def __init__( self, languageEntry: LanguageEntry, definition: str, englishExample: str, foreignExample: str, languageName: str, transliteration: str, word: str ): if languageEntry is None: raise ValueError(f'languageEntry argument is malformed: \"{languageEntry}\"') elif not utils.isValidStr(definition): raise ValueError(f'definition argument is malformed: \"{definition}\"') elif not utils.isValidStr(languageName): raise ValueError(f'languageName argument is malformed: \"{languageName}\"') elif not utils.isValidStr(word): raise ValueError(f'word argument is malformed: \"{word}\"') self.__languageEntry = languageEntry self.__definition = definition self.__englishExample = englishExample self.__foreignExample = foreignExample self.__languageName = languageName self.__transliteration = transliteration self.__word = word
def validateAndRefreshAccessToken(self, twitchClientId: str, twitchClientSecret: str, twitchHandle: str): if not utils.isValidStr(twitchClientId): raise ValueError( f'twitchClientId argument is malformed: \"{twitchClientId}\"') elif not utils.isValidStr(twitchClientSecret): raise ValueError( f'twitchClientSecret argument is malformed: \"{twitchClientSecret}\"' ) elif not utils.isValidStr(twitchHandle): raise ValueError( f'twitchHandle argument is malformed: \"{twitchHandle}\"') print( f'Validating Twitch access token for \"{twitchHandle}\"... ({utils.getNowTimeText(includeSeconds = True)})' ) rawResponse = None try: rawResponse = requests.get( url=self.__oauth2ValidateUrl, params={ 'Authorization': f'OAuth {self.getAccessToken(twitchHandle)}' }, timeout=utils.getDefaultTimeout()) except (ConnectionError, HTTPError, MaxRetryError, NewConnectionError, Timeout) as e: print( f'Exception occurred when attempting to validate Twitch access token: {e}' ) raise RuntimeError( f'Exception occurred when attempting to validate Twitch access token: {e}' ) jsonResponse = None try: jsonResponse = rawResponse.json() except JSONDecodeError as e: print( f'Exception occurred when attempting to decode Twitch\'s response into JSON: {e}' ) raise RuntimeError( f'Exception occurred when attempting to decode Twitch\'s response into JSON: {e}' ) if jsonResponse.get('client_id') is None or len( jsonResponse['client_id']) == 0: print( f'Requesting new Twitch tokens for \"{twitchHandle}\"... ({utils.getNowTimeText(includeSeconds = True)})' ) self.__refreshTokens(twitchClientId=twitchClientId, twitchClientSecret=twitchClientSecret, twitchHandle=twitchHandle) else: print( f'No need to request new Twitch tokens for \"{twitchHandle}\" ({utils.getNowTimeText(includeSeconds = True)})' )
def __init__(self, eventLoop: AbstractEventLoop, client: Client, port: int, webhookSecret: str, timber: Timber, callbackRoute: str = '/callback'): if eventLoop is None: raise ValueError( f'eventLoop argument is malformed: \"{eventLoop}\"') elif client is None: raise ValueError(f'client argument is malformed: \"{client}\"') elif not utils.isValidNum(port): raise ValueError(f'port argument is malformed: \"{port}\"') elif port <= 100: raise ValueError(f'port argument is out of bounds: {port}') elif not utils.isValidStr(webhookSecret): raise ValueError( f'webhookSecret argument is malformed: \"{webhookSecret}\"') elif timber is None: raise ValueError(f'timber argument is malformed: \"{timber}\"') elif not utils.isValidStr(callbackRoute): raise ValueError( f'callbackRoute argument is malformed: \"{callbackRoute}\"') self.__eventLoop: AbstractEventLoop = eventLoop self.__port: int = port self.__timber: Timber = timber self.__isStarted: bool = False self.__eventSubClient: EventSubClient = EventSubClient( client=client, webhook_secret=webhookSecret, callback_route=callbackRoute)
