    def preload_source(t_query):
        """load info from example tile (image)

        t_query: :class:`TileQuery`
            Only the file path is needed

            * :data:`OUTPUT.INFO`.``TYPE.NAME`` -- \
numpy datatype of any given tile
            * :data:`RUNTIME.IMAGE`.``BLOCK.NAME`` -- \
numpy 3x1 array of any given tile shape
            * :data:`OUTPUT.INFO`.``SIZE.NAME`` -- \
numpy 3x1 array of full volume shape
        # read all tifs in tifs folder
        search = os.path.join(t_query.path, '*')
        depth = len(list(glob.glob(search)))
        # Should count files on filesystem
        N_FILES = np.uint32([depth, 1, 1])
        tile_0 = ImageStack.load_tile(t_query)
        # Return empty if can't load first tile
        if not len(tile_0):
            return {}
        # Get properties from example tile
        FILE_SIZE = tile_0.shape
        DATA_TYPE = str(tile_0.dtype)

        # 'block-size', 'dimensions', and 'data-type'
        k_block = t_query.RUNTIME.IMAGE.BLOCK.NAME
        k_size = t_query.OUTPUT.INFO.SIZE.NAME
        k_type = t_query.OUTPUT.INFO.TYPE.NAME

        # Combine results with parent method
        common = Datasource.preload_source(t_query)
        return dict(
            common, **{
                k_block: np.uint32([FILE_SIZE]),
                k_size: np.uint32(FULL_SIZE),
                k_type: DATA_TYPE,
    def preload_source(t_query):
        """load info from example tile (image)

        t_query: :class:`TileQuery`
            Only the file path is needed

            * :data:`OUTPUT.INFO`.``TYPE.NAME`` -- \
numpy datatype of any given tile
            * :data:`RUNTIME.IMAGE`.``BLOCK.NAME`` -- \
numpy 3x1 array of any given tile shape
            * :data:`OUTPUT.INFO`.``SIZE.NAME`` -- \
numpy 3x1 array of full volume shape
        # read all tifs in tifs folder
        search = os.path.join(t_query.path, '*')
        depth = len(list(glob.glob(search)))
        # Should count files on filesystem
        N_FILES = np.uint32([depth, 1, 1])
        tile_0 = ImageStack.load_tile(t_query)
        # Return empty if can't load first tile
        if not len(tile_0):
            return {}
        # Get properties from example tile
        FILE_SIZE = tile_0.shape
        DATA_TYPE = str(tile_0.dtype)

        # 'block-size', 'dimensions', and 'data-type'
        k_block = t_query.RUNTIME.IMAGE.BLOCK.NAME
        k_size = t_query.OUTPUT.INFO.SIZE.NAME
        k_type = t_query.OUTPUT.INFO.TYPE.NAME
        # Combine results with parent method
        common = Datasource.preload_source(t_query)
        return dict(common, **{
            k_block: np.uint32([FILE_SIZE]),
            k_size: np.uint32(FULL_SIZE),
            k_type: DATA_TYPE,
    def preload_source(t_query):
        """load info from example tile (image)

        t_query: :class:`TileQuery`
            Only the file path is needed

            * :data:`OUTPUT.INFO`.``TYPE.NAME`` -- \
numpy datatype of any given tile
            * :data:`RUNTIME.IMAGE`.``BLOCK.NAME`` -- \
numpy 3x1 array of any given tile shape
            * :data:`OUTPUT.INFO`.``SIZE.NAME`` -- \
numpy 3x1 array of full volume shape
        common = Datasource.preload_source(t_query)
        return common
文件: Mojo.py 项目: Rhoana/butterfly
    def preload_source(t_query):
        """load info from example tile (image)

        t_query: :class:`TileQuery`
            Only the file path is needed

            Will be empty if filename does not give \
a valid mojo directory.

            * :class:`RUNTIME` ``.IMAGE.BLOCK.NAME``
                (numpy.ndarray) -- 3x1 for any give tile shape
            * :class:`OUTPUT` ``.INFO.TYPE.NAME``
                (str) -- numpy dtype of any given tile
            * :class:`OUTPUT` ``.INFO.SIZE.NAME``
                (numpy.ndarray) -- 3x1 for full volume shape
        # Keyword names
        output = t_query.OUTPUT.INFO
        runtime = t_query.RUNTIME.IMAGE
        k_format = runtime.SOURCE.MOJO.FORMAT.NAME

        # Get the name and ending of the target folder
        path_name = t_query.OUTPUT.INFO.PATH.VALUE
        meta_file = os.path.join(path_name, Mojo._meta)

