def run(self): connection = DataBase().connection() cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(DataBase().trunk_ticket_info) connection.commit() cursor.execute(DataBase().ssidcountquery) count = cursor.fetchall() count = count[0][0] print "data==", count limit = 1 start = 0 stop = 100 loopCount = 100 try: limit = count / loopCount except: limit = 15 pass print "no of threads==", limit + 1 for i in range(0, limit + 1): t = threading.Thread(target=self.bms_ssid_count, args=("thread_name_" + str(i), start, stop)) t.start() start = start + 100 stop = 100 try: connection.close() print "Initial Connection Closed" except: print "Initial connection Not closed"
def run(self): connection = DataBase().connection() cursor = connection.cursor() # cursor.execute("truncate moviesfyi_stage.bk_movies") connection.commit() cursor.execute(DataBase().showtimesCountQuery) count = cursor.fetchall() count = count[0][0] print "data==", count limit = 1 start = 1 stop = 300 loopCount = 300 try: limit = count / loopCount except: limit = 15 pass print "no of threads==", limit + 1 for i in range(0, limit + 1): t = threading.Thread(target=self.bms_movie_count, args=("thread_name_" + str(i), start, stop)) t.start() start = stop + 1 stop = start + loopCount - 1 try: connection.close() print "Initial Connection Closed" except: print "Initial connection Not closed"
def run(self): connection = DataBase().connection() cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute("truncate collections.bms_showtimes") connection.commit() print DataBase().showtimesCountQuery cursor.execute(DataBase().showtimesCountQuery) count = cursor.fetchall() count = count[0][0] limit = 1 start = 1 stop = 2000 loopCount = 2000 try: limit = count / loopCount except: limit = 15 pass for i in range(0, limit + 1): t = threading.Thread(target=self.bms_showtime_count, args=("thread_name_" + str(i), start, stop)) t.start() start = stop + 1 stop = start + loopCount - 1 try: connection.close() print "Initial Connection Closed" except: print "Initial connection Not closed"
def ticketsinfo(self, starts, stops): connection = DataBase().connection() cursor = connection.cursor() date = date = str(date) date = date.replace("-", "") query = "" # print date seats_ssid = "SELECT theater_code ,showdate,showtime,sessionid FROM collections.bms_showtimes where showdate =CURDATE() AND STR_TO_DATE(showtime,'%l:%i %p') BETWEEN SUBTIME(ADDTIME(current_time(),'5:30:00.00'),5900) AND ADDTIME(ADDTIME(current_time(),'5:30:00.00'),5900) group by sessionid limit " + str( starts) + " , " + str(stops) print seats_ssid cursor.execute(seats_ssid) results = cursor.fetchall() # print "length======================================================================================",len(results) for j in results: print j[0] url = "" + j[ 0] + "&ssid=" + str(j[3]) print url r = requests.get(url) data = r.text val = "" myjson = json.loads(data.replace("arrShowInfo=", "")[:-1]) # print "length==",len(myjson) for mjson in range(len(myjson)): try: tid = myjson[mjson][0] ssid = myjson[mjson][1] tc_class = myjson[mjson][2] t_class = myjson[mjson][3] price = myjson[mjson][4] screen_name = myjson[mjson][33] m = myjson[mjson].index(date) l = myjson[mjson][m:] totalseats = l[2] availableseats = l[3] val = val + "('" + tid + "','" + screen_name + "'," + "'" + ssid + "'," + "'" + tc_class + "'," + "'" + t_class + "'," + "'" + price + "'," + "'" + totalseats + "'," + "'" + availableseats + "')," except: "DNA" val = val[:-1] query = DataBase().seats_info + val # print query try: cursor.execute(query) connection.commit() if cursor.lastrowid: print('last insert id', cursor.lastrowid) else: print('last insert id not found') connection.commit() except: print query
def getBmsShowTimes(self, starts, stops): connection = DataBase().connection() cursor = connection.cursor() sql = "SELECT id,theater_url from collections.bms_theaters where theater_url is not null and id between " + str( starts) + " and " + str(stops) cursor.execute(sql) results = cursor.fetchall() date = date = str(date) date = date.replace("-", "") movies_ins = "" count = 0 for j in results: testurl = j[1] url = j[1] da = "" url = da + url r = requests.get(url) data = r.text soup = BeautifulSoup(data) query = "" list = "" for list in soup.find_all('a', href="javascript:;"): try: list = list['onclick'] if ("blnVistaCine" in list): list = list list = list.split("callSeatLayout(") teatinfo = list[1].split(")") teatinfo = teatinfo[0].split(",") theater_code = teatinfo[0] sessionid = teatinfo[1] movie_code = teatinfo[2] showtime = teatinfo[3] date = date query = query + "(" + movie_code + ",''," + theater_code + ",''," + "'y','" + date + "'," + showtime + "," + "'y'," + sessionid + ")," except: "" query = query[:-1] insquery = DataBase().show_time_ssid + query try: cursor.execute(insquery) connection.commit() except: "" connection.close()