async def handleEvent(self, twitchChannel: Channel, twitchUser: User, tags: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool: if twitchChannel is None: raise ValueError( f'twitchChannel argument is malformed: \"{twitchChannel}\"') elif twitchUser is None: raise ValueError( f'twitchUser argument is malformed: \"{twitchUser}\"') elif tags is None: raise ValueError(f'tags argument is malformed: \"{tags}\"') if not twitchUser.isChatLoggingEnabled(): return False raidedByName = tags.get('msg-param-displayName') if not utils.isValidStr(raidedByName): raidedByName = tags.get('display-name') if not utils.isValidStr(raidedByName): raidedByName = tags.get('login') if not utils.isValidStr(raidedByName): self.__timber.log( 'RaidLogEvent', f'{twitchUser.getHandle()} was raided, but the tags dictionary seems to have strange values: {tags}' ) return False raidSize = utils.getIntFromDict(tags, 'msg-param-viewerCount', 0) self.__chatLogger.logRaid(raidSize=raidSize, fromWho=raidedByName, twitchChannel=twitchChannel) return True
async def handlePointRedemption(self, twitchChannel: Channel, twitchUser: User, redemptionMessage: str, rewardId: str, userIdThatRedeemed: str, userNameThatRedeemed: str) -> bool: if twitchChannel is None: raise ValueError( f'twitchChannel argument is malformed: \"{twitchChannel}\"') elif twitchUser is None: raise ValueError( f'twitchUser argument is malformed: \"{twitchUser}\"') elif not utils.isValidStr(rewardId): raise ValueError(f'rewardId argument is malformed: \"{rewardId}\"') elif not utils.isValidStr(userIdThatRedeemed): raise ValueError( f'userIdThatRedeemed argument is malformed: \"{userIdThatRedeemed}\"' ) elif not utils.isValidStr(userNameThatRedeemed): raise ValueError( f'userNameThatRedeemed argument is malformed: \"{userNameThatRedeemed}\"' ) generalSettings = await self.__generalSettingsRepository.getAllAsync() if not generalSettings.isTriviaGameEnabled(): return False elif not twitchUser.isTriviaGameEnabled(): return False secondsToLive = generalSettings.getWaitForTriviaAnswerDelay() if twitchUser.hasWaitForTriviaAnswerDelay(): secondsToLive = twitchUser.getWaitForTriviaAnswerDelay() points = generalSettings.getTriviaGamePoints() if twitchUser.hasTriviaGamePoints(): points = twitchUser.getTriviaGamePoints() triviaFetchOptions = TriviaFetchOptions( twitchChannel=twitchUser.getHandle(), isJokeTriviaRepositoryEnabled=twitchUser. isJokeTriviaRepositoryEnabled(), questionAnswerTriviaConditions=QuestionAnswerTriviaConditions. NOT_ALLOWED) self.__triviaGameMachine.submitAction( StartNewTriviaGameAction(pointsForWinning=points, secondsToLive=secondsToLive, twitchChannel=twitchUser.getHandle(), userId=userIdThatRedeemed, userName=userNameThatRedeemed, triviaFetchOptions=triviaFetchOptions)) self.__timber.log( 'TriviaGameRedemption', f'Redeemed trivia game for {userNameThatRedeemed}:{userIdThatRedeemed} in {twitchUser.getHandle()}' ) return True
async def handlePointRedemption(self, twitchChannel: Channel, twitchUser: User, redemptionMessage: str, rewardId: str, userIdThatRedeemed: str, userNameThatRedeemed: str) -> bool: if twitchChannel is None: raise ValueError( f'twitchChannel argument is malformed: \"{twitchChannel}\"') elif twitchUser is None: raise ValueError( f'twitchUser argument is malformed: \"{twitchUser}\"') elif not utils.isValidStr(rewardId): raise ValueError(f'rewardId argument is malformed: \"{rewardId}\"') elif not utils.isValidStr(userIdThatRedeemed): raise ValueError( f'userIdThatRedeemed argument is malformed: \"{userIdThatRedeemed}\"' ) elif not utils.isValidStr(userNameThatRedeemed): raise ValueError( f'userNameThatRedeemed argument is malformed: \"{userNameThatRedeemed}\"' ) self.