 def __init__(self, stat: Stat, value: int):
     if stat not in NUMBER_STATS:
         raise StatError(f"Cannot apply IVs to stat '{stat}'.")
     if not 0 <= value <= self.MAX:
         raise StatError(f"Invalid IV value: {value}")
     self.stat = stat
     self.value = value
def get_stat_value(stat: Stat, base: int, ev: int, iv: int, level: int,
                   nature: Nature) -> int:
    Calculates the numerical stat value of the specified stat based on the given stat information

    :param stat: The stat to calculate the value of (eg. ATTACK, HP)
    :param base: The base stat value for the specified stat
    :param ev: The EVs invested into the specified stat
    :param iv: The IVs for the specified stat
    :param level: The level of the Pokémon
    :param nature: The stat-modifying nature of the Pokémon
    :return: The numerical value of the specified stat based on the given stat information
    :raises StatError: Raises an error if the specified stat does not have a numerical value,
    or if any the given stat information is invalid.
    if not (0 <= ev <= EV.MAX):
        raise StatError(f"Invalid EV value: {ev}")
    if not (0 <= iv <= IV.MAX):
        raise StatError(f"Invalid IV value: {iv}")
    if not (1 <= level <= 100):
        raise StatError(f"Invalid level: {level}")
    if not (1 <= base <= 255):
        raise StatError(f"Invalid base stat: {base}")

    base = base * 2
    ev = ev // 4
    flat_mod = (level + 10) if stat == Stat.HP else 5
    nature_mod = nature.get_modifier(stat)

    # https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Statistic#Determination_of_stats
    internal = ((base + iv + ev) * level) // 100
    return math.floor((internal + flat_mod) * nature_mod)
 def __init__(self, stat: Stat, value: int, round_off: bool = False):
     if stat not in NUMBER_STATS:
         raise StatError(f"Cannot apply EVs to stat '{stat}'.")
     if (not round_off and value % 4 != 0) or not (0 <= value <= self.MAX):
         raise StatError(f"Invalid EV value: {value}")
     self.stat = stat
     self.value = value if not round_off else ((value // 4) * 4)
 def __init__(self, *yields: Tuple[Stat, int]):
     if any(stat not in NUMBER_STATS or not (1 <= value <= 3)
            for stat, value in yields):
         raise StatError("Invalid EV yield: %s" %
                         ", ".join("%s=%s" % (stat, value)
                                   for stat, value in yields))
     self.yields: Dict[Stat, int] = {stat: val for stat, val in yields}
 def __init__(self, stat: Stat, modifier: int, adjust_to_cap: bool = False):
     mod_min = -6 if stat != Stat.CRITICAL else 0
     mod_max = 6 if stat != Stat.CRITICAL else 3
     if stat == stat.HP or (not adjust_to_cap
                            and not (mod_min <= modifier <= mod_max)):
         raise StatError(f"Invalid stat modifier: {stat} | {modifier}")
     self.stat = stat
     self.modifier = mod_min if modifier < mod_min else mod_max if modifier > mod_max else modifier
 def get_stat(self, stat: Stat) -> int:
         return self.stats[stat]
     except KeyError:
         raise StatError(
             f"Base stats do no have the requested stat: {stat}")
 def get_ev(self, stat: Stat) -> int:
     if stat not in NUMBER_STATS:
         raise StatError(f"Stat '{stat}' does not have a numerical value.")
     return self.evs[stat]
def check_number_stat(stat: Stat):
    if stat not in NUMBER_STATS:
        raise StatError(f"Stat '{stat}' does not have a numerical value.")
 def __init__(self, plus_stat: Stat, minus_stat: Stat):
     for s in (plus_stat, minus_stat):
         if s not in NUMBER_STATS or s == Stat.HP:
             raise StatError(f"Invalid stat for nature: '{s}'")
     self.plus_stat = plus_stat
     self.minus_stat = minus_stat