def checkPredictionDuration(options): try: duration=int(options["predictionduration"]) if duration < 1: CCronLogger.error("Invalid duration of prediction. Setting to default: 30.") duration=30 CCronLogger.debug("Duration of prediction: "+str(duration)+" days.") except ValueError: CCronLogger.error("Invalid duration of prediction. Setting to default: 30.") duration=30 except KeyError:"Duration of prediction directive not found. Setting to default: 30.") duration=30 return duration
def setOptions(self,options): try: self._outputDir=options["outputdir"] CCronLogger.debug("Output directory: "+self._outputDir) except KeyError:"Output directory directive not found. Setting to default: working directory.") self._outputDir="./" try: self._graphName=options["graphname"] CCronLogger.debug("Graph name: "+self._graphName) except KeyError:"Graph name directive not found. Setting to default: graph.pdf.") self._graphName="graph.pdf" try: self._weightGraphName=options["weightgraphname"] CCronLogger.debug("Weight graph name: "+self._weightGraphName) except KeyError:"Weight graph name directive not found. Setting to default: weightGraph.pdf.") self._weightGraphName="weightGraph.pdf"
def setOptions(self, options): try: self.defaultLength = int(options["defaultduration"]) if self.defaultLength < 1: CCronLogger.error( "Invalid default duration. Setting to default: 1.") self.defaultLength = 1 CCronLogger.debug("Default weight: " + str(self.defaultLength) + ".") except ValueError: CCronLogger.error( "Invalid default duration. Setting to default: 1.") self.defaultLength = 1 except KeyError: "Default duration directive not found. Setting to default: 1.") self.defaultLength = 1 try: self.defaultWeight = int(options["defaultweight"]) if self.defaultWeight < 1: CCronLogger.error( "Invalid default weight. Setting to default: 5.") self.defaultWeight = 5 CCronLogger.debug("Default weight: " + str(self.defaultWeight) + ".") except ValueError: CCronLogger.error("Invalid default weight. Setting to default: 5.") self.defaultWeight = 5 except KeyError: "Default weight directive not found. Setting to default: 5.") self.defaultWeight = 5 try: self.defaultMaxShift = int(options["defaultmaxshift"]) CCronLogger.debug("Default MinShift: " + str(self.defaultMaxShift) + ".") except ValueError: CCronLogger.error( "Invalid default MaxShift. Setting to default: 0.") self.defaultMaxShift = 0 except KeyError: "Default MaxShift directive not found. Setting to default: 0.") self.defaultMaxShift = 0 try: self.defaultMinShift = int(options["defaultminshift"]) CCronLogger.debug("Default MinShift: " + str(self.defaultMinShift) + ".") except ValueError: CCronLogger.error( "Invalid default MinShift. Setting to default: 0.") self.defaultMinShift = 0 except KeyError: "Default MinShift directive not found. Setting to default: 0.") self.defaultMinShift = 0 if self.defaultMinShift > self.defaultMaxShift: CCronLogger.error( "Invalid default MinShift and MaxShift. Setting both 0.") self.defaultMaxShift = 0 self.defaultMinShift = 0 try: self.userCrontabDirs = options["usercrontabdirs"] CCronLogger.debug("User crontab directories: " + str(self.userCrontabDirs)) except KeyError:"User crontab directories directive not found.") self.userCrontabDirs = "" try: self.otherCrontabDirs = options["othercrontabdirs"] CCronLogger.debug("Other crontab directories: " + str(self.otherCrontabDirs)) except KeyError:"Other crontab directories directive not found.") self.otherCrontabDirs = "" try: self.includeRareJobs = options["includerarecronjobs"] CCronLogger.debug("Include rare cron jobs: " + str(self.includeRareJobs)) except KeyError: "Include rare cron jobs directive not found. Setting to default: True." ) self.includeRareJobs = True try: self.includeMainCrontab = options["includemaincrontab"] CCronLogger.debug("Include main crontab: " + str(self.includeMainCrontab)) except KeyError: "Include main crontab directive not found. Setting to default: False." ) self.includeMainCrontab = False try: self.includeCrondFolder = options["includecrondfolder"] CCronLogger.debug("Include /etc/cron.d/ folder: " + str(self.includeCrondFolder)) except KeyError: "Include /etc/cron.d/ folder directive not found. Setting to default: False." ) self.includeCrondFolder = False
