    def __init__(self, EnvId, CorpsMgrQueue, ConfigDelta):
        #from time import perf_counter
        #t1 = perf_counter()

        apply_config_delta('ConfigGlobals', ConfigDelta)

        from ConfigGlobals import Logging_Format, Logging_Datefmt, Logging_Level
        basicConfig(format=Logging_Format, datefmt=Logging_Datefmt, level=Logging_Level)

        # Self-initialize
        ConcId = _ConcIdMgr.new()
        assert ConcId == ENVMGR_CONCID, f'EnvMgr in Env {EnvId} has ConcId {ConcId} and not {ENVMGR_CONCID}'

        self.ConcAddr = ConcAddr(CORPSMGR_ENVID, ConcId, EnvId)
        self.EnvId = EnvId


        # Init some EnvGlobals

        # Make sure thread-local data knows the Conc it's assigned to
        TheThread.TheConcAddr = self.ConcAddr

        # Make sure we can be found
        _Addr2Conc.register(self, self.ConcAddr)

        # Startup the TcpConnector and get our port number from it
        TheEnvRecord = copy(DefaultEnvRecord)
        EnvQueue = queue.Queue()

        TheEnvRecord.NetwFactory.new_connector(TheEnvRecord.IpAddr, EnvQueue)
        Port = EnvQueue.get()

        # Initialize our EnvRecord and register it in the EnvTable
        TheEnvRecord.Port = Port
        set_MyPort(Port)        # another EnvGlobal
        _EnvTable.register(EnvId, TheEnvRecord)

        # If we are not the CorpsMgr's Env we need to provide the CorpsMgr our XferEnvRecord
        if EnvId != CORPSMGR_ENVID:
            OurXferEnvRecord = XferEnvRecord(EnvId, TheEnvRecord.IpAddr, TheEnvRecord.Port)

        # The thread is no longer assigned, so cleanup
        TheThread.TheConcAddr = NullConcAddr

        info(f'{self} initialized')
    def __init__(self, EnvId, CorpsMgrQueue, ConfigFiles):
        load_config('ConfigGlobals', ConfigFiles)

        from ConfigGlobals import Logging_Format, Logging_Datefmt, Logging_Level

        # Self-initialize
        ConcId = _ConcIdMgr.new()
        assert ConcId == ENVMGR_CONCID, f'EnvMgr in Env {EnvId} has ConcId {ConcId} and not {ENVMGR_CONCID}'

        self.ConcAddr = ConcAddr(CORPSMGR_ENVID, ConcId, EnvId)
        self.EnvId = EnvId


        # Init some EnvGlobals

        # Make sure thread-local data knows the Conc it's assigned to
        TheThread.TheConcAddr = self.ConcAddr

        # Make sure we can be found
        _Addr2Conc.register(self, self.ConcAddr)

        # Startup the TcpConnector and get our port number from it
        TheEnvRecord = copy(DefaultEnvRecord)
        EnvQueue = queue.Queue()

        TheEnvRecord.NetwFactory.new_connector(TheEnvRecord.IPAddr, EnvQueue)
        Port = EnvQueue.get()

        # Initialize our EnvRecord and register it in the EnvTable
        TheEnvRecord.Port = Port
        set_MyPort(Port)  # another EnvGlobal
        _EnvTable.register(EnvId, TheEnvRecord)

        # If we are not the CorpsMgr's Env we need to provide the CorpsMgr our
        #   EnvRecord Spec Tuple: 0: LocEnvId, 1: IPAddr, 2: Port
        if EnvId != CORPSMGR_ENVID:
            CorpsMgrQueue.put([EnvId, TheEnvRecord.IPAddr, TheEnvRecord.Port])

        # The thread is no longer assigned, so cleanup
        TheThread.TheConcAddr = NullConcAddr

        info(f'EnvMgr {self.my_Name()} Env {EnvId} initialized')
    def init_EnvTable(self, XerEnvRecordList):
            Init our EnvTable using a list of XferEnvRecords

