  def __generateStorageObject( self, storageName, protocolName, protocol, path = None,
                              host = None, port = None, spaceToken = None, wsUrl = None ):
    moduleRootPaths = getInstalledExtensions()
    moduleLoaded = False
    for moduleRootPath in moduleRootPaths:
      if moduleLoaded:
      gLogger.verbose( "Trying to load from root path %s" % moduleRootPath )
      moduleFile = os.path.join( rootPath, moduleRootPath, "Resources", "Storage", "%sStorage.py" % protocolName )
      gLogger.verbose( "Looking for file %s" % moduleFile )
      if not os.path.isfile( moduleFile ):
        # This inforces the convention that the plug in must be named after the protocol
        moduleName = "%sStorage" % ( protocolName )
        storageModule = __import__( '%s.Resources.Storage.%s' % ( moduleRootPath, moduleName ),
                                    globals(), locals(), [moduleName] )
      except Exception, x:
        errStr = "StorageFactory._generateStorageObject: Failed to import %s: %s" % ( storageName, x )
        gLogger.exception( errStr )
        return S_ERROR( errStr )

        evalString = "storageModule.%s(storageName,protocol,path,host,port,spaceToken,wsUrl)" % moduleName
        storage = eval( evalString )
        if not storage.isOK():
          errStr = "StorageFactory._generateStorageObject: Failed to instatiate storage plug in."
          gLogger.error( errStr, "%s" % ( moduleName ) )
          return S_ERROR( errStr )
      except Exception, x:
        errStr = "StorageFactory._generateStorageObject: Failed to instatiate %s(): %s" % ( moduleName, x )
        gLogger.exception( errStr )
        return S_ERROR( errStr )
 def _generateCatalogObject( self, catalogName ):
   moduleRootPaths = getInstalledExtensions()
   moduleLoaded = False
   for moduleRootPath in moduleRootPaths:
     if moduleLoaded:
     gLogger.verbose( "Trying to load from root path %s" % moduleRootPath )
     moduleFile = os.path.join( rootPath, moduleRootPath, "Resources", "Catalog", "%sClient.py" % catalogName )
     gLogger.verbose( "Looking for file %s" % moduleFile )
     if not os.path.isfile( moduleFile ):
       # This inforces the convention that the plug in must be named after the file catalog
       moduleName = "%sClient" % ( catalogName )
       catalogModule = __import__( '%s.Resources.Catalog.%s' % ( moduleRootPath, moduleName ),
                                   globals(), locals(), [moduleName] )
     except Exception, x:
       errStr = "FileCatalog._generateCatalogObject: Failed to import %s: %s" % ( catalogName, x )
       gLogger.exception( errStr )
       return S_ERROR( errStr )
       evalString = "catalogModule.%s()" % moduleName
       catalog = eval( evalString )
       if not catalog.isOK():
         errStr = "FileCatalog._generateCatalogObject: Failed to instantiate catalog plug in."
         gLogger.error( errStr, moduleName )
         return S_ERROR( errStr )
       return S_OK( catalog )
     except Exception, x:
       errStr = "FileCatalog._generateCatalogObject: Failed to instantiate %s()" % ( moduleName )
       gLogger.exception( errStr, lException = x )
       return S_ERROR( errStr )
  def loadModules( self, modulesList, hideExceptions = False ):
      Load all modules required in moduleList
    for modName in modulesList:
      gLogger.verbose( "Checking %s" % modName )
      #if it's a executor modName name just load it and be done with it
      if modName.find( "/" ) > -1:
        gLogger.verbose( "Module %s seems to be a valid name. Try to load it!" % modName )
        result = self.loadModule( modName, hideExceptions = hideExceptions )
        if not result[ 'OK' ]:
          return result
      #Check if it's a system name
      #Look in the CS
      system = modName
      #Can this be generated with sectionFinder?
      csPath = "%s/Executors" % PathFinder.getSystemSection ( system, ( system, ) )
      gLogger.verbose( "Exploring %s to discover modules" % csPath )
      result = gConfig.getSections( csPath )
      if result[ 'OK' ]:
        #Add all modules in the CS :P
        for modName in result[ 'Value' ]:
          result = self.loadModule( "%s/%s" % ( system, modName ), hideExceptions = hideExceptions )
          if not result[ 'OK' ]:
            return result
      #Look what is installed
      parentModule = None
      for rootModule in getInstalledExtensions():
        if system.find( "System" ) != len( system ) - 6:
          parentImport = "%s.%sSystem.%s" % ( rootModule, system, self.__csSuffix )
          parentImport = "%s.%s.%s" % ( rootModule, system, self.__csSuffix )
        result = self.__recurseImport( parentImport )
        if not result[ 'OK' ]:
          return result
        parentModule = result[ 'Value' ]
        if parentModule:
      if not parentModule:
      parentPath = parentModule.__path__[0]
      gLogger.notice( "Found modules path at %s" % parentImport )
      for entry in os.listdir( parentPath ):
        if entry[-3:] != ".py" or entry == "__init__.py":
        if not os.path.isfile( os.path.join( parentPath, entry ) ):
        modName = "%s/%s" % ( system, entry[:-3] )
        gLogger.verbose( "Trying to import %s" % modName )
        result = self.loadModule( modName,
                                  hideExceptions = hideExceptions,
                                  parentModule = parentModule )

