def historize_classification(self, only_qual=None, manual=True): """ Copy current classification information into history table, for all rows in self. :param only_qual: If set, only historize for current rows with this classification. :param manual: If set, historize manual entries, otherwise, pick automatic ones. """ # Light up a bit the SQLA expressions oh = ObjectHeader och = ObjectsClassifHisto # What we want to historize, as a subquery if manual: # What we want to historize, as a subquery sel_subqry = select([ oh.objid, oh.classif_when, text("'M'"), oh.classif_id, oh.classif_qual, oh.classif_who ]) if only_qual is not None: qual_cond = oh.classif_qual.in_(only_qual) else: qual_cond = true() sel_subqry = sel_subqry.where( and_(oh.objid == any_(self.object_ids), oh.classif_when.isnot(None), qual_cond)) ins_columns = [ och.objid, och.classif_date, och.classif_type, och.classif_id, och.classif_qual, och.classif_who ] else: # What we want to historize, as a subquery sel_subqry = select([ oh.objid, oh.classif_auto_when, text("'A'"), oh.classif_auto_id, oh.classif_qual, oh.classif_auto_score ]) sel_subqry = sel_subqry.where( and_(oh.objid == any_(self.object_ids), oh.classif_auto_id.isnot(None), oh.classif_auto_when.isnot(None))) ins_columns = [ och.objid, och.classif_date, och.classif_type, och.classif_id, och.classif_qual, och.classif_score ] # Insert into the log table ins_qry: Insert = pg_insert(och.__table__) ins_qry = ins_qry.from_select(ins_columns, sel_subqry) ins_qry = ins_qry.on_conflict_do_nothing( constraint='objectsclassifhisto_pkey') # TODO: mypy crashes due to pg_dialect below #"Histo query: %s", ins_qry.compile(dialect=pg_dialect())) nb_objs = self.session.execute(ins_qry).rowcount" %d out of %d rows copied to log", nb_objs, len(self.object_ids)) return oh
def update(self, session: Session, title: str, visible: bool, status: str, projtype: str, init_classif_list: List[int], classiffieldlist: str, popoverfieldlist: str, cnn_network_id: str, comments: str, contact: Any, managers: List[Any], annotators: List[Any], viewers: List[Any], license_: str): assert contact is not None, "A valid Contact is needed." proj_id = self._project.projid # Field reflexes if cnn_network_id != self._project.cnn_network_id: sub_qry: Query = session.query(ObjectHeader.objid) sub_qry = sub_qry.join(Acquisition, Acquisition.acquisid == ObjectHeader.acquisid) sub_qry = sub_qry.join(Sample, and_(Sample.sampleid == Acquisition.acq_sample_id, Sample.projid == proj_id)) # Delete CNN features which depend on the CNN network qry: Query = session.query(ObjectCNNFeature) qry = qry.filter(ObjectCNNFeature.objcnnid.in_(sub_qry.subquery())) qry.delete(synchronize_session=False) # Fields update self._project.title = title self._project.visible = visible self._project.status = status self._project.projtype = projtype self._project.classiffieldlist = classiffieldlist self._project.popoverfieldlist = popoverfieldlist self._project.cnn_network_id = cnn_network_id self._project.comments = comments self._project.license = license_ # Inverse for extracted values self._project.initclassiflist = ",".join([str(cl_id) for cl_id in init_classif_list]) # Inverse for users by privilege # Dispatch members by right # TODO: Nothing prevents or cares about redundant rights, such as adding same # user as both Viewer and Annotator. by_right = {ProjectPrivilegeBO.MANAGE: managers, ProjectPrivilegeBO.ANNOTATE: annotators, ProjectPrivilegeBO.VIEW: viewers} # Remove all to avoid tricky diffs session.query(ProjectPrivilege). \ filter(ProjectPrivilege.projid == proj_id).delete() # Add all contact_used = False for a_right, a_user_list in by_right.items(): for a_user in a_user_list: # Set flag for contact person extra = None if == and a_right == ProjectPrivilegeBO.MANAGE: extra = 'C' contact_used = True session.add(ProjectPrivilege(projid=proj_id,, privilege=a_right, extra=extra)) # Sanity check assert contact_used, "Could not set Contact, the designated user is not in Managers list." session.commit()
def get_all_object_ids(cls, session: Session, prj_id: int): # TODO: Problem with recursive import -> ObjetIdListT: """ Return the full list of objects IDs inside a project. TODO: Maybe better in ObjectBO """ qry: Query = session.query(ObjectHeader.objid) qry = qry.join(Acquisition, Acquisition.acquisid == ObjectHeader.acquisid) qry = qry.join(Sample, and_(Sample.sampleid == Acquisition.acq_sample_id, Sample.projid == prj_id)) return [an_id for an_id, in qry.all()]
def match_with_extension(): # We also match if these are trailing on EcoTaxa side # ok_ext = [" X", " sp.", " X sp."] # ok_ext_txt = [text("'" + ext.lower() + "'") for ext in ok_ext] # match_name = [func.lower(WoRMS.scientificname)] # match_name += [func.concat(func.lower(WoRMS.scientificname), ext) for ext in ok_ext_txt] return or_( func.lower( == func.lower(WoRMS.scientificname), and_("'% X'")), func.lower( == func.concat( func.lower(WoRMS.scientificname), text("' x'"))), and_("'% sp.'")), func.lower( == func.concat( func.lower(WoRMS.scientificname), text("' sp.'"))), and_("'% X sp.'")), func.lower( == func.concat( func.lower(WoRMS.scientificname), text("' x sp.'"))))
def get_all_object_ids(cls, session: Session, acquis_id: AcquisitionIDT, classif_ids: Optional[ClassifIDListT] = None) \ -> List[int]: qry: Query = session.query(ObjectHeader.objid) qry = qry.join( Acquisition, and_(ObjectHeader.acquisid == Acquisition.acquisid, Acquisition.acquisid == acquis_id)) if classif_ids is not None: qry = qry.filter(ObjectHeader.classif_id.in_(classif_ids)) return [an_id for an_id in qry.all()]
def reset_to_predicted(self): """ Reset to Predicted state, keeping log, i.e. history, of previous change. """ oh = ObjectHeader self.historize_classification(['V', 'D']) # Update objects table obj_upd_qry: Update = oh.__table__.update() obj_upd_qry = obj_upd_qry.where( and_(oh.objid == any_(self.object_ids), (oh.classif_qual.in_(['V', 'D'])))) obj_upd_qry = obj_upd_qry.values(classif_qual='P') nb_objs = self.session.execute(obj_upd_qry).rowcount" %d out of %d rows reset to predicted", nb_objs, len(self.object_ids)) self.session.commit()
def strict_match_subquery(session, used_taxo_ids, phylo_or_morpho: Optional[str]): subqry = session.query(, func.max("id"), WoRMS.aphia_id) subqry = subqry.join(WoRMS, TaxonomyChangeService.match_with_extension()) subqry = subqry.filter( == any_(used_taxo_ids)) if phylo_or_morpho is not None: subqry = subqry.filter(Taxonomy.taxotype == text("'%s'" % phylo_or_morpho)) subqry = subqry.filter(WoRMS.status == text("'accepted'")) # Group to exclude multiple matches subqry = subqry.group_by(, WoRMS.aphia_id) subqry = subqry.having( and_( func.count( == 1, func.count(WoRMS.aphia_id) == 1)) subqry = subqry.subquery().alias("ids") return subqry