    def init(self):
        Logger.info("FileServer init")

        if not Config.init_role():
                "FileServer never initialized, creating repository on '%s'" %

        if not self.cleanup_samba():
            Logger.error("FileServer: unable to cleanup samba")
            return False

        if not self.purgeGroup():
            Logger.error("FileServer: unable to cleanup users")
            return False

        if not self.cleanup_repository():
            Logger.error("FileServer: unable to cleanup users")
            return False

        self.wm = DirectoryWatcher()

        self.shares = self.get_existing_shares()

        return True
	def init(self):
		Logger.info("FileServer init")
		if not Config.init_role():
			Logger.info("FileServer never initialized, creating repository on '%s'"%(Config.spool))
		if not self.cleanup_samba():
			Logger.error("FileServer: unable to cleanup samba")
			return False
		if not self.purgeGroup():
			Logger.error("FileServer: unable to cleanup users")
			return False
		if not self.cleanup_repository():
			Logger.error("FileServer: unable to cleanup users")
			return False
		self.wm = DirectoryWatcher()
		self.shares = self.get_existing_shares()
		return True
class Role(AbstractRole):
	def __init__(self, main_instance):
		AbstractRole.__init__(self, main_instance)
		self.dialog = Dialog(self)
		self.has_run = False
		self.shares = {}
		self.wm = None
	def init(self):
		Logger.info("FileServer init")
		if not Config.init_role():
			Logger.info("FileServer never initialized, creating repository on '%s'"%(Config.spool))
		if not self.cleanup_samba():
			Logger.error("FileServer: unable to cleanup samba")
			return False
		if not self.purgeGroup():
			Logger.error("FileServer: unable to cleanup users")
			return False
		if not self.cleanup_repository():
			Logger.error("FileServer: unable to cleanup users")
			return False
		self.wm = DirectoryWatcher()
		self.shares = self.get_existing_shares()
		return True

	def getName():
		return "FileServer"
	def stop(self):
	def run(self):
		self.has_run = True
		self.status = Role.STATUS_RUNNING
		while 1:
			Logger.debug("FileServer run loop")
		self.status = Role.STATUS_STOP
	def cleanup_samba(self):
		# check samba conf
		ret = True
		for share in self.shares.values():
			if share.isActive():
				if not share.disable():
					ret = False
		for usershare in self.get_enabled_usershares():
			Logger.debug("FileServer:: Removing samba usershare '%s'"%(usershare))
			s, o = commands.getstatusoutput("net usershare delete %s"%(usershare))
			if s is not 0:
				Logger.error("FS: unable to 'net usershare delete': %d => %s"%(s, o))
				ret = False
		return ret
	def cleanup_repository(self):
		cmd = 'chown -R %s:%s "%s"'%(Config.uid, Config.gid, Config.spool)
		s, o = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
		if s is not 0:
			Logger.debug("FS: following command '%s' returned %d => %s"%(cmd, s, o))
			return False
		cmd = 'chmod -R u=rwX,g=rwX,o-rwx "%s"'%(Config.spool)
		s, o = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
		if s is not 0:
			Logger.debug("FS: following command '%s' returned %d => %s"%(cmd, s, o))
			return False
		return True
	def purgeGroup(self):
		users = Platform.System.groupMember(Config.group)
		if users is None:
			return False
		ret = True
		for user in users:
			if user == Config.dav_user:
			Logger.debug("FileServer:: deleting user '%s'"%(user))
			u = User(user)
			if u.existSomeWhere():
				Logger.error("FS: unable to del user %s"%(user))
				ret =  False
		return ret
	def get_existing_shares():
		shares = {}
		for f in glob.glob(Config.spool+"/*"):
			name = os.path.basename(f)
			share = Share(name, Config.spool)
			shares[name] = share
		return shares
	def get_enabled_usershares(self):
		s, o = commands.getstatusoutput("net usershare list")
		if s is not 0:
			Logger.error("FS: unable to 'net usershare list': %d => %s"%(s, o))
			return []
		names = [s.strip() for s in o.splitlines()]
		return names
	def get_disk_size_infos(self):
		stats = os.statvfs(Config.spool)
		free_bytes = stats[statvfs.F_BSIZE] * stats[statvfs.F_BFREE] 
		#avail_bytes = stats[statvfs.F_BSIZE] * stats[statvfs.F_BAVAIL]
		total_bytes = stats[statvfs.F_BSIZE] * stats[statvfs.F_BLOCKS]
		return (total_bytes/1024, free_bytes/1024)
	def getReporting(self, node):
		doc = Document()
		infos  = self.get_disk_size_infos()
		sizeNode = doc.createElement('size')
		sizeNode.setAttribute("total", str(infos[0]))
		sizeNode.setAttribute("free", str(infos[1]))
		for (share_id, share) in self.shares.items():
			shareNode = doc.createElement("share")
			shareNode.setAttribute("id", share_id)
			shareNode.setAttribute("status", str(share.status()))
			for user in share.users:
				userNode = doc.createElement("user")
				userNode.setAttribute("login", user)

