTC[-1:][0]+' UTC)'+'\n\n' + \ common.prog_name+'. Working options:\n' header = header +\ '\tscheduler ' + self.cfg_params['CRAB.scheduler'] + '\n'+\ '\tjob type ' + self.job_type_name + '\n'+\ '\tserver ' + server + '\n'+\ '\tworking directory ' + common.work_space.topDir()\ + '\n' return header def UserCfgProperties(self,msg): """ print user configuration parameters """ keys = self.cfg_params.keys() keys.sort() for k in keys: if self.cfg_params[k]: msg += ' %s : %s\n'%(str(k),str(self.cfg_params[k])) else: msg += ' %s : \n'%str(k) return msg def processContinueOption_(self,opts): continue_dir = None # Look for the '-continue' option. for opt in opts.keys(): if ( opt in ('-continue','-c') ): self.flag_continue = 1 val = opts[opt] if val: if val[0] == '/': continue_dir = val # abs path else: continue_dir = self.cwd + val # rel path pass break pass # Look for actions which has sense only with '-continue' if "-create" not in opts.keys() : self.flag_continue = 1 if not self.flag_continue: return if not continue_dir: prefix = common.prog_name + '_' + + '_' continue_dir = findLastWorkDir(prefix) pass if not continue_dir: raise CrabException('Cannot find last working directory.') if not os.path.exists(continue_dir): msg = 'Cannot continue because the working directory <' msg += continue_dir msg += '> does not exist.' raise CrabException(msg) # Instantiate WorkSpace common.work_space = WorkSpace(continue_dir, self.cfg_params) return def processIniFile_(self, opts): """ Processes a configuration INI-file. """ # Extract cfg-file name from the cmd-line options. for opt in opts.keys(): if ( opt == '-cfg' ): if self.flag_continue: raise CrabException('-continue and -cfg cannot coexist.') if opts[opt] : self.cfg_fname = opts[opt] else : processHelpOptions() pass elif ( opt == '-name' ): = opts[opt] pass pass # Set default cfg-fname if self.cfg_fname == None: if self.flag_continue: self.cfg_fname = common.work_space.cfgFileName() else: self.cfg_fname = common.prog_name+'.cfg' self.cfg_home_fname = None if os.environ.has_key('CRABDIR'): self.cfg_sys_fname = os.environ['CRABDIR']+"/etc/"+common.prog_name+'.cfg' if os.environ.has_key('HOME'): self.cfg_home_fname = os.environ['HOME']+"/."+common.prog_name+'.cfg' pass pass # Load cfg-file if string.lower(self.cfg_fname) != 'none': if not self.flag_continue: if self.cfg_sys_fname and os.path.exists(self.cfg_sys_fname): self.cfg_params = loadConfig(self.cfg_sys_fname, self.cfg_params) if self.cfg_home_fname and os.path.exists(self.cfg_home_fname): self.cfg_params = loadConfig(self.cfg_home_fname, self.cfg_params) if os.path.exists(self.cfg_fname): self.cfg_params = loadConfig(self.cfg_fname,self.cfg_params) pass else: msg = 'cfg-file '+self.cfg_fname+' not found.' raise CrabException(msg) pass pass # process the [CRAB] section lhp = len('CRAB.') for k in self.cfg_params.keys(): if len(k) >= lhp and k[:lhp] == 'CRAB.': opt = '-'+k[lhp:] if len(opt) >= 3 and opt[:3] == '-__': continue if opt not in opts.keys(): opts[opt] = self.cfg_params[k] pass pass pass return def processOptions_(self, opts): """ Processes the command-line options. """ for opt in opts.keys(): val = opts[opt] # Skip actions, they are processed later in initializeActions_() if opt in self.main_actions: self.cfg_params['CRAB.'+opt[1:]] = val continue if opt in self.aux_actions: self.cfg_params['CRAB.'+opt[1:]] = val continue elif ( opt == '-server_name' ): # TODO pass elif ( opt == '-use_server' ): # TODO pass elif ( opt == '-cfg' ): pass elif ( opt in ('-continue', '-c') ): # Already processed in processContinueOption_() pass elif ( opt == '-jobtype' ): if val : self.job_type_name = string.upper(val) else : processHelpOptions() pass elif ( opt == '-Q' ): self.flag_quiet = 1 pass elif ( opt == '-debug' ): if val: common.debugLevel = int(val) else: common.debugLevel = 1 pass elif ( opt == '-scheduler' ): pass elif ( opt == '-submit_host' ): pass ### for CopyData option elif ( opt == '-dest_se' ): pass elif ( opt == '-dest_endpoint' ): pass ######### elif string.find(opt,'.') == -1: print common.prog_name+'. Unrecognized option '+opt processHelpOptions() pass # Override config parameters from INI-file with cmd-line params if string.find(opt,'.') == -1 : self.cfg_params['CRAB.'+opt[1:]] = val pass else: # Command line parameters in the form -SECTION.ENTRY=VALUE self.cfg_params[opt[1:]] = val pass pass return def parseRange_(self, aRange): """ Takes as the input a string with a range defined in any of the following way, including combination, and return a tuple with the ints defined according to following table. A consistency check is done. NB: the first job is "1", not "0". 'all' -> [1,2,..., NJobs] '' -> [1,2,..., NJobs] 'n1' -> [n1] 'n1-n2' -> [n1, n1+1, n1+2, ..., n2-1, n2] 'n1,n2' -> [n1, n2] 'n1,n2-n3' -> [n1, n2, n2+1, n2+2, ..., n3-1, n3] """ result = [] common.logger.debug("parseRange_ "+str(aRange)) if aRange=='all' or aRange==None or aRange=='': result=range(1,common._db.nJobs()+1) return result elif aRange=='0': return result subRanges = string.strip(aRange).split(',') # DEPRECATED # Fabio #string.split(aRange, ',') for subRange in subRanges: if subRange != '':result = result+self.parseSimpleRange_(subRange) if self.checkUniqueness_(result): return result else: "Error " +str(result) ) raise CrabException ("Invalid range, contains duplicates") return [] def checkUniqueness_(self, list): """ check if a list contains only unique elements """ uniqueList = [] [uniqueList.append(it) for it in list if not uniqueList.count(it)] return (len(list)==len(uniqueList)) def parseSimpleRange_(self, aRange): """ Takes as the input a string with two integers separated by the minus sign and returns the tuple with these numbers: 'n1-n2' -> [n1, n1+1, n1+2, ..., n2-1, n2] 'n1' -> [n1] """ (start, end) = (None, None) result = [] minus = str(aRange).find('-') #DEPRECATED #Fabio #string.find(aRange, '-') if ( minus < 0 ): if isInt(aRange) and int(aRange)>0 : result.append(int(aRange)) else:"parseSimpleRange_ ERROR "+aRange) processHelpOptions() raise CrabException("parseSimpleRange_ ERROR "+aRange) pass pass else: (start, end) = str(aRange).split('-') if isInt(start) and isInt(end) and int(start)>0 and int(start)<int(end): result=range(int(start), int(end)+1) else: processHelpOptions() raise CrabException("parseSimpleRange_ ERROR "+start+end) return result def initializeActions_(self, opts): """ For each user action instantiate a corresponding object and put it in the action dictionary. """ for opt in opts.keys(): val = opts[opt] if ( opt == '-create' ): if self.flag_continue: msg = 'Cannot create an existing project. \n' raise CrabException(msg) if val and val != 'all': msg = 'Per default, CRAB will create all jobs as specified in the crab.cfg file, not the command line!' msg = 'Submission will still take into account the number of jobs specified on the command line!\n' ncjobs = 'all' #wmbs if int(self.automation) == 1: msg = 'Your jobs will be created on the server. Jobs informations will be known later.' # wmbs from Requestor import Requestor # Instantiate Creator object self.creator = Requestor(self.job_type_name, self.cfg_params, ncjobs) self.actions[opt] = self.creator # Create and initialize JobList common.job_list = JobList(1,self.creator.jobType()) else: from Creator import Creator # Instantiate Creator object self.creator = Creator(self.job_type_name, self.cfg_params, ncjobs) self.actions[opt] = self.creator # create jobs in the DB common._db.createJobs_(self.creator.nJobsL()) # Create and initialize JobList common.job_list = JobList(common._db.nJobs(), self.creator.jobType()) ## jobs specs not needed if using WMBS self.creator.writeJobsSpecsToDB() taskinfo={} taskinfo['cfgName'] = common.work_space.jobDir()+"/"+self.creator.jobType().configFilename() taskinfo['dataset'] = self.cfg_params['CMSSW.datasetpath'] common.job_list.setScriptNames(self.job_type_name+'.sh') common.job_list.setCfgNames(self.creator.jobType().configFilename()) common._db.updateTask_(taskinfo) pass elif ( opt == '-submit' ): ## Dealt with val == int so that -submit N means submit N jobs and not job # N if (self.UseServer== 1): from SubmitterServer import SubmitterServer self.actions[opt] = SubmitterServer(self.cfg_params, self.parseRange_(val), val) else: from Submitter import Submitter # Instantiate Submitter object self.actions[opt] = Submitter(self.cfg_params, self.parseRange_(val), val) # Create and initialize JobList if len(common.job_list) == 0 : common.job_list = JobList(common._db.nJobs(), None) pass pass elif ( opt == '-list' ): ''' Print the