        # Return if no meta file for mojo
        if not os.path.exists(meta_file):
            return {}

        # Load the meta info
        meta_info = ET.parse(meta_file).getroot().attrib

        # Estimate the data type
        n_bytes = int(meta_info['numBytesPerVoxel'])
        dtype = 'uint{}'.format(8 * n_bytes)
        # Get the data file exension
        file_ext = meta_info['fileExtension']
        # Get the block shape and full size
        block_z = meta_info['numVoxelsPerTileZ']
        block_y = meta_info['numVoxelsPerTileY']
        block_x = meta_info['numVoxelsPerTileX']
        full_z = meta_info['numVoxelsZ']
        full_y = meta_info['numVoxelsY']
        full_x = meta_info['numVoxelsX']

        # Get max blocksizes for different resolutions
        lo_res = int(meta_info['numTilesW'])
        block_size = [block_z, block_y, block_x]
        # Specify block_size for all resolutions
        block_array = [block_size for res in range(lo_res)]

        # Combine results with parent method
        common = Datasource.preload_source(t_query)
        return dict(common, **{
            runtime.BLOCK.NAME: np.uint32(block_array),
            output.SIZE.NAME: np.uint32([full_z, full_y, full_x]),
            output.TYPE.NAME: dtype,
            k_format: file_ext,
    def preload_source(t_query):
        """load info from example tile (image)

        Then gets three needed values from the given \
path from the :class:`TileQuery` t_query

        t_query: :class:`TileQuery`
            Only the file path is needed

            Will be empty if filename does not give \
a valid json file pointing to the tiff grid.

            * :class:`RUNTIME` ``.IMAGE.BLOCK.NAME``
                (numpy.ndarray) -- 3x1 for any give tile shape
            * :class:`OUTPUT` ``.INFO.TYPE.NAME``
                (str) -- numpy dtype of any given tile
            * :class:`OUTPUT` ``.INFO.SIZE.NAME``
                (numpy.ndarray) -- 3x1 for full volume shape
        # Keyword names
        output = t_query.OUTPUT.INFO
        runtime = t_query.RUNTIME.IMAGE
        boss_field = runtime.SOURCE.BOSS
        info_field = boss_field.INFO
        block_field = info_field.BLOCK
        full_field = info_field.EXTENT
        start_field = info_field.START

        # Get the name and ending of the target file
        filename = t_query.OUTPUT.INFO.PATH.VALUE
        ending = os.path.splitext(filename)[1]

        # Return if the ending is not json
        if ending not in BossGrid._meta_files:
            return {}

        # Return if the path does not exist
        if not os.path.exists(filename):
            return {}

        # Get function to read the metainfo file
        order = BossGrid._meta_files.index(ending)
        reader = BossGrid._read[order]

        # Get information from json file
        with open(filename, 'r') as jd:
            # Get all the filenames
            all_info = reader(jd)
            boss = all_info.get(boss_field.ALL, [])
            info = all_info.get(info_field.NAME, {})
            # Return if no metadata
            if not len(info):
                return {}
            # All the paths
            path_dict = {}
            any_path = None

            # Origin of first tile
            start_info = info.get(start_field.NAME, {})
            start_list = map(start_info.get, start_field.ZYX)
            # Set default first tile origin
            if any([s is None for s in start_list]):
                start_list = start_field.VALUE
            # Extract offset of first tile
            tile_start = np.uint64(start_list)
            any_y, any_x = tile_start[1:]
            # Shape of one tile
            block_info = info.get(block_field.NAME, {})
            block_list = map(block_info.get, block_field.ZYX)
            # Return if no block shape
            if not all(block_list):
                return {}

            # Shape of full volume
            full_info = info.get(full_field.NAME)
            full_extent = map(full_info.get, full_field.ZYX)
            # Return if no full extent shape
            if not all(full_extent):
                return {}

            # Block shape as a numpy array
            block_shape = np.uint64(block_list)
            if block_shape.shape != (3,):
                return {}
            # Finally, list all the mip levels
            block_shapes = block_shape[np.newaxis]

            # Full shape as a numpy array
            full_bounds = np.uint64(full_extent)
            if full_bounds.shape != (3,2):
                return {}
            # Finally, get the full shape from extent
            full_shape = np.diff(full_bounds).T[0]

            # All paths in dictionary
            for d in boss: 
                path = d.get(boss_field.PATH, '')
                # Update the maximum value
                z,y,x = map(d.get, boss_field.ZYX)
                z_format = x is None or y is None

