 def _refreshAndPublish(self):
   Refresh configuration and publish local updates
     self._lastUpdateTime = time.time()
     gLogger.info("Refreshing from master server")
     sMasterServer = gConfigurationData.getMasterServer()
     if sMasterServer:
         from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.ConfigurationClient import ConfigurationClient
         oClient = ConfigurationClient(
         dRetVal = _updateFromRemoteLocation(oClient)
         if not dRetVal['OK']:
             gLogger.error("Can't update from master server",
             return False
         if gConfigurationData.getAutoPublish():
             gLogger.info("Publishing to master server...")
             dRetVal = oClient.publishSlaveServer(self._url)
             if not dRetVal['OK']:
                 gLogger.error("Can't publish to master server",
         return True
             "No master server is specified in the configuration, trying to get data from other slaves"
         return self._refresh()['OK']
 def initialize(self):
     if self.__initialized['OK']:
         return self.__initialized
     if not gConfig.useServerCertificate():
         res = self.__getProxyID()
         res = self.__getCertificateID()
     if not res:
         self.__initialized = S_ERROR("Cannot locate client credentials")
         return self.__initialized
     retVal = gConfig.getOption("/DIRAC/Configuration/MasterServer")
     if not retVal['OK']:
         self.__initialized = S_ERROR(
             "Master server is not known. Is everything initialized?")
         return self.__initialized
     self.__rpcClient = ConfigurationClient(
         url=gConfig.getValue("/DIRAC/Configuration/MasterServer", ""))
     self.__csMod = Modificator(
         "%s - %s - %s" % (self.__userGroup, self.__userDN,
                           Time.dateTime().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
     retVal = self.downloadCSData()
     if not retVal['OK']:
         self.__initialized = S_ERROR(
             "Can not download the remote cfg. Is everything initialized?")
         return self.__initialized
     self.__initialized = S_OK()
     return self.__initialized
    def publishSlaveServer(self, sSlaveURL):
        Called by the slave server via service, it register a new slave server

        :param sSlaveURL: url of slave server

        if not gConfigurationData.isMaster():
            return S_ERROR("Configuration modification is not allowed in this server")
        gLogger.info("Pinging slave %s" % sSlaveURL)
        rpcClient = ConfigurationClient(url=sSlaveURL, timeout=10, useCertificates=True)
        retVal = rpcClient.ping()
        if not retVal["OK"]:
            gLogger.info("Slave %s didn't reply" % sSlaveURL)
        if retVal["Value"]["name"] != "Configuration/Server":
            gLogger.info("Slave %s is not a CS serveR" % sSlaveURL)
        bNewSlave = False
        if sSlaveURL not in self.dAliveSlaveServers:
            bNewSlave = True
            gLogger.info("New slave registered", sSlaveURL)
        self.dAliveSlaveServers[sSlaveURL] = time.time()
        if bNewSlave:
            gConfigurationData.setServers(", ".join(self.dAliveSlaveServers))
文件: CSAPI.py 项目: TaykYoku/DIRAC
    def initialize(self):
        """API initialization

        :return: S_OK()/S_ERROR()
        if self.__initialized["OK"]:
            return self.__initialized
        res = self.__getCertificateID() if gConfig.useServerCertificate(
        ) else self.__getProxyID()
        if not res["OK"]:
            self.__initialized = S_ERROR("Cannot locate client credentials")
            return self.__initialized
        retVal = gConfig.getOption("/DIRAC/Configuration/MasterServer")
        if not retVal["OK"]:
            self.__initialized = S_ERROR(
                "Master server is not known. Is everything initialized?")
            return self.__initialized
        self.__rpcClient = ConfigurationClient(
            url=gConfig.getValue("/DIRAC/Configuration/MasterServer", ""))
        self.__csMod = Modificator(
            "%s - %s - %s" %
            (self.__userGroup, self.__userDN,
             datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")),
        retVal = self.downloadCSData()
        if not retVal["OK"]:
            self.__initialized = S_ERROR(
                "Can not download the remote cfg. Is everything initialized?")
            return self.__initialized
        self.__initialized = S_OK()
        return self.__initialized
    def do_connect(self, line):
        Connect to the CS
        Usage: connect <URL> (Connect to the CS at the specified URL)
               connect       (Connect to the default CS URL of your config)
        if line == "":
            self.serverURL = gConfigurationData.getMasterServer()
            self.serverName = gConfigurationData.getName()
            self.serverURL = self.serverName = line

