    def share_narrative_global(self, ctx, params):
        :param params: instance of type "ShareNarrativeGlobalParams" ->
           structure: parameter "wsi" of type "WorkspaceIdentity" ->
           structure: parameter "workspace" of type "ws_name", parameter "id"
           of type "ws_id" (from workspace_deluxe Note too that naming
           conventions for parameters using these types (may) also use the
           workspace_deluxe conventions. workspace)
        :returns: instance of type "Error" -> structure: parameter "message"
           of String, parameter "type" of String, parameter "code" of String,
           parameter "info" of unspecified object
        # ctx is the context object
        # return variables are: error
        #BEGIN share_narrative_global
        if 'wsi' not in params:
            raise ValueError('"wsi" field, identifying the narrative workspace, ' +
                             'is required but was not provided')

        wsi = WorkspaceIdentity(id=params['wsi'].get('id'))

        model = Model(

        #END share_narrative_global

        # At some point might do deeper type checking...
        if not isinstance(error, dict):
            raise ValueError('Method share_narrative_global return value ' +
                             'error is not type dict as required.')
        # return the results
        return [error]
    def create_narrative(self, ctx, param):
        :param param: instance of type "CreateNarrativeParam" (Create
           Narrative) -> structure: parameter "title" of String, parameter
           "name" of type "ws_name"
        :returns: multiple set - (1) parameter "result" of type
           "CreateNarrativeResult" -> structure: parameter "narrative" of
           type "Narrative" -> structure: parameter "objectId" of type
           "obj_id", parameter "objectVersion" of type "obj_ver", parameter
           "owner" of String, parameter "permission" of String, parameter
           "isPublic" of type "boolean" (@range [0,1]), parameter
           "isNarratorial" of type "boolean" (@range [0,1]), parameter
           "title" of String, parameter "savedTime" of Long, parameter
           "savedBy" of String, parameter "permissions" of list of type
           "UserPermission" -> structure: parameter "username" of type
           "Username", parameter "permission" of type "permission"
           (Represents the permissions a user or users have to a workspace:
           'a' - administrator. All operations allowed. 'w' - read/write. 'r'
           - read. 'n' - no permissions.), parameter "cellTypes" of list of
           type "NarrativeCellStat" (typedef UnspecifiedObject
           NarrativePermission;) -> unspecified object, parameter "apps" of
           list of type "NarrativeApp" -> structure: parameter "id" of
           String, parameter "count" of Long, (2) parameter "error" of type
           "Error" -> structure: parameter "message" of String, parameter
           "type" of String, parameter "code" of String, parameter "info" of
           unspecified object
        # ctx is the context object
        # return variables are: result, error
        #BEGIN create_narrative
        param, err = Validation.validate_create_narrative(ctx, param)
        if err:
            return None, err

        model = Model(

        # obji = ObjectIdentity(workspace_id=params['obji'].get('workspace_id'),
        #                       object_id=params['obji'].get('object_id'))

        result, err2 = model.create_narrative(name=param['name'], title=param['title'])
        return [{
            'narrative': result
        }, err2]
        #END create_narrative

        # At some point might do deeper type checking...
        if not isinstance(result, dict):
            raise ValueError('Method create_narrative return value ' +
                             'result is not type dict as required.')
        if not isinstance(error, dict):
            raise ValueError('Method create_narrative return value ' +
                             'error is not type dict as required.')
        # return the results
        return [result, error]
    def unshare_narrative(self, ctx, params):
        :param params: instance of type "UnshareNarrativeParams" ->
           structure: parameter "wsi" of type "WorkspaceIdentity" ->
           structure: parameter "workspace" of type "ws_name", parameter "id"
           of type "ws_id" (from workspace_deluxe Note too that naming
           conventions for parameters using these types (may) also use the
           workspace_deluxe conventions. workspace), parameter "users" of
           list of type "Username"
        :returns: instance of type "Error" -> structure: parameter "message"
           of String, parameter "type" of String, parameter "code" of String,
           parameter "info" of unspecified object
        # ctx is the context object
        # return variables are: error
        #BEGIN unshare_narrative
        params, err = Validation.validate_unshare_narrative(ctx, params)
        if err:
            return [err]

        wsi = WorkspaceIdentity(id=params['wsi'].get('id'))
        users = params['users']

