class JobMonitoringHandler(RequestHandler):

  def initialize(self):

    credDict = self.getRemoteCredentials()
    self.ownerDN = credDict['DN']
    self.ownerGroup = credDict['group']
    operations = Operations(group=self.ownerGroup)
    self.globalJobsInfo = operations.getValue('/Services/JobMonitoring/GlobalJobsInfo', True)
    self.jobPolicy = JobPolicy(self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup, self.globalJobsInfo)

    return S_OK()

  types_getApplicationStates = []

  def export_getApplicationStates():
    """ Return Distinct Values of ApplicationStatus job Attribute in WMS
    return gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('ApplicationStatus')

  types_getJobTypes = []

  def export_getJobTypes():
    """ Return Distinct Values of JobType job Attribute in WMS
    return gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('JobType')

  types_getOwners = []

  def export_getOwners():
    Return Distinct Values of Owner job Attribute in WMS
    return gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('Owner')

  types_getProductionIds = []

  def export_getProductionIds():
    Return Distinct Values of ProductionId job Attribute in WMS
    return gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('JobGroup')

  types_getJobGroups = []

  def export_getJobGroups(condDict=None, cutDate=None):
    Return Distinct Values of ProductionId job Attribute in WMS
    return gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('JobGroup', condDict,

  types_getSites = []

  def export_getSites():
    Return Distinct Values of Site job Attribute in WMS
    return gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('Site')

  types_getStates = []

  def export_getStates():
    Return Distinct Values of Status job Attribute in WMS
    return gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('Status')

  types_getMinorStates = []

  def export_getMinorStates():
    Return Distinct Values of Minor Status job Attribute in WMS
    return gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('MinorStatus')

  types_getJobs = []

  def export_getJobs(attrDict=None, cutDate=None):
    Return list of JobIds matching the condition given in attrDict
    # queryDict = {}

    # if attrDict:
    #  if type ( attrDict ) != dict:
    #    return S_ERROR( 'Argument must be of Dict Type' )
    #  for attribute in self.queryAttributes:
    #    # Only those Attribute in self.queryAttributes can be used
    #    if attrDict.has_key(attribute):
    #      queryDict[attribute] = attrDict[attribute]

    print attrDict

    return gJobDB.selectJobs(attrDict, newer=cutDate)

  types_getCounters = [list]

  def export_getCounters(attrList, attrDict=None, cutDate=''):
    Retrieve list of distinct attributes values from attrList
    with attrDict as condition.
    For each set of distinct values, count number of occurences.
    Return a list. Each item is a list with 2 items, the list of distinct
    attribute values and the counter

    # Check that Attributes in attrList and attrDict, they must be in
    # self.queryAttributes.

    # for attr in attrList:
    #  try:
    #    self.queryAttributes.index(attr)
    #  except:
    #    return S_ERROR( 'Requested Attribute not Allowed: %s.' % attr )
    # for attr in attrDict:
    #  try:
    #    self.queryAttributes.index(attr)
    #  except:
    #    return S_ERROR( 'Condition Attribute not Allowed: %s.' % attr )

    cutDate = str(cutDate)
    if not attrDict:
      attrDict = {}

    return gJobDB.getCounters('Jobs', attrList, attrDict, newer=cutDate, timeStamp='LastUpdateTime')

  types_getCurrentJobCounters = []

  def export_getCurrentJobCounters(attrDict=None):
    """ Get job counters per Status with attrDict selection. Final statuses are given for
        the last day.

    if not attrDict:
      attrDict = {}
    result = gJobDB.getCounters('Jobs', ['Status'], attrDict, timeStamp='LastUpdateTime')
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    last_update = Time.dateTime() - Time.day
    resultDay = gJobDB.getCounters('Jobs', ['Status'], attrDict, newer=last_update,
    if not resultDay['OK']:
      return resultDay

    resultDict = {}
    for statusDict, count in result['Value']:
      status = statusDict['Status']
      resultDict[status] = count
      if status in FINAL_STATES:
        resultDict[status] = 0
        for statusDayDict, ccount in resultDay['Value']:
          if status == statusDayDict['Status']:
            resultDict[status] = ccount

    return S_OK(resultDict)

  types_getJobStatus = [int]

  def export_getJobStatus(jobID):

    return gJobDB.getJobAttribute(jobID, 'Status')

  types_getJobOwner = [int]

  def export_getJobOwner(jobID):

    return gJobDB.getJobAttribute(jobID, 'Owner')

  types_getJobSite = [int]

  def export_getJobSite(jobID):

    return gJobDB.getJobAttribute(jobID, 'Site')

  types_getJobJDL = [int, bool]

  def export_getJobJDL(jobID, original):

    return gJobDB.getJobJDL(jobID, original=original)

  types_getJobLoggingInfo = [int]

  def export_getJobLoggingInfo(jobID):

    return gJobLoggingDB.getJobLoggingInfo(jobID)

  types_getJobsParameters = [list, list]

  def export_getJobsParameters(jobIDs, parameters):
    if not (jobIDs and parameters):
      return S_OK({})
    return gJobDB.getAttributesForJobList(jobIDs, parameters)

  types_getJobsStatus = [list]

  def export_getJobsStatus(jobIDs):
    if not jobIDs:
      return S_OK({})
    return gJobDB.getAttributesForJobList(jobIDs, ['Status'])

  types_getJobsMinorStatus = [list]

  def export_getJobsMinorStatus(jobIDs):

    return gJobDB.getAttributesForJobList(jobIDs, ['MinorStatus'])

  types_getJobsApplicationStatus = [list]

  def export_getJobsApplicationStatus(jobIDs):

    return gJobDB.getAttributesForJobList(jobIDs, ['ApplicationStatus'])

  types_getJobsSites = [list]

  def export_getJobsSites(jobIDs):

    return gJobDB.getAttributesForJobList(jobIDs, ['Site'])

  types_getJobSummary = [int]

  def export_getJobSummary(jobID):
    return gJobDB.getJobAttributes(jobID, SUMMARY)

  types_getJobPrimarySummary = [int]

  def export_getJobPrimarySummary(jobID):
    return gJobDB.getJobAttributes(jobID, PRIMARY_SUMMARY)

  types_getJobsSummary = [list]

  def export_getJobsSummary(jobIDs):

    if not jobIDs:
      return S_ERROR('JobMonitoring.getJobsSummary: Received empty job list')

    result = gJobDB.getAttributesForJobList(jobIDs, SUMMARY)
    # return result
    restring = str(result['Value'])
    return S_OK(restring)

  types_getJobPageSummaryWeb = [dict, list, int, int]

  def export_getJobPageSummaryWeb(self, selectDict, sortList, startItem, maxItems, selectJobs=True):
    """ Get the summary of the job information for a given page in the
        job monitor in a generic format
    resultDict = {}
    startDate = selectDict.get('FromDate', None)
    if startDate:
      del selectDict['FromDate']
    # For backward compatibility
    if startDate is None:
      startDate = selectDict.get('LastUpdate', None)
      if startDate:
        del selectDict['LastUpdate']
    endDate = selectDict.get('ToDate', None)
    if endDate:
      del selectDict['ToDate']

    result = self.jobPolicy.getControlledUsers(RIGHT_GET_INFO)
    if not result['OK']:
      return S_ERROR('Failed to evaluate user rights')
    if result['Value'] != 'ALL':
      selectDict[('Owner', 'OwnerGroup')] = result['Value']

    # Sorting instructions. Only one for the moment.
    if sortList:
      orderAttribute = sortList[0][0] + ":" + sortList[0][1]
      orderAttribute = None

    statusDict = {}
    result = gJobDB.getCounters('Jobs', ['Status'], selectDict,

    nJobs = 0
    if result['OK']:
      for stDict, count in result['Value']:
        nJobs += count
        statusDict[stDict['Status']] = count

    resultDict['TotalRecords'] = nJobs
    if nJobs == 0:
      return S_OK(resultDict)

    resultDict['Extras'] = statusDict

    if selectJobs:
      iniJob = startItem
      if iniJob >= nJobs:
        return S_ERROR('Item number out of range')

      result = gJobDB.selectJobs(selectDict, orderAttribute=orderAttribute,
                                 newer=startDate, older=endDate, limit=(maxItems, iniJob))
      if not result['OK']:
        return S_ERROR('Failed to select jobs: ' + result['Message'])

      summaryJobList = result['Value']
      if not self.globalJobsInfo:
        validJobs, _invalidJobs, _nonauthJobs, _ownJobs = self.jobPolicy.evaluateJobRights(summaryJobList,
        summaryJobList = validJobs

      result = gJobDB.getAttributesForJobList(summaryJobList, SUMMARY)
      if not result['OK']:
        return S_ERROR('Failed to get job summary: ' + result['Message'])

      summaryDict = result['Value']

      # Evaluate last sign of life time
      for jobID, jobDict in summaryDict.items():
        if jobDict['HeartBeatTime'] == 'None':
          jobDict['LastSignOfLife'] = jobDict['LastUpdateTime']
          lastTime = Time.fromString(jobDict['LastUpdateTime'])
          hbTime = Time.fromString(jobDict['HeartBeatTime'])
          # There is no way to express a timedelta of 0 ;-)
          # Not only Stalled jobs but also Failed jobs because Stalled
          if ((hbTime - lastTime) > (lastTime - lastTime) or
              jobDict['Status'] == "Stalled" or
              jobDict['MinorStatus'].startswith('Job stalled') or
            jobDict['LastSignOfLife'] = jobDict['HeartBeatTime']
            jobDict['LastSignOfLife'] = jobDict['LastUpdateTime']

      tqDict = {}
      result = gTaskQueueDB.getTaskQueueForJobs(summaryJobList)
      if result['OK']:
        tqDict = result['Value']

      # If no jobs can be selected after the properties check
      if not summaryDict.keys():
        return S_OK(resultDict)

      # prepare the standard structure now
      key = summaryDict.keys()[0]
      paramNames = summaryDict[key].keys()

      records = []
      for jobID, jobDict in summaryDict.items():
        jParList = []
        for pname in paramNames:
        jParList.append(tqDict.get(jobID, 0))

      resultDict['ParameterNames'] = paramNames + ['TaskQueueID']
      resultDict['Records'] = records

    return S_OK(resultDict)

  types_getJobStats = [basestring, dict]

  def export_getJobStats(attribute, selectDict):
    """ Get job statistics distribution per attribute value with a given selection
    startDate = selectDict.get('FromDate', None)
    if startDate:
      del selectDict['FromDate']
    # For backward compatibility
    if startDate is None:
      startDate = selectDict.get('LastUpdate', None)
      if startDate:
        del selectDict['LastUpdate']
    endDate = selectDict.get('ToDate', None)
    if endDate:
      del selectDict['ToDate']

    result = gJobDB.getCounters('Jobs', [attribute], selectDict,
    resultDict = {}
    if result['OK']:
      for cDict, count in result['Value']:
        resultDict[cDict[attribute]] = count

    return S_OK(resultDict)

  types_getJobsPrimarySummary = [list]

  def export_getJobsPrimarySummary(jobIDs):
    return gJobDB.getAttributesForJobList(jobIDs, PRIMARY_SUMMARY)

  types_getJobParameter = [[basestring, int, long], basestring]

  def export_getJobParameter(jobID, parName):
    return gJobDB.getJobParameters(jobID, [parName])

  types_getJobParameters = [[int, long]]

  def export_getJobParameters(jobID):
    return gJobDB.getJobParameters(jobID)

  types_traceJobParameter = [basestring, [basestring, int, long, list],
                             basestring, [basestring, None],
                             [basestring, None]]

  def export_traceJobParameter(site, localID, parameter, date, until):
    return gJobDB.traceJobParameter(site, localID, parameter, date, until)

  types_traceJobParameters = [basestring, [basestring, int, long, list],
                              [list, None], [list, None],
                              [basestring, None], [basestring, None]]

  def export_traceJobParameters(site, localID, parameterList, attributeList, date, until):
    return gJobDB.traceJobParameters(site, localID, parameterList, attributeList, date, until)

  types_getAtticJobParameters = [[int, long]]

  def export_getAtticJobParameters(jobID, parameters=None, rescheduleCycle=-1):
    if not parameters:
      parameters = []
    return gJobDB.getAtticJobParameters(jobID, parameters, rescheduleCycle)

  types_getJobAttributes = [int]

  def export_getJobAttributes(jobID):
    return gJobDB.getJobAttributes(jobID)

  types_getJobAttribute = [int, basestring]

  def export_getJobAttribute(jobID, attribute):
    return gJobDB.getJobAttribute(jobID, attribute)

  types_getSiteSummary = []

  def export_getSiteSummary():
    return gJobDB.getSiteSummary()

  types_getJobHeartBeatData = [int]

  def export_getJobHeartBeatData(jobID):
    return gJobDB.getHeartBeatData(jobID)

  types_getInputData = [[int, long]]

  def export_getInputData(jobID):
    """ Get input data for the specified jobs
    return gJobDB.getInputData(jobID)

  types_getOwnerGroup = []

  def export_getOwnerGroup():
    Return Distinct Values of OwnerGroup from the JobsDB
    return gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('OwnerGroup')
class JobManagerHandler( RequestHandler ):

  def initializeHandler( cls, serviceInfoDict ):
    cls.msgClient = MessageClient( "WorkloadManagement/OptimizationMind" )
    result = cls.msgClient.connect( JobManager = True )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      cls.log.error( "Cannot connect to OptimizationMind!", result[ 'Message' ] )
    return result

  def initialize( self ):
    credDict = self.getRemoteCredentials()
    self.ownerDN = credDict['DN']
    self.ownerGroup = credDict['group']
    self.userProperties = credDict[ 'properties' ]
    self.owner = credDict[ 'username' ]
    self.peerUsesLimitedProxy = credDict[ 'isLimitedProxy' ]
    self.diracSetup = self.serviceInfoDict['clientSetup']
    self.maxParametricJobs = self.srv_getCSOption( 'MaxParametricJobs', MAX_PARAMETRIC_JOBS )
    self.jobPolicy = JobPolicy( self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup, self.userProperties )
    return S_OK()

  def __sendNewJobsToMind( self, jids ):
    result = self.msgClient.createMessage( "OptimizeJobs" )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      self.log.error( "Cannot create Optimize message: %s" % result[ 'Message' ] )
    msgObj = result[ 'Value' ]
    msgObj.jids = jids
    result = self.msgClient.sendMessage( msgObj )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      self.log.error( "Cannot send Optimize message: %s" % result[ 'Message' ] )

  types_submitJob = [ StringType ]
  def export_submitJob( self, jobDesc ):
    """ Submit a single job to DIRAC WMS

    if self.peerUsesLimitedProxy:
      return S_ERROR( "Can't submit using a limited proxy! (bad boy!)" )

    # Check job submission permission
    result = self.jobPolicy.getJobPolicy()
    if not result['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( 'Failed to get job policies' )
    policyDict = result['Value']
    if not policyDict[ RIGHT_SUBMIT ]:
      return S_ERROR( 'Job submission not authorized' )

    #jobDesc is JDL for now
    jobDesc = jobDesc.strip()
    if jobDesc[0] != "[":
      jobDesc = "[%s" % jobDesc
    if jobDesc[-1] != "]":
      jobDesc = "%s]" % jobDesc

