def _load_dataset_file(dataset_filepath):
    Loads a single dataset file give by its path
    :param dataset_filepath: path where the file is located
    store = zarr.ZipStore(dataset_filepath, mode='r')
    pgn_dataset = zarr.group(store=store)

    s_idcs, x, yv, yp = get_numpy_arrays(pgn_dataset)

    return s_idcs, x, yv, yp
def _load_dataset_file(dataset_filepath):
    Loads a single dataset file give by its path
    :param dataset_filepath: path where the file is located
    :return:starting_idx: [int] - List of indices where ech game starts
            x: nd.array - Numpy array which contains the game positions
            y_value: nd.array - Numpy array which describes the winner for each board position
            y_policy: nd.array - Numpy array which describes the policy distribution for each board state
                                 (in case of a pgn dataset the move is one hot encoded)
    return get_numpy_arrays(
        zarr.group(store=zarr.ZipStore(dataset_filepath, mode="r")))
def load_pgn_dataset(
    Loads one part of the pgn dataset in form of planes / multidimensional numpy array.
    It reads all files which are located either in the main_config['test_dir'] or main_config['test_dir']

    :param dataset_type: either ['train', 'test', 'mate_in_one']
    :param part_id: Decides which part of the data set will be loaded
    :param verbose: True if the log message shall be shown
    :param normalize: True if the inputs shall be normalized to 0-1
    ! Note this only supported for hist-length=1 at the moment
    :param q_value_ratio: Ratio for mixing the value return with the corresponding q-value
    For a ratio of 0 no q-value information will be used. Value must be in [0, 1]
    :return: numpy-arrays:
            start_indices - defines the index where each game starts
            x - the board representation for all games
            y_value - the game outcome (-1,0,1) for each board position
            y_policy - the movement policy for the next_move played
            plys_to_end - array of how many plys to the end of the game for each position.
             This can be used to apply discounting
            pgn_datasets - the dataset file handle (you can use .tree() to show the file structure)

    if dataset_type == "train":
        zarr_filepaths = glob.glob(main_config["planes_train_dir"] +
    elif dataset_type == "val":
        zarr_filepaths = glob.glob(main_config["planes_val_dir"] + "**/*.zip")
    elif dataset_type == "test":
        zarr_filepaths = glob.glob(main_config["planes_test_dir"] + "**/*.zip")
    elif dataset_type == "mate_in_one":
        zarr_filepaths = glob.glob(main_config["planes_mate_in_one_dir"] +
        raise Exception(
            'Invalid dataset type "%s" given. It must be either "train", "val", "test" or "mate_in_one"'
            % dataset_type)

    if len(zarr_filepaths) < part_id + 1:
        raise Exception(
            "There aren't enough parts available (%d parts) in the given directory for partid=%d"
            % (len(zarr_filepaths), part_id))

    # load the zarr-files
    pgn_datasets = zarr_filepaths
    if verbose:
        logging.debug("loading: %s...", pgn_datasets[part_id])

    pgn_dataset = zarr.group(
        store=zarr.ZipStore(pgn_datasets[part_id], mode="r"))
    start_indices, x, y_value, y_policy, plys_to_end, y_best_move_q = get_numpy_arrays(
        pgn_dataset)  # Get the data

    if verbose:
            for member in pgn_dataset["statistics"]:
                print(member, list(pgn_dataset["statistics"][member]))
        except KeyError:
            logging.warning("no statistics found")

            for member in pgn_dataset["parameters"]:
                print(member, list(pgn_dataset["parameters"][member]))
        except KeyError:
            logging.warning("no parameters found")

    if q_value_ratio != 0:
        y_value = (1 - q_value_ratio) * y_value + q_value_ratio * y_best_move_q

    if normalize:
        x = x.astype(np.float32)
        # the y-vectors need to be casted as well in order to be accepted by the network
        y_value = y_value.astype(np.float32)
        y_policy = y_policy.astype(np.float32)
        # apply rescaling using a predefined scaling constant (this makes use of vectorized operations)
    return start_indices, x, y_value, y_policy, plys_to_end, pgn_dataset
def load_pgn_dataset(dataset_type='train', part_id=0,
                     print_statistics=False, print_parameters=False, verbose=True, normalize=False):
    Loads one part of the pgn dataset in form of planes / multidimensional numpy array.
    It reads all files which are located either in the main_config['test_dir'] or main_config['test_dir']

    :param config_path: Define where your config file is located
    :param dataset_type: either ['train', 'test', 'mate_in_one']
    :param part_id: Decides which part of the data set will be loaded
    :param print_statistics: Decides whether to print file statistics
    :param print_parameters: Decide whether to print the parameters with which the dataset was generated
    :param verbose: True if the log message shall be shown
    :param normalize: True if the inputs shall be normalized to 0-1 ! Note this only supported for hist-length=1 at the moment
    :return: numpy-arrays:
            s_idcs - defines the index where each game starts
            x - the board representation for all games
            yv - the game outcome (-1,0,1) for each board position
            yp - the movement policy for the next_move played
            pgn_datasets - the dataset file handle (you can use .tree() to show the file structure)

    if dataset_type == 'train':
        zarr_filepaths = glob.glob(main_config["planes_train_dir"] + '**/*')
    elif dataset_type == 'val':
        zarr_filepaths = glob.glob(main_config["planes_test_dir"] + '**/*')
    elif dataset_type == 'test':
        zarr_filepaths = glob.glob(main_config["planes_test_dir"] + '**/*')
    elif dataset_type == 'mate_in_one':
        zarr_filepaths = glob.glob(main_config["planes_mate_in_one_dir"] + '**/*')
        raise Exception('Invalid dataset type "%s" given. It must be either "train", "val", "test" or "mate_in_one"'
                        % dataset_type)

    if len(zarr_filepaths) < part_id+1:
        raise Exception("There aren't enough parts available in the given directory for partid=" + str(part_id))

