def test_doCache(mocker):
  """ tests the doCache method
  mocker.patch("DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Command.DowntimeCommand.StorageElement", return_value=seMock)
               return_value=S_OK(['someHost', 'aSecondHost']))

  command = DowntimeCommand(args, {'ResourceManagementClient': mock_RMClient})
  res = command.doCache()
  assert res['OK'] is True

  # CASE01: get ongoing DT from 2 DTs where one ongoing the other in the future
  now = datetime.utcnow()
  resFromDB = {'OK': True,
               'Value': ((now - timedelta(hours=2),
                          '1 aRealName',
                          now + timedelta(hours=3),
                          now - timedelta(hours=2),
                         (now + timedelta(hours=12),
                          '2 aRealName',
                          now + timedelta(hours=14),
                          now + timedelta(hours=12),
               'Columns': ['StartDate', 'DowntimeID', 'Link', 'EndDate', 'Name',
                           'DateEffective', 'Description', 'Severity', 'LastCheckTime', 'Element']}

  mock_RMClient.selectDowntimeCache.return_value = resFromDB
  command = DowntimeCommand(args, {'ResourceManagementClient': mock_RMClient})
  res = command.doCache()
  assert res['OK'] is True
  assert res['Value']['DowntimeID'] == '1 aRealName'

  mock_RMClient.selectDowntimeCache.return_value = resFromDB
  args.update({'hours': 2})
  command = DowntimeCommand(args, {'ResourceManagementClient': mock_RMClient})
  res = command.doCache()
  assert res['OK'] is True
  assert res['Value']['DowntimeID'] == '1 aRealName'

  # CASE02: get future DT from 2 DTs where one ongoing the other in the future
  resFromDB = {'OK': True,
               'Value': ((now - timedelta(hours=12),
                          '1 aRealName',
                          now - timedelta(hours=2),
                          now - timedelta(hours=12),
                         (now + timedelta(hours=2),
                          '2 aRealName',
                          now + timedelta(hours=14),
                          now + timedelta(hours=2),
               'Columns': ['StartDate', 'DowntimeID', 'Link', 'EndDate', 'Name',
                           'DateEffective', 'Description', 'Severity', 'LastCheckTime', 'Element']}

  mock_RMClient.selectDowntimeCache.return_value = resFromDB
  args.update({'hours': 3})
  command = DowntimeCommand(args, {'ResourceManagementClient': mock_RMClient})
  res = command.doCache()
  assert res['OK'] is True
  assert res['Value']['DowntimeID'] == '2 aRealName'

  # CASE03: get DT from 2 overlapping OUTAGE DTs, one ongoing the other starting in the future
  resFromDB = {'OK': True,
               'Value': ((now - timedelta(hours=12),
                          '1 aRealName',
                          now + timedelta(hours=2),
                          now - timedelta(hours=12),
                         (now + timedelta(hours=2),
                          '2 aRealName',
                          now + timedelta(hours=14),
                          now + timedelta(hours=2),
               'Columns': ['StartDate', 'DowntimeID', 'Link', 'EndDate', 'Name',
                           'DateEffective', 'Description', 'Severity', 'LastCheckTime', 'Element']}

  mock_RMClient.selectDowntimeCache.return_value = resFromDB
  args.update({'hours': 0})
  command = DowntimeCommand(
      args, {'ResourceManagementClient': mock_RMClient})
  res = command.doCache()
  assert res['OK'] is True
  assert res['Value']['DowntimeID'] == '1 aRealName'

  # CASE04: get DT from 2 ongoing DTs, first OUTAGE the other WARNING
  resFromDB = {'OK': True,
               'Value': ((now - timedelta(hours=10),
                          '1 aRealName',
                          now + timedelta(hours=2),
                          now - timedelta(hours=12),
                         (now - timedelta(hours=12),
                          '2 aRealName',
                          now + timedelta(hours=4),
                          now + timedelta(hours=2),
               'Columns': ['StartDate', 'DowntimeID', 'Link', 'EndDate', 'Name',
                           'DateEffective', 'Description', 'Severity', 'LastCheckTime', 'Element']

  mock_RMClient.selectDowntimeCache.return_value = resFromDB
  args.update({'hours': 0})
  command = DowntimeCommand(
      args, {'ResourceManagementClient': mock_RMClient})
  res = command.doCache()
  assert res['OK'] is True
  assert res['Value']['DowntimeID'] == '1 aRealName'