        # if 'timestamp' not in params:
        #     raise ValueError('"timestamp" field, the laste modified timestamp for '+
        #                      'the narrative, is required but was not provided')

        model = Model(

        model.unshare_narrative(wsi=wsi, users=users)
        return [None]
        #END unshare_narrative

        # At some point might do deeper type checking...
        if not isinstance(error, dict):
            raise ValueError('Method unshare_narrative return value ' +
                             'error is not type dict as required.')
        # return the results
        return [error]
    def share_narrative(self, ctx, params):
        :param params: instance of type "ShareNarrativeParams" (Share
           Narrative) -> structure: parameter "wsi" of type
           "WorkspaceIdentity" -> structure: parameter "workspace" of type
           "ws_name", parameter "id" of type "ws_id" (from workspace_deluxe
           Note too that naming conventions for parameters using these types
           (may) also use the workspace_deluxe conventions. workspace),
           parameter "users" of list of type "Username", parameter
           "permission" of type "permission" (Represents the permissions a
           user or users have to a workspace: 'a' - administrator. All
           operations allowed. 'w' - read/write. 'r' - read. 'n' - no
        :returns: instance of type "Error" -> structure: parameter "message"
           of String, parameter "type" of String, parameter "code" of String,
           parameter "info" of unspecified object
        # ctx is the context object
        # return variables are: error
        #BEGIN share_narrative
        params, err = Validation.validate_share_narrative(ctx, params)
        if err:
            return [err]

        wsi = WorkspaceIdentity(id=params['wsi'].get('id'))

        model = Model(

        model.share_narrative(wsi=wsi, users=params['users'], permission=params['permission'])
        return [None]
        #END share_narrative

        # At some point might do deeper type checking...
        if not isinstance(error, dict):
            raise ValueError('Method share_narrative return value ' +
                             'error is not type dict as required.')
        # return the results
        return [error]
    def delete_narrative(self, ctx, params):
        :param params: instance of type "DeleteNarrativeParams" (Delete
           Narrative) -> structure: parameter "obji" of type "ObjectIdentity"
           -> structure: parameter "workspace_id" of type "ws_id" (from
           workspace_deluxe Note too that naming conventions for parameters
           using these types (may) also use the workspace_deluxe conventions.
           workspace), parameter "object_id" of type "obj_id", parameter
           "version" of type "obj_ver"
        :returns: instance of type "Error" -> structure: parameter "message"
           of String, parameter "type" of String, parameter "code" of String,
           parameter "info" of unspecified object
        # ctx is the context object
        # return variables are: error
        #BEGIN delete_narrative
        params, err = Validation.validate_delete_narrative(ctx, params)
        if err:
            return None, err

        # if 'obji' not in params:
        #     raise ValueError('"wsi" field, identifying the narrative workspace, required')

        model = Model(

        obji = ObjectIdentity(workspace_id=params['obji'].get('workspace_id'),


        return [None]
        #END delete_narrative

        # At some point might do deeper type checking...
        if not isinstance(error, dict):
            raise ValueError('Method delete_narrative return value ' +
                             'error is not type dict as required.')
        # return the results
        return [error]
    def unshare_narrative_global(self, ctx, params):
        :param params: instance of type "UnshareNarrativeGlobalParams" ->
           structure: parameter "wsi" of type "WorkspaceIdentity" ->
           structure: parameter "workspace" of type "ws_name", parameter "id"
           of type "ws_id" (from workspace_deluxe Note too that naming
           conventions for parameters using these types (may) also use the
           workspace_deluxe conventions. workspace)
        :returns: instance of type "Error" -> structure: parameter "message"
           of String, parameter "type" of String, parameter "code" of String,
           parameter "info" of unspecified object
        # ctx is the context object
        # return variables are: error
        #BEGIN unshare_narrative_global
        params, error = Validation.validate_unshare_narrative_global(ctx, params)
        if error:
            return [error]