            Ignore for our own which we did in __init__

            For now use defaults for MsgHdlrFactory and NetwHdlrFactory

        for anXferEnvRecord in XerEnvRecordList:
            EnvId = anXferEnvRecord.LocEnvId
            if EnvId != my_EnvId():
                TheEnvRecord = copy(DefaultEnvRecord)
                TheEnvRecord.IpAddr = anXferEnvRecord.IpAddr
                TheEnvRecord.Port = anXferEnvRecord.Port
                _EnvTable.register(EnvId, TheEnvRecord)

        info(f'{self} EnvTable:\n{_EnvTable}')

        return True
    def init_EnvTable(self, AllEnvMsgList):
            Init our EnvTable using a list of EnvRecord Spec Tuples: 0: LocEnvId, 1: IPAddr, 2: Port

            Ignore for our own which we did in __init__

            For now use defaults for MsgHdlrFactory and NetwHdlrFactory

        for EnvMsgList in AllEnvMsgList:  # 0: LocEnvId, 1: IPAddr, 2: Port
            EnvId = EnvMsgList[0]
            if EnvId != my_EnvId():
                TheEnvRecord = copy(DefaultEnvRecord)
                TheEnvRecord.IPAddr = EnvMsgList[1]
                TheEnvRecord.Port = EnvMsgList[2]
                _EnvTable.register(EnvId, TheEnvRecord)

            f'EnvMgr {self.my_Name()} Env {my_EnvId()} EnvTable:\n{_EnvTable}')

        return True
    def __init__(self, ConfigFiles):
        # Import the Config data here to make sure we get the version loaded by EnvMgr
        from ConfigGlobals import NumEnvs

        assert NumEnvs < MAX_ENVID - MIN_ENVID + 1, f'Number of Envs must be less than {MAX_ENVID-MIN_ENVID+1}'

        # Self-initialize
        ConcId = _ConcIdMgr.new()
        assert ConcId == CORPSMGR_CONCID, f'CorpsMgr has ConcId {ConcId} and not {CORPSMGR_CONCID}'

        self.ConcAddr = ConcAddr(CORPSMGR_ENVID, ConcId, CORPSMGR_ENVID)

        # Make sure thread-local data knows the Conc it's assigned to
        TheThread.TheConcAddr = self.ConcAddr

        # Make sure we can be found
        _Addr2Conc.register(self, self.ConcAddr)

        # Build a list of Envs' list of EnvRecord Spec Tuple: 0: LocEnvId, 1: IPAddr, 2: Port
        # Ours first, the other Envs as we receive them off the Queue
        EnvRecordSpecs = []
        OurEnvRecord = _EnvTable.get(CORPSMGR_ENVID)
            [CORPSMGR_ENVID, OurEnvRecord.IPAddr, OurEnvRecord.Port])

        # Boot all other Envs in this Corps and get their EnvRecord Spec
        # ...Everything is on this Host
        CorpsMgrQueue = Queue()
        for i in range(NumEnvs - 1):
            NewEnvId = i + MIN_ENVID + 1
            NewEnv = Process(target=Env,
                             args=(NewEnvId, CorpsMgrQueue, ConfigFiles))

            EnvMsgList = CorpsMgrQueue.get()

            # Create an EnvRecord and add to our EnvTable
            NewEnvRecord = EnvRecord(DefaultEnvRecord.MsgHdlrFactory,
                                     EnvMsgList[1], EnvMsgList[2])
            _EnvTable.register(NewEnvId, NewEnvRecord)

        info(f'CorpsMgr {self.my_Name()} EnvTable:\n{_EnvTable}')

        # Send EnvRecordSpecs to all Envs except ours
        for i in range(NumEnvs - 1):
            RemoteEnvId = i + MIN_ENVID + 1
            EnvConcAddr = ConcAddr(CORPSMGR_ENVID, ENVMGR_CONCID, RemoteEnvId)
            RemoteEnv = EnvName(EnvConcAddr)

            FutRes = RemoteEnv.init_EnvTable(EnvRecordSpecs)
            Ret = FutRes.Ret

            assert Ret == True,\
                        f'CorpsMgr {self.my_Name()} Process {getpid()} error initing EnvTable in Env {RemoteEnvId}'

        info(f'CorpsMgr {self.my_Name()} initialized, starting...')

