def checkAgentOptions(getOptionMock, systemName, agentName,
                      ignoreOptions=None, extension='DIRAC'):
  """Ensure that all the agent options are properly documented.

  :param getOptionMock: Mock object for agentmodule.get_amOption function
  :param str systemName: name of the **System**
  :param str agentName: name of the **Agent**
  :param list ignoreOptions: list of options to ignore
  :param str extension: name of the DIRAC **Extension** where the Agent comes from
  if ignoreOptions is None:
    ignoreOptions = []

  # add some options that can be set, see the AgentModule for all of them
  ignoreOptions.extend(['PollingTime', 'Status', 'Enabled', 'MaxCycles', 'LogOutputs', 'ControlDirectory'])
  ignoreOptions = list(set(ignoreOptions))
  config = CFG()

  LOG.info("Testing %s/%s, ignoring options %s", systemName, agentName, ignoreOptions)

  # get the location where DIRAC is in from basefolder/DIRAC/__ini__.py
  configFilePath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(DIRAC.__file__)),
                                extension, systemName, 'ConfigTemplate.cfg')
  optionsDict = config.getAsDict('Agents/%s' % agentName)
  outDict = {}
  _parseOption(outDict, optionsDict)
  optionsDict = outDict
  LOG.info("Calls: %s", pformat(getOptionMock.call_args_list))
  LOG.info("Options found in ConfigTemplate: %s ", list(optionsDict.keys()))

  # check that values in ConfigTemplate are used
  for option, value in optionsDict.iteritems():
    if any(ignoreOp in option for ignoreOp in ignoreOptions):
      LOG.info("From Agent: ignoring option %r with value %r, (%s)", option, value, type(value))
    LOG.info("Looking for call to option %r with value %r, (%s)", option, value, type(value))
    if not isinstance(value, bool) and not value:  # empty string, list, dict ...
      assert any(call(option, null) in getOptionMock.call_args_list for null in ({}, set(), [], '', 0))
      assert call(option, value) in getOptionMock.call_args_list or \
          call(option, [value]) in getOptionMock.call_args_list

  # check that options used in the agent are in the ConfigTemplates
  for opCall in getOptionMock.call_args_list:
    optionArguments = opCall[0]
    if len(optionArguments) != 2:
    optionName = optionArguments[0]
    optionValue = optionArguments[1]
    if optionName in ignoreOptions:
      LOG.info("From Template: ignoring option %r with %r", optionName, optionValue)
    LOG.info("Checking Template option %r with %r", optionName, optionValue)
    assert optionName in optionsDict
    if not optionsDict[optionName]:
      assert not optionValue
    assert optionsDict[optionName] == optionValue or [optionsDict[optionName]] == optionValue
class JobRepository(object):

  def __init__(self, repository=None):
    self.location = repository
    if not self.location:
      if "HOME" in os.environ:
        self.location = '%s/.dirac.repo.rep' % os.environ['HOME']
        self.location = '%s/.dirac.repo.rep' % os.getcwd()
    self.repo = CFG()
    if os.path.exists(self.location):
      if not self.repo.existsKey('Jobs'):
    self.OK = True
    written = self._writeRepository(self.location)
    if not written:
      self.OK = False

  def isOK(self):
    return self.OK

  def readRepository(self):
    return S_OK(self.repo.getAsDict('Jobs'))

  def writeRepository(self, alternativePath=None):
    destination = self.location
    if alternativePath:
      destination = alternativePath
    written = self._writeRepository(destination)
    if not written:
      return S_ERROR("Failed to write repository")
    return S_OK(destination)

  def resetRepository(self, jobIDs=[]):
    if not jobIDs:
      jobs = self.readRepository()['Value']
      jobIDs = jobs.keys()
    paramDict = {'State': 'Submitted',
                 'Retrieved': 0,
                 'OutputData': 0}
    for jobID in jobIDs:
      self._writeJob(jobID, paramDict, True)
    return S_OK()

  def _writeRepository(self, path):
    handle, tmpName = tempfile.mkstemp()
    written = self.repo.writeToFile(tmpName)
    if not written:
      if os.path.exists(tmpName):
      return written
    if os.path.exists(path):
      gLogger.debug("Replacing %s" % path)
      shutil.move(tmpName, path)
      return True
    except Exception as x:
      gLogger.error("Failed to overwrite repository.", x)
      gLogger.info("If your repository is corrupted a backup can be found %s" % tmpName)
      return False

  def appendToRepository(self, repoLocation):
    if not os.path.exists(repoLocation):
      gLogger.error("Secondary repository does not exist", repoLocation)
      return S_ERROR("Secondary repository does not exist")
    self.repo = CFG().loadFromFile(repoLocation).mergeWith(self.repo)
    return S_OK()