__timber.log( 'PotdPointRedemption', f'Fetching Pic Of The Day for {userNameThatRedeemed}:{userIdThatRedeemed} in {twitchUser.getHandle()}...' ) try: picOfTheDay = await twitchUser.fetchPicOfTheDay() await twitchUtils.safeSend( twitchChannel, f'@{userNameThatRedeemed} here\'s the POTD: {picOfTheDay}') self.__timber.log( 'PotdPointRedemption', f'Redeemed Pic Of The Day for {userNameThatRedeemed}:{userIdThatRedeemed} in {twitchUser.getHandle()}' ) return True except FileNotFoundError as e: self.__timber.log( 'PotdPointRedemption', f'Tried to redeem Pic Of The Day for {userNameThatRedeemed}:{userIdThatRedeemed} in {twitchUser.getHandle()}, but the POTD file is missing: {e}' ) await twitchUtils.safeSend( twitchChannel, f'⚠ Pic Of The Day file for {twitchUser.getHandle()} is missing' ) except ValueError as e: self.__timber.log( 'PotdPointRedemption', f'Tried to redeem Pic Of The Day for {userNameThatRedeemed}:{userIdThatRedeemed} in {twitchUser.getHandle()}, but the POTD content is malformed: {e}' ) await twitchUtils.safeSend( twitchChannel, f'⚠ Pic Of The Day content for {twitchUser.getHandle()} is malformed' ) return False
async def handlePointRedemption(self, twitchChannel: Channel, twitchUser: User, redemptionMessage: str, rewardId: str, userIdThatRedeemed: str, userNameThatRedeemed: str) -> bool: if twitchChannel is None: raise ValueError( f'twitchChannel argument is malformed: \"{twitchChannel}\"') elif twitchUser is None: raise ValueError( f'twitchUser argument is malformed: \"{twitchUser}\"') elif not utils.isValidStr(rewardId): raise ValueError(f'rewardId argument is malformed: \"{rewardId}\"') elif not utils.isValidStr(userIdThatRedeemed): raise ValueError( f'userIdThatRedeemed argument is malformed: \"{userIdThatRedeemed}\"' ) elif not utils.isValidStr(userNameThatRedeemed): raise ValueError( f'userNameThatRedeemed argument is malformed: \"{userNameThatRedeemed}\"' ) if not twitchUser.isPkmnEnabled(): return False splits = utils.getCleanedSplits(redemptionMessage) if not utils.hasItems(splits): await twitchUtils.safeSend( twitchChannel, f'⚠ Sorry @{userNameThatRedeemed}, you must specify the exact user name of the person you want to fight' ) return False opponentUserName = utils.removePreceedingAt(splits[0]) generalSettings = await self.__generalSettingsRepository.getAllAsync() actionCompleted = False if generalSettings.isFuntoonApiEnabled(): if await self.__funtoonRepository.pkmnBattle( userThatRedeemed=userNameThatRedeemed, userToBattle=opponentUserName, twitchChannel=twitchUser.getHandle()): actionCompleted = True if not actionCompleted and generalSettings.isFuntoonTwitchChatFallbackEnabled( ): await twitchUtils.safeSend( twitchChannel, f'!battle {userNameThatRedeemed} {opponentUserName}') actionCompleted = True self.__timber.log( 'PkmnBattleRedemption', f'Redeemed pkmn battle for {userNameThatRedeemed}:{userIdThatRedeemed} in {twitchUser.getHandle()}' ) return actionCompleted
def setNonce(self, key: str, nonce: str): if not utils.isValidStr(key): raise ValueError(f'key argument is malformed: \"{key}\"') if not utils.isValidStr(nonce): print(f'key \"{key}\" has an invalid nonce: \"{nonce}\"') self.__cache.pop(key, None) return key = key.lower() self.__cache[key] = nonce
