def printCEInfo(voName):

    resultQueues = Resources.getQueues(community=voName)
    if not resultQueues['OK']:
        gLogger.error('Failed to get CE information')

    fields = ("Site", 'CE', 'CEType', 'Queue', 'Status')
    records = []

    # get list of usable sites within this cycle
    resultMask = SiteStatus().getUsableSites()
    if not resultMask['OK']:
        return resultMask
    siteMaskList = resultMask.get('Value', [])

    rssClient = ResourceStatus()

    for site in resultQueues['Value']:
        siteStatus = "Active" if site in siteMaskList else "InActive"
        siteNew = True
        for ce in resultQueues['Value'][site]:

            ceStatus = siteStatus
            if rssClient.rssFlag:
                result = rssClient.getElementStatus(ce, "ComputingElement")
                if result['OK']:
                    ceStatus = result['Value'][ce]['all']

            ceNew = True
            for queue in resultQueues['Value'][site][ce]['Queues']:
                pSite = site if siteNew else ''
                pCE = ''
                ceType = ''
                if ceNew:
                    pCE = ce
                    ceType = resultQueues['Value'][site][ce]['CEType']
                records.append((pSite, pCE, ceType, queue, ceStatus))
                ceNew = False
                siteNew = False

        printTable(fields, records, printOut=False, columnSeparator='  '))
    return S_OK()
    def printCEInfo(voName):

        resultQueues = Resources.getQueues(community=voName)
        if not resultQueues["OK"]:
            gLogger.error("Failed to get CE information")

        fields = ("Site", "CE", "CEType", "Queue", "Status")
        records = []

        # get list of usable sites within this cycle
        resultMask = SiteStatus().getUsableSites()
        if not resultMask["OK"]:
            return resultMask
        siteMaskList = resultMask.get("Value", [])

        rssClient = ResourceStatus()

        for site in resultQueues["Value"]:
            siteStatus = "Active" if site in siteMaskList else "InActive"
            siteNew = True
            for ce in resultQueues["Value"][site]:

                ceStatus = siteStatus
                if rssClient.rssFlag:
                    result = rssClient.getElementStatus(ce, "ComputingElement")
                    if result["OK"]:
                        ceStatus = result["Value"][ce]["all"]

                ceNew = True
                for queue in resultQueues["Value"][site][ce]["Queues"]:
                    pSite = site if siteNew else ""
                    pCE = ""
                    ceType = ""
                    if ceNew:
                        pCE = ce
                        ceType = resultQueues["Value"][site][ce]["CEType"]
                    records.append((pSite, pCE, ceType, queue, ceStatus))
                    ceNew = False
                    siteNew = False

            printTable(fields, records, printOut=False, columnSeparator="  "))
        return S_OK()
  def checkSEs(self, printOutput=False):  # pylint: disable=no-self-use
    """Check the status of read and write operations in the DIRAC SE mask.

       Example usage:

       >>> print dirac.checkSEs()
       {'OK': True, 'Value': {<LFN>:{'<Name>':'<Value>',...},...}}

       @param printOutput: Optional flag to print result
       @type printOutput: boolean
       @return: S_OK,S_ERROR
    res = gConfig.getSections('/Resources/StorageElements', True)

    if not res['OK']:
      self.log.error('Failed to get storage element information', res['Message'])
      return res

    if printOutput:
      self.log.notice('%s %s %s' % ('Storage Element'.ljust(25), 'Read Status'.rjust(15), 'Write Status'.rjust(15)))

    seList = sorted(res['Value'])
    result = {}
    rss = ResourceStatus()
    for se in seList:
      res = rss.getElementStatus(se, 'StorageElement')
      if not res['OK']:
        self.log.error("Failed to get StorageElement status for %s" % se)
        readState = res['Value'].get('ReadAccess', 'Active')
        writeState = res['Value'].get('WriteAccess', 'Active')
        result[se] = {'ReadStatus': readState, 'WriteStatus': writeState}
        if printOutput:
          self.log.notice('%s %s %s' % (se.ljust(25), readState.rjust(15), writeState.rjust(15)))

    return S_OK(result)
def main():
  read = True
  write = True
  check = True
  remove = True
  site = ''
  mute = False

  Script.registerSwitch("r", "BanRead", "     Ban only reading from the storage element")
  Script.registerSwitch("w", "BanWrite", "     Ban writing to the storage element")
  Script.registerSwitch("k", "BanCheck", "     Ban check access to the storage element")
  Script.registerSwitch("v", "BanRemove", "    Ban remove access to the storage element")
  Script.registerSwitch("a", "All", "    Ban all access to the storage element")
  Script.registerSwitch("m", "Mute", "     Do not send email")
      "     Ban all SEs associate to site (note that if writing is allowed, check is always allowed)")

  ses = Script.getPositionalArgs()
  for switch in Script.getUnprocessedSwitches():
    if switch[0].lower() in ("r", "banread"):
      write = False
      check = False
      remove = False
    if switch[0].lower() in ("w", "banwrite"):
      read = False
      check = False
      remove = False
    if switch[0].lower() in ("k", "bancheck"):
      read = False
      write = False
      remove = False
    if switch[0].lower() in ("v", "banremove"):
      read = False
      write = False
      check = False
    if switch[0].lower() in ("a", "all"):
    if switch[0].lower() in ("m", "mute"):
      mute = True
    if switch[0].lower() in ("s", "site"):
      site = switch[1]

  # from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.CSAPI           import CSAPI
  from DIRAC import gConfig, gLogger
  from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Operations import Operations
  from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Resources import getSites
  from DIRAC.Core.Security.ProxyInfo import getProxyInfo
  from DIRAC.Interfaces.API.DiracAdmin import DiracAdmin
  from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Client.ResourceStatus import ResourceStatus
  from DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Utilities.DMSHelpers import resolveSEGroup

  ses = resolveSEGroup(ses)
  diracAdmin = DiracAdmin()
  errorList = []
  setup = gConfig.getValue('/DIRAC/Setup', '')
  if not setup:
    print('ERROR: Could not contact Configuration Service')

  res = getProxyInfo()
  if not res['OK']:
    gLogger.error('Failed to get proxy information', res['Message'])

  userName = res['Value'].get('username')
  if not userName:
    gLogger.error('Failed to get username for proxy')

  if site:
    res = getSites()
    if not res['OK']:
    if site not in res['Value']:
      gLogger.error('The provided site (%s) is not known.' % site)
    ses.extend(res['Value']['SE'].replace(' ', '').split(','))

  if not ses:
    gLogger.error('There were no SEs provided')

  readBanned = []
  writeBanned = []
  checkBanned = []
  removeBanned = []

  resourceStatus = ResourceStatus()

  res = resourceStatus.getElementStatus(ses, "StorageElement")
  if not res['OK']:
    gLogger.error("Storage Element %s does not exist" % ses)

  reason = 'Forced with dirac-admin-ban-se by %s' % userName

  for se, seOptions in res['Value'].items():

    resW = resC = resR = {'OK': False}

    # Eventually, we will get rid of the notion of InActive, as we always write Banned.
    if read and 'ReadAccess' in seOptions:

      if not seOptions['ReadAccess'] in ['Active', 'Degraded', 'Probing']:
        gLogger.notice('Read option for %s is %s, instead of %s' %
                       (se, seOptions['ReadAccess'], ['Active', 'Degraded', 'Probing']))
        gLogger.notice('Try specifying the command switches')

        resR = resourceStatus.setElementStatus(se, 'StorageElement', 'ReadAccess', 'Banned', reason, userName)
        # res = csAPI.setOption( "%s/%s/ReadAccess" % ( storageCFGBase, se ), "InActive" )
        if not resR['OK']:
          gLogger.error('Failed to update %s read access to Banned' % se)
          gLogger.notice('Successfully updated %s read access to Banned' % se)

    # Eventually, we will get rid of the notion of InActive, as we always write Banned.
    if write and 'WriteAccess' in seOptions:

      if not seOptions['WriteAccess'] in ['Active', 'Degraded', 'Probing']:
        gLogger.notice('Write option for %s is %s, instead of %s' %
                       (se, seOptions['WriteAccess'], ['Active', 'Degraded', 'Probing']))
        gLogger.notice('Try specifying the command switches')

        resW = resourceStatus.setElementStatus(se, 'StorageElement', 'WriteAccess', 'Banned', reason, userName)
        # res = csAPI.setOption( "%s/%s/WriteAccess" % ( storageCFGBase, se ), "InActive" )
        if not resW['OK']:
          gLogger.error("Failed to update %s write access to Banned" % se)
          gLogger.notice("Successfully updated %s write access to Banned" % se)

