def between(table, frame, column_name, start_value, end_value, type, filepath=None): global conditions database_connection = DatabaseConnection(table) conditions.append( database_connection.between(column_name, start_value, end_value)) database_connection.close_connection() for widget in frame.winfo_children(): widget.destroy() main_label = tk.Label( frame, text='Would you like to include more conditions?', font=myFont).grid(row=5, columnspan=2) yes_btn = tk.Button(frame, text='Yes', font=myFont, command=lambda: condition_creator( table, frame, type, filepath)).grid(row=6, column=0, pady=10) if type == 'drop_rows': no_btn = tk.Button( frame, text='No', font=myFont, command=lambda: drop_rows(table, conditions)).grid(row=6, column=1, pady=10) elif type == 'query': no_btn = tk.Button( frame, text='No', font=myFont, command=lambda: limit_creator(table, frame, conditions)).grid( row=6, column=1, pady=10) elif type == 'update_rows': no_btn = tk.Button( frame, text='No', font=myFont, command=lambda: update_rows(table, conditions, filepath)).grid( row=6, column=1, pady=10)
def query_data(table, frame, conditions=None, limit=None, order=None): # Converts the limit to an integer if it has been specified if limit is not None: limit_int = int(limit) else: limit_int = None database_connection = DatabaseConnection(table) # Obtains query result as a DataFrame df = database_connection.query(conditions, order, limit_int) database_connection.close_connection() for widget in root.winfo_children(): widget.destroy() root.pack_propagate(False) root.resizable(0, 0) data_frame = tk.LabelFrame(root, text="Results", font=myFont), width=450) data_treeview = ttk.Treeview(data_frame), relwidth=1) treescrolly = tk.Scrollbar(data_frame, orient="vertical", command=data_treeview.yview) treescrollx = tk.Scrollbar(data_frame, orient="horizontal", command=data_treeview.xview) data_treeview.configure(xscrollcommand=treescrollx.set, yscrollcommand=treescrolly.set) treescrollx.pack(side="bottom", fill="x") treescrolly.pack(side="right", fill="y") data_treeview["column"] = list(df.columns) data_treeview["show"] = "headings" for column in data_treeview["columns"]: # let the column heading = column name data_treeview.heading(column, text=column) # turns the dataframe into a list of lists df_rows = df.to_numpy().tolist() # Displays the data in a TreeView: similar to a table for row in df_rows: data_treeview.insert("", "end", values=row)
def equals(table, frame, column_name, values_str, type, filepath=None): # Allows for any changes to conditions in this function to be registered globally global conditions # Allows for multiple values to be inputted for equivalence values = [item for item in values_str.replace(',', ' ').split()] database_connection = DatabaseConnection(table) conditions.append(database_connection.equal(column_name, values)) database_connection.close_connection() for widget in frame.winfo_children(): widget.destroy() main_label = tk.Label( frame, text='Would you like to include more conditions?', font=myFont).grid(row=5, columnspan=2) yes_btn = tk.Button(frame, text='Yes', font=myFont, command=lambda: condition_creator( table, frame, type, filepath)).grid(row=6, column=0, pady=10) if type == 'drop_rows': no_btn = tk.Button( frame, text='No', font=myFont, command=lambda: drop_rows(table, conditions)).grid(row=6, column=1, pady=10) elif type == 'query': no_btn = tk.Button( frame, text='No', font=myFont, command=lambda: limit_creator(table, frame, conditions)).grid( row=6, column=1, pady=10) elif type == 'update_rows': no_btn = tk.Button( frame, text='No', font=myFont, command=lambda: update_rows(table, conditions, filepath)).grid( row=6, column=1, pady=10)
def delete_columns(table, drop_columns_str): drop_columns = [ item for item in drop_columns_str.replace(',', ' ').split() ] database_connection = DatabaseConnection(table) database_connection.drop_columns(drop_columns) database_connection.close_connection()
def insert_data(table, filepath): data = pd.read_csv(filepath) data = data.copy() columns = [column for column in data.columns] database_connection = DatabaseConnection(table) database_connection.insert_rows(columns, data) database_connection.close_connection()
def create_table(table, filepath, id_included, create_and_insert): # Reads in DataFrame using pandas data = pd.read_csv(filepath) data = data.copy() # Stores each column name in a list columns = [column for column in data.columns] database_connection = DatabaseConnection(table) database_connection.create_table(columns, data, id_included) # If the user wishes to insert data as well, the program is able to carry both these out if (create_and_insert): database_connection.insert_rows(columns, data) database_connection.close_connection()
def add_columns(table, column_names_str, column_dtypes_str): # Converts the string variable to a list with each column name an element new_columns = [item for item in column_names_str.replace(',', ' ').split()] new_dtypes = [item for item in column_dtypes_str.replace(',', ' ').split()] database_connection = DatabaseConnection(table) database_connection.add_columns(new_columns, new_dtypes) database_connection.close_connection()
def update_rows(table, conditions, filepath): print(filepath) new_data = pd.read_csv(filepath) new_data = new_data.copy() columns = [column for column in new_data.columns] database_connection = DatabaseConnection(table) database_connection.update_rows(columns, new_data, conditions) database_connection.close_connection()