async def handleEvent(self, twitchChannel: Channel, twitchUser: User, tags: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool: if twitchChannel is None: raise ValueError( f'twitchChannel argument is malformed: \"{twitchChannel}\"') elif twitchUser is None: raise ValueError( f'twitchUser argument is malformed: \"{twitchUser}\"') elif tags is None: raise ValueError(f'tags argument is malformed: \"{tags}\"') generalSettings = await self.__generalSettingsRepository.getAllAsync() if not generalSettings.isRaidLinkMessagingEnabled(): return False elif not twitchUser.isRaidLinkMessagingEnabled(): return False raidedByName = tags.get('msg-param-displayName') if not utils.isValidStr(raidedByName): raidedByName = tags.get('display-name') if not utils.isValidStr(raidedByName): raidedByName = tags.get('login') if not utils.isValidStr(raidedByName): self.__timber.log( 'RaidEvent', f'{twitchUser.getHandle()} was raided, but the tags dictionary seems to have strange values: {tags}' ) return False messageSuffix = f'😻 Raiders, if you could, I\'d really appreciate you clicking this link to watch the stream. It helps me on my path to partner. {twitchUser.getTwitchUrl()} Thank you! ✨' raidSize = utils.getIntFromDict(tags, 'msg-param-viewerCount', -1) message: str = None if raidSize >= 10: raidSizeStr = locale.format_string("%d", raidSize, grouping=True) message = f'Thank you for the raid of {raidSizeStr} {raidedByName}! {messageSuffix}' else: message = f'Thank you for the raid {raidedByName}! {messageSuffix}' delaySeconds = generalSettings.getRaidLinkMessagingDelay() self.__eventLoop.create_task( twitchUtils.waitThenSend(messageable=twitchChannel, delaySeconds=delaySeconds, message=message)) self.__timber.log( 'RaidEvent', f'{twitchUser.getHandle()} received raid of {raidSize} from {raidedByName}!' ) return True
def getRefreshToken(self, twitchHandle: str) -> str: if not utils.isValidStr(twitchHandle): raise ValueError( f'twitchHandle argument is malformed: \"{twitchHandle}\"') jsonContents = self.__readJson(twitchHandle) refreshToken = jsonContents['refreshToken'] if not utils.isValidStr(refreshToken): raise ValueError( f'\"refreshToken\" value in \"{self.__twitchTokensFile}\" is malformed: \"{refreshToken}\"' ) return refreshToken
def getLocation(self, locationId: str) -> Location: if not utils.isValidStr(locationId): raise ValueError( f'locationId argument is malformed: \"{locationId}\"') if locationId.lower() in self.__locationsCache: return self.__locationsCache[locationId.lower()] jsonContents = self.__readJson() for locationId in jsonContents: if locationId.lower() == locationId.lower(): timeZoneStr = jsonContents[locationId]['timeZone'] timeZone = self.__timeZoneRepository.getTimeZone(timeZoneStr) location = Location(latitude=jsonContents[locationId]['lat'], longitude=jsonContents[locationId]['lon'], locationId=locationId, name=jsonContents[locationId]['name'], timeZone=timeZone) self.__locationsCache[locationId.lower()] = location return location raise RuntimeError( f'Unable to find location with ID \"{locationId}\" in locations file: \"{self.__locationsFile}\"' )
def getSuperTriviaCorrectAnswerReveal( self, question: AbsTriviaQuestion, newCuteness: CutenessResult, multiplier: int, points: int, userName: str, delimiter: str = '; ' ) -> str: if question is None: raise ValueError(f'question argument is malformed: \"{question}\"') elif newCuteness is None: raise ValueError(f'newCuteness argument is malformed: \"{newCuteness}\"') elif not utils.isValidNum(multiplier): raise ValueError(f'multiplier argument is malformed: \"{multiplier}\"') elif not utils.isValidNum(points): raise ValueError(f'points argument is malformed: \"{points}\"') elif not utils.isValidStr(userName): raise ValueError(f'userName argument is malformed: \"{userName}\"') elif delimiter is None: raise ValueError(f'delimiter argument is malformed: \"{delimiter}\"') pointsStr = locale.format_string("%d", points, grouping = True) multiplierStr = locale.format_string("%d", multiplier, grouping = True) prefix = f'{question.getEmote()} CONGRATULATIONS @{userName}, that\'s correct!' infix = f'You earned {pointsStr} cuteness ({multiplierStr}x multiplier), so your new cuteness is {newCuteness.getCutenessStr()}.' correctAnswers = question.getCorrectAnswers() if len(correctAnswers) == 1: return f'{prefix} 🎉 {infix} ✨ The correct answer was: {correctAnswers[0]}' else: correctAnswersStr = delimiter.join(correctAnswers) return f'{prefix} 🎉 {infix} ✨ The correct answers were: {correctAnswersStr}'