def setOptions(self,options): try: self._threshold=int(options["threshold"]) if self._threshold < 0: CCronLogger.error("Invalid threshold. Setting to default: 30.") self._threshold=30 CCronLogger.debug("Threshold: "+str(self._threshold)) except ValueError: CCronLogger.error("Invalid threshold. Setting to default: 30.") self._threshold=30 except KeyError:"Threshold directive not found. Setting to default: 30.") self._threshold=30 try: self._duration=int(options["predictionduration"]) if self._duration < 1: CCronLogger.error("Invalid duration of prediction. Setting to default: 30.") self._duration=30 CCronLogger.debug("Duration of prediction: "+str(self._duration)+" days.") except ValueError: CCronLogger.error("Invalid duration of prediction. Setting to default: 30.") self._duration=30 except KeyError:"Duration of prediction directive not found. Setting to default: 30.") self._duration=30 try: self._intervalLen=int(options["testintervallength"]) if self._intervalLen < 1: CCronLogger.error("Invalid interval length. Setting to default: 1.") self._intervalLen=1 CCronLogger.debug("Interval length: "+str(self._intervalLen)) except ValueError: CCronLogger.error("Invalid interval length. Setting to default: 1.") self._intervalLen=1 except KeyError:"Interval length directive not found. Setting to default: 1.") self._intervalLen=1 try: self._samplesize=int(options["loadgraphsamplesize"]) if self._samplesize < 1: CCronLogger.error("Invalid sample size. Setting to default: 200.") self._samplesize=200 CCronLogger.debug("Sample size: "+str(self._samplesize)) except ValueError: CCronLogger.error("Invalid sample size. Setting to default: 200.") self._samplesize=200 except KeyError:"Sample size directive not found. Setting to default: 200.") self._samplesize=200 try: self._cronLenLimit=int(options["ignoreshortcronjobslimit"]) if self._cronLenLimit < 1: CCronLogger.error("Invalid short cron job limit. Setting to default: 30s.") self._cronLenLimit=30 CCronLogger.debug("Short cron job limit: "+str(self._cronLenLimit)+" seconds.") except ValueError: CCronLogger.error("Invalid short cron job limit. Setting to default: 30s.") self._cronLenLimit=30 except KeyError:"Short cron job limit directive not found. Setting to default: 30s.") self._cronLenLimit=30 try: self._showImages=options["showinteractiveimages"] CCronLogger.debug("Show interactive image: "+str(self._showImages)) except KeyError:"Show interactive images directive not found. Setting to default: True.") self._showImages=True try: self._ignoreShort=options["ignoreshortcronjobs"] CCronLogger.debug("Ignore short cron jobs: "+str(self._ignoreShort)) except KeyError:"Ignore short cron jobs directive not found. Setting to default: False.") self._ignoreShort=False try: self._outputDir=options["outputdir"] CCronLogger.debug("Output directory: "+self._outputDir) except KeyError:"Output directory directive not found. Setting to default: working directory.") self._outputDir="./" try: self._timeFormat=options["timeformatonxaxis"] try: except ValueError: CCronLogger.error("Invalid time format. Setting to default: %d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S") self._timeFormat="%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S" CCronLogger.debug("Time format on X axis: "+self._timeFormat) except KeyError:"Time format on X axis directive not found. Setting to default: %d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S") self._timeFormat="%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S" try: self.weightGraphLineWidth=float(options["weightgraphlinewidth"]) if self.weightGraphLineWidth < 0.5: CCronLogger.error("Invalid weight graph line width. Setting to default: 0.75.") self.weightGraphLineWidth=0.75 CCronLogger.debug("Weight graph line width: "+str(self.weightGraphLineWidth)) except ValueError: CCronLogger.error("Invalid weight graph line width. Setting to default: 0.75.") self.weightGraphLineWidth=0.75 except KeyError:"Weight graph line width