relevant infos of a range-all jobs/task ''' jobs = self.parseRange_(val) common._db.dump(jobs) pass elif ( opt == '-printId' ): ''' Print the unique name of the task if crab is used as client Print the SID list of all the jobs ''' #jid=False #if val == 'full': jid=True jid=True common._db.queryID(self.UseServer,jid) elif ( opt == '-status' ): if (self.UseServer== 1): from StatusServer import StatusServer self.actions[opt] = StatusServer(self.cfg_params, val) else: from Status import Status self.actions[opt] = Status(self.cfg_params, val) elif ( opt == '-kill' ): if val: if val =='all': jobs = common._db.nJobs("list") else: jobs = self.parseRange_(val) pass else: raise CrabException("Warning: with '-kill' you _MUST_ specify a job range or 'all'") pass if (self.UseServer== 1): from KillerServer import KillerServer self.actions[opt] = KillerServer(self.cfg_params,jobs) else: from Killer import Killer self.actions[opt] = Killer(self.cfg_params,jobs) elif ( opt == '-stopWorkflow' ): if self.UseServer==1 and int(self.automation)==1: from WorkflowHandler import WorkflowHandler self.actions[opt] = WorkflowHandler(self.cfg_params) else: raise CrabException("ERROR: you can use this command only if you are running an automated workflow using CRABSERVER") pass elif ( opt == '-getoutput' or opt == '-get'): if val=='all' or val==None or val=='': jobs = 'all' else: jobs = self.parseRange_(val) if (self.UseServer== 1): from GetOutputServer import GetOutputServer self.actions[opt] = GetOutputServer(self.cfg_params,jobs) else: from GetOutput import GetOutput self.actions[opt] = GetOutput(self.cfg_params,jobs) elif ( opt == '-resubmit' ): if val: if val=='all': jobs = common._db.nJobs('list') if val=='bad': jobs = 'bad' else: jobs = self.parseRange_(val) if (self.UseServer== 1): from ResubmitterServer import ResubmitterServer self.actions[opt] = ResubmitterServer(self.cfg_params, jobs) else: from Resubmitter import Resubmitter self.actions[opt] = Resubmitter(self.cfg_params, jobs) else:"Warning: with '-resubmit' you _MUST_ specify a job range or 'all'")"WARNING: _all_ job specified in the range will be resubmitted!!!") pass pass elif ( opt == '-forceResubmit' ): if val: if val=='all': jobs = common._db.nJobs('list') else: jobs = self.parseRange_(val) if (self.UseServer== 1): from ResubmitterServerForced import ResubmitterServerForced self.actions[opt] = ResubmitterServerForced(self.cfg_params, jobs) else: from ResubmitterForced import ResubmitterForced self.actions[opt] = ResubmitterForced(self.cfg_params, jobs) else:"Warning: with '-resubmit' you _MUST_ specify a job range or 'all'")"WARNING: _all_ job specified in the range will be resubmitted!!!") pass pass elif ( opt in ['-testJdl','-listMatch', '-match']): jobs = self.parseRange_(val) if len(jobs) != 0: # Instantiate Checker object from Checker import Checker self.actions[opt] = Checker(self.cfg_params, jobs) elif ( opt == '-postMortem' ): if val: jobs = self.parseRange_(val) if len( jobs ) > 1: raise CrabException("Only single job id allowed for %s command!" % opt ) else: raise CrabException("Warning: please specify a job id") pass if (self.UseServer== 1): from PostMortemServer import PostMortemServer self.actions[opt] = PostMortemServer(self.cfg_params,jobs) else: from PostMortem import PostMortem self.actions[opt] = PostMortem(self.cfg_params, jobs) elif ( opt == '-clean' ): if val != None: raise CrabException("No range allowed for '-clean'") if (self.UseServer== 1): from CleanerServer import CleanerServer self.actions[opt] = CleanerServer(self.cfg_params) else: from Cleaner import Cleaner self.actions[opt] = Cleaner(self.cfg_params) elif ( opt in ['-printJdl','-createJdl']): """ Materialize JDL """ ## Temporary: if opt == '-printJdl':"WARNING: -printJdl option is deprecated : please use -createJdl \n") if val =='all' or val == None or val == '': jobs = common._db.nJobs("list") else: jobs = self.parseRange_(val) pass from JdlWriter import JdlWriter self.actions[opt] = JdlWriter(self.cfg_params, jobs) elif ( opt == '-publish'): from Publisher import Publisher self.actions[opt] = Publisher(self.cfg_params) ### FEDE FOR PUBLICATION WITH NO INPUT FILES### elif ( opt == '-publishNoInp'): from Publisher import Publisher self.cfg_params['USER.no_inp'] = 1 self.actions[opt] = Publisher(self.cfg_params) elif ( opt == '-checkPublication' ):"WARNING: -checkPublicatin is deprecated : use DAS to check on your dataset\n") elif ( opt == '-copyData' ): if val =='all' or val == None or val == '': jobs = common._db.nJobs("list") else: jobs = self.parseRange_(val) if (self.UseServer== 1): from StatusServer import StatusServer status = StatusServer(self.cfg_params) else: # from Status import Status # status = Status(self.cfg_params) status=None from CopyData import CopyData self.actions[opt] = CopyData(self.cfg_params, jobs,status) elif ( opt == '-validateCfg' ): from ValidateCfg import ValidateCfg config= {'pset' : self.cfg_params.get('CMSSW.pset','None')} if val : config['pset']=val self.actions[opt] = ValidateCfg(config) elif ( opt == '-renewCredential' ): if (self.UseServer== 1): from CredentialRenew import CredentialRenew self.actions[opt] = CredentialRenew(self.cfg_params) else: msg = "The option [-renewProxy] can be used only with the server modality!" raise CrabException(msg) elif ( opt == '-report' ): if (self.UseServer== 1): from StatusServer import StatusServer StatusServer(self.cfg_params).query(display=False) else: # cause a core dump.... #from Status import Status #Status(self.cfg_params).query(display=False) pass from Reporter import Reporter self.actions[opt] = Reporter(self.cfg_params) elif ( opt == '-cleanCache' ): from CacheCleaner import CacheCleaner self.actions[opt] = CacheCleaner() elif ( opt == '-uploadLog' ): jobid = -1 jobs = self.parseRange_(val) if len( jobs ) > 1:"Only single job id allowed for %s command!" % opt ) elif len (jobs) == 1: jobid = jobs[0] from ReportUploader import ReportUploader self.actions[opt] = ReportUploader( self.cfg_params, jobid ) pass return def createWorkingSpace_(self): new_dir = '' if self.cfg_params.has_key('USER.ui_working_dir') : new_dir =os.path.abspath(self.cfg_params['USER.ui_working_dir']) else: new_dir = self.cwd + common.prog_name + '_' + + '_' + self.current_time pass if os.path.exists(new_dir): if os.listdir(new_dir): msg = new_dir + ' already exists and is not empty. Please remove it before create new task' raise CrabException(msg) common.work_space = WorkSpace(new_dir, self.cfg_params) common.work_space.create() return def loadConfiguration_(self, opts): save_opts = common.work_space.loadSavedOptions() # Override saved options with new command-line options for k in opts.keys(): save_opts[k] = opts[k] pass # Return updated options return save_opts def updateHistory_(self, args): history_fname = common.prog_name+'.history' history_file = open(history_fname, 'a') history_file.write(self.current_time+': '+args+'\n') history_file.close() return def createScheduler_(self): """ Creates a scheduler object instantiated by its name. """ if not self.cfg_params.has_key("CRAB.scheduler"): msg = 'No real scheduler selected: edg, lsf ...' msg = msg + 'Please specify a scheduler type in the crab cfg file' raise CrabException(msg) self.scheduler_name = self.cfg_params["CRAB.scheduler"] klass_name = 'Scheduler' + string.capitalize(self.scheduler_name) file_name = klass_name try: klass = importName(file_name, klass_name) except KeyError: msg = 'No `class '+klass_name+'` found in file `'+file_name+'.py`' raise CrabException(msg) except ImportError, e: msg = 'Cannot create scheduler Boss' msg += ' (file: '+file_name+', class '+klass_name+'):\n' msg += str(e) raise CrabException(msg) common.scheduler = klass() common.scheduler.configure(self.cfg_params) return