    # Eventually, we will get rid of the notion of InActive, as we always write Banned.
    if check and 'CheckAccess' in seOptions:

      if not seOptions['CheckAccess'] in ['Active', 'Degraded', 'Probing']:
        gLogger.notice('Check option for %s is %s, instead of %s' %
                       (se, seOptions['CheckAccess'], ['Active', 'Degraded', 'Probing']))
        gLogger.notice('Try specifying the command switches')

        resC = resourceStatus.setElementStatus(se, 'StorageElement', 'CheckAccess', 'Banned', reason, userName)
        # res = csAPI.setOption( "%s/%s/CheckAccess" % ( storageCFGBase, se ), "InActive" )
        if not resC['OK']:
          gLogger.error("Failed to update %s check access to Banned" % se)
          gLogger.notice("Successfully updated %s check access to Banned" % se)

    # Eventually, we will get rid of the notion of InActive, as we always write Banned.
    if remove and 'RemoveAccess' in seOptions:

      if not seOptions['RemoveAccess'] in ['Active', 'Degraded', 'Probing']:
        gLogger.notice('Remove option for %s is %s, instead of %s' %
                       (se, seOptions['RemoveAccess'], ['Active', 'Degraded', 'Probing']))
        gLogger.notice('Try specifying the command switches')

        resC = resourceStatus.setElementStatus(se, 'StorageElement', 'RemoveAccess', 'Banned', reason, userName)
        # res = csAPI.setOption( "%s/%s/CheckAccess" % ( storageCFGBase, se ), "InActive" )
        if not resC['OK']:
          gLogger.error("Failed to update %s remove access to Banned" % se)
          gLogger.notice("Successfully updated %s remove access to Banned" % se)

    if not(resR['OK'] or resW['OK'] or resC['OK']):

  if not (writeBanned or readBanned or checkBanned or removeBanned):
    gLogger.notice("No storage elements were banned")

  if mute:
    gLogger.notice('Email is muted by script switch')

  subject = '%s storage elements banned for use' % len(writeBanned + readBanned + checkBanned + removeBanned)
  addressPath = 'EMail/Production'
  address = Operations().getValue(addressPath, '')

  body = ''
  if read:
    body = "%s\n\nThe following storage elements were banned for reading:" % body
    for se in readBanned:
      body = "%s\n%s" % (body, se)
  if write:
    body = "%s\n\nThe following storage elements were banned for writing:" % body
    for se in writeBanned:
      body = "%s\n%s" % (body, se)
  if check:
    body = "%s\n\nThe following storage elements were banned for check access:" % body
    for se in checkBanned:
      body = "%s\n%s" % (body, se)
  if remove:
    body = "%s\n\nThe following storage elements were banned for remove access:" % body
    for se in removeBanned:
      body = "%s\n%s" % (body, se)

  if not address:
    gLogger.notice("'%s' not defined in Operations, can not send Mail\n" % addressPath, body)

  res = diracAdmin.sendMail(address, subject, body)
  gLogger.notice('Notifying %s' % address)
  if res['OK']:
class FTS3ServerPolicy(object):
  This class manages the policy for choosing a server
    def __init__(self, serverDict, serverPolicy="Random"):
        Call the init of the parent, and initialize the list of FTS3 servers

        self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger("FTS3ServerPolicy")

        self._serverDict = serverDict
        self._serverList = serverDict.keys()
        self._maxAttempts = len(self._serverList)
        self._nextServerID = 0
        self._resourceStatus = ResourceStatus()

        methName = "_%sServerPolicy" % serverPolicy.lower()
        if not hasattr(self, methName):
            self.log.error('Unknown server policy %s. Using Random instead' %
            methName = "_randomServerPolicy"

        self._policyMethod = getattr(self, methName)

    def _failoverServerPolicy(self, _attempt):
       Returns always the server at a given position (normally the first one)

       :param attempt: position of the server in the list
        if _attempt >= len(self._serverList):
            raise Exception(
                "FTS3ServerPolicy.__failoverServerPolicy: attempt to reach non existing server index"
        return self._serverList[_attempt]

    def _sequenceServerPolicy(self, _attempt):
       Every time the this policy is called, return the next server on the list

        fts3server = self._serverList[self._nextServerID]
        self._nextServerID = (self._nextServerID + 1) % len(self._serverList)
        return fts3server

    def _randomServerPolicy(self, _attempt):
      return a server from shuffledServerList

        if getattr(threadLocal, 'shuffledServerList', None) is None:
            threadLocal.shuffledServerList = self._serverList[:]

        fts3Server = threadLocal.shuffledServerList[_attempt]

        if _attempt == self._maxAttempts - 1:

        return fts3Server

    def _getFTSServerStatus(self, ftsServer):
        """ Fetch the status of the FTS server from RSS """

        res = self._resourceStatus.getElementStatus(ftsServer, 'FTS')
        if not res['OK']:
            return res

        result = res['Value']
        if ftsServer not in result:
            return S_ERROR("No FTS Server %s known to RSS" % ftsServer)

        if result[ftsServer]['all'] == 'Active':
            return S_OK(True)

        return S_OK(False)

    def chooseFTS3Server(self):
      Choose the appropriate FTS3 server depending on the policy

        fts3Server = None
        attempt = 0

        while not fts3Server and attempt < self._maxAttempts:

            fts3Server = self._policyMethod(attempt)
            res = self._getFTSServerStatus(fts3Server)

            if not res['OK']:
                self.log.warn("Error getting the RSS status for %s: %s" %
                              (fts3Server, res))
                fts3Server = None
                attempt += 1

            ftsServerStatus = res['Value']

            if not ftsServerStatus:
                    'FTS server %s is not in good shape. Choose another one' %
                fts3Server = None
                attempt += 1

        if fts3Server:
            return S_OK(self._serverDict[fts3Server])

        return S_ERROR("Could not find an FTS3 server (max attempt reached)")
        gLogger.error('Failed to get Site mask information')
    siteMaskList = resultMask.get('Value', [])

    rssClient = ResourceStatus()

    fields = ('Site', 'CE', 'Queue', 'Status', 'Match', 'Reason')
    records = []

    for queue, queueInfo in queueDict.iteritems():
        site = queueInfo['Site']
        ce = queueInfo['CEName']
        siteStatus = "Active" if site in siteMaskList else "InActive"
        ceStatus = siteStatus
        if rssClient.rssFlag:
            result = rssClient.getElementStatus(ce, "ComputingElement")
            if result['OK']:
                ceStatus = result['Value'][ce]['all']

        result = matchQueue(jdl, queueInfo, fullMatch=fullMatch)
        if not result['OK']:
            gLogger.error('Failed in getting match data', result['Message'])
        status = "Active" if siteStatus is "Active" and ceStatus is "Active" else "Inactive"
        if result['Value']['Match']:
            records.append((site, ce, queueInfo['Queue'], status, 'Yes', ''))
            records.append((site, ce, queueInfo['Queue'], status, 'No',

def main():
    read = True
    write = True
    check = True
    remove = True
    sites = []
    mute = False

    Script.registerSwitch("r", "BanRead",
                          "     Ban only reading from the storage element")
    Script.registerSwitch("w", "BanWrite",
                          "     Ban writing to the storage element")
    Script.registerSwitch("k", "BanCheck",
                          "     Ban check access to the storage element")
    Script.registerSwitch("v", "BanRemove",
                          "    Ban remove access to the storage element")
    Script.registerSwitch("a", "All",
                          "    Ban all access to the storage element")
    Script.registerSwitch("m", "Mute", "     Do not send email")
        "S:", "Site=",
        "     Ban all SEs associate to site (note that if writing is allowed, check is always allowed)"
    # Registering arguments will automatically add their description to the help menu
        ["seGroupList: list of SEs or comma-separated SEs"])

    switches, ses = Script.parseCommandLine(ignoreErrors=True)

    for switch in switches:
        if switch[0].lower() in ("r", "banread"):
            write = False
            check = False
            remove = False
        if switch[0].lower() in ("w", "banwrite"):
            read = False
            check = False
            remove = False
        if switch[0].lower() in ("k", "bancheck"):
            read = False
            write = False
            remove = False
        if switch[0].lower() in ("v", "banremove"):
            read = False
            write = False
            check = False
        if switch[0].lower() in ("a", "all"):
        if switch[0].lower() in ("m", "mute"):
            mute = True
        if switch[0].lower() in ("s", "site"):
            sites = switch[1].split(",")

    # from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.CSAPI           import CSAPI
    from DIRAC import gConfig, gLogger
    from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Operations import Operations
    from DIRAC.Core.Security.ProxyInfo import getProxyInfo
    from DIRAC.Interfaces.API.DiracAdmin import DiracAdmin
    from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Client.ResourceStatus import ResourceStatus
    from DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Utilities.DMSHelpers import resolveSEGroup, DMSHelpers

    ses = resolveSEGroup(ses)
    diracAdmin = DiracAdmin()
    setup = gConfig.getValue("/DIRAC/Setup", "")
    if not setup:
        print("ERROR: Could not contact Configuration Service")

    res = getProxyInfo()
    if not res["OK"]:
        gLogger.error("Failed to get proxy information", res["Message"])

    userName = res["Value"].get("username")
    if not userName:
        gLogger.error("Failed to get username for proxy")

    for site in sites:
        res = DMSHelpers().getSEsForSite(site)
        if not res["OK"]:
            gLogger.error(res["Message"], site)

    if not ses:
        gLogger.error("There were no SEs provided")

    readBanned = []
    writeBanned = []
    checkBanned = []
    removeBanned = []

    resourceStatus = ResourceStatus()

    res = resourceStatus.getElementStatus(ses, "StorageElement")
    if not res["OK"]:
        gLogger.error("Storage Element %s does not exist" % ses)

    reason = "Forced with dirac-admin-ban-se by %s" % userName

    for se, seOptions in res["Value"].items():

        resW = resC = resR = {"OK": False}

        # Eventually, we will get rid of the notion of InActive, as we always write Banned.
        if read and "ReadAccess" in seOptions:

            if seOptions["ReadAccess"] == "Banned":
                gLogger.notice("Read access already banned", se)
                resR["OK"] = True
            elif not seOptions["ReadAccess"] in [
                    "Active", "Degraded", "Probing"
                gLogger.notice("Read option for %s is %s, instead of %s" %
                               (se, seOptions["ReadAccess"],
                                ["Active", "Degraded", "Probing"]))
                gLogger.notice("Try specifying the command switches")

                resR = resourceStatus.setElementStatus(se, "StorageElement",
                                                       "ReadAccess", "Banned",
                                                       reason, userName)
                # res = csAPI.setOption( "%s/%s/ReadAccess" % ( storageCFGBase, se ), "InActive" )
                if not resR["OK"]:
                    gLogger.error("Failed to update %s read access to Banned" %
                        "Successfully updated %s read access to Banned" % se)

        # Eventually, we will get rid of the notion of InActive, as we always write Banned.
        if write and "WriteAccess" in seOptions:

            if seOptions["WriteAccess"] == "Banned":
                gLogger.notice("Write access already banned", se)
                resW["OK"] = True
            elif not seOptions["WriteAccess"] in [
                    "Active", "Degraded", "Probing"
                gLogger.notice("Write option for %s is %s, instead of %s" %
                               (se, seOptions["WriteAccess"],
                                ["Active", "Degraded", "Probing"]))
                gLogger.notice("Try specifying the command switches")

                resW = resourceStatus.setElementStatus(se, "StorageElement",
                                                       "WriteAccess", "Banned",
                                                       reason, userName)
                # res = csAPI.setOption( "%s/%s/WriteAccess" % ( storageCFGBase, se ), "InActive" )
                if not resW["OK"]:
                        "Failed to update %s write access to Banned" % se)
                        "Successfully updated %s write access to Banned" % se)

        # Eventually, we will get rid of the notion of InActive, as we always write Banned.
        if check and "CheckAccess" in seOptions:

            if seOptions["CheckAccess"] == "Banned":
                gLogger.notice("Check access already banned", se)
                resC["OK"] = True
            elif not seOptions["CheckAccess"] in [
                    "Active", "Degraded", "Probing"
                gLogger.notice("Check option for %s is %s, instead of %s" %
                               (se, seOptions["CheckAccess"],
                                ["Active", "Degraded", "Probing"]))
                gLogger.notice("Try specifying the command switches")

                resC = resourceStatus.setElementStatus(se, "StorageElement",
                                                       "CheckAccess", "Banned",
                                                       reason, userName)
                # res = csAPI.setOption( "%s/%s/CheckAccess" % ( storageCFGBase, se ), "InActive" )
                if not resC["OK"]:
                        "Failed to update %s check access to Banned" % se)
                        "Successfully updated %s check access to Banned" % se)

        # Eventually, we will get rid of the notion of InActive, as we always write Banned.
        if remove and "RemoveAccess" in seOptions:

            if seOptions["RemoveAccess"] == "Banned":
                gLogger.notice("Remove access already banned", se)
                resC["OK"] = True
            elif not seOptions["RemoveAccess"] in [
                    "Active", "Degraded", "Probing"
                gLogger.notice("Remove option for %s is %s, instead of %s" %
                               (se, seOptions["RemoveAccess"],
                                ["Active", "Degraded", "Probing"]))
                gLogger.notice("Try specifying the command switches")

                resC = resourceStatus.setElementStatus(se, "StorageElement",
                                                       "Banned", reason,
                # res = csAPI.setOption( "%s/%s/CheckAccess" % ( storageCFGBase, se ), "InActive" )
                if not resC["OK"]:
                        "Failed to update %s remove access to Banned" % se)
                        "Successfully updated %s remove access to Banned" % se)

        if not (resR["OK"] or resW["OK"] or resC["OK"]):

    if not (writeBanned or readBanned or checkBanned or removeBanned):
        gLogger.notice("No storage elements were banned")

    if mute:
        gLogger.notice("Email is muted by script switch")

    subject = "%s storage elements banned for use" % len(
        writeBanned + readBanned + checkBanned + removeBanned)
    addressPath = "EMail/Production"
    address = Operations().getValue(addressPath, "")

    body = ""
    if read:
        body = "%s\n\nThe following storage elements were banned for reading:" % body
        for se in readBanned:
            body = "%s\n%s" % (body, se)
    if write:
        body = "%s\n\nThe following storage elements were banned for writing:" % body
        for se in writeBanned:
            body = "%s\n%s" % (body, se)
    if check:
        body = "%s\n\nThe following storage elements were banned for check access:" % body
        for se in checkBanned:
            body = "%s\n%s" % (body, se)
    if remove:
        body = "%s\n\nThe following storage elements were banned for remove access:" % body
        for se in removeBanned:
            body = "%s\n%s" % (body, se)

    if not address:
            "'%s' not defined in Operations, can not send Mail\n" %
            addressPath, body)

    res = diracAdmin.sendMail(address, subject, body)
    gLogger.notice("Notifying %s" % address)
    if res["OK"]:
class StorageFactory(object):

  def __init__(self, useProxy=False, vo=None):
    self.proxy = False
    self.proxy = useProxy
    self.resourceStatus = ResourceStatus()
    self.vo = vo
    if self.vo is None:
      result = getVOfromProxyGroup()
      if result['OK']:
        self.vo = result['Value']
        RuntimeError("Can not get the current VO context")
    self.remotePlugins = []
    self.localPlugins = []
    self.name = ''
    self.options = {}
    self.protocols = {}
    self.storages = []

  # Below are public methods for obtaining storage objects

  def getStorageName(self, initialName):
    return self._getConfigStorageName(initialName, 'Alias')

  def getStorage(self, parameterDict, hideExceptions=False):
    """ This instantiates a single storage for the details provided and doesn't check the CS.
    # The storage name must be supplied.
    if 'StorageName' in parameterDict:
      storageName = parameterDict['StorageName']
      errStr = "StorageFactory.getStorage: StorageName must be supplied"
      return S_ERROR(errStr)

    # PluginName must be supplied otherwise nothing with work.
    pluginName = parameterDict.get('PluginName')
    if not pluginName:
      errStr = "StorageFactory.getStorage: PluginName must be supplied"
      return S_ERROR(errStr)

    return self.__generateStorageObject(storageName, pluginName, parameterDict, hideExceptions=hideExceptions)

  def getStorages(self, storageName, pluginList=None, hideExceptions=False):
    """ Get an instance of a Storage based on the DIRAC SE name based on the CS entries CS

        :param storageName: is the DIRAC SE name i.e. 'CERN-RAW'
        :param pluginList: is an optional list of protocols if a sub-set is desired i.e ['SRM2','SRM1']

        :return: dictionary containing storage elements and information about them
    self.remotePlugins = []
    self.localPlugins = []
    self.name = ''
    self.options = {}
    self.protocols = {}
    self.storages = []
    if pluginList is None:
      pluginList = []
    elif isinstance(pluginList, six.string_types):
      pluginList = [pluginList]
    if not self.vo:
      gLogger.warn('No VO information available')

    # Get the name of the storage provided
    res = self._getConfigStorageName(storageName, 'Alias')
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    storageName = res['Value']
    self.name = storageName