class Role(AbstractRole):
    def __init__(self, main_instance):
        AbstractRole.__init__(self, main_instance)
        self.dialog = Dialog(self)
        self.has_run = False
        self.shares = {}
        self.wm = None

    def init(self):
        Logger.info("FileServer init")

        if not Config.init_role():
                "FileServer never initialized, creating repository on '%s'" %

        if not self.cleanup_samba():
            Logger.error("FileServer: unable to cleanup samba")
            return False

        if not self.purgeGroup():
            Logger.error("FileServer: unable to cleanup users")
            return False

        if not self.cleanup_repository():
            Logger.error("FileServer: unable to cleanup users")
            return False

        self.wm = DirectoryWatcher()

        self.shares = self.get_existing_shares()

        return True

    def getName():
        return "FileServer"

    def stop(self):

    def run(self):
        self.has_run = True
        self.status = Role.STATUS_RUNNING
        while 1:
            Logger.debug("FileServer run loop")
        self.status = Role.STATUS_STOP

    def cleanup_samba(self):
        # check samba conf
        ret = True

        for share in self.shares.values():
            if share.isActive():
                if not share.disable():
                    ret = False

        for usershare in self.get_enabled_usershares():
            Logger.debug("FileServer:: Removing samba usershare '%s'" %
            s, o = commands.getstatusoutput("net usershare delete %s" %
            if s is not 0:
                Logger.error("FS: unable to 'net usershare delete': %d => %s" %
                             (s, o))
                ret = False

        return ret

    def cleanup_repository(self):
        cmd = 'chown -R %s:%s "%s"' % (Config.uid, Config.gid, Config.spool)
        s, o = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
        if s is not 0:
            Logger.debug("FS: following command '%s' returned %d => %s" %
                         (cmd, s, o))
            return False

        cmd = 'chmod -R u=rwX,g=rwX,o-rwx "%s"' % (Config.spool)
        s, o = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
        if s is not 0:
            Logger.debug("FS: following command '%s' returned %d => %s" %
                         (cmd, s, o))
            return False

        return True

    def purgeGroup(self):
        users = Platform.System.groupMember(Config.group)
        if users is None:
            return False

        ret = True
        for user in users:
            if user == Config.dav_user:

            Logger.debug("FileServer:: deleting user '%s'" % (user))

            u = User(user)
            if u.existSomeWhere():
                Logger.error("FS: unable to del user %s" % (user))
                ret = False

        return ret

    def get_existing_shares():
        shares = {}

        for f in glob.glob(Config.spool + "/*"):
            name = os.path.basename(f)

            share = Share(name, Config.spool)
            shares[name] = share

        return shares

    def get_enabled_usershares(self):
        s, o = commands.getstatusoutput("net usershare list")
        if s is not 0:
            Logger.error("FS: unable to 'net usershare list': %d => %s" %
                         (s, o))
            return []

        names = [s.strip() for s in o.splitlines()]

        return names

    def get_disk_size_infos(self):
        stats = os.statvfs(Config.spool)
        free_bytes = stats[statvfs.F_BSIZE] * stats[statvfs.F_BFREE]
        #avail_bytes = stats[statvfs.F_BSIZE] * stats[statvfs.F_BAVAIL]
        total_bytes = stats[statvfs.F_BSIZE] * stats[statvfs.F_BLOCKS]

        return (total_bytes / 1024, free_bytes / 1024)

    def getReporting(self, node):
        doc = Document()

        infos = self.get_disk_size_infos()
        sizeNode = doc.createElement('size')
        sizeNode.setAttribute("total", str(infos[0]))
        sizeNode.setAttribute("free", str(infos[1]))

        for (share_id, share) in self.shares.items():
            shareNode = doc.createElement("share")
            shareNode.setAttribute("id", share_id)
            shareNode.setAttribute("status", str(share.status()))

            for user in share.users:
                userNode = doc.createElement("user")
                userNode.setAttribute("login", user)