    # Check if the job is a parameteric one
    jobClassAd = ClassAd( jobDesc )
    parametricJob = False
    if jobClassAd.lookupAttribute( 'Parameters' ):
      parametricJob = True
      if jobClassAd.isAttributeList( 'Parameters' ):
        parameterList = jobClassAd.getListFromExpression( 'Parameters' )
        pStep = 0
        pFactor = 1
        pStart = 1
        nParameters = jobClassAd.getAttributeInt( 'Parameters' )
        if not nParameters:
          value = jobClassAd.get_expression( 'Parameters' )
          return S_ERROR( 'Illegal value for Parameters JDL field: %s' % value )

        if jobClassAd.lookupAttribute( 'ParameterStart' ):
          value = jobClassAd.get_expression( 'ParameterStart' ).replace( '"', '' )
            pStart = int( value )
              pStart = float( value )
              return S_ERROR( 'Illegal value for ParameterStart JDL field: %s' % value )

        if jobClassAd.lookupAttribute( 'ParameterStep' ):
          pStep = jobClassAd.getAttributeInt( 'ParameterStep' )
          if not pStep:
            pStep = jobClassAd.getAttributeFloat( 'ParameterStep' )
            if not pStep:
              value = jobClassAd.get_expression( 'ParameterStep' )
              return S_ERROR( 'Illegal value for ParameterStep JDL field: %s' % value )
        if jobClassAd.lookupAttribute( 'ParameterFactor' ):
          pFactor = jobClassAd.getAttributeInt( 'ParameterFactor' )
          if not pFactor:
            pFactor = jobClassAd.getAttributeFloat( 'ParameterFactor' )
            if not pFactor:
              value = jobClassAd.get_expression( 'ParameterFactor' )
              return S_ERROR( 'Illegal value for ParameterFactor JDL field: %s' % value )

        parameterList = list()
        parameterList.append( pStart )
        for i in range( nParameters - 1 ):
          parameterList.append( parameterList[i] * pFactor + pStep )

      if len( parameterList ) > self.maxParametricJobs:
        return S_ERROR( 'The number of parametric jobs exceeded the limit of %d' % self.maxParametricJobs )

      jobDescList = []
      nParam = len(parameterList) - 1
      for n,p in enumerate(parameterList):
        newJobDesc = jobDesc.replace('%s',str(p)).replace('%n',str(n).zfill(len(str(nParam))))
        newClassAd = ClassAd(newJobDesc)
        for attr in ['Parameters','ParameterStep','ParameterFactor']:
        if type( p ) == type ( ' ' ) and p.startswith('{'):
          newClassAd.insertAttributeInt( 'Parameter',str(p) )
          newClassAd.insertAttributeString( 'Parameter', str( p ) )
        newClassAd.insertAttributeInt( 'ParameterNumber', n )
        newJDL = newClassAd.asJDL()
        jobDescList.append( newJDL )
      jobDescList = [ jobDesc ]

    jobIDList = []
    for jobDescription in jobDescList:
      result = gJobDB.insertNewJobIntoDB( jobDescription, self.owner, self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup, self.diracSetup )
      if not result['OK']:
        return result

      jobID = result['JobID']
      gLogger.info( 'Job %s added to the JobDB for %s/%s' % ( jobID, self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup ) )

      gJobLoggingDB.addLoggingRecord( jobID, result['Status'], result['MinorStatus'], source = 'JobManager' )

      jobIDList.append( jobID )

    #Set persistency flag
    retVal = gProxyManager.getUserPersistence( self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup )
    if 'Value' not in retVal or not retVal[ 'Value' ]:
      gProxyManager.setPersistency( self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup, True )

    if parametricJob:
      result = S_OK( jobIDList )
      result = S_OK( jobIDList[0] )

    result['JobID'] = result['Value']
    result[ 'requireProxyUpload' ] = self.__checkIfProxyUploadIsRequired()
    self.__sendNewJobsToMind( jobIDList )
    return result

  def __checkIfProxyUploadIsRequired( self ):
    result = gProxyManager.userHasProxy( self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup, validSeconds = 18000 )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      gLogger.error( "Can't check if the user has proxy uploaded:", result[ 'Message' ] )
      return True
    #Check if an upload is required
    return result[ 'Value' ] == False

  types_invalidateJob = [ IntType ]
  def invalidateJob( self, jobID ):
    """ Make job with jobID invalid, e.g. because of the sandbox submission


  def __get_job_list( self, jobInput ):
    """ Evaluate the jobInput into a list of ints

    if type( jobInput ) == IntType:
      return [jobInput]
    if type( jobInput ) == StringType:
        ijob = int( jobInput )
        return [ijob]
        return []
    if type( jobInput ) == ListType:
        ljob = [ int( x ) for x in jobInput ]
        return ljob
        return []

    return []

  def __evaluate_rights( self, jobList, right ):
    """ Get access rights to jobID for the user ownerDN/ownerGroup
    self.jobPolicy.setJobDB( gJobDB )
    validJobList = []
    invalidJobList = []
    nonauthJobList = []
    ownerJobList = []
    for jobID in jobList:
      result = self.jobPolicy.getUserRightsForJob( jobID )
      if result['OK']:
        if result['Value'][right]:
          validJobList.append( jobID )
          nonauthJobList.append( jobID )
        if result[ 'UserIsOwner' ]:
          ownerJobList.append( jobID )
        invalidJobList.append( jobID )

    return validJobList, invalidJobList, nonauthJobList, ownerJobList

  types_rescheduleJob = [ ]
  def export_rescheduleJob( self, jobIDs ):
    """  Reschedule a single job. If the optional proxy parameter is given
         it will be used to refresh the proxy in the Proxy Repository

    jobList = self.__get_job_list( jobIDs )
    if not jobList:
      return S_ERROR( 'Invalid job specification: ' + str( jobIDs ) )

    validJobList, invalidJobList, nonauthJobList, ownerJobList = self.__evaluate_rights( jobList,
                                                                        RIGHT_RESCHEDULE )
    for jobID in validJobList:
      gtaskQueueDB.deleteJob( jobID )
      result = gJobDB.rescheduleJob( jobID )
      gLogger.debug( str( result ) )
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
      gJobLoggingDB.addLoggingRecord( result['JobID'], result['Status'], result['MinorStatus'],
                                      application = 'Unknown', source = 'JobManager' )

    if invalidJobList or nonauthJobList:
      result = S_ERROR( 'Some jobs failed deletion' )
      if invalidJobList:
        result['InvalidJobIDs'] = invalidJobList
      if nonauthJobList:
        result['NonauthorizedJobIDs'] = nonauthJobList
      return result

    result = S_OK( validJobList )
    result[ 'requireProxyUpload' ] = len( ownerJobList ) > 0 and self.__checkIfProxyUploadIsRequired()
    self.__sendNewJobsToMind( validJobList )
    return result

  types_deleteJob = [  ]
  def export_deleteJob( self, jobIDs ):
    """  Delete jobs specified in the jobIDs list

    jobList = self.__get_job_list( jobIDs )
    if not jobList:
      return S_ERROR( 'Invalid job specification: ' + str( jobIDs ) )

    validJobList, invalidJobList, nonauthJobList, ownerJobList = self.__evaluate_rights( jobList,
                                                                        RIGHT_DELETE )

    bad_ids = []
    good_ids = []
    for jobID in validJobList:
      result = gJobDB.setJobStatus( jobID, 'Deleted', 'Checking accounting' )
      if not result['OK']:
        bad_ids.append( jobID )
        good_ids.append( jobID )
      #result = gJobDB.deleteJobFromQueue(jobID)
      #if not result['OK']:
      #  gLogger.warn('Failed to delete job from the TaskQueue (old)')
      result = gtaskQueueDB.deleteJob( jobID )
      if not result['OK']:
        gLogger.warn( 'Failed to delete job from the TaskQueue' )

    if invalidJobList or nonauthJobList:
      result = S_ERROR( 'Some jobs failed deletion' )
      if invalidJobList:
        result['InvalidJobIDs'] = invalidJobList
      if nonauthJobList:
        result['NonauthorizedJobIDs'] = nonauthJobList
      if bad_ids:
        result['FailedJobIDs'] = bad_ids
      return result

    result = S_OK( validJobList )
    result[ 'requireProxyUpload' ] = len( ownerJobList ) > 0 and self.__checkIfProxyUploadIsRequired()
    return result

  types_killJob = [  ]
  def export_killJob( self, jobIDs ):
    """  Kill jobs specified in the jobIDs list

    jobList = self.__get_job_list( jobIDs )
    if not jobList:
      return S_ERROR( 'Invalid job specification: ' + str( jobIDs ) )

    validJobList, invalidJobList, nonauthJobList, ownerJobList = self.__evaluate_rights( jobList,
                                                                             RIGHT_KILL )

    bad_ids = []
    good_ids = []
    for jobID in validJobList:
      # kill jobID
      result = gJobDB.setJobCommand( jobID, 'Kill' )
      if not result['OK']:
        bad_ids.append( jobID )
        gLogger.info( 'Job %d is marked for termination' % jobID )
        good_ids.append( jobID )
        result = gJobDB.setJobStatus( jobID, 'Killed', 'Marked for termination' )
        if not result['OK']:
          gLogger.warn( 'Failed to set job status' )
        #result = gJobDB.deleteJobFromQueue(jobID)
        #if not result['OK']:
        #  gLogger.warn('Failed to delete job from the TaskQueue (old)')
        result = gtaskQueueDB.deleteJob( jobID )
        if not result['OK']:
          gLogger.warn( 'Failed to delete job from the TaskQueue' )

    if invalidJobList or nonauthJobList or bad_ids:
      result = S_ERROR( 'Some jobs failed deletion' )
      if invalidJobList:
        result['InvalidJobIDs'] = invalidJobList
      if nonauthJobList:
        result['NonauthorizedJobIDs'] = nonauthJobList
      if bad_ids:
        result['FailedJobIDs'] = bad_ids
      return result

    result = S_OK( validJobList )
    result[ 'requireProxyUpload' ] = len( ownerJobList ) > 0 and self.__checkIfProxyUploadIsRequired()
    return result

  types_resetJob = [  ]
  def export_resetJob( self, jobIDs ):
    """  Reset jobs specified in the jobIDs list

    jobList = self.__get_job_list( jobIDs )
    if not jobList:
      return S_ERROR( 'Invalid job specification: ' + str( jobIDs ) )

    validJobList, invalidJobList, nonauthJobList, ownerJobList = self.__evaluate_rights( jobList,
                                                                        RIGHT_RESET )

    bad_ids = []
    good_ids = []
    for jobID in validJobList:
      result = gJobDB.setJobAttribute( jobID, 'RescheduleCounter', -1 )
      if not result['OK']:
        bad_ids.append( jobID )
        gtaskQueueDB.deleteJob( jobID )
        result = gJobDB.rescheduleJob( jobID )
        if not result['OK']:
          bad_ids.append( jobID )
          good_ids.append( jobID )
        gJobLoggingDB.addLoggingRecord( result['JobID'], result['Status'], result['MinorStatus'],
                                        application = 'Unknown', source = 'JobManager' )

    self.__sendNewJobsToMind( good_ids )
    if invalidJobList or nonauthJobList or bad_ids:
      result = S_ERROR( 'Some jobs failed resetting' )
      if invalidJobList:
        result['InvalidJobIDs'] = invalidJobList
      if nonauthJobList:
        result['NonauthorizedJobIDs'] = nonauthJobList
      if bad_ids:
        result['FailedJobIDs'] = bad_ids
      return result

    result = S_OK()
    result[ 'requireProxyUpload' ] = len( ownerJobList ) > 0 and self.__checkIfProxyUploadIsRequired()
    return result
class JobManagerHandler(RequestHandler):
    def initializeHandler(cls, serviceInfoDict):
        cls.msgClient = MessageClient("WorkloadManagement/OptimizationMind")
        gThreadScheduler.addPeriodicTask(60, cls.__connectToOptMind)
        return S_OK()

    def __connectToOptMind(cls):
        if not cls.msgClient.connected:
            result = cls.msgClient.connect(JobManager=True)
            if not result['OK']:
                cls.log.warn("Cannot connect to OptimizationMind!",

    def initialize(self):
        credDict = self.getRemoteCredentials()
        self.ownerDN = credDict['DN']
        self.ownerGroup = credDict['group']
        self.userProperties = credDict['properties']
        self.owner = credDict['username']
        self.peerUsesLimitedProxy = credDict['isLimitedProxy']
        self.diracSetup = self.serviceInfoDict['clientSetup']
        self.maxParametricJobs = self.srv_getCSOption('MaxParametricJobs',
        self.jobPolicy = JobPolicy(self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup,
        return S_OK()

    def __sendJobsToOptimizationMind(self, jids):
        if not self.msgClient.connected:
        result = self.msgClient.createMessage("OptimizeJobs")
        if not result['OK']:
            self.log.error("Cannot create Optimize message: %s" %
        msgObj = result['Value']
        msgObj.jids = list(sorted(jids))
        result = self.msgClient.sendMessage(msgObj)
        if not result['OK']:
            self.log.error("Cannot send Optimize message: %s" %
        self.log.info("Optimize msg sent for %s jobs" % len(jids))

    types_submitJob = [StringTypes]

    def export_submitJob(self, jobDesc):
        """ Submit a single job to DIRAC WMS

        if self.peerUsesLimitedProxy:
            return S_ERROR("Can't submit using a limited proxy! (bad boy!)")

        # Check job submission permission
        result = self.jobPolicy.getJobPolicy()
        if not result['OK']:
            return S_ERROR('Failed to get job policies')
        policyDict = result['Value']
        if not policyDict[RIGHT_SUBMIT]:
            return S_ERROR('Job submission not authorized')

        #jobDesc is JDL for now
        jobDesc = jobDesc.strip()
        if jobDesc[0] != "[":
            jobDesc = "[%s" % jobDesc
        if jobDesc[-1] != "]":
            jobDesc = "%s]" % jobDesc

        # Check if the job is a parametric one
        jobClassAd = ClassAd(jobDesc)
        nParameters = getNumberOfParameters(jobClassAd)
        parametricJob = False
        if nParameters > 0:
            parametricJob = True
            result = generateParametricJobs(jobClassAd)
            if not result['OK']:
                return result
            jobDescList = result['Value']
            jobDescList = [jobDesc]

        jobIDList = []
        for jobDescription in jobDescList:
            result = gJobDB.insertNewJobIntoDB(jobDescription, self.owner,
                                               self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup,
            if not result['OK']:
                return result

            jobID = result['JobID']
            gLogger.info('Job %s added to the JobDB for %s/%s' %
                         (jobID, self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup))