class Crab: def __init__(self): ## test_tag # The order of main_actions is important ! self.main_actions = ["-create", "-submit"] self.aux_actions = [ "-list", "-kill", "-status", "-getoutput", "-get", "-resubmit", "-forceResubmit", "-testJdl", "-listMatch", "-match", "-postMortem", "-clean", "-printId", "-createJdl", "-printJdl", "-publish", "-publishNoInp", "-checkPublication", "-copyData", "-renewCredential", "-validateCfg", "-report", "-cleanCache", "-stopWorkflow", "-uploadLog", ] # Dictionary of actions, e.g. '-create' -> object of class Creator self.actions = {} # Configuration file self.cfg_fname = None self.cfg_sys_fname = None self.cfg_home_fname = None # Dictionary with configuration parameters self.cfg_params = {} # Current working directory self.cwd = os.getcwd() + "/" # Current time in format 'yymmdd_hhmmss' self.current_time = time.strftime("%y%m%d_%H%M%S", time.localtime(time.time())) # Session name (?) Do we need this ? = "0" # Job type self.job_type_name = None # Continuation flag self.flag_continue = 0 # quiet mode, i.e. no output on screen self.flag_quiet = 0 # produce more output common.debugLevel = 0 return def __del__(self): if common.logger: common.logger.delete() if common.apmon: def version(): return common.prog_version_str version = staticmethod(version) def initialize_(self, opts): # Process the '-continue' option first because # in the case of continuation the CRAB configuration # parameters are loaded from already existing Working Space. self.processContinueOption_(opts) # Process ini-file first, then command line options # because they override ini-file settings. self.processIniFile_(opts) if self.flag_continue: opts = self.loadConfiguration_(opts) self.processOptions_(opts) srvName = "default" self.UseServer = False if opts.has_key("-use_server"): self.UseServer = int(opts["-use_server"]) if self.UseServer == 1: msg = "There is no Crab2 server since years. Check crab.cfg" raise CrabException(msg) opts["-server_name"] = "default" if opts.has_key("-server_name"): srvName = opts.get("-server_name", None) if srvName == "None": srvName = None if srvName is not None: msg = "There is no Crab2 server since years. Check crab.cfg" raise CrabException(msg) self.UseServer = int(srvName is not None) # cast bool to int common._db = DBinterface(self.cfg_params) isCreating = False if not self.flag_continue: self.createWorkingSpace_() common._db.configureDB() optsToBeSaved = {} optsToBeSavedDB = {} isCreating = True for it in opts.keys(): if (it in self.main_actions) or (it in self.aux_actions) or (it == "-debug"): pass else: optsToBeSavedDB[it[1:]] = opts[it] optsToBeSaved[it] = opts[it] if self.UseServer == 0: optsToBeSavedDB["server_name"] = srvName parsToBeSaved = {} for it in self.cfg_params.keys(): sec, act = string.split(it, ".") if sec == string.upper(common.prog_name): tmp = "-" + act if (tmp in self.main_actions) or (tmp in self.aux_actions) or (it == "-debug"): pass else: parsToBeSaved[it] = self.cfg_params[it] else: parsToBeSaved[it] = self.cfg_params[it] common.work_space.saveConfiguration(optsToBeSaved, parsToBeSaved) else: common._db.loadDB() # At this point all configuration options have been read. args = string.join(sys.argv, " ") self.updateHistory_(args) from crab_util import Color Color = Color(False) common.logger = CrabLogger(args) + Color.bold + self.headerString_() + Color.end) ## disallow old client releases if checkCRABVersion(self.version()) is False: msg = "ERROR: you are using an old client release\n" msg += "\tPlease upgrade to a more recent version:\n" msg += "\t" raise CrabException(msg) ## wmbs self.automation = self.cfg_params.get("WMBS.automation", "0") if int(self.automation) == 1 and self.UseServer != 1: msg = "ERROR: if you want run automated WorkFlow you must use the server\n" msg += "\tPlease check your configuration." raise CrabException(msg) common.apmon = ApmonIf() self.createScheduler_() if not self.flag_continue: common._db.createTask_(optsToBeSavedDB) cmdOut = runCommand("uname -a") msg = "%s \nUsed properties:\n" % cmdOut if isCreating and common.debugLevel < 2: msg = "%s \nUsed properties:\n" % cmdOut msg += self.UserCfgProperties(msg) msg += "End of used properties.\n" common.logger.debug(msg) else: msg += self.UserCfgProperties(msg) msg += "End of used properties.\n" common.logger.log(10 - 1, msg) # added 16 Aug 2014 by Stefano B in the context of Node Name change # validate site/locations b/w lists and enforce gloabl black list # do all work here validateBWLists(self.cfg_params) applyGloablBlackList(self.cfg_params) self.initializeActions_(opts) return def headerString_(self): """ Creates a string describing program options either given in the command line or their default values. """ server = "OFF" if self.UseServer == 1: server = "ON (%s)" % self.cfg_params.get("CRAB.server_name", "use_server") local = time.ctime(time.time()) UTC = time.asctime(time.gmtime()).split(" ")[:-1] tzone = time.tzname[0] header = ( "Version " + common.prog_version_str + " running on " + local + " " + tzone + " (" + UTC[-1:][0] + " UTC)" + "\n" + "$CRABDIR: " + os.environ["CRABDIR"] + "\n\n" + common.prog_name + ". Working options:\n" ) header = ( header + "\tscheduler " + self.cfg_params["CRAB.scheduler"] + "\n" + "\tjob type " + self.job_type_name + "\n" + "\tserver " + server + "\n" + "\tworking directory " + common.work_space.topDir() + "\n" ) return header def UserCfgProperties(self, msg): """ print user configuration parameters """ keys = self.cfg_params.keys() keys.sort() for k in keys: if self.cfg_params[k]: msg += " %s : %s\n" % (str(k), str(self.cfg_params[k])) else: msg += " %s : \n" % str(k) return msg def processContinueOption_(self, opts): continue_dir = None # Look for the '-continue' option. for opt in opts.keys(): if opt in ("-continue", "-c"): self.flag_continue = 1 val = opts[opt] if val: if val[0] == "/": continue_dir = val # abs path else: continue_dir = self.cwd + val # rel path pass break pass # Look for actions which has sense only with '-continue' if "-create" not in opts.keys(): self.flag_continue = 1 if not self.flag_continue: return if not continue_dir: prefix = common.prog_name + "_" + + "_" continue_dir = findLastWorkDir(prefix) pass if not continue_dir: raise CrabException("Cannot find last working directory.") if not os.path.exists(continue_dir): msg = "Cannot continue because the working directory <" msg += continue_dir msg += "> does not exist." raise CrabException(msg) # Instantiate WorkSpace common.work_space = WorkSpace(continue_dir, self.cfg_params) return def processIniFile_(self, opts): """ Processes a configuration INI-file. """ # Extract cfg-file name from the cmd-line options. for opt in opts.keys(): if opt == "-cfg": if self.flag_continue: raise CrabException("-continue and -cfg cannot coexist.") if opts[opt]: self.cfg_fname = opts[opt] else: processHelpOptions() pass elif opt == "-name": = opts[opt] pass pass # Set default cfg-fname if self.cfg_fname == None: if self.flag_continue: self.cfg_fname = common.work_space.cfgFileName() else: self.cfg_fname = common.prog_name + ".cfg" self.cfg_home_fname = None if os.environ.has_key("CRABDIR"): self.cfg_sys_fname = os.environ["CRABDIR"] + "/etc/" + common.prog_name + ".cfg" if os.environ.has_key("HOME"): self.cfg_home_fname = os.environ["HOME"] + "/." + common.prog_name + ".cfg" pass pass # Load cfg-file if string.lower(self.cfg_fname) != "none": if not self.flag_continue: if self.cfg_sys_fname and os.path.exists(self.cfg_sys_fname): self.cfg_params = loadConfig(self.cfg_sys_fname, self.cfg_params) if self.cfg_home_fname and os.path.exists(self.cfg_home_fname): self.cfg_params = loadConfig(self.cfg_home_fname, self.cfg_params) if os.path.exists(self.cfg_fname): self.cfg_params = loadConfig(self.cfg_fname, self.cfg_params) pass else: msg = "cfg-file " + self.cfg_fname + " not found." raise CrabException(msg) pass pass # process the [CRAB] section lhp = len("CRAB.") for k in self.cfg_params.keys(): if len(k) >= lhp and k[:lhp] == "CRAB.": opt = "-" + k[lhp:] if len(opt) >= 3 and opt[:3] == "-__": continue if opt not in opts.keys(): opts[opt] = self.cfg_params[k] pass pass pass return def processOptions_(self, opts): """ Processes the command-line options. """ for opt in opts.keys(): val = opts[opt] # Skip actions, they are processed later in initializeActions_() if opt in self.main_actions: self.cfg_params["CRAB." + opt[1:]] = val continue if opt in self.aux_actions: self.cfg_params["CRAB." + opt[1:]] = val continue elif opt == "-server_name": # TODO pass elif opt == "-use_server": # TODO pass elif opt == "-cfg": pass elif opt in ("-continue", "-c"): # Already processed in processContinueOption_() pass elif opt == "-jobtype": if val: self.job_type_name = string.upper(val) else: processHelpOptions() pass elif opt == "-Q": self.flag_quiet = 1 pass elif opt == "-debug": if val: common.debugLevel = int(val) else: common.debugLevel = 1 pass elif opt == "-scheduler": pass elif opt == "-submit_host": pass ### for CopyData option elif opt == "-dest_se": pass elif opt == "-dest_endpoint": pass ######### elif string.find(opt, ".") == -1: print common.prog_name + ". Unrecognized option " + opt processHelpOptions() pass # Override config parameters from INI-file with cmd-line params if string.find(opt, ".") == -1: self.cfg_params["CRAB." + opt[1:]] = val pass else: # Command line parameters in the form -SECTION.ENTRY=VALUE self.cfg_params[opt[1:]] = val pass pass return def parseRange_(self, aRange): """ Takes as the input a string with a range defined in any of the following way, including combination, and return a tuple with the ints defined according to following table. A consistency check is done. NB: the first job is "1", not "0". 