    # In case the storage is made from a base SE, get this information
    res = self._getConfigStorageName(storageName, 'BaseSE')
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    # If the storage is derived frmo another one, keep the information
    # We initialize the seConfigPath to SE_BASE_CONFIG_PATH if there is a derivedSE, SE_CONFIG_PATH if not
    if res['Value'] != storageName:
      derivedStorageName = storageName
      storageName = res['Value']
      seConfigPath = SE_BASE_CONFIG_PATH
      derivedStorageName = None
      seConfigPath = SE_CONFIG_PATH

    # Get the options defined in the CS for this storage
    res = self._getConfigStorageOptions(storageName, derivedStorageName=derivedStorageName,
    if not res['OK']:
      # This is for the backward compatibility and to invite developer to move their BaseSE in the correct section
      gLogger.warn("Deprecated configuration, you can ignore the error message above."
                   " Please move the baseSE in the correct section: ", SE_BASE_CONFIG_PATH)
      # We change the value of seConfigPath to avoid other errors due to the bad SE_BASE_CONFIG_PATH
      seConfigPath = SE_CONFIG_PATH
      res = self._getConfigStorageOptions(storageName, derivedStorageName=derivedStorageName,
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
    self.options = res['Value']

    # Get the protocol specific details
    res = self._getConfigStorageProtocols(storageName, derivedStorageName=derivedStorageName,
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    self.protocols = res['Value']

    requestedLocalPlugins = []
    requestedRemotePlugins = []
    requestedProtocolDetails = []
    turlProtocols = []
    # Generate the protocol specific plug-ins
    for protocolSection, protocolDetails in self.protocols.iteritems():
      pluginName = protocolDetails.get('PluginName', protocolSection)
      if pluginList and pluginName not in pluginList:
      protocol = protocolDetails['Protocol']
      result = self.__generateStorageObject(storageName, pluginName, protocolDetails, hideExceptions=hideExceptions)
      if result['OK']:
        if pluginName in self.localPlugins:
        if pluginName in self.remotePlugins:

    if self.storages:
      resDict = {}
      resDict['StorageName'] = self.name
      resDict['StorageOptions'] = self.options
      resDict['StorageObjects'] = self.storages
      resDict['LocalPlugins'] = requestedLocalPlugins
      resDict['RemotePlugins'] = requestedRemotePlugins
      resDict['ProtocolOptions'] = requestedProtocolDetails
      resDict['TurlProtocols'] = turlProtocols
      return S_OK(resDict)
      errStr = "StorageFactory.getStorages: Failed to instantiate any storage protocols."
      gLogger.error(errStr, self.name)
      return S_ERROR(errStr)
  # Below are internal methods for obtaining section/option/value configuration

  def _getConfigStorageName(self, storageName, referenceType, seConfigPath=SE_CONFIG_PATH):
      This gets the name of the storage the configuration service.
      If the storage is a reference to another SE the resolution is performed.

      :param storageName: is the storage section to check in the CS
      :param referenceType: corresponds to an option inside the storage section
      :param seConfigPath: the path of the storage section.
                              It can be /Resources/StorageElements or StorageElementBases

      :return: the name of the storage
    configPath = '%s/%s' % (seConfigPath, storageName)
    res = gConfig.getOptions(configPath)
    if not res['OK']:
      errStr = "StorageFactory._getConfigStorageName: Failed to get storage options"
      gLogger.error(errStr, res['Message'])
      return S_ERROR(errStr)
    if not res['Value']:
      errStr = "StorageFactory._getConfigStorageName: Supplied storage doesn't exist."
      gLogger.error(errStr, configPath)
      return S_ERROR(errStr)
    if referenceType in res['Value']:
      configPath = cfgPath(seConfigPath, storageName, referenceType)
      referenceName = gConfig.getValue(configPath)
      result = self._getConfigStorageName(referenceName, 'Alias', seConfigPath=SE_BASE_CONFIG_PATH)
      if not result['OK']:
        # This is for the backward compatibility and to invite developer to move their BaseSE in the correct section
        gLogger.warn("Deprecated configuration, you can ignore the error message above."
                     " Please move the baseSE in the correct section: ", SE_BASE_CONFIG_PATH)
        result = self._getConfigStorageName(referenceName, 'Alias', seConfigPath=SE_CONFIG_PATH)
        if not result['OK']:
          return result
      resolvedName = result['Value']
      resolvedName = storageName
    return S_OK(resolvedName)

  def _getConfigStorageOptions(self, storageName, derivedStorageName=None, seConfigPath=SE_CONFIG_PATH):
      Get the options associated to the StorageElement as defined in the CS

      :param storageName: is the storage section to check in the CS
      :param seConfigPath: the path of the storage section.
                              It can be /Resources/StorageElements or StorageElementBases
      :param derivedStorageName: is the storage section of a derived storage if it inherits from a base

      :return: options associated to the StorageElement as defined in the CS
    optionsDict = {}

    # We first get the options of the baseSE, and then overwrite with the derivedSE
    for seName in (storageName, derivedStorageName) if derivedStorageName else (storageName, ):
      storageConfigPath = cfgPath(seConfigPath, seName)
      res = gConfig.getOptions(storageConfigPath)
      if not res['OK']:
        errStr = "StorageFactory._getStorageOptions: Failed to get storage options."
        gLogger.error(errStr, "%s: %s" % (seName, res['Message']))
        return S_ERROR(errStr)
      for option in set(res['Value']) - set(('ReadAccess', 'WriteAccess', 'CheckAccess', 'RemoveAccess')):
        optionConfigPath = cfgPath(storageConfigPath, option)
        default = [] if option in ['VO', 'AccessProtocols', 'WriteProtocols'] else ''
        optionsDict[option] = gConfig.getValue(optionConfigPath, default)
      # We update the seConfigPath in order to find option in derivedSE now
      seConfigPath = SE_CONFIG_PATH

    # The status is that of the derived SE only
    seName = derivedStorageName if derivedStorageName else storageName
    res = self.resourceStatus.getElementStatus(seName, "StorageElement")
    if not res['OK']:
      errStr = "StorageFactory._getStorageOptions: Failed to get storage status"
      gLogger.error(errStr, "%s: %s" % (seName, res['Message']))
      return S_ERROR(errStr)

    # For safety, we did not add the ${statusType}Access keys
    # this requires modifications in the StorageElement class

    # We add the dictionary with the statusTypes and values
    # { 'statusType1' : 'status1', 'statusType2' : 'status2' ... }

    return S_OK(optionsDict)

  def __getProtocolsSections(self, storageName, seConfigPath=SE_CONFIG_PATH):
      Get the protocols of a specific storage section

      :param storageName: is the storage section to check in the CS
      :param seConfigPath: the path of the storage section.
                              It can be /Resources/StorageElements or StorageElementBases

      :return: list of protocol section names
    storageConfigPath = cfgPath(seConfigPath, storageName)
    res = gConfig.getSections(storageConfigPath)
    if not res['OK']:
      errStr = "StorageFactory._getConfigStorageProtocols: Failed to get storage sections"
      gLogger.error(errStr, "%s: %s" % (storageName, res['Message']))
      return S_ERROR(errStr)
    protocolSections = res['Value']
    return S_OK(protocolSections)

  def _getConfigStorageProtocols(self, storageName, derivedStorageName=None, seConfigPath=SE_CONFIG_PATH):
      Make a dictionary of protocols with the information associated. Merge with a base SE if it exists

      :param storageName: is the storage section to check in the CS
      :param seConfigPath: the path of the storage section.
                              It can be /Resources/StorageElements or StorageElementBases
      :param derivedStorageName: is the storage section of a derived storage if it inherits from a base

      :return: dictionary of protocols like {protocolSection: {protocolOptions}}
    # Get the sections
    res = self.__getProtocolsSections(storageName, seConfigPath=seConfigPath)
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    protocolSections = res['Value']
    sortedProtocolSections = sorted(protocolSections)

    # Get the details for each section in a dictionary
    for protocolSection in sortedProtocolSections:
      res = self._getConfigStorageProtocolDetails(storageName, protocolSection, seConfigPath=seConfigPath)
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      self.protocols[protocolSection] = res['Value']
    if derivedStorageName:
      # We may have parameters overwriting the baseSE protocols
      res = self.__getProtocolsSections(derivedStorageName, seConfigPath=SE_CONFIG_PATH)
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      for protocolSection in res['Value']:
        res = self._getConfigStorageProtocolDetails(
        if not res['OK']:
          return res
        detail = res['Value']
        # If we found the plugin section from which we inherit
        inheritanceMatched = False
        for baseStorageProtocolSection in protocolSections:
          if protocolSection == baseStorageProtocolSection:
            inheritanceMatched = True
            for key, val in detail.iteritems():
              if val:
                self.protocols[protocolSection][key] = val
        # If not matched, consider it a new protocol
        if not inheritanceMatched:
          self.protocols[protocolSection] = detail
    return S_OK(self.protocols)

  def _getConfigStorageProtocolDetails(self, storageName, protocolSection,
                                       seConfigPath=SE_CONFIG_PATH, checkAccess=True):
      Parse the contents of the protocol block