async def waitThenSend( messageable: Messageable, delaySeconds: int, message: str, heartbeat = lambda: True, beforeSend = lambda: None, afterSend = lambda: None ): if messageable is None: raise ValueError(f'messageable argument is malformed: \"{messageable}\"') elif not utils.isValidNum(delaySeconds): raise ValueError(f'delaySeconds argument is malformed: \"{delaySeconds}\"') elif delaySeconds < 1: raise ValueError(f'delaySeconds argument is out of bounds: \"{delaySeconds}\"') elif not utils.isValidStr(message): return elif heartbeat is None: raise ValueError(f'heartbeat argument is malformed: \"{heartbeat}\"') await asyncio.sleep(delaySeconds) if heartbeat(): beforeSend() await safeSend(messageable, message) afterSend()
def getCorrectAnswerReveal( self, question: AbsTriviaQuestion, newCuteness: CutenessResult, userNameThatRedeemed: str, delimiter: str = '; ' ) -> str: if question is None: raise ValueError(f'question argument is malformed: \"{question}\"') elif newCuteness is None: raise ValueError(f'newCuteness argument is malformed: \"{newCuteness}\"') elif not utils.isValidStr(userNameThatRedeemed): raise ValueError(f'userNameThatRedeemed argument is malformed: \"{userNameThatRedeemed}\"') elif delimiter is None: raise ValueError(f'delimiter argument is malformed: \"{delimiter}\"') prefix = f'{question.getEmote()} Congratulations @{userNameThatRedeemed}, that\'s correct!' infix = f'Your new cuteness is {newCuteness.getCutenessStr()}.' correctAnswers = question.getCorrectAnswers() if len(correctAnswers) == 1: return f'{prefix} 🎉 {infix} ✨ The correct answer was: {correctAnswers[0]}' else: correctAnswersStr = delimiter.join(correctAnswers) return f'{prefix} 🎉 {infix} ✨ The correct answers were: {correctAnswersStr}'
async def event_raw_usernotice(self, channel: Channel, tags: Dict): if not utils.hasItems(tags): return msgId = tags.get('msg-id') if not utils.isValidStr(msgId): return twitchUser = await self.__usersRepository.getUserAsync( generalSettings = await self.__generalSettingsRepository.getAllAsync() if msgId == 'raid': await self.__raidLogEvent.handleEvent( twitchChannel = channel, twitchUser = twitchUser, tags = tags ) await self.__raidThankEvent.handleEvent( twitchChannel = channel, twitchUser = twitchUser, tags = tags ) elif msgId == 'subgift' or msgId == 'anonsubgift': await self.__subGiftThankingEvent.handleEvent( twitchChannel = channel, twitchUser = twitchUser, tags = tags ) elif generalSettings.isDebugLoggingEnabled(): self.__timber.log('CynanBot', f'event_raw_usernotice(): {tags}')
def searchPokemon(self, name: str) -> PokepediaPokemon: if not utils.isValidStr(name): raise ValueError(f'name argument is malformed: \"{name}\"') name = utils.cleanStr(name) rawResponse = None try: rawResponse = requests.get( url = f'{name}/', timeout = utils.getDefaultTimeout() ) except (ConnectionError, HTTPError, MaxRetryError, NewConnectionError, Timeout) as e: print(f'Exception occurred when attempting to fetch Pokemon \"{name}\": {e}') raise RuntimeError(f'Exception occurred when attempting to fetch Pokemon \"{name}\": {e}') jsonResponse = None try: jsonResponse = rawResponse.json() except JSONDecodeError as e: print(f'Exception occurred when attempting to decode Pokemon response into JSON for \"{name}\": {e}') raise RuntimeError(f'Exception occurred when attempting to decode Pokemon response into JSON for \"{name}\": {e}') return PokepediaPokemon( name = jsonResponse['name'].capitalize() )
