  def export_getSiteSummarySelectors(cls):
    """ Get all the distinct selector values for the site summary web portal page

        :return: S_OK(dict)/S_ERROR()
    resultDict = {}
    statusList = ['Good', 'Fair', 'Poor', 'Bad', 'Idle']
    resultDict['Status'] = statusList
    maskStatus = ['Active', 'Banned', 'NoMask', 'Reduced']
    resultDict['MaskStatus'] = maskStatus

    res = getSites()
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    siteList = res['Value']

    countryList = []
    for site in siteList:
      if site.find('.') != -1:
        country = site.split('.')[2].lower()
        if country not in countryList:
    resultDict['Country'] = countryList
    resultDict['Site'] = siteList

    return S_OK(resultDict)
  def doMaster(self):
      Master method, which looks little bit spaguetti code, sorry !
      - It gets all Sites.
      - It gets all StorageElements

      As there is no bulk query, it compares with what we have on the database.
      It queries a portion of them.

    sites = getSites()
    if not sites['OK']:
      return sites
    sites = sites['Value']

    elementNames = sites + DMSHelpers().getStorageElements()

#    sourceQuery = self.rmClient.selectTransferCache( meta = { 'columns' : [ 'SourceName' ] } )
#    if not sourceQuery[ 'OK' ]:
#      return sourceQuery
#    sourceQuery = [ element[0] for element in sourceQuery[ 'Value' ] ]
#    sourceElementsToQuery = list( set( elementNames ).difference( set( sourceQuery ) ) )
    self.log.info('Processing %s' % ', '.join(elementNames))

    for metric in ['Quality', 'FailedTransfers']:
      for direction in ['Source', 'Destination']:
        # 2 hours of window
        result = self.doNew((2, elementNames, direction, metric))
        if not result['OK']:

    return S_OK(self.metrics)
    def doCommand(self):
    Returns failed jobs using the DIRAC accounting system for every site
    for the last self.args[0] hours

      :attr:`sites`: list of sites (when not given, take every site)



        if 'hours' not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR('Number of hours not specified')
        hours = self.args['hours']

        sites = None
        if 'sites' in self.args:
            sites = self.args['sites']
        if sites is None:
            # FIXME: pointing to the CSHelper instead
            #      sources = self.rsClient.getSite( meta = {'columns': 'SiteName'} )
            #      if not sources[ 'OK' ]:
            #        return sources
            #      sources = [ si[0] for si in sources[ 'Value' ] ]
            sites = getSites()
            if not sites['OK']:
                return sites
            sites = sites['Value']

        if not sites:
            return S_ERROR('Sites is empty')

        fromD = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=hours)
        toD = datetime.utcnow()

        failedPilots = self.rClient.getReport('Pilot', 'NumberOfPilots', fromD,
                                              toD, {
                                                  'GridStatus': ['Aborted'],
                                                  'Site': sites
                                              }, 'Site')
        if not failedPilots['OK']:
            return failedPilots
        failedPilots = failedPilots['Value']

        if 'data' not in failedPilots:
            return S_ERROR('Missing data key')
        if 'granularity' not in failedPilots:
            return S_ERROR('Missing granularity key')

        singlePlots = {}

        for site, value in failedPilots['data'].iteritems():
            if site in sites:
                plot = {}
                plot['data'] = {site: value}
                plot['granularity'] = failedPilots['granularity']
                singlePlots[site] = plot

        return S_OK(singlePlots)
    def export_getSiteSummarySelectors(cls):
        """Get all the distinct selector values for the site summary web portal page

        :return: S_OK(dict)/S_ERROR()
        resultDict = {}
        statusList = ["Good", "Fair", "Poor", "Bad", "Idle"]
        resultDict["Status"] = statusList
        maskStatus = ["Active", "Banned", "NoMask", "Reduced"]
        resultDict["MaskStatus"] = maskStatus

        res = getSites()
        if not res["OK"]:
            return res
        siteList = res["Value"]

        countryList = []
        for site in siteList:
            if site.find(".") != -1:
                country = site.split(".")[2].lower()
                if country not in countryList:
        resultDict["Country"] = countryList
        resultDict["Site"] = siteList

        return S_OK(resultDict)
  def doCommand(self):
    Returns successfull jobs using the DIRAC accounting system for every site
    for the last self.args[0] hours