        #Set persistency flag
        retVal = gProxyManager.getUserPersistence(self.ownerDN,
        if 'Value' not in retVal or not retVal['Value']:
            gProxyManager.setPersistency(self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup, True)

        if parametricJob:
            result = S_OK(jobIDList)
            result = S_OK(jobIDList[0])

        result['JobID'] = result['Value']
        result['requireProxyUpload'] = self.__checkIfProxyUploadIsRequired()
        return result


    def __checkIfProxyUploadIsRequired(self):
        result = gProxyManager.userHasProxy(self.ownerDN,
        if not result['OK']:
            gLogger.error("Can't check if the user has proxy uploaded:",
            return True
        #Check if an upload is required
        return result['Value'] == False


    types_invalidateJob = [IntType]

    def invalidateJob(self, jobID):
        """ Make job with jobID invalid, e.g. because of the sandbox submission



    def __get_job_list(self, jobInput):
        """ Evaluate the jobInput into a list of ints

        if isinstance(jobInput, int):
            return [jobInput]
        if isinstance(jobInput, basestring):
                ijob = int(jobInput)
                return [ijob]
                return []
        if isinstance(jobInput, list):
                ljob = [int(x) for x in jobInput]
                return ljob
                return []

        return []


    types_rescheduleJob = []

    def export_rescheduleJob(self, jobIDs):
        """  Reschedule a single job. If the optional proxy parameter is given
         it will be used to refresh the proxy in the Proxy Repository

        jobList = self.__get_job_list(jobIDs)
        if not jobList:
            return S_ERROR('Invalid job specification: ' + str(jobIDs))

        validJobList, invalidJobList, nonauthJobList, ownerJobList = self.jobPolicy.evaluateJobRights(
            jobList, RIGHT_RESCHEDULE)
        for jobID in validJobList:
            result = gJobDB.rescheduleJob(jobID)
            if not result['OK']:
                return result

        if invalidJobList or nonauthJobList:
            result = S_ERROR('Some jobs failed reschedule')
            if invalidJobList:
                result['InvalidJobIDs'] = invalidJobList
            if nonauthJobList:
                result['NonauthorizedJobIDs'] = nonauthJobList
            return result

        result = S_OK(validJobList)
        result['requireProxyUpload'] = len(
            ownerJobList) > 0 and self.__checkIfProxyUploadIsRequired()
        return result

    def __deleteJob(self, jobID):
        """ Delete one job
        result = gJobDB.setJobStatus(jobID, 'Deleted', 'Checking accounting')
        if not result['OK']:
            return result

        result = gtaskQueueDB.deleteJob(jobID)
        if not result['OK']:
            gLogger.warn('Failed to delete job from the TaskQueue')

        return S_OK()

    def __killJob(self, jobID, sendKillCommand=True):
        """  Kill one job
        if sendKillCommand:
            result = gJobDB.setJobCommand(jobID, 'Kill')
            if not result['OK']:
                return result

        gLogger.info('Job %d is marked for termination' % jobID)
        result = gJobDB.setJobStatus(jobID, 'Killed', 'Marked for termination')
        if not result['OK']:
            gLogger.warn('Failed to set job Killed status')
        result = gtaskQueueDB.deleteJob(jobID)
        if not result['OK']:
            gLogger.warn('Failed to delete job from the TaskQueue')

        return S_OK()

    def __kill_delete_jobs(self, jobIDList, right):
        """  Kill or delete jobs as necessary

        jobList = self.__get_job_list(jobIDList)
        if not jobList:
            return S_ERROR('Invalid job specification: ' + str(jobIDList))

        validJobList, invalidJobList, nonauthJobList, ownerJobList = self.jobPolicy.evaluateJobRights(
            jobList, right)

        # Get job status to see what is to be killed or deleted
        result = gJobDB.getAttributesForJobList(validJobList, ['Status'])
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        killJobList = []
        deleteJobList = []
        markKilledJobList = []
        stagingJobList = []
        for jobID, sDict in result['Value'].items():
            if sDict['Status'] in ['Running', 'Matched', 'Stalled']:
            elif sDict['Status'] in ['Done', 'Failed']:
                if not right == RIGHT_KILL:
            if sDict['Status'] in ['Staging']:

        bad_ids = []
        for jobID in markKilledJobList:
            result = self.__killJob(jobID, sendKillCommand=False)
            if not result['OK']:

        for jobID in killJobList:
            result = self.__killJob(jobID)
            if not result['OK']:

        for jobID in deleteJobList:
            result = self.__deleteJob(jobID)
            if not result['OK']:

        if stagingJobList:
            stagerClient = StorageManagerClient()
            gLogger.info('Going to send killing signal to stager as well!')
            result = stagerClient.killTasksBySourceTaskID(stagingJobList)
            if not result['OK']:
                gLogger.warn('Failed to kill some Stager tasks: %s' %

        if nonauthJobList or bad_ids:
            result = S_ERROR('Some jobs failed deletion')
            if nonauthJobList:
                result['NonauthorizedJobIDs'] = nonauthJobList
            if bad_ids:
                result['FailedJobIDs'] = bad_ids
            return result

        result = S_OK(validJobList)
        result['requireProxyUpload'] = len(
            ownerJobList) > 0 and self.__checkIfProxyUploadIsRequired()

        if invalidJobList:
            result['InvalidJobIDs'] = invalidJobList

        return result


    types_deleteJob = []

    def export_deleteJob(self, jobIDs):
        """  Delete jobs specified in the jobIDs list

        return self.__kill_delete_jobs(jobIDs, RIGHT_DELETE)


    types_killJob = []

    def export_killJob(self, jobIDs):
        """  Kill jobs specified in the jobIDs list

        return self.__kill_delete_jobs(jobIDs, RIGHT_KILL)


    types_resetJob = []

    def export_resetJob(self, jobIDs):
        """  Reset jobs specified in the jobIDs list

        jobList = self.__get_job_list(jobIDs)
        if not jobList:
            return S_ERROR('Invalid job specification: ' + str(jobIDs))

        validJobList, invalidJobList, nonauthJobList, ownerJobList = self.jobPolicy.evaluateJobRights(
            jobList, RIGHT_RESET)

        bad_ids = []
        good_ids = []
        for jobID in validJobList:
            result = gJobDB.setJobAttribute(jobID, 'RescheduleCounter', -1)
            if not result['OK']:
                result = gJobDB.rescheduleJob(jobID)
                if not result['OK']:

        if invalidJobList or nonauthJobList or bad_ids:
            result = S_ERROR('Some jobs failed resetting')
            if invalidJobList:
                result['InvalidJobIDs'] = invalidJobList
            if nonauthJobList:
                result['NonauthorizedJobIDs'] = nonauthJobList
            if bad_ids:
                result['FailedJobIDs'] = bad_ids
            return result

        result = S_OK()
        result['requireProxyUpload'] = len(
            ownerJobList) > 0 and self.__checkIfProxyUploadIsRequired()
        return result
class JobManagerHandler(RequestHandler):
  """ RequestHandler implementation of the JobManager

  def initializeHandler(cls, serviceInfoDict):
    cls.msgClient = MessageClient("WorkloadManagement/OptimizationMind")
    gThreadScheduler.addPeriodicTask(60, cls.__connectToOptMind)
    return S_OK()

  def __connectToOptMind(cls):
    if not cls.msgClient.connected:
      result = cls.msgClient.connect(JobManager=True)
      if not result['OK']:
        cls.log.warn("Cannot connect to OptimizationMind!", result['Message'])

  def initialize(self):
    credDict = self.getRemoteCredentials()
    self.ownerDN = credDict['DN']
    self.ownerGroup = credDict['group']
    self.userProperties = credDict['properties']
    self.owner = credDict['username']
    self.peerUsesLimitedProxy = credDict['isLimitedProxy']
    self.diracSetup = self.serviceInfoDict['clientSetup']
    self.maxParametricJobs = self.srv_getCSOption('MaxParametricJobs', MAX_PARAMETRIC_JOBS)
    self.jobPolicy = JobPolicy(self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup, self.userProperties)
    return S_OK()

  def __sendJobsToOptimizationMind(self, jids):
    if not self.msgClient.connected:
    result = self.msgClient.createMessage("OptimizeJobs")
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.error("Cannot create Optimize message: %s" % result['Message'])
    msgObj = result['Value']
    msgObj.jids = list(sorted(jids))
    result = self.msgClient.sendMessage(msgObj)
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.error("Cannot send Optimize message: %s" % result['Message'])
    self.log.info("Optimize msg sent for %s jobs" % len(jids))

  types_submitJob = [basestring]

  def export_submitJob(self, jobDesc):
    """ Submit a job to DIRAC WMS.
        The job can be a single job, or a parametric job.
        If it is a parametric job, then the parameters will need to be unpacked.

        :param str jobDesc: job description JDL (of a single or parametric job)
        :return: S_OK/S_ERROR, a list of newly created job IDs in case of S_OK.

    if self.peerUsesLimitedProxy:
      return S_ERROR(EWMSSUBM, "Can't submit using a limited proxy")

    # Check job submission permission
    result = self.jobPolicy.getJobPolicy()
    if not result['OK']:
      return S_ERROR(EWMSSUBM, 'Failed to get job policies')
    policyDict = result['Value']
    if not policyDict[RIGHT_SUBMIT]:
      return S_ERROR(EWMSSUBM, 'Job submission not authorized')

    # jobDesc is JDL for now
    jobDesc = jobDesc.strip()
    if jobDesc[0] != "[":
      jobDesc = "[%s" % jobDesc
    if jobDesc[-1] != "]":
      jobDesc = "%s]" % jobDesc

    # Check if the job is a parametric one
    jobClassAd = ClassAd(jobDesc)
    result = getParameterVectorLength(jobClassAd)
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    nJobs = result['Value']
    parametricJob = False
    if nJobs > 0:
      # if we are here, then jobDesc was the description of a parametric job. So we start unpacking
      parametricJob = True
      if nJobs > self.maxParametricJobs:
        return S_ERROR(EWMSJDL, "Number of parametric jobs exceeds the limit of %d" % self.maxParametricJobs)
      result = generateParametricJobs(jobClassAd)
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
      jobDescList = result['Value']
      # if we are here, then jobDesc was the description of a single job.
      jobDescList = [jobDesc]

    jobIDList = []

    if parametricJob:
      initialStatus = 'Submitting'
      initialMinorStatus = 'Bulk transaction confirmation'
      initialStatus = 'Received'
      initialMinorStatus = 'Job accepted'

    for jobDescription in jobDescList:  # jobDescList because there might be a list generated by a parametric job
      result = gJobDB.insertNewJobIntoDB(jobDescription,
      if not result['OK']:
        return result

      jobID = result['JobID']
      gLogger.info('Job %s added to the JobDB for %s/%s' % (jobID, self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup))

      gJobLoggingDB.addLoggingRecord(jobID, result['Status'], result['MinorStatus'], source='JobManager')


    # Set persistency flag
    retVal = gProxyManager.getUserPersistence(self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup)
    if 'Value' not in retVal or not retVal['Value']:
      gProxyManager.setPersistency(self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup, True)

    if parametricJob:
      result = S_OK(jobIDList)
      result = S_OK(jobIDList[0])

    result['JobID'] = result['Value']
    result['requireProxyUpload'] = self.__checkIfProxyUploadIsRequired()
    return result

  types_confirmBulkSubmission = [list]

  def export_confirmBulkSubmission(self, jobIDs):
       Confirm the possibility to proceed with processing of the jobs specified
       by the jobIDList

       :param jobIDList: list of job IDs
       :return: confirmed job IDs
    jobList = self.__getJobList(jobIDs)
    if not jobList:
      return S_ERROR(EWMSSUBM, 'Invalid job specification: ' + str(jobIDs))

    validJobList, _invalidJobList, _nonauthJobList, _ownerJobList = self.jobPolicy.evaluateJobRights(jobList,

    # Check that all the requested jobs are eligible
    if set(jobList) != set(validJobList):
      return S_ERROR(EWMSSUBM, 'Requested jobs for bulk transaction are not valid')

    result = gJobDB.getAttributesForJobList(jobList, ['Status', 'MinorStatus'])
    if not result['OK']:
      return S_ERROR(EWMSSUBM, 'Requested jobs for bulk transaction are not valid')
    jobStatusDict = result['Value']

    # Check if the jobs are already activated
    jobEnabledList = [jobID for jobID in jobList
                      if jobStatusDict[jobID]['Status'] in ["Received",
    if set(jobEnabledList) == set(jobList):
      return S_OK(jobList)

    # Check that requested job are in Submitting status
    jobUpdateStatusList = list(jobID for jobID in jobList if jobStatusDict[jobID]['Status'] == "Submitting")
    if set(jobUpdateStatusList) != set(jobList):
      return S_ERROR(EWMSSUBM, 'Requested jobs for bulk transaction are not valid')

    # Update status of all the requested jobs in one transaction
    result = gJobDB.setJobAttributes(jobUpdateStatusList,
                                     ['Status', 'MinorStatus'],
                                     ['Received', 'Job accepted'])

    if not result['OK']:
      return result

    return S_OK(jobUpdateStatusList)

  def __checkIfProxyUploadIsRequired(self):
    result = gProxyManager.userHasProxy(self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup, validSeconds=18000)
    if not result['OK']:
      gLogger.error("Can't check if the user has proxy uploaded:", result['Message'])
      return True
    # Check if an upload is required
    return not result['Value']

  def __getJobList(self, jobInput):
    """ Evaluate the jobInput into a list of ints

        :param jobInput: one or more job IDs in int or str form
        :type jobInput: str or int or list
        :return : a list of int job IDs

    if isinstance(jobInput, int):
      return [jobInput]
    if isinstance(jobInput, basestring):
        ijob = int(jobInput)
        return [ijob]
      except BaseException:
        return []
    if isinstance(jobInput, list):
        ljob = [int(x) for x in jobInput]
        return ljob
      except BaseException:
        return []

    return []

  types_rescheduleJob = []

  def export_rescheduleJob(self, jobIDs):
    """  Reschedule a single job. If the optional proxy parameter is given
         it will be used to refresh the proxy in the Proxy Repository

         :param jobIDList: list of job IDs
         :return: confirmed job IDs

    jobList = self.__getJobList(jobIDs)
    if not jobList:
      return S_ERROR('Invalid job specification: ' + str(jobIDs))

    validJobList, invalidJobList, nonauthJobList, ownerJobList = self.jobPolicy.evaluateJobRights(jobList,
    for jobID in validJobList:
      # gJobDB.deleteJobFromQueue(jobID)
      result = gJobDB.rescheduleJob(jobID)
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
      gJobLoggingDB.addLoggingRecord(result['JobID'], result['Status'], result['MinorStatus'],
                                     application='Unknown', source='JobManager')

    if invalidJobList or nonauthJobList:
      result = S_ERROR('Some jobs failed reschedule')
      if invalidJobList:
        result['InvalidJobIDs'] = invalidJobList
      if nonauthJobList:
        result['NonauthorizedJobIDs'] = nonauthJobList
      return result

    result = S_OK(validJobList)
    result['requireProxyUpload'] = len(ownerJobList) > 0 and self.__checkIfProxyUploadIsRequired()
    return result

  def __deleteJob(self, jobID):
    """ Delete one job
    result = gJobDB.setJobStatus(jobID, 'Deleted', 'Checking accounting')
    if not result['OK']:
      return result

    result = gtaskQueueDB.deleteJob(jobID)
    if not result['OK']:
      gLogger.warn('Failed to delete job from the TaskQueue')

    # if it was the last job for the pilot, clear PilotsLogging about it
    result = gPilotAgentsDB.getPilotsForJobID(jobID)
    if not result['OK']:
      gLogger.error("Failed to get Pilots for JobID", result['Message'])
      return result
    for pilot in result['Value']:
      res = gPilotAgentsDB.getJobsForPilot(pilot['PilotID'])
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error("Failed to get jobs for pilot", res['Message'])
        return res
      if not res['Value']:  # if list of jobs for pilot is empty, delete pilot and pilotslogging
        result = gPilotAgentsDB.getPilotInfo(pilotID=pilot['PilotID'])
        if not result['OK']:
          gLogger.error("Failed to get pilot info", result['Message'])
          return result
        pilotRef = result[0]['PilotJobReference']
        ret = gPilotAgentsDB.deletePilot(pilot['PilotID'])
        if not ret['OK']:
          gLogger.error("Failed to delete pilot from PilotAgentsDB", ret['Message'])
          return ret
        if enablePilotsLogging:
          ret = gPilotsLoggingDB.deletePilotsLogging(pilotRef)
          if not ret['OK']:
            gLogger.error("Failed to delete pilot logging from PilotAgentsDB", ret['Message'])
            return ret

    return S_OK()

  def __killJob(self, jobID, sendKillCommand=True):
    """  Kill one job
    if sendKillCommand:
      result = gJobDB.setJobCommand(jobID, 'Kill')
      if not result['OK']:
        return result

    gLogger.info('Job %d is marked for termination' % jobID)
    result = gJobDB.setJobStatus(jobID, 'Killed', 'Marked for termination')
    if not result['OK']:
      gLogger.warn('Failed to set job Killed status', result['Message'])
    result = gtaskQueueDB.deleteJob(jobID)
    if not result['OK']:
      gLogger.warn('Failed to delete job from the TaskQueue', result['Message'])

    return S_OK()

  def __kill_delete_jobs(self, jobIDList, right):
    """  Kill or delete jobs as necessary

    jobList = self.__getJobList(jobIDList)
    if not jobList:
      return S_ERROR('Invalid job specification: ' + str(jobIDList))

    validJobList, invalidJobList, nonauthJobList, ownerJobList = self.jobPolicy.evaluateJobRights(jobList, right)

