def Realize(self, ras, decs, filtstr=None, doAddErr = False, doDith = False, version="opsim3_61"):
        Realize the time sampling of a set of pointings based on a database of survey pointings 
        ras -- list of RA values in degrees for sampling the lightcurves
        decs -- list of Declination values in degrees for sampling the lightcurves
        doAddErr -- boolean, True to simulate errors on measurement based on 5 sigma limiting magnitude, 
                             False to return interpolated lightcurve uncorrected for errors
        doDith -- select sampling from the dithered version of the OpSim pointings
        version -- select the version of the Operations Simulator to use.  
                   Currently there are four options: Cronos92 (old), OpSim5_72, OpSim1_29, OpSim3_61 (default)
        LightCurve object containing TimeSeries resampled based on the chosen operation simulator run
        #numpy array of ra positions
        ras = num.asarray(ras)
        #numpy array of dec positions
        decs = num.asarray(decs)
        assert len(ras) == len(decs), "ra and dec arrays must be the same length"
        db = DB()
        mutils = MagUtils()
        lc = []
        #Loop over positions for each TimeSeries
        for ra,dec in zip(ras,decs):
            tsi = []
            #Loop over TimeSeries array
            for ts in self.tss:
                isTimeSeries = isinstance(ts, TimeSeriesMag)
                tmpmag = []
                #Filter string
                if isTimeSeries:
                    fs = ts.getFilter().lower()
                    if filtstr != None:
                        assert filtstr == fs, "Filter specified in constructor does not match that from the TimeSeries object"
                    fs = filtstr
                if fs not in self.gamma:
                    #We only know sloan filters, so if something different assume r
                    print "Don't know parameters for filter",fs,"\n Assuming r..."
                    fs = 'r'
                #Get time sampling and 5 sigma limiting magnitude information from the database
                (time, m5) = db.getTimeMagSQL(ra, dec, fs, doDith, version)
                #If no data in database return a None object
                if len(time) == 0:
                    tsi.append(TimeSeriesMag(None, None, None, None, fs, calcspline = False, ra = ra, dec = dec))
                #Interpolatd flux values based on time sampling from database
                if isTimeSeries:
                    fluxinterp = mutils.toFluxArr(ts.evaluate(time), fs)
                    fluxinterp = mutils.toFluxArr(ts.evaluate(time, filt=fs), fs)

                #Calculate total photometric error from interpolated magnitudes and 5 sigma limiting magnitues.
                #Systematic error is assumed to be 0.01 magnitudes 
                m1flux = mutils.toFluxArr(m5, fs)/5.
                sysmag = (mutils.toMagArr(fluxinterp, fs) - 0.01)
                sysfluxerr = mutils.toFluxArr(sysmag, fs) - fluxinterp 
                sigs = []
                magerrfp = []
                magerrfm = []
                tmpflux = []
                if doAddErr:
                    #Add random error to interpolated magnitudes
                    tmpflux = fluxinterp + m1flux*num.random.normal(0,1,len(m1flux))
                    tmpflux = tmpflux + sysfluxerr*num.random.normal(0,1,len(sysfluxerr))
                    tmpmag = mutils.toMagArr(tmpflux, fs)
                    sigs = tmpflux/m1flux
                    tmpflux = fluxinterp
                    tmpmag = mutils.toMagArr(tmpflux, fs)
                    sigs = tmpflux/m1flux

                x = 10.0**(0.4*(tmpmag-m5))
                magerr = num.sqrt((0.04 - self.gamma[fs])*x + self.gamma[fs]*x**2)
                magerr = num.sqrt(magerr**2 + 0.01**2)

                magerrfp = tmpmag - mutils.toMagArr(tmpflux + m1flux, fs)
                magerrfm = mutils.toMagArr(tmpflux - m1flux, fs) - tmpmag

                #at S/N > 10 the errors from flux differ from those calculated from the m5 by less
                #than the systematic error of 0.01 mag
                magerrfp = num.where(sigs > 10, magerr, magerrfp)
                magerrfm = num.where(sigs > 10, magerr, magerrfm)

                #if the detection is < 1 sigma indicate this by setting error to -9999
                magerrfp = num.where(sigs < 1, -9999, magerrfp)
                magerrfm = num.where(sigs < 1, -9999, magerrfm)
                #Append resampled TimeSeries to output list of TimeSeries
                tsi.append(TimeSeriesMag(time, tmpmag, magerrfp, magerrfm, fs, calcspline = False, ra = ra, dec = dec, m5 = m5))
            #Append LightCurve for each ra/dec location 
            lc.append(LightCurve(tsi, self.isperiodic))
        return lc