def download_and_insert_data_by_all_apis_by_year(year,fh): def dict_to_insert(d, cursor): if d['prod']: d['prod'] = d['prod'].replace(',','') if d['produced']: d['produced'] = d['produced'].replace(',','') table_names = ', '.join(list(d.keys())) values = ', '.join(['%s' for i in list(d.values())]) qry = "INSERT INTO monthly_well_production_" + str(year) +" (" + table_names + ") VALUES (%s) " % values qry += 'ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;' cursor.execute(qry, list(d.values())) with get_connection() as connection1: with get_connection() as connection2: cursor1 = connection1.cursor() cursor2 = connection2.cursor() get_wells_query = """SELECT api_county_code, api_seq_num, sidetrack_num FROM wells_apis WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT api_county_code, api_seq_num, sidetrack_num FROM checked_api_%s WHERE wells_apis.api_county_code=checked_api_%s.api_county_code AND wells_apis.api_seq_num=checked_api_%s.api_seq_num AND wells_apis.sidetrack_num=checked_api_%s.sidetrack_num);""" cursor1.execute(get_wells_query % (year,year,year,year)) for row in cursor1: data = download_data_by_well_one_year(row[0], row[1], row[2], year) for d in data: d['year'] = year d['api_county_code'] = row[0] d['api_seq_num'] = row[1] d['m_y'] = str(d['year']) + '-' + str(strptime(d['month'],'%b').tm_mon) + '-' + '1' d['sidetrack_num'] = row[2] dict_to_insert(d, cursor2) connection2.commit() fh.write(row[0]+row[1]+row[2]+':') fh.flush()"Inserting -- success")
def check_and_create_table_if_not_exist(): with get_connection() as connection: cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute("""SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'public' AND table_name = 'monthly_well_production_%s' );""" % table_exists = True for row in cursor: table_exists = row[0] break if not table_exists: year = create_table_query = """CREATE TABLE monthly_well_production_%s (CHECK (year = %s), PRIMARY KEY(year,api_county_code,api_seq_num,sidetrack_num,month,formation)) INHERITS (monthly_well_production);""" % (year,year) cursor.execute(create_table_query) connection.commit() query = """CREATE INDEX monthly_well_production_%s_index ON monthly_well_production_%s (year); CREATE RULE monthly_well_production_%s AS ON INSERT TO monthly_well_production WHERE ( year = %s ) DO INSTEAD INSERT INTO monthly_well_production_%s VALUES (NEW.*);""" % (year,year,year,year,year) cursor.execute(query) connection.commit()"Creating table -- success")
def clear_last_year_table(): with get_connection() as connection: cursor = connection.cursor() query = "TRUNCATE monthly_well_production_%s CASCADE;" % cursor.execute(query) connection.commit()"Clearing last year table -- success")
def move_data_to_wells_apis(): with get_connection() as connection: cursor = connection.cursor() query = """INSERT INTO wells_apis (api_county_code, api_seq_num, sidetrack_num, facility_name,facility_num, operator_name, operator_num, field_code, field_name, api_num, location, first_prod_date) SELECT api_county_code, api_seq_num, sidetrack_num, facility_name,facility_num, name, operator_num, field_code, field_name, api_num, (qtrqtr || ' ' || sec || ' ' || twp || ' ' || range || ' ' || meridian) as location, first_prod_date FROM well_completions GROUP BY api_county_code, api_seq_num, sidetrack_num, facility_name,facility_num, name, operator_num, field_code, field_name, api_num, qtrqtr, sec, twp, range, meridian, first_prod_date ON CONFLICT (api_county_code, api_seq_num, sidetrack_num) DO NOTHING;""" cursor.execute(query) connection.commit()"Move new data to wells apis -- success")
def create_tables(): connection = get_connection() try: cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(create_production_reports_table_query) connection.commit() print("**** Table 'Production reports' created successfully.") cursor.execute(create_well_completions_table_query) connection.commit() print("**** Table 'Well completions' created successfully.") finally: connection.close()
def check_necessary_tables_and_create_if_not_exists(year): with get_connection() as connection: cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute("""SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'public' AND table_name = 'checked_api_%s');""" % year) table_exists = True for row in cursor: table_exists = row[0] break if not table_exists: cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE checked_api_%s(api_county_code varchar(3), api_seq_num varchar(5),sidetrack_num varchar(2));""" % year) connection.commit()
def insert_to_database(path_to_csv, query, year, id='reports', cron=False):"Inserting into database began") inserted_rows_counter = 0 try: with open(path_to_csv, newline='') as csvfile: with get_connection() as connection: cursor = connection.cursor() if cron: if id == 'reports': delete_query = """DELETE FROM {0} WHERE year='{1}';""".format(tables_names[1], year) cursor.execute(delete_query)"Removed records in " + tables_names[1] + ", year: " + str(year)) if id == 'wells': delete_query = """DELETE FROM {0} WHERE year='{1}';""".format(tables_names[0], year) cursor.execute(delete_query)"Removed records in " + tables_names[0] + ", year: " + str(year)) reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') counter = 0 for row in reader: if counter != 0: data = [year] for value in row: value = value.strip() if value != "" else None data.append(value) if id == 'reports' and len(data) < 34: data.append(None) if id == 'wells' and len(data) < 41: data[29:29] = [None, None, None, None] data += [None] data = [value if not isinstance(value, str) else re.sub("\s\s+", " ", value) for value in data] # twp to upper case if data[17]: data[17] = data[17].upper() # range to upper case if data[18]: data[18] = data[18].upper() cursor.execute(query, data) inserted_rows_counter += 1 counter += 1 connection.commit() finally: os.remove(path_to_csv)"Inserting into database ended, inserted rows count: " + str(inserted_rows_counter))