    :param storageName: is the storage section to check in the CS
    :param protocolSection: name of the protocol section to find information
    :param seConfigPath: the path of the storage section.
                              It can be /Resources/StorageElements or StorageElementBases
    :param checkAccess: if not set, don't complain if "Access" is not in the section

    :return: dictionary of the protocol options
    # First obtain the options that are available
    protocolConfigPath = cfgPath(seConfigPath, storageName, protocolSection)
    res = gConfig.getOptions(protocolConfigPath)
    if not res['OK']:
      errStr = "StorageFactory.__getProtocolDetails: Failed to get protocol options."
      gLogger.error(errStr, "%s: %s" % (storageName, protocolSection))
      return S_ERROR(errStr)
    options = res['Value']

    # We must have certain values internally even if not supplied in CS
    protocolDict = {'Access': '', 'Host': '', 'Path': '', 'Port': '', 'Protocol': '', 'SpaceToken': '', 'WSUrl': ''}
    for option in options:
      configPath = cfgPath(protocolConfigPath, option)
      optionValue = gConfig.getValue(configPath, '')
      protocolDict[option] = optionValue

    # Evaluate the base path taking into account possible VO specific setting
    if self.vo:
      result = gConfig.getOptionsDict(cfgPath(protocolConfigPath, 'VOPath'))
      voPath = ''
      if result['OK']:
        voPath = result['Value'].get(self.vo, '')
      if voPath:
        protocolDict['Path'] = voPath

    # Now update the local and remote protocol lists.
    # A warning will be given if the Access option is not set and the plugin is not already in remote or local.
    plugin = protocolDict.get('PluginName', protocolSection)
    if protocolDict['Access'].lower() == 'remote':
    elif protocolDict['Access'].lower() == 'local':
    # If it is a derived SE, this is normal, no warning
    elif checkAccess and protocolSection not in self.protocols:
      errStr = "StorageFactory.__getProtocolDetails: The 'Access' option \
      for %s:%s is neither 'local' or 'remote'." % (storageName, protocolSection)

    return S_OK(protocolDict)

  # Below is the method for obtaining the object instantiated for a provided storage configuration

  def __generateStorageObject(self, storageName, pluginName, parameters, hideExceptions=False):
      Generate a Storage Element from parameters collected

      :param storageName: is the storage section to check in the CS
      :param pluginName: name of the plugin used. Example: GFAL2_XROOT, GFAL2_SRM2...
      :param parameters: dictionary of protocol details.

    storageType = pluginName
    if self.proxy:
      storageType = 'Proxy'

    objectLoader = ObjectLoader()
    result = objectLoader.loadObject('Resources.Storage.%sStorage' % storageType, storageType + 'Storage',
    if not result['OK']:
      gLogger.error('Failed to load storage object: %s' % result['Message'])
      return result

    storageClass = result['Value']
      storage = storageClass(storageName, parameters)
    except Exception as x:
      errStr = "StorageFactory._generateStorageObject: Failed to instantiate %s: %s" % (storageName, x)
      return S_ERROR(errStr)

    return S_OK(storage)
STATUS_TYPES = [ "ReadAccess", "WriteAccess", "CheckAccess", "RemoveAccess" ]
ALLOWED_STATUSES = [ "Unknown", "InActive", "Banned", "Probing", "Degraded" ]

statusAllowedDict = {}
for statusType in STATUS_TYPES:
  statusAllowedDict[statusType] = []

statusFlagDict = {}
statusFlagDict['ReadAccess'] = read
statusFlagDict['WriteAccess'] = write
statusFlagDict['CheckAccess'] = check
statusFlagDict['RemoveAccess'] = remove

resourceStatus = ResourceStatus()

res = resourceStatus.getElementStatus( ses, "StorageElement" )
if not res[ 'OK' ]:
  gLogger.error( 'Storage Element %s does not exist' % ses )
  DIRAC.exit( -1 )

reason = 'Forced with dirac-admin-allow-se by %s' % userName

for se, seOptions in res[ 'Value' ].iteritems():

  # InActive is used on the CS model, Banned is the equivalent in RSS
  for statusType in STATUS_TYPES:
    if statusFlagDict[statusType]:
      if seOptions.get( statusType ) == "Active":
        gLogger.notice( '%s status of %s is already Active' % ( statusType, se ) )
      if statusType in seOptions:
    def executeForVO(self, vo):
        Perform the synchronisation for one VO.

        :param vo: VO name
        :return: S_OK or S_ERROR

        rSS = ResourceStatus()

                    "Login to Rucio as privileged user with host cert/key")
                certKeyTuple = Locations.getHostCertificateAndKeyLocation()
                if not certKeyTuple:
                    self.log.error("Hostcert/key location not set")
                    return S_ERROR("Hostcert/key location not set")
                hostcert, hostkey = certKeyTuple

                self.log.info("Logging in with a host cert/key pair:")
                self.log.debug("account: ",
                self.log.debug("rucio host: ",
                self.log.debug("auth  host: ",
                self.log.debug("CA cert path: ", self.caCertPath)
                self.log.debug("Cert location: ", hostcert)
                self.log.debug("Key location: ", hostkey)
                self.log.debug("VO: ", vo)

                client = Client(
                        "client_cert": hostcert,
                        "client_key": hostkey
            except Exception as err:
                    "Login to Rucio as privileged user with host cert/key failed. Try username/password"
                client = Client(account="root", auth_type="userpass")
        except Exception as exc:
            # login exception, skip this VO
            self.log.exception("Login for VO failed. VO skipped ",
                               "VO=%s" % vo,
            return S_ERROR(str(format_exc()))

            " Rucio login successful - continue with the RSS synchronisation")
        # return S_OK()
            for rse in client.list_rses():
                thisSe = rse["rse"]
                self.log.info("Checking Dirac SE status for %s" % thisSe)
                resStatus = rSS.getElementStatus(thisSe,
                dictSe = client.get_rse(thisSe)
                if resStatus["OK"]:
                    self.log.debug("SE status ", resStatus["Value"])
                    seAccessValue = resStatus["Value"][thisSe]
                    availabilityRead = True if seAccessValue["ReadAccess"] in [
                        "Active", "Degraded"
                    ] else False
                    availabilityWrite = True if seAccessValue[
                        "WriteAccess"] in ["Active", "Degraded"] else False
                    availabilityDelete = True if seAccessValue[
                        "RemoveAccess"] in ["Active", "Degraded"] else False
                    isUpdated = False
                    if dictSe["availability_read"] != availabilityRead:
                            "Set availability_read for RSE",
                            "RSE: %s, availability: %s" %
                            (thisSe, availabilityRead))
                            thisSe, {"availability_read": availabilityRead})
                        isUpdated = True
                    if dictSe["availability_write"] != availabilityWrite:
                            "Set availability_write for RSE",
                            "RSE: %s, availability: %s" %
                            (thisSe, availabilityWrite))
                            thisSe, {"availability_write": availabilityWrite})
                        isUpdated = True
                    if dictSe["availability_delete"] != availabilityDelete:
                            "Set availability_delete for RSE",
                            "RSE: %s, availability: %s" %
                            (thisSe, availabilityDelete),
                            {"availability_delete": availabilityDelete})
                        isUpdated = True
        except Exception as err:
            return S_ERROR(str(err))
        return S_OK()
class FTS3Placement(FTSAbstractPlacement):
  This class manages all the FTS strategies, routes and what not

    __serverPolicy = "Random"
    __nextServerID = 0
    __serverList = None
    __maxAttempts = 0

    def __init__(self, csPath=None, ftsHistoryViews=None):
        Call the init of the parent, and initialize the list of FTS3 servers

        self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger("FTS3Placement")
        super(FTS3Placement, self).__init__(csPath=csPath,
        srvList = getFTS3Servers()
        if not srvList['OK']:

        self.__serverList = srvList.get('Value', [])
        self.maxAttempts = len(self.__serverList)

        self.rssClient = ResourceStatus()

    def getReplicationTree(self, sourceSEs, targetSEs, size, strategy=None):
        """ For multiple source to multiple destination, find the optimal replication

