def __init__(self, args, sess): self.env_act = Environment(args, 'act') # self.net_act = DeepQLearner(args, 'act', 'channels_first') self.net_act = DeepQLearner(args, sess, 'act') # for tensorflow self.env_arg = Environment(args, 'arg') # self.net_arg = DeepQLearner(args, 'arg', 'channels_first') self.net_arg = DeepQLearner(args, sess, 'arg') # for tensorflow self.num_words = args.num_words self.context_len = args.context_len self.gamma = args.gamma self.uncertainty_mode = 'cml' # or 'cml'
def EADQN_main(table, num, weights_dir): #actionDBs, num): import argparse import sys import time import tensorflow as tf from Environment import Environment from ReplayMemory import ReplayMemory from EADQN import DeepQLearner from Agent import Agent parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() envarg = parser.add_argument_group('Environment') envarg.add_argument("--model_dir", default="/home/fengwf/Documents/", help="") envarg.add_argument("--vec_model", default='mymodel5-5-50', help="") envarg.add_argument("--vec_length", type=int, default=50, help="") envarg.add_argument("--actionDB", default='tag_actions', help="") envarg.add_argument("--max_text_num", default='64', help="") envarg.add_argument("--reward_assign", default='2.0 1.0 -1.0 -2.0', help="") envarg.add_argument("--action_rate", type=float, default=0.15, help="") envarg.add_argument("--penal_radix", type=float, default=5.0, help="") envarg.add_argument("--action_label", type=int, default=2, help="") envarg.add_argument("--non_action_label", type=int, default=1, help="") envarg.add_argument("--long_text_flag", type=int, default=1, help="") memarg = parser.add_argument_group('Replay memory') memarg.add_argument("--replay_size", type=int, default=100000, help="") memarg.add_argument("--channel", type=int, default=1, help="") memarg.add_argument("--positive_rate", type=float, default=0.75, help="") memarg.add_argument("--priority", default=1, help="") memarg.add_argument("--reward_bound", type=float, default=0, help="") netarg = parser.add_argument_group('Deep Q-learning network') netarg.add_argument("--num_actions", type=int, default=1000, help="") netarg.add_argument("--words_num", type=int, default=500, help="") netarg.add_argument("--wordvec", type=int, default=100, help="") netarg.add_argument("--learning_rate", type=float, default=0.0025, help="") netarg.add_argument("--momentum", type=float, default=0.1, help="") netarg.add_argument("--epsilon", type=float, default=1e-6, help="") netarg.add_argument("--decay_rate", type=float, default=0.88, help="") netarg.add_argument("--discount_rate", type=float, default=0.9, help="") netarg.add_argument("--batch_size", type=int, default=8, help="") netarg.add_argument("--target_output", type=int, default=2, help="") antarg = parser.add_argument_group('Agent') antarg.add_argument("--exploration_rate_start", type=float, default=1, help="") antarg.add_argument("--exploration_rate_end", type=float, default=0.1, help="") antarg.add_argument("--exploration_decay_steps", type=int, default=1000, help="") antarg.add_argument("--exploration_rate_test", type=float, default=0.0, help="") antarg.add_argument("--train_frequency", type=int, default=1, help="") antarg.add_argument("--train_repeat", type=int, default=1, help="") antarg.add_argument("--target_steps", type=int, default=5, help="") antarg.add_argument("--random_play", default=0, help="") mainarg = parser.add_argument_group('Main loop') mainarg.add_argument("--result_dir", default="test_result", help="") mainarg.add_argument("--train_steps", type=int, default=0, help="") mainarg.add_argument("--test_one", type=int, default=1, help="") mainarg.add_argument("--text_dir", default='', help="") mainarg.add_argument("--test", type=int, default=1, help="") mainarg.add_argument("--test_text_num", type=int, default=8, help="") mainarg.add_argument("--epochs", type=int, default=2, help="") mainarg.add_argument("--start_epoch", type=int, default=0, help="") mainarg.add_argument("--home_dir", default="./", help="") mainarg.add_argument("--load_weights", default="", help="") mainarg.add_argument("--save_weights_prefix", default="", help="") mainarg.add_argument("--computer_id", type=int, default=1, help="") mainarg.add_argument("--gpu_rate", type=float, default=0.2, help="") mainarg.add_argument("--cnn_format", default='NCHW', help="") args = parser.parse_args() tables_num = len(args.actionDB.split()) args.load_weights = weights_dir gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=args.gpu_rate) with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options)) as sess: net = DeepQLearner(args, sess) env = Environment(args) mem = ReplayMemory(args.replay_size, args) agent = Agent(env, mem, net, args) words = [] states = [] if args.load_weights: print 'Loading weights from %s...' % args.load_weights net.load_weights(args.home_dir + args.load_weights) #load last trained weights if args.test_one and args.load_weights: ''' for i,ad in enumerate(actionDBs): tmp_w = [] tmp_s = [] for j in range(num[i]): print 'table = %s, text_num = %d'%(actionDBs[i],j) ws, act_seq, st = agent.test_one_db(actionDBs[i], j) tmp_w.append(ws) tmp_s.append(st) #print '\nStates: %s\n'%str(st) #print '\nWords: %s\n'%str(ws) #print '\n\nAction_squence: %s\n'%str(act_seq) words.append(tmp_w) states.append(tmp_s) ''' tmp_w = [] tmp_s = [] for j in range(num): #print 'table = %s, text_num = %d'%(table,j) ws, act_seq, st = agent.test_one_db(table, j) tmp_w.append(ws) tmp_s.append(st) words = tmp_w states = tmp_s print 'len(words) = %d, len(states) = %d' % (len(words), len(states)) return words, states
def main(args): print('Current time is: %s' % get_time()) print('Starting at main...') result = {'rec': [], 'pre': [], 'f1': [], 'rw': []} start = time.time() config = tf.compat.v1.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True set_session(tf.Session(config=config)) # global Keras session env_act = Environment(args, args.agent_mode) net_act = DeepQLearner(args, args.agent_mode, 'channels_last') mem_act = ReplayMemory(args, args.agent_mode) agent = Agent(env_act, mem_act, net_act, args) # agent takes in environment, memory, model and agent_mode # loop over epochs epoch_result = {'rec': [0.0], 'pre': [0.0], 'f1': [0.0], 'rw': [0.0]} training_result = {'rec': [], 'pre': [], 'f1': [], 'loss': [], 'rw': []} test_result = {'rec': [], 'pre': [], 'f1': [], 'loss': [], 'rw': []} log_epoch = 0 # if we are loading weights, we don't need to train [no exploration is required. We have exploration rate start = end = 0.1], just test on test set. if args.load_weights: print('Loading weights ...') filename = 'weights/%s_%s_%s.h5' % (args.domain, args.agent_mode, args.contextual_embedding) net_act.load_weights(filename) #accuracy on test set with open("%s.txt" % (args.result_dir + 'testset'), 'w') as outfile: rec, pre, f1, rw = agent.test(args.test_steps, outfile, test_flag=True) outfile.write('\n\n Test f1 value: {}, recall : {}, precision : {}, reward: {} \n'.format(f1, rec,pre,rw )) print('\n\n Test f1 value: {}, recall : {}, precision : {}, reward: {} \n'.format(f1, rec,pre,rw )) if not args.load_weights: with open("%s.txt" % (args.result_dir), 'w') as outfile: print('\n Arguments:') outfile.write('\n Arguments:\n') for k, v in sorted(args.__dict__.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]): print('{}: {}'.format(k, v)) outfile.write('{}: {}\n'.format(k, v)) print('\n') outfile.write('\n') # do training for epoch in tqdm(range(args.start_epoch, args.start_epoch + args.epochs)): num_test = -1 env_act.train_epoch_end_flag = False while not env_act.train_epoch_end_flag: #unless all documents are covered # training num_test += 1 restart_init = False if num_test > 0 else True tmp_result = agent.train(args.train_steps, args.train_episodes, restart_init) #Train episodes = 50 , max episodes. for k in training_result: training_result[k].extend(tmp_result[k]) rec, pre, f1, rw = agent.test(args.valid_steps, outfile) # not testing; actually validation if f1 > max(epoch_result['f1']): if args.save_weights: filename = 'weights/%s_%s_%s.h5' % (args.domain, args.agent_mode, args.contextual_embedding) net_act.save_weights(filename) epoch_result['f1'].append(f1) epoch_result['rec'].append(rec) epoch_result['pre'].append(pre) epoch_result['rw'].append(rw) log_epoch = epoch outfile.write('\n\n Best f1 value: {} best epoch: {}\n'.format(epoch_result, log_epoch)) print('\n\n Best f1 value: {} best epoch: {}\n'.format(epoch_result, log_epoch)) # if no improvement after args.stop_epoch_gap, break # EARLY STOPPING if epoch - log_epoch >= args.stop_epoch_gap: outfile.write('\n\nBest f1 value: {} best epoch: {}\n'.format(epoch_result, log_epoch)) print('\nepoch: %d result_dir: %s' % (epoch, args.result_dir)) print('-----Early stopping, no improvement after %d epochs-----\n' % args.stop_epoch_gap) break # if args.save_replay: #0 by default #, args.save_replay_size) filename = '%s_training_process.pdf' % (args.result_dir) plot_results(epoch_result, args.domain, filename) outfile.write('\n\n training process:\n{}\n\n'.format(epoch_result)) best_ind = epoch_result['f1'].index(max(epoch_result['f1'])) for k in epoch_result: result[k].append(epoch_result[k][best_ind]) outfile.write('{}: {}\n'.format(k, result[k])) print(('{}: {}\n'.format(k, result[k]))) avg_f1 = sum(result['f1']) / len(result['f1']) avg_rw = sum(result['rw']) / len(result['rw']) outfile.write('\nAvg f1: {} Avg reward: {}\n'.format(avg_f1, avg_rw)) print('\nAvg f1: {} Avg reward: {}\n'.format(avg_f1, avg_rw)) tf.compat.v1.reset_default_graph() end = time.time() print('Total time cost: %ds' % (end - start)) print('Current time is: %s\n' % get_time())
localtime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(time.time())) print 'Current time is:', localtime print 'Starting at' # use for investigating the influence of tag length ''' f = open(args.home_dir + args.result_dir + "_train.txt",'w') f1 = open(args.home_dir + args.result_dir + "_test.txt",'w') f.write(str(args)+'\n') f.write('\nCurrent time is: %s'%localtime) f.write('\nStarting at') ''' #Initial environment, replay memory, deep q net and agent gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=args.gpu_rate) with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options)) as sess: net = DeepQLearner(args, sess) env = Environment(args) temp_size = env.train_steps * args.epochs + env.test_steps if temp_size > 100000: temp_size = 100000 args.replay_size = temp_size args.train_steps = env.train_steps assert args.replay_size > 0 mem = ReplayMemory(args.replay_size, args) agent = Agent(env, mem, net, args) #argsDict = args.__dict__ #for eachArg in argsDict.keys(): # print eachArg, argsDict[eachArg]
class Agent(object): """ RL Agent for online Active Learning """ def __init__(self, args, sess): self.env_act = Environment(args, 'act') # self.net_act = DeepQLearner(args, 'act', 'channels_first') self.net_act = DeepQLearner(args, sess, 'act') # for tensorflow self.env_arg = Environment(args, 'arg') # self.net_arg = DeepQLearner(args, 'arg', 'channels_first') self.net_arg = DeepQLearner(args, sess, 'arg') # for tensorflow self.num_words = args.num_words self.context_len = args.context_len self.gamma = args.gamma self.uncertainty_mode = 'cml' # or 'cml' def load_data(self): """ Load all unlabeled texts. PS: the file 'home_and_garden_500_words_with_title.pkl' contains more than 15k unlabeled texts from wikihow home and garden category. """ print( 'Loading texts from data/home_and_garden_500_words_with_title.pkl ...' ) self.texts = load_pkl('data/home_and_garden_500_words_with_title.pkl') self.label2text = text_classification() self.history_texts = [] self.sort_ind = 1 if self.uncertainty_mode == 'diff' else 0 self.category = 0 # category of the currently chosen text self.max_category = len(self.label2text) - 1 def choose_unlabeled_texts(self, num_texts, dialog=None): """ Apply Active Learning. Choose texts from each class and sort them by cumulative reward. """ chosen_texts = [] while len(chosen_texts) < num_texts: # text_ind = np.random.randint(len(self.texts)) # text = self.texts[text_ind] text_ind = random.sample(self.label2text[self.category], 1)[0] if text_ind in self.history_texts: # or len(text['title'].split()) < 2: continue # print('textID: {:<10} category: {}'.format(text_ind, self.category)) # traverse all categories, choose texts from each category self.category = self.category + 1 if self.category < self.max_category else 0 # predict Q-values, compute cumulative reward text = self.texts[text_ind] sents, word2sent, R_t = self.predict(text['sent']) r_t = R_t[:-1] - self.gamma * R_t[ 1:] # deduced from R_t = r_t + gamma * R_{t+1} cml_rwd = sum(r_t) + self.gamma * R_t[-1] delta_r = abs( R_t[0] - cml_rwd) # difference between predicted and real cml_rwd text['sents'] = sents text['reward'] = (cml_rwd, delta_r) # text['r_t'] = r_t # len(r_t) = len(words) - 1 text['text_ind'] = text_ind text['word2sent'] = word2sent chosen_texts.append(text) if dialog: dialog.Update( len(chosen_texts), 'Progress: %d/%d' % (len(chosen_texts), num_texts)) # sort the texts by cumulative reward sorted_texts = sorted(chosen_texts, key=lambda x: x['reward'][self.sort_ind]) # for t in sorted_texts: # print(t['text_ind'], t['reward'][self.sort_ind]) # print('\n') return sorted_texts def predict(self, text): """ Call EASDRL model to generate output actions for an input text e.g. text = ['Cook the rice the day before.', 'Use leftover rice.'] """ self.env_act.init_predict_act_text(text) # act_seq = [] sents = [] for i in range(len(self.env_act.current_text['sents'])): if i > 0: last_sent = self.env_act.current_text['sents'][i - 1] # last_pos = self.env_act.current_text['sent_pos'][i - 1] else: last_sent = [] # last_pos = [] this_sent = self.env_act.current_text['sents'][i] # this_pos = self.env_act.current_text['sent_pos'][i] sents.append({ 'last_sent': last_sent, 'this_sent': this_sent, 'acts': [] }) #, #'last_pos': last_pos, 'this_pos': this_pos}) word2sent = self.env_act.current_text['word2sent'] # ipdb.set_trace() R_t = [] for i in range(self.num_words): state_act = self.env_act.getState() qvalues_act = self.net_act.predict(state_act) R_t.append(max(qvalues_act[0])) action_act = np.argmax(qvalues_act[0]) self.env_act.act_online(action_act, i) if action_act == 1: last_sent, this_sent = self.env_arg.init_predict_arg_text( i, self.env_act.current_text) for j in range(self.context_len): state_arg = self.env_arg.getState() qvalues_arg = self.net_arg.predict(state_arg) action_arg = np.argmax(qvalues_arg[0]) self.env_arg.act_online(action_arg, j) if self.env_arg.terminal_flag: break # act_name = self.env_act.current_text['tokens'][i] # act_arg = [act_name] act_idx = i obj_idxs = [] sent_words = self.env_arg.current_text['tokens'] tmp_num = self.context_len if len( sent_words) >= self.context_len else len(sent_words) for j in range(tmp_num): if self.env_arg.state[j, -1] == 2: #act_arg.append(sent_words[j]) if j == len(sent_words) - 1: j = -1 obj_idxs.append(j) if len(obj_idxs) == 0: # act_arg.append(sent_words[-1]) obj_idxs.append(-1) # ipdb.set_trace() si, ai = self.env_act.current_text['word2sent'][i] ai += len(sents[si]['last_sent']) sents[si]['acts'].append({ 'act_idx': ai, 'obj_idxs': [obj_idxs, []], 'act_type': 1, 'related_acts': [] }) # act_seq.append(act_arg) if self.env_act.terminal_flag: break # for k, v in act_seq.iteritems(): # print(k, v) # ipdb.set_trace() return sents, word2sent, np.array(R_t)
def main(args): """ main function, build, train, validate, save and load model """ start = time.time() print('Current time is: %s' % get_time()) print('Starting at main...') # store k-fold cross-validation results, including recall, precision, f1 and average reward fold_result = {'rec': [], 'pre': [], 'f1': [], 'rw': []} # one can continue to train model from the start_fold rather than fold 0 for fi in range(args.start_fold, args.end_fold): fold_start = time.time() args.fold_id = fi if args.fold_id == args.start_fold: # Initialize environment and replay memory env_act = Environment(args, args.agent_mode) mem_act = ReplayMemory(args, args.agent_mode) else: env_act.get_fold_data(args.fold_id) mem_act.reset() gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions( per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=args.gpu_fraction) # set_session(tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options))) # for keras with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto( gpu_options=gpu_options)) as sess: # ipdb.set_trace() # Initialize deep_q_net and agent net_act = DeepQLearner(args, sess, args.agent_mode) agent = Agent(env_act, mem_act, net_act, args) # loop over epochs epoch_result = { 'rec': [0.0], 'pre': [0.0], 'f1': [0.0], 'rw': [0.0] } training_result = { 'rec': [], 'pre': [], 'f1': [], 'loss': [], 'rw': [] } log_epoch = 0 with open("%s_fold%d.txt" % (args.result_dir, args.fold_id), 'w') as outfile: # print all args to the screen and outfile print_args(args, outfile) if args.load_weights: print('Loading weights ...') filename = 'weights/%s_%s_%d_fold%d.h5' % ( args.domain, args.agent_mode, args.k_fold, args.fold_id) net_act.load_weights(filename) for epoch in range(args.start_epoch, args.start_epoch + args.epochs): # test the model every args.train_episodes or at the end of an epoch num_test = -1 env_act.train_epoch_end_flag = False while not env_act.train_epoch_end_flag: # training num_test += 1 restart_init = False if num_test > 0 else True tmp_result = agent.train(args.train_steps, args.train_episodes, restart_init) for k in training_result: training_result[k].extend(tmp_result[k]) # testing rec, pre, f1, rw = agent.test(args.valid_steps, outfile) if f1 > max(epoch_result['f1']): if args.save_weights: filename = 'weights/%s_%s_%d_fold%d.h5' % ( args.domain, args.agent_mode, args.k_fold, args.fold_id) net_act.save_weights(filename) epoch_result['f1'].append(f1) epoch_result['rec'].append(rec) epoch_result['pre'].append(pre) epoch_result['rw'].append(rw) log_epoch = epoch outfile.write( '\n\n Best f1 score: {} best epoch: {}\n'. format(epoch_result, log_epoch)) print('\n\n Best f1 score: {} best epoch: {}\n'. format(epoch_result, log_epoch)) # if no improvement after args.stop_epoch_gap, break if epoch - log_epoch >= args.stop_epoch_gap: outfile.write( '\n\nBest f1 score: {} best epoch: {}\n'.format( epoch_result, log_epoch)) print('\nepoch: %d result_dir: %s' % (epoch, args.result_dir)) print( '-----Early stopping, no improvement after %d epochs-----\n' % args.stop_epoch_gap) break if args.save_replay:, args.save_replay_size) # plot the training process results if you want # filename = '%s_fold%d_training_process.pdf'%(args.result_dir, args.fold_id) # plot_results(epoch_result, args.domain, filename) # outfile.write('\n\n training process:\n{}\n\n'.format(epoch_result)) # find out the best f1 score in the current fold, add it to fold_result best_ind = epoch_result['f1'].index(max(epoch_result['f1'])) for k in epoch_result: fold_result[k].append(epoch_result[k][best_ind]) outfile.write('{}: {}\n'.format(k, fold_result[k])) print(('{}: {}\n'.format(k, fold_result[k]))) # compute the average f1 and average reward of all fold results up to now avg_f1 = sum(fold_result['f1']) / len(fold_result['f1']) avg_rw = sum(fold_result['rw']) / len(fold_result['rw']) outfile.write('\nAvg f1: {} Avg reward: {}\n'.format( avg_f1, avg_rw)) print('\nAvg f1: {} Avg reward: {}\n'.format(avg_f1, avg_rw)) fold_end = time.time() print('Total time cost of fold %d is: %ds' % (args.fold_id, fold_end - fold_start)) outfile.write('\nTotal time cost of fold %d is: %ds\n' % (args.fold_id, fold_end - fold_start)) tf.reset_default_graph() end = time.time() print('Total time cost: %ds' % (end - start)) print('Current time is: %s\n' % get_time())
def main(args): if args.load_weights: args.exploration_decay_steps = 10 start = time.time() localtime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",time.localtime(time.time())) print 'Current time is:',localtime print 'Starting at' # use for investigating the influence of tag length ''' f = open(args.home_dir + args.result_dir + "_train.txt",'w') f1 = open(args.home_dir + args.result_dir + "_test.txt",'w') f.write(str(args)+'\n') f.write('\nCurrent time is: %s'%localtime) f.write('\nStarting at') ''' #Initial environment, replay memory, deep q net and agent gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=args.gpu_rate) with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options)) as sess: net = DeepQLearner(args, sess) env = Environment(args) temp_size = env.train_steps * args.epochs + env.test_steps if temp_size > 100000: temp_size = 100000 args.replay_size = temp_size args.train_steps = env.train_steps assert args.replay_size > 0 mem = ReplayMemory(args.replay_size, args) agent = Agent(env, mem, net, args) print '\n',args,'\n' if args.load_weights: print 'Loading weights from %s...'%args.load_weights net.load_weights(args.home_dir + args.load_weights) #load last trained weights if args.test_one and args.load_weights: ws, act_seq, st = agent.test_one(args.text_dir) #f0.write('\nText_vec: %s'%str(env.text_vec)) print '\nStates: %s\n'%str(st) print '\nWords: %s\n'%str(ws) print '\n\nAction_squence: %s\n'%str(act_seq) else: # loop over epochs for epoch in xrange(args.start_epoch, args.epochs): #print '\n----------epoch: %d----------'%(epoch+1) epoch_start = time.time() f = open(args.home_dir + args.result_dir + "_train"+ str(epoch) + ".txt",'w') f1 = open(args.home_dir + args.result_dir + "_test"+ str(epoch) + ".txt",'w') f.write(str(args)+'\n') f.write('\nCurrent time is: %s'%localtime) f.write('\nStarting at') #print 'env.train_steps: %d'%env.train_steps #print 'env.test_steps: %d'%env.test_steps #assert 1==0 if args.train_steps > 0: #agent.train(args.train_steps, epoch) if epoch == args.start_epoch: env.train_init() agent.train(args.train_steps, epoch) if args.save_weights_prefix: filename = args.home_dir + args.save_weights_prefix + "_%d.prm" % (epoch + 1) net.save_weights(filename) cnt = 0 ras = 0 tas = 0 tta = 0 for i in range(env.size):#len(env.saved_text_vec)): text_vec_tags = env.saved_text_vec[i,:,-1] state_tags = env.saved_states[i,:,-1] sum_tags = sum(text_vec_tags) if not sum_tags: break count = 0 right_actions = 0 tag_actions = 0 total_actions = 0 total_words = args.num_actions/2 temp_words = env.saved_text_length[i] if temp_words > total_words: temp_words = total_words #print "text_vec_tags",text_vec_tags #print 'state_tags',state_tags for t in text_vec_tags: if t == args.action_label: total_actions += 1 f.write('\n\nText:'+str(i)) f.write('\ntotal words: %d\n'%temp_words) print '\ntotal words: %d\n'%temp_words #f.write('\nsaved_text_vec:\n') #f.write(str(env.saved_text_vec[i,:,-1])) #f.write('\nsaved_states:\n') #f.write(str(env.saved_states[i,:,-1])) for s in xrange(temp_words): if state_tags[s] == 0: count += 1 elif state_tags[s] == args.action_label: tag_actions += 1 if text_vec_tags[s] == state_tags[s]: right_actions += 1 cnt += count ras += right_actions tta += tag_actions tas += total_actions if total_actions > 0: recall = float(right_actions)/total_actions else: recall = 0 if tag_actions > 0: precision = float(right_actions)/tag_actions else: precision = 0 rp = recall + precision if rp > 0: F_value = (2.0*recall*precision)/(recall+precision) else: F_value = 0 f.write('\nWords left: %d'%count) f.write('\nAcions: %d'%total_actions) f.write('\nRight_actions: %d'%right_actions) f.write('\nTag_actions: %d'%tag_actions) f.write('\nActions_recall: %f'%recall) f.write('\nActions_precision: %f'%precision) f.write('\nF_measure: %f'%F_value) print '\nText: %d'%i print '\nWords left: %d'%count print 'Acions: %d'%total_actions print 'Right_actions: %d'%right_actions print 'Tag_actions: %d'%tag_actions print 'Actions_recall: %f'%recall print 'Actions_precision: %f'%precision print 'F_measure: %f'%F_value if tas > 0: average_recall = float(ras)/tas else: average_recall = 0 if tta > 0: average_precision = float(ras)/tta else: average_precision = 0 arp = average_recall + average_precision if arp > 0: ave_F_value = (2*average_recall*average_precision)/(average_recall+average_precision) else: ave_F_value = 0 f.write('\nTotal words left: %d'%cnt) f.write('\nTotal acions: %d'%tas) f.write('\nTotal right_acions: %d'%ras) f.write('\nTotal tag_acions: %d'%tta) f.write('\nAverage_actions_recall: %f'%average_recall) f.write('\nAverage_actions_precision: %f'%average_precision) f.write('\nAverage_F_measure: %f'%ave_F_value) print '\nTotal words left: %d'%cnt print 'Total acions: %d'%tas print 'Total right_actions: %d'%ras print 'Total tag_actions: %d'%tta print 'Average_actions_recall: %f'%average_recall print 'Average_actions_precision: %f'%average_precision print 'Average_F_measure: %f'%ave_F_value if args.test: f1.write('test_texts: %s\ttexts_num: %d\n'%(str(env.test_text_name), args.test_text_num)) agent.test(args.words_num, env.test_steps/args.words_num, f1) epoch_end = time.time() print 'Total time cost of epoch %d is: %ds'%(epoch, epoch_end-epoch_start) f.write('\nTotal time cost of epoch %d is: %ds\n'%(epoch, epoch_end-epoch_start)) f1.write('\nTotal time cost of epoch %d is: %ds\n'%(epoch, epoch_end-epoch_start)) f.close() f1.close() end = time.time() print 'Total time cost: %ds'%(end-start) localtime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",time.localtime(time.time())) print 'Current time is: %s'%localtime