def rename_columns(table, old_column_names_str, new_column_names_str): old_column_names = [ item for item in old_column_names_str.replace(',', ' ').split() ] new_column_names = [ item for item in new_column_names_str.replace(',', ' ').split() ] database_connection = DatabaseConnection(table) database_connection.rename_columns(old_column_names, new_column_names) database_connection.close_connection()
def create_order_by_statement(table, frame, column_name, direction, conditions=None, limit=None): database_connection = DatabaseConnection(table) if direction == 'Ascending': order = database_connection.asc(column_name) elif direction == 'Descending': order = database_connection.desc(column_name) database_connection.close_connection() query_data(table, frame, conditions, limit, order)
def run(): introduction() # Initiates continuous loop while True: table = input( 'Please input the name of the table you would like to use: ') # Instantiates DatabaseConnection object database_connection = DatabaseConnection(table) time.sleep(1) options = ' a --> Alter existing table \n ' \ 'c --> Create new table \n d --> Delete stuff \n i --> Insert rows \n ' \ 'q --> Query data \n s --> Save the table as a CSV \n u --> Update rows \n' print(options) user_choice = input( 'Please select one of the above options for what you would like to do: ' ) user_choice = user_choice.lower() if user_choice == 'a': alter_options = ' a --> Add new columns \n rc --> Rename columns \n rt --> Rename whole table \n' print(alter_options) alter_choice = input( 'Choose which of these processes you would like to use: ') if alter_choice == 'a': new_columns_str = input( 'Pass a list of new column names to add: ') # Converts the string variable to a list with each column name an element new_columns = [ item for item in new_columns_str.replace(',', ' ').split() ] new_dtypes_str = input( 'Pass a list of the pythonic data type for each new column: ' ) new_dtypes = [ item for item in new_dtypes_str.replace(',', ' ').split() ] database_connection.add_columns(new_columns, new_dtypes) elif alter_choice == 'rc': old_column_names_str = input( 'Pass a list of old column names to change: ') old_column_names = [ item for item in old_column_names_str.replace(',', ' ').split() ] new_column_names_str = input( 'Pass a list of new column names to be changed to: ') new_column_names = [ item for item in new_column_names_str.replace(',', ' ').split() ] database_connection.rename_columns(old_column_names, new_column_names) elif alter_choice == 'rt': new_table_name = input( 'What would you like to rename the table to: ') database_connection.rename_table(new_table_name) else: print( f'Sorry, {alter_choice} was not one of the options, halting operation now...' ) elif user_choice == 'c': print( 'To create a table, a CSV file is needed including columns and rows so the program can ' 'gather the data type of each column') filepath = input('Please type the whole path of this data: ') id_bool = input( 'Does the CSV file already contain an index? y for yes and anything else for no: ' ) if id_bool.lower() == 'y': id_included = True else: id_included = False try: # Reads in DataFrame using pandas data = pd.read_csv(filepath) data = data.copy() # Stores each column name in a list columns = [column for column in data.columns] database_connection.create_table(columns, data, id_included) # If file doesn't exist, issue is raised to user and process stopped except FileNotFoundError: print( 'Sorry, that file does not exist, halting operation now...' ) elif user_choice == 'd': delete_options = ' c --> Drop columns \n r --> Delete rows \n t --> Drop whole table (Use with caution!) \n' print(delete_options) delete_choice = input( 'Choose which of these processes you would like to use: ') if delete_choice == 'c': drop_columns_str = input('Pass a list of columns to drop: ') drop_columns = [ item for item in drop_columns_str.replace(',', ' ').split() ] database_connection.drop_columns(drop_columns) elif delete_choice == 'r': print( 'Warning - if no conditions are specified all rows will be deleted by default' ) conditions_choice = input( 'Would you like to include conditions? y for yes and n for no: ' ) if conditions_choice.lower() == 'y': conditions = [condition_creator(database_connection)] while True: multiple_conditions_choice = input( 'Would you like to include more conditions? ' 'y for yes, anything else for no: ') # If user wishes to add more conditions, program will continue looping if multiple_conditions_choice.lower() == 'y': conditions.append( condition_creator(database_connection)) continue # If user does not want to add more conditions, loop will break else: break # Ensures rows are only deleted when conditions are specified if user has asked for them if conditions is not None: database_connection.delete_rows(conditions) elif conditions_choice.lower() == 'n': database_connection.delete_rows() else: print(f'{conditions_choice} was not an option!') elif delete_choice == 't': database_connection.drop_table() else: print( f'Sorry, {delete_choice} was not one of the options, halting operation now...' ) elif user_choice == 'i': print( 'To insert rows, a CSV file is needed containing the rows to be added' ) filepath = input('Please type the whole path of this data: ') try: data = pd.read_csv(filepath) data = data.copy() columns = [column for column in data.columns] database_connection.insert_rows(columns, data) except FileNotFoundError: print( 'Sorry, that file does not exist, halting operation now...' ) elif user_choice == 'q': number_choice = input( 'Would you like to limit results? y for yes and n for no: ') if number_choice.lower() == 'y': while True: row_number = input( 'How many results would you like to have