def __init__( self, pokepediaType: PokepediaType, name: str, rawName: str ): if pokepediaType is None: raise ValueError(f'pokepediaType argument is malformed: \"{pokepediaType}\"') elif not utils.isValidStr(name): raise ValueError(f'name argument is malformed: \"{name}\"') elif not utils.isValidStr(rawName): raise ValueError(f'rawName argument is malformed: \"{rawName}\"') self.__pokepediaType = pokepediaType self.__name = name self.__rawName = rawName
async def handleEvent(self, twitchChannel: Channel, twitchUser: User, tags: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool: if twitchChannel is None: raise ValueError( f'twitchChannel argument is malformed: \"{twitchChannel}\"') elif twitchUser is None: raise ValueError( f'twitchUser argument is malformed: \"{twitchUser}\"') elif tags is None: raise ValueError(f'tags argument is malformed: \"{tags}\"') generalSettings = await self.__generalSettingsRepository.getAllAsync() authSnapshot = await self.__authRepository.getAllAsync() if not generalSettings.isSubGiftThankingEnabled(): return False elif not twitchUser.isSubGiftThankingEnabled(): return False giftedByName: str = tags.get('display-name') if not utils.isValidStr(giftedByName): giftedByName = tags.get('login') giftedToName: str = tags.get('msg-param-recipient-display-name') if not utils.isValidStr(giftedToName): giftedToName = tags.get('msg-param-recipient-user-name') if giftedToName.lower() != authSnapshot.requireNick().lower(): return False elif not utils.isValidStr(giftedByName): return False elif giftedToName.lower() == giftedByName.lower(): return False self.__eventLoop.create_task( twitchUtils.waitThenSend( messageable=twitchChannel, delaySeconds=5, message= f'😻 Thank you for the gifted sub @{giftedByName}! ✨')) self.__timber.log( 'SubGiftThankingEvent', f'{authSnapshot.requireNick()} received sub gift to {twitchUser.getHandle()} from {giftedByName}!' ) return True
def requireDeepLAuthKey(self) -> str: deepLAuthKey = self.getDeepLAuthKey() if not utils.isValidStr(deepLAuthKey): raise ValueError( f'\"deepLAuthKey\" in Auth Repository file (\"{self.__authRepositoryFile}\") is malformed: \"{deepLAuthKey}\"' ) return deepLAuthKey
def requireTwitchClientId(self) -> str: twitchClientId = self.__jsonContents.get('twitchClientId') if not utils.isValidStr(twitchClientId): raise ValueError( f'\"twitchClientId\" in Auth Repository file (\"{self.__authRepositoryFile}\") is malformed: \"{twitchClientId}\"' ) return twitchClientId
def requireNick(self) -> str: nick = self.__jsonContents.get('nick') if not utils.isValidStr(nick): raise ValueError( f'\"nick\" in Auth Repository file (\"{self.__authRepositoryFile}\") is malformed: \"{nick}\"' ) return nick
def requireOneWeatherApiKey(self) -> str: oneWeatherApiKey = self.getOneWeatherApiKey() if not utils.isValidStr(oneWeatherApiKey): raise ValueError( f'\"oneWeatherApiKey\" in Auth Repository file (\"{self.__authRepositoryFile}\") is malformed: \"{oneWeatherApiKey}\"' ) return oneWeatherApiKey
def __init__(self, definitions: List[str], word: str): if not utils.hasItems(definitions): raise ValueError( f'definitions argument is malformed: \"{definitions}\"') elif not utils.isValidStr(word): raise ValueError(f'word argument is malformed: \"{word}\"') self.__definitions = definitions self.__word = word