        if self.serverURL is None:
            print("Unable to connect to the default server. Maybe you don't have a proxy ?")
            return self.do_disconnect("")

        print("Trying to connect to " + self.serverURL + "...", end=" ")

        self.modificator = Modificator(ConfigurationClient(url=self.serverURL))
        rv = self.modificator.loadFromRemote()
        rv2 = self.modificator.loadCredentials()

        if rv["OK"] == False or rv2["OK"] == False:
            print("failed: ", end=" ")
            if rv["OK"] is False:
            self.connected = False
            self.connected = True
 def _tryConnection(self):
     print("Trying connection to %s" % self.masterURL)
         self.rpcClient = ConfigurationClient(url=self.masterURL)
     except Exception as x:
         gLogger.error("Couldn't connect to master CS server", "%s (%s)" % (self.masterURL, str(x)))
    def _refresh(self, fromMaster=False):
        Refresh configuration
        self._lastUpdateTime = time.time()
        gLogger.debug("Refreshing configuration...")
        gatewayList = getGatewayURLs("Configuration/Server")
        updatingErrorsList = []
        if gatewayList:
            initialServerList = gatewayList
            gLogger.debug("Using configuration gateway",
        elif fromMaster:
            masterServer = gConfigurationData.getMasterServer()
            initialServerList = [masterServer]
            gLogger.debug("Refreshing from master %s" % masterServer)
            initialServerList = gConfigurationData.getServers()
            gLogger.debug("Refreshing from list %s" % str(initialServerList))

        # If no servers in the initial list, we are supposed to use the local configuration only
        if not initialServerList:
            return S_OK()

        randomServerList = List.randomize(initialServerList)
        gLogger.debug("Randomized server list is %s" %
                      ", ".join(randomServerList))

        for sServer in randomServerList:
            from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.ConfigurationClient import ConfigurationClient

            oClient = ConfigurationClient(
            dRetVal = _updateFromRemoteLocation(oClient)
            if dRetVal["OK"]:
                self._refreshTime = gConfigurationData.getRefreshTime()
                return dRetVal
                    "Can't update from server",
                    "Error while updating from %s: %s" %
                    (sServer, dRetVal["Message"]))
                if dRetVal["Message"].find("Insane environment") > -1:
        return S_ERROR("Reason(s):\n\t%s" %
class CSAPI(object):
    """ CSAPI objects need an initialization phase
    def __init__(self):
    Initialization function
        self.csModified = False
        self.__baseSecurity = "/Registry"
        self.__baseResources = "/Resources"

        self.__userDN = ''
        self.__userGroup = ''
        self.__rpcClient = None
        self.__csMod = None

        self.__initialized = S_ERROR("Not initialized")
        if not self.__initialized['OK']:

    def __getProxyID(self):
        proxyLocation = Locations.getProxyLocation()
        if not proxyLocation:
            gLogger.error("No proxy found!")
            return False
        chain = X509Chain()
        if not chain.loadProxyFromFile(proxyLocation):
            gLogger.error("Can't read proxy!", proxyLocation)
            return False
        retVal = chain.getIssuerCert()
        if not retVal['OK']:
            gLogger.error("Can't parse proxy!", retVal['Message'])
            return False
        idCert = retVal['Value']
        self.__userDN = idCert.getSubjectDN()['Value']
        self.__userGroup = chain.getDIRACGroup()['Value']
        return True

    def __getCertificateID(self):
        certLocation = Locations.getHostCertificateAndKeyLocation()
        if not certLocation:
            gLogger.error("No certificate found!")
            return False
        chain = X509Chain()
        retVal = chain.loadChainFromFile(certLocation[0])
        if not retVal['OK']:
            gLogger.error("Can't parse certificate!", retVal['Message'])
            return False
        idCert = chain.getIssuerCert()['Value']
        self.__userDN = idCert.getSubjectDN()['Value']
        self.__userGroup = 'host'
        return True