'all' -> [1,2,..., NJobs] '' -> [1,2,..., NJobs] 'n1' -> [n1] 'n1-n2' -> [n1, n1+1, n1+2, ..., n2-1, n2] 'n1,n2' -> [n1, n2] 'n1,n2-n3' -> [n1, n2, n2+1, n2+2, ..., n3-1, n3] """ result = [] common.logger.debug("parseRange_ " + str(aRange)) if aRange == "all" or aRange == None or aRange == "": result = range(1, common._db.nJobs() + 1) return result elif aRange == "0": return result subRanges = string.strip(aRange).split(",") # DEPRECATED # Fabio #string.split(aRange, ',') for subRange in subRanges: if subRange != "": result = result + self.parseSimpleRange_(subRange) if self.checkUniqueness_(result): return result else:"Error " + str(result)) raise CrabException("Invalid range, contains duplicates") return [] def checkUniqueness_(self, list): """ check if a list contains only unique elements """ uniqueList = [] [uniqueList.append(it) for it in list if not uniqueList.count(it)] return len(list) == len(uniqueList) def parseSimpleRange_(self, aRange): """ Takes as the input a string with two integers separated by the minus sign and returns the tuple with these numbers: 'n1-n2' -> [n1, n1+1, n1+2, ..., n2-1, n2] 'n1' -> [n1] """ (start, end) = (None, None) result = [] minus = str(aRange).find("-") # DEPRECATED #Fabio #string.find(aRange, '-') if minus < 0: if isInt(aRange) and int(aRange) > 0: result.append(int(aRange)) else:"parseSimpleRange_ ERROR " + aRange) processHelpOptions() raise CrabException("parseSimpleRange_ ERROR " + aRange) pass pass else: (start, end) = str(aRange).split("-") if isInt(start) and isInt(end) and int(start) > 0 and int(start) < int(end): result = range(int(start), int(end) + 1) else: processHelpOptions() raise CrabException("parseSimpleRange_ ERROR " + start + end) return result def initializeActions_(self, opts): """ For each user action instantiate a corresponding object and put it in the action dictionary. """ for opt in opts.keys(): val = opts[opt] if opt == "-create": if self.flag_continue: msg = "Cannot create an existing project. \n" raise CrabException(msg) if val and val != "all": msg = "Per default, CRAB will create all jobs as specified in the crab.cfg file, not the command line!" msg = "Submission will still take into account the number of jobs specified on the command line!\n" ncjobs = "all" # wmbs if int(self.automation) == 1: msg = "Your jobs will be created on the server. Jobs informations will be known later." # wmbs from Requestor import Requestor # Instantiate Creator object self.creator = Requestor(self.job_type_name, self.cfg_params, ncjobs) self.actions[opt] = self.creator # Create and initialize JobList common.job_list = JobList(1, self.creator.jobType()) else: from Creator import Creator # Instantiate Creator object self.creator = Creator(self.job_type_name, self.cfg_params, ncjobs) self.actions[opt] = self.creator # create jobs in the DB common._db.createJobs_(self.creator.nJobsL()) # Create and initialize JobList common.job_list = JobList(common._db.nJobs(), self.creator.jobType()) ## jobs specs not needed if using WMBS self.creator.writeJobsSpecsToDB() taskinfo = {} taskinfo["cfgName"] = common.work_space.jobDir() + "/" + self.creator.jobType().configFilename() taskinfo["dataset"] = self.cfg_params["CMSSW.datasetpath"] common.job_list.setScriptNames(self.job_type_name + ".sh") common.job_list.setCfgNames(self.creator.jobType().configFilename()) common._db.updateTask_(taskinfo) pass elif opt == "-submit": ## Dealt with val == int so that -submit N means submit N jobs and not job # N if self.UseServer == 1: from SubmitterServer import SubmitterServer self.actions[opt] = SubmitterServer(self.cfg_params, self.parseRange_(val), val) else: from Submitter import Submitter # Instantiate Submitter object self.actions[opt] = Submitter(self.cfg_params, self.parseRange_(val), val) # Create and initialize JobList if len(common.job_list) == 0: common.job_list = JobList(common._db.nJobs(), None) pass pass elif opt == "-list": """ Print the relevant infos of a range-all jobs/task """ jobs = self.parseRange_(val) common._db.dump(jobs) pass elif opt == "-printId": """ Print the unique name of the task if crab is used as client Print the SID list of all the jobs """ # jid=False # if val == 'full': jid=True jid = True common._db.queryID(self.UseServer, jid) elif opt == "-status": if self.UseServer == 1: from StatusServer import StatusServer self.actions[opt] = StatusServer(self.cfg_params, val) else: from Status import Status self.actions[opt] = Status(self.cfg_params, val) elif opt == "-kill": if val: if val == "all": jobs = common._db.nJobs("list") else: jobs = self.parseRange_(val) pass else: raise CrabException("Warning: with '-kill' you _MUST_ specify a job range or 'all'") pass if self.UseServer == 1: from KillerServer import KillerServer self.actions[opt] = KillerServer(self.cfg_params, jobs) else: from Killer import Killer self.actions[opt] = Killer(self.cfg_params, jobs) elif opt == "-stopWorkflow": if self.UseServer == 1 and int(self.automation) == 1: from WorkflowHandler import WorkflowHandler self.actions[opt] = WorkflowHandler(self.cfg_params) else: raise CrabException( "ERROR: you can use this command only if you are running an automated workflow using CRABSERVER" ) pass elif opt == "-getoutput" or opt == "-get": if val == "all" or val == None or val == "": jobs = "all" else: jobs = self.parseRange_(val) if self.UseServer == 1: from GetOutputServer import GetOutputServer self.actions[opt] = GetOutputServer(self.cfg_params, jobs) else: from GetOutput import GetOutput self.actions[opt] = GetOutput(self.cfg_params, jobs) elif opt == "-resubmit": if val: if val == "all": jobs = common._db.nJobs("list") if val == "bad": jobs = "bad" else: jobs = self.parseRange_(val) if self.UseServer == 1: from ResubmitterServer import ResubmitterServer self.actions[opt] = ResubmitterServer(self.cfg_params, jobs) else: from Resubmitter import Resubmitter self.actions[opt] = Resubmitter(self.cfg_params, jobs) else:"Warning: with '-resubmit' you _MUST_ specify a job range or 'all'")"WARNING: _all_ job specified in the range will be resubmitted!!!") pass pass elif opt == "-forceResubmit": if val: if val == "all": jobs = common._db.nJobs("list") else: jobs = self.parseRange_(val) if self.UseServer == 1: from ResubmitterServerForced import ResubmitterServerForced self.actions[opt] = ResubmitterServerForced(self.cfg_params, jobs) else: from ResubmitterForced import ResubmitterForced self.actions[opt] = ResubmitterForced(self.cfg_params, jobs) else:"Warning: with '-resubmit' you _MUST_ specify a job range or 'all'")"WARNING: _all_ job specified in the range will be resubmitted!!!") pass pass elif opt in ["-testJdl", "-listMatch", "-match"]: jobs = self.parseRange_(val) if len(jobs) != 0: # Instantiate Checker object from Checker import Checker self.actions[opt] = Checker(self.cfg_params, jobs) elif opt == "-postMortem": if val: jobs = self.parseRange_(val) if len(jobs) > 1: raise CrabException("Only single job id allowed for %s command!" % opt) else: raise CrabException("Warning: please specify a job id") pass if self.UseServer == 1: from PostMortemServer import PostMortemServer self.actions[opt] = PostMortemServer(self.cfg_params, jobs) else: from PostMortem import PostMortem self.actions[opt] = PostMortem(self.cfg_params, jobs) elif opt == "-clean": if val != None: raise CrabException("No range allowed for '-clean'") if self.UseServer == 1: from CleanerServer import CleanerServer self.actions[opt] = CleanerServer(self.cfg_params) else: from Cleaner import Cleaner self.actions[opt] = Cleaner(self.cfg_params) elif opt in ["-printJdl", "-createJdl"]: """ Materialize JDL """ if val == "all" or val == None or val == "": jobs = common._db.nJobs("list") else: jobs = self.parseRange_(val) pass from JdlWriter import JdlWriter self.actions[opt] = JdlWriter(self.cfg_params, jobs) elif opt == "-publish": from Publisher import Publisher self.actions[opt] = Publisher(self.cfg_params) ### FEDE FOR PUBLICATION WITH NO INPUT FILES### elif opt == "-publishNoInp": from Publisher import Publisher self.cfg_params["USER.no_inp"] = 1 self.actions[opt] = Publisher(self.cfg_params) elif opt == "-checkPublication":"WARNING: -checkPublicatin is deprecated : use DAS to