       :param sourceSEs : list of source SE
       :param targetSEs : list of destination SE
       :param size : size of the File
       :param strategy : which strategy to use

       :returns S_OK(dict) < route name :  { dict with key Ancestor, SourceSE, TargetSEtargetSE, Strategy } >

       For the time being, we are waiting for FTS3 to provide advisory mechanisms. So we just use
       simple techniques

        # We will use a single random source
        sourceSE = random.choice(sourceSEs)

        tree = {}
        for targetSE in targetSEs:
            tree["%s#%s" % (sourceSE, targetSE)] = {
                "Ancestor": False,
                "SourceSE": sourceSE,
                "TargetSE": targetSE,
                "Strategy": "FTS3Simple"

        return S_OK(tree)

    def refresh(self, ftsHistoryViews):
    Refresh, whatever that means... recalculate all what you need,
    fetches the latest conf and what not.
        return super(FTS3Placement,

    def __failoverServerPolicy(self, attempt=0):
       Returns always the server at a given position (normally the first one)

       :param attempt: position of the server in the list
        if attempt >= len(self.__serverList):
            raise Exception(
                "FTS3Placement.__failoverServerPolicy: attempt to reach non existing server index"

        return self.__serverList[attempt]

    def __sequenceServerPolicy(self):
       Every time the this policy is called, return the next server on the list

        fts3server = self.__serverList[self.__nextServerID]
        self.__nextServerID = (self.__nextServerID + 1) % len(
        return fts3server

    def __randomServerPolicy(self):
      return a random server from the list
        return random.choice(self.__serverList)

    def __chooseFTS3Server(self):
      Choose the appropriate FTS3 server depending on the policy

        fts3Server = None
        attempt = 0
        # FIXME : need to get real valeu from RSS
        ftsServerStatus = True

        while not fts3Server and attempt < self.maxAttempts:
            if self.__serverPolicy == 'Random':
                fts3Server = self.__randomServerPolicy()
            elif self.__serverPolicy == 'Sequence':
                fts3Server = self.__sequenceServerPolicy()
            elif self.__serverPolicy == 'Failover':
                fts3Server = self.__failoverServerPolicy(attempt=attempt)
                    'Unknown server policy %s. Using Random instead' %
                fts3Server = self.__randomServerPolicy()

            if not ftsServerStatus:
                    'FTS server %s is not in good shape. Choose another one' %
                fts3Server = None
            attempt += 1

            # FIXME : I need to get the FTS server status from RSS

#       ftsStatusFromRss = rss.ftsStatusOrSomethingLikeThat

        if fts3Server:
            return S_OK(fts3Server)

        return S_ERROR("Could not find an FTS3 server (max attempt reached)")

    def findRoute(self, sourceSE, targetSE):
        """ Find the appropriate route from point A to B

      :param sourceSE : source SE
      :param targetSE : destination SE

      :returns: S_OK(FTSRoute)


        fts3server = self.__chooseFTS3Server()

        if not fts3server['OK']:
            return fts3server

        fts3server = fts3server['Value']

        route = FTSRoute(sourceSE, targetSE, fts3server)

        return S_OK(route)

    def isRouteValid(self, route):
        FIXME: until RSS is ready, I check manually the status
        In FTS3, all routes are valid a priori.
        If a route was not valid for some reason, then FTS would know it
        thanks to the blacklist sent by RSS, and would deal with it itself.

       :param route : FTSRoute

       :returns: S_OK or S_ERROR(reason)

        rAccess = self.rssClient.getElementStatus(route.sourceSE,
        self.log.debug("se read %s %s" % (route.sourceSE, rAccess))
        if not rAccess["OK"]:
            return rAccess

        if rAccess["Value"][route.sourceSE]["ReadAccess"] not in ("Active",
            return S_ERROR("Source SE is not readable")

        wAccess = self.rssClient.getElementStatus(route.targetSE,
        self.log.debug("se write %s %s" % (route.targetSE, wAccess))
        if not wAccess["OK"]:
            return wAccess
        if wAccess["Value"][route.targetSE]["WriteAccess"] not in ("Active",
            return S_ERROR("Target SE is not writable")

        return S_OK()
class FTS3ServerPolicy(object):
  This class manages the policy for choosing a server

  def __init__(self, serverDict, serverPolicy="Random"):
        Call the init of the parent, and initialize the list of FTS3 servers

    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger("FTS3ServerPolicy")

    self._serverDict = serverDict
    self._serverList = serverDict.keys()
    self._maxAttempts = len(self._serverList)
    self._nextServerID = 0
    self._resourceStatus = ResourceStatus()

    methName = "_%sServerPolicy" % serverPolicy.lower()
    if not hasattr(self, methName):
      self.log.error('Unknown server policy %s. Using Random instead' % serverPolicy)
      methName = "_randomServerPolicy"

    self._policyMethod = getattr(self, methName)

  def _failoverServerPolicy(self, _attempt):
       Returns always the server at a given position (normally the first one)

       :param attempt: position of the server in the list
    if _attempt >= len(self._serverList):
      raise Exception(
          "FTS3ServerPolicy.__failoverServerPolicy: attempt to reach non existing server index")
    return self._serverList[_attempt]

  def _sequenceServerPolicy(self, _attempt):
       Every time the this policy is called, return the next server on the list

    fts3server = self._serverList[self._nextServerID]
    self._nextServerID = (self._nextServerID + 1) % len(self._serverList)
    return fts3server

  def _randomServerPolicy(self, _attempt):
      return a server from shuffledServerList

    if getattr(threadLocal, 'shuffledServerList', None) is None:
      threadLocal.shuffledServerList = self._serverList[:]

    fts3Server = threadLocal.shuffledServerList[_attempt]

    if _attempt == self._maxAttempts - 1:

    return fts3Server

  def _getFTSServerStatus(self, ftsServer):
    """ Fetch the status of the FTS server from RSS """

    res = self._resourceStatus.getElementStatus(ftsServer, 'FTS')
    if not res['OK']:
      return res

    result = res['Value']
    if ftsServer not in result:
      return S_ERROR("No FTS Server %s known to RSS" % ftsServer)

    if result[ftsServer]['all'] == 'Active':
      return S_OK(True)

    return S_OK(False)

  def chooseFTS3Server(self):
      Choose the appropriate FTS3 server depending on the policy

    fts3Server = None
    attempt = 0

    while not fts3Server and attempt < self._maxAttempts:

      fts3Server = self._policyMethod(attempt)
      res = self._getFTSServerStatus(fts3Server)

      if not res['OK']:
        self.log.warn("Error getting the RSS status for %s: %s" % (fts3Server, res))
        fts3Server = None
        attempt += 1

      ftsServerStatus = res['Value']

      if not ftsServerStatus:
        self.log.warn('FTS server %s is not in good shape. Choose another one' % fts3Server)
        fts3Server = None
        attempt += 1

    if fts3Server:
      return S_OK(self._serverDict[fts3Server])

    return S_ERROR("Could not find an FTS3 server (max attempt reached)")
class FTS3Placement( FTSAbstractPlacement ):

  This class manages all the FTS strategies, routes and what not

  __serverPolicy = "Random"
  __nextServerID = 0
  __serverList = None
  __maxAttempts = 0

  def __init__( self, csPath = None, ftsHistoryViews = None ):
        Call the init of the parent, and initialize the list of FTS3 servers

    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( "FTS3Placement" )
    super( FTS3Placement, self ).__init__( csPath = csPath, ftsHistoryViews = ftsHistoryViews )
    srvList = getFTS3Servers()
    if not srvList['OK']:
      self.log.error( srvList['Message'] )

    self.__serverList = srvList.get( 'Value', [] )
    self.maxAttempts = len( self.__serverList )

    self.rssClient = ResourceStatus()

  def getReplicationTree( self, sourceSEs, targetSEs, size, strategy = None ):
    """ For multiple source to multiple destination, find the optimal replication

       :param sourceSEs : list of source SE
       :param targetSEs : list of destination SE
       :param size : size of the File
       :param strategy : which strategy to use

       :returns S_OK(dict) < route name :  { dict with key Ancestor, SourceSE, TargetSEtargetSE, Strategy } >

       For the time being, we are waiting for FTS3 to provide advisory mechanisms. So we just use
       simple techniques