  # CASE05: get DT from 2 overlapping future DTs, the first WARNING the other OUTAGE
  resFromDB = {'OK': True,
               'Value': ((now + timedelta(hours=8),
                          '1 aRealName',
                          now + timedelta(hours=12),
                          now + timedelta(hours=8),
                         (now + timedelta(hours=9),
                          '2 aRealName',
                          now + timedelta(hours=11),
                          now + timedelta(hours=9),
               'Columns': ['StartDate', 'DowntimeID', 'Link', 'EndDate', 'Name',
                           'DateEffective', 'Description', 'Severity', 'LastCheckTime', 'Element']

  mock_RMClient.selectDowntimeCache.return_value = resFromDB
  args.update({'hours': 10})
  command = DowntimeCommand(args, {'ResourceManagementClient': mock_RMClient})
  res = command.doCache()
  assert res['OK'] is True
  assert res['Value']['DowntimeID'] == '2 aRealName'
  def test_doCache( self ):
    """ tests the doCache method
    self.mock_GOCDBClient.selectDowntimeCache.return_value = {'OK':True, 'Value':{}}
    command = DowntimeCommand( self.args, {'ResourceManagementClient':self.mock_GOCDBClient} )
    self.getStorageElementOptionsMock.return_value = {'OK':True, 'Value': {'TapeSE':True, 'DiskSE': False}}
    res = command.doCache()
    self.assert_( res['OK'] )
    self.getStorageElementOptionsMock.return_value = {'OK':True, 'Value': {'TapeSE':False, 'DiskSE': True}}
    res = command.doCache()
    self.assert_( res['OK'] )

    #CASE01: get ongoing DT from 2 DTs where one ongoing the other in the future
    now = datetime.utcnow()
    resFromDB = {'OK':True,
                 'Value':( ( now - timedelta( hours = 2 ),
                             '1 aRealName',
                             now + timedelta( hours = 3 ),
                             now - timedelta( hours = 2 ),
                             'Resource' ),
                           ( now + timedelta( hours = 12 ),
                             '2 aRealName',
                             now + timedelta( hours = 14 ),
                             now + timedelta( hours = 12 ),
                             'Resource' )
                 'Columns': ['StartDate','DowntimeID', 'Link','EndDate', 'Name',
                             'DateEffective', 'Description', 'Severity','LastCheckTime', 'Element']}

    self.mock_GOCDBClient.selectDowntimeCache.return_value = resFromDB
    command = DowntimeCommand( self.args, {'ResourceManagementClient':self.mock_GOCDBClient} )
    res = command.doCache()
    self.assert_( res['OK'] )
    self.assertEqual( res['Value']['DowntimeID'], '1 aRealName' )

    self.mock_GOCDBClient.selectDowntimeCache.return_value = resFromDB
    self.args.update( {'hours':2} )
    command = DowntimeCommand( self.args, {'ResourceManagementClient':self.mock_GOCDBClient} )
    res = command.doCache()
    self.assert_( res['OK'] )
    self.assertEqual( res['Value']['DowntimeID'], '1 aRealName' )