      :attr:`sites`: list of sites (when not given, take every site)



    if 'hours' not in self.args:
      return S_ERROR('Number of hours not specified')
    hours = self.args['hours']

    sites = None
    if 'sites' in self.args:
      sites = self.args['sites']
    if sites is None:
      # FIXME: pointing to the CSHelper instead
      #      sources = self.rsClient.getSite( meta = {'columns': 'SiteName'} )
      #      if not sources[ 'OK' ]:
      #        return sources
      #      sources = [ si[0] for si in sources[ 'Value' ] ]
      sites = getSites()
      if not sites['OK']:
        return sites
      sites = sites['Value']

    if not sites:
      return S_ERROR('Sites is empty')

    fromD = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=hours)
    toD = datetime.utcnow()

    successfulJobs = self.rClient.getReport('Job', 'NumberOfJobs', fromD, toD,
                                            {'FinalStatus': ['Done'],
                                             'Site': sites
                                             }, 'Site')
    if not successfulJobs['OK']:
      return successfulJobs
    successfulJobs = successfulJobs['Value']

    if 'data' not in successfulJobs:
      return S_ERROR('Missing data key')
    if 'granularity' not in successfulJobs:
      return S_ERROR('Missing granularity key')

    singlePlots = {}

    for site, value in successfulJobs['data'].items():
      if site in sites:
        plot = {}
        plot['data'] = {site: value}
        plot['granularity'] = successfulJobs['granularity']
        singlePlots[site] = plot

    return S_OK(singlePlots)
 def __checkSiteIsValid( self, site ):
   """Internal function to check that a site name is valid.
   result = getSites()
   if not result['OK']:
     return S_ERROR( 'Could not get site CE mapping' )
   siteList = result['Value']
   if site in siteList:
     return S_OK( '%s is valid' % site )
   result = getSites( fullName = True )    
   if not result['OK']:
     return S_ERROR( 'Could not get site CE mapping' )
   siteList = result['Value']
   if site in siteList:
     return S_OK( '%s is valid' % site )
   return S_ERROR( 'Specified site %s is not in list of defined sites' % site )
  def doCommand(self):
    Returns running and runned jobs, querying the WMSHistory
    for the last self.args[0] hours

      :attr:`sites`: list of sites (when not given, take every sites)



    if 'hours' not in self.args:
      return S_ERROR('Number of hours not specified')
    hours = self.args['hours']

    sites = None
    if 'sites' in self.args:
      sites = self.args['sites']
    if sites is None:
      # FIXME: pointing to the CSHelper instead
      #      sources = self.rsClient.getSite( meta = {'columns': 'SiteName'} )
      #      if not sources[ 'OK' ]:
      #        return sources
      #      sources = [ si[0] for si in sources[ 'Value' ] ]
      sites = getSites()
      if not sites['OK']:
        return sites
      sites = sites['Value']

    if not sites:
      return S_ERROR('Sites is empty')

    fromD = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=hours)
    toD = datetime.utcnow()

    runJobs = self.rClient.getReport('WMSHistory', 'NumberOfJobs', fromD, toD,
                                     {}, 'Site')
    if not runJobs['OK']:
      return runJobs
    runJobs = runJobs['Value']

    if 'data' not in runJobs:
      return S_ERROR('Missing data key')
    if 'granularity' not in runJobs:
      return S_ERROR('Missing granularity key')

    singlePlots = {}

    for site, value in runJobs['data'].items():
      if site in sites:
        plot = {}
        plot['data'] = {site: value}
        plot['granularity'] = runJobs['granularity']
        singlePlots[site] = plot

    return S_OK(singlePlots)
  def export_getSites(self):
    Returns list of all sites considered by RSS

    :return: S_OK( [ sites ] ) | S_ERROR

    return getSites()
  def doCommand(self):
    Returns simple jobs efficiency

    :param args:
       - args[0]: string: should be a ValidElement

       - args[1]: string should be the name of the ValidElement

    :returns: { 'Result': 'Good'|'Fair'|'Poor'|'Idle'|'Bad' }

    if 'siteName' not in self.args:
      return self.returnERROR(S_ERROR('siteName is missing'))
    siteName = self.args['siteName']