    def initialize(self):
        if self.__initialized['OK']:
            return self.__initialized
        if not gConfig.useServerCertificate():
            res = self.__getProxyID()
            res = self.__getCertificateID()
        if not res:
            self.__initialized = S_ERROR("Cannot locate client credentials")
            return self.__initialized
        retVal = gConfig.getOption("/DIRAC/Configuration/MasterServer")
        if not retVal['OK']:
            self.__initialized = S_ERROR(
                "Master server is not known. Is everything initialized?")
            return self.__initialized
        self.__rpcClient = ConfigurationClient(
            url=gConfig.getValue("/DIRAC/Configuration/MasterServer", ""))
        self.__csMod = Modificator(
            "%s - %s - %s" % (self.__userGroup, self.__userDN,
                              Time.dateTime().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
        retVal = self.downloadCSData()
        if not retVal['OK']:
            self.__initialized = S_ERROR(
                "Can not download the remote cfg. Is everything initialized?")
            return self.__initialized
        self.__initialized = S_OK()
        return self.__initialized

    def downloadCSData(self):
        if not self.__csMod:
            return S_ERROR("CSAPI not yet initialized")
        result = self.__csMod.loadFromRemote()
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        self.csModified = False
        return S_OK()

    # Resources-related methods

    def addSite(self, siteName, optionsDict=None):
        """ Adds a new site to the CS.
      A site is a container for services, so after calling this function,
      at least addCEtoSite() should be called.

      :param str siteName: FQN of the site (e.g. LCG.CERN.ch)
      :param dict optionsDict: optional dictionary of options
      :returns: S_OK/S_ERROR structure

        if not self.__initialized['OK']:
            return self.__initialized

        self.__csMod.createSection(cfgPath(self.__baseResources, 'Sites'))
            cfgPath(self.__baseResources, 'Sites',
            cfgPath(self.__baseResources, 'Sites',
                    siteName.split('.')[0], siteName))
        # add options if requested
        if optionsDict:
            for option, optionValue in optionsDict.items(
            ):  # can be an iterator
                    cfgPath(self.__baseResources, 'Sites',
                            siteName.split('.')[0], siteName, option),
        self.csModified = True
        return S_OK(True)

    def addCEtoSite(self, siteName, ceName, optionsDict=None):
        """ Adds a new CE to a site definition in the CS.
        A CE normally has queues, so addQueueToCE should be called after this one.

        :param str siteName: FQN of the site (e.g. LCG.CERN.ch)
        :param str ceName: FQN of the CE (e.g. ce503.cern.ch)
        :param dict optionsDict: optional dictionary of options
        :returns: S_OK/S_ERROR structure
        res = getSites()
        if not res['OK']:
            return res
        if siteName not in res['Value']:
            res = self.addSite(siteName)
            if not res['OK']:
                return res

        # CSAPI.createSection() always returns S_OK even if the section already exists
            cfgPath(self.__baseResources, 'Sites',
                    siteName.split('.')[0], siteName, 'CEs'))
            cfgPath(self.__baseResources, 'Sites',
                    siteName.split('.')[0], siteName, 'CEs', ceName))
        # add options if requested
        if optionsDict is not None:
            for option, optionValue in optionsDict.items(
            ):  # can be an iterator
                    cfgPath(self.__baseResources, 'Sites',
                            siteName.split('.')[0], siteName, 'CEs', ceName,
                            option), optionValue)
        self.csModified = True
        return S_OK(True)

    def addQueueToCE(self, ceName, queueName, optionsDict=None):
        """ Adds a new queue to a CE definition in the CS.

        :param str ceName: FQN of the CE (e.g. ce503.cern.ch)
        :param str queueName: name of the queue (e.g. ce503.cern.ch-condor)
        :param dict optionsDict: optional dictionary of options
        :returns: S_OK/S_ERROR structure
        res = getCESiteMapping(ceName)
        if not res['OK']:
            return res
        if ceName not in res['Value']:
            return S_ERROR("CE does not exist")
        siteName = res['Value'][ceName]

        # CSAPI.createSection() always returns S_OK even if the section already exists
            cfgPath(self.__baseResources, 'Sites',
                    siteName.split('.')[0], siteName, 'CEs', ceName, 'Queues',
        # add options if requested
        if optionsDict is not None:
            for option, optionValue in optionsDict.items(
            ):  # can be an iterator
                    cfgPath(self.__baseResources, 'Sites',
                            siteName.split('.')[0], siteName, 'CEs', ceName,
                            'Queues', queueName, option), optionValue)
        self.csModified = True
        return S_OK(True)