    # We will use a single random source
    sourceSE = random.choice( sourceSEs )

    tree = {}
    for targetSE in targetSEs:
      tree["%s#%s" % ( sourceSE, targetSE )] = { "Ancestor" : False, "SourceSE" : sourceSE,
                           "TargetSE" : targetSE, "Strategy" : "FTS3Simple" }

    return S_OK( tree )

  def refresh( self, ftsHistoryViews ):
    Refresh, whatever that means... recalculate all what you need,
    fetches the latest conf and what not.
    return super( FTS3Placement, self ).refresh( ftsHistoryViews = ftsHistoryViews )

  def __failoverServerPolicy(self, attempt = 0):
       Returns always the server at a given position (normally the first one)

       :param attempt: position of the server in the list
    if attempt >= len( self.__serverList ):
      raise Exception( "FTS3Placement.__failoverServerPolicy: attempt to reach non existing server index" )

    return self.__serverList[attempt]

  def __sequenceServerPolicy( self ):
       Every time the this policy is called, return the next server on the list

    fts3server = self.__serverList[self.__nextServerID]
    self.__nextServerID = ( self.__nextServerID + 1 ) % len( self.__serverList )
    return fts3server

  def __randomServerPolicy(self):
      return a random server from the list
    return random.choice( self.__serverList )

  def __chooseFTS3Server( self ):
      Choose the appropriate FTS3 server depending on the policy

    fts3Server = None
    attempt = 0
    # FIXME : need to get real valeu from RSS
    ftsServerStatus = True

    while not fts3Server and attempt < self.maxAttempts:
      if self.__serverPolicy == 'Random':
        fts3Server = self.__randomServerPolicy()
      elif self.__serverPolicy == 'Sequence':
        fts3Server = self.__sequenceServerPolicy()
      elif self.__serverPolicy == 'Failover':
        fts3Server = self.__failoverServerPolicy( attempt = attempt )
        self.log.error( 'Unknown server policy %s. Using Random instead' % self.__serverPolicy )
        fts3Server = self.__randomServerPolicy()

      if not ftsServerStatus:
        self.log.warn( 'FTS server %s is not in good shape. Choose another one' % fts3Server )
        fts3Server = None
      attempt += 1

        # FIXME : I need to get the FTS server status from RSS
#       ftsStatusFromRss = rss.ftsStatusOrSomethingLikeThat

    if fts3Server:
      return S_OK( fts3Server )

    return S_ERROR ( "Could not find an FTS3 server (max attempt reached)" )

  def findRoute( self, sourceSE, targetSE ):
    """ Find the appropriate route from point A to B

      :param sourceSE : source SE
      :param targetSE : destination SE

      :returns: S_OK(FTSRoute)


    fts3server = self.__chooseFTS3Server()

    if not fts3server['OK']:
      return fts3server

    fts3server = fts3server['Value']

    route = FTSRoute( sourceSE, targetSE, fts3server )

    return S_OK( route )

  def isRouteValid( self, route ):
        FIXME: until RSS is ready, I check manually the status
        In FTS3, all routes are valid a priori.
        If a route was not valid for some reason, then FTS would know it
        thanks to the blacklist sent by RSS, and would deal with it itself.

       :param route : FTSRoute

       :returns: S_OK or S_ERROR(reason)

    rAccess = self.rssClient.getElementStatus( route.sourceSE, "StorageElement", "ReadAccess" )
    self.log.debug( "se read %s %s" % ( route.sourceSE, rAccess ) )
    if not rAccess["OK"]:
      self.log.error( rAccess["Message"] )
      return rAccess

    if rAccess["Value"][route.sourceSE]["ReadAccess"] not in ( "Active", "Degraded" ):
      return S_ERROR( "Source SE is not readable" )

    wAccess = self.rssClient.getElementStatus( route.targetSE, "StorageElement", "WriteAccess" )
    self.log.debug( "se write %s %s" % ( route.targetSE, wAccess ) )
    if not wAccess["OK"]:
      self.log.error( wAccess["Message"] )
      return wAccess
    if wAccess["Value"][route.targetSE]["WriteAccess"] not in ( "Active", "Degraded" ):
      return S_ERROR( "Target SE is not writable" )

    return S_OK()
def main():
    global fullMatch
    global sites
    Script.registerSwitch("F", "full-match", "Check all the matching criteria",
        "S:", "site=", "Check matching for these sites (comma separated list)",

    args = Script.getPositionalArgs()

    if len(args) == 0:
        gLogger.error("Error: No job description provided")

    from DIRAC.Core.Security.ProxyInfo import getVOfromProxyGroup
    from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers import Resources
    from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.PrettyPrint import printTable
    from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Client.ResourceStatus import ResourceStatus
    from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Client.SiteStatus import SiteStatus
    from DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.Utilities.QueueUtilities import getQueuesResolved, matchQueue

    with open(args[0]) as f:
        jdl = f.read()

    # Get the current VO
    result = getVOfromProxyGroup()
    if not result['OK']:
        gLogger.error('No proxy found, please login')
    voName = result['Value']

    resultQueues = Resources.getQueues(siteList=sites, community=voName)
    if not resultQueues['OK']:
        gLogger.error('Failed to get CE information')
    siteDict = resultQueues['Value']
    result = getQueuesResolved(siteDict)
    if not resultQueues['OK']:
        gLogger.error('Failed to get CE information')
    queueDict = result['Value']

    # get list of usable sites within this cycle
    resultMask = SiteStatus().getUsableSites()
    if not resultMask['OK']:
        gLogger.error('Failed to get Site mask information')
    siteMaskList = resultMask.get('Value', [])

    rssClient = ResourceStatus()

    fields = ('Site', 'CE', 'Queue', 'Status', 'Match', 'Reason')
    records = []

    for queue, queueInfo in queueDict.items():
        site = queueInfo['Site']
        ce = queueInfo['CEName']
        siteStatus = "Active" if site in siteMaskList else "InActive"
        ceStatus = siteStatus
        if rssClient.rssFlag:
            result = rssClient.getElementStatus(ce, "ComputingElement")
            if result['OK']:
                ceStatus = result['Value'][ce]['all']

        result = matchQueue(jdl, queueInfo, fullMatch=fullMatch)
        if not result['OK']:
            gLogger.error('Failed in getting match data', result['Message'])
        status = "Active" if siteStatus == "Active" and ceStatus == "Active" else "Inactive"
        if result['Value']['Match']:
            records.append((site, ce, queueInfo['Queue'], status, 'Yes', ''))
            records.append((site, ce, queueInfo['Queue'], status, 'No',

                   columnSeparator='  ',
def main():
    global vo
    global noVOFlag
    global allVOsFlag

    Script.registerSwitch("V:", "vo=", "Virtual Organization", setVO)
    Script.registerSwitch("a", "all", "All Virtual Organizations flag",
    Script.registerSwitch("n", "noVO",
                          "No Virtual Organizations assigned flag", setNoVO)


    from DIRAC import gConfig, gLogger
    from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Client.ResourceStatus import ResourceStatus
    from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.PrettyPrint import printTable
    from DIRAC.Core.Security.ProxyInfo import getVOfromProxyGroup

    storageCFGBase = "/Resources/StorageElements"

    res = gConfig.getSections(storageCFGBase, True)
    if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error('Failed to get storage element info')

    gLogger.info("%s %s %s" %
                 ('Storage Element'.ljust(25), 'Read Status'.rjust(15),
                  'Write Status'.rjust(15)))

    seList = sorted(res['Value'])

    resourceStatus = ResourceStatus()

    res = resourceStatus.getElementStatus(seList, "StorageElement")
    if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error("Failed to get StorageElement status for %s" %

    fields = ['SE', 'ReadAccess', 'WriteAccess', 'RemoveAccess', 'CheckAccess']
    records = []

    if vo is None and not allVOsFlag:
        result = getVOfromProxyGroup()
        if not result['OK']:
            gLogger.error('Failed to determine the user VO')
        vo = result['Value']

    for se, statusDict in res['Value'].items():

        # Check if the SE is allowed for the user VO
        if not allVOsFlag:
            voList = gConfig.getValue('/Resources/StorageElements/%s/VO' % se,
            if noVOFlag and voList:
            if voList and vo not in voList:

        record = [se]
        for status in fields[1:]:
            value = statusDict.get(status, 'Unknown')

    printTable(fields, records, numbering=False, sortField='SE')

def main():
    read = False
    write = False
    check = False
    remove = False
    site = ''
    mute = False