def bms_showtime_count(self, thread_name, starts, stops): connection = DataBase().connection() cursor = connection.cursor() BmsShowTimes().getBmsShowTimes(starts, stops)
''' Created on 16-Jun-2017 @author: H-7 ''' from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import re import requests import string import json import mysql.connector from Database import DataBase from mysql.connector import MySQLConnection, Error connection = DataBase().connection() cursor = connection.cursor() query = 'SELECT distinct(city) FROM moviesfyi_stage.bk_theaters where theater_url is null;' cursor.execute(query) results = cursor.fetchall() city = "" k = 1 for j in results: if (" " in j[0]): city = j[0].replace(" ", "-") print city print "++++++++++++" if ("(" in city): city = city.replace("(", "") city = city.replace(")", "") else: city = j[0].replace(" ", "-") else:
def getmovie(self, starts, stops): sql = "SELECT id,city,theater_url,state from moviesfyi_stage.bk_theaters_final where theater_url is not null and id between " + str( starts) + " and " + str(stops) try: connection = DataBase().connection() cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(sql) results = cursor.fetchall() for i in results: city = i[1] # city="bengaluru" theater_url = i[2] state = i[3] url = "" + theater_url # print url r = requests.get(url) data = r.text soup = BeautifulSoup(data, "lxml") for j in soup.find_all("ul", id="showEvents"): try: movies_ins = "" for k in j.find_all("div", class_="listing-info"): # print k # print "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" lang = k.find("div", class_="eventInfo") url = k.find("a") languag = lang.text mov_url = url["href"] movie_url = mov_url ''' BMS Movies Page ''' qwe = requests.get("" + movie_url) asdfg = qwe.text moviecook = BeautifulSoup(asdfg, "lxml") relda = moviecook.find( "span", class_="__release-date").text relda = relda.replace(",", "") relda = relda.replace(" ", "-") asd = relda.split("-") releasedate = datetime.datetime.strptime( relda, '%d-%b-%Y').strftime('%Y-%m-%d') gene = "" for bgen in moviecook.find_all("span", itemprop="genre"): gene = gene + bgen.text + "|" genere = "|" + gene censo = moviecook.find("span", class_="__censor") senso = censo.find("use") # print senso # print "----------------------------" sensor = senso["xlink:href"] movie_censor = sensor[sensor.rindex("-") + 1:] movie_censor = movie_censor.upper() mv_pstr = moviecook.find("div", class_="poster wow") mov_posr = mv_pstr.find("meta") movie_poster = mov_posr["content"] movie_banner = movie_poster.replace( "poster", "banner") # print movie_banner movie_tari = moviecook.find( "div", class_="banner-main synopsis-banner") movie_trailer_code = movie_tari[ "data-trailer-code"] # print movie_trailer_code movie_trailer = "" + movie_trailer_code movie_description = moviecook.find( "meta", itemprop="description") movie_description = movie_description["content"] movie_description = specialCharacterConverter.decode_unicode_references( movie_description) movie_description = movie_description.replace( "'", "") # print movie_description ''' Back to Theatres ''' dimes = "" movie_code = movie_url[movie_url.rindex("/") + 1:] mov_url = mov_url.replace("/movies/", "") mov_url = mov_url.replace("/" + movie_code, "") mov = url.text.strip() deumlan = "" movie_dim = "2D" rm_lan = "- " + languag if rm_lan in mov: movi = mov.replace(rm_lan, "") if "(" in movi: deumlan = movi[movi.rindex("(") + 1:] dimes = deumlan if " " in dimes: movie_dim = dimes.split(" ") movie_dim = movie_dim[0] else: movie_dim = "2D" movi = movi.split("(") movi = movi[0] deumlan = deumlan.replace(")", "").strip() deumlan = deumlan.replace(" ", "-") deumlan = deumlan.lower() if deumlan in mov_url: mov_url = mov_url.replace( "-" + deumlan, "") else: mov_url = mov_url else: movi = movi # print languag # print mov_url # print movi # print movie_code # print releasedate # print movie_dim movie_flag = city + movie_code movies_ins = movies_ins + "('" + state + "','" + city + "','" + movi + "','" + genere + "','" + movie_censor + "','" + movie_banner + "', '', '" + movie_poster + "', '" + languag + "', '" + movie_dim + "', '" + releasedate + "', '" + movie_description + "', '" + movie_trailer + "', '', '','" + movie_code + "', '" + mov_url + "','" + movie_flag + "')," # print "--------------------" movies_ins = movies_ins[:-1] # print movies_ins insmovieinfo = "INSERT ignore INTO moviesfyi_stage.bk_movies (state, city, title, genre, censor, desktop_banner, mobile_banner, poster, language, dimension, release_date, description, trailer_url, rating, votes, movie_code, movie_url, book_groupcode) values " + movies_ins # print insmovieinfo try: cursor.execute(insmovieinfo) connection.commit() except: print sys.exc_info() # print testurl print insmovieinfo except: "" except: ""