  def addJob(self, jobID, state='Submitted', retrieved=0, outputData=0, update=False):
    paramDict = {'State': state,
                 'Time': self._getTime(),
                 'Retrieved': int(retrieved),
                 'OutputData': outputData}
    self._writeJob(jobID, paramDict, update)
    return S_OK(jobID)

  def updateJob(self, jobID, paramDict):
    if self._existsJob(jobID):
      paramDict['Time'] = self._getTime()
      self._writeJob(jobID, paramDict, True)
    return S_OK()

  def updateJobs(self, jobDict):
    for jobID, paramDict in jobDict.items():
      if self._existsJob(jobID):
        paramDict['Time'] = self._getTime()
        self._writeJob(jobID, paramDict, True)
    return S_OK()

  def _getTime(self):
    runtime = time.ctime()
    return runtime.replace(" ", "_")

  def _writeJob(self, jobID, paramDict, update):
    jobID = str(jobID)
    jobExists = self._existsJob(jobID)
    if jobExists and (not update):
      gLogger.warn("Job exists and not overwriting")
      return S_ERROR("Job exists and not overwriting")
    if not jobExists:
      self.repo.createNewSection('Jobs/%s' % jobID)
    for key, value in paramDict.items():
      self.repo.setOption('Jobs/%s/%s' % (jobID, key), value)
    return S_OK()

  def removeJob(self, jobID):
    res = self.repo['Jobs'].deleteKey(str(jobID))  # pylint: disable=no-member
    if res:
    return S_OK()

  def existsJob(self, jobID):
    return S_OK(self._existsJob(jobID))

  def _existsJob(self, jobID):
    return self.repo.isSection('Jobs/%s' % jobID)

  def getLocation(self):
    return S_OK(self.location)

  def getSize(self):
    return S_OK(len(self.repo.getAsDict('Jobs')))
class JobRepository( object ):

  def __init__( self, repository = None ):
    self.location = repository
    if not self.location:
      if "HOME" in os.environ:
        self.location = '%s/.dirac.repo.rep' % os.environ['HOME']
        self.location = '%s/.dirac.repo.rep' % os.getcwd()
    self.repo = CFG()
    if os.path.exists( self.location ):
      self.repo.loadFromFile( self.location )
      if not self.repo.existsKey( 'Jobs' ):
        self.repo.createNewSection( 'Jobs' )
      self.repo.createNewSection( 'Jobs' )
    self.OK = True
    written = self._writeRepository( self.location )
    if not written:
      self.OK = False

  def isOK( self ):
    return self.OK

  def readRepository( self ):
    return S_OK( self.repo.getAsDict( 'Jobs' ) )

  def writeRepository( self, alternativePath = None ):
    destination = self.location
    if alternativePath:
      destination = alternativePath
    written = self._writeRepository( destination )
    if not written:
      return S_ERROR( "Failed to write repository" )
    return S_OK( destination )

  def resetRepository( self, jobIDs = [] ):
    if not jobIDs:
      jobs = self.readRepository()['Value']
      jobIDs = jobs.keys()
    paramDict = {'State'       : 'Submitted',
                 'Retrieved'   : 0,
                 'OutputData'  : 0}
    for jobID in jobIDs:
      self._writeJob( jobID, paramDict, True )
    self._writeRepository( self.location )
    return S_OK()

  def _writeRepository( self, path ):
    handle, tmpName = tempfile.mkstemp()
    written = self.repo.writeToFile( tmpName )
    os.close( handle )
    if not written:
      if os.path.exists( tmpName ):
        os.remove( tmpName )
      return written
    if os.path.exists( path ):
      gLogger.debug( "Replacing %s" % path )
      shutil.move( tmpName, path )
      return True
    except Exception as x:
      gLogger.error( "Failed to overwrite repository.", x )
      gLogger.info( "If your repository is corrupted a backup can be found %s" % tmpName )
      return False

  def appendToRepository( self, repoLocation ):
    if not os.path.exists( repoLocation ):
      gLogger.error( "Secondary repository does not exist", repoLocation )
      return S_ERROR( "Secondary repository does not exist" )
    self.repo = CFG().loadFromFile( repoLocation ).mergeWith( self.repo )
    self._writeRepository( self.location )
    return S_OK()

  def addJob( self, jobID, state = 'Submitted', retrieved = 0, outputData = 0, update = False ):
    paramDict = { 'State'       : state,
                  'Time'        : self._getTime(),
                  'Retrieved'   : int( retrieved ),
                  'OutputData'  : outputData}
    self._writeJob( jobID, paramDict, update )
    self._writeRepository( self.location )
    return S_OK( jobID )