                # Set any path
                if not any_path:
                    any_path = path
                    if z_format:
                        any_path = path.format(column=any_x, row=any_y)
                    if not os.path.exists(any_path):
                        any_path = None

                # Allow for simple section formats
                if z_format:
                    path_dict[z] = path

                # Allow for specific paths per tile
                if z not in path_dict:
                    path_dict[z] = {
                        y: {
                            x: path
                # Add column to dictionary
                if y not in path_dict[z]:

                    path_dict[z][y] = {
                        x: path
                # Add row to dictionary
                path_dict[z][y][x] = path

            # Return if no paths
            if not any_path:
                return {}

            # Get the tile size from a tile
            any_tile = BossGrid.imread(any_path)
            any_dtype = str(any_tile.dtype)

            # All keys to follow API
            keywords = {
                start_field.NAME: tile_start,
                boss_field.PATHS.NAME: path_dict,
                runtime.BLOCK.NAME: block_shapes,
                output.SIZE.NAME: full_shape,
                output.TYPE.NAME: any_dtype,

            # Combine results with parent method
            common = Datasource.preload_source(t_query)
            return dict(common, **keywords)
    def preload_source(t_query):
        """load info from example tile (image)

        Calls :meth:`valid_path` to get filename and \
inner dataset path for the full h5 image volume.

        Then gets three needed values from the given \
path from the :class:`TileQuery` t_query

        t_query: :class:`TileQuery`
            Only the file path is needed

            Will be empty if :meth:`valid_path` finds\
this filname to not give a valid h5 volume.

            * :class:`RUNTIME` ``.IMAGE.BLOCK.NAME``
                (numpy.ndarray) -- 3x1 for any give tile shape
            * :class:`OUTPUT` ``.INFO.TYPE.NAME``
                (str) -- numpy dtype of any given tile
            * :class:`OUTPUT` ``.INFO.SIZE.NAME``
                (numpy.ndarray) -- 3x1 for full volume shape
        # Keyword names
        output = t_query.OUTPUT.INFO
        runtime = t_query.RUNTIME.IMAGE
        k_h5 = runtime.SOURCE.HDF5.NAME
        # Get the max block size in bytes for a single tile
        max_bytes = t_query.RUNTIME.CACHE.MAX_BLOCK.VALUE
        max_bytes = int(max_bytes / 64)

        # Check if path is valid
        keywords = HDF5.valid_path(t_query)
        if not keywords:
            return {}

        # Validate highest in z file name and dataset
        filename = keywords[k_h5][-1][0]
        dataset = keywords[k_h5][-1][1]
        offset = keywords[k_h5][-1][2]
        # Load properties from H5 dataset
        with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as fd:
            # Get the volume
            vol = fd[dataset]
            # Get a shape for all the files
            shape = np.uint32(vol.shape)
            shape[0] += offset
            # Get a blockshape as a flat section
            # Get the bytes for a full slice
            voxel_bytes = np.uint32(vol.dtype.itemsize)
            slice_bytes = voxel_bytes * np.prod(shape[1:])
            # Get the nearest tile size under cache limit
            square_overage = np.ceil(slice_bytes / max_bytes)
            side_scalar = np.ceil(np.sqrt(square_overage))
            # Set the actual blocksize to be under the cache limit
            plane_shape = np.ceil(shape[1:] / side_scalar)
            max_block = np.r_[[64], plane_shape]
            # Get max blocksizes for different resolutions
            lo_res = 1
            # Get all block sizes by halving the max block size
            all_blocks = [shape / (2**res) for res in range(lo_res)]
            block_array = np.clip(np.ceil(all_blocks), 1, max_block)
            # return named keywords
                runtime.BLOCK.NAME: np.uint32(block_array),
                output.SIZE.NAME: np.uint32(shape),
                output.TYPE.NAME: str(HDF5.dtype(vol)),
        # Combine results with parent method
        common = Datasource.preload_source(t_query)
        return dict(common, **keywords)
    def preload_source(t_query):
        """load info from example tile (image)

        Then gets three needed values from the given \
path from the :class:`TileQuery` t_query

        t_query: :class:`TileQuery`
            Only the file path is needed

            Will be empty if filename does not give \
a valid json file pointing to the tiff grid.