directive not found. Setting to default: 0.75.") self.weightGraphLineWidth=0.75 try: self._graphName=options["graphname"] CCronLogger.debug("Graph name: "+self._graphName) except KeyError:"Graph name directive not found. Setting to default: graph.pdf.") self._graphName="graph.pdf" try: self._weightGraphName=options["weightgraphname"] CCronLogger.debug("Weight graph name: "+self._weightGraphName) except KeyError:"Weight graph name directive not found. Setting to default: weightGraph.pdf.") self._weightGraphName="weightGraph.pdf" try: self._approximation=options["loadgraphapproximation"] CCronLogger.debug("Weight graph approximaton: "+str(self._approximation)) except KeyError:"Weight graph directive not found. Setting to default: True.") self._approximation=True
def plotCronJobs(self): if len(self._cronList) == 0: CCronLogger.errorToConsole("No viable cron jobs to plot and analyze.") return False,None,None,None height_graph=2+ (len(self._cronList) / 2) #inicializace fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,height_graph)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) self._countTotalOverlaps() self._setLineWidth() cronNameList=[] yLabels=[] cronCounter=0 cronID=1 counter=0 shown=False print("Plotting cron jobs.") for cron in self._cronList: if self._ignoreShort and cron.duration < timedelta(seconds=self._cronLenLimit): CCronLogger.debug("Cron job "+str(cron)+" is too short, it will be skipped.") continue #pokud je prikaz moc dlouhy, orizni ho if len(cron.command) > 30: cronNameList.append(cron.command[0:27]+" ...") else: cronNameList.append(cron.command) if cron.overlaps > 0:"Cron job "+str(cron)+" starts before previous run isn't finished. It should be manually optimized.") CCronLogger.infoToConsole("Cron job "+str(cron)+" starts before previous run isn't finished. It should be manually optimized.") yLabels.append(cronID + (cron.overlaps / 2) ) jobID=0 for job in cron.cronJobList: self._weights.append([job.startTime,job.endTime,cron.weight]) self._endPoints[job.startTime]=None self._endPoints[job.endTime]=None if job.startTime<firstTime: firstTime=job.startTime if job.endTime>lastTime: lastTime=job.endTime #cron joby se prekryvaji if cron.overlaps>0: #vykresli je nad sebe, cervene self._drawLine(cronID + (jobID % (cron.overlaps + 1) ),job.startTime,job.endTime,"r") #crony se neprekryvaji else: self._drawLine(cronID,job.startTime,job.endTime,"k") #prubeh progress=int(counter*100/self.cronJobsTotal) if not progress%5: if not shown: CCronLogger.debugToConsoleWithLineFeed("Progress: "+str(progress)+"%") shown=True else: shown=False counter+=1 jobID+=1 cronID+=(cron.overlaps+1) cronCounter+=1 #pokud to neni posledni vykreslovany cron, udelej vodorovnou caru if cronCounter!=len(self._cronList): plt.axhline(cronID - 0.5,color="black") CCronLogger.debugToConsole("Progress: 100%") if counter == 0: CCronLogger.error("No crons to plot.") CCronLogger.errorToConsole("No crons to plot.") return False,None,None,None #osaX = cas ax.xaxis_date() #format casu na ose length=lastTime-firstTime self.startTime=firstTime self.endTime=lastTime self.duration=length dateFormat = DateFormatter(self._timeFormat) #nastaveni osyX format casu ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(dateFormat) #rezerva na oseX delta=(lastTime-firstTime)/100 #rozsah osy y plt.ylim(-0.5,cronID) #rozsah osyX (zacatecni,konecny cas) + nejaka rezerva plt.xlim(firstTime-delta, lastTime+delta) #popis osyX plt.xlabel('Time') #plt.ylabel("Cron jobs") fig.autofmt_xdate() centers, weights, maxWeight, minWeight, summedWeights,weightsForStatistics = self.makeWeightIntervals() std=self.createStatistics(maxWeight, weightsForStatistics) loadPeaks = self.findLoadPeaks(summedWeights) if len(loadPeaks) > 0: yLabels.insert(0, 0) cronNameList.insert(0, "Bottlenecks") plt.axhline(0.5,color="black",lw=2.5) loadPeaksLen=timedelta(seconds=0) totalWeight=0 for peak in loadPeaks: plt.hlines(0, peak[0], peak[1], "r", lw=self.lineWidth) startTime=peak[0].strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S") endTime=peak[1].strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S") totalWeight+= peak[2] loadPeaksLen+=(peak[1]-peak[0])"Found