    # Get job status to see what is to be killed or deleted
    result = gJobDB.getAttributesForJobList(validJobList, ['Status'])
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    killJobList = []
    deleteJobList = []
    markKilledJobList = []
    stagingJobList = []
    for jobID, sDict in result['Value'].items():
      if sDict['Status'] in ['Running', 'Matched', 'Stalled']:
      elif sDict['Status'] in ['Done', 'Failed', 'Killed']:
        if not right == RIGHT_KILL:
      if sDict['Status'] in ['Staging']:

    badIDs = []
    for jobID in markKilledJobList:
      result = self.__killJob(jobID, sendKillCommand=False)
      if not result['OK']:

    for jobID in killJobList:
      result = self.__killJob(jobID)
      if not result['OK']:

    for jobID in deleteJobList:
      result = self.__deleteJob(jobID)
      if not result['OK']:

    if stagingJobList:
      stagerClient = StorageManagerClient()
      gLogger.info('Going to send killing signal to stager as well!')
      result = stagerClient.killTasksBySourceTaskID(stagingJobList)
      if not result['OK']:
        gLogger.warn('Failed to kill some Stager tasks: %s' % result['Message'])

    if nonauthJobList or badIDs:
      result = S_ERROR('Some jobs failed deletion')
      if nonauthJobList:
        gLogger.warn("Non-authorized JobIDs won't be deleted", str(nonauthJobList))
        result['NonauthorizedJobIDs'] = nonauthJobList
      if badIDs:
        gLogger.warn("JobIDs failed to be deleted", str(badIDs))
        result['FailedJobIDs'] = badIDs
      return result

    result = S_OK(validJobList)
    result['requireProxyUpload'] = len(ownerJobList) > 0 and self.__checkIfProxyUploadIsRequired()

    if invalidJobList:
      result['InvalidJobIDs'] = invalidJobList

    return result

  types_deleteJob = []

  def export_deleteJob(self, jobIDs):
    """ Delete jobs specified in the jobIDs list

        :param jobIDList: list of job IDs
        :return: S_OK/S_ERROR

    return self.__kill_delete_jobs(jobIDs, RIGHT_DELETE)

  types_killJob = []

  def export_killJob(self, jobIDs):
    """ Kill jobs specified in the jobIDs list

        :param jobIDList: list of job IDs
        :return: S_OK/S_ERROR

    return self.__kill_delete_jobs(jobIDs, RIGHT_KILL)

  types_resetJob = []

  def export_resetJob(self, jobIDs):
    """ Reset jobs specified in the jobIDs list

        :param jobIDList: list of job IDs
        :return: S_OK/S_ERROR

    jobList = self.__getJobList(jobIDs)
    if not jobList:
      return S_ERROR('Invalid job specification: ' + str(jobIDs))

    validJobList, invalidJobList, nonauthJobList, ownerJobList = self.jobPolicy.evaluateJobRights(jobList,

    badIDs = []
    good_ids = []
    for jobID in validJobList:
      result = gJobDB.setJobAttribute(jobID, 'RescheduleCounter', -1)
      if not result['OK']:
        # gJobDB.deleteJobFromQueue(jobID)
        result = gJobDB.rescheduleJob(jobID)
        if not result['OK']:
        gJobLoggingDB.addLoggingRecord(result['JobID'], result['Status'], result['MinorStatus'],
                                       application='Unknown', source='JobManager')

    if invalidJobList or nonauthJobList or badIDs:
      result = S_ERROR('Some jobs failed resetting')
      if invalidJobList:
        result['InvalidJobIDs'] = invalidJobList
      if nonauthJobList:
        result['NonauthorizedJobIDs'] = nonauthJobList
      if badIDs:
        result['FailedJobIDs'] = badIDs
      return result

    result = S_OK()
    result['requireProxyUpload'] = len(ownerJobList) > 0 and self.__checkIfProxyUploadIsRequired()
    return result
class JobManagerHandler(RequestHandler):
    def initializeHandler(cls, serviceInfoDict):
        cls.msgClient = MessageClient("WorkloadManagement/OptimizationMind")
        gThreadScheduler.addPeriodicTask(60, cls.__connectToOptMind)
        return S_OK()

    def __connectToOptMind(cls):
        if not cls.msgClient.connected:
            result = cls.msgClient.connect(JobManager=True)
            if not result['OK']:
                cls.log.warn("Cannot connect to OptimizationMind!",

    def initialize(self):
        credDict = self.getRemoteCredentials()
        self.ownerDN = credDict['DN']
        self.ownerGroup = credDict['group']
        self.userProperties = credDict['properties']
        self.owner = credDict['username']
        self.peerUsesLimitedProxy = credDict['isLimitedProxy']
        self.diracSetup = self.serviceInfoDict['clientSetup']
        self.maxParametricJobs = self.srv_getCSOption('MaxParametricJobs',
        self.jobPolicy = JobPolicy(self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup,
        return S_OK()

    def __sendNewJobsToMind(self, jids):
        if not self.msgClient.connected:
        result = self.msgClient.createMessage("OptimizeJobs")
        if not result['OK']:
            self.log.error("Cannot create Optimize message: %s" %
        msgObj = result['Value']
        msgObj.jids = jids
        result = self.msgClient.sendMessage(msgObj)
        if not result['OK']:
            self.log.error("Cannot send Optimize message: %s" %
        self.log.info("Optimize msg sent for %s jobs" % len(jids))

    types_submitJob = [StringType]

    def export_submitJob(self, jobDesc):
        """ Submit a single job to DIRAC WMS

        if self.peerUsesLimitedProxy:
            return S_ERROR("Can't submit using a limited proxy! (bad boy!)")

        # Check job submission permission
        result = self.jobPolicy.getJobPolicy()
        if not result['OK']:
            return S_ERROR('Failed to get job policies')
        policyDict = result['Value']
        if not policyDict[RIGHT_SUBMIT]:
            return S_ERROR('Job submission not authorized')

        #jobDesc is JDL for now
        jobDesc = jobDesc.strip()
        if jobDesc[0] != "[":
            jobDesc = "[%s" % jobDesc
        if jobDesc[-1] != "]":
            jobDesc = "%s]" % jobDesc

        # Check if the job is a parameteric one
        jobClassAd = ClassAd(jobDesc)
        parametricJob = False
        if jobClassAd.lookupAttribute('Parameters'):
            parametricJob = True
            if jobClassAd.isAttributeList('Parameters'):
                parameterList = jobClassAd.getListFromExpression('Parameters')
                pStep = 0
                pFactor = 1
                pStart = 1
                nParameters = jobClassAd.getAttributeInt('Parameters')
                if not nParameters:
                    value = jobClassAd.get_expression('Parameters')
                    return S_ERROR(
                        'Illegal value for Parameters JDL field: %s' % value)

                if jobClassAd.lookupAttribute('ParameterStart'):
                    value = jobClassAd.get_expression(
                        'ParameterStart').replace('"', '')
                        pStart = int(value)
                            pStart = float(value)
                            return S_ERROR(
                                'Illegal value for ParameterStart JDL field: %s'
                                % value)

                if jobClassAd.lookupAttribute('ParameterStep'):
                    pStep = jobClassAd.getAttributeInt('ParameterStep')
                    if not pStep:
                        pStep = jobClassAd.getAttributeFloat('ParameterStep')
                        if not pStep:
                            value = jobClassAd.get_expression('ParameterStep')
                            return S_ERROR(
                                'Illegal value for ParameterStep JDL field: %s'
                                % value)
                if jobClassAd.lookupAttribute('ParameterFactor'):
                    pFactor = jobClassAd.getAttributeInt('ParameterFactor')
                    if not pFactor:
                        pFactor = jobClassAd.getAttributeFloat(
                        if not pFactor:
                            value = jobClassAd.get_expression(
                            return S_ERROR(
                                'Illegal value for ParameterFactor JDL field: %s'
                                % value)

                parameterList = list()
                for i in range(nParameters - 1):
                    parameterList.append(parameterList[i] * pFactor + pStep)

            if len(parameterList) > self.maxParametricJobs:
                return S_ERROR(
                    'The number of parametric jobs exceeded the limit of %d' %

            jobDescList = []
            nParam = len(parameterList) - 1
            for n, p in enumerate(parameterList):
                newJobDesc = jobDesc.replace('%s', str(p)).replace(
                newClassAd = ClassAd(newJobDesc)
                for attr in ['Parameters', 'ParameterStep', 'ParameterFactor']:
                if type(p) == type(' ') and p.startswith('{'):
                    newClassAd.insertAttributeInt('Parameter', str(p))
                    newClassAd.insertAttributeString('Parameter', str(p))
                newClassAd.insertAttributeInt('ParameterNumber', n)
                newJDL = newClassAd.asJDL()
            jobDescList = [jobDesc]

        jobIDList = []
        for jobDescription in jobDescList:
            result = gJobDB.insertNewJobIntoDB(jobDescription, self.owner,
                                               self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup,
            if not result['OK']:
                return result

            jobID = result['JobID']
            gLogger.info('Job %s added to the JobDB for %s/%s' %
                         (jobID, self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup))



        #Set persistency flag
        retVal = gProxyManager.getUserPersistence(self.ownerDN,
        if 'Value' not in retVal or not retVal['Value']:
            gProxyManager.setPersistency(self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup, True)

        if parametricJob:
            result = S_OK(jobIDList)
            result = S_OK(jobIDList[0])

        result['JobID'] = result['Value']
        result['requireProxyUpload'] = self.__checkIfProxyUploadIsRequired()
        return result


    def __checkIfProxyUploadIsRequired(self):
        result = gProxyManager.userHasProxy(self.ownerDN,
        if not result['OK']:
            gLogger.error("Can't check if the user has proxy uploaded:",
            return True
        #Check if an upload is required
        return result['Value'] == False


    types_invalidateJob = [IntType]

    def invalidateJob(self, jobID):
        """ Make job with jobID invalid, e.g. because of the sandbox submission



    def __get_job_list(self, jobInput):
        """ Evaluate the jobInput into a list of ints

        if type(jobInput) == IntType:
            return [jobInput]
        if type(jobInput) == StringType:
                ijob = int(jobInput)
                return [ijob]
                return []
        if type(jobInput) == ListType:
                ljob = [int(x) for x in jobInput]
                return ljob
                return []

        return []


    types_rescheduleJob = []

    def export_rescheduleJob(self, jobIDs):
        """  Reschedule a single job. If the optional proxy parameter is given
         it will be used to refresh the proxy in the Proxy Repository

        jobList = self.__get_job_list(jobIDs)
        if not jobList:
            return S_ERROR('Invalid job specification: ' + str(jobIDs))

        validJobList, invalidJobList, nonauthJobList, ownerJobList = self.jobPolicy.evaluateJobRights(
            jobList, RIGHT_RESCHEDULE)
        for jobID in validJobList:
            result = gJobDB.rescheduleJob(jobID)
            if not result['OK']:
                return result

        if invalidJobList or nonauthJobList:
            result = S_ERROR('Some jobs failed deletion')
            if invalidJobList:
                result['InvalidJobIDs'] = invalidJobList
            if nonauthJobList:
                result['NonauthorizedJobIDs'] = nonauthJobList
            return result

        result = S_OK(validJobList)
        result['requireProxyUpload'] = len(
            ownerJobList) > 0 and self.__checkIfProxyUploadIsRequired()
        return result

    def __deleteJob(self, jobID):
        """ Delete one job
        result = gJobDB.setJobStatus(jobID, 'Deleted', 'Checking accounting')
        if not result['OK']:
            return result

        result = gtaskQueueDB.deleteJob(jobID)
        if not result['OK']:
            gLogger.warn('Failed to delete job from the TaskQueue')

        return S_OK()

    def __killJob(self, jobID):
        """  Kill one job
        result = gJobDB.setJobCommand(jobID, 'Kill')
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
            gLogger.info('Job %d is marked for termination' % jobID)
            result = gJobDB.setJobStatus(jobID, 'Killed',
                                         'Marked for termination')
            if not result['OK']:
                gLogger.warn('Failed to set job Killed status')
            result = gtaskQueueDB.deleteJob(jobID)
            if not result['OK']:
                gLogger.warn('Failed to delete job from the TaskQueue')

        return S_OK()

    def __kill_delete_jobs(self, jobIDList, right):
        """  Kill or delete jobs as necessary

        jobList = self.__get_job_list(jobIDList)
        if not jobList:
            return S_ERROR('Invalid job specification: ' + str(jobIDList))

        validJobList, invalidJobList, nonauthJobList, ownerJobList = self.jobPolicy.evaluateJobRights(
            jobList, right)