            * :class:`RUNTIME` ``.IMAGE.BLOCK.NAME``
                (numpy.ndarray) -- 3x1 for any give tile shape
            * :class:`OUTPUT` ``.INFO.TYPE.NAME``
                (str) -- numpy dtype of any given tile
            * :class:`OUTPUT` ``.INFO.SIZE.NAME``
                (numpy.ndarray) -- 3x1 for full volume shape
        # Keyword names
        output = t_query.OUTPUT.INFO
        runtime = t_query.RUNTIME.IMAGE
        boss_field = runtime.SOURCE.BOSS
        info_field = boss_field.INFO
        block_field = info_field.BLOCK
        full_field = info_field.EXTENT
        start_field = info_field.START

        # Get the name and ending of the target file
        filename = t_query.OUTPUT.INFO.PATH.VALUE
        ending = os.path.splitext(filename)[1]

        # Return if the ending is not json
        if ending not in BossGrid._meta_files:
            return {}

        # Return if the path does not exist
        if not os.path.exists(filename):
            return {}

        # Get function to read the metainfo file
        order = BossGrid._meta_files.index(ending)
        reader = BossGrid._read[order]

        # Get information from json file
        with open(filename, 'r') as jd:
            # Get all the filenames
            all_info = reader(jd)
            boss = all_info.get(boss_field.ALL, [])
            info = all_info.get(info_field.NAME, {})
            # Return if no metadata
            if not len(info):
                return {}
            # All the paths
            path_dict = {}
            any_path = None

            # Origin of first tile
            start_info = info.get(start_field.NAME, {})
            start_list = map(start_info.get, start_field.ZYX)
            # Set default first tile origin
            if any([s is None for s in start_list]):
                start_list = start_field.VALUE
            # Extract offset of first tile
            tile_start = np.uint64(start_list)
            any_y, any_x = tile_start[1:]

            # Shape of one tile
            block_info = info.get(block_field.NAME, {})
            block_list = map(block_info.get, block_field.ZYX)
            # Return if no block shape
            if not all(block_list):
                return {}

            # Shape of full volume
            full_info = info.get(full_field.NAME)
            full_extent = map(full_info.get, full_field.ZYX)
            # Return if no full extent shape
            if not all(full_extent):
                return {}

            # Block shape as a numpy array
            block_shape = np.uint64(block_list)
            if block_shape.shape != (3, ):
                return {}
            # Finally, list all the mip levels
            block_shapes = block_shape[np.newaxis]

            # Full shape as a numpy array
            full_bounds = np.uint64(full_extent)
            if full_bounds.shape != (3, 2):
                return {}
            # Finally, get the full shape from extent
            full_shape = np.diff(full_bounds).T[0]

            # All paths in dictionary
            for d in boss:
                path = d.get(boss_field.PATH, '')
                # Update the maximum value
                z, y, x = map(d.get, boss_field.ZYX)
                z_format = x is None or y is None

                # Set any path
                if not any_path:
                    any_path = path
                    if z_format:
                        any_path = path.format(column=any_x, row=any_y)
                    if not os.path.exists(any_path):
                        any_path = None

                # Allow for simple section formats
                if z_format:
                    path_dict[z] = path

                # Allow for specific paths per tile
                if z not in path_dict:
                    path_dict[z] = {y: {x: path}}
                # Add column to dictionary
                if y not in path_dict[z]:

                    path_dict[z][y] = {x: path}
                # Add row to dictionary
                path_dict[z][y][x] = path

            # Return if no paths
            if not any_path:
                return {}

            # Get the tile size from a tile
            any_tile = BossGrid.imread(any_path)
            any_dtype = str(any_tile.dtype)

            # All keys to follow API
            keywords = {
                start_field.NAME: tile_start,
                boss_field.PATHS.NAME: path_dict,
                runtime.BLOCK.NAME: block_shapes,
                output.SIZE.NAME: full_shape,
                output.TYPE.NAME: any_dtype,

            # Combine results with parent method
            common = Datasource.preload_source(t_query)
            return dict(common, **keywords)
    def preload_source(t_query):
        """load info from example tile (image)

        t_query: :class:`TileQuery`
            Only the file path is needed

            Will be empty if filename does not give \
a valid mojo directory.

