def callClient(args, clientIn = None):

  if clientIn is not None:
    c = clientIn
    # use standard GGUSTickets Client
    from DIRAC.Core.LCG.GGUSTicketsClient import GGUSTicketsClient   
    c = GGUSTicketsClient()
  name = args[1]
  name = getGOCSiteName(name)
  if not name['OK']:
    raise RSSException, name['Message']
  name = name['Value']
    openTickets = c.getTicketsList(name)
    if not openTickets['OK']:
      return 'Unknown'
    return openTickets['Value']
  except urllib2.URLError:
    gLogger.error("GGUSTicketsClient timed out for " + name)
    return 'Unknown'
    gLogger.exception("Exception when calling GGUSTicketsClient for " + name)
    return 'Unknown'
    def __init__(self, args=None, clients=None):

        super(GGUSTicketsCommand, self).__init__(args, clients)

        if 'GGUSTicketsClient' in self.apis:
            self.gClient = self.apis['GGUSTicketsClient']
            self.gClient = GGUSTicketsClient()

        if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
            self.rmClient = self.apis['ResourceManagementClient']
            self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()
    def setUp(self):

        self.mockRSS = mock.MagicMock()

        self.GOCCli = GOCDBClient()
        #     self.SAMCli = SAMResultsClient()
        self.GGUSCli = GGUSTicketsClient()
    def setUp(self):

        from DIRAC.Core.Base.Script import parseCommandLine

        self.mockRSS = Mock()

        self.GOCCli = GOCDBClient()
        self.SLSCli = SLSClient()
        self.SAMCli = SAMResultsClient()
        self.GGUSCli = GGUSTicketsClient()
    def __init__(self, args=None, clients=None):

        super(GGUSTicketsCommand, self).__init__(args, clients)

        if "GGUSTicketsClient" in self.apis:
            self.gClient = self.apis["GGUSTicketsClient"]
            self.gClient = GGUSTicketsClient()

        if "ResourceManagementClient" in self.apis:
            self.rmClient = self.apis["ResourceManagementClient"]
            self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()
class GGUSTicketsCommand(Command):
    GGUSTickets "master" Command
    def __init__(self, args=None, clients=None):

        super(GGUSTicketsCommand, self).__init__(args, clients)

        if 'GGUSTicketsClient' in self.apis:
            self.gClient = self.apis['GGUSTicketsClient']
            self.gClient = GGUSTicketsClient()

        if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
            self.rmClient = self.apis['ResourceManagementClient']
            self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()

    def _storeCommand(self, result):
      Stores the results of doNew method on the database.

        for ggus in result:
            resQuery = self.rmClient.addOrModifyGGUSTicketsCache(
                ggus['GocSite'], ggus['Link'], ggus['OpenTickets'],
            if not resQuery['OK']:
                return resQuery
        return S_OK()

    def _prepareCommand(self):
      GGUSTicketsCommand requires one arguments:
      - elementName : <str>

      GGUSTickets are associated with gocDB names, so we have to transform the
      diracSiteName into a gocSiteName.

        if 'name' not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR('"name" not found in self.args')
        name = self.args['name']

        return getGOCSiteName(name)

    def doNew(self, masterParams=None):
      Gets the parameters to run, either from the master method or from its
      own arguments.

      For every elementName ( cannot process bulk queries.. ) contacts the
      ggus client. The server is not very stable, so we protect against crashes.

      If there are ggus tickets, are recorded and then returned.

        if masterParams is not None:
            gocName = masterParams
            gocNames = [gocName]

            gocName = self._prepareCommand()
            if not gocName['OK']:
                return gocName
            gocName = gocName['Value']
            gocNames = [gocName]

            results = self.gClient.getTicketsList(gocName)
        except URLError as e:
            return S_ERROR('%s %s' % (gocName, e))

        if not results['OK']:
            return results
        results = results['Value']

        uniformResult = []

        for gocSite, ggusResult in results.items():

            if gocSite not in gocNames:

            ggusDict = {}
            ggusDict['GocSite'] = gocSite
            ggusDict['Link'] = ggusResult['URL']

            del ggusResult['URL']

            openTickets = 0
            for priorityDict in ggusResult.values():
                openTickets += len(priorityDict)

            ggusDict['Tickets'] = ggusResult
            ggusDict['OpenTickets'] = openTickets


        storeRes = self._storeCommand(uniformResult)
        if not storeRes['OK']:
            return storeRes

        return S_OK(uniformResult)

    def doCache(self):
      Method that reads the cache table and tries to read from it. It will
      return a list of dictionaries if there are results.

        gocName = self._prepareCommand()
        if not gocName['OK']:
            return gocName
        gocName = gocName['Value']

        result = self.rmClient.selectGGUSTicketsCache(gocSite=gocName)
        if result['OK']:
            result = S_OK(
                [dict(zip(result['Columns'], res)) for res in result['Value']])

        return result

    def doMaster(self):
      Master method, which looks little bit spaguetti code, sorry !
      - It gets all gocSites.