    # Registry-related methods

    def listUsers(self, group=False):
        if not self.__initialized['OK']:
            return self.__initialized
        if not group:
            return S_OK(
                self.__csMod.getSections("%s/Users" % self.__baseSecurity))
        users = self.__csMod.getValue("%s/Groups/%s/Users" %
                                      (self.__baseSecurity, group))
        if not users:
            return S_OK([])
        return S_OK(List.fromChar(users))

    def listHosts(self):
        if not self.__initialized['OK']:
            return self.__initialized
        return S_OK(self.__csMod.getSections("%s/Hosts" % self.__baseSecurity))

    def describeUsers(self, users=None):
        """ describe users by nickname

        :param list users: list of users' nicknames
        :return: a S_OK(description) of the users in input
        if users is None:
            users = []
        if not self.__initialized['OK']:
            return self.__initialized
        return S_OK(self.__describeEntity(users))

    def describeHosts(self, hosts=None):
        if hosts is None:
            hosts = []
        if not self.__initialized['OK']:
            return self.__initialized
        return S_OK(self.__describeEntity(hosts, True))

    def __describeEntity(self, mask, hosts=False):
        if hosts:
            csSection = "%s/Hosts" % self.__baseSecurity
            csSection = "%s/Users" % self.__baseSecurity
        if mask:
            entities = [
                entity for entity in self.__csMod.getSections(csSection)
                if entity in mask
            entities = self.__csMod.getSections(csSection)
        entitiesDict = {}
        for entity in entities:
            entitiesDict[entity] = {}
            for option in self.__csMod.getOptions("%s/%s" %
                                                  (csSection, entity)):
                entitiesDict[entity][option] = self.__csMod.getValue(
                    "%s/%s/%s" % (csSection, entity, option))
            if not hosts:
                groupsDict = self.describeGroups()['Value']
                entitiesDict[entity]['Groups'] = []
                for group in groupsDict:
                    if 'Users' in groupsDict[group] and entity in groupsDict[
        return entitiesDict

    def listGroups(self):
    List all groups
        if not self.__initialized['OK']:
            return self.__initialized
        return S_OK(self.__csMod.getSections("%s/Groups" %

    def describeGroups(self, mask=None):
    List all groups that are in the mask (or all if no mask) with their properties
        if mask is None:
            mask = []
        if not self.__initialized['OK']:
            return self.__initialized
        groups = [
            group for group in self.__csMod.getSections("%s/Groups" %
            if not mask or (mask and group in mask)
        groupsDict = {}
        for group in groups:
            groupsDict[group] = {}
            for option in self.__csMod.getOptions(
                    "%s/Groups/%s" % (self.__baseSecurity, group)):
                groupsDict[group][option] = self.__csMod.getValue(
                    "%s/Groups/%s/%s" % (self.__baseSecurity, group, option))
                if option in ("Users", "Properties"):
                    groupsDict[group][option] = List.fromChar(
        return S_OK(groupsDict)

    def deleteUsers(self, users):
    Delete a user/s can receive as a param either a string or a list
        if not self.__initialized['OK']:
            return self.__initialized
        if isinstance(users, six.string_types):
            users = [users]
        usersData = self.describeUsers(users)['Value']
        for username in users:
            if username not in usersData:
                gLogger.warn("User %s does not exist" % username)
            userGroups = usersData[username]['Groups']
            for group in userGroups:
                self.__removeUserFromGroup(group, username)
                gLogger.info("Deleted user %s from group %s" %
                             (username, group))
            self.__csMod.removeSection("%s/Users/%s" %
                                       (self.__baseSecurity, username))
            gLogger.info("Deleted user %s" % username)
            self.csModified = True
        return S_OK(True)

    def __removeUserFromGroup(self, group, username):
    Remove user from a group
        usersInGroup = self.__csMod.getValue("%s/Groups/%s/Users" %
                                             (self.__baseSecurity, group))
        if usersInGroup is not None:
            userList = List.fromChar(usersInGroup, ",")
            userPos = userList.index(username)
                "%s/Groups/%s/Users" % (self.__baseSecurity, group),

    def __addUserToGroup(self, group, username):
    Add user to a group
        usersInGroup = self.__csMod.getValue("%s/Groups/%s/Users" %
                                             (self.__baseSecurity, group))
        if usersInGroup is not None:
            userList = List.fromChar(usersInGroup)
            if username not in userList:
                    "%s/Groups/%s/Users" % (self.__baseSecurity, group),
                gLogger.warn("User %s is already in group %s" %
                             (username, group))

    def addUser(self, username, properties):
    Add a user to the cs

    :param str username: username
    :param dict properties: dictionary describing user properties:

      - DN
      - groups
      - <extra params>

    :return: True/False
        if not self.__initialized['OK']:
            return self.__initialized
        for prop in ("DN", "Groups"):
            if prop not in properties:
                gLogger.error("Missing property for user",
                              "%s: %s" % (prop, username))
                return S_OK(False)
        if username in self.listUsers()['Value']:
            gLogger.error("User is already registered", username)
            return S_OK(False)
        groups = self.listGroups()['Value']
        for userGroup in properties['Groups']:
            if userGroup not in groups:
                gLogger.error("User group is not a valid group",
                              "%s %s" % (username, userGroup))
                return S_OK(False)
        self.__csMod.createSection("%s/Users/%s" %
                                   (self.__baseSecurity, username))
        for prop in properties:
            if prop == "Groups":
                "%s/Users/%s/%s" % (self.__baseSecurity, username, prop),
        for userGroup in properties['Groups']:
            gLogger.info("Added user %s to group %s" % (username, userGroup))
            self.__addUserToGroup(userGroup, username)
        gLogger.info("Registered user %s" % username)
        self.csModified = True
        return S_OK(True)

    def modifyUser(self, username, properties, createIfNonExistant=False):
    Modify a user

    :param str username: group name
    :param dict properties: dictionary describing user properties:

        - DN
        - Groups
        - <extra params>

    :param bool createIfNonExistant: if true, registers the users if it did not exist
    :return: S_OK, Value = True/False
        if not self.__initialized['OK']:
            return self.__initialized
        modifiedUser = False
        userData = self.describeUsers([username])['Value']
        if username not in userData:
            if createIfNonExistant:
                gLogger.info("Registering user %s" % username)
                return self.addUser(username, properties)
            gLogger.error("User is not registered", username)
            return S_OK(False)
        for prop in properties:
            if prop == "Groups":
            prevVal = self.__csMod.getValue(
                "%s/Users/%s/%s" % (self.__baseSecurity, username, prop))
            if not prevVal or prevVal != properties[prop]:
                gLogger.info("Setting %s property for user %s to %s" %
                             (prop, username, properties[prop]))
                    "%s/Users/%s/%s" % (self.__baseSecurity, username, prop),
                modifiedUser = True
        if 'Groups' in properties:
            groups = self.listGroups()['Value']
            for userGroup in properties['Groups']:
                if userGroup not in groups:
                    gLogger.error("User group is not a valid group",
                                  "%s %s" % (username, userGroup))
                    return S_OK(False)
            groupsToBeDeletedFrom = []
            groupsToBeAddedTo = []
            for prevGroup in userData[username]['Groups']:
                if prevGroup not in properties['Groups']:
                    modifiedUser = True
            for newGroup in properties['Groups']:
                if newGroup not in userData[username]['Groups']:
                    modifiedUser = True
            for group in groupsToBeDeletedFrom:
                self.__removeUserFromGroup(group, username)
                gLogger.info("Removed user %s from group %s" %
                             (username, group))
            for group in groupsToBeAddedTo:
                self.__addUserToGroup(group, username)
                gLogger.info("Added user %s to group %s" % (username, group))
        modified = False
        if modifiedUser:
            modified = True
            gLogger.info("Modified user %s" % username)
            self.csModified = True
            gLogger.info("Nothing to modify for user %s" % username)
        return S_OK(modified)

    def addGroup(self, groupname, properties):
    Add a group to the cs

    :param str groupname: group name
    :param dict properties: dictionary describing group properties:

        - Users
        - Properties
        - <extra params>

    :return: S_OK, Value = True/False
        if not self.__initialized['OK']:
            return self.__initialized
        if groupname in self.listGroups()['Value']:
            gLogger.error("Group is already registered", groupname)
            return S_OK(False)
        self.__csMod.createSection("%s/Groups/%s" %
                                   (self.__baseSecurity, groupname))
        for prop in properties:
                "%s/Groups/%s/%s" % (self.__baseSecurity, groupname, prop),
        gLogger.info("Registered group %s" % groupname)
        self.csModified = True
        return S_OK(True)

    def modifyGroup(self, groupname, properties, createIfNonExistant=False):
    Modify a group

    :param str groupname: group name
    :param dict properties: dictionary describing group properties:

        - Users
        - Properties
        - <extra params>

    :param bool createIfNonExistant: if true, creates the group if it did not exist
    :return: S_OK, Value = True/False
        if not self.__initialized['OK']:
            return self.__initialized
        modifiedGroup = False
        groupData = self.describeGroups([groupname])['Value']
        if groupname not in groupData:
            if createIfNonExistant:
                gLogger.info("Registering group %s" % groupname)
                return self.addGroup(groupname, properties)
            gLogger.error("Group is not registered", groupname)
            return S_OK(False)
        for prop in properties:
            prevVal = self.__csMod.getValue(
                "%s/Groups/%s/%s" % (self.__baseSecurity, groupname, prop))
            if not prevVal or prevVal != properties[prop]:
                gLogger.info("Setting %s property for group %s to %s" %
                             (prop, groupname, properties[prop]))
                    "%s/Groups/%s/%s" % (self.__baseSecurity, groupname, prop),
                modifiedGroup = True
        if modifiedGroup:
            gLogger.info("Modified group %s" % groupname)
            self.csModified = True
            gLogger.info("Nothing to modify for group %s" % groupname)
        return S_OK(True)

    def addHost(self, hostname, properties):
    Add a host to the cs

    :param str hostname: host name
    :param dict properties: dictionary describing host properties:

        - DN
        - Properties
        - <extra params>

    :return: S_OK, Value = True/False
        if not self.__initialized['OK']:
            return self.__initialized
        for prop in ("DN", ):
            if prop not in properties:
                gLogger.error("Missing property for host",
                              "%s %s" % (prop, hostname))
                return S_OK(False)
        if hostname in self.listHosts()['Value']:
            gLogger.error("Host is already registered", hostname)
            return S_OK(False)
        self.__csMod.createSection("%s/Hosts/%s" %
                                   (self.__baseSecurity, hostname))
        for prop in properties:
                "%s/Hosts/%s/%s" % (self.__baseSecurity, hostname, prop),
        gLogger.info("Registered host %s" % hostname)
        self.csModified = True
        return S_OK(True)

    def addShifter(self, shifters=None):
    Adds or modify one or more shifters. Also, adds the shifter section in case this is not present.
    Shifter identities are used in several places, mostly for running agents

    :param dict shifters: has to be in the form {'ShifterRole':{'User':'******', 'Group':'aDIRACGroup'}}

    :return: S_OK/S_ERROR
        def getOpsSection():
      Where is the shifters section?
            vo = CSGlobals.getVO()
            setup = CSGlobals.getSetup()

            if vo:
                res = gConfig.getSections('/Operations/%s/%s/Shifter' %
                                          (vo, setup))
                if res['OK']:
                    return S_OK('/Operations/%s/%s/Shifter' % (vo, setup))

                res = gConfig.getSections('/Operations/%s/Defaults/Shifter' %
                if res['OK']:
                    return S_OK('/Operations/%s/Defaults/Shifter' % vo)

                res = gConfig.getSections('/Operations/%s/Shifter' % setup)
                if res['OK']:
                    return S_OK('/Operations/%s/Shifter' % setup)

                res = gConfig.getSections('/Operations/Defaults/Shifter')
                if res['OK']:
                    return S_OK('/Operations/Defaults/Shifter')

            return S_ERROR("No shifter section")

        if shifters is None:
            shifters = {}
        if not self.__initialized['OK']:
            return self.__initialized

        # get current shifters
        opsH = Operations()
        currentShifterRoles = opsH.getSections('Shifter')
        if not currentShifterRoles['OK']:
            # we assume the shifter section is not present
            currentShifterRoles = []
            currentShifterRoles = currentShifterRoles['Value']
        currentShiftersDict = {}
        for currentShifterRole in currentShifterRoles:
            currentShifter = opsH.getOptionsDict('Shifter/%s' %
            if not currentShifter['OK']:
                return currentShifter
            currentShifter = currentShifter['Value']
            currentShiftersDict[currentShifterRole] = currentShifter

        # Removing from shifters what does not need to be changed
        for sRole in list(shifters):  # note the pop below
            if sRole in currentShiftersDict:
                if currentShiftersDict[sRole] == shifters[sRole]:

        # get shifters section to modify
        section = getOpsSection()

        # Is this section present?
        if not section['OK']:
            if section['Message'] == "No shifter section":
                gLogger.info("Adding shifter section")
                vo = CSGlobals.getVO()
                if vo:
                    section = '/Operations/%s/Defaults/Shifter' % vo
                    section = '/Operations/Defaults/Shifter'
                res = self.__csMod.createSection(section)
                if not res:
                    gLogger.error("Section %s not created" % section)
                    return S_ERROR("Section %s not created" % section)
                return section
            section = section['Value']