            * :class:`RUNTIME` ``.IMAGE.BLOCK.NAME``
                (numpy.ndarray) -- 3x1 for any give tile shape
            * :class:`OUTPUT` ``.INFO.TYPE.NAME``
                (str) -- numpy dtype of any given tile
            * :class:`OUTPUT` ``.INFO.SIZE.NAME``
                (numpy.ndarray) -- 3x1 for full volume shape
        # Keyword names
        output = t_query.OUTPUT.INFO
        runtime = t_query.RUNTIME.IMAGE
        k_format = runtime.SOURCE.MOJO.FORMAT.NAME

        # Get the name and ending of the target folder
        path_name = t_query.OUTPUT.INFO.PATH.VALUE
        meta_file = os.path.join(path_name, Mojo._meta)

        # Return if no meta file for mojo
        if not os.path.exists(meta_file):
            return {}

        # Load the meta info
        meta_info = ET.parse(meta_file).getroot().attrib

        # Estimate the data type
        n_bytes = int(meta_info['numBytesPerVoxel'])
        dtype = 'uint{}'.format(8 * n_bytes)
        # Get the data file exension
        file_ext = meta_info['fileExtension']
        # Get the block shape and full size
        block_z = meta_info['numVoxelsPerTileZ']
        block_y = meta_info['numVoxelsPerTileY']
        block_x = meta_info['numVoxelsPerTileX']
        full_z = meta_info['numVoxelsZ']
        full_y = meta_info['numVoxelsY']
        full_x = meta_info['numVoxelsX']

        # Get max blocksizes for different resolutions
        lo_res = int(meta_info['numTilesW'])
        block_size = [block_z, block_y, block_x]
        # Specify block_size for all resolutions
        block_array = [block_size for res in range(lo_res)]

        # Combine results with parent method
        common = Datasource.preload_source(t_query)
        return dict(
            common, **{
                runtime.BLOCK.NAME: np.uint32(block_array),
                output.SIZE.NAME: np.uint32([full_z, full_y, full_x]),
                output.TYPE.NAME: dtype,
                k_format: file_ext,
文件: HDF5.py 项目: Rhoana/butterfly
    def preload_source(t_query):
        """load info from example tile (image)

        Calls :meth:`valid_path` to get filename and \
inner dataset path for the full h5 image volume.

        Then gets three needed values from the given \
path from the :class:`TileQuery` t_query

        t_query: :class:`TileQuery`
            Only the file path is needed

            Will be empty if :meth:`valid_path` finds\
this filname to not give a valid h5 volume.

            * :class:`RUNTIME` ``.IMAGE.BLOCK.NAME``
                (numpy.ndarray) -- 3x1 for any give tile shape
            * :class:`OUTPUT` ``.INFO.TYPE.NAME``
                (str) -- numpy dtype of any given tile
            * :class:`OUTPUT` ``.INFO.SIZE.NAME``
                (numpy.ndarray) -- 3x1 for full volume shape
        # Keyword names
        output = t_query.OUTPUT.INFO
        runtime = t_query.RUNTIME.IMAGE
        k_h5 = runtime.SOURCE.HDF5.NAME
        # Get the max block size in bytes for a single tile
        max_bytes = t_query.RUNTIME.CACHE.MAX_BLOCK.VALUE
        max_bytes = int(max_bytes/64)

        # Check if path is valid
        keywords = HDF5.valid_path(t_query)
        if not keywords:
            return {}

        # Validate highest in z file name and dataset
        filename = keywords[k_h5][-1][0]
        dataset = keywords[k_h5][-1][1]
        offset = keywords[k_h5][-1][2]
        # Load properties from H5 dataset
        with h5py.File(filename,'r') as fd:
            # Get the volume
            vol = fd[dataset]
            # Get a shape for all the files
            shape = np.uint32(vol.shape)
            shape[0] += offset
            # Get a blockshape as a flat section
            # Get the bytes for a full slice
            voxel_bytes = np.uint32(vol.dtype.itemsize)
            slice_bytes = voxel_bytes * np.prod(shape[1:])
            # Get the nearest tile size under cache limit
            square_overage = np.ceil(slice_bytes / max_bytes)
            side_scalar = np.ceil(np.sqrt(square_overage))
            # Set the actual blocksize to be under the cache limit
            plane_shape = np.ceil(shape[1:] / side_scalar)
            max_block = np.r_[[64], plane_shape]
            # Get max blocksizes for different resolutions
            lo_res = 1
            # Get all block sizes by halving the max block size
            all_blocks = [shape/(2**res) for res in range(lo_res)]
            block_array = np.clip(np.ceil(all_blocks), 1, max_block)
            # return named keywords
                runtime.BLOCK.NAME: np.uint32(block_array),
                output.SIZE.NAME: np.uint32(shape),
                output.TYPE.NAME: str(HDF5.dtype(vol)),
        # Combine results with parent method
        common = Datasource.preload_source(t_query)
        return dict(common, **keywords)