    #CASE02: get future DT from 2 DTs where one ongoing the other in the future
    resFromDB = {'OK':True,
                 'Value':( ( now - timedelta( hours = 12 ),
                             '1 aRealName',
                             now - timedelta( hours = 2 ),
                             now - timedelta( hours = 12 ),
                             'Resource' ),
                           ( now + timedelta( hours = 2 ),
                             '2 aRealName',
                             now + timedelta( hours = 14 ),
                             now + timedelta( hours = 2 ),
                             'Resource' )
                 'Columns': ['StartDate', 'DowntimeID', 'Link', 'EndDate', 'Name',
                             'DateEffective', 'Description', 'Severity', 'LastCheckTime', 'Element']}

    self.mock_GOCDBClient.selectDowntimeCache.return_value = resFromDB
    self.args.update( {'hours':3} )
    command = DowntimeCommand( self.args, {'ResourceManagementClient':self.mock_GOCDBClient} )
    res = command.doCache()
    self.assert_( res['OK'] )
    self.assertEqual( res['Value']['DowntimeID'], '2 aRealName' )

    #CASE03: get DT from 2 overlapping OUTAGE DTs, one ongoing the other starting in the future
    resFromDB = {'OK':True,
                 'Value':( ( now - timedelta( hours = 12 ),
                             '1 aRealName',
                             now + timedelta( hours = 2 ),
                             now - timedelta( hours = 12 ),
                             'Resource' ),
                           ( now + timedelta( hours = 2 ),
                             '2 aRealName',
                             now + timedelta( hours = 14 ),
                             now + timedelta( hours = 2 ),
                             'Resource' )
                 'Columns': ['StartDate', 'DowntimeID', 'Link', 'EndDate', 'Name',
                             'DateEffective', 'Description', 'Severity', 'LastCheckTime', 'Element']}

    self.mock_GOCDBClient.selectDowntimeCache.return_value = resFromDB
    self.args.update( {'hours':0} )
    command = DowntimeCommand( self.args, {'ResourceManagementClient':self.mock_GOCDBClient} )
    res = command.doCache()
    self.assert_( res['OK'] )
    self.assertEqual( res['Value']['DowntimeID'], '1 aRealName' )

    #CASE04: get DT from 2 ongoing DTs, first OUTAGE the other WARNING
    resFromDB = {'OK':True,
                 'Value':( ( now - timedelta( hours = 10 ),
                             '1 aRealName',
                             now + timedelta( hours = 2 ),
                             now - timedelta( hours = 12 ),
                             'Resource' ),
                             ( now - timedelta( hours = 12 ),
                               '2 aRealName',
                               now + timedelta( hours = 4 ),
                               now + timedelta( hours = 2 ),
                               'Resource' )
                 'Columns': ['StartDate', 'DowntimeID', 'Link', 'EndDate', 'Name',
                             'DateEffective', 'Description', 'Severity', 'LastCheckTime', 'Element']


    self.mock_GOCDBClient.selectDowntimeCache.return_value = resFromDB
    self.args.update( {'hours':0} )
    command = DowntimeCommand( self.args, {'ResourceManagementClient':self.mock_GOCDBClient} )
    res = command.doCache()
    self.assert_( res['OK'] )
    self.assertEqual( res['Value']['DowntimeID'], '1 aRealName' )

    #CASE05: get DT from 2 overlapping future DTs, the first WARNING the other OUTAGE
    resFromDB = {'OK':True,
                 'Value':( ( now + timedelta( hours = 8 ),
                             '1 aRealName',
                             now + timedelta( hours = 12 ),
                             now + timedelta( hours = 8 ),
                             'Resource' ),
                             ( now + timedelta( hours = 9 ),
                               '2 aRealName',
                               now + timedelta( hours = 11 ),
                               now + timedelta( hours = 9 ),
                               'Resource' )
                 'Columns': ['StartDate', 'DowntimeID', 'Link', 'EndDate', 'Name',
                             'DateEffective', 'Description', 'Severity', 'LastCheckTime', 'Element']


    self.mock_GOCDBClient.selectDowntimeCache.return_value = resFromDB
    self.args.update( {'hours':10} )
    command = DowntimeCommand( self.args, {'ResourceManagementClient':self.mock_GOCDBClient} )
    res = command.doCache()
    self.assert_( res['OK'] )
    self.assertEqual( res['Value']['DowntimeID'], '2 aRealName' )
    def test_doCache(self):
        """ tests the doCache method
        self.mock_GOCDBClient.selectDowntimeCache.return_value = {
            'OK': True,
            'Value': {}
        command = DowntimeCommand(
            self.args, {'ResourceManagementClient': self.mock_GOCDBClient})
        res = command.doCache()