    return S_OK()
    def __generateStorageObject(self,

        storageType = protocolName
        if self.proxy:
            storageType = 'Proxy'

        moduleRootPaths = getInstalledExtensions()
        moduleLoaded = False
        path = path.rstrip('/')
        if not path:
            path = '/'
        for moduleRootPath in moduleRootPaths:
            if moduleLoaded:
            gLogger.verbose("Trying to load from root path %s" %
            moduleFile = os.path.join(rootPath, moduleRootPath, "Resources",
                                      "Storage", "%sStorage.py" % storageType)
            gLogger.verbose("Looking for file %s" % moduleFile)
            if not os.path.isfile(moduleFile):
                # This inforces the convention that the plug in must be named after the protocol
                moduleName = "%sStorage" % (storageType)
                storageModule = __import__(
                    '%s.Resources.Storage.%s' % (moduleRootPath, moduleName),
                    globals(), locals(), [moduleName])
            except Exception, x:
                errStr = "StorageFactory._generateStorageObject: Failed to import %s: %s" % (
                    storageName, x)
                return S_ERROR(errStr)

                evalString = "storageModule.%s(storageName,protocol,path,host,port,spaceToken,wsUrl)" % moduleName
                storage = eval(evalString)
                if not storage.isOK():
                    errStr = "StorageFactory._generateStorageObject: Failed to instantiate storage plug in."
                    gLogger.error(errStr, "%s" % (moduleName))
                    return S_ERROR(errStr)
            except Exception, x:
                errStr = "StorageFactory._generateStorageObject: Failed to instantiate %s(): %s" % (
                    moduleName, x)
                return S_ERROR(errStr)
  def loadModule( self, modName, hideExceptions = False, parentModule = False ):
      Load module name.
      name must take the form [DIRAC System Name]/[DIRAC module]
    while modName and modName[0] == "/":
      modName = modName[1:]
    if modName in self.__modules:
      return S_OK()
    modList = modName.split( "/" )
    if len( modList ) != 2:
      return S_ERROR( "Can't load %s: Invalid module name" % ( modName ) )
    csSection = self.__sectionFinder( modName )
    loadGroup = gConfig.getValue( "%s/Load" % csSection, [] )
    #Check if it's a load group
    if loadGroup:
      gLogger.info( "Found load group %s. Will load %s" % ( modName, ", ".join( loadGroup ) ) )
      for loadModName in loadGroup:
        if loadModName.find( "/" ) == -1:
          loadModName = "%s/%s" % ( modList[0], loadModName )
        result = self.loadModule( loadModName, hideExceptions = hideExceptions, parentModule = False )
        if not result[ 'OK' ]:
          return result
      return S_OK()
    #Normal load
    loadName = gConfig.getValue( "%s/Module" % csSection, "" )
    if not loadName:
      loadName = modName
      gLogger.info( "Loading %s" % ( modName ) )
      if loadName.find( "/" ) == -1:
        loadName = "%s/%s" % ( modList[0], loadName )
      gLogger.info( "Loading %s (%s)" % ( modName, loadName ) )
    #If already loaded, skip
    loadList = loadName.split( "/" )
    if len( loadList ) != 2:
      return S_ERROR( "Can't load %s: Invalid module name" % ( loadName ) )
    system, module = loadList
    className = module
    if self.__modSuffix:
      className = "%s%s" % ( className, self.__modSuffix )
    if loadName not in self.__loadedModules:
      #Check if handler is defined
      loadCSSection = self.__sectionFinder( loadName )
      handlerPath = gConfig.getValue( "%s/HandlerPath" % loadCSSection, "" )
      if handlerPath:
        gLogger.info( "Trying to %s from CS defined path %s" % ( loadName, handlerPath ) )
        gLogger.verbose( "Found handler for %s: %s" % ( loadName, handlerPath ) )
        handlerPath = handlerPath.replace( "/", "." )
        if handlerPath.find( ".py", len( handlerPath ) -3 ) > -1:
          handlerPath = handlerPath[ :-3 ]
        className = List.fromChar( handlerPath, "." )[-1]
        result = self.__recurseImport( handlerPath )
        if not result[ 'OK' ]:
          return S_ERROR( "Cannot load user defined handler %s: %s" % ( handlerPath, result[ 'Message' ] ) )
        gLogger.verbose( "Loaded %s" % handlerPath )
      elif parentModule:
        gLogger.info( "Trying to autodiscover %s from parent" % loadName )
        #If we've got a parent module, load from there.
        modImport = module
        if self.__modSuffix:
          modImport = "%s%s" % ( modImport, self.__modSuffix )
        result = self.__recurseImport( modImport, parentModule, hideExceptions = hideExceptions )
        #Check to see if the module exists in any of the root modules
        gLogger.info( "Trying to autodiscover %s" % loadName )
        rootModulesToLook = getInstalledExtensions()
        for rootModule in rootModulesToLook:
          importString = '%s.%sSystem.%s.%s' % ( rootModule, system, self.__importLocation, module )
          if self.__modSuffix:
            importString = "%s%s" % ( importString, self.__modSuffix )
          gLogger.verbose( "Trying to load %s" % importString )
          result = self.__recurseImport( importString, hideExceptions = hideExceptions )
          #Error while loading
          if not result[ 'OK' ]:
            return result
          #Something has been found! break :)
          if result[ 'Value' ]:
            gLogger.verbose( "Found %s" % importString )
      #Nothing found
      if not result[ 'Value' ]:
        return S_ERROR( "Could not find %s" % loadName )
      modObj = result[ 'Value' ]
        #Try to get the class from the module
        modClass = getattr( modObj, className )
      except AttributeError:
        location = ""
        if '__file__' in dir( modObj ):
          location = modObj.__file__
          location = modObj.__path__
        gLogger.exception( "%s module does not have a %s class!" % ( location, module ) )
        return S_ERROR( "Cannot load %s" % module )
      #Check if it's subclass
      if not issubclass( modClass, self.__superClass ):
        return S_ERROR( "%s has to inherit from %s" % ( loadName, self.__superClass.__name__ ) )
      self.__loadedModules[ loadName ] = { 'classObj' : modClass, 'moduleObj' : modObj }
      #End of loading of 'loadName' module