        # add or modify shifters
        for shifter in shifters:
            self.__csMod.removeSection(section + '/' + shifter)
            self.__csMod.createSection(section + '/' + shifter)
            self.__csMod.createSection(section + '/' + shifter + '/' + 'User')
            self.__csMod.createSection(section + '/' + shifter + '/' + 'Group')
            self.__csMod.setOptionValue(section + '/' + shifter + '/' + 'User',
                section + '/' + shifter + '/' + 'Group',

        self.csModified = True
        return S_OK(True)

    def modifyHost(self, hostname, properties, createIfNonExistant=False):
    Modify a host

    :param str hostname: hostname name
    :param dict properties: dictionary describing host properties:

        - DN
        - Properties
        - <extra params>

    :param bool createIfNonExistant: if true, creates the host if it did not exist
    :return: S_OK, Value = True/False
        if not self.__initialized['OK']:
            return self.__initialized
        modifiedHost = False
        hostData = self.describeHosts([hostname])['Value']
        if hostname not in hostData:
            if createIfNonExistant:
                gLogger.info("Registering host %s" % hostname)
                return self.addHost(hostname, properties)
            gLogger.error("Host is not registered", hostname)
            return S_OK(False)
        for prop in properties:
            prevVal = self.__csMod.getValue(
                "%s/Hosts/%s/%s" % (self.__baseSecurity, hostname, prop))
            if not prevVal or prevVal != properties[prop]:
                gLogger.info("Setting %s property for host %s to %s" %
                             (prop, hostname, properties[prop]))
                    "%s/Hosts/%s/%s" % (self.__baseSecurity, hostname, prop),
                modifiedHost = True
        if modifiedHost:
            gLogger.info("Modified host %s" % hostname)
            self.csModified = True
            gLogger.info("Nothing to modify for host %s" % hostname)
        return S_OK(True)

    def syncUsersWithCFG(self, usersCFG):
    Sync users with the cfg contents. Usernames have to be sections containing
    DN, Groups, and extra properties as parameters
        if not self.__initialized['OK']:
            return self.__initialized
        done = True
        for user in usersCFG.listSections():
            properties = {}
            propList = usersCFG[user].listOptions()
            for prop in propList:
                if prop == "Groups":
                    properties[prop] = List.fromChar(usersCFG[user][prop])
                    properties[prop] = usersCFG[user][prop]
            if not self.modifyUser(user, properties, createIfNonExistant=True):
                done = False
        return S_OK(done)

    def sortUsersAndGroups(self):
        self.__csMod.sortAlphabetically("%s/Users" % self.__baseSecurity)
        self.__csMod.sortAlphabetically("%s/Hosts" % self.__baseSecurity)
        for group in self.__csMod.getSections("%s/Groups" %
            usersOptionPath = "%s/Groups/%s/Users" % (self.__baseSecurity,
            users = self.__csMod.getValue(usersOptionPath)
            if users:
                usersList = sorted(List.fromChar(users))
                sortedUsers = ", ".join(usersList)
                if users != sortedUsers:
                    self.__csMod.setOptionValue(usersOptionPath, sortedUsers)

    def checkForUnexistantUsersInGroups(self):
        allUsers = self.__csMod.getSections("%s/Users" % self.__baseSecurity)
        allGroups = self.__csMod.getSections("%s/Groups" % self.__baseSecurity)
        for group in allGroups:
            usersInGroup = self.__csMod.getValue("%s/Groups/%s/Users" %
                                                 (self.__baseSecurity, group))
            if usersInGroup:
                filteredUsers = []
                usersInGroup = List.fromChar(usersInGroup)
                for user in usersInGroup:
                    if user in allUsers:
                    "%s/Groups/%s/Users" % (self.__baseSecurity, group),

    def commitChanges(self, sortUsers=True):
        if not self.__initialized['OK']:
            return self.__initialized
        if self.csModified:
            if sortUsers:
            retVal = self.__csMod.commit()
            if not retVal['OK']:
                gLogger.error("Can't commit new configuration data",
                              "%s" % retVal['Message'])
                return retVal
            return self.downloadCSData()
        return S_OK()