        # The thread is no longer assigned, so cleanup
        TheThread.TheConcAddr = NullConcAddr
    def __init__(self, ConfigDelta):
        ''' Init a Corps, including all of its initial Envs (except its own - Corps Conc has already booted Env 0). '''

        # Import the Config data here to make sure we get the version loaded by EnvMgr
        from ConfigGlobals import NumEnvs
        print(f'{self} initing with {NumEnvs} Envs')
        assert NumEnvs < MAX_ENVID-MIN_ENVID+1, f'Number of Envs must be less than {MAX_ENVID-MIN_ENVID+1}'

        # Self-initialize
        ConcId = _ConcIdMgr.new()
        assert ConcId == CORPSMGR_CONCID, f'CorpsMgr has ConcId {ConcId} and not {CORPSMGR_CONCID}'

        self.ConcAddr = ConcAddr(CORPSMGR_ENVID, ConcId, CORPSMGR_ENVID)
        self.MajorStatus = MajorStatus.Booting

        # Make sure thread-local data knows the Conc it's assigned to
        TheThread.TheConcAddr = self.ConcAddr

        # Make sure we can be found
        _Addr2Conc.register(self, self.ConcAddr)

        # todo: make tuple into a named tuple or a data class?
        # Build a list of Envs' list of EnvRecord specs with indexes: 0: LocEnvId, 1: IpAddr, 2: Port
        # Ours first, the other Envs as we receive them off the Queue
        XferEnvRecords = []
        OurEnvRecord = _EnvTable.get(CORPSMGR_ENVID)
        OurXferEnvRecord = XferEnvRecord(CORPSMGR_ENVID, OurEnvRecord.IpAddr, OurEnvRecord.Port)

        # Boot all other Envs in this Corps and get their EnvRecord Spec
        # ...Everything is on this Host
        #from time import perf_counter
        EnvIds = EnvIdGen(MIN_ENVID_plus_1, NumEnvs-1)
        #tot_t = 0
        for NewEnvId in EnvIds:
            #t1 = perf_counter()
            CorpsMgrQueue = Queue()
            NewEnv = Process(target=Env, args=(NewEnvId, CorpsMgrQueue, ConfigDelta))


            NewXferEnvRecord = CorpsMgrQueue.get()
            #t2 = perf_counter()
            #tot_t += (t2 - t1)
            #print(f'CorpsMgr init Env {NewEnvId} in {t2-t1} seconds')

            assert NewXferEnvRecord.LocEnvId == NewEnvId, \
                                f'CorpsMgr __init__ returned Envid {NewXferEnvRecord.LocEnvId} vs expected {NewEnvId}'

            # Create an EnvRecord and add to our EnvTable
            NewEnvRecord = EnvRecord(DefaultEnvRecord.MsgHdlrFactory, DefaultEnvRecord.NetwFactory, \
                                                                        NewXferEnvRecord.IpAddr, NewXferEnvRecord.Port)
            _EnvTable.register(NewEnvId, NewEnvRecord)

        #print(f'CorpsMgr {self.ConcAddr} init: queue get {NumEnvs-1} Env processes in {tot_t} seconds')

        info(f'{self} EnvTable:\n{_EnvTable}')

        # Send EnvRecordSpecs to all Envs except ours
        EnvNames = EnvNameGen(MIN_ENVID_plus_1, NumEnvs-1)
        FutRets = []
        for RemoteEnv in EnvNames:

        # todo: handle the exception
        for FutRet in FutRets:
            Ret = FutRet.Ret    # will blow up if we have an exception

        # We're up!
        self.MajorStatus = MajorStatus.Running
        info(f'{self} initialized, starting...')

        # The thread is no longer assigned, so cleanup
        TheThread.TheConcAddr = NullConcAddr