    #A-OK :)
    self.__modules[ modName ] = self.__loadedModules[ loadName ].copy()
    #keep the name of the real code module
    self.__modules[ modName ][ 'modName' ] = modName
    self.__modules[ modName ][ 'loadName' ] = loadName
    gLogger.notice( "Loaded module %s" % modName )

    return S_OK()
  def loadAgentModule( self, fullName, hideExceptions = False ):
      Load module fullName.
      fullName must take the form [DIRAC System Name]/[DIRAC Agent Name]
      - calls the am_initialize method of the imported Agent
      - determines the pooling interval: am_getPollingTime,
      - determines the number of executions: am_getMaxCycles
      - creates a periodic Task in the ThreadScheduler: am_go
    modList = fullName.split( "/" )
    if len( modList ) != 2:
      return S_ERROR( "Can't load %s: Invalid agent name" % ( fullName ) )
    if fullName in self.__agentModules:
      gLogger.notice( "Agent already loaded:", fullName )
      return S_OK()
    gLogger.info( "Loading %s" % fullName )
    system, agentName = modList
    rootModulesToLook = getInstalledExtensions()
    moduleLoaded = False
    for rootModule in rootModulesToLook:
      if moduleLoaded:
      gLogger.verbose( "Trying to load from root module %s" % rootModule )
      moduleFile = os.path.join( rootPath, rootModule, "%sSystem" % system, "Agent", "%s.py" % agentName )
      gLogger.verbose( "Looking for file %s" % moduleFile )
      if not os.path.isfile( moduleFile ):
        importString = '%s.%sSystem.Agent.%s' % ( rootModule, system, agentName )
        gLogger.debug( "Trying to load %s" % importString )
        agentModule = __import__( importString,
                                locals(), agentName )
        agentClass = getattr( agentModule, agentName )
        if not self.__checkHandler( agentClass ):
          gLogger.error( "Invalid Agent module", "%s has to inherit from AgentModule" % fullName )
        agent = agentClass( fullName, self.__baseAgentName )
        if not isinstance( agent, AgentModule ):
          gLogger.error( "%s is not a subclass of AgentModule" % moduleFile )
        result = agent.am_initialize()
        if not result[ 'OK' ]:
          return S_ERROR( "Error while calling initialize method of %s: %s" % ( fullName, result[ 'Message' ] ) )
        moduleLoaded = True
      except Exception:
        if not hideExceptions:
          gLogger.exception( "Can't load agent %s" % fullName )
    if not moduleLoaded:
      return S_ERROR( "Can't load agent %s in root modules %s" % ( fullName, ", ".join ( rootModulesToLook ) ) )
    self.__agentModules[ fullName ] = { 'instance' : agent,
                                        'class' : agentClass,
                                        'module' : agentModule,
                                        'running' : False }
    agentPeriod = agent.am_getPollingTime()
    result = self.__scheduler.addPeriodicTask( agentPeriod,
                                               executions = agent.am_getMaxCycles(),
                                               elapsedTime = agentPeriod )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return result

    taskId = result[ 'Value' ]
    self.__tasks[ result[ 'Value' ] ] = fullName
    self.__agentModules[ fullName ][ 'taskId' ] = taskId
    self.__agentModules[ fullName ][ 'running' ] = True
    return S_OK()