def modHost(self, game: GameDO, user: str): user_id = convert_mention_to_id(user) if not user_id.isdigit(): raise InvalidArgumentException(user, "mention d'un utilisateur") user = UserDO(id=user_id).load() if not in raise IllegalUserException(user_id, game.setHost(user)
def submit(self, game_id: str, user_id: str, artwork_url: str, artwork_title: str): if not game_id.isdigit(): raise BadTypeArgumentException(arg=game_id, requiredType=int) game = GameDO(id=int(game_id)).load() if game.phase == 0: raise Exception( "La partie n'a pas encore commencé, vous ne pouvez pas encore envoyer de proposition" ) game.addSubmission(user_id, artwork_title, artwork_url)
def removeUserFromGame(self, user_id: str, game_id: str): """Removes a user from a game Args: user_id (str): [description] game_id (str): [description] """ user = UserDO(id=user_id).load() game = GameDO(id=game_id).load() game.addOrRemoveUser(user, add=False)
def addUserToGame(self, user_id: str, game_id: str): """Add a user to a game Args: user_id (str): [description] game_id (str): [description] """ user = UserDO(id=user_id).load() game = GameDO(id=game_id).load() game.addOrRemoveUser(user, add=True)
def getNearlyEndingGames(self, db): """Retreive both the nearly ending games and the nearly ending votes""" games = db.fetch(script="get_ending_games", params=(300, )) nearGames = [] for game_id in games: game = GameDO(id=int(game_id[0])).load() nearGames.append(game) self.nearGames = nearGames votes = db.fetch(script="get_ending_votes", params=(300, )) nearVotes = [] for vote_id in votes: vote = GameDO(id=int(vote_id[0])).load() nearVotes.append(vote) self.nearVotes = nearVotes
def victories(self): from import GameDO victories = 0 for game in victories += GameDO(id=game).load() == return victories
async def asEmbed(self, game_id: str, index, revealAuthor: bool = False): """[summary] Args: game_id (str): The id of the game index (int or string): Either the index of the participation or a text revealAuthor (bool, optional): Whether to display the name of the authors. Defaults to False. Returns: [type]: [description] """ from singleton.client import Bot from import GameDO game = GameDO(id=game_id).load() if str(index).isdigit(): em = Embed(title=f"Participation #{index} (Partie #{game_id})") else: em = Embed(title=f"Participation {index} (Partie #{game_id})") em.add_field(name="Titre de l'œuvre", value=self.artwork_title) em.add_field(name="Mots", value=game.words_display) user = await Bot.getInstance().fetch_user(int(self.user_id)) author = if revealAuthor else "XXXXXXXX" em.set_image(url=self.artwork_url) em.set_author(name=author) return em
def modGame(self, game_id: str, user_id: int, field: str, value): """Modifies the given parameter to the given value Args: game_id (str): the id of the game on which to modify the parameter user_id (int): the id of the user who made the modification field (str): The filed to modify value (?): The new value Raises: BadTypeArgumentException: In case the argument has a bad type PermissionError: In case the user does not have the permission to run this command on this game InvalidFieldException: In case the field is not recognised """ if not game_id.isdigit(): raise BadTypeArgumentException(arg=game_id, requiredType=int) game = GameDO(id=int(game_id)).load() if user_id != raise PermissionError("Tu n'as pas la permission de faire ceci !") fields = ["host", "game_duration", "vote_duration", "nb_words"] if field not in fields: raise InvalidFieldException(field, possibleFields=fields) if field == "host": self.modHost(game, value) elif field == "nb_words": self.modWords(game, value) else: self.modDuration(game, field, value)
def vote(self, game_id: str, user_id: str, participation_id: str): if not game_id.isdigit(): raise BadTypeArgumentException(arg=game_id, requiredType=int) game = GameDO(id=int(game_id)).load() user = UserDO(id=int(user_id)).load() if game.phase != 2: raise Exception("Cette partie n'est pas en phase de vote !") if int(participation_id) > len(game.artworks): raise Exception( f"L'ID de participation n'est pas bon (max: {len(game.artworks)})" ) participation = game.artworks[int(participation_id) - 1] if participation.user_id == user_id: raise Exception("Tu ne peux pas voter pour toi même !") if user.votedFor(game_id): raise Exception("Tu as déjà voté pour cette partie !") game.addVote(int(user_id),
def getGameDuration(self, game_id: int): """Returns the duration of a game Args: game_id (int): The id of the game to get the duration of Returns: int: the duration of the game in seconds """ game = GameDO(id=game_id).load() return game.duration
def startGame(self, game_id: str): """Start the game with the given ID Args: game_id (int): the ID of the game to start Returns: int: the end date of the started game """ if not game_id.isdigit(): raise BadTypeArgumentException(arg=game_id, requiredType=int) game = GameDO(id=game_id).load() if game.phase > 0: # The game has started raise Exception("Cette partie a déjà démarré !") words = Word.getInstance().getRandomWords(game.nb_words) game.start(words=words) return game.end_date
async def showParticipations(self, game_id: str, vote: bool = True): game = GameDO(id=game_id).load() if vote: channel = Bot.getInstance().getChannel("votes") else: channel = Bot.getInstance().getChannel("participations") for index, artwork in enumerate(game.artworks): if game.phase != 3 or artwork.user_id != await channel.send(embed=await artwork.asEmbed( game_id=game_id, index=index + 1, revealAuthor=not vote))
async def advertiseEnd(self, game_id: int, phase: int = 1): game = GameDO(id=game_id).load() channel = Bot.getInstance().getChannel("bot") vote_channel = Bot.getInstance().getChannel("votes") if phase == 1: await channel.send( f"Fin de la partie #{} ! Place aux votes dans le channel {vote_channel.mention}" ) if phase == 2: winner_channel = Bot.getInstance().getChannel("gallery") await channel.send( f"Fin des votes de la partie #{} ! Le vainqueur est {game.winner}" ) for index, artwork in enumerate(game.artworks): if artwork.user_id == await winner_channel.send(embed=await artwork.asEmbed( game_id=game_id, index="gagnante", revealAuthor=True))
def gameEmbed(self, game_id: str): if not game_id.isdigit(): raise BadTypeArgumentException(arg=game_id, requiredType=int) game = GameDO(id=int(game_id)).load() embed = Embed(title=f"Partie #{game_id} ({game.phase_display})", color=game.color) embed.add_field(name="#Paramètres", value=game.parameters, inline=True) if game.phase > 0: embed.add_field(name="#Mots choisits", value=game.words_display, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="#Date de début", value=game.start_date_display, inline=True) if game.phase == 1: embed.add_field(name="#Temps de jeu restant", value=game.time_left, inline=True) elif game.phase == 2: embed.add_field(name="#Temps de vote restant", value=game.time_left, inline=True) else: embed.add_field(name="#Date de fin", value=game.end_date_display, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="#Participations", value=game.participations_display, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="#Partipants", value=game.participants_display, inline=False) return embed
def createGame(self, parameters: list, user_id): """Adds a new game row in the database with the given duration and returns the id of this game Args: duration (int): The duration of the game to add Returns: int: the id of the added game """ if len(parameters) == 0: game = GameDO() else: game_duration = parameters[0] if not game_duration.isdigit(): raise BadTypeArgumentException(arg=game_duration, requiredType=int) game = GameDO(game_duration=game_duration) user = UserDO(id=user_id).load() game.addOrRemoveUser(user, add=True) game.setHost(user) return