def describe_dump_task(self, streamName, task_name, ak="", sk="", xSecrityToken=""): self.__assert_to_validate(streamName, "the stream Name is null") self.__assert_to_validate(task_name, "the task_name is null") uri = "/v2/" + self.projectid + "/stream/" + streamName + "/" + "transfer-tasks/" req = self._generateRequest("GET", uri, headers={}, body="", userak=ak, usersk=sk, userxSecrityToken=xSecrityToken) (statusCode, responseData) = self._sendRequest(req) for i in responseData['details']: if task_name == i['task_name']: return disadminresponse.disdescribedumptaskResponse( statusCode, i) else: raise DisException('errormeaasge', '%s not exists' % (i['task_name']))
def describeStream(self, streamName, startPartitionId="", limitPartitions=1000, ak="", sk="", xSecrityToken=""): self.__assert_to_validate(streamName, "the streamname is null") param = {} if startPartitionId is not '': param["start_partitionId"] = startPartitionId if limitPartitions > 10000: raise DisException("invalidparam", "the limit is to large") if limitPartitions != 0: param["limit_partitions"] = str(limitPartitions) uri = "/v2/" + self.projectid + "/streams/" + streamName + "/" req = self._generateRequest("GET", uri, query=param, headers={}, body="", userak=ak, usersk=sk, userxSecrityToken=xSecrityToken) (statusCode, responseData) = self._sendRequest(req) return disadminresponse.disDescribeStreamresultResponse( statusCode, responseData)
def _getResponse(self, method, uri, timeout, params={}, headers={}, body=""): try: r = requests.request(method, uri, params=params, data=body, headers=headers, timeout=timeout, verify=False) return r.status_code, r.content, r.headers except Exception as ex: raise DisException('_getResponse', str(ex))
def Applist(self, appName, ak="", sk="", xSecrityToken="", limit=100): param = {} uri = "/v2/" + self.projectid + "/apps" req = self._generateRequest("GET", uri, headers={}, query={'limit': '100'}, userak=ak, usersk=sk, userxSecrityToken=xSecrityToken) (statusCode, responseData) = self._sendRequest(req) if responseData.get('apps'): total_number = len(responseData.get('apps')) else: total_number = '' if limit > 100: raise DisException("invalidparam", "the limit is to large") if limit != 0: param["limit"] = str(limit) if appName is not '': self.__assert_to_validate(appName, "the appname is null") param["start_app_name"] = appName uri = "/v2/" + self.projectid + "/apps" req = self._generateRequest("GET", uri, headers={}, query=param, userak=ak, usersk=sk, userxSecrityToken=xSecrityToken) (statusCode, responseData) = self._sendRequest(req) return discheckpointresponse.disApplistResponse( statusCode, responseData, total_number)
def listStream(self, startStreamName="", limit=100, ak="", sk="", xSecrityToken=""): ''' list all of the stream of the user. the MAX of limit is 100,if larger than 100, the sdk should raise exception ''' param = {} if startStreamName is not '': self.__assert_to_validate(startStreamName, "the stream Name is null") param["start_stream_name"] = startStreamName if limit > 100: raise DisException("invalidparam", "the limit is to large") if limit != 0: param["limit"] = str(limit) uri = "/v2/" + self.projectid + "/streams/" req = self._generateRequest("GET", uri, query=param, headers={}, body="", userak=ak, usersk=sk, userxSecrityToken=xSecrityToken) (statusCode, responseData) = self._sendRequest(req) return disadminresponse.disListStreamResponse(statusCode, responseData)
def getCursor(self, streamName, partitionId, cursorType, startSeq, ak="", sk="", xSecrityToken=""): ''' the cursor is the pointer to get the data in partition. :type streamName string :param streamName the streamName ID which want to send data :type partitionId string :param partitionId the partition ID which want to get data, you can get all of the partition info from describeStream interface :type cursorType string :param cursorType. there are four type for the cursor :AT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER The consumer application starts reading from the position denoted by a specific sequence number. This is the default Cursor Type. :AFTER_SEQUENCE_NUMBER The consumer application starts reading right after the position denoted by a specific sequence number. :TRIM_HORIZON The consumer application starts reading at the last untrimmed record in the partition in the system, which is the oldest data record in the partition. :LATEST Start reading just after the most recent record in the partition, so that you always read the most recent data in the partition :type startSeq tring :param startSeq Sequence number of the data record in the partition from which to start reading. Value range: 0 to 9223372036854775807 Each data record has a sequence number that is unique within its partition. The sequence number is assigned by DIS when a data producer calls PutRecords to add data to a DIS stream. Sequence numbers for the same partition key generally increase over time; the longer the time period between write requests (PutRecords requests), the larger the sequence numbers become. ''' param = {} self.__assert_to_validate(streamName, "the streamname is null") param["stream-name"] = streamName param["partition-id"] = partitionId if (cursorType != "AT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER" and cursorType != "AFTER_SEQUENCE_NUMBER" and cursorType != "TRIM_HORIZON" and cursorType != "LATEST"): raise DisException("Invalid param", "the cursor type is invalid") param["cursor-type"] = cursorType if (cursorType == "AT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER" or cursorType == "AFTER_SEQUENCE_NUMBER"): param["starting-sequence-number"] = startSeq uri = "/v2/" + self.projectid + "/cursors/" req = self._generateRequest("GET", uri, query=param, headers={}, body="", userak=ak, usersk=sk, userxSecrityToken=xSecrityToken) (statusCode, responseData) = self._sendRequest(req) return disrecordresponse.disGetCursorResponse(statusCode, responseData)
def _sendRequest(self, rawRequest): retryCount = 0 url = self.endpoint + rawRequest.uri wait = 0.05 while retryCount <= EXCEPTION_RETRIES: try: if retryCount != 0: time.sleep(wait) wait = wait * 2 rawRequest.headers.pop(disauth.HeaderXDate) rawRequest.headers.pop(disauth.HeaderAuthorization) disauth.Signer(self.ak,, self.region).Sign(rawRequest) r = requests.request(method=rawRequest.method, url=url, params=rawRequest.query, data=rawRequest.body, headers=rawRequest.headers, timeout=self.TIME_OUT, verify=False) if r.status_code >= 200 and r.status_code < 300: if r.content is not b'': if 'protobuf' in rawRequest.headers["Content-Type"]: jsonResponse = r.content else: jsonResponse = r.json() if jsonResponse: return r.status_code, jsonResponse else: return r.status_code, {} else: return r.status_code, {} else: errMsg = '' errNo = '' if r._content is not b'': errNo = str(r.status_code) errMsg = str(r._content) #if r.status_code >= 500: # try: # jsonResponse = r.json() # errMsg = jsonResponse["message"] # errNo = jsonResponse["errorCode"] # except:pass raise DisException("GetResponseErr", "the response is err", r.status_code, errNo, errMsg) except Exception as ex: if retryCount < EXCEPTION_RETRIES and \ (type(ex) == DisException and ex.respStatus >= 500 or "connect timeout" in str(ex) or ("read timeout" in str(ex) and rawRequest.method == "GET")): log("Find Retriable Exception [" + str(ex) + "], url [" + rawRequest.method + " " + rawRequest.uri + "], currRetryCount is " + str(retryCount)) retryCount = retryCount + 1 else: if type(ex) == DisException: raise ex else: raise DisException('_sendRequest', str(ex))