bottleneck: "+startTime+" <---> "+endTime)"Total length of load peaks: "+str(loadPeaksLen)+" of total weight: "+str(totalWeight)) CCronLogger.infoToConsole("Total length of load peaks: "+str(loadPeaksLen)+" of total weight: "+str(totalWeight)) #popisky osyY: 1.arg list ID (unikatni cronjoby), 2.arg = list popisku (nazvy cronjobu) plt.yticks(yLabels, cronNameList) #autoupraveni odsazeni kolem grafu, aby se tam veslo vsechno plt.tight_layout() #export do pdf if self.plotBetter:"Saving plot with cron jobs to: "+self._outputDir+"improved_"+self._graphName) CCronLogger.infoToConsole("Saving plot with cron jobs to: "+self._outputDir+"improved_"+self._graphName) try: savefig(self._outputDir+"improved_"+self._graphName) except: CCronLogger.errorToConsole("Error while saving image.") CCronLogger.error("Error while saving image.") else:"Saving plot with cron jobs to: "+self._outputDir+self._graphName) CCronLogger.infoToConsole("Saving plot with cron jobs to: "+self._outputDir+self._graphName) try: savefig(self._outputDir+self._graphName) except: CCronLogger.errorToConsole("Error while saving image.") CCronLogger.error("Error while saving image.") #ukazani grafu v Tk if self._showImages: self.plotWeightGraph(length, centers, weights, maxWeight) return True,std,maxWeight,minWeight
def setOptions(self, options): try: self._intervals = int(options["intervalsperday"]) CCronLogger.debug("Intervals per day: " + str(self._intervals)) except ValueError: CCronLogger.error( "Invalid intervals per day. Setting to default: 10.") self._intervals = 10 except KeyError: "Intervals per day directive not found. Setting to default: 10." ) self._intervals = 10 try: self._duration = int(options["predictionduration"]) CCronLogger.debug("Duration of prediction: " + str(self._duration) + " days.") except ValueError: CCronLogger.error( "Invalid duration of prediction. Setting to default: 30.") self._duration = 30 except KeyError: "Duration of prediction directive not found. Setting to default: 30." ) self._duration = 30 try: self._numberOfGenerations = int(options["numberofgenerations"]) CCronLogger.debug("Number of generations: " + str(self._numberOfGenerations) + " generations.") except ValueError: CCronLogger.error( "Invalid number of generations. Setting to default: 100.") self._numberOfGenerations = 100 except KeyError: "Number of generations directive not found. Setting to default: 100." ) self._numberOfGenerations = 100 try: self._sizeOfPopulation = int(options["sizeofpopulation"]) CCronLogger.debug("Size of population: " + str(self._sizeOfPopulation) + ".") except ValueError: CCronLogger.error( "Invalid size of populaton. Setting to default: 75.") self._sizeOfPopulation = 75 except KeyError: "Size of population directive not found. Setting to default: 75." ) self._sizeOfPopulation = 75 try: self._crossoverProb = float(options["crossoverprobability"]) CCronLogger.debug("Crossover probability: " + str(self._crossoverProb * 100) + " %.") except ValueError: CCronLogger.error( "Invalid crossover probability. Setting to default: 0.75.") self._crossoverProb = 0.75 except KeyError: "Invalid probability directive not found. Setting to default: 0.75." ) self._crossoverProb = 0.75 try: self._mutationProb = float(options["mutationprobability"]) CCronLogger.debug("Mutation probability: " + str(self._mutationProb * 100) + " %.") except ValueError: CCronLogger.error( "Invalid mutation probability. Setting to default: 0.05.") self._mutationProb = 0.05 except KeyError: "Mutation probability directive not found. Setting to default: 0.05." ) self._mutationProb = 0.05