      As there is no bulk query, it compares with what we have on the database.
      It queries a portion of them.

        gocSites = getGOCSites()
        if not gocSites['OK']:
            return gocSites
        gocSites = gocSites['Value']

        #    resQuery = self.rmClient.selectGGUSTicketsCache( meta = { 'columns' : [ 'GocSite' ] } )
        #    if not resQuery[ 'OK' ]:
        #      return resQuery
        #    resQuery = [ element[0] for element in resQuery[ 'Value' ] ]
        #    gocNamesToQuery = set( gocSites ).difference( set( resQuery ) )

        self.log.info('Processing %s' % ', '.join(gocSites))

        for gocNameToQuery in gocSites:

            #    if gocNameToQuery is None:
            #      self.metrics[ 'failed' ].append( 'None result' )
            #      continue

            result = self.doNew(gocNameToQuery)

            if not result['OK']:

        return S_OK(self.metrics)
class GGUSTicketsCommand(Command):
    GGUSTickets "master" Command

    def __init__(self, args=None, clients=None):

        super(GGUSTicketsCommand, self).__init__(args, clients)

        if "GGUSTicketsClient" in self.apis:
            self.gClient = self.apis["GGUSTicketsClient"]
            self.gClient = GGUSTicketsClient()

        if "ResourceManagementClient" in self.apis:
            self.rmClient = self.apis["ResourceManagementClient"]
            self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()

    def _storeCommand(self, result):
      Stores the results of doNew method on the database.

        for ggus in result:
            resQuery = self.rmClient.addOrModifyGGUSTicketsCache(
                ggus["GocSite"], ggus["Link"], ggus["OpenTickets"], ggus["Tickets"]
            if not resQuery["OK"]:
                return resQuery
        return S_OK()

    def _prepareCommand(self):
      GGUSTicketsCommand requires one arguments:
      - elementName : <str>
      GGUSTickets are associated with gocDB names, so we have to transform the
      diracSiteName into a gocSiteName.

        if not "name" in self.args:
            return S_ERROR('"name" not found in self.args')
        name = self.args["name"]

        return getGOCSiteName(name)

    def doNew(self, masterParams=None):
      Gets the parameters to run, either from the master method or from its
      own arguments.
      For every elementName ( cannot process bulk queries.. ) contacts the 
      ggus client. The server is not very stable, so we protect against crashes.
      If there are ggus tickets, are recorded and then returned.    

        if masterParams is not None:
            gocName = masterParams
            gocNames = [gocName]

            gocName = self._prepareCommand()
            if not gocName["OK"]:
                return gocName
            gocName = gocName["Value"]
            gocNames = [gocName]

            results = self.gClient.getTicketsList(gocName)
        except urllib2.URLError, e:
            return S_ERROR("%s %s" % (gocName, e))

        if not results["OK"]:
            return results
        results = results["Value"]

        uniformResult = []

        for gocSite, ggusResult in results.items():

            if not gocSite in gocNames:

            ggusDict = {}
            ggusDict["GocSite"] = gocSite
            ggusDict["Link"] = ggusResult["URL"]

            del ggusResult["URL"]

            openTickets = 0
            for priorityDict in ggusResult.values():
                openTickets += len(priorityDict)

            ggusDict["Tickets"] = ggusResult
            ggusDict["OpenTickets"] = openTickets


        storeRes = self._storeCommand(uniformResult)
        if not storeRes["OK"]:
            return storeRes

        return S_OK(uniformResult)
class GGUSTicketsCommand(Command):
    GGUSTickets "master" Command
    def __init__(self, args=None, clients=None):

        super(GGUSTicketsCommand, self).__init__(args, clients)

        if 'GGUSTicketsClient' in self.apis:
            self.gClient = self.apis['GGUSTicketsClient']
            self.gClient = GGUSTicketsClient()

        if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
            self.rmClient = self.apis['ResourceManagementClient']
            self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()

    def _storeCommand(self, result):
      Stores the results of doNew method on the database.

        for ggus in result:
            resQuery = self.rmClient.addOrModifyGGUSTicketsCache(
                ggus['GocSite'], ggus['Link'], ggus['OpenTickets'],
            if not resQuery['OK']:
                return resQuery
        return S_OK()

    def _prepareCommand(self):
      GGUSTicketsCommand requires one arguments:
      - elementName : <str>
      GGUSTickets are associated with gocDB names, so we have to transform the
      diracSiteName into a gocSiteName.

        if not 'name' in self.args:
            return S_ERROR('"name" not found in self.args')
        name = self.args['name']

        return getGOCSiteName(name)

    def doNew(self, masterParams=None):
      Gets the parameters to run, either from the master method or from its
      own arguments.
      For every elementName ( cannot process bulk queries.. ) contacts the 
      ggus client. The server is not very stable, so we protect against crashes.
      If there are ggus tickets, are recorded and then returned.    