  def updateJob( self, jobID, paramDict ):
    if self._existsJob( jobID ):
      paramDict['Time'] = self._getTime()
      self._writeJob( jobID, paramDict, True )
      self._writeRepository( self.location )
    return S_OK()

  def updateJobs( self, jobDict ):
    for jobID, paramDict in jobDict.items():
      if self._existsJob( jobID ):
        paramDict['Time'] = self._getTime()
        self._writeJob( jobID, paramDict, True )
    self._writeRepository( self.location )
    return S_OK()

  def _getTime( self ):
    runtime = time.ctime()
    return runtime.replace( " ", "_" )

  def _writeJob( self, jobID, paramDict, update ):
    jobID = str( jobID )
    jobExists = self._existsJob( jobID )
    if jobExists and ( not update ):
      gLogger.warn( "Job exists and not overwriting" )
      return S_ERROR( "Job exists and not overwriting" )
    if not jobExists:
      self.repo.createNewSection( 'Jobs/%s' % jobID )
    for key, value in paramDict.items():
      self.repo.setOption( 'Jobs/%s/%s' % ( jobID, key ), value )
    return S_OK()

  def removeJob( self, jobID ):
    res = self.repo['Jobs'].deleteKey( str( jobID ) ) #pylint: disable=no-member
    if res:
      self._writeRepository( self.location )
    return S_OK()

  def existsJob( self, jobID ):
    return S_OK( self._existsJob( jobID ) )

  def _existsJob( self, jobID ):
    return self.repo.isSection( 'Jobs/%s' % jobID )

  def getLocation( self ):
    return S_OK( self.location )

  def getSize( self ):
    return S_OK( len( self.repo.getAsDict( 'Jobs' ) ) )
def checkAgentOptions(getOptionMock, systemName, agentName,
                      ignoreOptions=None, extension='DIRAC'):
  """Ensure that all the agent options are properly documented.

  :param getOptionMock: Mock object for agentmodule.get_amOption function
  :param str systemName: name of the **System**
  :param str agentName: name of the **Agent**
  :param list ignoreOptions: list of options to ignore
  :param str extension: name of the DIRAC **Extension** where the Agent comes from
  if ignoreOptions is None:
    ignoreOptions = []

  # add some options that can be set, see the AgentModule for all of them
  ignoreOptions.extend(['PollingTime', 'Status', 'Enabled',
                        'MaxCycles', 'LogOutputs', 'ControlDirectory',
  ignoreOptions = list(set(ignoreOptions))
  config = CFG()

  LOG.info("Testing %s/%s, ignoring options %s", systemName, agentName, ignoreOptions)

  # get the location where DIRAC is in from basefolder/DIRAC/__ini__.py
  configFilePath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(DIRAC.__file__)),
                                extension, systemName, 'ConfigTemplate.cfg')
  optionsDict = config.getAsDict('Agents/%s' % agentName)
  outDict = {}
  _parseOption(outDict, optionsDict)
  optionsDict = outDict
  LOG.info("Calls: %s", pformat(getOptionMock.call_args_list))
  LOG.info("Options found in ConfigTemplate: %s ", list(optionsDict.keys()))

  # check that values in ConfigTemplate are used
  for option, value in optionsDict.iteritems():
    if any(ignoreOp in option for ignoreOp in ignoreOptions):
      LOG.info("From Agent: ignoring option %r with value %r, (%s)", option, value, type(value))
    LOG.info("Looking for call to option %r with value %r, (%s)", option, value, type(value))
    if not isinstance(value, bool) and not value:  # empty string, list, dict ...
      assert any(call(option, null) in getOptionMock.call_args_list for null in ({}, set(), [], '', 0))
      assert call(option, value) in getOptionMock.call_args_list or \
          call(option, [value]) in getOptionMock.call_args_list

  # check that options used in the agent are in the ConfigTemplates
  for opCall in getOptionMock.call_args_list:
    optionArguments = opCall[0]
    if len(optionArguments) != 2:
    optionName = optionArguments[0]
    optionValue = optionArguments[1]
    if optionName in ignoreOptions:
      LOG.info("From Template: ignoring option %r with %r", optionName, optionValue)
    LOG.info("Checking Template option %r with %r", optionName, optionValue)
    assert optionName in optionsDict
    if not optionsDict[optionName]:
      assert not optionValue
    assert optionsDict[optionName] == optionValue or [optionsDict[optionName]] == optionValue