        # Get job status to see what is to be killed or deleted
        result = gJobDB.getAttributesForJobList(validJobList, ['Status'])
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        killJobList = []
        deleteJobList = []
        for jobID, sDict in result['Value'].items():
            if sDict['Status'] in ['Running', 'Matched', 'Stalled']:
            elif sDict['Status'] in ['Done', 'Failed']:
                if not right == RIGHT_KILL:

        bad_ids = []
        for jobID in killJobList:
            result = self.__killJob(jobID)
            if not result['OK']:

        for jobID in deleteJobList:
            result = self.__deleteJob(jobID)
            if not result['OK']:

        if invalidJobList or nonauthJobList or bad_ids:
            result = S_ERROR('Some jobs failed deletion')
            if invalidJobList:
                result['InvalidJobIDs'] = invalidJobList
            if nonauthJobList:
                result['NonauthorizedJobIDs'] = nonauthJobList
            if bad_ids:
                result['FailedJobIDs'] = bad_ids
            return result

        result = S_OK(validJobList)
        result['requireProxyUpload'] = len(
            ownerJobList) > 0 and self.__checkIfProxyUploadIsRequired()
        return result


    types_deleteJob = []

    def export_deleteJob(self, jobIDs):
        """  Delete jobs specified in the jobIDs list

        return self.__kill_delete_jobs(jobIDs, RIGHT_DELETE)


    types_killJob = []

    def export_killJob(self, jobIDs):
        """  Kill jobs specified in the jobIDs list

        return self.__kill_delete_jobs(jobIDs, RIGHT_KILL)


    types_resetJob = []

    def export_resetJob(self, jobIDs):
        """  Reset jobs specified in the jobIDs list

        jobList = self.__get_job_list(jobIDs)
        if not jobList:
            return S_ERROR('Invalid job specification: ' + str(jobIDs))

        validJobList, invalidJobList, nonauthJobList, ownerJobList = self.jobPolicy.evaluateJobRights(
            jobList, RIGHT_RESET)

        bad_ids = []
        good_ids = []
        for jobID in validJobList:
            result = gJobDB.setJobAttribute(jobID, 'RescheduleCounter', -1)
            if not result['OK']:
                result = gJobDB.rescheduleJob(jobID)
                if not result['OK']:

        if invalidJobList or nonauthJobList or bad_ids:
            result = S_ERROR('Some jobs failed resetting')
            if invalidJobList:
                result['InvalidJobIDs'] = invalidJobList
            if nonauthJobList:
                result['NonauthorizedJobIDs'] = nonauthJobList
            if bad_ids:
                result['FailedJobIDs'] = bad_ids
            return result

        result = S_OK()
        result['requireProxyUpload'] = len(
            ownerJobList) > 0 and self.__checkIfProxyUploadIsRequired()
        return result
class JobMonitoringHandler(RequestHandler):
    def initialize(self):

        credDict = self.getRemoteCredentials()
        self.ownerDN = credDict['DN']
        self.ownerGroup = credDict['group']
        operations = Operations(group=self.ownerGroup)
        self.globalJobsInfo = operations.getValue(
            '/Services/JobMonitoring/GlobalJobsInfo', True)
        self.jobPolicy = JobPolicy(self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup,

        return S_OK()


    types_getApplicationStates = []

    def export_getApplicationStates():
        """ Return Distinct Values of ApplicationStatus job Attribute in WMS
        return gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('ApplicationStatus')


    types_getJobTypes = []

    def export_getJobTypes():
        """ Return Distinct Values of JobType job Attribute in WMS
        return gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('JobType')


    types_getOwners = []

    def export_getOwners():
    Return Distinct Values of Owner job Attribute in WMS
        return gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('Owner')


    types_getProductionIds = []

    def export_getProductionIds():
    Return Distinct Values of ProductionId job Attribute in WMS
        return gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('JobGroup')


    types_getJobGroups = []

    def export_getJobGroups(condDict=None, cutDate=None):
    Return Distinct Values of ProductionId job Attribute in WMS
        return gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('JobGroup',


    types_getSites = []

    def export_getSites():
    Return Distinct Values of Site job Attribute in WMS
        return gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('Site')


    types_getStates = []

    def export_getStates():
    Return Distinct Values of Status job Attribute in WMS
        return gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('Status')


    types_getMinorStates = []

    def export_getMinorStates():
    Return Distinct Values of Minor Status job Attribute in WMS
        return gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('MinorStatus')


    types_getJobs = []

    def export_getJobs(attrDict=None, cutDate=None):
    Return list of JobIds matching the condition given in attrDict
        # queryDict = {}

        # if attrDict:
        #  if type ( attrDict ) != DictType:
        #    return S_ERROR( 'Argument must be of Dict Type' )
        #  for attribute in self.queryAttributes:
        #    # Only those Attribute in self.queryAttributes can be used
        #    if attrDict.has_key(attribute):
        #      queryDict[attribute] = attrDict[attribute]

        print attrDict

        return gJobDB.selectJobs(attrDict, newer=cutDate)


    types_getCounters = [ListType]

    def export_getCounters(attrList, attrDict=None, cutDate=''):
    Retrieve list of distinct attributes values from attrList
    with attrDict as condition.
    For each set of distinct values, count number of occurences.
    Return a list. Each item is a list with 2 items, the list of distinct
    attribute values and the counter

        # Check that Attributes in attrList and attrDict, they must be in
        # self.queryAttributes.

        # for attr in attrList:
        #  try:
        #    self.queryAttributes.index(attr)
        #  except:
        #    return S_ERROR( 'Requested Attribute not Allowed: %s.' % attr )
        # for attr in attrDict:
        #  try:
        #    self.queryAttributes.index(attr)
        #  except:
        #    return S_ERROR( 'Condition Attribute not Allowed: %s.' % attr )

        cutDate = str(cutDate)
        if not attrDict:
            attrDict = {}

        return gJobDB.getCounters('Jobs',


    types_getCurrentJobCounters = []

    def export_getCurrentJobCounters(attrDict=None):
        """ Get job counters per Status with attrDict selection. Final statuses are given for
        the last day.

        if not attrDict:
            attrDict = {}
        result = gJobDB.getCounters('Jobs', ['Status'],
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        last_update = Time.dateTime() - Time.day
        resultDay = gJobDB.getCounters('Jobs', ['Status'],
        if not resultDay['OK']:
            return resultDay

        resultDict = {}
        for statusDict, count in result['Value']:
            status = statusDict['Status']
            resultDict[status] = count
            if status in FINAL_STATES:
                resultDict[status] = 0
                for statusDayDict, ccount in resultDay['Value']:
                    if status == statusDayDict['Status']:
                        resultDict[status] = ccount

        return S_OK(resultDict)


    types_getJobStatus = [IntType]

    def export_getJobStatus(jobID):

        return gJobDB.getJobAttribute(jobID, 'Status')


    types_getJobOwner = [IntType]

    def export_getJobOwner(jobID):

        return gJobDB.getJobAttribute(jobID, 'Owner')


    types_getJobSite = [IntType]

    def export_getJobSite(jobID):

        return gJobDB.getJobAttribute(jobID, 'Site')


    types_getJobJDL = [IntType, BooleanType]

    def export_getJobJDL(jobID, original):

        return gJobDB.getJobJDL(jobID, original=original)


    types_getJobLoggingInfo = [IntType]

    def export_getJobLoggingInfo(jobID):

        return gJobLoggingDB.getJobLoggingInfo(jobID)


    types_getJobsParameters = [ListType, ListType]

    def export_getJobsParameters(jobIDs, parameters):
        if not (jobIDs and parameters):
            return S_OK({})
        return gJobDB.getAttributesForJobList(jobIDs, parameters)


    types_getJobsStatus = [ListType]

    def export_getJobsStatus(jobIDs):
        if not jobIDs:
            return S_OK({})
        return gJobDB.getAttributesForJobList(jobIDs, ['Status'])


    types_getJobsMinorStatus = [ListType]

    def export_getJobsMinorStatus(jobIDs):

        return gJobDB.getAttributesForJobList(jobIDs, ['MinorStatus'])


    types_getJobsApplicationStatus = [ListType]

    def export_getJobsApplicationStatus(jobIDs):

        return gJobDB.getAttributesForJobList(jobIDs, ['ApplicationStatus'])


    types_getJobsSites = [ListType]

    def export_getJobsSites(jobIDs):

        return gJobDB.getAttributesForJobList(jobIDs, ['Site'])


    types_getJobSummary = [IntType]

    def export_getJobSummary(jobID):
        return gJobDB.getJobAttributes(jobID, SUMMARY)


    types_getJobPrimarySummary = [IntType]

    def export_getJobPrimarySummary(jobID):
        return gJobDB.getJobAttributes(jobID, PRIMARY_SUMMARY)


    types_getJobsSummary = [ListType]

    def export_getJobsSummary(jobIDs):

        if not jobIDs:
            return S_ERROR(
                'JobMonitoring.getJobsSummary: Received empty job list')

        result = gJobDB.getAttributesForJobList(jobIDs, SUMMARY)
        # return result
        restring = str(result['Value'])
        return S_OK(restring)


    types_getJobPageSummaryWeb = [DictType, ListType, IntType, IntType]

    def export_getJobPageSummaryWeb(self,
        """ Get the summary of the job information for a given page in the
        job monitor in a generic format
        resultDict = {}
        startDate = selectDict.get('FromDate', None)
        if startDate:
            del selectDict['FromDate']
        # For backward compatibility
        if startDate is None:
            startDate = selectDict.get('LastUpdate', None)
            if startDate:
                del selectDict['LastUpdate']
        endDate = selectDict.get('ToDate', None)
        if endDate:
            del selectDict['ToDate']

        result = self.jobPolicy.getControlledUsers(RIGHT_GET_INFO)
        if not result['OK']:
            return S_ERROR('Failed to evaluate user rights')
        if result['Value'] != 'ALL':
            selectDict[('Owner', 'OwnerGroup')] = result['Value']

        # Sorting instructions. Only one for the moment.
        if sortList:
            orderAttribute = sortList[0][0] + ":" + sortList[0][1]
            orderAttribute = None

        statusDict = {}
        result = gJobDB.getCounters('Jobs', ['Status'],

        nJobs = 0
        if result['OK']:
            for stDict, count in result['Value']:
                nJobs += count
                statusDict[stDict['Status']] = count

        resultDict['TotalRecords'] = nJobs
        if nJobs == 0:
            return S_OK(resultDict)

        resultDict['Extras'] = statusDict

        if selectJobs:
            iniJob = startItem
            if iniJob >= nJobs:
                return S_ERROR('Item number out of range')

            result = gJobDB.selectJobs(selectDict,
                                       limit=(maxItems, iniJob))
            if not result['OK']:
                return S_ERROR('Failed to select jobs: ' + result['Message'])

            summaryJobList = result['Value']
            if not self.globalJobsInfo:
                validJobs, _invalidJobs, _nonauthJobs, _ownJobs = self.jobPolicy.evaluateJobRights(
                    summaryJobList, RIGHT_GET_INFO)
                summaryJobList = validJobs

            result = gJobDB.getAttributesForJobList(summaryJobList, SUMMARY)
            if not result['OK']:
                return S_ERROR('Failed to get job summary: ' +

            summaryDict = result['Value']

            # Evaluate last sign of life time
            for jobID, jobDict in summaryDict.items():
                if jobDict['HeartBeatTime'] == 'None':
                    jobDict['LastSignOfLife'] = jobDict['LastUpdateTime']
                    lastTime = Time.fromString(jobDict['LastUpdateTime'])
                    hbTime = Time.fromString(jobDict['HeartBeatTime'])
                    if (hbTime - lastTime) > (
                            lastTime -
                            lastTime) or jobDict['Status'] == "Stalled":
                        jobDict['LastSignOfLife'] = jobDict['HeartBeatTime']
                        jobDict['LastSignOfLife'] = jobDict['LastUpdateTime']

            tqDict = {}
            result = gTaskQueueDB.getTaskQueueForJobs(summaryJobList)
            if result['OK']:
                tqDict = result['Value']

            # If no jobs can be selected after the properties check
            if not summaryDict.keys():
                return S_OK(resultDict)

            # prepare the standard structure now
            key = summaryDict.keys()[0]
            paramNames = summaryDict[key].keys()

            records = []
            for jobID, jobDict in summaryDict.items():
                jParList = []
                for pname in paramNames:
                jParList.append(tqDict.get(jobID, 0))

            resultDict['ParameterNames'] = paramNames + ['TaskQueueID']
            resultDict['Records'] = records

        return S_OK(resultDict)


    types_getJobStats = [StringTypes, DictType]

    def export_getJobStats(attribute, selectDict):
        """ Get job statistics distribution per attribute value with a given selection
        startDate = selectDict.get('FromDate', None)
        if startDate:
            del selectDict['FromDate']
        # For backward compatibility
        if startDate is None:
            startDate = selectDict.get('LastUpdate', None)
            if startDate:
                del selectDict['LastUpdate']
        endDate = selectDict.get('ToDate', None)
        if endDate:
            del selectDict['ToDate']

        result = gJobDB.getCounters('Jobs', [attribute],
        resultDict = {}
        if result['OK']:
            for cDict, count in result['Value']:
                resultDict[cDict[attribute]] = count

        return S_OK(resultDict)


    types_getJobsPrimarySummary = [ListType]

    def export_getJobsPrimarySummary(jobIDs):
        return gJobDB.getAttributesForJobList(jobIDs, PRIMARY_SUMMARY)


    types_getJobParameter = [[StringType, IntType, LongType], StringTypes]

    def export_getJobParameter(jobID, parName):
        return gJobDB.getJobParameters(jobID, [parName])


    types_getJobParameters = [[IntType, LongType]]

    def export_getJobParameters(jobID):
        return gJobDB.getJobParameters(jobID)


    types_traceJobParameter = [
        StringTypes, [IntType, StringType, LongType, ListType], StringTypes,
        [StringType, NoneType], [StringType, NoneType]

    def export_traceJobParameter(site, localID, parameter, date, until):
        return gJobDB.traceJobParameter(site, localID, parameter, date, until)


    types_traceJobParameters = [
        StringTypes, [IntType, StringType, LongType, ListType],
        [ListType, NoneType], [ListType, NoneType], [StringType, NoneType],
        [StringType, NoneType]

    def export_traceJobParameters(site, localID, parameterList, attributeList,
                                  date, until):
        return gJobDB.traceJobParameters(site, localID, parameterList,
                                         attributeList, date, until)


    types_getAtticJobParameters = [[IntType, LongType]]

    def export_getAtticJobParameters(jobID,
        if not parameters:
            parameters = []
        return gJobDB.getAtticJobParameters(jobID, parameters, rescheduleCycle)


    types_getJobAttributes = [IntType]

    def export_getJobAttributes(jobID):
        return gJobDB.getJobAttributes(jobID)


    types_getJobAttribute = [IntType, StringTypes]

    def export_getJobAttribute(jobID, attribute):
        return gJobDB.getJobAttribute(jobID, attribute)


    types_getSiteSummary = []

    def export_getSiteSummary():
        return gJobDB.getSiteSummary()


    types_getJobHeartBeatData = [IntType]

    def export_getJobHeartBeatData(jobID):
        return gJobDB.getHeartBeatData(jobID)


    types_getInputData = [[IntType, LongType]]

    def export_getInputData(jobID):
        """ Get input data for the specified jobs
        return gJobDB.getInputData(jobID)


    types_getOwnerGroup = []

    def export_getOwnerGroup():
    Return Distinct Values of OwnerGroup from the JobsDB
        return gJobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes('OwnerGroup')
class JobMonitoringHandler( RequestHandler ):

  def initialize( self ):
    global jobDB
    credDict = self.getRemoteCredentials()
    self.ownerDN = credDict['DN']
    self.ownerGroup = credDict['group']
    self.userProperties = credDict[ 'properties' ]
    self.jobPolicy = JobPolicy( self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup, self.userProperties )
    self.jobPolicy.setJobDB( jobDB )
    return S_OK()

  types_getApplicationStates = []
  def export_getApplicationStates ( self ):
    """ Return Distict Values of ApplicationStatus job Attribute in WMS
    return jobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes( 'ApplicationStatus' )

  types_getJobTypes = []
  def export_getJobTypes ( self ):
    """ Return Distict Values of JobType job Attribute in WMS
    return jobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes( 'JobType' )

  types_getOwners = []
  def export_getOwners ( self ):
    Return Distict Values of Owner job Attribute in WMS
    return jobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes( 'Owner' )

  types_getProductionIds = []
  def export_getProductionIds ( self ):
    Return Distict Values of ProductionId job Attribute in WMS
    return jobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes( 'JobGroup' )

  types_getJobGroups = []
  def export_getJobGroups( self, condDict = None, cutDate = None ):
    Return Distict Values of ProductionId job Attribute in WMS
    return jobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes( 'JobGroup', condDict, 
                                           newer = cutDate )

  types_getSites = []
  def export_getSites ( self ):
    Return Distict Values of Site job Attribute in WMS
    return jobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes( 'Site' )

  types_getStates = []
  def export_getStates ( self ):
    Return Distict Values of Status job Attribute in WMS
    return jobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes( 'Status' )

  types_getMinorStates = []
  def export_getMinorStates ( self ):
    Return Distinct Values of Minor Status job Attribute in WMS
    return jobDB.getDistinctJobAttributes( 'MinorStatus' )

  types_getJobs = []
  def export_getJobs ( self, attrDict = None, cutDate = None ):
    Return list of JobIds matching the condition given in attrDict
    queryDict = {}

