    def __init__(self, ea, iatEA=None, is_new_func=False, library_name=None):
        @param ea: Effective address of the function
        @param iatEA: Effective address of IAT element (For library functions)
        @param is_indirect: Was this function called indirectly?
        @param is_new_func: Is this function missing from initial function analysis?
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self.config = DieConfig.get_config()

        ### Context Stuff

        # Arguments
        self.callValues = []  # Argument values at function call
        self.retValues = []  # Argument values at function return
        self.retArgValue = None  # Return argument value

        # Registers
        self.callRegState = None  # Register state at function call
        self.retRegState = None  # Register state at function return
        self.total_proc_time = 0  # Total processing time in seconds.

            ### Function Data
            self.function = Function(
                ea, iatEA,
                library_name=library_name)  # This (The Callee) function
            self.callingEA = get_ret_adr()  # The ea of the CALL instruction
            self.calling_function_name = get_function_name(
                self.callingEA)  # Calling function name

            ### Flags
            self.empty = True  # empty flag is dropped when first call context is retrieved.
            self.is_indirect = self.check_if_indirect(
            )  # Flag indicating whether this function was called indirectly
            self.is_new_func = is_new_func  # Flag indicating whether this function did not exist in initial analysis

            # TODO: if this is a new function, try to define it.

            # Get a function parser for this function
            # (currently only GenericFunctionParser exist, and this is used to enable future extensions)
            self.function_parser = GenericFunctionParser(self.function)

        except Exception as ex:
            logging.critical("Error while initializing function context: %s",
            return None
    def __init__(self, ea, iatEA=None, library_name=None):
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

        self.ea = ea  # Effective Address of the function
        self.iatEA = iatEA  # If imported function, the address in the IAT

            function = sark.Function(ea)
        except sark.exceptions.SarkNoFunction:
            raise DIE.Lib.DIE_Exceptions.DieNoFunction(
                "No Function at 0x%08X" % (ea, ))

        self.funcName = get_function_name(function.ea)
        self.func_start = function.startEA
        self.func_end = function.endEA

        self.proto_ea = self.getFuncProtoAdr()  # Address of function prototype
        self.typeInfo = idaapi.tinfo_t()  # Function type info
        self.funcInfo = idaapi.func_type_data_t()  # Function info
        self.argNum = 0  # Number of input arguments

        self.args = []  # Function argument list
        self.retArg = None  # Return argument

        self.library_name = library_name  # If library function, name of containing library
        self.isLibFunc = False
        if self.iatEA:
            self.isLibFunc = True  # Is this a library function

        elif sark.Function(ea).flags & (idaapi.FUNC_LIB | idaapi.FUNC_THUNK):
            self.isLibFunc = True


        except Exception as ex:
                "Failed to get function arguments for function %s: %s",
                self.funcName, ex)
    def __init__(self, ea, iatEA=None, library_name=None):
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

        self.ea = ea        # Effective Address of the function
        self.iatEA = iatEA  # If imported function, the address in the IAT

            function = sark.Function(ea)
        except sark.exceptions.SarkNoFunction:
            raise DIE.Lib.DIE_Exceptions.DieNoFunction("No Function at 0x%08X" % (ea, ))

        self.funcName = get_function_name(function.ea)
        self.func_start = function.startEA
        self.func_end = function.endEA

        self.proto_ea = self.getFuncProtoAdr()      # Address of function prototype
        self.typeInfo = idaapi.tinfo_t()            # Function type info
        self.funcInfo = idaapi.func_type_data_t()   # Function info
        self.argNum = 0                             # Number of input arguments

        self.args = []      # Function argument list
        self.retArg = None  # Return argument

        self.library_name = library_name  # If library function, name of containing library
        self.isLibFunc = False
        if self.iatEA:
            self.isLibFunc = True  # Is this a library function

        elif sark.Function(ea).flags & (idaapi.FUNC_LIB | idaapi.FUNC_THUNK):
            self.isLibFunc = True


        except Exception as ex:
            self.logger.error("Failed to get function arguments for function %s: %s", self.funcName, ex)
    def __init__(self, ea, iatEA=None, is_new_func=False, library_name=None, parent_func_context=None, calling_ea=None):
        @param ea: Effective address of the function
        @param iatEA: Effective address of IAT element (For library functions)
        @param is_indirect: Was this function called indirectly?
        @param is_new_func: Is this function missing from initial function analysis?
        @param parent_func_context: FunctionContext object of the calling function
        @param calling_ea: The ea of the call instruction used to call this function
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self.config = DieConfig.get_config()

        # Get a unique function context ID
        self.id = FunctionContext.ID
        FunctionContext.ID += 1

        ### Context Stuff

        # Arguments
        self.callValues = []        # Argument values at function call
        self.retValues = []         # Argument values at function return
        self.retArgValue = None     # Return argument value

        # Registers
        self.callRegState = None    # Register state at function call
        self.retRegState = None     # Register state at function return
        self.total_proc_time = 0    # Total processing time in seconds.

        self.callingEA = calling_ea                     # The ea of the CALL instruction
        self.parent_func_context = parent_func_context  # Function context of the calling function
        self.child_func_context = []                    # Array of function contexts called bu this function

        self.calling_function_name = get_function_name(self.callingEA)  # Calling function name

        ### Flags
        self.no_ret_context = True  # empty flag is dropped when first call context is retrieved.
        self.is_indirect = self.check_if_indirect()  # Flag indicating whether this function was called indirectly
        self.is_new_func = is_new_func  # Flag indicating whether this function did not exist in initial analysis

        if self.config.function_context.add_xref:
            self.add_call_xrefs(ea, iatEA)

             # Get this function (The Callee)
            if self.config.function_context.new_func_analysis:
                self.function = self._getFunctionHelper(ea, iatEA, library_name=library_name)
                self.function = Function(ea, iatEA, library_name=library_name)

            # Get a function parser for this function
            # (currently only GenericFunctionParser exist, and this is used to enable future extensions)
            self.function_parser = GenericFunctionParser(self.function)

        except DIE.Lib.DIE_Exceptions.DieNoFunction:
            if self.config.function_context.new_func_analysis:
                self.logger.info("Could not retrieve function information at address: %s", hex(ea))
                self.logger.debug("Could not retrieve function information at address: %s", hex(ea))

            self.function = None