    Script.registerSwitch("r", "AllowRead",
                          "     Allow only reading from the storage element")
    Script.registerSwitch("w", "AllowWrite",
                          "     Allow only writing to the storage element")
        "k", "AllowCheck",
        "     Allow only check access to the storage element")
        "v", "AllowRemove",
        "    Allow only remove access to the storage element")
    Script.registerSwitch("a", "All",
                          "    Allow all access to the storage element")
    Script.registerSwitch("m", "Mute", "     Do not send email")
    Script.registerSwitch("S:", "Site=",
                          "     Allow all SEs associated to site")


    ses = Script.getPositionalArgs()
    for switch in Script.getUnprocessedSwitches():
        if switch[0].lower() in ("r", "allowread"):
            read = True
        if switch[0].lower() in ("w", "allowwrite"):
            write = True
        if switch[0].lower() in ("k", "allowcheck"):
            check = True
        if switch[0].lower() in ("v", "allowremove"):
            remove = True
        if switch[0].lower() in ("a", "all"):
            read = True
            write = True
            check = True
            remove = True
        if switch[0].lower() in ("m", "mute"):
            mute = True
        if switch[0].lower() in ("s", "site"):
            site = switch[1]

    # imports
    from DIRAC import gConfig, gLogger
    from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Operations import Operations
    from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Resources import getSites
    from DIRAC.Core.Security.ProxyInfo import getProxyInfo
    from DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Utilities.DMSHelpers import resolveSEGroup
    from DIRAC.Interfaces.API.DiracAdmin import DiracAdmin
    from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Client.ResourceStatus import ResourceStatus

    if not (read or write or check or remove):
        # No switch was specified, means we need all of them
            "No option given, all accesses will be allowed if they were not")
        read = True
        write = True
        check = True
        remove = True

    ses = resolveSEGroup(ses)
    diracAdmin = DiracAdmin()
    errorList = []
    setup = gConfig.getValue('/DIRAC/Setup', '')
    if not setup:
        print('ERROR: Could not contact Configuration Service')

    res = getProxyInfo()
    if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error('Failed to get proxy information', res['Message'])

    userName = res['Value'].get('username')
    if not userName:
        gLogger.error('Failed to get username for proxy')

    if site:
        res = getSites()
        if not res['OK']:
        if site not in res['Value']:
            gLogger.error('The provided site (%s) is not known.' % site)
        ses.extend(res['Value']['SE'].replace(' ', '').split(','))
    if not ses:
        gLogger.error('There were no SEs provided')

    STATUS_TYPES = ["ReadAccess", "WriteAccess", "CheckAccess", "RemoveAccess"]
    ALLOWED_STATUSES = ["Unknown", "InActive", "Banned", "Probing", "Degraded"]

    statusAllowedDict = {}
    for statusType in STATUS_TYPES:
        statusAllowedDict[statusType] = []

    statusFlagDict = {}
    statusFlagDict['ReadAccess'] = read
    statusFlagDict['WriteAccess'] = write
    statusFlagDict['CheckAccess'] = check
    statusFlagDict['RemoveAccess'] = remove

    resourceStatus = ResourceStatus()

    res = resourceStatus.getElementStatus(ses, "StorageElement")
    if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error('Storage Element %s does not exist' % ses)

    reason = 'Forced with dirac-admin-allow-se by %s' % userName

    for se, seOptions in res['Value'].items():
        # InActive is used on the CS model, Banned is the equivalent in RSS
        for statusType in STATUS_TYPES:
            if statusFlagDict[statusType]:
                if seOptions.get(statusType) == "Active":
                    gLogger.notice('%s status of %s is already Active' %
                                   (statusType, se))
                if statusType in seOptions:
                    if not seOptions[statusType] in ALLOWED_STATUSES:
                            '%s option for %s is %s, instead of %s' %
                            (statusType, se, seOptions['ReadAccess'],
                        gLogger.notice('Try specifying the command switches')
                        resR = resourceStatus.setElementStatus(
                            se, "StorageElement", statusType, 'Active', reason,
                        if not resR['OK']:
                                "Failed to update %s %s to Active, exit -" %
                                (se, statusType), resR['Message'])
                                "Successfully updated %s %s to Active" %
                                (se, statusType))

    totalAllowed = 0
    totalAllowedSEs = []
    for statusType in STATUS_TYPES:
        totalAllowed += len(statusAllowedDict[statusType])
        totalAllowedSEs += statusAllowedDict[statusType]
    totalAllowedSEs = list(set(totalAllowedSEs))

    if not totalAllowed:
        gLogger.info("No storage elements were allowed")

    if mute:
        gLogger.notice('Email is muted by script switch')

    subject = '%s storage elements allowed for use' % len(totalAllowedSEs)
    addressPath = 'EMail/Production'
    address = Operations().getValue(addressPath, '')

    body = ''
    if read:
        body = "%s\n\nThe following storage elements were allowed for reading:" % body
        for se in statusAllowedDict['ReadAccess']:
            body = "%s\n%s" % (body, se)
    if write:
        body = "%s\n\nThe following storage elements were allowed for writing:" % body
        for se in statusAllowedDict['WriteAccess']:
            body = "%s\n%s" % (body, se)
    if check:
        body = "%s\n\nThe following storage elements were allowed for checking:" % body
        for se in statusAllowedDict['CheckAccess']:
            body = "%s\n%s" % (body, se)
    if remove:
        body = "%s\n\nThe following storage elements were allowed for removing:" % body
        for se in statusAllowedDict['RemoveAccess']:
            body = "%s\n%s" % (body, se)

    if not address:
            "'%s' not defined in Operations, can not send Mail\n" %
            addressPath, body)

    res = diracAdmin.sendMail(address, subject, body)
    gLogger.notice('Notifying %s' % address)
    if res['OK']:

        gLogger.error('The provided site (%s) is not known.' % site)
    ses.extend(res['Value']['SE'].replace(' ', '').split(','))

if not ses:
    gLogger.error('There were no SEs provided')

readBanned = []
writeBanned = []
checkBanned = []
removeBanned = []

resourceStatus = ResourceStatus()

res = resourceStatus.getElementStatus(ses, "StorageElement")
if not res['OK']:
    gLogger.error("Storage Element %s does not exist" % ses)

reason = 'Forced with dirac-admin-ban-se by %s' % userName

for se, seOptions in res['Value'].items():

    resW = resC = resR = {'OK': False}

    # Eventually, we will get rid of the notion of InActive, as we always write Banned.
    if read and 'ReadAccess' in seOptions:

        if not seOptions['ReadAccess'] in ['Active', 'Degraded', 'Probing']:
            gLogger.notice('Read option for %s is %s, instead of %s' %
def main():
    global fullMatch
    global sites
    Script.registerSwitch("F", "full-match", "Check all the matching criteria",
        "S:", "site=", "Check matching for these sites (comma separated list)",
    Script.registerArgument("job_JDL: file with job JDL description")
    _, args = Script.parseCommandLine(ignoreErrors=True)

    from DIRAC.Core.Security.ProxyInfo import getVOfromProxyGroup
    from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers import Resources
    from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.PrettyPrint import printTable
    from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Client.ResourceStatus import ResourceStatus
    from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Client.SiteStatus import SiteStatus
    from DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.Utilities.QueueUtilities import getQueuesResolved, matchQueue

    with open(args[0]) as f:
        jdl = f.read()

    # Get the current VO
    result = getVOfromProxyGroup()
    if not result["OK"]:
        gLogger.error("No proxy found, please login")
    voName = result["Value"]

    resultQueues = Resources.getQueues(siteList=sites, community=voName)
    if not resultQueues["OK"]:
        gLogger.error("Failed to get CE information")
    siteDict = resultQueues["Value"]
    result = getQueuesResolved(siteDict, {}, checkPlatform=True)
    if not resultQueues["OK"]:
        gLogger.error("Failed to get CE information")
    queueDict = result["Value"]

    # get list of usable sites within this cycle
    resultMask = SiteStatus().getUsableSites()
    if not resultMask["OK"]:
        gLogger.error("Failed to get Site mask information")
    siteMaskList = resultMask.get("Value", [])

    rssClient = ResourceStatus()

    fields = ("Site", "CE", "Queue", "Status", "Match", "Reason")
    records = []

    for queue, queueInfo in queueDict.items():
        site = queueInfo["Site"]
        ce = queueInfo["CEName"]
        siteStatus = "Active" if site in siteMaskList else "InActive"
        ceStatus = siteStatus
        if rssClient.rssFlag:
            result = rssClient.getElementStatus(ce, "ComputingElement")
            if result["OK"]:
                ceStatus = result["Value"][ce]["all"]

        result = matchQueue(jdl,
        if not result["OK"]:
            gLogger.error("Failed in getting match data", result["Message"])
        status = "Active" if siteStatus == "Active" and ceStatus == "Active" else "Inactive"
        if result["Value"]["Match"]:
                (site, ce, queueInfo["QueueName"], status, "Yes", ""))
            records.append((site, ce, queueInfo["QueueName"], status, "No",

                   columnSeparator="  ",