    #if attrDict:
    #  if type ( attrDict ) != DictType:
    #    return S_ERROR( 'Argument must be of Dict Type' )
    #  for attribute in self.queryAttributes:
    #    # Only those Attribute in self.queryAttributes can be used
    #    if attrDict.has_key(attribute):
    #      queryDict[attribute] = attrDict[attribute]

    print attrDict

    return jobDB.selectJobs( attrDict, newer = cutDate )

  types_getCounters = [ ListType ]
  def export_getCounters( self, attrList, attrDict = {}, cutDate = '' ):
    Retrieve list of distinct attributes values from attrList
    with attrDict as condition.
    For each set of distinct values, count number of occurences.
    Return a list. Each item is a list with 2 items, the list of distinct
    attribute values and the counter

    # Check that Attributes in attrList and attrDict, they must be in
    # self.queryAttributes.

    #for attr in attrList:
    #  try:
    #    self.queryAttributes.index(attr)
    #  except:
    #    return S_ERROR( 'Requested Attribute not Allowed: %s.' % attr )
    #for attr in attrDict:
    #  try:
    #    self.queryAttributes.index(attr)
    #  except:
    #    return S_ERROR( 'Condition Attribute not Allowed: %s.' % attr )

    cutdate = str( cutDate )

    return jobDB.getCounters( 'Jobs', attrList, attrDict, newer = cutDate, timeStamp = 'LastUpdateTime' )

  types_getCurrentJobCounters = [ ]
  def export_getCurrentJobCounters( self, attrDict = {} ):
    """ Get job counters per Status with attrDict selection. Final statuses are given for
        the last day.

    result = jobDB.getCounters( 'Jobs', ['Status'], attrDict, timeStamp = 'LastUpdateTime' )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    last_update = Time.dateTime() - Time.day
    resultDay = jobDB.getCounters( 'Jobs', ['Status'], attrDict, newer = last_update,
                                   timeStamp = 'LastUpdateTime' )
    if not resultDay['OK']:
      return resultDay

    resultDict = {}
    for statusDict, count in result['Value']:
      status = statusDict['Status']
      resultDict[status] = count
      if status in FINAL_STATES:
        resultDict[status] = 0
        for statusDayDict, ccount in resultDay['Value']:
          if status == statusDayDict['Status']:
            resultDict[status] = ccount

    return S_OK( resultDict )

  types_getJobStatus = [ IntType ]
  def export_getJobStatus ( self, jobID ):

    return jobDB.getJobAttribute( jobID, 'Status' )

  types_getJobOwner = [ IntType ]
  def export_getJobOwner ( self, jobID ):

    return jobDB.getJobAttribute( jobID, 'Owner' )

  types_getJobSite = [ IntType ]
  def export_getJobSite ( self, jobID ):

    return jobDB.getJobAttribute( jobID, 'Site' )

  types_getJobJDL = [ IntType ]
  def export_getJobJDL ( self, jobID ):

    result = jobDB.getJobJDL( jobID )
    return result

  types_getJobLoggingInfo = [ IntType ]
  def export_getJobLoggingInfo( self, jobID ):

    return jobLoggingDB.getJobLoggingInfo( jobID )

  types_getJobsStatus = [ ListType ]
  def export_getJobsStatus ( self, jobIDs ):
    if not jobIDs:
      return S_OK( {} )
    return jobDB.getAttributesForJobList( jobIDs, ['Status'] )

  types_getJobsMinorStatus = [ ListType ]
  def export_getJobsMinorStatus ( self, jobIDs ):

    return jobDB.getAttributesForJobList( jobIDs, ['MinorStatus'] )

  types_getJobsApplicationStatus = [ ListType ]
  def export_getJobsApplicationStatus ( self, jobIDs ):

    return jobDB.getAttributesForJobList( jobIDs, ['ApplicationStatus'] )

  types_getJobsSites = [ ListType ]
  def export_getJobsSites ( self, jobIDs ):

    return jobDB.getAttributesForJobList( jobIDs, ['Site'] )

  types_getJobSummary = [ IntType ]
  def export_getJobSummary( self, jobID ):
    return jobDB.getJobAttributes( jobID, SUMMARY )

  types_getJobPrimarySummary = [ IntType ]
  def export_getJobPrimarySummary( self, jobID ):
    return jobDB.getJobAttributes( jobID, PRIMARY_SUMMARY )

  types_getJobsSummary = [ ListType ]
  def export_getJobsSummary( self, jobIDs ):

    if not jobIDs:
      return S_ERROR( 'JobMonitoring.getJobsSummary: Received empty job list' )

    result = jobDB.getAttributesForJobList( jobIDs, SUMMARY )
    #return result
    restring = str( result['Value'] )
    return S_OK( restring )

  types_getJobPageSummaryWeb = [DictType, ListType, IntType, IntType]
  def export_getJobPageSummaryWeb( self, selectDict, sortList, startItem, maxItems, selectJobs = True ):
    """ Get the summary of the job information for a given page in the
        job monitor in a generic format
    resultDict = {}
    startDate = selectDict.get( 'FromDate', None )
    if startDate:
      del selectDict['FromDate']
    # For backward compatibility
    if startDate is None:
      startDate = selectDict.get( 'LastUpdate', None )
      if startDate:
        del selectDict['LastUpdate']
    endDate = selectDict.get( 'ToDate', None )
    if endDate:
      del selectDict['ToDate']

    # Sorting instructions. Only one for the moment.
    if sortList:
      orderAttribute = sortList[0][0] + ":" + sortList[0][1]
      orderAttribute = None

    if selectJobs:
      result = jobDB.selectJobs( selectDict, orderAttribute = orderAttribute,
                                newer = startDate, older = endDate )
      if not result['OK']:
        return S_ERROR( 'Failed to select jobs: ' + result['Message'] )

      jobList = result['Value']
      # A.T. This needs optimization
      #validJobList, invalidJobList, nonauthJobList, ownerJobList = self.jobPolicy.evaluateJobRights( jobList,
      #                                                                                               RIGHT_GET_INFO )
      #jobList = validJobList
      nJobs = len( jobList )
      resultDict['TotalRecords'] = nJobs
      if nJobs == 0:
        return S_OK( resultDict )

      iniJob = startItem
      lastJob = iniJob + maxItems
      if iniJob >= nJobs:
        return S_ERROR( 'Item number out of range' )

      if lastJob > nJobs:
        lastJob = nJobs

      summaryJobList = jobList[iniJob:lastJob]
      result = jobDB.getAttributesForJobList( summaryJobList, SUMMARY )
      if not result['OK']:
        return S_ERROR( 'Failed to get job summary: ' + result['Message'] )

      summaryDict = result['Value']

      # Evaluate last sign of life time
      for jobID, jobDict in summaryDict.items():
        if jobDict['HeartBeatTime'] == 'None':
          jobDict['LastSignOfLife'] = jobDict['LastUpdateTime']
          lastTime = Time.fromString( jobDict['LastUpdateTime'] )
          hbTime = Time.fromString( jobDict['HeartBeatTime'] )
          if ( hbTime - lastTime ) > ( lastTime - lastTime ) or jobDict['Status'] == "Stalled":
            jobDict['LastSignOfLife'] = jobDict['HeartBeatTime']
            jobDict['LastSignOfLife'] = jobDict['LastUpdateTime']

      tqDict = {}
      result = taskQueueDB.getTaskQueueForJobs( summaryJobList )
      if result['OK']:
        tqDict = result['Value']

      # prepare the standard structure now
      key = summaryDict.keys()[0]
      paramNames = summaryDict[key].keys()

      records = []
      for jobID, jobDict in summaryDict.items():
        jParList = []
        for pname in paramNames:
          jParList.append( jobDict[pname] )
        if tqDict and tqDict.has_key( jobID ):
          jParList.append( tqDict[jobID] )
          jParList.append( 0 )
        records.append( jParList )

      resultDict['ParameterNames'] = paramNames + ['TaskQueueID']
      resultDict['Records'] = records

    statusDict = {}
    result = jobDB.getCounters( 'Jobs', ['Status'], selectDict,
                               newer = startDate,
                               older = endDate,
                               timeStamp = 'LastUpdateTime' )
    if result['OK']:
      for stDict, count in result['Value']:
        statusDict[stDict['Status']] = count
    resultDict['Extras'] = statusDict

    return S_OK( resultDict )

  types_getJobStats = [ StringTypes, DictType ]
  def export_getJobStats ( self, attribute, selectDict ):
    """ Get job statistics distribution per attribute value with a given selection
    startDate = selectDict.get( 'FromDate', None )
    if startDate:
      del selectDict['FromDate']
    # For backward compatibility
    if startDate is None:
      startDate = selectDict.get( 'LastUpdate', None )
      if startDate:
        del selectDict['LastUpdate']
    endDate = selectDict.get( 'ToDate', None )
    if endDate:
      del selectDict['ToDate']

    result = jobDB.getCounters( 'Jobs', [attribute], selectDict,
                               newer = startDate,
                               older = endDate,
                               timeStamp = 'LastUpdateTime' )
    resultDict = {}
    if result['OK']:
      for cDict, count in result['Value']:
         resultDict[cDict[attribute]] = count

    return S_OK( resultDict )

  types_getJobsPrimarySummary = [ ListType ]
  def export_getJobsPrimarySummary ( self, jobIDs ):
    return jobDB.getAttributesForJobList( jobIDs, PRIMARY_SUMMARY )

  types_getJobParameter = [ [IntType, LongType] , StringType ]
  def export_getJobParameter( self, jobID, parName ):
    return jobDB.getJobParameters( jobID, [parName] )

  types_getJobParameters = [ [IntType, LongType] ]
  def export_getJobParameters( self, jobID ):
    return jobDB.getJobParameters( jobID )

  types_getAtticJobParameters = [ [IntType, LongType] ]
  def export_getAtticJobParameters( self, jobID, parameters = [], rescheduleCycle = -1 ):
    return jobDB.getAtticJobParameters( jobID, parameters, rescheduleCycle )

  types_getJobAttributes = [ IntType ]
  def export_getJobAttributes( self, jobID ):
    return jobDB.getJobAttributes( jobID )

  types_getSiteSummary = [ ]
  def export_getSiteSummary( self ):
    return jobDB.getSiteSummary()

  types_getJobHeartBeatData = [ IntType ]
  def export_getJobHeartBeatData( self, jobID ):
    return jobDB.getHeartBeatData( jobID )

  types_getInputData = [ [IntType, LongType] ]
  def export_getInputData( self, jobID ):
    """ Get input data for the specified jobs
    return  jobDB.getInputData( jobID )
class JobManagerHandler(RequestHandler):
    def initializeHandler(cls, serviceInfoDict):
        cls.msgClient = MessageClient("WorkloadManagement/OptimizationMind")
        gThreadScheduler.addPeriodicTask(60, cls.__connectToOptMind)
        return S_OK()

    def __connectToOptMind(cls):
        if not cls.msgClient.connected:
            result = cls.msgClient.connect(JobManager=True)
            if not result["OK"]:
                cls.log.warn("Cannot connect to OptimizationMind!", result["Message"])

    def initialize(self):
        credDict = self.getRemoteCredentials()
        self.ownerDN = credDict["DN"]
        self.ownerGroup = credDict["group"]
        self.userProperties = credDict["properties"]
        self.owner = credDict["username"]
        self.peerUsesLimitedProxy = credDict["isLimitedProxy"]
        self.diracSetup = self.serviceInfoDict["clientSetup"]
        self.maxParametricJobs = self.srv_getCSOption("MaxParametricJobs", MAX_PARAMETRIC_JOBS)
        self.jobPolicy = JobPolicy(self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup, self.userProperties)
        return S_OK()

    def __sendJobsToOptimizationMind(self, jids):
        if not self.msgClient.connected:
        result = self.msgClient.createMessage("OptimizeJobs")
        if not result["OK"]:
            self.log.error("Cannot create Optimize message: %s" % result["Message"])
        msgObj = result["Value"]
        msgObj.jids = list(sorted(jids))
        result = self.msgClient.sendMessage(msgObj)
        if not result["OK"]:
            self.log.error("Cannot send Optimize message: %s" % result["Message"])
        self.log.info("Optimize msg sent for %s jobs" % len(jids))

    types_submitJob = [StringTypes]

    def export_submitJob(self, jobDesc):
        """ Submit a single job to DIRAC WMS

        if self.peerUsesLimitedProxy:
            return S_ERROR("Can't submit using a limited proxy! (bad boy!)")

        # Check job submission permission
        result = self.jobPolicy.getJobPolicy()
        if not result["OK"]:
            return S_ERROR("Failed to get job policies")
        policyDict = result["Value"]
        if not policyDict[RIGHT_SUBMIT]:
            return S_ERROR("Job submission not authorized")

        # jobDesc is JDL for now
        jobDesc = jobDesc.strip()
        if jobDesc[0] != "[":
            jobDesc = "[%s" % jobDesc
        if jobDesc[-1] != "]":
            jobDesc = "%s]" % jobDesc

        # Check if the job is a parametric one
        jobClassAd = ClassAd(jobDesc)
        nParameters = getNumberOfParameters(jobClassAd)
        parametricJob = False
        if nParameters > 0:
            parametricJob = True
            result = generateParametricJobs(jobClassAd)
            if not result["OK"]:
                return result
            jobDescList = result["Value"]
            jobDescList = [jobDesc]

        jobIDList = []
        for jobDescription in jobDescList:
            result = gJobDB.insertNewJobIntoDB(
                jobDescription, self.owner, self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup, self.diracSetup
            if not result["OK"]:
                return result

            jobID = result["JobID"]
            gLogger.info("Job %s added to the JobDB for %s/%s" % (jobID, self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup))

            gJobLoggingDB.addLoggingRecord(jobID, result["Status"], result["MinorStatus"], source="JobManager")