check on your dataset\n") elif opt == "-copyData": if val == "all" or val == None or val == "": jobs = common._db.nJobs("list") else: jobs = self.parseRange_(val) if self.UseServer == 1: from StatusServer import StatusServer status = StatusServer(self.cfg_params) else: # from Status import Status # status = Status(self.cfg_params) status = None from CopyData import CopyData self.actions[opt] = CopyData(self.cfg_params, jobs, status) elif opt == "-validateCfg": from ValidateCfg import ValidateCfg config = {"pset": self.cfg_params.get("CMSSW.pset", "None")} if val: config["pset"] = val self.actions[opt] = ValidateCfg(config) elif opt == "-renewCredential": if self.UseServer == 1: from CredentialRenew import CredentialRenew self.actions[opt] = CredentialRenew(self.cfg_params) else: msg = "The option [-renewProxy] can be used only with the server modality!" raise CrabException(msg) elif opt == "-report": if self.UseServer == 1: from StatusServer import StatusServer StatusServer(self.cfg_params).query(display=False) else: # cause a core dump.... # from Status import Status # Status(self.cfg_params).query(display=False) pass from Reporter import Reporter self.actions[opt] = Reporter(self.cfg_params) elif opt == "-cleanCache": from CacheCleaner import CacheCleaner self.actions[opt] = CacheCleaner() elif opt == "-uploadLog": jobid = -1 jobs = self.parseRange_(val) if len(jobs) > 1:"Only single job id allowed for %s command!" % opt) elif len(jobs) == 1: jobid = jobs[0] from ReportUploader import ReportUploader self.actions[opt] = ReportUploader(self.cfg_params, jobid) pass return def createWorkingSpace_(self): new_dir = "" if self.cfg_params.has_key("USER.ui_working_dir"): new_dir = os.path.abspath(self.cfg_params["USER.ui_working_dir"]) else: new_dir = self.cwd + common.prog_name + "_" + + "_" + self.current_time pass if os.path.exists(new_dir): if os.listdir(new_dir): msg = new_dir + " already exists and is not empty. Please remove it before create new task" raise CrabException(msg) common.work_space = WorkSpace(new_dir, self.cfg_params) common.work_space.create() return def loadConfiguration_(self, opts): save_opts = common.work_space.loadSavedOptions() # Override saved options with new command-line options for k in opts.keys(): save_opts[k] = opts[k] pass # Return updated options return save_opts def updateHistory_(self, args): return history_fname = common.prog_name + ".history" history_file = open(history_fname, "a") history_file.write(self.current_time + ": " + args + "\n") history_file.close() return def createScheduler_(self): """ Creates a scheduler object instantiated by its name. """ if not self.cfg_params.has_key("CRAB.scheduler"): msg = "No real scheduler selected: edg, lsf ..." msg = msg + "Please specify a scheduler type in the crab cfg file" raise CrabException(msg) self.scheduler_name = self.cfg_params["CRAB.scheduler"] if self.scheduler_name == "glite": msg = "FATAL ERROR: Scheduler glite is not supported anymore, use remoteglidein" raise CrabException(msg) klass_name = "Scheduler" + string.capitalize(self.scheduler_name) file_name = klass_name try: klass = importName(file_name, klass_name) except KeyError: msg = "No `class " + klass_name + "` found in file `" + file_name + ".py`" raise CrabException(msg) except ImportError, e: msg = "Cannot create scheduler Boss" msg += " (file: " + file_name + ", class " + klass_name + "):\n" msg += str(e) raise CrabException(msg) common.scheduler = klass() common.scheduler.configure(self.cfg_params) return
"Triandria": [40.62, 22.97] } Users = [ User("John", "*****@*****.**", "dscdc", 20, "Toumpa", Types[4]), User("Helen", "*****@*****.**", "fvdfv", 24, "Thermi", Types[2]), User("Nick", "*****@*****.**", "dsccdsc", 21, "Triandria", Types[2]), User("Ron", "*****@*****.**", "dscdcdsc", 20, "Sykies", Types[1]), User("Paul", "*****@*****.**", "scsadwdsc", 19, "Toumpa", Types[6]), User("Emily", "*****@*****.**", "sxcdsc", 25, "Kentro", Types[9]), User("Rosa", "*****@*****.**", "cvfdsc", 36, "Kentro", Types[11]), User("George", "*****@*****.**", "dcsadsc", 18, "Thermi", Types[6]) ] Creators = [ Creator("Helen", "*****@*****.**", "dscdsc", 24, "Toumpa", Types[4]), Creator("John", "*****@*****.**", "dscdsc", 28, "Thermi", Types[2]), Creator("Helen", "*****@*****.**", "dscdsc", 21, "Kentro", Types[8]), Creator("Rosa", "*****@*****.**", "dscdsc", 20, "Thermi", Types[6]), Creator("John", "*****@*****.**", "dscdsc", 21, "Toumpa", Types[4]), Creator("John", "*****@*****.**", "dscdsc", 23, "Thermi", Types[9]), Creator("George", "*****@*****.**", "dscdsc", 29, "Thermi", Types[11]), Creator("George", "*****@*****.**", "dscdsc", 18, "Kentro", Types[9]) ] Events = [ Creators[0].createEvent("party", "Toumpa", "06/11/2020", 5, Types[5], Description), Creators[0].createEvent("party1", "Triandria", "06/11/2020", 15, Types[5], Description), Creators[0].createEvent("party2", "Kentro", "06/11/2020", 5, Types[4],
def __init__(self, name, resource, menustruct, screen_resolution, *args): self.resource = resource self.creator = Creator() = {name: self.creator(self.resource, menustruct)} self.current_menu = name self.screen_resolution = screen_resolution
def initializeActions_(self, opts): """ For each user action instantiate a corresponding object and put it in the action dictionary. """ for opt in opts.keys(): val = opts[opt] if ( opt == '-create' ): if self.flag_continue: msg = 'Cannot create an existing project. \n' raise CrabException(msg) if val and val != 'all': msg = 'Per default, CRAB will create all jobs as specified in the crab.cfg file, not the command line!' msg = 'Submission will still take into account the number of jobs specified on the command line!\n' ncjobs = 'all' #wmbs if int(self.automation) == 1: msg = 'Your jobs will be created on the server. Jobs informations will be known later.' # wmbs from Requestor import Requestor # Instantiate Creator object self.creator = Requestor(self.job_type_name, self.cfg_params, ncjobs) self.actions[opt] = self.creator # Create and initialize JobList common.job_list = JobList(1,self.creator.jobType()) else: from Creator import Creator # Instantiate Creator object self.creator = Creator(self.job_type_name, self.cfg_params, ncjobs) self.actions[opt] = self.creator # create jobs in the DB common._db.createJobs_(self.creator.nJobsL()) # Create and initialize JobList common.job_list = JobList(common._db.nJobs(), self.creator.jobType()) ## jobs specs not needed if using WMBS self.creator.writeJobsSpecsToDB() taskinfo={} taskinfo['cfgName'] = common.work_space.jobDir()+"/"+self.creator.jobType().configFilename() taskinfo['dataset'] = self.cfg_params['CMSSW.datasetpath'] common.job_list.setScriptNames(self.job_type_name+'.sh') common.job_list.setCfgNames(self.creator.jobType().configFilename()) common._db.updateTask_(taskinfo) pass elif ( opt == '-submit' ): ## Dealt with val == int so that -submit N means submit N jobs and not job # N if (self.UseServer== 1): from SubmitterServer import SubmitterServer self.actions[opt] = SubmitterServer(self.cfg_params, self.parseRange_(val), val) else: from Submitter import Submitter # Instantiate Submitter object self.actions[opt] = Submitter(self.cfg_params, self.parseRange_(val), val) # Create and initialize JobList if len(common.job_list) == 0 : common.job_list = JobList(common._db.nJobs(), None) pass pass elif ( opt == '-list' ): ''' Print the relevant infos of a range-all jobs/task ''' jobs = self.parseRange_(val) common._db.dump(jobs) pass elif ( opt == '-printId' ): ''' Print the unique name of the task if crab is used as client Print the SID list of all the jobs ''' #jid=False #if val == 'full': jid=True jid=True common._db.queryID(self.UseServer,jid) elif ( opt == '-status' ): if (self.UseServer== 1): from StatusServer import StatusServer self.actions[opt] = StatusServer(self.cfg_params, val) else: from Status import Status self.actions[opt] = Status(self.cfg_params, val) elif ( opt == '-kill' ): if val: if val =='all': jobs = common._db.nJobs("list") else: jobs = self.parseRange_(val) pass else: raise CrabException("Warning: with '-kill' you _MUST_ specify a job range or 'all'") pass if (self.UseServer== 1): from KillerServer import KillerServer self.actions[opt] = KillerServer(self.cfg_params,jobs) else: from Killer import Killer self.actions[opt] = Killer(self.cfg_params,jobs) elif ( opt == '-stopWorkflow' ): if self.UseServer==1 and int(self.automation)==1: from WorkflowHandler import WorkflowHandler self.actions[opt] = WorkflowHandler(self.cfg_params) else: raise CrabException("ERROR: you can use this