    def commit(self):
        """ Commit the accumulated changes to the CS server
        if not self.__initialized['OK']:
            return self.__initialized
        if self.csModified:
            retVal = self.__csMod.commit()
            if not retVal['OK']:
                gLogger.error("Can't commit new configuration data",
                              "%s" % retVal['Message'])
                return retVal
            return self.downloadCSData()
        return S_OK()

    def mergeFromCFG(self, cfg):
        """ Merge the internal CFG data with the input
        if not self.__initialized['OK']:
            return self.__initialized
        self.csModified = True
        return S_OK()

    def modifyValue(self, optionPath, newValue):
        """Modify an existing value at the specified options path.
        if not self.__initialized['OK']:
            return self.__initialized
        prevVal = self.__csMod.getValue(optionPath)
        if prevVal is None:
            return S_ERROR('Trying to set %s to %s but option does not exist' %
                           (optionPath, newValue))
        gLogger.verbose("Changing %s from \n%s \nto \n%s" %
                        (optionPath, prevVal, newValue))
        self.__csMod.setOptionValue(optionPath, newValue)
        self.csModified = True
        return S_OK('Modified %s' % optionPath)

    def setOption(self, optionPath, optionValue):
        """Create an option at the specified path.
        if not self.__initialized['OK']:
            return self.__initialized
        self.__csMod.setOptionValue(optionPath, optionValue)
        self.csModified = True
        return S_OK('Created new option %s = %s' % (optionPath, optionValue))

    def setOptionComment(self, optionPath, comment):
        """Create an option at the specified path.
        if not self.__initialized['OK']:
            return self.__initialized
        self.__csMod.setComment(optionPath, comment)
        self.csModified = True
        return S_OK('Set option comment %s : %s' % (optionPath, comment))

    def delOption(self, optionPath):
        """ Delete an option
        if not self.__initialized['OK']:
            return self.__initialized
        if not self.__csMod.removeOption(optionPath):
            return S_ERROR("Couldn't delete option %s" % optionPath)
        self.csModified = True
        return S_OK('Deleted option %s' % optionPath)

    def createSection(self, sectionPath, comment=""):
        """ Create a new section
        if not self.__initialized['OK']:
            return self.__initialized
        self.csModified = True
        if comment:
            self.__csMod.setComment(sectionPath, comment)
        return S_OK()

    def delSection(self, sectionPath):
        """ Delete a section
        if not self.__initialized['OK']:
            return self.__initialized
        if not self.__csMod.removeSection(sectionPath):
            return S_ERROR("Could not delete section %s " % sectionPath)
        self.csModified = True
        return S_OK()

    def copySection(self, originalPath, targetPath):
        """ Copy a whole section to a new location
        if not self.__initialized['OK']:
            return self.__initialized
        cfg = self.__csMod.getCFG()
        sectionCfg = cfg[originalPath]
        result = self.createSection(targetPath)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        if not self.__csMod.mergeSectionFromCFG(targetPath, sectionCfg):
            return S_ERROR("Could not merge cfg into section %s" % targetPath)
        self.csModified = True
        return S_OK()

    def moveSection(self, originalPath, targetPath):
        """  Move a whole section to a new location
        result = self.copySection(originalPath, targetPath)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        result = self.delSection(originalPath)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        self.csModified = True
        return S_OK()

    def mergeCFGUnderSection(self, sectionPath, cfg):
        """ Merge the given cfg under a certain section
        if not self.__initialized['OK']:
            return self.__initialized
        result = self.createSection(sectionPath)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        if not self.__csMod.mergeSectionFromCFG(sectionPath, cfg):
            return S_ERROR("Could not merge cfg into section %s" % sectionPath)
        self.csModified = True
        return S_OK()

    def mergeWithCFG(self, cfg):
        """ Merge the given cfg with the current config
        if not self.__initialized['OK']:
            return self.__initialized
        self.csModified = True
        return S_OK()

    def getCurrentCFG(self):
        """ Get the current CFG as it is
        if not self.__initialized['OK']:
            return self.__initialized
        return S_OK(self.__csMod.getCFG())

    def showDiff(self):
        """ Just shows the differences accumulated within the Modificator object
        diffData = self.__csMod.showCurrentDiff()
        gLogger.notice("Accumulated diff with master CS")
        for line in diffData:
            if line[0] in ('+', '-'):

    def forceGlobalConfigurationUpdate(self):
    Force global update of configuration on all the registered services

    :return: S_OK/S_ERROR

        return self.__rpcClient.forceGlobalConfigurationUpdate()