        # Set persistency flag
        retVal = gProxyManager.getUserPersistence(self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup)
        if "Value" not in retVal or not retVal["Value"]:
            gProxyManager.setPersistency(self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup, True)

        if parametricJob:
            result = S_OK(jobIDList)
            result = S_OK(jobIDList[0])

        result["JobID"] = result["Value"]
        result["requireProxyUpload"] = self.__checkIfProxyUploadIsRequired()
        return result

    def __checkIfProxyUploadIsRequired(self):
        result = gProxyManager.userHasProxy(self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup, validSeconds=18000)
        if not result["OK"]:
            gLogger.error("Can't check if the user has proxy uploaded:", result["Message"])
            return True
        # Check if an upload is required
        return result["Value"] == False

    types_invalidateJob = [IntType]

    def invalidateJob(self, jobID):
        """ Make job with jobID invalid, e.g. because of the sandbox submission


    def __get_job_list(self, jobInput):
        """ Evaluate the jobInput into a list of ints

        if isinstance(jobInput, int):
            return [jobInput]
        if isinstance(jobInput, basestring):
                ijob = int(jobInput)
                return [ijob]
                return []
        if isinstance(jobInput, list):
                ljob = [int(x) for x in jobInput]
                return ljob
                return []

        return []

    types_rescheduleJob = []

    def export_rescheduleJob(self, jobIDs):
        """  Reschedule a single job. If the optional proxy parameter is given
         it will be used to refresh the proxy in the Proxy Repository

        jobList = self.__get_job_list(jobIDs)
        if not jobList:
            return S_ERROR("Invalid job specification: " + str(jobIDs))

        validJobList, invalidJobList, nonauthJobList, ownerJobList = self.jobPolicy.evaluateJobRights(
            jobList, RIGHT_RESCHEDULE
        for jobID in validJobList:
            # gJobDB.deleteJobFromQueue(jobID)
            result = gJobDB.rescheduleJob(jobID)
            if not result["OK"]:
                return result
                result["JobID"], result["Status"], result["MinorStatus"], application="Unknown", source="JobManager"

        if invalidJobList or nonauthJobList:
            result = S_ERROR("Some jobs failed reschedule")
            if invalidJobList:
                result["InvalidJobIDs"] = invalidJobList
            if nonauthJobList:
                result["NonauthorizedJobIDs"] = nonauthJobList
            return result

        result = S_OK(validJobList)
        result["requireProxyUpload"] = len(ownerJobList) > 0 and self.__checkIfProxyUploadIsRequired()
        return result

    def __deleteJob(self, jobID):
        """ Delete one job
        result = gJobDB.setJobStatus(jobID, "Deleted", "Checking accounting")
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result

        result = gtaskQueueDB.deleteJob(jobID)
        if not result["OK"]:
            gLogger.warn("Failed to delete job from the TaskQueue")

        return S_OK()

    def __killJob(self, jobID, sendKillCommand=True):
        """  Kill one job
        if sendKillCommand:
            result = gJobDB.setJobCommand(jobID, "Kill")
            if not result["OK"]:
                return result

        gLogger.info("Job %d is marked for termination" % jobID)
        result = gJobDB.setJobStatus(jobID, "Killed", "Marked for termination")
        if not result["OK"]:
            gLogger.warn("Failed to set job Killed status")
        result = gtaskQueueDB.deleteJob(jobID)
        if not result["OK"]:
            gLogger.warn("Failed to delete job from the TaskQueue")

        return S_OK()

    def __kill_delete_jobs(self, jobIDList, right):
        """  Kill or delete jobs as necessary

        jobList = self.__get_job_list(jobIDList)
        if not jobList:
            return S_ERROR("Invalid job specification: " + str(jobIDList))

        validJobList, invalidJobList, nonauthJobList, ownerJobList = self.jobPolicy.evaluateJobRights(jobList, right)

        # Get job status to see what is to be killed or deleted
        result = gJobDB.getAttributesForJobList(validJobList, ["Status"])
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        killJobList = []
        deleteJobList = []
        markKilledJobList = []
        stagingJobList = []
        for jobID, sDict in result["Value"].items():
            if sDict["Status"] in ["Running", "Matched", "Stalled"]:
            elif sDict["Status"] in ["Done", "Failed"]:
                if not right == RIGHT_KILL:
            if sDict["Status"] in ["Staging"]:

        bad_ids = []
        for jobID in markKilledJobList:
            result = self.__killJob(jobID, sendKillCommand=False)
            if not result["OK"]:

        for jobID in killJobList:
            result = self.__killJob(jobID)
            if not result["OK"]:

        for jobID in deleteJobList:
            result = self.__deleteJob(jobID)
            if not result["OK"]:

        if stagingJobList:
            stagerClient = StorageManagerClient()
            gLogger.info("Going to send killing signal to stager as well!")
            result = stagerClient.killTasksBySourceTaskID(stagingJobList)
            if not result["OK"]:
                gLogger.warn("Failed to kill some Stager tasks: %s" % result["Message"])

        if nonauthJobList or bad_ids:
            result = S_ERROR("Some jobs failed deletion")
            if nonauthJobList:
                result["NonauthorizedJobIDs"] = nonauthJobList
            if bad_ids:
                result["FailedJobIDs"] = bad_ids
            return result

        result = S_OK(validJobList)
        result["requireProxyUpload"] = len(ownerJobList) > 0 and self.__checkIfProxyUploadIsRequired()

        if invalidJobList:
            result["InvalidJobIDs"] = invalidJobList

        return result

    types_deleteJob = []

    def export_deleteJob(self, jobIDs):
        """  Delete jobs specified in the jobIDs list

        return self.__kill_delete_jobs(jobIDs, RIGHT_DELETE)

    types_killJob = []

    def export_killJob(self, jobIDs):
        """  Kill jobs specified in the jobIDs list

        return self.__kill_delete_jobs(jobIDs, RIGHT_KILL)

    types_resetJob = []

    def export_resetJob(self, jobIDs):
        """  Reset jobs specified in the jobIDs list

        jobList = self.__get_job_list(jobIDs)
        if not jobList:
            return S_ERROR("Invalid job specification: " + str(jobIDs))

        validJobList, invalidJobList, nonauthJobList, ownerJobList = self.jobPolicy.evaluateJobRights(
            jobList, RIGHT_RESET

        bad_ids = []
        good_ids = []
        for jobID in validJobList:
            result = gJobDB.setJobAttribute(jobID, "RescheduleCounter", -1)
            if not result["OK"]:
                # gJobDB.deleteJobFromQueue(jobID)
                result = gJobDB.rescheduleJob(jobID)
                if not result["OK"]:
                    result["JobID"], result["Status"], result["MinorStatus"], application="Unknown", source="JobManager"

        if invalidJobList or nonauthJobList or bad_ids:
            result = S_ERROR("Some jobs failed resetting")
            if invalidJobList:
                result["InvalidJobIDs"] = invalidJobList
            if nonauthJobList:
                result["NonauthorizedJobIDs"] = nonauthJobList
            if bad_ids:
                result["FailedJobIDs"] = bad_ids
            return result

        result = S_OK()
        result["requireProxyUpload"] = len(ownerJobList) > 0 and self.__checkIfProxyUploadIsRequired()
        return result
class JobManagerHandler(RequestHandler):
    def initialize(self):
        credDict = self.getRemoteCredentials()
        self.ownerDN = credDict['DN']
        self.ownerGroup = credDict['group']
        self.userProperties = credDict['properties']
        self.owner = credDict['username']
        self.peerUsesLimitedProxy = credDict['isLimitedProxy']
        self.diracSetup = self.serviceInfoDict['clientSetup']
        serviceSectionPath = self.serviceInfoDict['serviceSectionPath']
        self.maxParametricJobs = gConfig.getValue(
            '%s/MaxParametricJobs' % serviceSectionPath, MAX_PARAMETRIC_JOBS)
        self.jobPolicy = JobPolicy(self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup,

    types_submitJob = [StringType]

    def export_submitJob(self, jobDesc):
        """ Submit a single job to DIRAC WMS

        if self.peerUsesLimitedProxy:
            return S_ERROR("Can't submit using a limited proxy! (bad boy!)")

        # Check job submission permission
        result = self.jobPolicy.getJobPolicy()
        if not result['OK']:
            return S_ERROR('Failed to get job policies')
        policyDict = result['Value']
        if not policyDict[RIGHT_SUBMIT]:
            return S_ERROR('Job submission not authorized')

        #jobDesc is JDL for now
        jobDesc = jobDesc.strip()
        if jobDesc[0] != "[":
            jobDesc = "[%s" % jobDesc
        if jobDesc[-1] != "]":
            jobDesc = "%s]" % jobDesc

        # Check if the job is a parameteric one
        jobClassAd = ClassAd(jobDesc)
        parametricJob = False
        if jobClassAd.lookupAttribute('Parameters'):
            parametricJob = True
            if jobClassAd.isAttributeList('Parameters'):
                parameterList = jobClassAd.getListFromExpression('Parameters')
                pStep = 0
                pFactor = 1
                nParameters = jobClassAd.getAttributeInt('Parameters')
                if not nParameters:
                    value = jobClassAd.get_expression('Parameters')
                    return S_ERROR(
                        'Illegal value for Parameters JDL field: %s' % value)

                if jobClassAd.lookupAttribute('ParameterStart'):
                    value = jobClassAd.get_expression(
                        'ParameterStart').replace('"', '')
                        pStart = int(value)
                            pStart = float(value)
                            return S_ERROR(
                                'Illegal value for ParameterStart JDL field: %s'
                                % value)

                if jobClassAd.lookupAttribute('ParameterStep'):
                    pStep = jobClassAd.getAttributeInt('ParameterStep')
                    if not pStep:
                        pStep = jobClassAd.getAttributeFloat('ParameterStep')
                        if not pStep:
                            value = jobClassAd.get_expression('ParameterStep')
                            return S_ERROR(
                                'Illegal value for ParameterStep JDL field: %s'
                                % value)
                if jobClassAd.lookupAttribute('ParameterFactor'):
                    pFactor = jobClassAd.getAttributeInt('ParameterFactor')
                    if not pFactor:
                        pFactor = jobClassAd.getAttributeFloat(
                        if not pFactor:
                            value = jobClassAd.get_expression(
                            return S_ERROR(
                                'Illegal value for ParameterFactor JDL field: %s'
                                % value)

                parameterList = list()
                for i in range(nParameters - 1):
                    parameterList.append(parameterList[i] * pFactor + pStep)

            if len(parameterList) > self.maxParametricJobs:
                return S_ERROR(
                    'The number of parametric jobs exceeded the limit of %d' %

            jobDescList = []
            for n, p in enumerate(parameterList):
                    jobDesc.replace('%s', str(p)).replace('%n', str(n)))
            jobDescList = [jobDesc]

        jobIDList = []
        for jobDescription in jobDescList:
            result = gJobDB.insertNewJobIntoDB(jobDescription, self.owner,
                                               self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup,
            if not result['OK']:
                return result

            jobID = result['JobID']
            gLogger.info('Job %s added to the JobDB for %s/%s' %
                         (jobID, self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup))



        #Set persistency flag
        retVal = gProxyManager.getUserPersistence(self.ownerDN,
        if 'Value' not in retVal or not retVal['Value']:
            gProxyManager.setPersistency(self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup, True)

        if parametricJob:
            result = S_OK(jobIDList)
            result = S_OK(jobIDList[0])

        result['JobID'] = result['Value']
        result['requireProxyUpload'] = self.__checkIfProxyUploadIsRequired()
        return result


    def __checkIfProxyUploadIsRequired(self):
        result = gProxyManager.userHasProxy(self.ownerDN,
        if not result['OK']:
            gLogger.error("Can't check if the user has proxy uploaded:",
            return True
        #Check if an upload is required
        return result['Value'] == False


    types_invalidateJob = [IntType]

    def invalidateJob(self, jobID):
        """ Make job with jobID invalid, e.g. because of the sandbox submission



    def __get_job_list(self, jobInput):
        """ Evaluate the jobInput into a list of ints

        if type(jobInput) == IntType:
            return [jobInput]
        if type(jobInput) == StringType:
                ijob = int(jobInput)
                return [ijob]
                return []
        if type(jobInput) == ListType:
                ljob = [int(x) for x in jobInput]
                return ljob
                return []

        return []


    def __evaluate_rights(self, jobList, right):
        """ Get access rights to jobID for the user ownerDN/ownerGroup
        validJobList = []
        invalidJobList = []
        nonauthJobList = []
        ownerJobList = []
        for jobID in jobList:
            result = self.jobPolicy.getUserRightsForJob(jobID)
            if result['OK']:
                if result['Value'][right]:
                if result['UserIsOwner']:

        return validJobList, invalidJobList, nonauthJobList, ownerJobList


    types_rescheduleJob = []

    def export_rescheduleJob(self, jobIDs):
        """  Reschedule a single job. If the optional proxy parameter is given
         it will be used to refresh the proxy in the Proxy Repository

        jobList = self.__get_job_list(jobIDs)
        if not jobList:
            return S_ERROR('Invalid job specification: ' + str(jobIDs))

        validJobList, invalidJobList, nonauthJobList, ownerJobList = self.__evaluate_rights(
            jobList, RIGHT_RESCHEDULE)
        for jobID in validJobList:
            result = gJobDB.rescheduleJob(jobID)
            if not result['OK']:
                return result

        if invalidJobList or nonauthJobList:
            result = S_ERROR('Some jobs failed deletion')
            if invalidJobList:
                result['InvalidJobIDs'] = invalidJobList
            if nonauthJobList:
                result['NonauthorizedJobIDs'] = nonauthJobList
            return result

        result = S_OK(validJobList)
        result['requireProxyUpload'] = len(
            ownerJobList) > 0 and self.__checkIfProxyUploadIsRequired()
        return result


    types_deleteJob = []

    def export_deleteJob(self, jobIDs):
        """  Delete jobs specified in the jobIDs list

        jobList = self.__get_job_list(jobIDs)
        if not jobList:
            return S_ERROR('Invalid job specification: ' + str(jobIDs))

        validJobList, invalidJobList, nonauthJobList, ownerJobList = self.__evaluate_rights(
            jobList, RIGHT_DELETE)

        bad_ids = []
        good_ids = []
        for jobID in validJobList:
            result = gJobDB.setJobStatus(jobID, 'Deleted',
                                         'Checking accounting')
            if not result['OK']:
            #result = gJobDB.deleteJobFromQueue(jobID)
            #if not result['OK']:
            #  gLogger.warn('Failed to delete job from the TaskQueue (old)')
            result = gtaskQueueDB.deleteJob(jobID)
            if not result['OK']:
                gLogger.warn('Failed to delete job from the TaskQueue')

        if invalidJobList or nonauthJobList:
            result = S_ERROR('Some jobs failed deletion')
            if invalidJobList:
                result['InvalidJobIDs'] = invalidJobList
            if nonauthJobList:
                result['NonauthorizedJobIDs'] = nonauthJobList
            if bad_ids:
                result['FailedJobIDs'] = bad_ids
            return result

        result = S_OK(validJobList)
        result['requireProxyUpload'] = len(
            ownerJobList) > 0 and self.__checkIfProxyUploadIsRequired()
        return result


    types_killJob = []

    def export_killJob(self, jobIDs):
        """  Kill jobs specified in the jobIDs list

        jobList = self.__get_job_list(jobIDs)
        if not jobList:
            return S_ERROR('Invalid job specification: ' + str(jobIDs))

        validJobList, invalidJobList, nonauthJobList, ownerJobList = self.__evaluate_rights(
            jobList, RIGHT_KILL)

        bad_ids = []
        good_ids = []
        for jobID in validJobList:
            # kill jobID
            result = gJobDB.setJobCommand(jobID, 'Kill')
            if not result['OK']:
                gLogger.info('Job %d is marked for termination' % jobID)
                result = gJobDB.setJobStatus(jobID, 'Killed',
                                             'Marked for termination')
                if not result['OK']:
                    gLogger.warn('Failed to set job status')
                #result = gJobDB.deleteJobFromQueue(jobID)
                #if not result['OK']:
                #  gLogger.warn('Failed to delete job from the TaskQueue (old)')
                result = gtaskQueueDB.deleteJob(jobID)
                if not result['OK']:
                    gLogger.warn('Failed to delete job from the TaskQueue')

        if invalidJobList or nonauthJobList or bad_ids:
            result = S_ERROR('Some jobs failed deletion')
            if invalidJobList:
                result['InvalidJobIDs'] = invalidJobList
            if nonauthJobList:
                result['NonauthorizedJobIDs'] = nonauthJobList
            if bad_ids:
                result['FailedJobIDs'] = bad_ids
            return result

        result = S_OK(validJobList)
        result['requireProxyUpload'] = len(
            ownerJobList) > 0 and self.__checkIfProxyUploadIsRequired()
        return result


    types_resetJob = []

    def export_resetJob(self, jobIDs):
        """  Reset jobs specified in the jobIDs list

        jobList = self.__get_job_list(jobIDs)
        if not jobList:
            return S_ERROR('Invalid job specification: ' + str(jobIDs))

        validJobList, invalidJobList, nonauthJobList, ownerJobList = self.__evaluate_rights(
            jobList, RIGHT_RESET)