        now = datetime.utcnow()
        resFromDB = {
            ((now - timedelta(hours=2), '1 aRealName', 'https://blah',
              now + timedelta(hours=2), 'aRealName', now - timedelta(hours=2),
              'maintenance', 'OUTAGE', now, 'Resource'),
             (now + timedelta(hours=12), '2 aRealName', 'https://blah',
              now + timedelta(hours=14), 'aRealName',
              now + timedelta(hours=12), 'maintenance', 'OUTAGE', now,
            'Columns': [
                'StartDate', 'DowntimeID', 'Link', 'EndDate', 'Name',
                'DateEffective', 'Description', 'Severity', 'LastCheckTime',

        self.mock_GOCDBClient.selectDowntimeCache.return_value = resFromDB
        command = DowntimeCommand(
            self.args, {'ResourceManagementClient': self.mock_GOCDBClient})
        res = command.doCache()
        self.assertEqual(res['Value']['DowntimeID'], '1 aRealName')

        self.mock_GOCDBClient.selectDowntimeCache.return_value = resFromDB
        self.args.update({'hours': 2})
        command = DowntimeCommand(
            self.args, {'ResourceManagementClient': self.mock_GOCDBClient})
        res = command.doCache()
        self.assertEqual(res['Value']['DowntimeID'], '1 aRealName')

        resFromDB = {
            ((now - timedelta(hours=12), '1 aRealName', 'https://blah',
              now - timedelta(hours=2), 'aRealName', now - timedelta(hours=12),
              'maintenance', 'OUTAGE', now, 'Resource'),
             (now + timedelta(hours=2), '2 aRealName', 'https://blah',
              now + timedelta(hours=14), 'aRealName', now + timedelta(hours=2),
              'maintenance', 'OUTAGE', now, 'Resource')),
            'Columns': [
                'StartDate', 'DowntimeID', 'Link', 'EndDate', 'Name',
                'DateEffective', 'Description', 'Severity', 'LastCheckTime',

        self.mock_GOCDBClient.selectDowntimeCache.return_value = resFromDB
        self.args.update({'hours': 3})
        command = DowntimeCommand(
            self.args, {'ResourceManagementClient': self.mock_GOCDBClient})
        res = command.doCache()
        self.assertEqual(res['Value']['DowntimeID'], '2 aRealName')

        resFromDB = {
            ((now - timedelta(hours=12), '1 aRealName', 'https://blah',
              now + timedelta(hours=2), 'aRealName', now - timedelta(hours=12),
              'maintenance', 'OUTAGE', now, 'Resource'),
             (now + timedelta(hours=2), '2 aRealName', 'https://blah',
              now + timedelta(hours=14), 'aRealName', now + timedelta(hours=2),
              'maintenance', 'OUTAGE', now, 'Resource')),
            'Columns': [
                'StartDate', 'DowntimeID', 'Link', 'EndDate', 'Name',
                'DateEffective', 'Description', 'Severity', 'LastCheckTime',

        self.mock_GOCDBClient.selectDowntimeCache.return_value = resFromDB
        self.args.update({'hours': 3})
        command = DowntimeCommand(
            self.args, {'ResourceManagementClient': self.mock_GOCDBClient})
        res = command.doCache()
        self.assertEqual(res['Value']['DowntimeID'], '1 aRealName')
  def test_doCache( self ):
    """ tests the doCache method
    self.mock_GOCDBClient.selectDowntimeCache.return_value = {'OK':True, 'Value':{}}
    command = DowntimeCommand( self.args, {'ResourceManagementClient':self.mock_GOCDBClient} )
    self.getStorageElementOptionsMock.return_value = {'OK':True, 'Value': {'TapeSE':True, 'DiskSE': False}}
    res = command.doCache()
    self.assert_( res['OK'] )
    self.getStorageElementOptionsMock.return_value = {'OK':True, 'Value': {'TapeSE':False, 'DiskSE': True}}
    res = command.doCache()
    self.assert_( res['OK'] )
    now = datetime.utcnow()
    resFromDB = {'OK':True,
                 'Value':( ( now - timedelta( hours = 2 ),
                             '1 aRealName',
                             now + timedelta( hours = 2 ),
                             now - timedelta( hours = 2 ),
                             'Resource' ),
                             ( now + timedelta( hours = 12 ),
                               '2 aRealName',
                               now + timedelta( hours = 14 ),
                               now + timedelta( hours = 12 ),
                               'Resource' )
                 'Columns': ['StartDate','DowntimeID', 'Link','EndDate', 'Name',
                             'DateEffective', 'Description', 'Severity','LastCheckTime', 'Element']