command only if you are running an automated workflow using CRABSERVER") pass elif ( opt == '-getoutput' or opt == '-get'): if val=='all' or val==None or val=='': jobs = 'all' else: jobs = self.parseRange_(val) if (self.UseServer== 1): from GetOutputServer import GetOutputServer self.actions[opt] = GetOutputServer(self.cfg_params,jobs) else: from GetOutput import GetOutput self.actions[opt] = GetOutput(self.cfg_params,jobs) elif ( opt == '-resubmit' ): if val: if val=='all': jobs = common._db.nJobs('list') if val=='bad': jobs = 'bad' else: jobs = self.parseRange_(val) if (self.UseServer== 1): from ResubmitterServer import ResubmitterServer self.actions[opt] = ResubmitterServer(self.cfg_params, jobs) else: from Resubmitter import Resubmitter self.actions[opt] = Resubmitter(self.cfg_params, jobs) else:"Warning: with '-resubmit' you _MUST_ specify a job range or 'all'")"WARNING: _all_ job specified in the range will be resubmitted!!!") pass pass elif ( opt == '-forceResubmit' ): if val: if val=='all': jobs = common._db.nJobs('list') else: jobs = self.parseRange_(val) if (self.UseServer== 1): from ResubmitterServerForced import ResubmitterServerForced self.actions[opt] = ResubmitterServerForced(self.cfg_params, jobs) else: from ResubmitterForced import ResubmitterForced self.actions[opt] = ResubmitterForced(self.cfg_params, jobs) else:"Warning: with '-resubmit' you _MUST_ specify a job range or 'all'")"WARNING: _all_ job specified in the range will be resubmitted!!!") pass pass elif ( opt in ['-testJdl','-listMatch', '-match']): jobs = self.parseRange_(val) if len(jobs) != 0: # Instantiate Checker object from Checker import Checker self.actions[opt] = Checker(self.cfg_params, jobs) elif ( opt == '-postMortem' ): if val: jobs = self.parseRange_(val) if len( jobs ) > 1: raise CrabException("Only single job id allowed for %s command!" % opt ) else: raise CrabException("Warning: please specify a job id") pass if (self.UseServer== 1): from PostMortemServer import PostMortemServer self.actions[opt] = PostMortemServer(self.cfg_params,jobs) else: from PostMortem import PostMortem self.actions[opt] = PostMortem(self.cfg_params, jobs) elif ( opt == '-clean' ): if val != None: raise CrabException("No range allowed for '-clean'") if (self.UseServer== 1): from CleanerServer import CleanerServer self.actions[opt] = CleanerServer(self.cfg_params) else: from Cleaner import Cleaner self.actions[opt] = Cleaner(self.cfg_params) elif ( opt in ['-printJdl','-createJdl']): """ Materialize JDL """ ## Temporary: if opt == '-printJdl':"WARNING: -printJdl option is deprecated : please use -createJdl \n") if val =='all' or val == None or val == '': jobs = common._db.nJobs("list") else: jobs = self.parseRange_(val) pass from JdlWriter import JdlWriter self.actions[opt] = JdlWriter(self.cfg_params, jobs) elif ( opt == '-publish'): from Publisher import Publisher self.actions[opt] = Publisher(self.cfg_params) ### FEDE FOR PUBLICATION WITH NO INPUT FILES### elif ( opt == '-publishNoInp'): from Publisher import Publisher self.cfg_params['USER.no_inp'] = 1 self.actions[opt] = Publisher(self.cfg_params) elif ( opt == '-checkPublication' ): from InspectDBS import InspectDBS self.actions[opt] = InspectDBS(self.cfg_params) elif ( opt == '-copyData' ): if val =='all' or val == None or val == '': jobs = common._db.nJobs("list") else: jobs = self.parseRange_(val) if (self.UseServer== 1): from StatusServer import StatusServer status = StatusServer(self.cfg_params) else: # from Status import Status # status = Status(self.cfg_params) status=None from CopyData import CopyData self.actions[opt] = CopyData(self.cfg_params, jobs,status) elif ( opt == '-validateCfg' ): from ValidateCfg import ValidateCfg config= {'pset' : self.cfg_params.get('CMSSW.pset','None')} if val : config['pset']=val self.actions[opt] = ValidateCfg(config) elif ( opt == '-renewCredential' ): if (self.UseServer== 1): from CredentialRenew import CredentialRenew self.actions[opt] = CredentialRenew(self.cfg_params) else: msg = "The option [-renewProxy] can be used only with the server modality!" raise CrabException(msg) elif ( opt == '-report' ): if (self.UseServer== 1): from StatusServer import StatusServer StatusServer(self.cfg_params).query(display=False) else: # cause a core dump.... #from Status import Status #Status(self.cfg_params).query(display=False) pass from Reporter import Reporter self.actions[opt] = Reporter(self.cfg_params) elif ( opt == '-cleanCache' ): from CacheCleaner import CacheCleaner self.actions[opt] = CacheCleaner() elif ( opt == '-uploadLog' ): jobid = -1 jobs = self.parseRange_(val) if len( jobs ) > 1:"Only single job id allowed for %s command!" % opt ) elif len (jobs) == 1: jobid = jobs[0] from ReportUploader import ReportUploader self.actions[opt] = ReportUploader( self.cfg_params, jobid ) pass return
class Crab: def __init__(self): ## test_tag # The order of main_actions is important ! self.main_actions = [ '-create', '-submit' ] self.aux_actions = [ '-list', '-kill', '-status', '-getoutput','-get', '-resubmit', '-forceResubmit', '-testJdl', '-listMatch', '-match', '-postMortem', '-clean', '-printId', '-createJdl','-printJdl', '-publish', '-publishNoInp','-checkPublication', '-copyData', '-renewCredential', '-validateCfg', '-report', '-cleanCache', '-stopWorkflow', '-uploadLog' ] # Dictionary of actions, e.g. '-create' -> object of class Creator self.actions = {} # Configuration file self.cfg_fname = None self.cfg_sys_fname = None self.cfg_home_fname = None # Dictionary with configuration parameters self.cfg_params = {} # Current working directory self.cwd = os.getcwd()+'/' # Current time in format 'yymmdd_hhmmss' self.current_time = time.strftime('%y%m%d_%H%M%S', time.localtime(time.time())) # Session name (?) Do we need this ? = '0' # Job type self.job_type_name = None # Continuation flag self.flag_continue = 0 # quiet mode, i.e. no output on screen self.flag_quiet = 0 # produce more output common.debugLevel = 0 return def __del__(self): if (common.logger): common.logger.delete() if (common.apmon): def version(): return common.prog_version_str version = staticmethod(version) def initialize_(self, opts): # Process the '-continue' option first because # in the case of continuation the CRAB configuration # parameters are loaded from already existing Working Space. self.processContinueOption_(opts) # Process ini-file first, then command line options # because they override ini-file settings. self.processIniFile_(opts) if self.flag_continue: opts = self.loadConfiguration_(opts) self.processOptions_(opts) srvName = 'default' self.UseServer = False if opts.has_key('-use_server'): self.UseServer = int(opts['-use_server']) if self.UseServer==1: opts['-server_name']='default' if opts.has_key('-server_name'): srvName = opts.get('-server_name', None) if srvName == 'None': srvName = None self.UseServer = int( srvName is not None ) # cast bool to int common._db = DBinterface(self.cfg_params) isCreating = False if not self.flag_continue: self.createWorkingSpace_() common._db.configureDB() optsToBeSaved={} optsToBeSavedDB={} isCreating = True for it in opts.keys(): if (it in self.main_actions) or (it in self.aux_actions) or (it == '-debug'): pass else: optsToBeSavedDB[it[1:]]=opts[it] optsToBeSaved[it]=opts[it] if self.UseServer==0: optsToBeSavedDB['server_name']= srvName parsToBeSaved={} for it in self.cfg_params.keys(): sec,act = string.split(it,".") if sec == string.upper(common.prog_name): tmp = "-"+act if (tmp in self.main_actions) or (tmp in self.aux_actions) or (it == '-debug'): pass else: parsToBeSaved[it]=self.cfg_params[it] else: parsToBeSaved[it]=self.cfg_params[it] common.work_space.saveConfiguration(optsToBeSaved, parsToBeSaved) else: common._db.loadDB() # At this point all configuration options have been read. args = string.join(sys.argv,' ') self.updateHistory_(args) from crab_util import Color Color=Color(False) common.logger = CrabLogger(args) ## disallow old client releases if checkCRABVersion(self.version()) is False: msg = 'ERROR: you are using an old client release\n' msg += '\tPlease upgrade to a more recent version:\n' msg += '\t' raise CrabException(msg) ## wmbs self.automation=self.cfg_params.get('WMBS.automation','0') if int(self.automation)==1 and self.UseServer!=1: msg ='ERROR: if you want run automated WorkFlow you must use the server\n' msg +='\tPlease check your configuration.' raise CrabException(msg) common.apmon = ApmonIf() self.createScheduler_() if not self.flag_continue: common._db.createTask_(optsToBeSavedDB) cmdOut = runCommand('uname -a') msg = ('%s \nUsed properties:\n'%cmdOut) if isCreating and common.debugLevel < 2 : msg = ('%s \nUsed properties:\n'%cmdOut) msg += self.UserCfgProperties(msg) msg += 'End of used properties.