    # If siteName is None, we take all sites
    if siteName is None:
      siteName = getSites()
      if not siteName['OK']:
        return self.returnERROR(siteName)
      siteName = siteName['Value']

    results = self.wmsAdmin.getSiteSummaryWeb({'Site': siteName}, [], 0, 500)

    if not results['OK']:
      return self.returnERROR(results)
    results = results['Value']

    if 'ParameterNames' not in results:
      return self.returnERROR(S_ERROR('Malformed result dictionary'))
    params = results['ParameterNames']

    if 'Records' not in results:
      return self.returnERROR(S_ERROR('Malformed result dictionary'))
    records = results['Records']

    jobResults = []

    for record in records:

      jobDict = dict(zip(params, record))
        jobDict['Efficiency'] = float(jobDict['Efficiency'])
      except KeyError as e:
        return self.returnERROR(S_ERROR(e))
      except ValueError as e:
        return self.returnERROR(S_ERROR(e))


    return S_OK(jobResults)
 def __query( self, queryType, parameters ):
     This method is a rather important one. It will format the input for the DB
     queries, instead of doing it on a decorator. Two dictionaries must be passed
     to the DB. First one contains 'columnName' : value pairs, being the key
     lower camel case. The second one must have, at lease, a key named 'table'
     with the right table name. 
   # Functions we can call, just a light safety measure.
   _gateFunctions = [ 'insert', 'update', 'select', 'delete', 'addOrModify', 'modify', 'addIfNotThere' ] 
   if not queryType in _gateFunctions:
     return S_ERROR( '"%s" is not a proper gate call' % queryType )
   gateFunction = getattr( self.gate, queryType )
   # If meta is None, we set it to {}
   meta = ( True and parameters.pop( 'meta' ) ) or {}
   # Remove self, added by locals()
   del parameters[ 'self' ]     
   # This is an special case with the Element tables.
   #if tableName.startswith( 'Element' ):
   element   = parameters.pop( 'element' )
   if not element in self.validElements:
     gLogger.debug( '"%s" is not a valid element like %s' % ( element, self.validElements ) )
     return S_ERROR( '"%s" is not a valid element like %s' % ( element, self.validElements ) )
   # For Site elements always use the short names
   if element == "Site" and parameters['name'] is not None:
     if type( parameters['name'] ) in StringTypes:
       parameters['name'] = [parameters['name']]
     if type( parameters['name'] ) == ListType:
       result = getSites( parameters['name'] )
       if not result['OK']:
         gLogger.debug( result['Message'] )            
         return result
       parameters['name'] = result['Value']  
       gLogger.debug( 'Invalid site name type: %s' % type( parameters['name'] ) )            
       return S_ERROR( 'Invalid site name type: %s' % type( parameters['name'] ) )    
   tableType = parameters.pop( 'tableType' )
   #tableName = tableName.replace( 'Element', element )
   tableName = '%s%s' % ( element, tableType )
   meta[ 'table' ] = tableName
   gLogger.debug( 'Calling %s, with \n params %s \n meta %s' % ( queryType, parameters, meta ) )  
   userRes = gateFunction( parameters, meta )
   return userRes    
  def _syncSites(self):
      Sync sites: compares CS with DB and does the necessary modifications.

    gLogger.info('-- Synchronizing sites --')

    # sites in CS
    res = getSites()
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    sitesCS = res['Value']

    gLogger.verbose('%s sites found in CS' % len(sitesCS))

    # sites in RSS
    result = self.rStatus.selectStatusElement('Site', 'Status',
                                              meta={'columns': ['Name']})
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    sitesDB = [siteDB[0] for siteDB in result['Value']]

    # Sites that are in DB but not (anymore) in CS
    toBeDeleted = list(set(sitesDB).difference(set(sitesCS)))
    gLogger.verbose('%s sites to be deleted' % len(toBeDeleted))

    # Delete sites
    for siteName in toBeDeleted:
      deleteQuery = self.rStatus._extermineStatusElement(
          'Site', siteName)
      gLogger.verbose('Deleting site %s' % siteName)
      if not deleteQuery['OK']:
        return deleteQuery

    # Sites that are in CS but not (anymore) in DB
    toBeAdded = list(set(sitesCS).difference(set(sitesDB)))
    gLogger.verbose('%s site entries to be added' % len(toBeAdded))

    for site in toBeAdded:
      query = self.rStatus.addIfNotThereStatusElement('Site', 'Status',
      if not query['OK']:
        return query

    return S_OK()
  def __init__(self, script=None, stdout='std.out', stderr='std.err'):
    """Instantiates the Workflow object and some default parameters.