    # load the zarr-files
    pgn_datasets = zarr_filepaths
    if verbose is True:
        logging.debug('loading: %s...', zarr_filepaths[part_id])

    store = zarr.ZipStore(zarr_filepaths[part_id], mode='r')
    pgn_dataset = zarr.group(store=store)

    # Get the data
    s_idcs, x, yv, yp = get_numpy_arrays(pgn_dataset)

    if print_statistics is True:
        for member in pgn_dataset['statistics']:
            print(member, list(pgn_dataset['statistics'][member]))

    if print_parameters is True:
        for member in pgn_dataset['parameters']:
            print(member, list(pgn_dataset['parameters'][member]))

    if normalize is True:
        x = x.astype(np.float32)

        # the y-vectors need to be casted as well in order to be accepted by the network
        yv = yv.astype(np.float32)
        yp = yp.astype(np.float32)

        # !TODO replace this by function normalize_input_planes()
        mat_pos = x[:, :NB_CHANNELS_POS, :, :]
        mat_const = x[:, NB_CHANNELS_POS:, :, :]

        # iterate over all pieces except the king
        for p_type in chess.PIECE_TYPES[:-1]:
            # p_type -1 because p_type starts with 1
            ch = CHANNEL_MAPPING_POS['prisoners'] + p_type - 1

            mat_pos[:, ch, :, :] /= MAX_NB_PRISONERS
            # the prison for black begins 5 channels later
            mat_pos[:, ch + POCKETS_SIZE_PIECE_TYPE, :, :] /= MAX_NB_PRISONERS

        ### Total Move Count
        # 500 was set as the max number of total moves
        mat_const[:, CHANNEL_MAPPING_CONST['total_mv_cnt'], :, :] /= MAX_NB_MOVES
        ### No progress count
        #  after 40 moves of no progress the 40 moves rule for draw applies
        mat_const[:, CHANNEL_MAPPING_CONST['no_progress_cnt'], :, :] /= MAX_NB_NO_PROGRESS

    return s_idcs, x, yv, yp, pgn_dataset
def load_pgn_dataset(dataset_type="train",
                     normalize=False):  # Too many arguments (6/5)
    Loads one part of the pgn dataset in form of planes / multidimensional numpy array.
    It reads all files which are located either in the main_config['test_dir'] or main_config['test_dir']

    :param dataset_type: either ['train', 'test', 'mate_in_one']
    :param part_id: Decides which part of the data set will be loaded
    :param print_statistics: Decides whether to print file statistics
    :param print_parameters: Decide whether to print the parameters with which the dataset was generated
    :param verbose: True if the log message shall be shown
    :param normalize: True if the inputs shall be normalized to 0-1
    ! Note this only supported for hist-length=1 at the moment
    :return: numpy-arrays:
            starting_idx - defines the index where each game starts
            x - the board representation for all games
            y_value - the game outcome (-1,0,1) for each board position
            y_policy - the movement policy for the next_move played
            pgn_datasets - the dataset file handle (you can use .tree() to show the file structure)

    if dataset_type == "train":
        zarr_filepaths = glob.glob(main_config["planes_train_dir"] + "**/*")
    elif dataset_type == "val":
        zarr_filepaths = glob.glob(main_config["planes_val_dir"] + "**/*")
    elif dataset_type == "test":
        zarr_filepaths = glob.glob(main_config["planes_test_dir"] + "**/*")
    elif dataset_type == "mate_in_one":
        zarr_filepaths = glob.glob(main_config["planes_mate_in_one_dir"] +
        raise Exception(
            'Invalid dataset type "%s" given. It must be either "train", "val", "test" or "mate_in_one"'
            % dataset_type)

    if len(zarr_filepaths) < part_id + 1:
        raise Exception(
            "There aren't enough parts available in the given directory for partid="
            + str(part_id))

    # load the zarr-files
    pgn_datasets = zarr_filepaths
    if verbose:
        logging.debug("loading: %s...", pgn_datasets[part_id])

    pgn_dataset = zarr.group(
        store=zarr.ZipStore(pgn_datasets[part_id], mode="r"))
    starting_idx, x, y_value, y_policy = get_numpy_arrays(
        pgn_dataset)  # Get the data

    if print_statistics:
        for member in pgn_dataset["statistics"]:
            print(member, list(pgn_dataset["statistics"][member]))

    if print_parameters:
        for member in pgn_dataset["parameters"]:
            print(member, list(pgn_dataset["parameters"][member]))

    if normalize:
        x = x.astype(np.float32)
        # the y-vectors need to be casted as well in order to be accepted by the network
        y_value = y_value.astype(np.float32)
        y_policy = y_policy.astype(np.float32)
        # apply rescaling using a predefined scaling constant (this makes use of vectorized operations)
    return starting_idx, x, y_value, y_policy, pgn_dataset