\n' common.logger.debug( msg) else: msg += self.UserCfgProperties(msg) msg += 'End of used properties.\n' common.logger.log(10-1, msg) self.initializeActions_(opts) return def headerString_(self): """ Creates a string describing program options either given in the command line or their default values. """ server= 'OFF' if self.UseServer==1: server = 'ON (%s)' % self.cfg_params.get('CRAB.server_name', 'use_server') local = time.ctime(time.time()) UTC = time.asctime(time.gmtime()).split(' ')[:-1] tzone = time.tzname[0] header = 'Version ' + common.prog_version_str + ' running on ' + \ local+' '+ tzone+ ' ('+UTC[-1:][0]+' UTC)'+'\n\n' + \ common.prog_name+'. Working options:\n' header = header +\ '\tscheduler ' + self.cfg_params['CRAB.scheduler'] + '\n'+\ '\tjob type ' + self.job_type_name + '\n'+\ '\tserver ' + server + '\n'+\ '\tworking directory ' + common.work_space.topDir()\ + '\n' return header def UserCfgProperties(self,msg): """ print user configuration parameters """ keys = self.cfg_params.keys() keys.sort() for k in keys: if self.cfg_params[k]: msg += ' %s : %s\n'%(str(k),str(self.cfg_params[k])) else: msg += ' %s : \n'%str(k) return msg def processContinueOption_(self,opts): continue_dir = None # Look for the '-continue' option. for opt in opts.keys(): if ( opt in ('-continue','-c') ): self.flag_continue = 1 val = opts[opt] if val: if val[0] == '/': continue_dir = val # abs path else: continue_dir = self.cwd + val # rel path pass break pass # Look for actions which has sense only with '-continue' if "-create" not in opts.keys() : self.flag_continue = 1 if not self.flag_continue: return if not continue_dir: prefix = common.prog_name + '_' + + '_' continue_dir = findLastWorkDir(prefix) pass if not continue_dir: raise CrabException('Cannot find last working directory.') if not os.path.exists(continue_dir): msg = 'Cannot continue because the working directory <' msg += continue_dir msg += '> does not exist.' raise CrabException(msg) # Instantiate WorkSpace common.work_space = WorkSpace(continue_dir, self.cfg_params) return def processIniFile_(self, opts): """ Processes a configuration INI-file. """ # Extract cfg-file name from the cmd-line options. for opt in opts.keys(): if ( opt == '-cfg' ): if self.flag_continue: raise CrabException('-continue and -cfg cannot coexist.') if opts[opt] : self.cfg_fname = opts[opt] else : processHelpOptions() pass elif ( opt == '-name' ): = opts[opt] pass pass # Set default cfg-fname if self.cfg_fname == None: if self.flag_continue: self.cfg_fname = common.work_space.cfgFileName() else: self.cfg_fname = common.prog_name+'.cfg' self.cfg_home_fname = None if os.environ.has_key('CRABDIR'): self.cfg_sys_fname = os.environ['CRABDIR']+"/etc/"+common.prog_name+'.cfg' if os.environ.has_key('HOME'): self.cfg_home_fname = os.environ['HOME']+"/."+common.prog_name+'.cfg' pass pass # Load cfg-file if string.lower(self.cfg_fname) != 'none': if not self.flag_continue: if self.cfg_sys_fname and os.path.exists(self.cfg_sys_fname): self.cfg_params = loadConfig(self.cfg_sys_fname, self.cfg_params) if self.cfg_home_fname and os.path.exists(self.cfg_home_fname): self.cfg_params = loadConfig(self.cfg_home_fname, self.cfg_params) if os.path.exists(self.cfg_fname): self.cfg_params = loadConfig(self.cfg_fname,self.cfg_params) pass else: msg = 'cfg-file '+self.cfg_fname+' not found.' raise CrabException(msg) pass pass # process the [CRAB] section lhp = len('CRAB.') for k in self.cfg_params.keys(): if len(k) >= lhp and k[:lhp] == 'CRAB.': opt = '-'+k[lhp:] if len(opt) >= 3 and opt[:3] == '-__': continue if opt not in opts.keys(): opts[opt] = self.cfg_params[k] pass pass pass return def processOptions_(self, opts): """ Processes the command-line options. """ for opt in opts.keys(): val = opts[opt] # Skip actions, they are processed later in initializeActions_() if opt in self.main_actions: self.cfg_params['CRAB.'+opt[1:]] = val continue if opt in self.aux_actions: self.cfg_params['CRAB.'+opt[1:]] = val continue elif ( opt == '-server_name' ): # TODO pass elif ( opt == '-use_server' ): # TODO pass elif ( opt == '-cfg' ): pass elif ( opt in ('-continue', '-c') ): # Already processed in processContinueOption_() pass elif ( opt == '-jobtype' ): if val : self.job_type_name = string.upper(val) else : processHelpOptions() pass elif ( opt == '-Q' ): self.flag_quiet = 1 pass elif ( opt == '-debug' ): if val: common.debugLevel = int(val) else: common.debugLevel = 1 pass elif ( opt == '-scheduler' ): pass elif ( opt == '-submit_host' ): pass ### for CopyData option elif ( opt == '-dest_se' ): pass elif ( opt == '-dest_endpoint' ): pass ######### elif string.find(opt,'.') == -1: print common.prog_name+'. Unrecognized option '+opt processHelpOptions() pass # Override config parameters from INI-file with cmd-line params if string.find(opt,'.') == -1 : self.cfg_params['CRAB.'+opt[1:]] = val pass else: # Command line parameters in the form -SECTION.ENTRY=VALUE self.cfg_params[opt[1:]] = val pass pass return def parseRange_(self, aRange): """ Takes as the input a string with a range defined in any of the following way, including combination, and return a tuple with the ints defined according to following table. A consistency check is done. NB: the first job is "1", not "0". 'all' -> [1,2,..., NJobs] '' -> [1,2,..., NJobs] 'n1' -> [n1] 'n1-n2' -> [n1, n1+1, n1+2, ..., n2-1, n2] 'n1,n2' -> [n1, n2] 'n1,n2-n3' -> [n1, n2, n2+1, n2+2, ..., n3-1, n3] """ result = [] common.logger.debug("parseRange_ "+str(aRange)) if aRange=='all' or aRange==None or aRange=='': result=range(1,common._db.nJobs()+1) return result elif aRange=='0': return result subRanges = string.strip(aRange).split(',') # DEPRECATED # Fabio #string.split(aRange, ',') for subRange in subRanges: if subRange != '':result = result+self.parseSimpleRange_(subRange) if self.checkUniqueness_(result): return result else: "Error " +str(result) ) raise CrabException ("Invalid range, contains duplicates") return [] def checkUniqueness_(self, list): """ check if a list contains only unique elements """ uniqueList = [] [uniqueList.append(it) for it in list if not uniqueList.count(it)] return (len(list)==len(uniqueList)) def parseSimpleRange_(self, aRange): """ Takes as the input a string with two integers separated by the minus sign and returns the tuple with these numbers: 'n1-n2' -> [n1, n1+1, n1+2, ..., n2-1, n2] 'n1' -> [n1] """ (start, end) = (None, None) result = [] minus = str(aRange).find('-') #DEPRECATED #Fabio #string.find(aRange, '-') if ( minus < 0 ): if isInt(aRange) and int(aRange)>0 : result.append(int(aRange)) else:"parseSimpleRange_ ERROR "+aRange) processHelpOptions() raise CrabException("parseSimpleRange_ ERROR "+aRange) pass pass else: (start, end) = str(aRange).split('-') if isInt(start) and isInt(end) and int(start)>0 and int(start)<int(end): result=range(int(start), int(end)+1) else: processHelpOptions() raise CrabException("parseSimpleRange_ ERROR "+start+end) return result def initializeActions_(self, opts): """ For each user action instantiate a corresponding object and put it in the action dictionary. """ for opt in opts.keys(): val = opts[opt] if ( opt == '-create' ): if self.flag_continue: msg = 'Cannot create an existing project. \n' raise CrabException(msg) if val and val != 'all': msg = 'Per default, CRAB will create all jobs as specified in the crab.cfg file, not the command line!' msg = 'Submission will still take into account the number of jobs specified on the command line!