    super(Job, self).__init__()

    self.stepCount = 0
    self.owner = 'NotSpecified'
    self.name = 'Name'
    self.type = 'User'
    self.priority = 1
    vo = ''
    ret = getProxyInfo(disableVOMS=True)
    if ret['OK'] and 'group' in ret['Value']:
      vo = getVOForGroup(ret['Value']['group'])
    self.group = vo
    self.site = None
    # self.setup = 'Development'
    self.origin = 'DIRAC'
    self.stdout = stdout
    self.stderr = stderr
    self.logLevel = 'info'
    self.executable = '$DIRACROOT/scripts/dirac-jobexec'  # to be clarified
    # $DIRACROOT is set by the JobWrapper at execution time
    self.addToInputSandbox = []
    self.addToOutputSandbox = []
    self.addToInputData = []
    # #Add member to handle Parametric jobs
    self.numberOfParameters = 0
    self.parameterSeqs = {}
    self.wfArguments = {}
    self.parametricWFArguments = {}

    # loading the function that will be used to determine the platform (it can be VO specific)
    res = ObjectLoader().loadObject("ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Resources", 'getDIRACPlatforms')
    if not res['OK']:
    self.getDIRACPlatforms = res['Value']

    self.script = script
    if not script:
      self.workflow = Workflow()
      self.workflow = Workflow(script)
    self._siteSet = set(getSites().get('Value', []))
  def doMaster(self):
      Master method.

      Gets all sites and calls doNew method.

    siteNames = getSites()
    if not siteNames['OK']:
      return siteNames
    siteNames = siteNames['Value']

    jobsResults = self.doNew(siteNames)
    if not jobsResults['OK']:

    return S_OK(self.metrics)
 def ftsSites(self):
     """ get fts site list """
     sites = getSites()
     if not sites["OK"]:
         return sites
     sites = sites["Value"]
     ftsServers = getFTSServersForSites(sites)
     if not ftsServers["OK"]:
         return ftsServers
     ftsServers = ftsServers["Value"]
     ftsSites = []
     for site, ftsServerURL in ftsServers.items():
         ftsSite = FTSSite()
         ftsSite.Name, ftsSite.FTSServer = site, ftsServerURL
         ## should be read from CS as well
         ftsSite.MaxActiveJobs = 50
     return S_OK(ftsSites)
 def ftsSites( self ):
   """ get fts site list """
   sites = getSites()
   if not sites["OK"]:
     return sites
   sites = sites["Value"]
   ftsServers = getFTSServersForSites( sites )
   if not ftsServers["OK"]:
     return ftsServers
   ftsServers = ftsServers["Value"]
   ftsSites = []
   for site, ftsServerURL in ftsServers.items():
     ftsSite = FTSSite()
     ftsSite.Name, ftsSite.FTSServer = site, ftsServerURL
     ## should be read from CS as well
     ftsSite.MaxActiveJobs = 50
     ftsSites.append( ftsSite )
   return S_OK( ftsSites )
  def export_getSiteMaskSummary(cls):
    """ Get the mask status for all the configured sites

        :return: S_OK(dict)/S_ERROR()
    # Get all the configured site names
    res = getSites()
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    sites = res['Value']

    # Get the current mask status
    result = cls.jobDB.getSiteMaskStatus()
    siteDict = result['Value']
    for site in sites:
      if site not in siteDict:
        siteDict[site] = 'Unknown'

    return S_OK(siteDict)
  def doMaster(self):

    siteNames = getSites()
    if not siteNames['OK']:
      return siteNames
    siteNames = siteNames['Value']

    ces = CSHelpers.getComputingElements()
    if not ces['OK']:
      return ces
    ces = ces['Value']

    pilotResults = self.doNew(('Site', siteNames))
    if not pilotResults['OK']:

    pilotResults = self.doNew(('Resource', ces))
    if not pilotResults['OK']:

    return S_OK(self.metrics)
  def export_getSitesResources(self, siteNames):
    Returns dictionary with SEs and CEs for the given site(s). If siteNames is
    None, all sites are taken into account.

