  def monitorFTS2( self, command = "glite-transfer-status", full = False ):
    """ monitor fts job """
    if not self.FTSGUID:
      return S_ERROR( "FTSGUID not set, FTS job not submitted?" )

    monitorCommand = command.split() + \
                       self.FTSGUID ]

    if full:
      monitorCommand.append( "-l" )

    monitor = executeGridCommand( "", monitorCommand )
    if not monitor["OK"]:
      return monitor
    returnCode, outputStr, errStr = monitor["Value"]

    # Returns a non zero status if error
    if returnCode != 0:
      if 'was not found' in outputStr and not errStr:
        errStr = 'Job was not found'
      return S_ERROR( errStr )

    outputStr = outputStr.replace( "'" , "" ).replace( "<", "" ).replace( ">", "" )

    # # set FTS job status
    regExp = re.compile( "Status:\\s+(\\S+)" )

    # with FTS3 this can be uppercase
    self.Status = re.search( regExp, outputStr ).group( 1 )

    statusSummary = {}
    # This is capitalized, even in FTS3!
    for state in FTSFile.ALL_STATES:
      regExp = re.compile( "\\s+%s:\\s+(\\d+)" % state )
      if regExp.search( outputStr ):
        statusSummary[state] = int( re.search( regExp, outputStr ).group( 1 ) )

    total = sum( statusSummary.values() )
    completed = sum( statusSummary.get( state, 0 ) for state in FTSFile.FINAL_STATES )
    self.Completeness = 100 * completed / total if total else 0

    if not full:
      return S_OK( statusSummary )

    # The order of informations is not the same for glite- and fts- !!!
    # In order: new fts-, old fts-, glite-
    realJob = len( self ) != 0
    iExptr = None
    for iExptr, exptr in enumerate( ( 
                   '[ ]+Source:[ ]+(\\S+)\n[ ]+Destination:[ ]+(\\S+)\n[ ]+State:[ ]+(\\S+)\n[ ]+Reason:[ ]+([\\S ]+).+?[ ]+Duration:[ ]+(\\d+)\n[ ]+Staging:[ ]+(\\d+)\n[ ]+Retries:[ ]+(\\d+)',
                   '[ ]+Source:[ ]+(\\S+)\n[ ]+Destination:[ ]+(\\S+)\n[ ]+State:[ ]+(\\S+)\n[ ]+Reason:[ ]+([\\S ]+).+?[ ]+Duration:[ ]+(\\d+)\n[ ]+Retries:[ ]+(\\d+)',
                   '[ ]+Source:[ ]+(\\S+)\n[ ]+Destination:[ ]+(\\S+)\n[ ]+State:[ ]+(\\S+)\n[ ]+Retries:[ ]+(\\d+)\n[ ]+Reason:[ ]+([\\S ]+).+?[ ]+Duration:[ ]+(\\d+)'
                   ) ):
      regExp = re.compile( exptr, re.S )
      fileInfo = re.findall( regExp, outputStr )
      if fileInfo:
    if not fileInfo:
      return S_ERROR( "Error monitoring job (no regexp match)" )
    for info in fileInfo:
      if iExptr == 0:
        # version >= 3.2.30
        sourceURL, targetURL, fileStatus, reason, duration, _retries, _staging = info
      elif iExptr == 1:
        # version FTS3 < 3.2.30
        sourceURL, targetURL, fileStatus, reason, duration, _retries = info
      elif iExptr == 2:
        # version FTS2
        sourceURL, targetURL, fileStatus, _retries, reason, duration = info
        return S_ERROR( 'Error monitoring job (implement match %d)' % iExptr )
      candidateFile = None

      if not realJob:
        # This is used by the CLI monitoring of jobs in case no file was specified
        candidateFile = FTSFile()
        candidateFile.LFN = overlap( sourceURL, targetURL )
        candidateFile.SourceSURL = sourceURL
        candidateFile.Size = 0
        self +=candidateFile
        for ftsFile in self:
          if ftsFile.SourceSURL == sourceURL:
            candidateFile = ftsFile
        if not candidateFile:
      # Can be uppercase for FTS3
      if not candidateFile.TargetSURL:
        candidateFile.TargetSURL = targetURL
      candidateFile.Status = fileStatus
      candidateFile.Error = reason
      candidateFile._duration = duration

      if candidateFile.Status == "Failed":
        for missingSource in self.missingSourceErrors:
          if missingSource.match( reason ):
            candidateFile.Error = "MissingSource"
      # If the staging info was present, record it
      if len( info ) > 6:
        candidateFile._staging = info[6]
    # # register successful files
    if self.Status in FTSJob.FINALSTATES:
      return self.finalize()

    return S_OK()
    def monitorFTS2(self, command="glite-transfer-status", full=False):
        """ monitor fts job """
        if not self.FTSGUID:
            return S_ERROR("FTSGUID not set, FTS job not submitted?")