\n' ncjobs = 'all' #wmbs if int(self.automation) == 1: msg = 'Your jobs will be created on the server. Jobs informations will be known later.' # wmbs from Requestor import Requestor # Instantiate Creator object self.creator = Requestor(self.job_type_name, self.cfg_params, ncjobs) self.actions[opt] = self.creator # Create and initialize JobList common.job_list = JobList(1,self.creator.jobType()) else: from Creator import Creator # Instantiate Creator object self.creator = Creator(self.job_type_name, self.cfg_params, ncjobs) self.actions[opt] = self.creator # create jobs in the DB common._db.createJobs_(self.creator.nJobsL()) # Create and initialize JobList common.job_list = JobList(common._db.nJobs(), self.creator.jobType()) ## jobs specs not needed if using WMBS self.creator.writeJobsSpecsToDB() taskinfo={} taskinfo['cfgName'] = common.work_space.jobDir()+"/"+self.creator.jobType().configFilename() taskinfo['dataset'] = self.cfg_params['CMSSW.datasetpath'] common.job_list.setScriptNames(self.job_type_name+'.sh') common.job_list.setCfgNames(self.creator.jobType().configFilename()) common._db.updateTask_(taskinfo) pass elif ( opt == '-submit' ): ## Dealt with val == int so that -submit N means submit N jobs and not job # N if (self.UseServer== 1): from SubmitterServer import SubmitterServer self.actions[opt] = SubmitterServer(self.cfg_params, self.parseRange_(val), val) else: from Submitter import Submitter # Instantiate Submitter object self.actions[opt] = Submitter(self.cfg_params, self.parseRange_(val), val) # Create and initialize JobList if len(common.job_list) == 0 : common.job_list = JobList(common._db.nJobs(), None) pass pass elif ( opt == '-list' ): ''' Print the relevant infos of a range-all jobs/task ''' jobs = self.parseRange_(val) common._db.dump(jobs) pass elif ( opt == '-printId' ): ''' Print the unique name of the task if crab is used as client Print the SID list of all the jobs ''' #jid=False #if val == 'full': jid=True jid=True common._db.queryID(self.UseServer,jid) elif ( opt == '-status' ): if (self.UseServer== 1): from StatusServer import StatusServer self.actions[opt] = StatusServer(self.cfg_params, val) else: from Status import Status self.actions[opt] = Status(self.cfg_params, val) elif ( opt == '-kill' ): if val: if val =='all': jobs = common._db.nJobs("list") else: jobs = self.parseRange_(val) pass else: raise CrabException("Warning: with '-kill' you _MUST_ specify a job range or 'all'") pass if (self.UseServer== 1): from KillerServer import KillerServer self.actions[opt] = KillerServer(self.cfg_params,jobs) else: from Killer import Killer self.actions[opt] = Killer(self.cfg_params,jobs) elif ( opt == '-stopWorkflow' ): if self.UseServer==1 and int(self.automation)==1: from WorkflowHandler import WorkflowHandler self.actions[opt] = WorkflowHandler(self.cfg_params) else: raise CrabException("ERROR: you can use this command only if you are running an automated workflow using CRABSERVER") pass elif ( opt == '-getoutput' or opt == '-get'): if val=='all' or val==None or val=='': jobs = 'all' else: jobs = self.parseRange_(val) if (self.UseServer== 1): from GetOutputServer import GetOutputServer self.actions[opt] = GetOutputServer(self.cfg_params,jobs) else: from GetOutput import GetOutput self.actions[opt] = GetOutput(self.cfg_params,jobs) elif ( opt == '-resubmit' ): if val: if val=='all': jobs = common._db.nJobs('list') if val=='bad': jobs = 'bad' else: jobs = self.parseRange_(val) if (self.UseServer== 1): from ResubmitterServer import ResubmitterServer self.actions[opt] = ResubmitterServer(self.cfg_params, jobs) else: from Resubmitter import Resubmitter self.actions[opt] = Resubmitter(self.cfg_params, jobs) else:"Warning: with '-resubmit' you _MUST_ specify a job range or 'all'")"WARNING: _all_ job specified in the range will be resubmitted!!!") pass pass elif ( opt == '-forceResubmit' ): if val: if val=='all': jobs = common._db.nJobs('list') else: jobs = self.parseRange_(val) if (self.UseServer== 1): from ResubmitterServerForced import ResubmitterServerForced self.actions[opt] = ResubmitterServerForced(self.cfg_params, jobs) else: from ResubmitterForced import ResubmitterForced self.actions[opt] = ResubmitterForced(self.cfg_params, jobs) else:"Warning: with '-resubmit' you _MUST_ specify a job range or 'all'")"WARNING: _all_ job specified in the range will be resubmitted!!!") pass pass elif ( opt in ['-testJdl','-listMatch', '-match']): jobs = self.parseRange_(val) if len(jobs) != 0: # Instantiate Checker object from Checker import Checker self.actions[opt] = Checker(self.cfg_params, jobs) elif ( opt == '-postMortem' ): if val: jobs = self.parseRange_(val) if len( jobs ) > 1: raise CrabException("Only single job id allowed for %s command!" % opt ) else: raise CrabException("Warning: please specify a job id") pass if (self.UseServer== 1): from PostMortemServer import PostMortemServer self.actions[opt] = PostMortemServer(self.cfg_params,jobs) else: from PostMortem import PostMortem self.actions[opt] = PostMortem(self.cfg_params, jobs) elif ( opt == '-clean' ): if val != None: raise CrabException("No range allowed for '-clean'") if (self.UseServer== 1): from CleanerServer import CleanerServer self.actions[opt] = CleanerServer(self.cfg_params) else: from Cleaner import Cleaner self.actions[opt] = Cleaner(self.cfg_params) elif ( opt in ['-printJdl','-createJdl']): """ Materialize JDL """ ## Temporary: if opt == '-printJdl':"WARNING: -printJdl option is deprecated : please use -createJdl \n") if val =='all' or val == None or val == '': jobs = common._db.nJobs("list") else: jobs = self.parseRange_(val) pass from JdlWriter import JdlWriter self.actions[opt] = JdlWriter(self.cfg_params, jobs) elif ( opt == '-publish'): from Publisher import Publisher self.actions[opt] = Publisher(self.cfg_params) ### FEDE FOR PUBLICATION WITH NO INPUT FILES### elif ( opt == '-publishNoInp'): from Publisher import Publisher self.cfg_params['USER.no_inp'] = 1 self.actions[opt] = Publisher(self.cfg_params) elif ( opt == '-checkPublication' ): from InspectDBS import InspectDBS self.actions[opt] = InspectDBS(self.cfg_params) elif ( opt == '-copyData' ): if val =='all' or val == None or val == '': jobs = common._db.nJobs("list") else: jobs = self.parseRange_(val) if (self.UseServer== 1): from StatusServer import StatusServer status = StatusServer(self.cfg_params) else: # from Status import Status # status = Status(self.cfg_params) status=None from CopyData import CopyData self.actions[opt] = CopyData(self.cfg_params, jobs,status) elif ( opt == '-validateCfg' ): from ValidateCfg import ValidateCfg config= {'pset' : self.cfg_params.get('CMSSW.pset','None')} if val : config['pset']=val self.actions[opt] = ValidateCfg(config) elif ( opt == '-renewCredential' ): if (self.UseServer== 1): from CredentialRenew import CredentialRenew self.actions[opt] = CredentialRenew(self.cfg_params) else: msg = "The option [-renewProxy] can be used only with the server modality!" raise CrabException(msg) elif ( opt == '-report' ): if (self.UseServer== 1): from StatusServer import StatusServer StatusServer(self.cfg_params).query(display=False) else: # cause a core dump.... #from Status import Status #Status(self.cfg_params).query(display=False) pass from Reporter import Reporter self.actions[opt] = Reporter(self.cfg_params) elif ( opt == '-cleanCache' ): from CacheCleaner import CacheCleaner self.actions[opt] = CacheCleaner() elif ( opt == '-uploadLog' ): jobid = -1 jobs = self.parseRange_(val) if len( jobs ) > 1:"Only single job id allowed for %s command!" % opt ) elif len (jobs) == 1: jobid = jobs[0] from ReportUploader import ReportUploader self.actions[opt] = ReportUploader( self.cfg_params, jobid ) pass return def createWorkingSpace_(self): new_dir = '' if self.cfg_params.has_key('USER.ui_working_dir') : new_dir =os.path.abspath(self.cfg_params['USER.ui_working_dir']) else: new_dir = self.cwd + common.prog_name + '_' + + '_' + self.current_time pass if os.path.exists(new_dir): if os.listdir(new_dir): msg = new_dir + ' already exists and is not empty. Please remove it before create new task' raise CrabException(msg) common.work_space = WorkSpace(new_dir, self.cfg_params) common.work_space.create() return def loadConfiguration_(self, opts): save_opts = common.work_space.loadSavedOptions() # Override saved options with new command-line options for k in opts.keys(): save_opts[k] = opts[k] pass # Return updated options return save_opts def updateHistory_(self, args): history_fname = common.prog_name+'.history' history_file = open(history_fname, 'a') history_file.write(self.current_time+': '+args+'\n') history_file.close() return def createScheduler_(self): """ Creates a scheduler object instantiated by its name. """ if not self.cfg_params.has_key("CRAB.scheduler"): msg = 'No real scheduler selected: edg, lsf ...' msg = msg + 'Please specify a scheduler type in the crab cfg file' raise CrabException(msg) self.scheduler_name = self.cfg_params["CRAB.scheduler"] klass_name = 'Scheduler' + string.capitalize(self.scheduler_name) file_name = klass_name try: klass = importName(file_name, klass_name) except KeyError: msg = 'No `class '+klass_name+'` found in file `'+file_name+'.py`' raise CrabException(msg) except ImportError, e: msg = 'Cannot create scheduler Boss' msg += ' (file: '+file_name+', class '+klass_name+'):\n' msg += str(e) raise CrabException(msg) common.scheduler = klass() common.scheduler.configure(self.cfg_params) return