    self.mock_GOCDBClient.selectDowntimeCache.return_value = resFromDB
    command = DowntimeCommand( self.args, {'ResourceManagementClient':self.mock_GOCDBClient} )
    res = command.doCache()
    self.assert_( res['OK'] )
    self.assertEqual( res['Value']['DowntimeID'], '1 aRealName' )

    self.mock_GOCDBClient.selectDowntimeCache.return_value = resFromDB
    self.args.update( {'hours':2} )
    command = DowntimeCommand( self.args, {'ResourceManagementClient':self.mock_GOCDBClient} )
    res = command.doCache()
    self.assert_( res['OK'] )
    self.assertEqual( res['Value']['DowntimeID'], '1 aRealName' )

    resFromDB = {'OK':True,
                 'Value':( ( now - timedelta( hours = 12 ),
                             '1 aRealName',
                             now - timedelta( hours = 2 ),
                             now - timedelta( hours = 12 ),
                             'Resource' ),
                             ( now + timedelta( hours = 2 ),
                               '2 aRealName',
                               now + timedelta( hours = 14 ),
                               now + timedelta( hours = 2 ),
                               'Resource' )
                 'Columns': ['StartDate', 'DowntimeID', 'Link', 'EndDate', 'Name',
                             'DateEffective', 'Description', 'Severity', 'LastCheckTime', 'Element']


    self.mock_GOCDBClient.selectDowntimeCache.return_value = resFromDB
    self.args.update( {'hours':3} )
    command = DowntimeCommand( self.args, {'ResourceManagementClient':self.mock_GOCDBClient} )
    res = command.doCache()
    self.assert_( res['OK'] )
    self.assertEqual( res['Value']['DowntimeID'], '2 aRealName' )

    resFromDB = {'OK':True,
                 'Value':( ( now - timedelta( hours = 12 ),
                             '1 aRealName',
                             now + timedelta( hours = 2 ),
                             now - timedelta( hours = 12 ),
                             'Resource' ),
                             ( now + timedelta( hours = 2 ),
                               '2 aRealName',
                               now + timedelta( hours = 14 ),
                               now + timedelta( hours = 2 ),
                               'Resource' )
                 'Columns': ['StartDate', 'DowntimeID', 'Link', 'EndDate', 'Name',
                             'DateEffective', 'Description', 'Severity', 'LastCheckTime', 'Element']


    self.mock_GOCDBClient.selectDowntimeCache.return_value = resFromDB
    self.args.update( {'hours':3} )
    command = DowntimeCommand( self.args, {'ResourceManagementClient':self.mock_GOCDBClient} )
    res = command.doCache()
    self.assert_( res['OK'] )
    self.assertEqual( res['Value']['DowntimeID'], '1 aRealName' )
def test_doCache(mocker):
    """tests the doCache method"""
    mocker.patch("DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Command.DowntimeCommand.StorageElement", return_value=seMock)
        "DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Command.DowntimeCommand.getSEHosts", return_value=S_OK(["someHost", "aSecondHost"])

    command = DowntimeCommand(args, {"ResourceManagementClient": mock_RMClient})
    res = command.doCache()
    assert res["OK"] is True