        monitorCommand = command.split() + \
                           self.FTSGUID ]

        if full:

        monitor = executeGridCommand("", monitorCommand)
        if not monitor["OK"]:
            return monitor
        returnCode, outputStr, errStr = monitor["Value"]

        # Returns a non zero status if error
        if returnCode != 0:
            if 'was not found' in outputStr and not errStr:
                errStr = 'Job was not found'
            return S_ERROR(errStr)

        outputStr = outputStr.replace("'", "").replace("<",
                                                       "").replace(">", "")

        # # set FTS job status
        regExp = re.compile("Status:\\s+(\\S+)")

        # with FTS3 this can be uppercase
        self.Status = re.search(regExp, outputStr).group(1)

        statusSummary = {}
        # This is capitalized, even in FTS3!
        for state in FTSFile.ALL_STATES:
            regExp = re.compile("\\s+%s:\\s+(\\d+)" % state)
            if regExp.search(outputStr):
                statusSummary[state] = int(
                    re.search(regExp, outputStr).group(1))

        total = sum(statusSummary.values())
        completed = sum(
            statusSummary.get(state, 0) for state in FTSFile.FINAL_STATES)
        self.Completeness = 100 * completed / total if total else 0

        if not full:
            return S_OK(statusSummary)

        # The order of informations is not the same for glite- and fts- !!!
        # In order: new fts-, old fts-, glite-
        realJob = len(self) != 0
        iExptr = None
        for iExptr, exptr in enumerate(
            ('[ ]+Source:[ ]+(\\S+)\n[ ]+Destination:[ ]+(\\S+)\n[ ]+State:[ ]+(\\S+)\n[ ]+Reason:[ ]+([\\S ]+).+?[ ]+Duration:[ ]+(\\d+)\n[ ]+Staging:[ ]+(\\d+)\n[ ]+Retries:[ ]+(\\d+)',
             '[ ]+Source:[ ]+(\\S+)\n[ ]+Destination:[ ]+(\\S+)\n[ ]+State:[ ]+(\\S+)\n[ ]+Reason:[ ]+([\\S ]+).+?[ ]+Duration:[ ]+(\\d+)\n[ ]+Retries:[ ]+(\\d+)',
             '[ ]+Source:[ ]+(\\S+)\n[ ]+Destination:[ ]+(\\S+)\n[ ]+State:[ ]+(\\S+)\n[ ]+Retries:[ ]+(\\d+)\n[ ]+Reason:[ ]+([\\S ]+).+?[ ]+Duration:[ ]+(\\d+)'
            regExp = re.compile(exptr, re.S)
            fileInfo = re.findall(regExp, outputStr)
            if fileInfo:
        if not fileInfo:
            return S_ERROR("Error monitoring job (no regexp match)")
        for info in fileInfo:
            if iExptr == 0:
                # version >= 3.2.30
                sourceURL, targetURL, fileStatus, reason, duration, _retries, _staging = info
            elif iExptr == 1:
                # version FTS3 < 3.2.30
                sourceURL, targetURL, fileStatus, reason, duration, _retries = info
            elif iExptr == 2:
                # version FTS2
                sourceURL, targetURL, fileStatus, _retries, reason, duration = info
                return S_ERROR('Error monitoring job (implement match %d)' %
            candidateFile = None

            if not realJob:
                # This is used by the CLI monitoring of jobs in case no file was specified
                candidateFile = FTSFile()
                candidateFile.LFN = overlap(sourceURL, targetURL)
                candidateFile.SourceSURL = sourceURL
                candidateFile.Size = 0
                self += candidateFile
                for ftsFile in self:
                    if ftsFile.SourceSURL == sourceURL:
                        candidateFile = ftsFile
                if not candidateFile:
            # Can be uppercase for FTS3
            if not candidateFile.TargetSURL:
                candidateFile.TargetSURL = targetURL
            candidateFile.Status = fileStatus
            candidateFile.Error = reason
            candidateFile._duration = duration

            if candidateFile.Status == "Failed":
                for missingSource in self.missingSourceErrors:
                    if missingSource.match(reason):
                        candidateFile.Error = "MissingSource"
            # If the staging info was present, record it
            if len(info) > 6:
                candidateFile._staging = info[6]
        # # register successful files
        if self.Status in FTSJob.FINALSTATES:
            return self.finalize()

        return S_OK()