returned: ') # Ensures the user inputs an integer value for number of rows returned try: row_number = int(row_number) break except ValueError: print('Please only input an integer value') continue conditions_choice = input( 'Would you like to include conditions? y for yes and n for no: ' ) if conditions_choice.lower() == 'y': conditions = [condition_creator(database_connection)] while True: multiple_conditions_choice = input( 'Would you like to include more conditions? ' 'y for yes, anything else for no: ') # If user wishes to add more conditions, these will be appended to the list if multiple_conditions_choice.lower() == 'y': conditions.append( condition_creator(database_connection)) continue else: break order_choice = input( 'Would you like to order the result? y for yes and n for no: ' ) if order_choice.lower() == 'y': order = order_by_creator(database_connection) df = database_connection.query(conditions, order, row_number) print(df) elif order_choice.lower() == 'n': df = database_connection.query(conditions, row_number=row_number) # This prints the resulting DataFrame, but can be modified to e.g. save to a CSV file print(df) else: print( f'Sorry, {order_choice} was not one of the options, halting operation now...' ) elif conditions_choice.lower() == 'n': order_choice = input( 'Would you like to order the result? y for yes and n for no: ' ) if order_choice.lower() == 'y': order = order_by_creator(database_connection) df = database_connection.query(order=order, row_number=row_number) print(df) elif order_choice.lower() == 'n': df = database_connection.query(row_number=row_number) print(df) else: print( f'Sorry, {order_choice} was not one of the options, halting operation now...' ) else: print( f'Sorry, {conditions_choice} was not one of the options, halting operation now...' ) elif number_choice.lower() == 'n': conditions_choice = input( 'Would you like to include conditions? y for yes and n for no: ' ) if conditions_choice.lower() == 'y': conditions = [condition_creator(database_connection)] while True: multiple_conditions_choice = input( 'Would you like to include more conditions? ' 'y for yes, anything else for no: ') if multiple_conditions_choice.lower() == 'y': conditions.append( condition_creator(database_connection)) continue else: break order_choice = input( 'Would you like to order the result? y for yes and n for no: ' ) if order_choice.lower() == 'y': order = order_by_creator(database_connection) df = database_connection.query(conditions, order) print(df) elif order_choice.lower() == 'n': df = database_connection.query(conditions) print(df) else: print( f'Sorry, {order_choice} was not one of the options, halting operation now...' ) elif conditions_choice.lower() == 'n': order_choice = input( 'Would you like to order the result? y for yes and n for no: ' ) if order_choice.lower() == 'y': order = order_by_creator(database_connection) df = database_connection.query(order=order) print(df) elif order_choice.lower() == 'n': df = database_connection.query() print(df) else: print( f'Sorry, {order_choice} was not one of the options, halting operation now...' ) else: print( f'Sorry, {conditions_choice} was not one of the options, halting operation now...' ) else: print( f'Sorry, {number_choice} was not one of the options, halting operation now...' ) elif user_choice == 's': filepath = input( 'Please input the filepath you would like to save the file to: ' ) try: database_connection.save_table(filepath) except FileNotFoundError: print( 'Sorry, that directory does not exist, halting operation now...' ) elif user_choice == 'u': print( 'To update rows, a CSV file is needed containing the rows to be added. This should also include ' 'all columns present in the table') filepath = input('Please type the whole path of this data: ') try: new_data = pd.read_csv(filepath) new_data = new_data.copy() columns = [column for column in new_data.columns] print( 'To know which rows to update, conditions must be given: \n' ) conditions = [condition_creator(database_connection)] while True: multiple_conditions_choice = input( 'Would you like to include more conditions? ' 'y for yes, anything else for no: ') if multiple_conditions_choice.lower() == 'y': conditions.append( condition_creator(database_connection)) continue else: break # Forces user to input conditions otherwise program won't know which rows to update database_connection.update_rows(columns, new_data, conditions) except FileNotFoundError: print( 'Sorry, that file does not exist, halting operation now...' ) else: print( f'Sorry, {user_choice} was not one of the options, halting operation now...' ) time.sleep(1) # Closes connection and cursor after processes have been completed database_connection.close_connection() # Offers the opportunity to run another process loop = input( 'Would you like to do another operation? y for yes and anything else for no: ' ) if loop.lower() == 'y': continue else: print('Closing program now...') time.sleep(1) break
def drop_table(table): database_connection = DatabaseConnection(table) database_connection.drop_table() database_connection.close_connection()
def rename_table(table, new_table_name): database_connection = DatabaseConnection(table) database_connection.rename_table(new_table_name) database_connection.close_connection()
def drop_rows(table, conditions): database_connection = DatabaseConnection(table) database_connection.delete_rows(conditions) database_connection.close_connection()
def save_data(table, filepath): database_connection = DatabaseConnection(table) database_connection.save_table(filepath) database_connection.close_connection()