        bad_ids = []
        good_ids = []
        for jobID in validJobList:
            result = gJobDB.setJobAttribute(jobID, 'RescheduleCounter', 0)
            if not result['OK']:
                result = gJobDB.rescheduleJob(jobID)
                if not result['OK']:

        if invalidJobList or nonauthJobList or bad_ids:
            result = S_ERROR('Some jobs failed resetting')
            if invalidJobList:
                result['InvalidJobIDs'] = invalidJobList
            if nonauthJobList:
                result['NonauthorizedJobIDs'] = nonauthJobList
            if bad_ids:
                result['FailedJobIDs'] = bad_ids
            return result

        result = S_OK()
        result['requireProxyUpload'] = len(
            ownerJobList) > 0 and self.__checkIfProxyUploadIsRequired()
        return result
class JobManagerHandler(RequestHandler):
  """ RequestHandler implementation of the JobManager

  def initializeHandler(cls, serviceInfoDict):
    cls.msgClient = MessageClient("WorkloadManagement/OptimizationMind")
    gThreadScheduler.addPeriodicTask(60, cls.__connectToOptMind)
    return S_OK()

  def __connectToOptMind(cls):
    if not cls.msgClient.connected:
      result = cls.msgClient.connect(JobManager=True)
      if not result['OK']:
        cls.log.warn("Cannot connect to OptimizationMind!", result['Message'])

  def initialize(self):
    credDict = self.getRemoteCredentials()
    self.ownerDN = credDict['DN']
    self.ownerGroup = credDict['group']
    self.userProperties = credDict['properties']
    self.owner = credDict['username']
    self.peerUsesLimitedProxy = credDict['isLimitedProxy']
    self.diracSetup = self.serviceInfoDict['clientSetup']
    self.maxParametricJobs = self.srv_getCSOption('MaxParametricJobs', MAX_PARAMETRIC_JOBS)
    self.jobPolicy = JobPolicy(self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup, self.userProperties)
    return S_OK()

  def __sendJobsToOptimizationMind(self, jids):
    if not self.msgClient.connected:
    result = self.msgClient.createMessage("OptimizeJobs")
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.error("Cannot create Optimize message: %s" % result['Message'])
    msgObj = result['Value']
    msgObj.jids = list(sorted(jids))
    result = self.msgClient.sendMessage(msgObj)
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.error("Cannot send Optimize message: %s" % result['Message'])
    self.log.info("Optimize msg sent for %s jobs" % len(jids))

  types_submitJob = [basestring]

  def export_submitJob(self, jobDesc):
    """ Submit a job to DIRAC WMS.
        The job can be a single job, or a parametric job.
        If it is a parametric job, then the parameters will need to be unpacked.

        :param str jobDesc: job description JDL (of a single or parametric job)
        :return: S_OK/S_ERROR, a list of newly created job IDs in case of S_OK.

    if self.peerUsesLimitedProxy:
      return S_ERROR(EWMSSUBM, "Can't submit using a limited proxy")

    # Check job submission permission
    result = self.jobPolicy.getJobPolicy()
    if not result['OK']:
      return S_ERROR(EWMSSUBM, 'Failed to get job policies')
    policyDict = result['Value']
    if not policyDict[RIGHT_SUBMIT]:
      return S_ERROR(EWMSSUBM, 'Job submission not authorized')

    # jobDesc is JDL for now
    jobDesc = jobDesc.strip()
    if jobDesc[0] != "[":
      jobDesc = "[%s" % jobDesc
    if jobDesc[-1] != "]":
      jobDesc = "%s]" % jobDesc

    # Check if the job is a parametric one
    jobClassAd = ClassAd(jobDesc)
    result = getParameterVectorLength(jobClassAd)
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    nJobs = result['Value']
    parametricJob = False
    if nJobs > 0:
      # if we are here, then jobDesc was the description of a parametric job. So we start unpacking
      parametricJob = True
      if nJobs > self.maxParametricJobs:
        return S_ERROR(EWMSJDL, "Number of parametric jobs exceeds the limit of %d" % self.maxParametricJobs)
      result = generateParametricJobs(jobClassAd)
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
      jobDescList = result['Value']
      # if we are here, then jobDesc was the description of a single job.
      jobDescList = [jobDesc]

    jobIDList = []

    if parametricJob:
      initialStatus = 'Submitting'
      initialMinorStatus = 'Bulk transaction confirmation'
      initialStatus = 'Received'
      initialMinorStatus = 'Job accepted'

    for jobDescription in jobDescList:  # jobDescList because there might be a list generated by a parametric job
      result = gJobDB.insertNewJobIntoDB(jobDescription,
      if not result['OK']:
        return result

      jobID = result['JobID']
      gLogger.info('Job %s added to the JobDB for %s/%s' % (jobID, self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup))

      gJobLoggingDB.addLoggingRecord(jobID, result['Status'], result['MinorStatus'], source='JobManager')


    # Set persistency flag
    retVal = gProxyManager.getUserPersistence(self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup)
    if 'Value' not in retVal or not retVal['Value']:
      gProxyManager.setPersistency(self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup, True)

    if parametricJob:
      result = S_OK(jobIDList)
      result = S_OK(jobIDList[0])

    result['JobID'] = result['Value']
    result['requireProxyUpload'] = self.__checkIfProxyUploadIsRequired()
    # Ensure non-parametric jobs (i.e. non-bulk) get sent to optimizer immediately
    if not parametricJob:
    return result

  types_confirmBulkSubmission = [list]

  def export_confirmBulkSubmission(self, jobIDs):
       Confirm the possibility to proceed with processing of the jobs specified
       by the jobIDList

       :param jobIDList: list of job IDs
       :return: confirmed job IDs
    jobList = self.__getJobList(jobIDs)
    if not jobList:
      return S_ERROR(EWMSSUBM, 'Invalid job specification: ' + str(jobIDs))

    validJobList, _invalidJobList, _nonauthJobList, _ownerJobList = self.jobPolicy.evaluateJobRights(jobList,

    # Check that all the requested jobs are eligible
    if set(jobList) != set(validJobList):
      return S_ERROR(EWMSSUBM, 'Requested jobs for bulk transaction are not valid')

    result = gJobDB.getAttributesForJobList(jobList, ['Status', 'MinorStatus'])
    if not result['OK']:
      return S_ERROR(EWMSSUBM, 'Requested jobs for bulk transaction are not valid')
    jobStatusDict = result['Value']

    # Check if the jobs are already activated
    jobEnabledList = [jobID for jobID in jobList
                      if jobStatusDict[jobID]['Status'] in ["Received",
    if set(jobEnabledList) == set(jobList):
      return S_OK(jobList)

    # Check that requested job are in Submitting status
    jobUpdateStatusList = list(jobID for jobID in jobList if jobStatusDict[jobID]['Status'] == "Submitting")
    if set(jobUpdateStatusList) != set(jobList):
      return S_ERROR(EWMSSUBM, 'Requested jobs for bulk transaction are not valid')

    # Update status of all the requested jobs in one transaction
    result = gJobDB.setJobAttributes(jobUpdateStatusList,
                                     ['Status', 'MinorStatus'],
                                     ['Received', 'Job accepted'])

    if not result['OK']:
      return result

    return S_OK(jobUpdateStatusList)

  def __checkIfProxyUploadIsRequired(self):
    result = gProxyManager.userHasProxy(self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup, validSeconds=18000)
    if not result['OK']:
      gLogger.error("Can't check if the user has proxy uploaded:", result['Message'])
      return True
    # Check if an upload is required
    return not result['Value']


  def __getJobList(jobInput):
    """ Evaluate the jobInput into a list of ints

        :param jobInput: one or more job IDs in int or str form
        :type jobInput: str or int or list
        :return : a list of int job IDs

    if isinstance(jobInput, int):
      return [jobInput]
    if isinstance(jobInput, basestring):
        ijob = int(jobInput)
        return [ijob]
      except BaseException:
        return []
    if isinstance(jobInput, list):
        ljob = [int(x) for x in jobInput]
        return ljob
      except BaseException:
        return []

    return []

  types_rescheduleJob = []

  def export_rescheduleJob(self, jobIDs):
    """  Reschedule a single job. If the optional proxy parameter is given
         it will be used to refresh the proxy in the Proxy Repository

         :param jobIDList: list of job IDs
         :return: confirmed job IDs

    jobList = self.__getJobList(jobIDs)
    if not jobList:
      return S_ERROR('Invalid job specification: ' + str(jobIDs))

    validJobList, invalidJobList, nonauthJobList, ownerJobList = self.jobPolicy.evaluateJobRights(jobList,
    for jobID in validJobList:
      # gJobDB.deleteJobFromQueue(jobID)
      result = gJobDB.rescheduleJob(jobID)
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
      gJobLoggingDB.addLoggingRecord(result['JobID'], result['Status'], result['MinorStatus'],
                                     application='Unknown', source='JobManager')

    if invalidJobList or nonauthJobList:
      result = S_ERROR('Some jobs failed reschedule')
      if invalidJobList:
        result['InvalidJobIDs'] = invalidJobList
      if nonauthJobList:
        result['NonauthorizedJobIDs'] = nonauthJobList
      return result

    result = S_OK(validJobList)
    result['requireProxyUpload'] = len(ownerJobList) > 0 and self.__checkIfProxyUploadIsRequired()
    return result

  def __deleteJob(jobID):
    """ Delete one job
    result = gJobDB.setJobStatus(jobID, 'Deleted', 'Checking accounting')
    if not result['OK']:
      return result

    result = gtaskQueueDB.deleteJob(jobID)
    if not result['OK']:
      gLogger.warn('Failed to delete job from the TaskQueue')

    # if it was the last job for the pilot, clear PilotsLogging about it
    result = gPilotAgentsDB.getPilotsForJobID(jobID)
    if not result['OK']:
      gLogger.error("Failed to get Pilots for JobID", result['Message'])
      return result
    for pilot in result['Value']:
      res = gPilotAgentsDB.getJobsForPilot(pilot)
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error("Failed to get jobs for pilot", res['Message'])
        return res
      if not res['Value']:  # if list of jobs for pilot is empty, delete pilot and pilotslogging
        result = gPilotAgentsDB.getPilotInfo(pilotID=pilot)
        if not result['OK']:
          gLogger.error("Failed to get pilot info", result['Message'])
          return result
        pilotRef = result[0]['PilotJobReference']
        ret = gPilotAgentsDB.deletePilot(pilot)
        if not ret['OK']:
          gLogger.error("Failed to delete pilot from PilotAgentsDB", ret['Message'])
          return ret
        if enablePilotsLogging:
          ret = gPilotsLoggingDB.deletePilotsLogging(pilotRef)
          if not ret['OK']:
            gLogger.error("Failed to delete pilot logging from PilotAgentsDB", ret['Message'])
            return ret

    return S_OK()

  def __killJob(jobID, sendKillCommand=True):
    """  Kill one job
    if sendKillCommand:
      result = gJobDB.setJobCommand(jobID, 'Kill')
      if not result['OK']:
        return result

    gLogger.info('Job %d is marked for termination' % jobID)
    result = gJobDB.setJobStatus(jobID, 'Killed', 'Marked for termination')
    if not result['OK']:
      gLogger.warn('Failed to set job Killed status', result['Message'])
    result = gtaskQueueDB.deleteJob(jobID)
    if not result['OK']:
      gLogger.warn('Failed to delete job from the TaskQueue', result['Message'])

    return S_OK()

  def __kill_delete_jobs(self, jobIDList, right):
    """  Kill or delete jobs as necessary

    jobList = self.__getJobList(jobIDList)
    if not jobList:
      return S_ERROR('Invalid job specification: ' + str(jobIDList))

    validJobList, invalidJobList, nonauthJobList, ownerJobList = self.jobPolicy.evaluateJobRights(jobList, right)

    # Get job status to see what is to be killed or deleted
    result = gJobDB.getAttributesForJobList(validJobList, ['Status'])
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    killJobList = []
    deleteJobList = []
    markKilledJobList = []
    stagingJobList = []
    for jobID, sDict in result['Value'].items():
      if sDict['Status'] in ['Running', 'Matched', 'Stalled']:
      elif sDict['Status'] in ['Done', 'Failed', 'Killed']:
        if not right == RIGHT_KILL:
      if sDict['Status'] in ['Staging']:

    badIDs = []
    for jobID in markKilledJobList:
      result = self.__killJob(jobID, sendKillCommand=False)
      if not result['OK']:

    for jobID in killJobList:
      result = self.__killJob(jobID)
      if not result['OK']:

    for jobID in deleteJobList:
      result = self.__deleteJob(jobID)
      if not result['OK']:

    if stagingJobList:
      stagerClient = StorageManagerClient()
      gLogger.info('Going to send killing signal to stager as well!')
      result = stagerClient.killTasksBySourceTaskID(stagingJobList)
      if not result['OK']:
        gLogger.warn('Failed to kill some Stager tasks: %s' % result['Message'])

    if nonauthJobList or badIDs:
      result = S_ERROR('Some jobs failed deletion')
      if nonauthJobList:
        gLogger.warn("Non-authorized JobIDs won't be deleted", str(nonauthJobList))
        result['NonauthorizedJobIDs'] = nonauthJobList
      if badIDs:
        gLogger.warn("JobIDs failed to be deleted", str(badIDs))
        result['FailedJobIDs'] = badIDs
      return result

    result = S_OK(validJobList)
    result['requireProxyUpload'] = len(ownerJobList) > 0 and self.__checkIfProxyUploadIsRequired()

    if invalidJobList:
      result['InvalidJobIDs'] = invalidJobList

    return result

  types_deleteJob = []

  def export_deleteJob(self, jobIDs):
    """ Delete jobs specified in the jobIDs list

        :param jobIDList: list of job IDs
        :return: S_OK/S_ERROR

    return self.__kill_delete_jobs(jobIDs, RIGHT_DELETE)

  types_killJob = []

  def export_killJob(self, jobIDs):
    """ Kill jobs specified in the jobIDs list

        :param jobIDList: list of job IDs
        :return: S_OK/S_ERROR

    return self.__kill_delete_jobs(jobIDs, RIGHT_KILL)

  types_resetJob = []

  def export_resetJob(self, jobIDs):
    """ Reset jobs specified in the jobIDs list

        :param jobIDList: list of job IDs
        :return: S_OK/S_ERROR

    jobList = self.__getJobList(jobIDs)
    if not jobList:
      return S_ERROR('Invalid job specification: ' + str(jobIDs))

    validJobList, invalidJobList, nonauthJobList, ownerJobList = self.jobPolicy.evaluateJobRights(jobList,

    badIDs = []
    good_ids = []
    for jobID in validJobList:
      result = gJobDB.setJobAttribute(jobID, 'RescheduleCounter', -1)
      if not result['OK']:
        # gJobDB.deleteJobFromQueue(jobID)
        result = gJobDB.rescheduleJob(jobID)
        if not result['OK']:
        gJobLoggingDB.addLoggingRecord(result['JobID'], result['Status'], result['MinorStatus'],
                                       application='Unknown', source='JobManager')

    if invalidJobList or nonauthJobList or badIDs:
      result = S_ERROR('Some jobs failed resetting')
      if invalidJobList:
        result['InvalidJobIDs'] = invalidJobList
      if nonauthJobList:
        result['NonauthorizedJobIDs'] = nonauthJobList
      if badIDs:
        result['FailedJobIDs'] = badIDs
      return result

    result = S_OK()
    result['requireProxyUpload'] = len(ownerJobList) > 0 and self.__checkIfProxyUploadIsRequired()
    return result