def requireTwitchIrcAuthToken(self) -> str: twitchIrcAuthToken = self.__jsonContents.get('twitchIrcAuthToken') if not utils.isValidStr(twitchIrcAuthToken): raise ValueError( f'\"twitchIrcAuthToken\" in Auth Repository file (\"{self.__authRepositoryFile}\") is malformed: \"{twitchIrcAuthToken}\"' ) return twitchIrcAuthToken
def requireMerriamWebsterApiKey(self) -> str: merriamWebsterApiKey = self.getMerriamWebsterApiKey() if not utils.isValidStr(merriamWebsterApiKey): raise ValueError( f'\"merriamWebsterApiKey\" in Auth Repository file (\"{self.__authRepositoryFile}\") is malformed: \"{merriamWebsterApiKey}\"' ) return merriamWebsterApiKey
def requireQuizApiKey(self) -> str: quizApiKey = self.getQuizApiKey() if not utils.isValidStr(quizApiKey): raise ValueError( f'\"quizApiKey\" in Auth Repository file (\"{self.__authRepositoryFile}\") is malformed: \"{quizApiKey}\"' ) return quizApiKey
def getTimeZone(self, timeZone: str): if not utils.isValidStr(timeZone): return None elif timeZone in self.__timeZones: return self.__timeZones[timeZone] newTimeZone = pytz.timezone(timeZone) self.__timeZones[timeZone] = newTimeZone return newTimeZone
async def handlePointRedemption(self, twitchChannel: Channel, twitchUser: User, redemptionMessage: str, rewardId: str, userIdThatRedeemed: str, userNameThatRedeemed: str) -> bool: if twitchChannel is None: raise ValueError( f'twitchChannel argument is malformed: \"{twitchChannel}\"') elif twitchUser is None: raise ValueError( f'twitchUser argument is malformed: \"{twitchUser}\"') elif not utils.isValidStr(rewardId): raise ValueError(f'rewardId argument is malformed: \"{rewardId}\"') elif not utils.isValidStr(userIdThatRedeemed): raise ValueError( f'userIdThatRedeemed argument is malformed: \"{userIdThatRedeemed}\"' ) elif not utils.isValidStr(userNameThatRedeemed): raise ValueError( f'userNameThatRedeemed argument is malformed: \"{userNameThatRedeemed}\"' ) if not twitchUser.isPkmnEnabled(): return False generalSettings = await self.__generalSettingsRepository.getAllAsync() actionCompleted = False if generalSettings.isFuntoonApiEnabled(): if await self.__funtoonRepository.pkmnGiveShiny( userThatRedeemed=userNameThatRedeemed, twitchChannel=twitchUser.getHandle()): actionCompleted = True if not actionCompleted and generalSettings.isFuntoonTwitchChatFallbackEnabled( ): await twitchUtils.safeSend(twitchChannel, f'!freeshiny {userNameThatRedeemed}') actionCompleted = True self.__timber.log( 'PkmnShinyRedemption', f'Redeemed pkmn shiny for {userNameThatRedeemed}:{userIdThatRedeemed} in {twitchUser.getHandle()}' ) return actionCompleted
def getLanguageForCommand(self, command: str) -> LanguageEntry: if not utils.isValidStr(command): raise ValueError(f'command argument is malformed: \"{command}\"') for entry in self.__entries: for commandName in entry.getCommandNames(): if commandName.lower() == command.lower(): return entry raise RuntimeError(f'Unable to find language for \"{command}\"')
def __init__(self, latitude: float, longitude: float, locationId: str, name: str, timeZone: tzinfo): if not utils.isValidNum(latitude): raise ValueError(f'latitude argument is malformed: \"{latitude}\"') elif not utils.isValidNum(longitude): raise ValueError( f'longitude argument is malformed: \"{longitude}\"') elif not utils.isValidStr(locationId): raise ValueError(f'id_ argument is malformed: \"{locationId}\"') elif not utils.isValidStr(name): raise ValueError(f'name argument is malformed: \"{name}\"') elif timeZone is None: raise ValueError(f'timeZone argument is malformed: \"{timeZone}\"') self.__latitude = latitude self.__longitude = longitude self.__locationId = locationId self.__name = name self.__timeZone = timeZone