        if masterParams is not None:
            gocName = masterParams
            gocNames = [gocName]

            gocName = self._prepareCommand()
            if not gocName['OK']:
                return gocName
            gocName = gocName['Value']
            gocNames = [gocName]

            results = self.gClient.getTicketsList(gocName)
        except urllib2.URLError, e:
            return S_ERROR('%s %s' % (gocName, e))

        if not results['OK']:
            return results
        results = results['Value']

        uniformResult = []

        for gocSite, ggusResult in results.items():

            if not gocSite in gocNames:

            ggusDict = {}
            ggusDict['GocSite'] = gocSite
            ggusDict['Link'] = ggusResult['URL']

            del ggusResult['URL']

            openTickets = 0
            for priorityDict in ggusResult.values():
                openTickets += len(priorityDict)

            ggusDict['Tickets'] = ggusResult
            ggusDict['OpenTickets'] = openTickets


        storeRes = self._storeCommand(uniformResult)
        if not storeRes['OK']:
            return storeRes

        return S_OK(uniformResult)
class GGUSTicketsCommand(Command):
    GGUSTickets "master" Command

  def __init__(self, args=None, clients=None):

    super(GGUSTicketsCommand, self).__init__(args, clients)

    if 'GGUSTicketsClient' in self.apis:
      self.gClient = self.apis['GGUSTicketsClient']
      self.gClient = GGUSTicketsClient()

    if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
      self.rmClient = self.apis['ResourceManagementClient']
      self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()

  def _storeCommand(self, result):
      Stores the results of doNew method on the database.

    for ggus in result:
      resQuery = self.rmClient.addOrModifyGGUSTicketsCache(ggus['GocSite'],
      if not resQuery['OK']:
        return resQuery
    return S_OK()

  def _prepareCommand(self):
      GGUSTicketsCommand requires one arguments:
      - elementName : <str>

      GGUSTickets are associated with gocDB names, so we have to transform the
      diracSiteName into a gocSiteName.

    if 'name' not in self.args:
      return S_ERROR('"name" not found in self.args')
    name = self.args['name']

    return getGOCSiteName(name)

  def doNew(self, masterParams=None):
      Gets the parameters to run, either from the master method or from its
      own arguments.

      For every elementName ( cannot process bulk queries.. ) contacts the
      ggus client. The server is not very stable, so we protect against crashes.

      If there are ggus tickets, are recorded and then returned.

    if masterParams is not None:
      gocName = masterParams
      gocNames = [gocName]

      gocName = self._prepareCommand()
      if not gocName['OK']:
        return gocName
      gocName = gocName['Value']
      gocNames = [gocName]

      results = self.gClient.getTicketsList(gocName)
    except urllib2.URLError as e:
      return S_ERROR('%s %s' % (gocName, e))

    if not results['OK']:
      return results
    results = results['Value']

    uniformResult = []

    for gocSite, ggusResult in results.items():

      if gocSite not in gocNames:

      ggusDict = {}
      ggusDict['GocSite'] = gocSite
      ggusDict['Link'] = ggusResult['URL']

      del ggusResult['URL']

      openTickets = 0
      for priorityDict in ggusResult.values():
        openTickets += len(priorityDict)

      ggusDict['Tickets'] = ggusResult
      ggusDict['OpenTickets'] = openTickets


    storeRes = self._storeCommand(uniformResult)
    if not storeRes['OK']:
      return storeRes

    return S_OK(uniformResult)

  def doCache(self):
      Method that reads the cache table and tries to read from it. It will
      return a list of dictionaries if there are results.

    gocName = self._prepareCommand()
    if not gocName['OK']:
      return gocName
    gocName = gocName['Value']

    result = self.rmClient.selectGGUSTicketsCache(gocSite=gocName)
    if result['OK']:
      result = S_OK([dict(zip(result['Columns'], res)) for res in result['Value']])

    return result

  def doMaster(self):
      Master method, which looks little bit spaguetti code, sorry !
      - It gets all gocSites.

      As there is no bulk query, it compares with what we have on the database.
      It queries a portion of them.

    gocSites = CSHelpers.getGOCSites()
    if not gocSites['OK']:
      return gocSites
    gocSites = gocSites['Value']

#    resQuery = self.rmClient.selectGGUSTicketsCache( meta = { 'columns' : [ 'GocSite' ] } )
#    if not resQuery[ 'OK' ]:
#      return resQuery
#    resQuery = [ element[0] for element in resQuery[ 'Value' ] ]
#    gocNamesToQuery = set( gocSites ).difference( set( resQuery ) )

    self.log.info('Processing %s' % ', '.join(gocSites))

    for gocNameToQuery in gocSites:

      #    if gocNameToQuery is None:
      #      self.metrics[ 'failed' ].append( 'None result' )
      #      continue

      result = self.doNew(gocNameToQuery)

      if not result['OK']:

    return S_OK(self.metrics)