        wsi = WorkspaceIdentity(id=params['wsi'].get('id'))
        model = Model(

        return [None]
        #END unshare_narrative_global

        # At some point might do deeper type checking...
        if not isinstance(error, dict):
            raise ValueError('Method unshare_narrative_global return value ' +
                             'error is not type dict as required.')
        # return the results
        return [error]
    def list_all_narratives(self, ctx, params):
        :param params: instance of type "ListAllNarrativesParams" ->
           structure: parameter "just_modified_after" of type "timestamp" (A
           time in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ, where Z is either the
           character Z (representing the UTC timezone) or the difference in
           time to UTC in the format +/-HHMM, eg: 2012-12-17T23:24:06-0500
           (EST time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32+0000 (UTC time)
           2013-04-03T08:56:32Z (UTC time))
        :returns: multiple set - (1) parameter "result" of type
           "ListAllNarrativesResult" (typedef structure { workspace_info
           workspace; object_info object; list<UserPermission> permissions; }
           NarrativeX;) -> structure: parameter "narratives" of list of type
           "Narrative" -> structure: parameter "objectId" of type "obj_id",
           parameter "objectVersion" of type "obj_ver", parameter "owner" of
           String, parameter "permission" of String, parameter "isPublic" of
           type "boolean" (@range [0,1]), parameter "isNarratorial" of type
           "boolean" (@range [0,1]), parameter "title" of String, parameter
           "savedTime" of Long, parameter "savedBy" of String, parameter
           "permissions" of list of type "UserPermission" -> structure:
           parameter "username" of type "Username", parameter "permission" of
           type "permission" (Represents the permissions a user or users have
           to a workspace: 'a' - administrator. All operations allowed. 'w' -
           read/write. 'r' - read. 'n' - no permissions.), parameter
           "cellTypes" of list of type "NarrativeCellStat" (typedef
           UnspecifiedObject NarrativePermission;) -> unspecified object,
           parameter "apps" of list of type "NarrativeApp" -> structure:
           parameter "id" of String, parameter "count" of Long, parameter
           "profiles" of mapping from type "Username" to type "UserProfile"
           (LIST ALL NARRATIVES) -> unspecified object, parameter "apps" of
           mapping from type "AppID" (Just the subset of info that the front
           end will use) to type "App" -> structure: parameter "id" of type
           "AppID" (Just the subset of info that the front end will use),
           parameter "notFound" of type "boolean" (@range [0,1]), parameter
           "title" of String, parameter "subtitle" of String, parameter
           "iconURL" of String, (2) parameter "error" of type "Error" ->
           structure: parameter "message" of String, parameter "type" of
           String, parameter "code" of String, parameter "info" of
           unspecified object, (3) parameter "stats" of type "RunStats" ->
           structure: parameter "timings" of list of tuple of size 2: String,
        # ctx is the context object
        # return variables are: result, error, stats
        #BEGIN list_all_narratives
        params, err = Validation.validate_list_all_narratives(ctx, params)
        if err:
            return None, err, None

        start = time()

        # The narrative model implements the interface to the services and any caching
        # mechanisms. Here we just need to pass it whatever it needs from here...
        #  model = self.make_model(token=ctx['token'])
        model = Model(

        # ws = Workspace(self.workspaceURL, token=ctx["token"])

        # # NB use the module name as the key for the clients.
        # clients = {
        #     'Workspace': ws
        # }
        result, timings = model.list_all_narratives()
        end = time()
        timings.append(['total', end - start])
        stats = {
            'timings': timings
        return [result, None, stats]
        #END list_all_narratives

        # At some point might do deeper type checking...
        if not isinstance(result, dict):
            raise ValueError('Method list_all_narratives return value ' +
                             'result is not type dict as required.')
        if not isinstance(error, dict):
            raise ValueError('Method list_all_narratives return value ' +
                             'error is not type dict as required.')
        if not isinstance(stats, dict):
            raise ValueError('Method list_all_narratives return value ' +
                             'stats is not type dict as required.')
        # return the results
        return [result, error, stats]