def setOptions(options): try: intervalLen = int(options["testintervallength"]) if intervalLen < 1: CCronLogger.error( "Invalid interval length. Setting to default: 1.") intervalLen = 1 CCronLogger.debug("Interval length: " + str(intervalLen)) except ValueError: CCronLogger.error("Invalid interval length. Setting to default: 1.") intervalLen = 1 except KeyError: "Interval length directive not found. Setting to default: 1.") intervalLen = 1 try: mateOp = options["mateoperator"] mateOp = mateOp.lower() if mateOp == "onepoint" or mateOp == "twopoint" or mateOp == "uniform": CCronLogger.debug("Mate operator: " + str(mateOp)) else: CCronLogger.error( "Unknown value for mate operator. Setting to default: OnePoint." ) mateOp = "onepoint" except KeyError: "Mate operator directive not found. Setting to default: OnePoint.") mateOp = "onepoint" try: parallel = options["parallelcomputation"] CCronLogger.debug("Parallel computation: " + str(parallel)) except KeyError: "Parallel computation directive not found. Setting to default: false." ) parallel = False try: duration = int(options["predictionduration"]) if duration < 1: CCronLogger.error( "Invalid duration of prediction. Setting to default: 30.") duration = 30 CCronLogger.debug("Duration of prediction: " + str(duration) + " days.") except ValueError: CCronLogger.error( "Invalid duration of prediction. Setting to default: 30.") duration = 30 except KeyError: "Duration of prediction directive not found. Setting to default: 30." ) duration = 30 try: numberOfGenerations = int(options["numberofgenerations"]) if numberOfGenerations < 1: CCronLogger.error( "Invalid number of generations. Setting to default: 100.") numberOfGenerations = 100 CCronLogger.debug("Number of generations: " + str(numberOfGenerations) + " generations.") except ValueError: CCronLogger.error( "Invalid number of generations. Setting to default: 100.") numberOfGenerations = 100 except KeyError: "Number of generations directive not found. Setting to default: 100." ) numberOfGenerations = 100 try: sizeOfPopulation = int(options["sizeofpopulation"]) if sizeOfPopulation < 1: CCronLogger.error( "Invalid size of populaton. Setting to default: 75.") sizeOfPopulation = 75 CCronLogger.debug("Size of population: " + str(sizeOfPopulation) + ".") except ValueError: CCronLogger.error("Invalid size of populaton. Setting to default: 75.") sizeOfPopulation = 75 except KeyError: "Size of population directive not found. Setting to default: 75.") sizeOfPopulation = 75 try: crossoverProb = float(options["crossoverprobability"]) if crossoverProb < 0: CCronLogger.error( "Invalid crossover probability. Setting to default: 0.75.") crossoverProb = 0.75 CCronLogger.debug("Crossover probability: " + str(crossoverProb * 100) + " %.") except ValueError: CCronLogger.error( "Invalid crossover probability. Setting to default: 0.75.") crossoverProb = 0.75 except KeyError: "Invalid probability directive not found. Setting to default: 0.75." ) crossoverProb = 0.75 try: mutationProb = float(options["mutationprobability"]) if mutationProb < 0: CCronLogger.error( "Invalid mutation probability. Setting to default: 0.05.") mutationProb = 0.05 CCronLogger.debug("Mutation probability: " + str(mutationProb * 100) + " %.") except ValueError: CCronLogger.error( "Invalid mutation probability. Setting to default: 0.05.") mutationProb = 0.05 except KeyError: "Mutation probability directive not found. Setting to default: 0.05." ) mutationProb = 0.05 try: uniformProb = float(options["uniformoperatorprobability"]) if uniformProb < 0: CCronLogger.error( "Invalid Uniform crossover probability. Setting to default: 0.75." ) uniformProb = 0.75 CCronLogger.debug("Uniform crossover probability: " + str(uniformProb * 100) + " %.") except ValueError: CCronLogger.error( "Invalid Uniform crossover probability. Setting to default: 0.75.") uniformProb = 0.75 except KeyError: "Uniform crossover probability directive not found. Setting to default: 0.75." ) uniformProb = 0.75 try: tournamentSize = int(options["tournamentsize"]) if tournamentSize < 2: CCronLogger.error( "Invalid tournament size. Setting to default: 3.") tournamentSize = 3 CCronLogger.debug("Tournament size: " + str(tournamentSize) + ".") except ValueError: CCronLogger.error("Invalid tournament size. Setting to default: 3.") tournamentSize = 3 except KeyError: "Tournament size directive not found. Setting to default: 3.") tournamentSize = 3 return intervalLen, duration, numberOfGenerations, sizeOfPopulation, crossoverProb, mutationProb, parallel, mateOp, uniformProb, tournamentSize