    # CASE01: get ongoing DT from 2 DTs where one ongoing the other in the future
    now = datetime.utcnow()
    resFromDB = {
        "OK": True,
        "Value": (
                now - timedelta(hours=2),
                "1 aRealName",
                now + timedelta(hours=3),
                now - timedelta(hours=2),
                now + timedelta(hours=12),
                "2 aRealName",
                now + timedelta(hours=14),
                now + timedelta(hours=12),
        "Columns": [

    mock_RMClient.selectDowntimeCache.return_value = resFromDB
    command = DowntimeCommand(args, {"ResourceManagementClient": mock_RMClient})
    res = command.doCache()
    assert res["OK"] is True
    assert res["Value"]["DowntimeID"] == "1 aRealName"

    mock_RMClient.selectDowntimeCache.return_value = resFromDB
    args.update({"hours": 2})
    command = DowntimeCommand(args, {"ResourceManagementClient": mock_RMClient})
    res = command.doCache()
    assert res["OK"] is True
    assert res["Value"]["DowntimeID"] == "1 aRealName"

    # CASE02: get future DT from 2 DTs where one ongoing the other in the future
    resFromDB = {
        "OK": True,
        "Value": (
                now - timedelta(hours=12),
                "1 aRealName",
                now - timedelta(hours=2),
                now - timedelta(hours=12),
                now + timedelta(hours=2),
                "2 aRealName",
                now + timedelta(hours=14),
                now + timedelta(hours=2),
        "Columns": [

    mock_RMClient.selectDowntimeCache.return_value = resFromDB
    args.update({"hours": 3})
    command = DowntimeCommand(args, {"ResourceManagementClient": mock_RMClient})
    res = command.doCache()
    assert res["OK"] is True
    assert res["Value"]["DowntimeID"] == "2 aRealName"

    # CASE03: get DT from 2 overlapping OUTAGE DTs, one ongoing the other starting in the future
    resFromDB = {
        "OK": True,
        "Value": (
                now - timedelta(hours=12),
                "1 aRealName",
                now + timedelta(hours=2),
                now - timedelta(hours=12),
                now + timedelta(hours=2),
                "2 aRealName",
                now + timedelta(hours=14),
                now + timedelta(hours=2),
        "Columns": [

    mock_RMClient.selectDowntimeCache.return_value = resFromDB
    args.update({"hours": 0})
    command = DowntimeCommand(args, {"ResourceManagementClient": mock_RMClient})
    res = command.doCache()
    assert res["OK"] is True
    assert res["Value"]["DowntimeID"] == "1 aRealName"

    # CASE04: get DT from 2 ongoing DTs, first OUTAGE the other WARNING
    resFromDB = {
        "OK": True,
        "Value": (
                now - timedelta(hours=10),
                "1 aRealName",
                now + timedelta(hours=2),
                now - timedelta(hours=12),
                now - timedelta(hours=12),
                "2 aRealName",
                now + timedelta(hours=4),
                now + timedelta(hours=2),
        "Columns": [

    mock_RMClient.selectDowntimeCache.return_value = resFromDB
    args.update({"hours": 0})
    command = DowntimeCommand(args, {"ResourceManagementClient": mock_RMClient})
    res = command.doCache()
    assert res["OK"] is True
    assert res["Value"]["DowntimeID"] == "1 aRealName"

    # CASE05: get DT from 2 overlapping future DTs, the first WARNING the other OUTAGE
    resFromDB = {
        "OK": True,
        "Value": (
                now + timedelta(hours=8),
                "1 aRealName",
                now + timedelta(hours=12),
                now + timedelta(hours=8),
                now + timedelta(hours=9),
                "2 aRealName",
                now + timedelta(hours=11),
                now + timedelta(hours=9),
        "Columns": [

    mock_RMClient.selectDowntimeCache.return_value = resFromDB
    args.update({"hours": 10})
    command = DowntimeCommand(args, {"ResourceManagementClient": mock_RMClient})
    res = command.doCache()
    assert res["OK"] is True
    assert res["Value"]["DowntimeID"] == "2 aRealName"