    :return: S_OK( { site1 : { ces : [ ces ], 'ses' : [ ses  ] },... } ) | S_ERROR


    if siteNames is None:
      siteNames = getSites()
      if not siteNames['OK']:
        return siteNames
      siteNames = siteNames['Value']

    if isinstance(siteNames, basestring):
      siteNames = [siteNames]

    sitesRes = {}

    for siteName in siteNames:

      res = {}
      res['ces'] = CSHelpers.getSiteComputingElements(siteName)
      # Convert StorageElements to host names
      res = DMSHelpers().getSiteSEMapping()
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      ses = res['Value'][1].get(siteName, [])
      sesHosts = CSHelpers.getStorageElementsHosts(ses)
      if not sesHosts['OK']:
        return sesHosts
      # Remove duplicates
      res['ses'] = list(set(sesHosts['Value']))

      sitesRes[siteName] = res

    return S_OK(sitesRes)
  def _ByJobType( self ):
    """ By default, all sites are allowed to do every job. The actual rules are freely specified in the Operation JobTypeMapping section.
        The content of the section may look like this:

          Exclude = PAK
          Exclude += Ferrara
          Exclude += Bologna
          Exclude += Paris
          Exclude += CERN
          Exclude += IN2P3
            Paris = IN2P3
            CERN = CERN
            IN2P3 = IN2P3
          Exclude = PAK
          Exclude += Ferrara
          Exclude += CERN
          Exclude += IN2P3
            Ferrara = CERN
            CERN = CERN
            IN2P3 = IN2P3
            IN2P3 += CERN
          Exclude = ALL
            CERN = CERN
            IN2P3 = IN2P3

        The sites in the exclusion list will be removed.
        The allow section says where each site may help another site

    # 1. get sites list
    res = getSites()
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.error( "Could not get the list of sites", res['Message'] )
      return res
    destSites = set( res['Value'] )

    # 2. get JobTypeMapping "Exclude" value (and add autoAddedSites)
    gLogger.debug( "Getting JobTypeMapping 'Exclude' value (and add autoAddedSites)" )
    jobType = self.params['JobType']
    if not jobType:
      raise RuntimeError( "No jobType specified" )
    excludedSites = self.opsH.getValue( 'JobTypeMapping/%s/Exclude' % jobType, [] )
    gLogger.debug( "Explicitly excluded sites for %s task: %s" % ( jobType, ','.join( excludedSites ) ) )
    excludedSites += self.opsH.getValue( 'JobTypeMapping/AutoAddedSites', [] )
    gLogger.debug( "Full list of excluded sites for %s task: %s" % ( jobType, ','.join( excludedSites ) ) )

    # 3. removing sites in Exclude
    if not excludedSites:
    elif 'ALL' in excludedSites:
      destSites = set()
      destSites = destSites.difference( set( excludedSites ) )

    # 4. get JobTypeMapping "Allow" section
    res = self.opsH.getOptionsDict( 'JobTypeMapping/%s/Allow' % jobType )
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.verbose( res['Message'] )
      allowed = {}
      allowed = res['Value']
      for site in allowed:
        allowed[site] = fromChar( allowed[site] )

    # 5. add autoAddedSites, if requested
    autoAddedSites = self.opsH.getValue( 'JobTypeMapping/AutoAddedSites', [] )
    if autoAddedSites:
      for autoAddedSite in autoAddedSites:
        allowed.setdefault( autoAddedSite, [autoAddedSite] )
        if autoAddedSite not in allowed:
          allowed[autoAddedSite] = [autoAddedSite]
          allowed[autoAddedSite] = [autoAddedSite] + allowed[autoAddedSite]
    gLogger.debug( "Allowed sites for %s task: %s" % ( jobType, ','.join( allowed ) ) )

    # 6. Allowing sites that should be allowed
    if not self.params['TargetSE'] or self.params['TargetSE'] == 'Unknown':
      gLogger.warn( "TargetSE is not set: the destination sites list will be incomplete" )
    taskSiteDestination = self._BySE()

    for destSite, fromSites in allowed.iteritems():
      for fromSite in fromSites:
        if taskSiteDestination:
          if fromSite in taskSiteDestination:
            destSites.add( destSite )
          destSites.add( destSite )

    gLogger.verbose( "Computed list of destination sites for %s task with TargetSE %s: %s" % ( jobType,
                                                                                               ','.join( destSites ) ) )
    return destSites
  def _ByJobType(self):
    """ By default, all sites are allowed to do every job.
        The actual rules are freely specified in the Operation JobTypeMapping section.
        The content of the section may look like this:

          Exclude = PAK
          Exclude += Ferrara
          Exclude += Bologna
          Exclude += Paris
          Exclude += CERN
          Exclude += IN2P3
            Paris = IN2P3
            CERN = CERN
            IN2P3 = IN2P3
          Exclude = PAK
          Exclude += Ferrara
          Exclude += CERN
          Exclude += IN2P3
            Ferrara = CERN
            CERN = CERN
            IN2P3 = IN2P3
            IN2P3 += CERN
          Exclude = ALL
            CERN = CERN
            IN2P3 = IN2P3

        The sites in the exclusion list will be removed.
        The allow section says where each site may help another site

    # 1. get sites list
    res = getSites()
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.error("Could not get the list of sites", res['Message'])
      return res
    destSites = set(res['Value'])

    # 2. get JobTypeMapping "Exclude" value (and add autoAddedSites)
    gLogger.debug("Getting JobTypeMapping 'Exclude' value (and add autoAddedSites)")
    jobType = self.params['JobType']
    if not jobType:
      raise RuntimeError("No jobType specified")
    excludedSites = set(self.opsH.getValue('JobTypeMapping/%s/Exclude' % jobType, []))
    gLogger.debug("Explicitly excluded sites for %s task: %s" % (jobType, ','.join(excludedSites)))
    autoAddedSites = self.opsH.getValue('JobTypeMapping/AutoAddedSites', [])
    if 'WithStorage' in autoAddedSites:
      # Add all sites with storage, such that jobs can run wherever data is
      autoAddedSites += DMSHelpers().getTiers(withStorage=True, tier=(0, 1, 2))

    # 3. removing sites in Exclude
    if not excludedSites:
    elif 'ALL' in excludedSites:
      destSites = set()
      destSites -= excludedSites

    # 4. get JobTypeMapping "Allow" section
    res = self.opsH.getOptionsDict('JobTypeMapping/%s/Allow' % jobType)
    if not res['OK']:
      allowed = {}
      allowed = dict((site, set(fromChar(fromSites))) for site, fromSites in res['Value'].iteritems())

    autoAddedSites = set(self.opsH.getValue('JobTypeMapping/%s/AutoAddedSites' % jobType, autoAddedSites))
    gLogger.debug("Auto-added sites for %s task: %s" % (jobType, ','.join(autoAddedSites)))
    # 5. add autoAddedSites, if requested
    for autoAddedSite in autoAddedSites:
      allowed.setdefault(autoAddedSite, set()).add(autoAddedSite)
    gLogger.debug("Allowed sites for %s task: %s" % (jobType, ','.join(allowed)))

    # 6. Allowing sites that should be allowed
    taskSiteDestination = self._BySE()

    for destSite, fromSites in allowed.iteritems():
      for fromSite in fromSites:
        if not taskSiteDestination or fromSite in taskSiteDestination:

    gLogger.debug("Computed list of destination sites for %s task with TargetSE %s: %s" % (jobType,
    return destSites
      DIRAC.exit( -1 )

  ftsClient = FTSClient()

  ftsSites = ftsClient.getFTSSitesList()
  if not ftsSites["OK"]:
    gLogger.error( "unable to read FTSSites: %s" % ftsSites["Message"] )
    DIRAC.exit( -1 )
  ftsSites = ftsSites["Value"]

  for site in ftsSites:
    if site.Name == ftsSite:
      gLogger.error( "FTSSite '%s' is present in FTSDB!!!" % ftsSite )
      DIRAC.exit( -1 )

  getSites = getSites()
  if not getSites["OK"]:
    gLogger.error( "unable to read sites defined in CS!!!" )
    DIRAC.exit( -1 )
  getSites = getSites["Value"]

  if "LCG." + ftsSite not in getSites:
    gLogger.error( "Site '%s' is not defined in CS Resources/Sites section !!!" % ( "LCG.%s" % ftsSite ) )
    DIRAC.exit( -1 )

  SEs = gConfig.getOption( "/Resources/Sites/LCG/LCG.%s/SE" % ftsSite , [] )
  if not SEs["OK"]:
    gLogger.error( "unable to read SEs attached to site LCG.%s: %s" % ftsSite )
    DIRAC.exit( -1 )
  SEs = SEs["Value"]