def unapproveall_btn(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
    query = update.callback_query
    chat = update.effective_chat
    message = update.effective_message
    member = chat.get_member(query.from_user.id)
    if query.data == "unapproveall_user":
        if member.status == "creator" or query.from_user.id in DRAGONS:
            approved_users = sql.list_approved(chat.id)
            users = [int(i.user_id) for i in approved_users]
            for user_id in users:
                sql.disapprove(chat.id, user_id)

        if member.status == "administrator":
            query.answer("Only owner of the chat can do this.")

        if member.status == "member":
            query.answer("You need to be admin to do this.")
    elif query.data == "unapproveall_cancel":
        if member.status == "creator" or query.from_user.id in DRAGONS:
                "Removing of all approved users has been cancelled.")
            return ""
        if member.status == "administrator":
            query.answer("Only owner of the chat can do this.")
        if member.status == "member":
            query.answer("You need to be admin to do this.")
def approved(update, context):
    message = update.effective_message
    chat_title = message.chat.title
    chat = update.effective_chat
    msg = "The following users are approved.\n"
    approved_users = sql.list_approved(message.chat_id)
    for i in approved_users:
        member = chat.get_member(int(i.user_id))
        msg += f"- `{i.user_id}`: {member.user['first_name']}\n"
    if msg.endswith("approved.\n"):
        message.reply_text(f"No users are approved in {chat_title}.")
        return ""
        message.reply_text(msg, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN)